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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 May 1878, p. 4

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IP- -»Ti vCT ' VlWfS. ' <-1 "'̂ ' -:> * . < mszm ' T f 9 W * C i ¥ ^ < * » » * > * * * • - - * \ * , r v r T « , - ^ > t * ^ c r . 4 ' " - x ^ s . * " " t u / r - - 1 . . ... . ,. . '• . ', . i'- "' . J- ""*•* . i.'r. ! . ™ . .. ', '•': . . ** . •«•,. .'., I .-. . l̂ . • • .. j*'. k '.i . . « . j.-J ̂ f *:-' ;S-.- si I'M *1... -. X"_" , ±> .'• A .. ̂ , ! , & » , ; •. '(, V. »Vj. enry P&uieilw. WEDNESDAY, MAY 29th, 1878. J, VAN SLYKK, Editor. "• i. »* J fBK POTTER KKSOIXTION. "'ssl •iWe hardly knew how to justly Char­ acterize the resolution recently iutro- duceri in the House of Representatives by C. N. Potter, calling for an investi­ gation of the Presidential elections in Florida and Louisiana. To merely say lh#« it is absurd is not enough. It is tmich luore than tliis. It is not only absurd but uncalled for, grossly parti­ san. and reallv criminal. ty i«N » be­ cause, as every impartial man kn6ws, it is utterly impossible to arHve at any true and accurate conclusion in re­ gard to the late Presidential election ill the two States mentioned. Un- dotiiiittuiy great frauds were wniiiiii- t*d there, but they were not confined lo one party alone. The Democratic party does uot happen to have a mo­ nopoly of all the virtue and Integrity there is in the South, nor the Republi­ can party of all the crime and iniquity. Wrong was done to each side and by both parties. Fraud, terrorism and blood nuirked more or less the elec­ tions in these two States, and both par­ ties were guilty of them. To charge them all upon one party is absurd, and t+ expect that because two or three suborned rascals have made what they call confessions, that all these crimes and villainies will now be brought to light and the whole truth and 'nothing but the truth will be made known, is the height of folly. We repeat that it la an impossibility ever to get at the real truths of this matter. The laby­ rinth of wrong done in some of the Southern States precludes any such re­ sult. and there is no Ariadne that cau furnish a thread that will lead to it. But if the resolutions were simply foolish and absurd we apprehend no evil consequences and rest content, but it is more than this. Its design is to unsettle the existing order of things, which was purchased at a terrible risk, and to convulse the country by renew­ ing the agitation of a subject that can­ not be satisfactorily settled to every­ body. We all know that President Hayes was accorded the office he holds by a vote of a large majority of both branches of Congress, and that one of these brandies was politically hostile to him. He holds his office by a title at perfect as that of George Washing­ ton, if not by one more so. It was given him in special but legal manner by a tribunal created for the precise purpose of deciding who was rightfully entitled to it, this tribunal being cre­ ated by both parties in Congress and bojtli, parties consenting to be bound by Its decision. If anything more were wanting to confirm his! title it could be^ found in the peculiar circumstances, and the unprecedented and alarming condition of the country at the time.-- That it is the title of Mr. Hayes to the Presidential chair that is aimed at by this resolution, is so plain "that he who runs may read.** If it is not this, what then is the purpose of the resolution? Is it paerely to create a capital upon which to enter the business of the ap­ proaching campaign ? If so, then this is almost as criminal as to attempt the subversion of the present state of af­ fairs, aud equally without justifica­ tion. Good and impartial men everywhere ' <1vlll con&etnn this re>«f>kitifvn, for ,f»s object and consequences •are unmistaka­ ble- It can posSi bly serve no ,good, end. s-attd<is<t.Ue;-efdi'e, unjustifiable aud in­ iquitous. The only tendency it will Itave will be to disturb the country and throw us into a vortex of excitement, unsettle our commercial values, and lengthen out the bard times with which we have been struggli ng so long. The men who have been instrumental 'in this senseless move, should be marked With the mark of Caiu, and ^hereafter spurned by all lovers of law anci order. The text of the resolution in ques­ tion can be found on the insides pages of this paper. COUNT* Al'FOKTIONM Kit T. As we promised last week, wo give some reasons and figures why the Ap­ portionment of delegates to the Re­ publican County Conventions should be readjusted. It has now been some time since an apportionment was made, and the change in the Vote of the different towns is much greater than one would suppose, and it requires but a glance to show the injustice that is being done under the present ar­ rangement. We are aware that it is usual to make this apportionment from t?ie last Pres­ idential vote, but can see no good rea­ son for this, unless it be to allow tricky or sorehead politicians to rule or ruin by slaughtering the regular nomi­ nees in every off year, unless they may have the say as to who such nominees shall be. Therefore we argue ihat the apportionment for the next County Convention should be made according to last Falls vote, and as Ceunty Clerk was the ittost prominent candidate, will take his vote as a standard, which will distribute the delegates as follows making the apportionment as one del­ egate for every ten votes or fraction thereof: , Riley 8 Marengo,,'..: 4 Dunham, ........ 8 Chemung, .IS Alden,... 8 Hartland, ti Seneca,......., ...... 7 Coral, 4 Grafton, 8 Dorr, .... 86 Greenwood, 7 Hebron, ..........13 Kit hmond... .,..*...12 litii'ton, V..'.... 4 Me Henry 18 Nunds,." 14 Algonqu in, lb We are aware that the "powers that be*1 will laugh at the above figures, but we will leave it to any right minded man if it is not jost aud right that a town that gives 72 Republican majority should not be entitled to more repre­ sentation in a Republican Convention than a town.that gives 141 Democratic majority. The representation as it now stands gives the preference to the latter town by a large majority. We therefore ask the Committee and the voters of the County to look this matter square, in the face, that in the future justice may be done. "Only this and nothing more.*' A TEKK111LE TORNADO. In the Elgin Daily New* of Friday last, we fiud the following particulars of the terrible storm, which passed near Barrington on 'Thursday after­ noon last. Yesterday afternoon a terrible whirl­ wind visited the region ten miles northeast of Elgin, in the locality of Barrington. The tornado first struck a house owned by William Brunes, a well-to-do and very respectable farmer The house was completely destroyed and Mrs. Bruues, who was inside the dwelling, was killed instantly, and two children playing in the yard were tak-A en up by the force of the wind, carricd eighteen rods in mid-air, and were then dashed to the ground, life having expired from their torn bodies. Brunes, barn was also destroyed, and the hired man was caught by the wind, lifted lip- and thrown heavily to the ground,M>ut fortunately he escaped .with only a broken leg. A horse which was stand­ ing in the barn was instantly killed, and several pigs and chickens were carried oft the distance. The wind storm then struck Lou Wortman's house and barn, but the family w«re not at home. The house and barn were only partial­ ly destroyed, but Wortman lost sever­ al head of cattle, swine, and 6ome chickens. A small house, inhabited by a German family, none of whom were at home at the time of the storm, waR lifted from the ground, thrown over, and ivjraa entirely demol­ ished. The crcps which were at -all ad­ vanced were laid low by the passing gale. Leaving the neighborhood of Barrington, the storm continued on in the direction of Palatine, but ere reaching there it was becalmed and lost its fury. On the same day the city of Min­ eral Point, Wis., was almost totally de­ stroyed, and many lives lost. The many-headed public, while sometimes inclined to be exacting, is yet quite indulgent towards its ser­ vants. A lenient feeling is cherished towards Congress. As a body, it has passed the limits of healthy contempt. But almost everybody in the country bas a friend who is a member of that body, or knows some family who labor under the affliction of being connected with a member, and the consequeace Is that the country puts up with the folly and wortlilessness that Is exhibi­ ted. As a body, it has brought the art of not doing those thing« that ought to be done, ai)d of doing those things that ought not to be done, to perfec­ tion. 41 Road Maker," which seeuis to be do­ ing wonders iu the improvement of streets. j,.,;.'. H. W. North has on exhibition a Stump Puller, concerning which we hear much in its praise from those who have seen it work. Woolsey Knapp came very near lay­ ing aside his life of bachelorhood, not by marrying but by a run-away and severe bruising, but, he was seen on our streets Saturday, so we conclude his injuries were not as bad as first re­ ported. Old Settler's R«-tJni6ft at Wood­ stock, June 13th. Don't forget the time. " Come one, come all.'* Jo, says not less than twenty thousand are com­ ing. Rambler pitches into Ignis Fatuus for saying Rambler writes nasty things fot- the Democrat*. Our city was honored by the'presence of "Judge " McLean, That Red Rib­ bon Suit becomes hiin. REPORT OF THE C O I TX OW --OF-- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, Woodstock, -AT- Close of Business May I, '78: JtKSOl'UCKS Loans and Discounts, ' Overdrafts, U. S. Bonds to secure circulation.. U.S. Bonds on hand In suspense Due from approved Reserve Agt*. Due from other National Banks, currency Due from other Xational Banks, - gold . Real estate, furniture and fixtures Checks and other Cash Items Bills of other National Bank#, Fract'l currency, (Includ'g nickels) Specie, (including gold "Treasury Certificates.) Legal Tender Notes, Redemption Fund with U.S. Trea#- uwr (6 per cent, ot circulation) T.TARILITI'SS Capital Stock paid in Surplus Fund Undivided profits ...u.wi»' National Bank notes Outstanding. Individual Deposits subject to check Total STATE OF ILLINOIS, 148,255.59 1.14H.74 80,000.00 • 1,100.00 S,476.(!5 ' 2,980.35 179.60 8,028.97 4,200.00 94 56 - 10,531.00 '24.98 907.75 15,000.00 2,250.00 tSt42.l78.19 80,000.00 87,0*3.37 20.50 45,000.00 90,074.32 jjjs42.178.19 >SS County of McHenry I, JOHN J. MURPHY, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. - JOHN J. MURPHY, Oashiei. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of May, 1878 C. H. DONNELLY, N. P. Coisniwr--Attest: FKEKMAN W. WHITING, ) W. 1L STEWART, > Directors. E. A. MURIHY, I House and Lots for Sale. rj^HE undersigned offers for sale his house and two lots, situated in the village ol' McIIenrv. There is a good house, barn, a good well of water, cistern, a fine orchard, all kinds of small fruit, and in short is a very de­ sirable place. Will be sold 011 reasonable terms if applied for soon. Appiy to J. S. BI$ES. > McHenry, III., May 28th, 1378. jf, ^ , ' I I • > • |C--Xmm S5?*uXow. then, ptate your case,** said a Detroit lawyer the ether day as lie put a 95 bill away in his vest pocket. ;*Welir begah his client, "suppose the qjari living next door wants to put ""StaiSn • l»»n « * my line, eoniing within two feet of nay house ?"" !**He can't do it, sir--can't do any such tiling,'" replied the lawyer. "But I Want to put my barn right up against Ills line," remarked the cliertt. **Oh! Jh--yen, I see.. Well, sir« go ahead and |Hit your ha^n there. All the lav in >4be eme Is en yeur ride." WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:-- In common parlance, "The niggers* nest" Is brok­ en. Jim, alias James Kirkland, turned out to be a regular " professional *' burglar. II he is to be* believed, he with the aid of the Watsons have com­ mitted all or nearly all the burglaries, and thefts our community has justly complained of during the Winter and Spring. He has been indicted for en­ tering Mr. Hay's Store, plead guilty and been sentenced for three years, Whether other indictments stand against him or not, we are not in­ formed. Two boys were discovered in Mrs. Shanley's house yesterday whose names, though known, must find way to the public through some other source than us. The " new departure '* in regard to parental government is yielding fruit, not the most paletable for some people. We do net believe In brutality in parental or school govern­ ment, but we do believe in discipline. We do believe that " The vye that mocketh at its father, and s&mieth to obey its mother, the ravens of the val ley shall eat it.*' Or te apply the figure, the young man or young woman who disregards parental wishes and discipline in attempting to guide thejn through the " slippery paths of youth," in these days of vice, stands nine hundred and ninty-nine chances to come to grief sooner or later, of passing through life with honor and prosperity. Our city fathers have purchased a The McHenry MEAT MARKET. Having newly Re-Fainted and fitte<f lip our Shop, we are no\V prepared to furi^ish our customers with Fresh and Salt Meats OF ALL KINDS, Sausage, Smoked Meats. &c., AT THE Lowest Living Prices. We buy none but the best of Meats, and having served our time in one of the best M-irkets in Chicago, flatter ourselves that we can offer our customers Meats in better shape than any other Shop in this section. Thankful for past favors we solicit a con­ tinuance of the snme, and we will guarantee to satisfy you both in quality and price. VOflmr, Frett «St ^oxa. 111., May 20th, 1878. 1878. 1878. LAUER & SICKER, CASH! CASH jfftf (>,M1 \l W.-h' i'>1 •f W.*/ ,ir#v • Jti BUCKLIN ";?•> /rJ? , • -'-.ttf/i '• * -< ->f" nu .i* i: . 4',n K - „ A ' y * * .m ,< iscy Near the Depot MCHENRY, - ILLINOIS. An entire New Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHIJfG, Hats, Caps, lurn- ishing Goods, Ac., Ac. Which are being sold at a .Less Price than ever before offered in this vi. cinity. Good business suits made to order, at Prices as Low as the Lowest. Cutting done at reduced rates. We take pleasure in showing ourgoodsand earnestly invite an examination of our stock. Weguajan- tee each article as rep- resented. Our Spring and Sum- mcr Stock was bought with especial reference to the wants of our cus­ tomers. aud We Will Not Be Undersold* Give as a Call. LAUER & tfECKER* McHenry. III., May fflth. IBrt. Are now pre­ pared with, a full and com­ plete Stock for the Spring and Summer Trade, and at extremely Low Prices for Cash.. All are in­ vited to call, inspect Goods and Prices be­ fore purchas­ ing, whether you wish to buy or hot. No trouble to show Goods. ORA C. "COLBY. »• ^ Y$- HENRY Look Here! Do you want a First Class TOP BUGQT CJHISAP. If so(call at the^Warehouse, of ^ E. M. OWEN, And he will sell you one, giving you a written Warrantee, cheap­ er than ever offered in this sec­ tion. This is no humbug, as he has just received a Car Load, and is bound to sell them. Call and examine them. ^ F. G. MAYES, -AND DEALER IS-- Having p»irthaj*ed the entire stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Skc.i^t Smith, Aldrich & Hay thorn, have removed to the Store in Riverside Block, where they are now prepared to meet their "iistnmprs «,n«1 the public generally with a large and well selected stock of- - *' •i;: ':r'- Dry Goods, Groceries, READY-MADE CLOTH INC, and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Crockery, Glass-Ware, Acc., See trmM Beady-Hade Clothing. Invites the public to an in­ spection of his newly purchased Stock. Prices to suit the times and Goods warranted as repre­ sented. Cutting Done as Usual. Store One Dodt North of Colby's Drug Store McHenry, 111., April 1Mb, 1878. Which they will sell for Cash or Ready-Pay as cheap as any other House 111 the County. Our Goods are all fresh and have been bought with especial reference to the wants of the people of this community, and we f WILL, NOT BE U7V13EH SOLD, We also keep-our usual stock of Dus, Melius, Fits, Oils, k, And as heretofore, will spare no pains to please out customers In this line. $T J^hysicians Prescriptions Compounded in a-careful manner and, by none but experienced hands. Thankful for past favors, we solicit, and hope to merit a continu­ ance of the same. COLBY" BROS. McHen]*y, III., May 7th, 1878. C. F. HALL'S Spring Announcement --FROM THE-- There's Money in it for You. ONE PRICE ONLY I CASH ONLY ! Goods at Unheal^ of LOW PKICES. Quality the Best and everything as repre­ sented or Money Refunded. ' DO YOU BtTY AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES? Rest Prints, f Best Printy, Coats* Cotton, Good Corse ts, No. 1 T'.laok Alaunca All wool CaslimcTe--Kxtra Table I.inen, Ladies Hose, Gents Hose, *. Ladies Black Ties--beat,. Wo'# shoes--cloth ft button 1 Misses Shoes--11 to 2 1 Good Boots, 1 05'Boys Pants--Good, 1001 OHj Boys Vests--Good, 501 05! Boys Coati, ; 1 00; IWjMena SuitM, 8 00 25! Mens Suits--Good,.$3 75 to 7 00) (>5i< tveralls, leather trimmed, KOi :r>;io ibs A. s«g-'R .... L oo. 0(! 11 No.' 1 Haisins, 1 00 Wi;U fl>s No. 1 Currents 1 00 25;l51bs Dried Apples, 1 001 00 11 1t>g Kent Dried Apples,.. 1 00 00 IS lbs Best Haifa Peaches,. ' 00 75|7 lbs Choice Pared " 100| 12 lbs Rice No. 1 Baking Powdar. 3 1bs Tea 4 lb» Tea Japan Tea,... Uest Y<iun>r Hyson Ten.... Best Y. H. & Jap. for price. Axle Greese, Stove Polish, Fine Out Tobacco, Stove Polish, Tack*, Choice Syrup 5 lbs Ground Coffee, 1 00 100 70 K> SO Oft 65 I sell cheaper tban my neighbors because I buy cheaper, and say to any one coming to buy of me, you will be more than satisfied. In Clothing, Boots and Shoes and General Merchandise, my stock it three times what it has been in former years. My Bankrupt stock «of Clothing is now being sold at less rates than other dealers can buy. Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises at much below regular Slices. Am weekly in the market, buy for cash for two stores, and o secure bargains which I more tban divide with my customers.-- Our interests are mutual, and my constant-aim will be to sell you goods at such prices as will convince you that I am selling General Merchandise cheaper than any store in the Northwest. Come and see me and I will do you good, and in this way yon can make money easier than you can earn it. C. F. HALL, Chicago Office, RICHMOND, III. 122 FRANKLIN STKEKT. C. P. HAUL DUNDEK, III. Our Spi id Slier Ml Will not be excelled, either in quality of Goods or Low Prices, by any in this or adj oining Counties * Cash or Ready-Pay and One Price is our motto P. D. SMITH. Near the Depot, McHenry I .A'-rCslI, J

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