VOL. 3. mmM M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1878. * >p ratfttehed Kvery Wodaesday by jr. vjkj*r SLYKE . Editor and Publisher. Opk>e In Rtveroide Block, Smith, Aid rich * Hey thorn's 8uwe. ' TK«1I(I OF BUBSCBIPTIOW: 3ne Year, (la Admw,). .ft so If Ml hM wltlia Thnw Months... |M •alNHptlwi mvlred for three or six months In the ease proportion. BUSINESS CARDS; H. T. BKOWN, M. D. l&lf? pHTRIOUH ud Surgeon. OIKce in Brick t Hoek over P. G. Mayes Clothing Store water Street, MoHenry ill. tit K. A. BEKK3 X. D. irsictaw aad burgeon. Office atresideaee, tire doors west of Poet Offtoe, XeHearf O. J . HOWARD, MP. PiraxciAK and Surgeon. OMce at the store of Howard ft Son, McHenry, I1L W. H. BUCK, M. D., fHOMEOPATHIC Phvtician and Surgeon.-- Office East Side Public Square, wood-* . itoek, lit Offioe hours 11 to li A. M.t aadS .w; > »«*»• - r. j. barbiah. rUGABJMiaoficth'w, McHenrr 111. dera solicited. Shop North Bast c Public Sqpare. Or- corner E. PERKINS. WAGON Maker. McHenry, 111. General Jobbing promptly attended to. Shop, West of the Public Square. RICHARD BISHOP, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. A McHenry, 111. GEO, A. BUOKLIIff NOTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancer and Insurance Agent. Office at Bucklin & Steven's Store, near the Depot, McHenry, III. E. K. RICHARDS. SAS a eomplete Abstract ot Titles to land in MeHeorr County, Ill'nois. Office with •ty Clerk, Woodstock, 111. BOUT. WRIGHT. Manufacturer of Custom Made Boots and Shoes. None but the beet of material aaad and all work warranted. Shop Northwest •naif Public Square, McHenry, UL K. M. OWEN. GENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in Leading Farm Machinery. Priees low and Terms favorable. McHKNRY ILLINOIS. GEO. SCHllEINER. SALOON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite the Parker llouso, McHenry 111. 4tV"Firat.Clasa Billiard and Pool Tables. J. BONSLETT, SALOON and Restaurant. Nearly oppoeite Owen'tt Mill, McHenry, III. Fresh Oysters served np in aay shape desired, or tor sale by the Can. 40TGOOD 8TABLING FOR HOUSES..** W, W. ELLSWORTH. Breederof the Celebrated Poland China Hog Also Light And Dark Brahma Fowls. Pigs •hinaedjo all points by express, P. 0,. Al lre*«, Woodntwk, UL, PETER LEICKEM. REPAIRS Watches, Clocks and JeweTrV of all kinds. Also Itcprilrd Violins in the west possible manner, on short notice and at rea sonable rates. Also Violins for Sale. .Shop frst door North of Riverside Block, MeHSnry lit F. KLEIFGEN * SON. - CARRIAGE, Waaon and House Painting done on Short Notice. All work war. ranted. McHenry UL, South of the Public Square. Poland Ohina 8wine riOOD Pigs for sale that waa sired by Boars qJT that took First Premium and Sweep, •takes at State and Connty Fairs, from $10 to $15 arnica®. We are shipping 1j some of the beat breeders In the country. For partioutavs apply I® Co STREET & iOM. Hebron. III. ULT A TVT'P'Ij* ff\ To make a permanent W AlS 1 11* 1/ engagement with a clergyman having leisure, or a Bible Reader, to introduce in McHenry County, the CELE BRATED NEW Centennial Edition ot the HOLT BIBLE. For description, notice edi. tertal In last week's Issue of this paper. Ad. dreaa at once F. L. HORTON & CO., Publish, era and Bookbinders, 80 E. Market St., Indian. apoHs, lad. , A. A. RICE D E N T I S T the Km permanently located his office at Riverside House, McHenry ». Where he would to pleased to wait on all needing his services. .. . ̂ p| Artificial Teeth Inserted for _ of Which has bee* ItUiiu .,i twenty. None but the best of material used .and satisfaction guaranteed. Partial platea •fe£>, at reasonablylow figures. * ' «#d and Silver fillings and No Fancy PrlOM. 'f" gefteltl attention paid to the treattliSt if ' diseased and spongy gums, ulcerated and • Irregular teeth. Would be glad to see persons that have teeth that are not satisfactory. Call and have your teeth examined. Teeth extracted in % careful and skillful maaaer. Ten years practice in Chicago where he has mot with some very difficult eases. Gold fillings inserted by an entirely new method, by using gold wire anchors which pass partially through the tooth making it Impossible for the filling ever to loosen.-- Samples of work seen at the Post Office, Mc Henry. , ». ;; , * i mMr •> Wi cm >. WIEDEMANN --PROPRIETOR OF THE-- Bntamit aid Boarding House, Near the Depot, MeHKNUYt* ?/«• ILLINOIS. The Oboloest Brands oMWlnes for Medicinal and Family nee always ea hand. All the ac. cominodationn of afirst-effiiss Boarding House. Charges Reasonable. I **'J|wised Staining for Braes. •. BUS1KE8H CARDS. K. v. AMDERSOM. M. D. T>BYbIC£AH SHCG«OFI. OSEA &t Qtt f bert's Drug Stere, opposite MM Parker House, McHenry, Illlnoif. E. BENNETT, M. D..* SURGEON and Ae«oneher. Diseases of Women a S on I Women a Specialty. Office and Residence i Clay Street, Woodstock, 111. DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST, Algonquin, UL All werk war. ranted. Teeth extracted te a careful and skillful manner. DR. C. W. COX, DENTIST. Office Over S-oith, Aldrich * Hay thorn's Store. Richmond. III. N- S. COLBY. MCHENRY, McHenry Co., UL Breeder of Spanish Merino Sheep, Berkshire and Polana China Swine. A choice tot of young Buck stock for sale. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. ELECTROPATHY. Dr. Saaiael Slm-niaa, And Wife will be at their residence Uf miles West of the Depot, on the Woodatock road, three daya In each week, Tuesdaya, Thursdays and Saturdays, for the purpose of treating all curable diseases. Consultation and Examinations Free. Office hours from • A. m., to i r. *. J. 4 SHERWOOD AUCTIOIVE Ell, AND APPRAISER, Algonquin, III. SALES of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of at! kinds promptly attended to. Farm sales a specialty. Terms reasonable. Post Office address Algonquin 111. W. N. SAN FORD, Merchant Tailor. In .the store of C. H. Dickinson, East side of Public Sqtiare, . s WOOD9TOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Fitte Cloths for SuAWfi al- ways on hand. Snitsmade to eider ana a It warranted* dive tile a cull. W. Hi SANFORD. Woodstock IlL,Sept 87th, 137i. . M. KNCKLN. GUN.SMITH. Seale Repairing, Grinding and Pol ishing Rasors and 8hears and Tahle Cutlery a speciali ty. Repairing of all Tnnd^^.ne in teel or Brass.-- AH work warrant ed. Also dealer In Guns. Revolver*, ^ ' , Table and Pocket Crttwy, Gun and .Fishing Material, Pipes, Cigars, Tobafctoi Violin Strings, SC. Shop and store near th* Post Offies, Me. Henry. 111. 9ir H. E. WIGIITMAN, Proprietor. First claaa riM, with or without drivera, furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds done on short notice. O. W. OWEN, WATCH MAKER & J£WU, MctlEVHT ILL., Dealer In all kinds of: American and Swiss Wate.has, Ct^ks from the best fkctories in the roantrjp. 'Silver, j,Iatadw^ra, :SI!vwSi>oous, *c., • -'tnAllO AGENT FOB THE " •!". W&mt and Bradbury Plastfrs % . AND THE Ekiey. Org^an ! Which we believe to be the best Organ In the market. We think we know that br experi ence, and we believe it, £wr it ts backed ujp by the Beei Musicians Is the World. I also sell other Organs at less erics. »<ian tbe Estey, but oaa't recooiumend them to be as good. , ^ a W. OWEN. July ft . * ,. n y 1 mm HATS CAPS & STRAW GOODS i .. . , .- i .IpiOLBSALB AND RETAl|̂ , 192 MADISON STREET COR. FIFTH AVE. A.* I23 Lake St., Cor. Clark CHICAGO, ? A Larger Stock of MEDIUM and PINE GOODS and LOWER PRICES than any other house in the trade. To Consumptives. THE advertiser, having been permanently citredofthat dread disease, Consump tion, bv a simple remedv, Is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send a copy of the porscripiion u«t»l, i*f66 «. c-u *.»«., the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will llml a sure cure for Cotisure ption, Asthma, Bronchitis, «c. Par ties wishing the prescription, will plcsse ad dress. E. A. Wilson, 1V4 Fenn, 8t., WAUUUns* burgh, N. v. „ j y • rfiii*nii|jii|ii>i ia PIMPLES, I will mail (Free) the receipt fore simple Vegetable Balm that will remove Tan. Freckles, Pimples and blotches, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful; also ins true, tions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a held head or smooth fnce. Airtress, iMloslef let. stanp, BeaMnilll' i W Attn St., New Toik. Haife LHHe Imli The foHowinf It tkf ChlMM nraiM Of Mtrj and her lamb: ?i;r ;,fres gal name *<rt! He4 Ih« ̂ . Fle>«, all seaee white enow, place Moli gal walkee, Bs h* hoppee long toa ' Wt heard a tea of XrlR trying' to Mary ud her little lamb the other day, and thia to tlw waj ha vo ders tood It; Begorry, Mary hfid a Utile shape. And the wool was white Intotrly An" wherever Mary wud sthir herllKtlllpi, The young shape wee Id £»llow bar eeea. plateiy.-Onmetf flfct*. So oelebratad a pooM ahosld haw a French version: La petite Marie had to June muttong. See wool was bteuclee as so snow; And everywhere La Belle Marie went, Le June muttong was sure tofa, --Imported Itoet of tht Stafford Adneah. Oui, Monsieur; you avea un vary large imagination; mala oommeot est this, potir Deutsche: Dot Mary haf got eta leedle sehaf; Mit hair ynst like some vool: /r tad all dor place dot gal did veat, Das sehaf go like em fool, gyaWwa We Inscribe the followlof varaloo to flt« dear girls of Boston: Tradition testifies, aid history verifies the testimony, that one Mary was at one ̂ time possessed of a youth- hi member of the genus sheep. excellence of blood and neatnessef auutner rendered his, or her, exterior fringe as beautifully trans- laeent as the driven, beaattftel snow. A||(| tt iyp stated la MM atest authentic manner 0p. t and S vol. 1 Nursery Rhymes, q • • •.) that nowhere did tlie charming v?o Uttle lady (probably a Bos ton girl) perambulate Bat the aSwemeattoned quadrupedal verte- ; brate dtd with alacrity ap- 1 - proximate tht the*. frtik • •« ••w Kaay Appise DM A4aaa aai l«s Katt How many apples did Adam And Eve oat? Seme say Eve 8 and Adam S--- total of 10 only. Now we figure the thing out far differently. Eva 8 and Adam 8 also--total, 16.--Boston Jour nal. We think the above figures are entirely wrong. If Eve 8 and Adam 88* certainly the total will be 90, Scientific men. however, oil the strength of the theory that the antediluvians were a race of giants, reason something like this: Eve 81 and Adam 82--total, 168.-- Gloucester Advertiser. Wrong again; what could be clearer than, if Eve 81 and Adam 819, the total was 80S?-- Lawrence American. It Eve 811st and Adam 812, would not tbe total be 1,623? --Boston Journal. I believe tbe fol lowing to be the true solution: Eve 814 Adam, Adam 8124 for Eve--total, 8,938 - Veritas. Still another calcula tion is as follows: If Eve 814 Adam* Adam 81242 oblige Eve--total 82,967.-- We think this, however, not to be a sufficient quantity, for though we* ad- mlt that Eve 814 for Adam, Adam If lie 8081242 keep Eve company--total, 8,- 082,056.--New York MaiL All wrong. Eve, when she 81812 many, and proba bly felt ssrry for It, but her companion, la order to relievo her grief, 812.-- Therefor#, Adam, SI Its 818142-lOiy Smrti -«!eprew-d spirits. Wktff. HUB- 11m Prlat**. Among tbe many classes of mankind who deserve our deepest sympathy, the printer should by right come In for the largest share. He ts the most afflicted work of God, If, perchance, ho can claim his origin in that direction at all; which. Indeed, Is doubtful, for has he net risen from the " devil t" And right here I would say, paren thetically. that if Darwin has not found his M missing link1* yet, perhaps this Is it and It was reserved for me to find. He Is the most afflicted, because even when working tie has to use a stick, lie. is an honest man, for he will stick to his word--until he can find out what It Is. He Is a man of morals, for ho sets good examples--wheu working on ah arithmetic. He Is a man of princi pal, for he does all his work by rule. Surely the printer's treasures must bo laid up In another world, for In this ho has none.--Aurora Newt. . 89"The Harshalltowu (Is.) State*- man has this: "Why don't you buy a power pressr* Inquire several enthu siastic democrats, as we take our lock ed-up pages ef type through the streets on a wheelbarrow to a steam printing press owned by a rieh printing Arm.-- Why don't we buy the Boardman House, Weodbury block, and the pub lic square? Why dos't we ralao h--11 on four dollars and and a half? It Is easy to do all these things providing yeu have the collaterals, but at the present writing we oonfess wo have not enough money to buy a cheese press. Printing democratic news papers In Iowa Is like peddling pea nuts in a graveyard. New Spring MiUiuory at Mrs C. H. Aa Mr. Kearney, leader of the San Fra«* clsoo werklngmen's agitation, headed a deputation a foHtttjg&t ngv i* tiw Boman Cethollc Archbishop, when, cording to the San Pmntlte# Jfiwii Xe«er, that prelate thus replied with placid urbanity to an sidul kn» rangne: * Mr. Kearney, I nndorstand that yon wish me to mtnd mj own business. Very good; porfcaps you know what my business ts feottor than , I do. But, Mr. Kearney, tibere Is only one gentleman who Is at present au thorised to shew me how to mind my business, and that Is the Pope of Borne. Perhaps, Mr. Kearney, If you will write -to him h«* will transfer his power to you. And now let me tell you a little •lory, Mr. Kearney. I bavo lived here * groat many years and I know the temper of the people of California pretty well; and a long time ago, be fore you had come to America, I went to bed one night leaving everything going on In the city as usual. Well, Mr. Kearney. I had a comfortable night's rest. I arose and looked out of the window, and there In the street waa a poor fellow hanging by bis neck quite dead suspended from a lamp post. Ho waa a poor fellow who did not know bow to mtnd his own busi ness, Mr. Kearney, and that was all. Too mind your business well. Mr. Kearnej, and I will mind ui|pu Qond morning." Exit deputation UrNo event, since the withdrawal of the federal bayonet from the control of Southern politics, has done so much to bring about a better state of feel ing between North and South as the recent visit of a number of Southern gentlemen to Boston and the New England manufactories. When men like Senator Gordon" Improve such an opportunity to declare that the South is looking for Its future welfare, not to politics, but to Industry | that their purpose In enlisting foreign assistance and sympathy Ss to enlarge and diversi fy the means of prosperity and wealth within their limits, with an ultimate view to tbe greater prosperity of the nation ot which they claim to be re garded as true and loyal cttlxfns; that they desire above all things to estsb- lislt such relations with other parts of the country as will make an end of sectional animosities and give to all sections an equal interest In the wel fare, happiness and prosperity of every other--when such words are spoken with emphasis and repeated with pathos from Southern lips on Massa chusetts soil, it seems time for the North to cordially second every at tempt of the South to Improve its In dustrial oondition, and to give what ever Instruction or warning its example may Impart. The prosperity of tbe whole country depends upon the pros perity of all parts of it. It ts of prime importance, from a purely business point of view, that the South should be at peace with us, and within Itself; snd full development of Its productive Industry Is tbe best possible cure for the political turmoil that has held fc*r tsek, and held us back with her. African 'coutrcaiort <4fr> 'gaged to €9»slr«etlng a railroad la Brasil art bavfttf anything but a smooth time of It. From tbe start, trouble and vexation bavo beset them. First the Mercedlta, taking out from Philadelphia men and material, was long osi the passage. The wrack of the Metropolis, which sailed next, increas ed anxiety for the pioneer vessel. Those were but the beginnings of trouble.-- The white men sent out were too thin- skinned to cope with the poisonous files encountered on the route of the pro posed road, and blacks had to be sub stituted in part. Then the Italians struck for higher wsges and became riotous. The refractory ones were subdued by other laborers, Imprisoned in a jail built for the purpose, of rail road iron, and guarded by the engineer oorp« armed with rifles. The rioters were not suppressed, however, till they committed a number of depravations. Including the stealing of considerable baggage. Besides, fever took bold of the men, and when tbe Mercedlta. sailed on her return a number had died But over all these obtsuules It Is con fidently believed American plnok «Mid perseverance will prevail. igflt Is worthy of notloa that a resolution was introduced in Congress authorising the President to call out, if necessary, 75,000 volunteers In case of riot or insurrection during a recess of Congress. Tho resolution should be passed without delay. It will be, at least, a warning which all hot-headed conspirators against the laws will be likely to consider. Uncle Sam's Harness Oil fills and closes the pores of leather, effectually presenting the entrance of dampness, dust, Ac., and rendering the harness soft and pliable, while at the &arae time Increasing if durability, sold by ail Harness Makers and dealers in WasmvQTOK,». May Btb, ma Qntta an exdtemont waa *um»|bst tas« woek among tlw mAm children of tho Discriot a»t Mr parents at the prospeot of a dlsaon- Heaanos of tbe school far want of rtmds. Bnt aa the vory day bofort they ware to bo closed,- Congress hasti ly passed a bill appropriating #HM*0t itke amount of ites deficiency for tbe ^present year, it would have beea a sorrjr Job indeod to have turned all USM chlldrin loose In this cltv already tbrongod with stmt vagabonds, most olwboMaro less than a dosen years oliL Wo bavo need of more schools j and.wbooMioases In the District. All Itaaotored schools are literally crowd ed, imd hundreds of colored children spent their days In the streets who would be ia schools If titers was room for tpem. To us outside tbe fold, the grievanoes of which Congressmen continually complain seem stnsll. They call them selves hard-worked, pestered, bored and ybeset. Said a Senator tbe othsr day,*'A Congressman's fate Is the same1 as das pronouneed upon ofte anciently;: 4A sirvsnt of servants shalt thou be to thy .brethren.*** Prominent among theiuisances Inflicted upon tho high and tklghty of tbe land are tho albums In w^ch they are requested to write thelrifcuunes. So small a favor can be denied, and autograph know It. Sometimes members d to write something more than tfctlr signatures and occasionally this request Is acceded to In a some what offensive manner, as when a Western Representative, In compliance with such a request wrote, "I am in favor of a law banishing to Alaska my one who bores people by asking them to writs its an* album.** And David Crockett, when a Maine Representa tive's wife asked the same favor of him, wiets " Mrs. , of Maine, re quests tke hunter from the West to write In her album. Her curiosity shall b^ gratified by a sentiment, wish ing her health and happiness and a sale arrival at her residence with her fami ly and friends. David Crockett.** Washington's annual moving time bbgun last week. May begins tho year In this vicinity. Houses ara rented, boarding places are changed, new fbr- nlturs is purchased, and whatever changes are contemplated tor the year are made now. Those who Intend remaining in the cltj through the summer are haviag their furniture up holstered In linen coverings, woolen carpets taksn> up and straw matting snbstltutsd,heavy curtains replaced by light ones, and winter bedding packed away. The greatest care is required to preserve these winter things from mcth. Some mf the finest furnishings ever brought to this country have been ruined thus for want of proper care, In oertala bouses bars wltbla a year or two. Our markets are pleasant places to visit now. Every tort of vegetable and relish ts to be had, with stftiwber. fics wlileli tiav® been iu tha market a mouiti m but ars only now gei- ilug to be withtn the xsMk of slender purees* . When Mrs. Hayes want to PhilsdeS- pbia recently she was received with especial warmth at the Woman's Med ical College, by one of her old school mates. Miss Baelie) Bodiey. who Is now Pmfessor of Chemi*try there and Dean of tho Faculty. These two women graduated from Wesley an College, the first charted College for tho education of Womea ia the United States, and after an interval of years they met thus, each having attained dsstlnction and honor. Don Cameron has six children, the oldest a gtrl of twenty-one who is called capable, mature and matronly. Her step-mother of two days Is two years her junior. Tat two young ladies ara fond of each other and the daugh ter Is well pleased with her father's marriage. O w*s> aad weary, fiQrThe Nationals srs beginning to brsg. |n New York Friday some of their leaden asst»red a correspondent, they would carry Connecticut, Maine, Now York, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Califor nia and Oregon by fair .majorities.-- Those gentlemen had better wait and see what sort of unhatehed chickens they are aonntlng. Communlstio chickens are of no good. MTAn Australian Is trying to * la- vent a machine which shall resp, thresh, and clean tha wheat ss It moves along. When it gets it finished Asser= cs will add an attachment whfch sells the wheat, grinds it, puts it into bar rels and stamps each barrel with XXXX's. Ellert's Daylight Liver Pills are re liable, safe and efficient. They purify the blood, regulate the liver and diges tive organs, and relieve headacha OriMl fewtle tapftini TbsnlsaewuisaaeetiMset mppin»4^-' • Alow amMdoor, „ '•CHmsw tat'* wssaM; white he pendevefi; ̂ An# lastteaee weetHl Wondered . . '. WSet ft* as ohM be hi store; Then, the door-bolt grensly ternfajr. In he walked. Our eheek was burnhlff fbMKhMofcrlrasoc gore. - "Aw yoa ins aian who uoe» the wriiiaf?1 - What word will rhyme with this bnt « Qnirkly thought We o'er and o'eji _ 4 "Sif , we aje ," we «eat lr to ld h i« , r _ l">~- Ko^dlng to the boys to hold lifn, ^ . If he tried to beat as sore. \ V •fhea yoall please give au a eseil#^ '̂̂ ̂ Opposite that little debit, gfes-: For two dollars more. I like ronr paper, and will As long as you will strive to make it As good as it has been before. We Jumped! He dodged! Thus we mis Or we purely would bare kfased him, Xo matter if the boys did roar; So seldom treated in this manner, We felt Inclined to sing hosannaht Only this and nothing more. m- 4'Ji , Ths IntelUgeat Jam Again. The Sandusky CO.) Jlegitter tells th#- fallowing story of a member of tht Grand Jury at the October term of thi: Comn.su Pleas Court in that city* ; "One of the jurors could neither rea<£ nor write, and in order to cast till ballots for or against Indictments la . the cases, he got a friend to write foil him two sets of ballots--one set read* ing 'Yes,' the other set 'No.* Ho folded the ballots carefully and placed them In his vest pockets, those read* lug In the affirmative In his right#*' hsnd pocket, snd those In the nega# tlve In his left-hand pocket. During/ tho examination of witnesses he ws| so occupied in Itstenlng to the tflstl* monr that he forgot how be hsd at*: ranged the ballots, and when the jury came to vote on one of the cases, tifl^ couldn't tell for his life which pocket til dive into for the right slip of papers- He wanted to vote 'Yes,' aad so at i venture he fished a ballot out of hia left-hand pocket and voted It. When the ballots were counted It was fonnft that fourteen of them read 'Yes.' and one'No, Vote after vote was taken on the result, until la soma way H leaked out that the Juror refered tp had his left-hand pocket stuffed with ballots reading 4No,' which he ha# ^ been voting, when all the time h% wanted to vote in tho affirmative.-** Another vote was then taken on tint case, and tho intelligent juror went for the papers in the right-hand pock et, and when the bsllots were counted they were all in fav<* of tbo finding of an indictment." *f til ••v Mejeeted the Terms. Tho old saying that some men would want more if they had a billion wss exsmpllAed yesterdsy when || Wludsorlte and a Detroitergot into §| dispute at the ftrry dock. Said tb« Canadian, "you ought to be well pounded, and I'm the man who can da It! However, I don't understand ttaa laws over here, and don't want to ba locked tip. If you will come over Canada I'll pay yuur fare both ways oil; the boat, buy your dinner, treat you ta the cigars, lick you till you csn't- squeai, and send y^u ksm* with bos§, on your eyes.** Tha American thought of the prepO* sltlonawhile, and then asked: uIf I go over with you will you ms a new overcoat ?w "I--I--yes, by thunder# wiUP* replied the mad Wlndsorit#. 4And a suit of clothes?** "No, 1 won't!, That's asking tog much!** "Well, those aia the aaly |tf«* I ^ > was ever licked on,** calmly replied tho other "and your rejection of thenfc shows that you ara ail blow aad a% fight.** They took ft out in Jawing. . s { n American secret agent of th% y . v jtussian government, is traveling aboul /, In the Eastern States, bent ou a mis* u slon whose purport 110 fellow cau fln|| 4 out. In his official capaoity he wip \ - say nothing, but as an American citik; , sen be converses freely. In the latter capacity he tells ths newspaper that, oil his way hither he stopped 11 several towns in Ireland and every where, there and In this country, h|§ ; finds the Irish strong friends of Russlti^ w England's difficulty is Ireland's portimity,** is the watchword. In tha United States he has found wealth#' sons of Ireland ready to purchase anl fit out privateers in Russia's behalf ia esse of war with England. This agent* Captain Hunt by title and name, dl^» claims, however, that the fitting out a# privateers is a part of his business - ! here. Perhaps his business fs to ea» ti§, % coinage a Fenian diversion, and per- haps he has no other buslnesa thsu ^ make himself an object of interest bj| */ ^ encouraging tbe idea that he holds * ^ . L Russian coj»mission. For a valuahh* . ;\ agent he is too talkative in his citissft • |