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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 May 1878, p. 4

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r 'j>1 zM[ t t\ * •> »* •* ** *•>. "UP*?? " * •»• .:*"»•• - f,«; ^ -f«f.-: -r-***•« *v~j* : 1 . .^ ** \ /v , ' ":fU ,:f'̂ a #-- ^'ppT •* ---• WBD2 1878. wSf '/fi,: A P »I|»B m WOU- < Notlnaptlf mlgfet «om« stars *ni * ion»«rv>tlTi ^|ill<w»i>h»r, say old Tmb Carlyle, *p*ly tbls tsrm T® ©UP llfloved WKintryl© dsy. Pervaded sad permeated as It is with all sorts of political arid social quackery, the re­ proachful nanus ^s«« net at si! be So- tpprflpriate or undeserving. 8ome %ag said last fall tbst say mse In Ohio , ,%ho did not have »fnawdaltheory of ' His own was eonsl#»t®4 sn fgftsfftatas #r a fool. It would seem m though Something similar might soon 1M Mild seriously of the country »{ large.-- ifushroom organisations^ political and Siocialistic, are springing up amongst tts with amazing rapidity. Ko theo­ ries however wild and visionary, dis­ honorable and perilous, but seem to have rganized support, and to gain ers- enee every day. Th® story of Joash nd his gourd is no more believed to be fable and a rtyth. We have more |han discounted it. Not that we can . 4eat it merely as a fungus growth, but tor variety and uniqueness we can tar '4urP*s*,n a In * night, we :#an organize a party and fulminate a platform that will cure all th* Ills 1s»- 1 $ldent to a great nation, and that ^^osliua-like, will lead a people into a land flowing with milk an# money, /1,;' Some mf our many readers may think $hl» so much nonsense, bat seriously It .Ills not far from the troth. Within the fcrief spacs of two years have ssen %he most dishonorable principles and li^heories gain credence and support, ^nd make astonishing progress.-- ^7 Repudiation, where it has not the ^hadow of a decent ex<Hise Is unblush- Ingly advocated by public man and , journals, and practiced by states.-- National faithlessness and dishonor -lire boldly made the controllng prin­ ciples in the platforms of parties, and iitf &• |iie patriotic, intelligent, and honest Appealed to to sustain them. Inflation U: Spl||s eloquently extolled, and proclaimed " A ' as the panacea for all the ills of tltc coun­ try. Government is modestly asked h ito lend a helping hand to schemes that p ,4will only enrich a few and benefit the ^ ^country at large little or nothings-- Vi' 'Communities and states are asked to Submit to unnecessary taxation in , »rder that men out of employ may . V }^:;i1have something to do. Some would annihilate the national bank system t ' and'"wipe It out as with a #pongee- Others tolerate it as a necessary evil, tout would shackle It with clanking ^chains so that it should be rendered :%'< ^harmless. Communism, a red rioting revolutionist, stalks brasenly abroad and is encouraged to hope by the cheers of the canaille. And lastly, ^ Feaianism is said to be making I ts nest .Viz among us,preparatory to hatching its 1^ callow brood that Is to infest the yard %'p' ! of onr neighbor, Canada. Verily, a "**" " Paradise of Fools! But perhaps the picture is a bit over- • drawn. Mot withstanding all the quackery that Is prevalent, there la a strong conservative sentiment under­ lying our national life upon which we may safely rely in an emergency. Bat we should not shot out entirely the possible. It may be, as Junius says, ^v,. v!, "trifles float to the surface,81 and •JL < that what we see Is but the floatsam incident-to-oar Mixed nationality.-- ! But still last summer's experience .v olttwld teach as the necessity of vlg- ^*®®®'and|>rtcattt!oii. The lessons of ST" the history of tbe past two years &f»-i ^ should teach us to resolutely oppose ' every species of deuiagoguery and political charlatanism, and to be alert ^ to what the future may unroll. ;T';1 The voters of the Fourth Congres- sional District have not forgotten the ^ ** cowardly fraud that was practiced np- | ©n them two years ago, whereby the ^ , rights of the majority were Ignored ,v ^ and overridden by the most damnable political trickery ever known In the annals of politics. This, too should teach us tbe necessity of vigilance, and that none but honest men be put on guard. The political tricksters and wire-pullers are again at work, but not lu so open a manner as they were two years ago. They will leave no stone unturned to accomplish their ends, and their aim Is not the good of the peo­ ple but that they may keep or get their hands where they can fill their pockets. And if the people atand Idly by and see this thing go on, and pat forth tie staying hand, or in any way aid thaw in their selfish schemes, then* indeed are they "a Paradise of Fools P As it is almost time to call a Repub­ lican County Convention, for the pur­ pose of sending delegates to the ftUte Convention, which Is to be held oft, tfeft Mth of #u«e»wo iilW Itfcs ts to the County Comlttee the •tyofî pportloni*f iM Oottnty, It •eon* to us that at tfc« preeent time there I* a gteaa Injostloa la regard ts the representation or the different towns. Would It net be proper to ap­ portion the Coanty In accordance with the vote of last Fall? That there has been a great change in tlm vote of the eeunty elnee the U»t apportionment we think no one wlfi deny, and there­ fore wo say to let It remain as at prts- ent la a great tî astioe. We would suggest to the County Committee that they think this mat­ ter Over candidly,and In our next lartft we will give them seme facts and !|̂ » ures to ahow that what we ask In he- half of tbe voters of the county Is noth­ ing more than simple justiq*. this and nothing more." - 11 ' "jy '• WOOOSTOC*. Xonoa PunfMiLER : -- Clrouit Court still In session. Hon. H. H. Cody has made a favorable Impression upon those who have been in attendance. Comparisons are draws which are very flattering to him. The case of Cooney against the Town of Hartland is being tried, and Is likely to occupy the attention of the Court for some days yet. The issue ts for damage In changing a water coarse. More heavy rains. Corn planting again Interrupted. Bonds mnddy and farmers cross. A targe amount of btisted fruit Is falling from the trees, so we are not certain of so large a fruit crop after all our exalted hopes. Small grata and grass etill looks favor­ able, but there Is some complaint that earlj planted corn la rotting In the ground. Bat corn planted last Wed­ nesday 18 sprouting. Jack Frost left his finger marks on potato tops and other tender plants quite extensively through tbe country. Ferry says, 44 May be you think it was courage made me choke the sknnk, but you are very much mistaken. It was pure cowardice, aa I dare not let go of the varmint while breath was In him." '"Tor some time past people have been losing chickens, turkles, clothes from the drying lines, etc. One week ago last Saturday night Esquire Church missed chickens, found their heads on hit premises, followed trail of blood to near the residence of Martin Watson colored Moan who has been an invalid for several months, and claiming help from the Town, but under the "new departue," vis: sending the poor out to Hartland to hoard, the sympathy of neighbors In part supplied his wauts, rather than see him forced to the ex­ treme of thle " new departure." Last Saturday night Esquire Church lost more chickens, and Constable Van Cur- en followed up and found the chickens at the house of Mr. Watson. Last night Bev. S, C. Hay's store was burg­ larized and upon searching Watson's premises the goods taken were found under the shanty floor. And one Jim, colored, confesses to the burglary, and Is now under arrest. The Town au­ thorities are criticised with some feel­ ing In connection with suggestions, that the aforesaid "new departure" had forced the family of Mr. Watson to accept the situation as Implicated with these thefts. Bat these would seem ts be rather unwarranted con- elusions. For the " new depar­ ture* system of supporting paupers lis open to jnst criticism, It need not [and will -not /drive p>ggjjk},Ji>. the eosMsission of crime. • **' %h*y deltvW the * and Hanley are now, their heads examine* has been able The Lake W*wp bava Toles ction. ' , 1 Superin­ tendent Over one half the applicants at Wauconda and quite s nopber hsW m hsdN up In SSMS^MMOS; Mfe ftibd as far even In orthography thigf dil hot get up to fifty per cent In spiling and III other branches not aa high as that.-- Those that wish their children' and all the youth of the land also properly educated thank Mr. A. B. Sabln for refusing certlffcates to favorites, (aa his predecessor did) Without being duly qualified aathe law directs. Vols employs first class teachers and there ar| no bettor^ ttlhosla^^US the County. On the morning of ths 14th Jack Frost nipped pretty tight. The click of »he corn Planter Is new heard through tbe land. More wheat sown this Spring than for a number of years and a few lots of winter wheat look as favorable as ever was aeen in thirty years. , JCDEH. ' RINGWOOD- Siitrai PLAIHDBALBR On^ people have been beselglng the Throne of Grace the past four months for a revival but with little success. It will be necessary to send for Mosdy and Saii- kev If they want to make any stir.-- Home talent don't seem to be appre­ ciated. Why people will follow every' stranger who drops in upon them to the neglect of gfeod home advice, we can't for the life of us see. The Red Ribbon excitement is dying out, and you scarcely hear it named now. One man, a stranger ts the place asked how it was we had so many re­ formed drunkards in our village, with no saloon. He said his attention was first called to it by seeing a man wear­ ing a badge on his hat, showing that the reformers had paid us a visit. The Woman's Heathen Missionary Society was reorganized a short time since, and a juvenile asked his Ma what it was for. She said to collect money for the Heathens, to buy clothing and shoes for the poor. 4,Why Ma, I saw some little children last winter with­ out any shoes on In this village. Why not give It te them?' Moral--Must do something to get your name In the Religious newspaper, aa the head of some movement at the Convention next summer. Never mind home, the place where charity should begin. Fishing parties are all the rage now. Some of them return with Fishermen's luck, a we( back and uo flsn, while some catch plenty,so as to divide with tfa%lr neighbors. The fruit and crops look well around here, and prospects look flattering for a large crop of small grain?. Cattle and sheep are doing finely, and mother nature seems to be doing the best she can for her children. The saying Is still true, "God help those who help themselves." MOWBRAY. '•k •• ",jp #* ; sswl -4 • , ',,-4 P <ii irillE* Having purchsaed tfie eutire atock of Dry G6ods, Grc*eriM, &e., <*f S&£tb, Aldrich & Haythora, hare removed to ti}e Store ia Riirsrside :,v>iRr "j'i i •p »!::;>• now pre­ pared with a full and com­ plete Stock and Summer Trade, and at extremely Low Price! for Cash, in­ vited to call, inspect Goods and Pricesbe- i SiBkrtfttjr Law. In March, 1867, the present United States bankruptcy law came Ints ex- istence, since which time many uSaus- ceS»ful eftwti have been made ts eflbct its repeal. The present Cengreaa has come the nearest to striking th# law statute books, and St Is not unlikely that It will yet wipe it out. A bill r€|ied!»g ths hss botii Houses uf Qsagress, but""an auseiidmeut having beeu added by the Senate, providing that the law shall n?t go into eflect until Sept. 1,1878 the hill has gone back to the House of Representatives for concurrence in the amendment. If the House eoncurs In the bill as amended, it will go at once to the President for his approval or disapproval. But if the House does list concur, then a conference commit- tee will be appointed, delay will prob­ ably ensue. Mid perhaps the bill w * •: _____ k < < ̂ 4( »£* fa. »1B$C? . ̂ • s ** *W ~+*p* ' L-̂ SLS. 7. A' t VOLO. EDITOR PI^JHOEALBB Katnre lav­ ishes heroounty In a variety of ways, and what we peor souls are apt to think is an awful punishment for some, our wickedness often proves a blessing in disguise. Only think, If we should have a cold fret Summer as many pre­ dict and raise only one fourth of a crop of corn in consequence, it would certainly prove a blessing by ridding the country of the Chinch sad Potato bug and other pests. Tuesday and Wednesday eve last. Rev's Hank McLean and Rice lectured here on temperaooe, for the Red Rib* hons, and now one hundred and fifty names are on the rolls. The exercises are conducted about tbe same sa all revivals, inteiapersed with muaie. and their aoags are after this style: Poor Jaek IS dead ana gone ther aar,' Bat gene where, who will sot?® trna rtiilsf To "Fiddler* <Qnr«eaM~e plaM half way Twixt HMTM aad hell, Just at the middle. Iat*aaj»mno« killed htaa. They brought tears from the moat hardened wretch (If he could only hear them.) One wept so profusely the tears ran down Rob's beard that went down to the skirts of hie garments and filled his hoots te overflowing like the dew of Hernson, and aa the dew that de­ scended upon tbe Mcu&iaiss sf Ziea fur there the Lord commanded the blessing oven life forevermore. me hat was passed around and the andl- enoe gave down liberally, which was the most tissfartfiafc point under con­ sideration, Volo will soon have a steam fsed mill. Adolf Block, Proprietor. The farmers have resolved to tend to Greenwood for the Bump feeler sftd Modes head examined The McHenry MEAT MARKET Having newly Re-Pa In tad and fltted up oar b are now prepared to furnlah our ra with Shop, we custome: Freeh and Salt Meata • or ALL KINDS. SutftAOft. Sniok^ Mftali, la.; • esevwOnrS • J •9 THE ^ • • lowest Living Prices. We buy none bat the best of Meats, and having eerved our time in one of the heat Market* in Chicago, flatter ourselves that wa can offar oar cuatomera Meats in better shape than any other Shop in this section. Thankful for .past ffcvora we solicit a eon tinoance of the aame, and we will guarantee to aattaQr yea both m quality and price. Frett Ac Son, McHasrmr, IU., May 10th, 1S7S. VK.- mm MoHKNIKY HLL.I Btrt a complete stoek of mf i »• MNITUBE I HABDWM The result of a eonsolidation of the two linea into one. ••ery article Is WARRANTED ' - -i 'Al refteseatsd by tbe Ssla--aa. ; • r,v • ' • 1 Cntiii ait Heatiic Stores. Of difBareat styles and 1 vitas tM public to call and a; nrlees before purchasing. . .^r vr, ». OSA G. 0OLBYV ; '""•WIK' / r 1 'ilENBY UOLB3F. b ' 4/ • : .. , whdve they are How the publicgener&lljr with s to meet their large «nd well selected stoek ,iv : w-.i READY-MADE and Shoes, Hats Gla««-W are, CLOTHING and Caps, WllfrlS will sell for Cash or Ready-Pay a& eheap as House in the County. Our Goods s bought with especial reference J&e community, ana we v WILL , « >( titim are all fresh and hive beet wi4*e of iia© people $$ also keep our usual stock ©f • • And as heretofore, will spare no pains to friease oar customers this line. Phyfidoianh Prescrlptloi&l W i Compounded in a careful manner and by none but experienced hands# Thankful for past favors, we solicit, and hope to merit a contiuU* ance of the same . If Si; ' COLBY BROS, v McHenry, IU., May 7th, 1878. * whether wish to or not. - w ,Vtl W* No trouble to show Goods. mg you buv fROM :; i / (v.' A-r. '•'V] m};- CASH CtSl! >•> h- M*' Irl'fyfr? < * 'TW* M IT SO-&I1 TVareliouse of m. M. OWEN, And he will sell yon one, giving you a written Warrantee, cheap­ er than ever offered in this sec­ tion. This ia no humbug, as he has just received a Car Load, and is bound to sell examine them. F, H. MAYES, t Taflor. -41ND DBAXUIK? DMee M lei m i v' > '-•<tSh$wr ' ^ "f -f' - > ; ; There's Money in it for You, • 'j n ONE PRICE ONLY ! 0ASH ONET4 goods #1. tlnheird PHICES. Quality the Best and everything as repre- ^ sented or Money Refunded. ~ \ j %,•: DO YOU BUY AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES! Beat Prints,.*......f OS Best Print.-",.... OS C«mt8' Cottoa,.,....,...,.. OS Good Corsots,............. 85 No. 1 Blaek Aiawiea.. SS All wool Caahmei e--£xtra 6ft Table Linen, SB Ladies Hose OS Gents Hoae, OS Ladles Black Ties--best,. 2ft Wo'a shoes--cloth Abution 1 00 Misses Slious--tt to if.... 1 Good Boots, 1 7ft Boys Pants--Good,....i... 100 Boy s Veats--Good,. .,#&.•«.. 80 iloysCoatc I 60 Mens Suits, ...3 00 Mens Hulls--Good..(3 76 to ? 00 Overalls, leather triMmed, W 10 t>8 A. Sugfr 1 (X) 11 lbs No. 1 Raisin^,. 1 00 U *>S No. I Current*, 1 00 15lbs Dried Apple* 1 00 II lbs «e»t DrledApajaii.. 1 00 IStbx Best Haifs Peaches,. ' 00 7 9>s Choice Pared •' 100 12 lbs Rice 1 00 No. 1 Baking Powder,.,!... 2S a lbs Tea 1 00 4 lbs Tiia, 1 o® Rest Japan Tea, TO Huat YounfC Hyson Tea,... M Ke»t Y. H. A Jap. for p*toe, 40 Axle (ireese, '•«?••• * Stove Polish, i..... . 06 Pine Cut Tolia CCOa...roa»«« 00 Stove Polish, Tacas, . 05 Choice Syrup,. '.V^VV* '• 85 5 »s Ground CoiSM, ••^e*Wa 1- 00 I sell cheaper than my neighbors because I buy cheaper, and say to any one coming to buy of me, yon will be more than satisfied. In Clothing, Boots and Shoes and General Merchandise, my stock is three times what it has been in former years. My Bankrupt stock of Clothing is- now being soldi at less rates than other dealers can buy. Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valisca at much below regular prices. Am weekly in the market, buy for cash for two stores, and do secure bargains which I more than divide with my customers.- Our interests are mutual, and my constant aim will be to sell you goods at such prices as will convince you that I am selling General Merchandise cheaper than any store in the Korthwest. Come and see me and I will do you £ood, and in this way you ciiu make money easier than you can earn it. C. F. HALL, RICHMOND, III. Qhicago Office, 183 FRANKLIN STRKVT. F.HALL. w f'*-vpoin><E, III. m'vnm •AjifeiSlI not v-M oe exc Spier M *;t - • Wt"". particular attentiua 1s oalled So Undertaking Special paina will be i all who In all Its branches, taken to accommodate with their buaineaa. may STOT «S JaSTORYAOOli j-* ̂ Invites the public to an in­ spection of his newly purchased .^tOel^»|^*^p?';- liiW . , j'M |3E? x iiwo vd p and (^ods^^pii^^^ppye^ sented* in MeHenry UL, Kay 7th Cutting Daae as Usaal. : ttewOii© Door Koftk Colby's Drug Store KcHeary, DL, Arril 1Mb, WS. " *1 " '/• * ' * ' ~ " • v>, ; >. % , ri - • in quality of Goods or Low Prices, ty^any!gr:ii| or adjoining connties Mi'3- W* , „t .f i ' « « ' v > > " ' • • / - f . <1 'I •f ' L, -v :%: Cash or Ready-Pay and Ifi .tt« ii'lH V J' yr-b-'A -'if 4>u ';'fJ.ii' > » i; ^ it* t-»v i. fj.' i-" > .;•/ - , * t'* Jt ^ , '•3 • - -ji-- • • • • • * • V v

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