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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 May 1878, p. 5

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s. ! 5 < ' < ^WEDNESDAY, MAY «d*1®78. mmmimmmktii vwm \ piijf ± 1 ni i Mi i itShMi --> i • • v itillitfra TK*i* lwe« g»v« S"g£°--• • • a- *. I" '• *• ...IAI. X. I'M*, m. i»i> •miiiNi - CLUB. '. S&U^v&Ssrsus?-- J* v. MOO****, President. JL 7. PASSu-iii, refer?. B.Blak**s. and Waucondft letters tilt* week. for 36 oenta, at J* Wk ba¥e received from » Richmond Correspondent a "Poem," which will appear no xt week. THE Public School wiUcloae for the Summer vacation en Friday of next week, the Slat. . -- - » . -- . . . i l l I , , ».Ahi. r i ' SEE the new advertlseasent of Frett £ 8on, McHenry Market, In aootber celnmn. V " , • GOOD Pbeftegrapta at Perkins' Gal- lerjr, over Perry A Martin's store, tor #9J0 per dozen. A good picture guar­ anteed. . ' Mse. DOIWS and Hiss Stocke? have all the latest Pattern* for Dress and Cloaks to be found In the city, Rooms opposite Perry 4 Mania's. "C. P. WAITE and Geo. Cnrtlts, #ent to Fox Lake on Monday to do the Painting of the new Ite&ldeuce being, erected there by Mr. WUley, of Chi- siiti-V;'. MM report of «y A *eUowl sir^ifefeyi sblppe4#t»e GEO. H. HARLOW. Secretary of State, will accept our thanks for Reports of the last General Assembly, and also for the Senate and House Journals, for im. ' PHB Inventor of the phonograph says the speeches of our Congressmen can be preserved in tin-foil and ground out for the delectation of future ages. It Is going to be very unhealthy for the man who does the "grinding out" one hundred years hence. RED HORSE are now running* and the Bridge is constantly liaed with Spears. The unusually high water makes it extremely unfavorable for (peering, but nevertheless a good jmany are taken out every day. Should it clear oft and the water settle a little by the last of the week there wool# fee cajot loads of them. PBfEB SCHEIDK, having SOLD Qtlt his business at Johnsburg, has concluded to locate in McHenry, and will build hint a new Shop just East of Thomas Knox's residence, where he will do a tiers! Blacksmithing business. Be Is a drat class workman, and will no doubt receive a liberal share of public pat­ ronage. • • • MESSRS. Bell and Elderkin, 6f Chica­ go. have been holding Lay Evangelical Meetings in this village the past week alternating between the Methodist and Unlversaiist Churches. The meetings live been quite well attended. They will be oontlnued during this week, §nd several other speakers from abroad are expected to be present and assist in the exercises. • > IF yon want a fine Polish for Silver or Plated Ware, Steel ©r any other bright work, you should get a Package of that celebrated article from Albert McLean. Wo have used it and do not hesitate to recommend it as A No 1.-- It is also excellent for cleaning wood­ work, doing entirely away with the use of soap, making casings as clean as if «ewljr paisrc-edL Try a package and iMjponvtocid. If yon loee anything and want to find It, ail you have to d6 Is to send a notioe to the PLAINPKALKB. On Tues­ day morning a Medicine Cane that had been found in the road was left at this office, with a request to advertise it, and wo proceeded to write the notice and put It In type. In the afterimon of the same day, and two hours before the paper waa printed, the owner called and received his property.- Thus we see the benefit of adver­ tising. Wi learn that a Dramatic Society 1 has been organised In this village, and will In a few weeks bring out the Play ofMUncle Tom's Cabin," the exact date of which will in due time appear in these columns. That there is material In this village for a first-class Amateur Dramatic Club, we have not the least donbt» and we predict they will bring oat Ma well known play In a manner creditable to all concerned. We say sucoess to the McHenry Dramatic So­ c i e t y . ' - . . . Fox Base Ball Club re­ organised on Frfd** evening last, and elected Oliver N. Owen Captain, and A. F. PafSoaaJlanager and Secretary. D^.siM.Uil# year will be stronger than ever before, and we hope to gee '#yMjpjpi this season. Wo also hope our citizens, who love to see a good game of Ball, will aid them* by- their eyatpathy and occasionaly a little of the needful, so that they may run without embarrassment. The sport is a pleasant and beathful one, and if the boys are encouraged at home will mwfea record of which no one need fool ashamed. itf* • WE nottec«!n a day or two since a which for style of wWfkiia^tp^ and neatness of general get up it would be bard to beat. It may not be generally known that Mr. Dow makes the finest kind of Ladies Shoes, but snch is the fact, and Ladies can call there, leave their measure, and besides getting a perfect fit, will get a beUer ami cheap­ er shoe than 11*^ M %<^%:$kA«ago. He is an A N4.1 mi£a»vnttd ̂ oes or Boots that come from his shop are perfect in every particular. Shop next door to the Post Office. THE Bridge i» in* resort for both men and boys during the fishing season, and a good place It Is too, but of one thing they should be more careful, and that is about frightening horses. We learn of one or two cases last week where horses driven by ladies, came near running away by live fish being thrown upon the Bridge, and almost under their feet as they were crossing. Persons fishing upon the Bridge should be exceedingly careful about such things, and if they do not in the fatore? it will be the duty of the Board to prohibit their using the bridge for such purpose. While all admire the sport of fishing, none should so far forget themselves while indulging in the sport as to jeopardize life and property by their acts. We hope this will be remembered In the futnr^. MEETINA The Posters for the Old Settlers' Meeting are now out, and it only re­ mains for those who have the Interest of the Association at heart to put their shoulders to tho wheel and by personal effort see that everybody turns out.-- We see no good reason why the Re- Union this year should not be the largest gathering ever held Jn the County. Tho citizens of Woodstock are sparing no pain# in doing their part, and we can assure all who attend, that they will be well taken care of, as we are informed that ample arrange­ ments have been made to accommo­ date both man and beast. ' And there is another thing which we wish to im­ press upon the minds of the people of the different towns. There la a Cham­ pion Flag for the town bringing In the largest delegation. This Flag 4s nowj held by Wauoonda, and we hope to se a lively contest for this trophy. Le the Vice President of every town or ganize his forces for that day. The' time is short, only about three weeks remaining, and we hope no Vice Pres­ ident will neglect his duty. Gen. John F. Farnsworth and other able speakers have beeu secured for the occasion and should the weather prove good we pre­ dict one of the most enjoyable Re- Unions ever held iu Illinois. Remem­ ber the date and place, Thursday, June 18th, at Woodstock. Rem I Transfer!, Conveyances filed for records til" the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, for the week ending May 18th, A. D.1878: H«nry W. Balden and w to John F. Warren IX a in Village of Marengo, (MO. Robt. W. Pierce and w to Aaron Ho&taan wH »wrK ewjtt see a*. Burton, two. CUiaa. a. Issuing and w to George Vinton 8 a in Village of Richmond, *600. John Turner and w to Mary P. Turner nX seJi sec 13am! bw ne>< sec. M,Richmond, *3.000. Geo. K. Kwnea and w to Rudolph Primmer eh a«k' aee 11, (ex. % a), Hebron, «3,400k John T. Hetean and w to Wm. II. Hnfftaan ah Kit 3 aeX mo 27, Nunda, $30U Ohas Tuttle to Cliaa. K. H. Tattle pes In yth sec 8, lliley, f65(K . ' Win. Glazier to Gathleb tJaedke se ftae nw frac X see 19, Algowtnln. |>4.:iQ0i. Edward l.amtie to Adolph Fredenhagentf a laswM see8, Nan4i,|BM. a.-.- Geo. Gil her t to Kdaon Gilbert saJi N| see 8 STaada, |C03. Joseph Palmes »v lo Slaty Killer Wi a tewswS, M<*H«nry, fSMn Peter Solil# to Joseph Inv 18, • Johasburg, P.46& - ' , •Pctar Scaled imd w to Henry ffettermann pt lot 8, Johnsbarg, 1.17&. T. 8. Eantley and w to Ctatholie Bishop of Chicago S * for burying grouud in svrU see SSt, Grafton, SSOOL Mrs. Mary C. A. WiAn to Mrs. Sarah L. Spitxer lot 17 AssrS Plat, Marengo, |8B0l Thos. Dimon and w to Joseph WhslnS* 1Q see I, Kiiey, fao. PBTBB80K*'S ter%me is on our table in lmranoe, more than maintaining Us KfHMarned reputation of being the |>egt Md cheapest of the ladles books. The principal embell­ ishment Is a splendid <steei engraving, "The Freshet." illustrating a poweiv "#ol storjr-hy Emma - Garrison Jooes.-- The^i^^k is a double-size colored steel'fasl^fi plate, with Uve figures; a large4iacd pettefn for a tidy In cro­ chet ;«Bd about fifty wood engravings of fashions,, patterns for dhe "Work Table," etc., etc. Best des all this, there Is a Supplement, containing two full- size patterns, one for a bey's suit, ttie other fer a lady's mantle: this Supple­ ment alone Is worth the price of the number. "Peterson* still keeps up its reputation fbr giving the best of stories, all original. MThe Orphans of Oldham,1* the principal of the five novelets published, this year, It, per­ haps, the best ever written by Its ac­ complished author, Mrs. Ann S. Steph­ ens. Ho family ought to be without this magazine. It is only two dollars a year, postage free, and so is within the means of every one. To olubs it Is cheaper still, with a premium to the penon getting up the club. Now U a good time to subscribe, as a new vol- umeAglns with the July number.-- Specimens sent, gratis, to persons wishing to get up clubs, or to sub­ scribe. Address. CHABLRS J. PETER- SOU, 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. CLOAKS.--Don't forget to call and rice Cloaks at Mrs. S. gearles* Mc- - • ry. 5*4, {MW, I j 3^. . ! - . : you The season of ducking hens and bad eggs has arrived...... are rapidly rolling ro«ndi if) men who ftsed their leg* Into Machines will resume epfe Spring showers art Spring cleaning is almost over.-- Now clean your well....... .The edi- tot of the Harvard Irnlepemimt to *t- ... - our "Spltt»««^ wlth m "Little Hatchet." That's rlrtt, 'if at fins* yon don't succeed, ivj, try The most fatfetottable style is now /Vkin. That's the style of shirt made for the correspondent of the Democrat, fihf. for Mondfty morning. The soft 8 o'clock, the daughter hadn't at last accounts W Never mind, it ain't WilHe, can come right* upf Bat don't you look behind that door........ We found an article the other evening, and are in doubt whether It is a hustle or a Rase Ball corner. If some one will tell us what it is and take it away we should be gratified. .That Perkins takee Pictures to suit all who call It proved by the satisfied look as they come oat of his Gallery .We have heard a great many rough things about Mr. Nero, who fiddled while Rome burued, but nobody accused him of having his shirt trimmed with bows and braid, and mottoes atftMiifd to specified places. We shall expect to hear next that the correspondent of the Demo* crat parts his hair in the middle.-- Which f A young la<!y took we for a boy. Did you evert....... .The matrimonial market for the past month has had a downward tendeecy, probably owing to the scarcity of Aoy. Quota­ tions will bo low for the next two weeks........Get ready for tho Old Settlers' Meeting. That means every- body The yield of one Potatoe Bug is said to be 68.000,000,000,001--ex­ actly. We Mbpe we won't get over two original hugs In this section.... He picked up that shirt, hold it out before him. and tho first thing that caught his eye was "Stiller little child­ ren to come Into yon." He dropped it and started for "Big Holler," and the correspondent of the Democrat hasn't beeu seen since. Oh! ha! ha!....,... The persons who are looking tor otof nesU in Howe's ham late In thf eve­ ning had "better look a little ont," as there Is atr^p set that mav not catch an owl Culture enables a man o grow bald-headed gracefully........ U Is said that Ma11 signs fail in a dry time." When signs fait, advertise.... ... .The newest colors are opal, tor- quoise, silver-grey, lavender and fawn. We hope soon to chronicle the intro­ duction of the new shades of stove­ pipe, peppermint* wheelbarrow, jjlic and pet role um.........Trade that Isn't worth asking for is not wOrtn having; and so a good many people think when they fat! to see a business man's ad­ vertisement In the local paper uBlessed ar* the Peace mskers for they shall see God." "Oh! dear, I'll never get another shirt made as long as 1 live.** I wonder if that dog was chained npf....... .The Dramatic So­ ciety arc rehearsing for "Uncle Tom" The sail boat "Dove," has beiyi trangfered from the Pond to the River.* ........ WJ»o were that AMI pie who were trying to break into a Millinery store near the solemu hour of mid­ night? Echo answers....... .A crema­ tion lady writes sis a vary inquiring letter us follows; "Splinters:--What is yonr opinion concerning the disposi­ tion tit the d**t" Well, rwilly, we Aad'-not fof the .matter, bnt as far^SH^^b^ervatfon^oes* the chrttl apptar to fee ©fa very quiet dls* position!......v4£ 'fSmi fence Ijatla't had*;^iti|t:whaf #6ti!d ••fcave . result........ The Fox Mver Base' %ll Club has reorganized........The cor- yes|>ondent of the Democrat says If we won't say anything more about It be will give us a new shirt. All right, we didn't say "In God we trust." Nor that there was a bow on every corner! Nor--nor--nor--that it was trimmed with red braid! No, »lree! We'll dif first. Theref .For a fine stock of Millinery and Cloaks go to Mrs. Searles' Cool days, consequently Straw­ berry short cake is scarceV. She ^rokf the dipper over his t>«*d as he was backing out of the kitchen, and It is thought that he saw stars. At least he saw the constellation of the Little Dipper. Some of Mr citizens are still Courting at Woodstock........ Lots of Bod Morse on the bridge.... *.. .And--we haven't got auother word to say. Ws have received a new advertise­ ment for Lauer .ft Beeker, Mer­ chant Tailors, which will appear next week. In the meantime we would say to our readers that tlfey have just received a new stock ef Good* for the yon»»g Summer trade, which the buying pub­ lic will do well to examine. Their stock consists of Ready-lftade Ci#hing, Hats and Caps, ttents FurnlSht|)gOoods, and a full line of Cloths.-jilte* Coats, Panta, Vests or full Milts, whioh for quality, style or price cannot be sur­ passed in the county, fn making suits to order they guarantee a fit or no sale. Their cloths are all first class, and warranted just as represented.-- If in want of any thing In the clothing line do not fail to give them a oall.-- Look out for anew advertisement dext week.' A.' -,J: ' ..." - , „ iMu1 ' at Barb Wire^dway^#n baud IM* Smith's. 5.' UffZfla John Last week boug4tt of Pred Colllson, and four year old steers, fbr 0f 9m.- ¥n W'^was potiufcoraoavorsfe of im S good pnee lnCm«sgo,to which they wer^Nj^d. • Miss Carrie Potter, one of our most dkftfhUf*, wilt e from the Geneva Lake Female 8em- lnarvt .T«n« 12th proximo. The com- Meneement exercises are from 3 to 4 INfttek p. Mn of that day. Miss Potter for year^been a most devoted and dllllgent stUdint in this Institution and )wt Iti^i'is b» honored with Its diploma, as a reward of her merit. I wish Richmond had mora snch ladies as Miss Carrie Potter. I am sorry to aiinoance the deeth of the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Billet, which sad ev*nt occurred on Sunday last. The Doctor Informs me that its disease was "menlngo-cere* britis." I suppose that means inflam­ mation of the brain. It was a besutl- fid, bright little fellow, bnt neither the skill of the Doctor nor the anxious at­ tention of parents or friends could save it. The whole community sympathise with the bereaved family. May they be Comforted in the hope of a bleated re-union over the "Shining River." Preparations for the Decoration Day observances are going on well. The committees are thoroughly organized and an bard at work. I expect the singing wlli be more than usually fine, •! these veteran ftnffers, Ned Young, |l» Mead and Dr. Bennett have the matter la c*wge, and propose to call to tlieir aid|^ the singers in the vi­ cinity. Tbi|$t$r*i! Martial Band', .are expected t^M'g^sent, and the Rich­ mond High Sehoal Band have been in­ vited to play. Johu Vosburgh and Dr. Bennett are the Marshals, aud Wm. Griffith, of Wllmot, Alfred Wlloox. of Hebron and P. C. Stlre, of Richmond, the Orators. The Cemetery, under the beautifying hand of James L. Downing Sttfjflintendent of the Richmond Cem­ etery Association, Is now in better oon^ltkm tMn ever before. A large crowl will Intend the ceremonies should the day be fine. Aanosteujoyable affair, and a sno cessfni one, was the Strawberry and Ioe Cream Festival given by the ladies Qf the Baptist Church, in the High School room, last Saturday afternoin and evening. If had been In contem­ plation some time, and a later date had beeu agreed 011, but when they went to the 9ose<<e «iAce to lmve the mm*.- notice printed, behold, f!i© Iteth- odist Society had forestalled thein by appointing a £rIor tlate for their festi­ val, and had the notioe already in type. It was a perfectly fair stroke of business, ot course. Half dollars, quar^ ters and nlckles are alarmingly scarce, and the early bird catches the--small !"0 fbr the rarity "y . . ... f, JOf Christian cherttji3%£%' *" • '• Under the sun." '* if" " But the Baptist ladles seem to have studied tactics; hence their Saturday afternoon and evening festival--with another to follow at a future date. I have eaten Baptist strawberries and cream many and many a time, but never any sweeter than those of last Saturday -'evening. I hope nobody noticed 'bow much I did a at! The High School Bend dlscoiiiMc! «wcet •luusietfc? i!ia iccr^Un. s»d their playhig was vu« y fine. Aud this leads inc todo a little bragging over our « " ' HFEH SCHOOL BAND. " This Band has been organized and In fmtl*e«gky a short time, and already piiy rtnnftl%ably well. You are prond Of yi|p|k|kuid and I am proud of ours.-- im leitfrott the cigars for the crowd that oipllind can out-toot yonr Band any d^«ie decision to be left to a The Baad bave got the wind, have get ttie cigars. Betf I bad tbe pleasure of listening to a lively and Interesting debate iw the Re#XtiM|§»<?tsa# a tew, ,,n|gi^ since, upontbeqoestion as to whether in- temvernamo loeating or drinking, bad ||ne the most harm in the world.-- •flW Rev. P. C. Stlre selected tbe ques­ tion and appointed the disputants. As champions of the evils of if.temper-1 ance in drinking, he appointed himself, John Garver and Mrs.. Warner, and on the «^poiiite sMe 3Df. War<^,,Qf. W. Kldredge and John McConne|, tb4, first three all being pukdtc spe^li^ the last three not. On the night' appoint­ ed Eldredge and McConmfi failed to come to time, which left |be Dr. sin­ gle handed, with the *|&»jptlon of a few remark»J>y Mr. C6xt to lice bis row against tfcne ye<|»>an advocates of tbe te.mperaMll eaipo. The declsiou the question w|f to be left to a vote house. debate waxed war8P||^J"N^|irmer, with a good chance f^|p|tfJ'to be, as they say in war. "oveirlMiafefei' bK -Wiperlor num­ bers," till, IMte e^llaftnn^t the critical mpmeot.'Nr serve ferce, **Opiom was altimtter to «he never eaten opium, and how te handle so* long an v; 1 ^horn" as weQ as be did the otber lie^ m " • - So, remarl necessary the - - -• "C" "T'liWif i uqnlred whether fhfr be decided "on its mert) "weight of argument." his Superior forces, Mr* Stlre ed,'"weight of argument."® was taken and about two-thirds sus­ tained Dr. Ward. Not satisfied, a vote >weedNpnMied'e»,Abt-'iaiet)ie t#f the ^neatlon, which resulted In a like do* teis«ii» l»y',,nii - Inereesed' ̂ «ne)orlty. I nominate Dr. Ward for a Rniblan Gen- esttl ss4 |tr, Rtiw-f«r • '!>*••>* •»*l«ybothdoarrieB«H^ W* . _ Iby t be there to see. 7 ;• • ft' JUL.I..,,,' ... •••' 1 11 if-. I""*1' NUNDA^ Eorroa PLAIMOKAI-EB.---Nunda ex­ pects to have a Merchant Tailor form C h i c a g o , • / to tee a "bow mus- tache, Tl|lp|ll>0ver to tbe Fox River piwsofiger tfiitt awd get a yiew of Gee., EarHe, the Route Agent Any one noticing the larjpe nnmbef of passengere which flange cars at this point bound for Geneva Lake, would think It demanded another train for their accommodation. Where is our Ctscoette train f M. F. Ellsworth is a combination man. Lawyer, Edltor, Newsboy, walk­ ing Post Office combined, delivering H is National Legal Tender, not green­ backs, but a newspaper. I. M. Mallery has returned from Mlcb^ wbere be has been prospecting for a live town to locate in business, Sn#l a pbi||.^ fennd in Freemen, Barre Co., mulliM will move his ftm- lly *tfd open a Greorry Store, as seen as he can doee ent %ls stock in trade May succ^SS ftttend his e«Wts. < Williams' Meat l^i|t has been moved across the rop|ilid now occu­ pies tike ground between Kayo's store and tbe old livery stable. All tovers of flowers will be well paid to pats by am! view R. Phllp's gronndt aroqiildhls beauti#ot#eldence. Robert bifilpared neither pains not -labor to It the n»t*st attractive place in and be has fully accomplished bltitih. A Base Bal 1 Club W|ll be organized here this week. N4^j|p»ring towne may ...nnpeet te meet e strong team, this eeittiltt from Nunda. The napaes of thi flayers will appear in our next. Strolling around town we noticed a sign displayed from the front of a building which reads thut]|Sf, "Privet Bearding House." A favorite resort of a Sunday for tbe young folks, Is north of town soene half a mile. Among the most pictures­ que places are Lookout Point, Witches' Grotto, Violet Ilill and ButterGjtf) Dale, where may be seen dotting these several places, numbers of both sexes, in twos, threes and mora. A splendid place for the growth of love as well as vegetation. We think the IJarrevllle boy must have been mistaken or meant scandal when he reported a certain story about one of our young men's good reputa­ tion In the vicinity of Burton's Bridge. The said young man was absent at work, in the country, hut on returning found his name town talk, comet np boldly denies the charge and mere, proves It too. We think when the truth Is all told pertaining to such, things there is ito need for seandaieui reports." Kb. McMlllanlms re sas where he has (or a place to locate lt^ business. lie willehlf^ week. .Sb. t^,£, ij,waet Nitnda loses, *- 'good change. Quite an exel other day, Benthuysen MM bound fer Kansai^..^ . parties from dill!# •m .James1 Cattle But Jtape |||iio,Chas.Gri 17-380, Maria A. F. PAXSOHS. Th#fi for ill im,*iig!W» ^'Minaku L :#lfe)ss ac»m» ti now prepared to give Piano or Organ, either at call at residence of Reasonable. Good if destmfc, tl Lesss for extraebeige. V.VFTIB M we to Scarte* Han Zephfva, Tidy Petterns, Splints, Embossed salisbuta?'* , Collars «r Bla<* and Writing t. 6 School 1 Cheap, at JPor the largest and Ladtes Dress uoods, go Stevens. Forks, Hoes, Rakes, as the lowest, s& John M. Smil Depot.. 'Bnekll»AAMM|Mt#kave addltlcMM lo^wld niiwvsMw wer^ and at Reaper prices than i Mrs. S. 9o;\rles makes a Mourning Goodit Moutnit lianters tilt': .ran haveahii anrpassed in stoek and art tide an and byj tbe iam'ii tu3 Const aMe a car tars certain Jtttttien bad loaded a car in thf night, oeming here 011 the day freight to be tafeen from here en the Fox River Valley R. R.» but having to stay here four boars, a telegram" came here ordering the car stepped and the horse was taken on an Execution. Ijt was a fine looking bore# and the loftiest stepper we' htfve seen f'w taaoy a day. At presfpt the Pfrtlet are trying to atect a cismpro- •iilee. F. % Doran shipped a carload of very linl horses bound for St. Paul Mien. He •|ih* te#n of tbe Mfci boctes tblp tectlon jpifords ; an# «f«tes paid, be doabc he |i handsome profit from the intMtmei^ S Be<*|aj & Co. are bnlldSng them a lime bebi« which Is te be air tight and will hereafter keep a supply sec­ ond to none In the County. Those anti­ cipating building gomn themselves y. Wonders will never cease-Just tblnlc how zealously men. women and ehildifen bave worked for tbe past year In the cause of Temperance, succeeded in electing a Temperance Board and then having just returned to their quiet homes thinking they would not hj 4i.»iiKhnj hv the demoniac yells of drunken men for a year at least and then--what steps In to take the place of such a pest as intemperance f Wby a book agent. A real live book lives right, here in this T< jown. Who wpttld think oer Dads wo«|jd lic@ua*jmpb 9 ̂ BucK!a .^Stev2!is ^tiave- added their sto^ v W^l aelscted steck rtrpttlngs - Cheep f<>,> " " ur purohftMS foff iner, take a look e$; Stevon's ialrfe and will e#-:: !n defertmeuts. ..... ^11^0 jlgl ff>w tvedlremNew at Buck* ,'>s\ VFORS^tt. Ladies Lined ^loes reduced te It, former price fl.80, at Fitzsimesons Evaoson's. " a Dress made call on Mrs. Stocker, opposite Perry EOR SALE, for "let of iiist t a good ,over lin dfe Srnmm Boots », a full and ee«»iW|P#^t Selz as Cos. make, the best the market, at Bucklln g ¥UMPS. ' "• t A large Btook of Adams eeMm^edU : Kenoshia Punips. The ^st^peanC ' 1 at lowest prices, at B. M. QWMp. . PLANTERS I am Sole Agent for the Union, Keystone 1 which ( offer at lew Two Button shades at the pair, and Three per pair, at Bw " For Summer infantum tMgt reliable ss lM Syrup, it never relief, and I* Drn^^iete efcj Do not Miss Stec their tin's,.pre line of ehwit avvivo Farmers! FaeMM«^ yowr Uenea to Mrs. Do%e and to be found J, 51 , •i if < ^ ^ Ji rtqieut

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