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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jun 1878, p. 1

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. « • it Pledged but to "truth, to Liberty and Law VOL. 3. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, JUT fnUiihed Every Wednesday by W7* JL T**rr &M* r )kti(or u<i Pablisfcer* ... sip3| Office in Riverside Block, rfF'^! over Smith, Aldrlch A Hay thorn's Store. l> TERM* OF SUBSCBIPTHHT: 4 bit* Year, (In Advance,) ft S* •;'If not Paid within 1*hreo Month*, »#2 W ll tbserinlions rueelvod for three or six BOBtht 4j§jn tho same proportion. 3,4 BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. llltOWN, M. "51 iHTfllOLiN and Surgeon. Office in Brick Block over P. G. Msrej- Clothing Stare rater Street, Me.Henry III. m E. A. BEERS M. D. •' • s £ |)Rtiicn« and flnrgeon. OlBee atresidence, ;|fT two doors wett of Post Office, McHenry :jfp O. J. HOWARD, M D. '«|lBTHCiA?i and Surgeon. Offlce at the store JL of Bovanl A Son, Mcllenry, 111. W. H. BUCK, M. D.. fOMEOPATHIC Phvtielan and 8n Office Kast Side Pnblie Square, wood- itock, III. OJtce hours 11 to 18 A. M., and 2 ko 4P.1I. i .l F. J. BAUBIAN. <(3ni(JAB ;Mm«factw- fr, McHenry III. ders solicited. Shop North *ub11e itquiTi - Or- East come* Mi*. B. PERK 1*8. V;.,'.wjj|T|7'AGON' Maker. McHeurjr, lit.. General " 1 jf 1 Jobbing promptly attended to. Shop, -'lowest of the Public Square, BICHA&D BISHOP, . j^TTORXEY AND COUN8BLOE Af Ut i\. *»- McHenry, III. ; q GEO. A. BUCKLIN #';#iTOTAlT PUBLIC, Conveyancer and In- S il-* snrance Agent. Office at BuckHu , & ^ !• Steven's Store, near the Depot, McHenry, 111. &«•/*. . JS. E. RICHAKDS. TTA8 a complete Abstract ot Titles to land II in Mcllenrv County, IU'noU. Office with County Clerk, Woodstock, III. BOBT. WEIGHT. r'U: Jvf anufacturer of On ft torn Made Boots and JUTX Shoes. None but the best of material Used and all work warranted. Shop Northwest •orner Public Square, McIIenry, I1L • i ENERAL E. M. OWES Dealer and G\ . Airent in Leading Farm priceslow and Terms favorable. Mchenry, 1Ul Machinery. . . . ILLINOIS. GEO. SCHRE1NER. 2 ALOON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite 3 the Parker House, McHenry III. WFirst-Clfts* IlilHuru and Pool Tables. J. BONSLKTT, irant. Ne ' 'Ml** ttTed upiuany shape desired, or tor, the Can. ... SSTGOOD STABLING FOR HOUSES. W. W. ELLSWORTH. erof the Celebrated Poland- China Hog TMgs Ad- BTii Light .*nd Dark Brahma Fowls. Pigs shipped to all points by express. , P. Q. Ad- ireas, Woodstock, III., ' PETER LEIClvEM. REPAIRS Watcho3, Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds. Also Repairs Violins in the uest possible manner, on short notice and at rea- 'soiiiihltf rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop first door North of Riverside Block, McHenry BUSINESS CARDS. W. H. PERKINS* T>hotograpber. Gallery over Perry A Mar- 1 tin's Store, McHenry, I1L Pict,»rea taken in the latest style of the Art and satis* faction guaranteed. E- V. ANDERSON. M. D. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. OlBee a% tlfl hurt's Drug. Store, opposite the Parker House, McHynry, Illinois. E. BENNETT, M. D., SURGEON and Accoucher. Diseases of Women a Specialty. OUSi-eand Residenee on Clay Street Woodstock, 111, ?.• DR. O.K. WILLIAMS. ! DENTIST, Algonquin, 111. All. work war rarted. Teeth extracted In a careful and skillful manner. D ENTI9T. DR. C. Office W. COX, Over Smith, Aldrieh A Hay thorn's Store. Richmond., 111. N. S. COLBY. MCHENBY, McHenry Co., Ill Breeder of Spanish Merino Sheep, Berkshire and Poland China Swine. A choice lot of young Buck stock for sale. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. ELECTROPAT Dr. Samuel Shermai, And Wife will be at their residence \% miles West of the Depot, on the Wuodstock road, three days in each week, Tuesdays, Thursdays ami Saturdays, for the purpose of treating all curable diseases. Consultation and Examinations Free. Office hours from 9 A. M., to 1 »v M. REFERENCES;--John Doran, Richard Bish­ op, Martin Welsh, Arthur Whiting, Leonard Bonsiet, James Sutton, John M. Smith. F, K. Granger, Geo. Gage, Tien. Gilbert, Horace Dwelly, B.F.Peck, Wn». Hutson, Geo. Gilbert. J. A. SHERWOOD AUCTI < I <: SR " . "; - . iii '• S: AND APPKAISEi^J Algonquin, til. SALES of Stock, Farming Tools of all kinds promptly attended to. sales a specialty. Terms r< Jfflce address Algonquin 111. and Goods Farm Terms reasonable. Post W. N. SANFORD* Merchant rJ?a,iioi*. In the store of C. H. Dickinson, EaSt side of Public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al­ ways on hand. Units made to order anti warranted- Give me a oalL w. n. SANFORD. Woodstock 111.,Sept. 47th, ML *t 1NCILM Old Settlers- Re-Union, AT WOOOSTOOK, Thurtday, Jam 13th, 1878. Below will be found the Programme and line of March for the Old Settlers Re-Union, which will be held aft above. The procession from the Towns of Marenoo- Ser.i'ca, Coral And Riier, under the command of their Marshals, will fors "™ Sonth Street nnd rest at the eoraer of Penn and South streets. The, proeeesion from Grafton and the Sooth part of the Town of Dorr will form on l>e«i Street, undrr command of their 3T uah*t*» and rest near the r?sldtifice of Mrs, Jelp* Buchannan until the pros-essiosi on Soath Street moves, and then fall in the rear of It. The pnM-ession from Aip^nquin and Nuoda will form on the Crystal Lake Road, undo* the command of their "Marshals, and act as aa escort to the procession from Lake Oouatjr that come by the tvay of Burton's Bridge, and u»>on their arrival' is Woo4atoek, resk o« Madison Street near the corner of South Street. The procession from McHenry, Richmond. Hebron and Greenwood, under command ot their respective Marshals, will form in frant of the residence ot ICev. R. K. Todd, acting aa an escort to the delegation from Lake County, that cross the River at McHenry, and rest until the signal is (riven to march." The procession from Hartland, Alden, Che. mnng and Dunham will lorin on Chemung Street near the Brewery and rest, under the1 charge of their respective Marshals. The procession on Madison Street will, at half past, ten o'clock, sharp, move to Ohemuny |1 street, under the command of the Chief Mar- |f shals of McHenry and Lake Counties. Tho- il delegations from Marengo, Seneca, Coral, Riley and Grafton will join in the rear; th<* delegations from McHenry, Richmond, Heb­ ron and Greenwood, and such as are in that line from Lake Oonntv, fall in the rear of th® line at the corner of Main Street. The liM] will then move up Chemung Street, when tTO- Hartland. Alden, Chemnng and Dunham pro­ cession will join in the rear of the line and proceed to Jackson, thence down Jackson, street to the Public Square, when thev will alight from their carriages and partake of refreshments. ; After dinner the meeting will be ealled to order bv J. II. Johnson, President of the So­ ciety. when the exercised will proceed as follows: I. Singing by the Choir. & - Praver by the Chaplain, Rev. B. K.Tood. 8. Music by the McHenry Band. A Address by the Hon. John F. Farnt- worth, Orator of the Da v. «. Singing by the German Manmeeholr. €. Address bv the Hon. J. D. Caton. 7. Music by the Wauconda Bond. 8. Speeches by the Hon's John Wtatwt>rth and Ifaac G. Wilson. 0. Music by the Marengo Band. •10. Speeches by the Hon's George Gage, D. Murphy and Col. E. S. Joslyn. IL Music by the Algonquin Band. IS. " h: •vors win us and no Fear Shall Awe, NO. 45. ESDAY, JUNE 5, 1878. School Begins To day. ie fallowing timely poem, written Rochester Democrat, by John 'ntea, will ha appreciatively (read II the boys and glrte as well as by Idren of larger growth:] (glad vacation's over and school la called again! thirteen weeks my romping boys have *" i-.razed tiieir mother's brain. hirteen weeks I've counted the sultry davsawar; ad vacatioa's over and scbeol begins to- say that teachers canaot teach--that irhs'sri c-aiuiui iearn n'alt the days of summer--the davs that thirty burn; jodi-f if they ever ask how mothers got I# along r » romping boys who And their joys in do- ' lag something wrongf Women as Ftnatri When so ranch talk M had over what women have a right to do. tt la pleas­ ant to note tb« work which wnw wo* men have rieae, Last year <)na of the eight premiums offered by the Royal Agricultural Society of England for the best managed farm In the district ia which the annual exhibition is held, was awarded to a women farmer^ Mrs. Ellen. Birch, for a farm of SMS acres of arable land near Aliistee. The farm, which is characteristic of the stirronild- 1region, is nearly level and is di­ vided into fields of thirty a<£res each by neatly kept hedges, and Is a light and easily worked soil, naturally dry. No stock of any consequence is kept, as town manure fs cheaply bought on John, and Joe, and Jinunr, their clothes were nearly now a they fine home from school that day and said the term was through; ' _ , John, and joe, and Jimmy" with spn-ito land, by a canal from Liver- brown hand* and feet. He in at night in about the plightof beggars on the street. »re is no oMer In the honse; I cannot And a thing; i drawers are ttimbled npslde down with six hands hunting string; chairs ire always in a row--the whole house fairly jars iith Jimmy jumping off wad oa t# tH'Mi train of cars. brand new carving-knife I fouud out in t$s, where Joe making arrows for Jimmy's little 11 I4- Speeches by the lion's M. L. Josl A. James, Major A. 0. Barry. A- B. C< Richard Bishop and Henry W. McLi Presentation of the ftajt. oy the Hon. M. Dennis, to the Town that has largest delegation. At the close, " Auld Lang Sine" will snag by the Choir, in which the con gatlou'wUl join. • Assltl-. Let the Vice Pnftidents and aiit Marshals of the lie Ft vat towns to it that tiieir towns are well Hi F- KLEIFGEN & 80N. 1 /CARRIAGE, Waiton and House Painting V done on Short Notice. All work "war­ ranted. McHenry I1L, South of the Publie Square. Poland China Swine GOOD Pigs for sale that was sired by Boars that took First Premium and Sweep­ stakes at State and County Fairs, from $10 to IIS apiece. W* are shipping tu some of the 1>est breeder# in tho country. For particulars apply to O. STREET * SON. Hebron, III. WANTED make a permanent r;igagement' with aj clcrgyii::.'il h^viug-lalsore, «r a 'wlbls ilua4di',e to Introduce in Mcllenrv County, the CJSLE. BRATED NEW Centennial Edition ot the HOLY BIBLE. For description, nottoc cdi- torial in last week's issue of this payer. Ad­ dress at once. F. L. IICJltTON A CO., Publish­ ers and Bookbinders, 60 E. Market St.. Indian­ apolis, Ind. Cutlery, G un and Scale Repairing, Grinding and Pol­ ishing liasors and Shears and Table Cutlery a speciali­ ty. Repairing of all kinds done In Steel or Brass.-- Ail work warrant­ ed. Also dealer in Guns. Revolver", Table and Pocket Fislung Material, Pipes, Cig»rs| Tobacco, Violin Strings, Ac. Shop and store near the Post Office, Mfe- Henry, 111. ySTAto. A. A. RICE DENTIST Has the permanently located his offioe at Riverside House, McHenry 1(1. Where he would be pleased to wait on all those needing his servicefi. Full sets of Artltlcial Teeth inserted for $8. twenty. None but the best of material used itisfaction guaranteed. Partial The prloe of which has been fifteen and wentr *" -- *--' " • *--* and sa »ly Gold and Silver fillings and No Fancy Prices- Special attention paid to the treatment of diseased and spongy gums, ulcerated and irregular teeth. Would be glad to see persons that have teeth that are not satisfactory. Call and have your teeth examined. Teeth extracted in a careful and skillful manner, Ten vears practice in Chicago where he has mot with some very difficult cases. Gold lillings inserted by an entirely new method, by using gold wire aiyhors which pass partially through the tooth making it impossible for the tilling ever to loosen.-- Samples of work seen at the Post Office, Mc­ Henry. JOS. WIEDEMANN * --PROPRIETOR OF THE Marat and Boardini House, - k' 5 Near tht ^ Depeig ;r.... : McrilENRY, - - - ILLINOIS. The Choicest Brands of Wines for Medicinal and Family use always on hand. All the ac- commodattons of a first-class Boarding Hoas«. Charges Reasonable. t *4 *TGood Stabling for Horses. H. E. WIGIJTMAN, Proprietor. First class rigs, with or without drivers, furnished at treasonable .<rate«. Toaiuhtg or all kinds noneon flhort notice. O. W. OWEN,"^ f AfCH MAKER & JIWILSB, Mchenry ill,, Dealer In all kinds ot American and Swiss Watches, Clocks from the host factories in the country. Silver, placed ware, Silver Spoons, 4c*i ALSO AGENT FOR THE Weber and Bradbury Pianos AND THE Estey Organ I Which we believe to be the best Organ In the market. We think we know that by experi­ ence, and we believe it, for it is backed un br the v * Besi Musicians in the World. I also sell other Organs at less prices than the Estey, hut ean't recoommend them to be as good. a W. OWEN. Jnly 88. Scott & Co., EATS CAM STRAW GOODS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 192 MADISON STREET COR. FIFTH AVE. And 183 Lake St, Cor. Clark CHICAGO. A Large* Stork of MEDIUM and fWE GOODS and LOWER PRICES than any other hpuse in the trades^, time to join in the possession nsed I bow; John came home from fishing--came wnlstllug through the gate- Ith father's best tobacco box filled up with " orms for bait. hens h<ire had a frightful time the whole vacation through; By could not hide a nest away, the best that they could do. keard the rooster crow this mora, to mis it srcincd to say (*m glad vacation's oter, and school begins * to-day?" Ml work," they say, "without some play makes Jack a stupid boy;" etl. that's a good old adage and gives the urchins joy; t if the man who wrote it lived now and owned a son !e'd sit up late and scratch his pate to write a different one. ere, there, I'm not complaining! Though weary of the noise, e, as only mothers can, my rattling, romping boys; d 1 shall watch for font o'clock through every coming day. hen I can see my dwrliags out In the yard t play. pool, for which market the products of the land are intended. The rent • paid .is £5, say about 925, per acre. The course of cropping is as follower First, potatoes, after lea; second/wheat; third, barley or oats, sown with grass seeds; fourth, hay; lifth, hay, after which the lea is again broken out and planted with potatoes. The potatoe crop now on the ground is spoken of as "simply splendid." And It la on, the potatoes that all the town and home* made manure is applied* sometimes with the addition of a little nitrate of soda. The grain crop, especially the oats, were very heavy. Fifteen men and lads are employed, at sixteen and seventeen shillings a week and cottage rent. Heavy crops of hay are grown, and after this is over for the season, sheep are taken into grata for local salesmen at sis-pence per week. one dear boy now sleeping beneath the summer soil, took a long vacation when he went home to God; ien life's rough school is ever I'll meet him by and-bye here graves ne'er hldeonr treasures--where dear ones never die. News has reached her* of an atrocious murder, committed at Ar­ lington, on Saturday eveuing. A young inan named Sam Carney was on that evening refused permission to re­ main all night at the residence of James Culleubine (father of Frank Culieubine, a railroad conductor (tt this place,) with whose daughter, it seemt, he had for sometime been keeping company. He returned to the house Saturday evening about 5:30, and had an interview with Miss Culleubine up­ stairs. Screams being heard from that quarter, Mr. Cullenbine ran np-stairs and ">et the assassin coming down, who fired at him with a revolver, the shot taking effect iu the hip. The daughter was following at the time, bathed in blood from a fearful gash in the threat,;which r<*«w'tod !n her death, in a few fnlimtes. The assassin rushed into the yard, where he met Mrs. Cullenbine, whom he attacked with a butcher knife. It is hoped she will re» cover. A barber coming on the scene was next assailed by a shot from % re­ volver, whioh fortunately missed him. He then took a razor from his pocket and after inflicting several gashes across his own throat, he got on the porch, where he expired iu a &w mo­ ments.--Aurora New». That is a very funuy ghost story which is going the round of the papers. That It is merely a fact of the imagina­ tion rather than of history does not mar it in the least. A late traveler. the word "late" referring not to his decease, but to the hour of the night, while groping his way home, taw In I The old time the middle of the highway what he took to be a veritable ghost. It stood still and was dressed iu white, as any conventionally respectable apparitioa would be. Brave at heart he deter­ mined to solve the mystery. Advan­ cing with cautious tread he got close to the "sheeted dead" and struck it a. right smart blow with his stick.-- What happened immediately after he alone can describe with its proper pa­ thos. He was lifted ih the air and came dowp with a disagreeable thud in the mud of the ditch. Upon proper Ihs Blgtat Sort of Southern Spirit. a recent entertainment given by Commercial Club, of Boston, to the Borratorrfre&mbe Sotrtfe, Sen­ ator Gordon said: "These Southern friends and myself have come to look at your factories, your manufactures, your great indus­ tries, aud wonderful material develop­ ments, and to gather inspiration from that proverbial energy and enterprise which have enabled you to conquer un­ friendly nature and to convert the bleak hills of New England into pro­ ductive farms to support your com­ merce and your manufactures. We have come also to put you upon notice, and I take this occasion to serve that notice, that we of the South intend to enter the race with you in some of those brunches of industry which hith­ erto have been yours peculiarly and al­ most exclusively. W e have water pow­ ers unexcelled, which we are going to utilize,uml even row are utilizing.-- We <Mve a (Cllmato most balmy and gen- !al ar.d lionjthful. Wo have rich mines of coal and iron, and wo intend to wake them from their long sleep In their mountain beds these twin sons of Her­ cules, and set their arms to work in se­ curing the great industrial wealth which awaits us. And If yottr people of the Gast are not alert and active wo intend to overtake you in tho race, to strain along abreast with you, and I am not sure but that on the homc- stretoh we shall lead yon oil tome of these lines of enterprise.** It is but a few years since tho great West arrived at a similar conclusion, and to-day the vast agricultural re­ sources of the West are surpassed in value by the newly created manufact­ uring interests. Before the waning nineteenth century comes to an end the same may be true of the South.-- planter's Ignorant pre­ judice against labor, particularly me­ chanical labor, is fast dying out. Raw cotton is no longer king. Possibly In the new regime the spinning jenny may be queen. Influence of Kind Words. > MA toft answer tirrneth away wrath," arid, not unfrequently, change th it Into friendliness. An impressive Illustra­ tion of the transmuting power there is in gentle words once occurred to De Quincey. When a lad of seventeen, he was travelling on the outside of a stage coach. By hit side was a rough fellow, whom, for the first four or five miles, De Quincey annoyed by occasionally falling asleep and lurching against him when the coach rolled to his side. The rough man ejaculated his complaint at the annoyance in surly words. |)e Qiilncej gently apologised,, •*> plaining that he was III. and could not afford to take an inside seat, and prom­ ising to avoid, if lie ooidd, falling asleep again. Upon hearing this explanation, the man's manner instantly changed. When De Quincey next awoke--for he had again fallen asleep--he found himself lyiug jn the man*s arms, protected with the gentleness of a woman. The incident taught De Quincey that no htnnan creature was beyond the mollifying influence of kind words, and that much harshness would be prevent­ ed if webetter understood *a«h other. |&*A tender and beautiful incident occurred in Chicago some time since.-- A mother had bnried her little boy at Graoelatulcemetery. Frequently since the death ntul burial of her boy the has gene to his grave to scatter over ft flesh flowers. Now and then she weaves a duster In some curious shape and leaves it there at twilight for the dews to moisten while she fs away. It Is one of the misfortunes of this lady that she is a somnambulist. At a late hour one night she was seen by a neigh­ bor gliding by almost swiftly, her long hair falling upon her shoulders, and her long white night dress shining bright­ ly from tho surrounding darkness. She had under her arm a bundle of child's clothes, and tn the other hand a collection of flowers. When aroused by a friendly policeman, she said that she had gone to sleep at home, and dreamed that her little boy had come back to her and took her by t.he hand, and asked her to go with hfm to his grave. She arose and took the clothes and flowers, as stated, and was found, in her sleep, hastening to tho spot In the tilent city of the dead where her #vt treasure was burled. Onla Movement in Cklesgo. The unprecedented movement of ss==;m grain in this markers attracting con- f&~Mrs. Mary A. Booth, widow ©fjtldeiable attention and indicates a the late Junius Brutus Booth, has sold] «reat revival of buisness. Last week her farm in Maryland, containlug 1481 the aggregate of receipts of all cereals acres, for 93,600. This is tho place where Edwin Booth was born. Junius Brutus Booth being an Englishman and never having been naturalized, could not hold real estate in fee-simple, and Investigation the ghost turned out to I consequently leased the farm for 1,000 f' PIMPLES. sm thail (Free) the receipt fora simple A Vegetable Balm that will remove Tan, Freckles, Ptmpies and blotches* leaving the 'skin soft, clear and beautiful; also instruc­ tions for pt*»<lueing a luxuriant growth of hair on a toild head or smooth face. Addres inclosing 3 ct. stamp, Ben Vandelf & Ann St., New York, Co., be a white mule, who was standing the night out in meditative mood, when his revere was broken in upon by the Intruder. The victim declares that whatever his private opluions may be. he shall hereafter act as though ghosts were a reality, and steer clear of any communication with them. Ladies Lined Shoes reduced to $1, former price 91.00, at Fitzslmmons ft Evausou's. years from Richnrd M. Hal! at £ jsarly rent of bne cent. Save you a cold, cough, hoarseness, weak lungs, bronchil trouble, or asth­ ma? use Eilert'a Extract of Tar and Wild Cherry. It is a sovereign reme­ dy for all pulmonary diseases. It is warranted to give satisfaction; do not fail to give it a trial, and tf it fails, yon may return the bottle half empty to your dhiggist. Sold by all Drug­ gists, 8,690,871 bushels. Tho aggregate shipments were 3.105,223 buphels. Be­ sides this there were received 48,182 barrels of flour, shipped 49.626 barrels. Computing the flour as wheat this shows an aggregate movement for "tho week Of 7,285,084 bashcls of grain, fig­ ures never before reached th this or any other city on the coutlnent. Mon­ day's was larger than any other hither­ to recorded; 2.624 car-loads of grain came iu of which 1,666 wereof corn;43,- 400 bushels of grain came by c»nal.-- The reoeipts in bushels would there* fore for Monday including flourb« 817,- 833; shipments, 602,738.4Ttttll Bftove ment 1,420,488 bushels. - 1 ffMBWflVON CtmRHSPOMiKXCK. J. Wasbikoto*, d, c., May »th, is?& SffcreettfM's ptsF In Congress,--on children enjoy tiieir playing and Cot** gresamen are sadly bored by theirs.--* Bui they in like tho boy who rodof horseback till his foet frost and woul4 not dismount and ran to get warm be* L ^ cause, as he said "father bought thl# J horse for me to rl»Je and Til rido if 1 freeze to death'*. These lawmakers will tilllhnef»r and ifiFiSKie, slues the jf; are tn a position where they can, \t they are themselves more bored thail any one else. Last week the Demof| crats wanted to investigttp Floridi a flairs some more, tho Republican! were determined they should not uiii? less they in eluded all other States^ both parties were' obstinate and s#; they wrangled. The Democrats hav* log » majority all the Republicans ha# ? | to dor was to refuse to vwte and so koegr the question at a standstill far awhile, "VH One of the thousand and one rumor* ^ that: are afloat and that 1a said to b# j \ coming out of this lot g mooted quea* tion ol' Electoral fraud, ia that it wil| ] result in the election to the President* „j try of Mr. Hayes in 1880. When he at* ^ j cepteU the nomination he stated that* j he would not serve a second term, but as it is now claimed everywhere thai - he was not elected, ,of course he cad. j hardly be President at present ak% though he was duly inaugurated. Thi|f t|| report is given foe what It is worth.-** .. There are mauy others equally to b# depended on. among them one to th# | effect that Senator Thurman will un ^ j doubtedly be our. next President wltli ; ^ 1 Tllden as Vice. A year ago this week atid l^st th# weather was as hot as any time during i the summer, and now w<l can almost i say it was last week as cold as We hav* i seen U the past winter. Several !\ nights of heavy frost we have expert* enced which has done wide-spread is damage--more in the neigboring Statoa than in the District. The peach crop ^ will sufler severely and smaller fruits are wholly destroyed in some localities. Early vegetables will also be much re­ tarded, as our markets a few weelMT hence will show, for they will doubt* j less be badly supplied at high prices.-*** *| Raspberries and blackberries are Tlbout all the fruits that have escaped !*• ;, ,,y Jury. " The country and,indeed, t&» Worlii has met with a loss that will long h# felt in the death ot that rare old scietf# : tist Professor Joseph Henry, for whom * as a citizen, Washington Is now in dee|l 1 and sincere mourning. Seldom has Ik person, dying, received such honor anft retpeet. Both House* of Congress *<}» jouraed in order tq attend the funeral ' 1 services, at which were also present the Presldcut, his Cabinet, the Sii» preme Court, the General and othe^ of&eers of the Army; the Admiral an# other officers of the Navy, the Diplo* mantle Corps, Washington Monument, ^ Association, Board of Regents, Ligh^ House Board, employe* of Sntlthson* Ian Institute (of Which Prof. Henrf : was9ecre tary,)Co«rt of claims, District ,, Judges, Academy of Natural ScSeiicf^ ,Pyiasoph!enl Sedety, Princeton'- AK'v.,-1 ttmnl Association, Trustees &t Natlo •1 AH Gallery, and m*ny pr+mine citizens, . The floral decorations at th* Churcfc • . ; were of the simplest and purest sort# consisting wholly of white blossoms.-- Nothing could be more sublimely sweet than the testimonial seen in thf wreath upon the casket--green with r. the words "Joseph Henry, the Chri$» .> tian" In white Immortelles. The text from whioh the funeral sermon wai preached was "Know ye not that 4 > ^ good and great man is fitllen this day«._- In Israel'*, After the church service* wero over, 64 carriages followed hearse to Rock Creek Cemetery--thf - lovliest burial lot in America. AmonjJ the other beauties of the place is a lit*, tie chapel, vine-clad and shady. Thf beautiful English ivy covers It wholly?, * save the diaraond-paned, stained gl windows and the surmounting cros| ^ which is itself lightly entwined. Pro*. , fessor Joseph Henry's mortal remain* wire taken into the many times hal* lowed place and prayed over aud wep|; over iu the sacred stillness of twilight ere they were given into tho shelter* log arm of mother earth--the mothet. he loved so tenderly and believed In s$ A; fully. Joseph Heury, the Chrlstain.-4 He said religion was a thHig ftbove^ beyond, apart from all soiene*, and h#3 * iovedaud believed In both. ;'V OL1TK, /• • , * • 'i" ' 'j-. rf" Gouiu ana his clique a striving to get control of tho Nortt western R. R^ at the 'annual eiectio^ which is to be held in June. Theli only object In securlug that control* will be to squeeze out of it the largos* amount of money that can bes<gite«*«4r h out, regardless of the prosperity of th* Road or of the people, for whom fit, | serves as a thoroughfare. Their o*S8 will be a public misfortune.

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