McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jun 1878, p. 8

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% Al: A Good Reproof. A lad In Boston, rather small for his years, works in an office -as errand boy for four gentlemen who do business there. One day the gentlemen were chaffing him a little about being so «m»U, and mid to hiwrt - ** Ton will never amount to aoch, yon never can do mutt botloeM, jon are too inail," Tbe little feTIo# looked At them. 11 WtU," said he, *4 as small as I am, t Mi do something which aoae qL$?u fMr men can da.*1 * Ah, what is thatf" said tbegt* "*I don't know as 1 ought to tell you,** replied. But they wefe anxious to know, and nrged him to tell what he feoald do that none of them were able to do. * I can keep ftom nocaringt" said the little fellow. There were some blushes on four manly faces, and there loomed to be very little anxiety for ^fldther Information 011 the polat. 9er \ Frenchman just back from a trip to Havre; "You never will catch no travelling by ait excursion train again. Why, sir. at the station at Havre I lost my cane and wife." Then with his utterance choked with tears, **A new cane, too." ^ Dr. Jaque's German Worm Calces are M Infallable remedy for worm?. TSiey will not only destroy but al«o remove them from" the system. They are pleasant to take and perfectly harm- leas. Sold by all Druggists. GOTTLEtB BOOT, S A L O O N Lansing's Block, McHenry, III. Open Day and Evening. Choice Wines, Li ays liquors and Cigars al- on hand. Also the best Beer. GOTTLEIB BOI/EY. *^McHenry, III., May 14, *78. GERMAN I Read! Read! Agricultural I KeepPlows, all Kinds, Hollinsworth Sulky and t>rop Rakes, Corn Cultivators, Wina- milis, Grinding Attachments for Windmills, Iron and Wooden Pumps, Corn Shellers, Scales-, Sickle Grinders, Ac., &c. •i K& Bishop Wagoil, Hith Steel Spring Seat, all 50. A Manufactured by it # , UQUOtS CIGARS jmd Woodstock, III* py hi kMt Tonic in the world. asd Quart Bottles. W- MARCUS. Patented. OHEAFE8T AND BEST, '.. ~ 'fi WeeUy Post! The People's Paper! • iteotwrns filled with Editorial, s'ews it riealtural, Miscellany and Market Bcporti. 0»e Copy 1 year. Postage paid! 76c. Clubs or Five, Postage Paid 70e. €tab« of Ten, Poatage Paid fgc„ Ota be of Twenty, Postage Paid JOc THE DAILY POST. CptoTear, Poatage Paid Parta of a Year in Prupcrtitm. ire propose to greatly enla rge the DAILY •pVT during October, after which the juice will I* £10 per year, postage paid. All who •alsscribe lie fore enlargement, at the present fate of f7 will receive the enlarged paper to tfct end of their time without extra charge. fame terms to Agents on bcrtl) Daily and Weekly as laat year. Address / THE POST. 88 Dearhnrn St.. Chicago. Error* of Youth. A GENTLEMAN who snfered for years A. trom Nervous Debility, Premature De­ cay, and ali the effects of youthful indiscre­ tion will, for the sake of suffering humanity, •end free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by *raB cured. Sufferers wishing to Brotit by the adviser's experience can do ao f addressmein perfectconildence JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St., New York A n ew top box, complete, for |50. A written warrantee given with evety wag­ on. In Wagons we keep Platform Spring Wagons, Top and Open. Bnggies, Milk Wagons, Three Spring and Lumber Wagons, |he fatter of which is the celebrated Bishop Wagon. Also, f Complete line of Mowers, Tt&tpera, Sulky-Bakes, etc. 49"Take time to call on me before purchas­ ing elsewhere. o. BISHOP. McHenry. Ill, Match Wtta, 1878. 1ST© 1878 -fift** a complete atook of W' *rv ;•> •h }•«>"•• I* i ^i-r m .i1&> lh <jt 41 •hfff i tn The reealt of tinea into one. eonaolidatkm of the W Kvary artioto ft i Mmnnf m*\- f U'i- , t.\ >Hif 1<C< . ' fS" '; * -• >'«**: f "Z '» un . A £*, * " | il GOODS WARRANTED As rey*as«nto4 by tkua Sateaman. Cooliu anil Heatins Stives. Of different styles and makes, which' tttes the public to call and prices beftoe purchasing. . stttittNi isofliad to e in X«ari» • -- '•) •y*i\ is will favor J. STORY * SON. U, Thompson, MAKER. Shop opposite the Parker Honse, McHenry* ̂ ̂ Illinois. Having purchased and taken possession of these well knowrt Shops. I 4m now prepared, with first class workmen and good material, to manufacture WajpMls and Buggies on short notice and at as Low Pricey as a good article can be purchased elsewhere. , • "** t also DO A V.; . ' .v-: - " , •: General BISCKomlTnlfig; Business, and will do your work in the best uf MUHMrted With the least poaailHf del^y - HORSE SHOEING • SPBOIALXTY. :w* REPAIRING Of all kinds promptly attended to. OaU aad- see for yourself. • {. ?' 1 y< • .li> R. Thompson*. McHenry, 111., April W\, l«k -DEALERS I*-- Boots, Shoes, AtiD Have just received -the largest and l>est assortment of Goods in their line ever brought to McHen­ ry County. We buy and sell Exclusively For Cash. - -- •* 3 W K ' ; * • - " ' . A i l t 2 J 1 U , CAN DISCOUNT ALL FRI­ GES advertised in county papers at least twenty per cent. We have a. pair of Boots, Shoes or Rubbers for eveiy man, wor man and child in the county Call and look at them. Cornel* Main St., and Public Square. Woodstock, III. To Consumptives. THE adrert!«er, having besn permanently cured of that dread disease, Consump­ tion, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellotf .sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send a conr at the neracriution used, (freeorohi.^ \ the directions" t'«>r preparing and using"the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption. Asthma, Bronchitis. Ac. pa* ties wishing the prescription, will please ad. drees, E. A. Wilson, 194 Penn( St., Williams- burgh, N. Y. I a week in jrour own ttfwn. " Xo risk. |(it free. Xo risk. Reader, if you want a business at which nersonaof leither sexctn make great pay all |the time th«£ work, write for par Mienters to J*4 for HAIXKTT * Co.,Port­ ly CO w < -FOR- BOOTS AND SHOES 211 & 213 Madison St., ByEU, COOK SEIXAS, Mannf'r.-. and Wholesale Dealers. Don't fall to examine Goods and Prices when in Chicago, stock New and Bought for Cash. Great in- lurt'inents to Cash Buvers. U.K. UTEI., l^ate with M. Selz & Co. V,. V. Of>OK, I Late ot Whitney, II. I,. SetXAS, 1 Cook & Co., N. Y lis not easilf• earned tn these r times, but it can be made in three 'months by any one of either sex, in any part of the country who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish.-- 66 per week In your own town. You need not be away from home over night. You can givebyour wholetime to the work, or only your spare moments. We have agents who are malting over ®20 per day. All who engage At once can inakcmoney fast. At the present iimemoney can no t be made so easily and rap- tl;y at any other business. It costs no tliiug o try the ouslness. Terms and flOntflt free tddress st once, H. Haliejt A Oo,, Maine* .Portland W. ,P. TILTON, GENERAL , At his old stand is now better than ever prepared to do all work in his line, la the test of manner and at LOW PRICKS. HORSE SHOEING! Having associated with m* la the sera „ ;JAS, GARDNER, One of the best Horse Rhoers in the StatoT am better than ever prepared . to do work in this line. 4V*Bad Feet, Quarter Cracks, AC., made a speciality. We respectfully solicit the patrotaae of«|r friends and the public generally, W. F. TILTON. MeX«ar#, r»b. l*th. 1878. . S. "can malce money faster at work for us than at any thing else. Capital not required; we will start voiu Iff per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys and - gicls wanted ever*where to workJeru* Mow-lf-the thni. Costly outfit and tame free. itMresi 1WI A OO.,. Augusta, Maine. " '• twit- ». business you can engage In. SB to fSO per day made by any w orker of either sex, right in their own localities. Particn. lars and namples worth free. Improve your spare time* at this !i!SK";*WMM # '• -?air HEW MARBLE WORKS, III Woodstock. W» wonld announce to the people of Mc­ Henry CountT and vicinity that we keep a goed stock of MARBLE AND, GRANITE ' Monuments, Tabletsf Braekats, Ihalvti, Ito. ~ To which we wonld call yonr attcnttSB before buying elsewhere. We shall s«ll at B O T T O M P R I C E D ALL WOBK Warranted First Glass. . M. PECK A CO. Woodstock, I1L, May 1st, 187& *Tf« tW eto&Moby examining on^ Stoci: Woite purchasing elsewhere. . ^ *100 MOimt MAD*. Agen%i wanU|9 flpiw County rigM.s I?iven grnti® f>*r the " -ki "" * _ ^ ^, g' B;ile of seven well-known Standard Medicines needed i uevery family; reputation world­ wide; established many years; made bv a celebrated physician; proofs of evidenee given. .An industrious, energetic person e* #ni|g permanent income and veq^lbi iPiauiv Prints, Bleached tic Brown Cotton ,̂ Cottonades. ings a tic N. - •3 j h - i •w OBKAOO A NORTH.WE8TERH RAILWAY labiMM nnder one management the Oreat Triink Bailway Lines of t the WKST and £« »« . _ Australia. ChleagO; St Dres Silks, Cashmeres, Cambric, Alpacas and White Goods Of all kinds. In Ready- Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, we will not be un­ dersold, quality of Goods considered. . . ,ii • Glove* and Hosiery' if Specialty. Bme Venetian, 4 Ingrain and OU Clotk Oarpetings. - Also * Fall line of Famfly Grocsrles. PERRY * MARTIN HcHenlry, May 1878# rnak Railway WOBTH-WEST, and, with Its numerous Branches and connections, forma the shortest and qnickcHt route between Chicago and all points in Illinois, Wisconsin, Northern Michi­ gan, Minnesota, I<nva, Nebraska, California and the Western Ten itories. Its Omaha and California Line |s the shortest and best route between Chiea- > and all points in Northern Illinois, Iowa, ebraska, Dakota, Wyoming, Cooirado, Utah, ^ada, CHIifornia, Oregon, China, Japan and • Paul A Minneapolis Lin®. Z6 the shot-t line between Chicago and all If*' in Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota, for Madison. St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dn- and ail points in the Great Northwest. LaCrosse, Winona ft St. Petor tine Is the best route between Chicago and La. Orosse, \linona, Rochester, Owatonna, Man. kato, 81. fctei^ New Ulm and all rioints in Southern and Central Minnesota. Its § ^reen Bay & Marquette Una I'ne between Chicago and Janes, ville, "Watertown, Fon dn lac, Oshkosh, Ap pleton. Green Jtey, £scanaba, Negannee. Marquette, Houghton, Hancock and the Lake Superior Country. Its Freeport & Dubuque Line Is the only route between Chicago and Elgin. Rockford, Freeport and all poluts via Free' port. Its Chicago & Milwaukee Line Is the old Lake Shore Route, and is the only one passing between Chicago and Kvanston. Lake Forest, Highlimd Park, Waukegan. Racine Kenosha and Milwaukee. Pullman Palace Drawing Roiim Cars sPMYnn ow aH through trains 6n WMs road. This is the ONLY LINE running thsse cars between Chicago an<l St. Paul and Minne- apolis, Chicago and MilwauKee. Chicago and w inona, or Chio&go ard Green Bay. Close connections are made at Chicago with the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, Mich­ igan Central, Baltimore and Ohio, Pittsburg. J ^ Chicago. Kankakee Line and Pan Iiandle Routes, for all points EAST and xSOUTII-J5AST, and with theChicago and Al­ ton and Illinois Central for all points SOUTH. Close connections are also made with the Union Pacific R. R., at Omaha for all far West points. Close connections made at junction points with trains of all cross points. Tickets over this route are sold bv all Coti- pon ticket agents in the United States and Canada. Remember you ask for your tickets via the Chicago & Northwestern Railway and take none others. • New York Office. No. 415 Broadwav: Boston Office, No, 5 State Street; Omaha 'Office, ?45 Farnham Street; San Francisco Office, 122 'Montgomery Street; Chicago Ticket Ollires. 62 Clark Street, under Sherman House; 75 Canal, corner Mail ison Street; Kinzie Street Depot, coiner W. Kinzie and Canal Streets: Welle Street Depot, corner Wells and Kinzie Streets. For rates or information not attainable from your home ticket agents, a pply to XABVIN HUGHITT General Supt. E. M. OWEN --T£1 OLD AND RSLIABLft** 0 'Trfcxr*' A. X" VIJ M WM2a£\ 1 i Can be found on hand at his Warehouse, opposite Bishop's Mill, McHenry, with a full line LEADING OF ALL KINDS. Am Sole Agent for the celebra­ ted Union, Keystone and Star Planters, acknowledged by all to be the best Planter in the mar­ ket CORN CULTIVATORS. « " » * We have all the leading- kinds. The celebrated Bertrand & Sames and El wood, which are acknowl­ edged by all to be the two "Boss" Cultivators, and are sold at very low prices. Also the Leading NQWISTHE TIME JOHN B. BLAKE I am now prepared to give bet­ ter Bargains than ever. Can save yon to PER CENT On all kinds of Furniture. I have the most complete stock of COFFINS AND CASKETS Of all styles and sixes, to found in the County. be OfthepJDay, among' which Jare the Walter A. Wood, Buckeye, Peer­ less, Warrior, Triumph and oth­ er Mowers. Also the celebrated Marsh Harvester, the old Reliable Hollensworrh Hay Hake, the Ti- ffcSr Self Dumper, the Archer, Furst ,<fc Bradley, Dixon, &c.-- The celebrated Nichols & Shepard Vibrator Threshing Machines; also the Sweepstakes. « The Celebrated Kenosba Pumps. Plows, Plows All Leading Plows kept constant­ ly on hand and at lowest Prices. fSjPTerms Reasonable ^Fl , r M. OWEN., Give me a call and I will be pleased to show niy stock and give prices. JOHN B. BLAKE. JOHNSBURCH Marble Ms. HENRY MILLER, --DKAL&R IN-- Amerlcaa asS Foreip Harite. Monuments, Headstones, , ETC. American i Scotch Grande, Oogistaritly on Hand. ! ShopTwo(ipi|e^^%^^- ^nry, JohubnrA iil|. Nth, W7. W. H. ST1 *BTETT, Oen 1 Passenger Agent Fos River Valley Mills. R. BISHOP, Proprietor. McHenry - - - - Illinois. MM PES CONSTANTLY ON HAtb. CUSTOM GRINDING Done riromptlr, and sfttisfHction urnacnqiteeff Having jnet puf in a new Feed Stone, capable' of grinding aixty buthels of Feed per honir.. B am prepared to do your grinding on short no­ tice. <WThe Hiffheat Market Price paid for ood Milling Wheat. R. 0I8HOV>- Melleuiy Ifm.TST7. rosh tMOtCATES &MB AMBROSIA wMpnatty E.MTUBBS* foopletatt Sold by HENRY JULdiHesftsry, COLBY, 1114

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