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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Mar 1878, p. 8

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V S§fci®j!fe *•" "/»"• * , ' £ * < • ,.•*! fCT" J v= h ^K. -- il®lilliiI:IS;:^ £ KJgf • •y.aa».in«wu ^AUrte • U w?.. Amk&urn. otlftMa Wlad*. „ I WHF I>BN*T RUN AWAY* ;It ittN to be customary for siamin ;ty?aflbftigt<Mi to beg money from North­ ern Congressmen to boy their freedom. A poor but smart-looking boy accosted r. Wade while Ws vu in conversation tflth a piomiecuous company of North rn and Southern Senators, and began 0 beg fortjioney to buy his freedom. 1 never"give money to buy flaves," aid Mr. Wade;when, seeing the pleas- nt looks of the Southern men he turn- <ivto the boy and asked: "Why ijie evil don't you run away?" The out hern ers stared at one another, and |the darkey started off wiffif a new idea in his head, when Mr. Wade called him back, and handing him a $10 bill, said: Here Is 910 to pay your expenses. Now run away out of slavery, My bey, the first chance you get." V WADE AND TOOMBS. Wade one day replied to Toorabstof Georgia, and to all appearance used language which would compel Toombs to challenge him. Several friends went to Wade and begged him to desist, but the old man grew more and more vio­ lent, until Toombs indicated his iuten- tion of calling Wade io account for the language he was using, when Wade quietly sat down, seemingly haying accomplished his object. The Southern men looked tf each other in surprise, and it was manifest to all that Wade had deliberately sought a quarrel with Toombs. That night a friend of the Southern Senator called on Mr. Wade to know if he would retract the eflensive words he had used. , "No, I won,t take back a word," was Wade's emphatic reply. "Then," said the friend of Hr. Tbombs, "it will be necessary for Sen- otor Toombs to challenge you to mor­ tal combat." "This is just what I want, and we might, have got to the point without all this palaver," said Wade. uYou surely cannot be In earnest, Mr. Wade," said the Southerner. *Why,of course 1 am. Yon see% felt* we Northern men do not like to flgtit. Now 1 am opposed to the code, and so are my constituents; but you fellows have broken Sumner's head, and we must spunk up a little, or you will break all our heads. The shortest way to end the matter is to kill off a few of you, and I have picked upon old Toombs as my man; he will have to challenge me. Then, of course I will have the choice of weapons, and I will ^ake my old rifle and--me If I don't #bring down at the first crack.'* When Toombs heard of what Wade said he replied: *'I can't challenge him if I do he will kill me." It appears that Toombs and Wade had been out together shooting with a rifle several times, and while Toombs could shoot well a pistol, he was a poor rifle shot. Wade was an old hunter, and at a distance of 100 yards could hit a dollar almost every shot. »Mr. Wade afterward said to the wri- ter : "If old Toombs had challenge me that time, as I expected he would, 1 would have made him put a patch on his coat, the size of a dollar, Over hi* heart, and the old fellow would have got demoralized when he saw me drawing a bead on it, and missed me, while--me iff weuldnH have cut the patch r Not only did Toombs refuse to chal­ lenge Wade, but no Southern member couldever be induced to send him a challenge,no matter what ha might •ay. ' , laii* *. £ti.Ai!£3? •nT«m*iKTi» iwmtwt it i itt M lM. % Jator in the window. No. 2 hatched -out half a barrel of eggs, and No. 3 got up on the pie shelf and stayed there. As No. 4 walked out of the door on his back he wondered how much it would cost to make him a* good as new, an<f the poor Christian man remarked-- - '*im « "The next time you folks pick tile up for a slouch look out you ain't in the wrong pew. Good day, fellefs." The clerk is waiting for them to come round and settle for damage done but they must have forgotten where the place is as they pass right by with out losing in, and their Villa remain unpaid.--Shenandoah Herald. LltnSR & BECKER SITKLF-HAHDWARK,Pocket and Table Cutelry, in any quantity, at Bed-rock prices, at John M. Smith's, near the. Depot. TILTON, GENERAL Near the Depot " McffENRY, - . ILLINOIS At his old stand is now better than ever prepared to do all work in his lino, in the beat of manner and at LOW PRICES. HORSE SHOEING. Having associated with ma in t&e Mal- ness MR. T. DORIS, One of the best Horse Shoers In the State, I am better than ever prepared to do work in this If he. aWBad Feet, Quarter Cracks, Ac., made a speciality. We respectfully solicit the patrotage of onr friends and the public generally. W. P. TILTON. Mc-Henry, Feb. 19th, 1878. / o o < o £ o Lai CO CO < o BOOTS AND SHOES 211 & 213 Madison St., BUEL, COOK & SEIXAS, MannPrs and Wholesale Dealers. ®*"Don't fail to examine Goods and Prices when in Chicago. Stock New *nd Bought for Cash. Great in­ ducements to Cash Buvers. HiK. BUEL, Late with IF. Selz & Co. C. F. COOK, I Late ot Whitney, H. L. SEIXA8, I Cook & Co., N. Y. II can make money faster at work for us than at anything else. Capital not required ; we will start you. fl2 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, Ix.ys and girls wanted everywhere to work for ns. Now is the time. Costly outfit and terms free. Address TBI'IS & Co., Augusta, Maine. The subscribers are now- pared with a Stock of CLOTHS of all kinds, to make t° order Coats, Pants, Vests or entire Suite, on short notice and on the most Terms. •STGood Fits Guaran­ teed and all Work .War ranted. We also Keep a Full Ian* of Beady - Made Clothing! GENTS Inrnishina Goods ?iatsy Caps, &o hich will be sold its low at any establishment Ui the County. Olothes Cleaned in the be* on short notice. of manner and tAUER * BECKER. HoHenry. Feb. 96tb. 1877. 1878 1878 HENRY COLBY, DRUGGIST, --AND DEADER IN-- C H O I C E MoHENRi • BARGAINS NOW IS THE TIME "7WT. mn il'&fir-rrr J »tii <»n>t -jrfr L csA. |yj> ' . • . ; s i':ia /. N "i.Hur a i > •' >• Y * -fU ,(»•« tit, JOII BLAKE. I ata now prepared to give bet­ ter Bargains * thttf * • Can save vou Minneapolis PER CENT i , f* On all kinds of Furnituro* have the most complete stock 'M: I Of GERMAN RHanufactured by F. MARCUS --DEALER IM­ PURE W1MES, LIQUORS CIGARS AND ILLINOIS. I keep constantly on hand a large and selected stock of Groceries, which I can will sell at the LOWEST LIVING PRI for Cash or Ready Pay. 13 Pounds of Choice Sugar for One Dollar. '& * - And All other Goods in proportion Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. H. COLBY* McHenry, Jan. 15th. 1878. Woodstock, III The beet Tonic in the world. Pint and Quart Bottles. \ Pal up in F- MARCUS* Patentee. tlcul lanJ, Maine. a week in your own town. |5 Out­ fit free. No risk. Reader, if yon want n business at which personsof citiier sex ciin ftiake great pay all the tyne the^- work, write forjpar- i'S lo. JPa for Co.,P'ort- ^f \ K It Wa» Alive. rather an u;;ouutltfToo%fn^&i- divtdual, aud as he sauntered into the store the crowd sitting on the barrels winked at each other and aade re­ marks about his person. "Where did It come from?" asked •ne. pointing at him. "Somebody left the deor open and it blew in,* said another. ' **I don't think it's alive," said a third. "Touch it and see," remarked a fourth. , "Yes, it's a man--see It move?*' queried the first. All hands laughed boisterously. uPm a poor man, fttod I don't want to hare any trouble with anybody. I'm a Christian, and I don't believe in tur­ moil and strife and can't participate in it. I pray you, worldly minded peo- pls, that you will allow me to depart in peace," said the new arrival. One of the crowd, more daring than the rest hammered the man's hat down •ver his eyes, and another dabbed his aose full of molasses from a barrel •tanding by. . Then the poor SMftstiaq took a small volume from his pocket and began reading the Sculptures In a diawliug, alog-song tone. * 5 While he was engaged at this the «f©wd played all sorts of tricks on him. One put some eggs in his pocket and f #nother mashed them. Then the biggest man in the bouse **ured some oil on his hat and lighted tt. . • Then the elerk hit him oodar with a cod-fish. |Then that man qnietly put the little illume in his coat tail pocket, and the «£<*rk went head first Into the molasses barrel. When the biggesf man in the house picked himself frctaa under the counter it was next to an impossibllitr to guess where his nose leftpj* and where the codfisl; began, y/ wrk for tlft: fbzler w i.a h, FOONDRy AND ^ie MclIENRY, ILL. The Tindersipined has just started a Foun­ dry and Mucinue Shop, and is now prepared to do all kinds ot Casting for Machinery, on short uoticc and in the best of wanner. We alM manufacture the celebrated tiale Wind Mill* Repairing of all kinds done promptly and satisfaction Guaranteed. Threshing Machines repaired on short no­ tice. Orders solicited. „ „ WARD B. GAL£. McHenry. IlL, April 4th W77. CHEAPE8T AND BEST. CHCIAGO M\fM\ The People's Paper! SSeolMnns filled with Editorial, News A* ricultural, Miscellany and Market Reports. One Copv 1 year, Postage paid .75c. Clubs of Five, Postage Paid 70c. Clubs of Ten, Postage Paid Mil,65c Clubs of Twenty, Postage Paid ...,60c THE DAILY POSt. Cne Year, Postage Paid j..,...$7.00 Parts of a Year in Proportion, We propose to greatly enlarge the DAILY P04T during October, after which tha price Will be $10 per year, postage paid. All who subscribe before enlargement, at the present rafts of *7 will receive the enlarged paper to tae end of their time without extra charge. fbtmp terms to Agents on both Daily and WaaJUjr aa teak jsst. Address THE POST. f8 Dearborn St.. Chicago. CHRONOMETERS. A HANDSOIESTEMf INDING CHRONOMETER^ Warranted to Keep Correct Time, For Only $3 Each. The Oheapeet and Beet Time­ keeper Ever MADE--Set in Fine Ntekie Cases, Containing the Host wmks ICnown. A NEW ANI> HANOSOME TIMEI'ISACE, SITPER- lor to all the Cheap Wntrhns nnd Chicks in the Market. THE FMYER is a model of perfection, being handsotnely inade in line solid nickle cases, and containing correct runninj? vvorko. EX Ell 1" OXK 18 WARRANTED TO KEEP CORRECT TIME. They can be carried about from place to place, or laid down In auy position and still kept running. The size of the Chronometer is 6 inches In diameter. They are stein winders, and (ill the {dace of both a Clock and Watch. Will run br a life-time, as the works are the best made, and equal to if not superior to those used in the best clocks. Important Notice.--In the new Chrono meter we have endeavored to produce what has long been needed--"a good-running, sub- atantiallr-made, Time-keeper, that will keep correct time, and which can be obtained for a vcrv low price within the reach ot every- IwdV." For some time past the people have been swindled by buying cheap Watches and Clocks that never last and will seldom keep time, but wc guarantee every Chronmneter we nell to contain genuine uork* and keep Correct Time. Also thnt they are Just asrepresented, being lymdsomely set in tine nickle cases. Thev are not equaled for a cheap, elegant and hand v Time-piece, will nell or trade readily 011 sight for twice the amount, an indispensa­ ble article for the farmer or traveling man, a beautiful and valuable ornament for the pa- ior and drawing-room, a splendid office clock. They can be carried any place and kept in any position at easily as a watch, and will run in correct order. NOTE THESK INSTRUCTIONS.--Chronome ters can be returned and money will be re funded if purchasers are not satisfied. Give full name, Post-olHce, County and State, and nearest Express office--as we send goods ex­ clusively by express. The safest manner to •end money, is by Post-oftlce money order or registered letter. The Post-ofllce Depart­ ment deliver 110 registered letters or money on money orders to only responsible parties-- consequently this would be the safest way of ordering our Chrouometers. Address all or­ ders to |_ FRYER JB CO.F MAWUFACTRILEBS. b. r v% • tw m, »CINC1NXATIt OHIO uses, she f business. Jsi&i business you can engage in. f5 to $20 per day made bv any worker of either sex, right in their own localities^ Partlcu- lars and samples worth ft freu. Improve your spare time at this Address STIKSON ft Co., Portland, is not easily earned in these times, but it can he made in three months by any one of either sex, in any part of thecountry who 1s willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish. 6W per week in your own town. You need not be awayfrom homeover night. You ean glvebyour wholetime to the work, or only your spare moments. We have agents who are making over #20 per day. All who engage at once can makemoney fast. At the present timemoney can no t be made so easily and rap. djy at any other business. It costs no thiug o try the business. Terms and $5 Outfit tree tddress at once, H. IIAIXETT ACO, ,Portland Mateo* • • -- 1 PIMPLES. I will" mail (Free) the receipt for a simple Vegetable Balm that will remove Tan. Freckles, Pimples and blotches, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful; also instruc­ tions tor producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Address, inclosing 3 ct. stamp, Ben Vandelf A Co., 20 Ana St.,-Mow York. Products of Lo oms of upland France, Germany, China, Japan/ and (United States of America. FASHIONABLE COFFINS Of all styles and sizeft, fouud in County. to be Gt^e a dallftand I will be pleased to show my stock aiid give price#. . . . . ~ JOHFI B. BLAF I. JOHNSBURCH J As Low as any other House iu the county. Domestic Cotton floods Cheaper than at any time within the memory of the oldest inhabi­ tant. Also Plaid Dress Cooda, Fast Colored Calicos, Skill, MarlleWorls. HEUTEY MILLER, ' •--DEALER IN-- ins aid Foreip Marble. Monuments, Headstoneg, ETC., ETC., ETC. American ""It Scotch Branite, Constantly on Hand. Shop Two miles North of Mc­ Henry, 111. JolmsbnTgti, Any. 30th, W7T. THE CHTCAOO A NOIITH-WKBTERK RATLWA Embraces under one management the Great Trunk Railway Lines of tile WK8T and NORTH-WEST, and, with its numerous Branches and connections, forms the shortest and quickest route between Chicago and all points in Illinois, Wisconsin, Northern Mlehl- gan, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, California and the Western 'L'eri itories. Its Omaha and California Lint Is the shortest and best route between Chlto go and all points in Northern Illinois, Iowa. Nebraska, Dakota, Wyoming, Coolrado, Utah. Nevada, California.Oregon, China, Japan and Australia. Its ' Chicago, St- Paul A Lin*. la the short line between Chicago poipte.In^mrthen. Wisconsin and Minnesota, aud lbr Madison, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Du- ^uth, and ail points in the Great Norttlwast. LaCrosae, Winona ft St. Peter Line Is the best route ̂ between Chicago and La. yfOoSc, *• inoisa, Rucavstcr, Owatonna. MAI. kato, St. Peter, Kew Ulm and all points ia Southern and Central Minnesota, Its Green Bay & Marquette line Is theonly line between Chicago and Janes, ville, Watertown, Fon du lac, Oshkosh. Ap. pleton, Hreen Ray, Escanaba, Netcnunee. Marquette, Houghton, Hancock and the Lako Superior Country. Its Freeport A Dubuque Line Is the onfy route between Chicago and Elrln, Kocktord, Freeport and all poluts via Free port. Its • Chicago & Milwaukee Line Is the old Lake Shore Route, and is the onlr one passing between Chicago and Evanaton. Lake Forest, Highlnnd Park, Waukeaan. Racine, Kenosha and Milwaukee, PpSIman Palace Drawing Room Cars ^'W'fongh trains on thts'rbacl. jThis is the ONLY LINE running th?se ears between Chicago and St. Paul and Minne. apolis, Chicago and MilwauKee, Chicairo and Winona, or Chios;g(s ai'd Green Ray Close connections are made at Chicago with the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, Mlch- •ffn^n^l.l&Wmoreand Ohio, Pittsburg. Ft. Wayne, & Chicago. Kankakee I.ine and Pan Handle Routes, for all points EAST and SOU TH-E AST, and with the Chicago and Al. ton and Illinois Central for all point* SOUTII Close connections are also made with the Union Pacific R. R., at Omaha for all far West points. , Close connections made at Junction points with trains ot all cross points. Tickets over this route arc nold br all Ceu- JS"adaket agcnts 1,1 tl,e Unitetl States and Kern ember you ask for your tickets via the Chicago * Northwestern Hallway and take none others. ?Jew York Office. No. 415 Rroadwav; Roston Office, No, 6 state Street; Omaha 'Office, 245 Farnham Street; San Francisco Office, lit Montgomery Street; Chicago Ticket Offices. «2 Clark Street, under Sherman House; 75 Canal, corner Madison Street; Kinzie Street Depot, corner W. Kinzie and Canal Streets; Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Kinsia Streets. Kor rates or information not attainable from your home ticket agents, apply to MABYIN HTJGHITT General Supt. Ac., Offered at the Best Bargains in four counties. ALSO • FULL ASSORTMENT OF Boots, Shoes, §.*•• ? ji 1 Hats, Caps, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Grocerieflr, Aco. Of the best quality, and which will be gold at the Lowest Rock- Bottom Prices. Give us a call and inspect Goods and learik Prices. PERRY & MARTQi. McHenry, Deo. 1st, 1877. W. H. STIS1TETT, , Gen 1 Passenger Agent! 3 J. STORY, At his old stand opposite tke Mill MCHENRY BLL.V Having enlarged his store la tom battel than ever prepared to furnish his eastoas! anil the buying public generally with Hardware, Stoves, Tinware I &LGf . JOHNSON'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 2IO&2IS N. Third St* litSaUding South of tit* Post Office- ST. LOUIS. For ladies and Geatlemea. Open Day and Night all the year. All of the branches of a Practical Bu sin els Education taufrht. Independent Departments for the English Brandies. ^ Higher Mathematics, Herman and Rloeution Phonography taught personally or by mail. Fora Full Course of Double Entry Book-keeping in all Its forms with Commercial Correspond­ ence, etc 820 Reference made to thousands of students who have completed under our instruction. For Circulars giving full information con- earning time to complete, i> «ird, course of n skrnetion, etc. AI>I>I?KSS. J. W. JOHNSON, Pres. CUT THIS ADVERTISEMENT OUT. Short Hand Writing taught bv mail, 150 wordH per minute guaranteed. Every Law­ yer, Doctor, Business man and Accountant and every Lady should addjess, "The St. Louis Phonctic Institute*" for a circular. At Prices Lower than ever lie fore ffoersd I this section. Wehave in stock a large varlet of the leading • CocKini and Heatrni Store; Of different styles and makes, which !we vttes the public to call and examine and lea pilces before purchasing. It is almost unnecessary to eall the atte •ilcc; of the pnblic to the fhet that we k«> constantly on hand # large stock of 9h« Hardware, Nails, fable and Pocket Cutler Tinware, Galvanized Unad Iron (Barbed) f fence. Iter bed Wire, Shovels, Forks, etc., fhet, everything foanrt in a first-class liar ware Store. ^ m€BYm HeOeary. Kor. Oth, 1B77. E. M. OWEI1 i l l s • - § i --DEALER IMF> f nii Si^fo GOODS w «-r " iintid a cliolce lot PLOWS of the best make, whi he is se.lingr at the LOWEV PKICES for Cash. Also I Farm and Democrat WAGONS I PANNING MILLS, Tie Celebrated Eenosla Fi% &C., &C^ Call at my Warehouse wher ^ want of anything in my line. * .jpjH®' M..OWEII * cHenry, Sept 25th 1877 Please bear in mind that a hazy 1 i« just as good and oft lines be than sunshine for talcing pictun ^ Only come early In the day and fj will please yon every time. J. S. MiDuit, Woodstt I

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