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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 May 1878, p. 5

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, - f ' s* % . * «• f muam *v, ,.«• £• '>>> '*• >'*v ^ejewy pitiiletler WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 th, 1878. t- -li-? Railroad Time Table. GOING SOUTH. - Lake Passenger .....*,...7:45 A. *. «k»«™ Lake Freight. .. .1:15 r. •. GOING >ORW. Bew»»* Lake Freight 10:00 A. M. fkmuva Lake Pswenier 7:02r. m. M ANOXIC. KOHKWKT CHAPTER NO. H R. A- Jf.--Rem- r Convocations held on the second and ,...A ^a^th Fridays in each month. T'- HBKKT COLBY H. P. " ... Pm,MKl AM.RW Sec.. RED RIBBON CLUB, lar Meetings every Thursdav evening, Universalist church, at 8 o'clock. ^ J. M. MCOMBKK, President. II-JA. P. PAMOSS, Secretary.' :M ' OLD SETTLERS. The Executive Committee, Vice president sud Treasurer of the Old Settlers Association, who reside in the town of McHenry, and all others who Are interested in the coming meeting are requested to meet at tl»« PLAIN- DEALKR office on Friday evening next, the 31st, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of making the necessary arrangements for attending the Re-Union on the 13th •f June* It Is hoped that all will turn Hilt and aid in making a thorough or­ ganization lor that day. PER ORDER. THE Public School will close for the Summer vacation, oil Friday of this week. READ the new advertisement of Lauer & Becker, to be found in another place in this paper. A large assortment of Zephyrs, just received at Mrs. Salisbury's, next door to Mrs. Searles', McHenry. JUSTICES Blanks of all klndseonstant- ly on hand at this office. & Orders by mall promptly attended to. GOOD Photographs at Perkins' Gal­ lery, over Perry & Martin's sj;orc, for #2.60 per dozen. A good picture guar­ anteed. ~ WE would direct the attention of Otir readers to the Statement of the First Rational Balik, Woodstock, to be found in another column. WE learn that the " Stars," the juve­ nile Base Ball Club of this village, are to play a match game with a Club from Woodstock, on Saturday next. MRS. DODGE and Miss Stocker have oil the latest Patterns for Dress and Cloaks to be found in the city. Rooms opposite Perry & Martin's. RED HORSE Ashing is still at its height, and so many have been caught t|i the last few days that they cannot liardly be given away. The bridge is fairly covered with them all the time. - THE Steamboat Excursion on Sun-, day last was quite well attended, and although they got caught in a shower, all seemed to enjoy themselves well. They returned about six o'clock. THE White Ribbon Club of McHenry will meet at the Uuiversalist Church, on Saturday afternoon next, at3 o'clock sharp. All members are requested to attend as business of importance will eome before the Club. LOST, in this village on Friday last, a bob-tail, crop-eared Terrier Dog.-- Auy person returning said Dog to the •tore of Colby Bros., McHenry. or giv­ ing information where he may be found will be suitably rewarded. ON Friday evening hist ;the following persons were elected officers of the Good Templars Dramatic Society: Frank Schnorr, Manager; 8. D. Bald­ win, Assistant Manager and Miss Smut Gregory, Treasurer. ROBT. PATTERSON, Baker, of Wood­ stock, is now visiting this village regu­ larly every Tuesday and Friday, and will supply our citizens with Bread, Pies, Cakes, <fcc., of the best quality and at reasonable prices. IT is' all well enough to talk about economy, but J;he difficulty is to get anythiug to economize. The little baby who puts its toes In its mouth is almost the only person who in these hard times manages to make both ends meet. IN this everchanging climate it isn't best to be in a hurry about changing your flannels. Weather prophets are ?ery unreliable, and about the safest plan Is to take them eft oii the evening -y>f the third day of July and put them on again early next morning. WE would call the attention of our . readers to the change in the advertise­ ment of O. Bishop this week. He keeps his supply of machinery adapted to the season, and there is nothing a farmer needs but what can be found at his Warehouse.. THE special meeting of the McHenry County Teacher's Association, to be held at Nuuda, Saturday, June 1st, as per notice in this weeks issue of the eounty papers, will probably be the last for the season, and it is hoped that as many teachers as can will be pres- sent. ' JOHN BLATMAN, 6tep-son of George Schreiner, met with a severe and pain­ ful accident at the Ice House on Mon­ day last. While helping to load Ice the book caught in his foot, making an *SKly and painful wound. Quite a num­ ber have been injured at- this place lately In the same manner. WE would call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of House and Lots for Sale by J. S. Hines. It Is a very desirable piece of property aud will be sold on reasonable terms. A TELEPHONE has been constructed between the stores of P. D. Smith and Bucklin & Stevens, by^fretelling a wire across the street and attaching^ to each end a Cigar Box. We saw it on Friday but they said it did not work well, but we presume that by this time It is all right. J. C. CLEMENS had the misfortune to bruise his hand in a very severe man­ ner while loading lumber at Smith & Snyder's Yard on Friday last. It was caught between two heavy timbers aud thfe flesh raked from the bone from the wrist down. Fortunately no bones were broken. OF all the thirty-eight thousand post offices in the United States, that of Texas, Lycoming County, Penn.. was the smallest, the entire salary, fees and embezzlements, derived bv the postmaster amounting to forty-five cents. The office has been discon­ tinued. A woman says very few men have the slightest idea how to hold a baby. And we don't suppose one man in a hundred has the slightest desire to hold one. If it Is a female baby he is willing to hold it after it reaches the age of seventeen years, we'vt been tola. The best way to hold one under six months is to hold yourself aloof from it. THE business man who tries to do correspondence without letter-heads, or who undertakes to make collections without using printed statements or bill-heads, always reminds us of the old fellow who used to ride in a top buggy without a dash-board. It was plain to everybody else that there was some­ thing lacking, but he thought he got around in just as good style as the rest of them. UBDTT" WALKER is now the sole proprietor of the Walker House, Har­ vard, having bought out the interest of his father in the same. That the Wal­ ker House is one of the best Hotels in the Northwest. all who ever stopped there are ready to testify. -'Butt" is it born landlord, aud will leave nothing undone that will tend to promote the comfort of his guests, success to the Walker House under its new manage­ ment «ay we. COL. AVERY, the Chief Marshal for McHenry County, of the Old Settlors Meeting, has appointed the following Assistants: Algonquin, Lieut. C. F. Dike; Grafton, Jehu Costigan; Nundn, Col. A. II. Palmer; Coral, John Eddy; McHenry, George Hanley; Seneca. A. F. Martin; Richmond, J. C. Smith; Ilartland. P. Cooney; Hebron. George Hunt; Alden, Samuel Cutter; Green­ wood, John Barber; Chemung, Ed. Ayer; Dorr, Mac. Church; E. E.Thom­ as; Dunham. O. S. Diggins. The Col­ onel hopes that all of his appointments will accept, take hold of the matter energetically,, and bring in as large delegations as possible. THE Fox River Base Ball C! ib is now thoroughly reorganized and ready for business. They have been out once or twice for practice stud make a good showing, and prove that they have not forgotten how to "toss the Ball" to good advantage. We hope to be, able to report a match game before long.-- The following is the names of the Nine and their positions; O. Iff. Owen, Cap­ tain and First Base; J. Thurhvell, Catcher; J. A. Going. Pitcher; H, Duggi ner, Secfmd Base ; A. Qstrander, Third Bas&; F. Van Slyke,Short Stop; C. A. Walsh, Left Field; G. Owen Center Field; A.Revoir, Right Field; C. P. Waite and J. McCann, Substi­ tutes. All communications and Chal­ lenges, should be addressed to A. F. Parsons, Manager. LA1K DAIRY MAKKKT8. BOSTON, May 27th, 1878. Butter remains the same. The bet- ter grades are in steady demand. The sales have beeu at 12c. to 23c. for fair and very choice. Cheese 6c to 11c for common to prime. N EW YORK, May 27th, 1878. Cheese gone down one cent, and pros­ pect for a further decline. The top price is 10}c. A year ago it was 15o.-- The outlook on butter is a little bet­ ter. The Price Current says: State butter is ruling fairly steady. Receipts have been little beyond the wants of the trade at the prices. Ex­ porters have taken the surplus of cream­ ery about as fast as it has accumulated. Of dairy butter the only kinds which stick to the stores are the white and mixed packages, which receivers have not always the nerve to put as low in price as tliev must be to find sale. The bulk of the late receipts are grass but­ ter. not always full grass, but strongly marked that way, and this is a remark­ able occurrence for the middle of May. The full grass choice tubs are in good demand, and when selected out of in­ voices occasionally exceed our quota­ tion in small lots. They are needed to some extent to repack into firkins or to use in place of them for shipment to other home markets. There has been a good call for firkins and they are scarce, the few arriving have generally sold at 22c. when yellow.and choice.-- Welsh tiihs are in coinplrstivf!" !ig!it receipt aud desirable lots have a goad demand. There Is an increasing sup­ ply of fine western butter which com­ petes with State, not only of creamery but dairy, and as the supply of this must increase, the prospect of any ma­ terial advance in State butter see.ns quite remote. One consolation the dairymen can take, and that is that the low prices can hardly fail to work se­ rious injury to the eleomargarinc bus- iuess. NUNDA EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--The Dicl- ple Church Is so near completed that they haye Sunday schools there each Sunday. Hext Lord's day Elder Col­ lins will preach therein. There will be a matched game of Base Ball here on Saturday, June 1st, between the .Dublin's and Nunda's.-- As this will be the first game for the Nunda's they may lose, but come up boys and we will use you in a gentle­ manly manner. A lady in this town has a young ca­ nary and expecting it to be a good "hooper" named it Sitting Bull, but at present writing the pesky thing has layed three eggs and she now appeals to the Editor of the PLAIXDEALEB to rename the mean little thing.- It was ascertained by a survey last Saturday that Wm. McDonald's buil'1. lugs stood some three feet on rail-road land, he being ignorant of fact until then, having received his deed from the Gates family. Dr. Ballon bought of McDonald the aimer of his lot where he will build a brick block large enough for two stores. F. J. Wheaton has the contract for the mason work which he will begin this week. Delos Cldw has completed a large sail boat to be launched this week on Crystal Lake. It will be used for pleasure rides and dances. When on deck two sets can dance with ease.-- You will hear more about it after we have taken a ride upon the same. There was shipped to this place last week a monument to be erected over the remains of S. S, Gates, which weighed 17 tons and stands 23 feet high with a base 8 feet square. It is of the finest Italian marble and makes the other monuments look like small' aflairs. The Chicago Cheap Cash Store has left bag and baggage for Lodl Wis.-- We th!nk they did not get rich here but the members were gentlemen as far as any thing we know Nunda has a surplus of stores here now aud trav­ eling ones must not expect much trade as the pet pie do not like to have their money taken out of town and so patronize home trade. Jerry Quintan's house lias new blinds which were furnished by Darby & Sheldon. Also Mrs Kelly's which improrts them very much. Now is the time to furnish yuor house with blinds as they are cheaper than ever. A sudden squall of wind aud rain passed through this section Sunday last and to a looker on it was amusing to see the young people get from the wood*, the young men dividing their attention between their hats and the lady's. The lady's hat under the gents coat, gents arm arouud the lady, we suppose to hold .her shawl on. lady's hair flying in the breeze and nil mak­ ing through the wi:|d and rain on dou­ ble quick. It was a damper but we hope not on the love. UNION. EDITOR PLAIXDKALEII: -- Mrs. Ash. man, of this place, was recently pros­ trated by a stroke of paralysis aud is now lying in a very critical condition. All hope of her entire recovery is abandoned. Her physician thinks how- ever that with good care she may live some time yet. Mrs. Elizabeth Smalldridgr. of Har­ mony, mother of T. G. Smalldridge. of the firm of Dean & Smalldridge, died on Tuesday, the 16th, bflng 83 years of age. Being an exemplary Christian woman she leaves hosts ol friends who mourn her loss, and sympathize with tlie- relatlvcs in their sad bereavement. There is to <be a (literary society organized in this place for the benefit of old and young alike. The name of the same is to be, The Union Conversa­ tional Societj'. Marengo has a big sensation in the form of a seduction case, the victim being the daughter of a prominent Minister of that place, and the seducer being the son of a prominent business man. A warrant has been issued for the arrest of the young man, but lie can not be found. Excitement runs high. Miss Kitti* Houston, of this place, is at present acting Agent of the C. & N. W/R. R. at Huntley during the ab­ sence of F. L. Parsons, the regular Agent, who is now visiting in the East. Fred Kiltz, wagon maker, has torn down his old shop and has erected on the site thereof, a new and spacious building for the better accommodation of his large and increasing business. The commissioners have not yet given their decision concerning the street in controversy, but Dan Green may be found in John's shop quoting law on the matter at any time. Dan says he has never been beaEeu in a law suit. You are not to old yet Dan. MARK. MoHenrjr County Teachers' Association. Pursuant to request of several mem­ bers, a special meeting of the McHenry County Teachers' Association is here­ by called to be held at Nunda, on Sat­ urday, June 1st. ]«7S. As this will be the last meeting of the Association until October, a full attendance of members and all others interested in the cause of education is desired. A. W. YOUNG, President. Kiclimoiid Department. Sunday morning Jud. Shermsn found one of his horses dead In the stall. Dennis Haldeman lost $49 from his pocket a few days since and has not found it yet. The citizens of Richmond are to buy the High School Cornet Band uulform Caps all round. ? ^ They say George El dredge makes it' lively for the other fellows on the Vil­ lage Board. Stir'em up, George. The late polemic defeat of Stlre Pasha by Gen. Ward Is said to have led to au estrangement between those two eminent leaders. Preparations for Decoration Day afe getting on bravely. I expect one of the most imposing demonstrations ever »eeen in Richmond. The debate before the Red Ribbon Club didn't come off last Friday night, as advertised. The R. R.'s may as well get a tombstone ready. Rob Johonnett has got up a new sign on his Blackrmith shop. It is the work of F. C. Whitcomb, and is a credit to that artist. He will do you a good job any time. Geo. Eldredge is elected Drum Ma­ jor of the High School Cornet Baud.-- That is a good selection. If George don't keep the boys up to time, nobody can. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! Mrs. S. Searles is now offering De­ cided Bargains in Cloaks and Mantles in Silk, English Diagouals and Mute- lasses, Cashmere, Ac. John Haldemati'* dog bit Mrs. Halde­ man. John attempted to take the dog to the creek to drown It, when the vicious brute seized hi in by the wrist and mangled it terribly. He fainted three times from pain and fright and had to be carried home. Harm Cole aud Squire McConnel were going to Woodstock when the Squire fell out ot the buggy into a convenient aud soft mud puddle. Scrambling up unhurt, and attempting to get into the buggy again, "See here." said Harm, "you have got to eitner take off that Red Ribbon or else agree to stay in the buggy." The Squire agreed.-- Was Hartn unreasonable? Has a man a right to move his car­ riage barn anywhere he has a mind to. provided lie keeps it on his own land? That is what John Besteder wants to know. He would like to know, also, if his christian neighbors have a right to threaten to burn him out. Hold on, brother! If John's dog barks at a trespassing cow, should said dog be poisoned? Keep pleuty of eggs iu the cellar, John. Thej"re an antidote. 1 am sorry to hear that some fellows don't like the style of your Richmond correspondent. I am sorr}*, for if they begin to squirm now I don't know wftet they will do before I get through with them. Before the year is through I expect to have their jackets so full of holes that they will look like a Rich­ mond Rifle Team's Target. It's a sad duty I have to perform, but I shall try to take my regular meals and not lose mere sleep tliau necessary to do my whole duty. The Rev. Mr. Cox. father of Dentist Cox. has rented the brick house owned by Lewis Hatch, and will soon move in. I hope for his sake, that lie does not come to Richmond expecting to make a living out of his profession, for he will find poor picking. We have got ministers enough, the Lord knows, and what we have are a nuisance to us. It is a great burden on the people to sup­ port these worse than useless non-pro­ ducers. Let them take an axe orspade and cam an honest living. A late notice in tta» Oasette of the Concert and Exhibition given by the children of the "Temp^/' is loud in praise of Mrs. W arner antKMiss Gray, but hasn't a word to say in praise of the children. The omission was wrong. The children did splendidly, and ought to have their share of the credit. "S." was signed to the article, from which I suppose Stire Pasha wrote it. He seems to think that Richmond would relapse into idiocy were it not for his gigantic Intellect, and Into barbarism were It not for his excellent morals.-- Bah! The Methodist festival was a fizzle for want of patronage. The ladles did their part nobly, but the guests didu't come. The fact is. the wicked out­ siders have got tired of paying out their money to an institution with which they have no sympathy, just to save so many dollars to the pockets of the membership. Let those who want to indulge in the luxury of a church, pay for it. They don't expect to fel­ lowship with sinners in Heaven, and have no business to ask money of siu- ners to support a church whose doc­ trines send them to hell sure. When George Eldredge was circula­ ting the subscription to raise money to buy the Caps for the High School Cornet Baud, he called on Jim Down­ ing. "I'll patronize that Band," said Mr. Downing, "when it isn't run by thecliqu6that" He is the only business man in\own called on, except Milan Hicks, who did not give something towards the caps.-- The Band will remember James and Milan gratefully. Butastothe clique business, it may be of interest to Mr. Downing to know that the Band stands on its own bottom, and Is run by no Clique, especially a Methodist one. Our Village Board last year amount­ ed to "as near uothlng as you could stick your finger in your eye.n In the opinion of the people a set of bass- wood men would have done full as much for the villxge. This year we have elected pretty near the same set. The new Board felt a? Ifthey must do something, or die of inanition! Their first move was, with characteristic stupidity, to arrange for the publish­ ing of all the old Ordinances in the Gazette. If they felt It necessary to place those Ordinances before the peo­ ple, they ought to have got them out In the form of a pamphlet and distrib­ uted them among the voters. There would have been some sense iu that. [From the following "poem" we suspect that somebody we had sum*>seti dead has cetne to life.]--Ed. KKSURKKCTKl). My Dear Old Friend Van, I, am feeling so line, These beautiful <l.-«y«_ | m»*t »!rc;: yoss a iiae, I have been so lazy", is the reason w'liy I wrote not before", Hint too, 1 was dry, I »c<* that my neighbor has taken the quill, And 1 am too jealott? you know to keep still; St I miut re la i e to yoii, if I have room, ow welcome the PLAINOEALEB is to onr home, And in the streets here, it i« much the same,. E'en some of our ladies, put it jn a frame; JVo copies of it are allowed to decay Or blotv around town in the usual way, Xo tires are kindled with PLAINUSA1.KRS here, Because of respect, and perhaps too for fetvr. 1 believe they will sell like hot cakes if vou try. Jnst send «p a lot and see how we bny. Ado 'tor prjii ri^ed one, of late, 1 am told, A dose tor a patient who was very cold, The way he warmed up then and began to grin Would Just make you laugh air, and that without gin. There is one little thing I must tell yon about-- Pitt this in your paper, if all else is left out-- Our own Dear Gazette ie sick unto death, These line summer days she can scarce draw her breath, Sorno little time past she hat been, like some -girls, Coquetting \vit!» boys, and shaking her curls, And hearing soft words from Old Tom. Dick, and Harrv Until she just thought that she was a real fairy. Her Pa at first, spanked her and sent her to bed, But none of that treatment could settle her bead, She kept on her flirting and ^frisking about, Till her l'tlptt dropped her and now she is out. The coxcombs who told her how nice it would be To shove old Pap off, and breathe the air free, Havn't got stamps enough to buy her clothes And what will betal her now, "Lord only knows." Some brain* are quite useful to printers I think As well as to Devils who spread on the ink; The boys who llirted and nattered this lass Will soon 'puss her by like the rust of her class. And girls who from parents are thus led astray. Sure sooner or later will repent the dar. In schools of experience, tuition is dear Fools learn in no other, l'fu* truth is most clear, When these "soiled doves" gejt their senses again, They see their great error with sadness and shiinie And think witli regret midst their downward career, Of Pip who begat them, and onee held them dear. Yon said in your paper not manr weeks since, If 1 should not write to you for some days hence, Vou would give me over without any help To Green Eyed ttevolver, who wanted my scalp, But that would lie meanness to break your old vow, The top of iny he;id Is so nearly bald now. Now these are the facts which tuay seem to you strange. Since then I believe "I hare met with a change," I've belonged for some time to the M. £. Church here, And brothers and sisters hare all held rae dear; But down in my heart I have known fkr too well That Joining the church will not keep me from Hell. I am the "dead dog" that our pastor so spurned, Was too Unit lily dead to e'en be inurned. (What would that man say if he knew what I paid Toward his daily comforts, and bis daily bread? If he knew that I went to his church each Lord's dt»y, Heard him preuefh, heard him sing, and his efforts to pray.) But as I was saying my mind turned within, And If I must own It, I found naught but sin; The life I have lived for some little time past All came up before mc, while I stood aghast; 1 made up my mind that to live in this way 1 wanted no longer--not even a day, I'd go to the sc(«/;/cr, and own up my name, And tell him the whole of my nice little game,' If he out with his shooter, aud threatened to kill, I'd be quite composed and say, "Do your will," For then this cold ^voi'ld and its troubles would cease, My neighbors and I wonld at last be at peace. So soou as my mind aud all things would per­ mit I went to his shop, said, "Let's talk a bit, You kuow, My Dear Sir, that I am your broth­ er, That is: tlutt your wife was brought up by my mother, Although with much shame I admit to you now I have not dealt with you as a man ought to do; To cover my ineannesa, the lies I have told I've laid on to you, and done it so bold That people believe me, ol course before you, Though 1 tell the ' lies and what you say is true; The scandal I told you of--some one--you know, I knew you would retail as you always do, Aud if you should tell them that I told you so, Then 1 could deny it and lay it on yon." " What was it", you ask, "that made mode* sire, To bring that man down to so filthy a mire?" " Misery loves company," an old Bay ing true I've found it in my case a fact. Hav n't you? Then that hired girl--don't ask me tbe rest. That scandalous story still wrankles iny breast, I thought could I startabout him some such yarn, It would ito. me much good as well as hi: harm, For while they were talking of him with such zest, They would let me and the Mred girl rest. I started the story and laid it on you, Though that was a lie, what I now say is true." , So you see Brother Van, we have made that all square And a week tram if I have time to spare, I will write you again. But lest you might think The change that I met was too great, lets go Urink; If any should ask who I am, whence I came, Ueter them to me, for 1 sign my true name. A. O. C. Business Notices. . School Books and Writing Paper Cheap, at O. W. Owen's. f Barb Wire always on hand Ot Johiii M, Smith's. ' M MUSIC LESIONS. Miss INsttle McOmber. Is now prepared to give Lessons on Piano or Organ, either at home or will call at residence of Pupils. Terms Reasonable. Good References giyen if desired. 25 Lessens will be given for a Term. Where jfuidls come to me I will furnish Piano or Orgau without For the largest and beat stock of Ladies Drest* Goods, Ko to Buckliu A Stevens. Forks, Hoes, Rakes, ftc., as low as 'Ji the lowest, at John M. Smith's near Depot. Bucklin & Stevens, have made large I additions to their t»tock of Clothing, aud at cheaper prices than ever. - j Mrs. S. Searles makes a specialty in Mourning Goods: Mouruiug work doue on short notice. .: I Don't buy Planters till you see stock. They all have a higli character rl aud are uot surpassed in the market, i' W E. 41. UWIS. -• , ̂ • v r -:'V; FOR SALE. v Blood Durham Tear»in^ Bull Calls, lit for use. J. FLUSKY. Ladies Lined Shoes reduced to 91, f former price 9i.&0* at Fitzeimmons A Evanson's. A uew stock of Table and Pocket Cutlery, just received at John M. Smith'*, near the Depot, cheap for cash. IF you warn a Dress made in the latest style, call on Mrs. Dodge and M iss Stocker, opposite Perry a Mar- t iu's. t Go to Mrs. S. Searles McHenry, and see the largest stock of Millinery in the couuty aud selling at the lowest prices. • FOR SALE. A New Buggy for sale cheap, alKO H second hand Wagon, inquire of FITZSIMMONS & KVAKSOK. fit lip > A ~ ' V*. • ' r4X A fine lot of Zephyr nnd Card Boards* just received at J. B. Blake's Furniture Stoie. IF you want a good Picture call at the Art Gallery, over Perry & Martin's store. No person asked to take a Pic­ ture front the Gallery uuless fotijr sat* islied. PUMPS. A large Stoek of Adams celebrated Kenosha Pumps.. The best Pumps and at lowest prices, at £. M. Owen*a. PLANTERS. I am Sole Agent for the celebrated Union, Keystone and Star Planters which I ofler at low prices. E. M. OWEN. ,5? CLOAKS.--Don't forget to call and Srice Cloak* at Mrs. o. Searles* Mc-[eury. KID GLOVES. A large variety, just received • of Black aud Colored, which we oiler at a Bargaiu. Please examine. FITZSIMMONS & KVAJTSOK. EHert's Daylight Liver Pills are re­ liable, safe aud efficient. They purify the blood, regulate the liveraiid diges­ tive organs, and relieve, headache aaused by indigestion. A new Bishop Wagon, with top box. Steel Spring Seat, all complete, for #50. A written wtw^yUtee glveu with every wagon. 1 • V-." •;:<* BJSHOJ?, • For Summer Complaints, or Cholera- infuutum there is nothing as safe and reliable as Dr. WinchelT's Teething Syrup, it never fails to give immediate relief, and is harmless. Sold by all Druggist8 at 25 cts. per bottle. Do not forget that Mrs. .Dodge and Mi^s Stocker are still to be found at their Rooms, opposite Perry & 21 ar- tln's, prepared to do anything in the line of Dress and Cloak Making, on short notice and in the best of maimer. Farmers! Farmers}! Would you have your Horses in prime condition for your spring and summer work? if so, several things should be strictly ob­ served, good care, regular feed and liberal currying are among the essen­ tials, hut do not fail to gite them Un­ cle Sam's Condition Powder, according to directions; aud you will be rewarded • for your expense and trouble. For Sale by all Druggists. If our friends will use preparations for restoring gray hair, they should use the best iu the market. Our attention has lately beeu called to au article which has an extensive sale aud a very high reputation, known as Ring's Veg­ etable Ambrosia, and we are inclined to think that it possesses more desira­ ble and less objectioi able qualities than any other in the market. It restores gray or. faded hair to its original color ' in *a most remarkable manner, and by its invigorating and soothing properties removes all dand­ ruff and humors from the scalp. Give it a fair trial and you caunot fail to like it. » extra charge. M.vTTli: MCOMBER. Go to Mrs. Salisbury's for Lace Scarfs, Rusches. Collars and Cuffs. Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Stationery, Zephyrs. Java Canvass, Mottoes, Card- Board. Crochet Hooks, Tidy Buttons, Tidy Patterns, Beads for Air Castles, Splints, Embossed Pictures, Ac &e. A good assortment of Splines can be fouud at Blake's, cheap. THE REASONS WHY.--We cannot too well understand the reason why so many suffer from Rheumatism, Neural­ gia,'Sciatica, in order to guard our^ selves from the same torturing dis­ eases. The sudden changes from hot to cold, the wearing of damp clothing, failing to protect ourselves by ade­ quate clothing, in fact a cold is the foundation of these complaints. Be­ fore they have become seated or by ueglect have taLen a strong hold, wo know of no belter remedy than Law- son's Curative. By all means commence using it on feeling the flrst indications of the disease, for then it can be cured by a few applications; but if left to rankle ill the system, it requires per* severing efforts to eradicate them. LIVER IS KING. The Liver is the Imperial organ of the whole human system, as ft controls the life, health aad happiness of man. When it is disturbed in its proper ac­ tion, all kinds of ailments are the !!ftt!!:*n! result. The digestion of foodv the movements of the heart and blood* the action of the brain and nervous system, are all immediately connected1 with the working* of the Liver. It haa been successfully proved that Green's August Klower is unequalled In curing' ail afflicted with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, and all the numerous symp­ toms that result from an unhealthy condition of the Liver jmd Stomach. Sample hortles to try. Inputs, posi­ tively sold in all towns on the Wesr«»r» Continent. Three doses will pr^ye t'aat it Is jnst what you want.

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