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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jun 1878, p. 5

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~ o * . ? r ? g - r r r ^ » p « . - *•--*•--- . ' a.,. •% v t&j • - v '-,•»> ?"v •>' >' •*"*'• *"**•"" . vr, , ,ir _f. - >•> * „ . * R"•» -'"y-i *:.Hj&,:t""' • ry - s,; WEDNESDAY, JIJNE sth, 1878. Railroad Time Table. OOTWO BOtTTH. . iMmUkc Passenger.. A. M. Lake Freight.... >•«..• .1:4#r. I. OOIKO M>ltH. Geien Uke FnUht.. M:00 A. M. (3en«v» Lake Passenger 7:02 r. *. RED RIBBON CLUB. Ililltar Meetings every Thursday evening, M tM tllremiut Churrh, at 8 o'clock. J. K. MCOMBK*. President. A. F. PARMMSS, Secretary. OLD SKTTULUS' Committee Meeting At the PLAIXOEALER Office Saturday evening at S o'clock. Turn oat. WASHING Sheep has commenced-and toon the Wool buyers will be on the market. JUSTICES Blanks of all kinds constant­ ly on hand at tills office. Orders by mall promptly attended to. OLD Settlers1 Be-Union on Thursday of next week June 13th. at Woodstock. Do not forget it, and get youfoelf In "llBe" on that day. RED HOUSE HAVE disappeared 'and now pot* and line, bob and sinker are In order. And the boys are dotnf a heavy business in that line. ' \ MRS. Do DOR and Miss Stocker have •11 the latest Patterns for Dress and Cloaks to be found in.the city. Booms opposite Perry & Martin's. THE Eureka Tree and Post Hole Digger. Call at E. M. Owen's and see one. The best thing ia the market, tind sold cheap. W. H. RICHARDS, who is now In town, has a Furniture Polish which we have no hesitation in pronouncing A No. 1 article. No family should be without a bottle. W. H. PERKINS, at the Art Gallery, has a few Pictures of Messrs. Hall and Rice, the temperance Reformers, which those who desire can procure at 25 oents each. THE McHenrjr County Christian Convention, will be postponed one week on account of the Old Settlers Meeting. It will now be held tt Har­ vard commencing on June 19th. WK would call the attention of our readers to the advertisement in anoth­ er column of the celebrated Thorough­ bred horse 4*Aniinadus." He is with­ out doubt one of the finest blooded horses in this section. THE Steamboat will make an Ex­ cursion to Wlknot, and return on Thursday, (to-morrow.) leaving her dock in this village about 9 O'clock.-- Persons wishing to make this pleasant trip should be on hand at the appoint­ ed time, sharp. Round trip 60 cents. UNCLAIMED Letters remaining in tlie Post Office, at Mcllenry, ill,, June 1st, 1878: Thos. Me Brown, Cha*. P. Bay, L. Federman, Win. H. Howe, James Madden, John Stuart, Joel Steel, Edward T. Still, I\ S. Shzer. JAMKS U. I'KKRY, p. M. THE Board of directors have decided to have another four weeks school, consequently school opens again to-day Wednesday, and will close on the 2nd day of July. This Is a good movo. and one which we think will meet with the hearty approbation of all the patrons of the School. Wi learn there will be a Social Party at National Hall, Woodstock, on the eve of Old Settlers' Day, June 13th.-- The best of music will be furnished and a good time may be expected. Old Settlers and Young Settlers who love to trip the "light fantastic toe*1 should bear this iu mind and go prepared to stay ih the evening, THERE are two things In life which every man thinks he can do better than any other man; one is to poke a fire and the other Is to run a newspaper.-- No man eVer saw the first named opeiv ation conducted by another but his An­ gers itched to get hold of the poker.-- And the man who. in the secrecy of his own heart, dots not think he could conduct and shape the model newspa­ per of the world does not live. AT the close of School ou Friday afternoon last* tlie scholars of the Higher Department presented the Principal, S. D. Baldwin, with a hand^ somely bound and valuable book, as a taken of their regards. Mr. Baldwin is justly popular with his scholars, as he also^s with the patrons of the School, and such tokens of remem­ brance by those under his charge must be pleasant indeed: ' \ THE traveling band of Minstrels, that an entertainment at River­ side Hall on Thursday evening last, are pronounced perfect frauds by the* few who were so unfortunate as to witness their performance and listen to their smutty sayings. They had a very slim house, but more than they would get again were they to visit this place.-- It is evident that tawing wood Is near­ er their legitimate calling. THE FOX River Base Ball Club have received and accepted a challenge to play a match game with 4|ie Nunda Club, which game will come off at Nnnda on Friday afternoon next.-- This will be their first game this season, but we art confident the boys will acquit themselves with honor.-- We understand tlfat Nunda has a strong Nine, and while our boys may not win, we are sure they will make it Interesting for their opponents. ' WE observe that the selectman of the town of Lyndon, Vt., advertise iu their town papers that they want to borrow money for town purposes, at per cent per annum. Evidently they expect to get it. It would be a good thing If some of that 6 per «t. money was out here among the debt-burden.ed cities and individuals of this western world where ten per cent and even more than that, weighs down the in­ dustries of the people. IT is postively dangerous for young couples that are engaged to indulge In a little game of croquet, and none of our reflect lug young readers will do so If they wlllinit consider for a moment the calamities that may result there­ from. She is apt to insist that he hasn't passed through the last wicket, and then he gets mad and says "wicket*' words that inflict wounds upon tliC' tender, confiding heart which time may' be never able to heal. AN exchange speaks of an Invention called the Kissograph. Wo beg to in­ form Mr. Edson, the patentee of these now machines, that he is going a little too far. it positively will not work. No kissing can ho satisfactory unless the parties ore right on the ground themselves, to see that tt is done right. A new stock of Embossed and Trans for Pictures that will suit the most fastidious. Tidy Patterns largo and •mall. 62 shades of Zephyr. Cardinal, Seal Brown and Navy Blue Hose of the finest quality. Embroidery Silk for Cloaking, at Mrs. Salisbury's, Mcllenry ̂ Do not fail to call before purchasing. -- THE Iowa Poultry Association sends M a circular with the request that we hand It to some enthusiastic "chicken fancier." The most enthusiastic "chicken fancier?' in this county has Juat been sent from Woodstock to Joliet for two years. But we'll hand till the circular to the 8heriff for him when be return*. He'll be sure to get tt. THERE is everlastingly some bother. How we hear that the fly and the rust are destroying the wheat; cut worms •fo destroying the corn; bugs are mul­ tiplying and teplenishing the potato patches; the caterpillars are eating up the orchard**--everything is going to ruin--in fact, If one-half we hear ia true this country will be on the point of starvation Inside of six months. OLD SETTLERS'. A meeting whs held at this offioe on Friday evening last, for the purpose of making arrangements for attending the Old Settlers' Meeting in a body on Thursday of next week. A committee of four waa appointed to canvass the town, raise the necessary funds to pay onr Band, and to urge upon all to turn out and help secure the Champion Flag on that occasion. It was agreed that the procession should leave Mo- Henry at 8 o'clock sharp and meet the procession from Rlngwood at Over- ocker's corners, on Sherman's hill at half past eight. ft Is hoped that onr friends at Johushurgli ^nd other parts of the tpwn will oil hand promptly at the appointed time, that no delay may be occasioned. With a general turnout, and the holding of our foroes inline, McHenry will stand a good show of bringing homo the Champion Banner, . • i Another thing tre would remind all of is the fact that arrangements have been made to take good care of teams. We are informed-by the Pre§ident that good accommodations en the Fair Grounds and plenty of Hay and Oats will be furnished free of charge, there­ fore none need stay away on acconnt of any fear they may have as to their teams. It also should be remembered that this is a Picnic, and while ample table room will be furnished it will be nec­ essary to bring along the substantial* We presume all understand this but we thought It best to remind them, that there utay be no misunderstanding. On the first page can be fouud the programme and line of march. We hope to see oue of the largest gather­ ings ever held In the comity aft' Wood­ stock on the 18th. DISTRICT Ha * HOMtML » EDITOR PLAIN-DEALER:--'The foltow- Ing are the names of the scholars, that have not been absent through the month ending May S8th: Welcome Beckley, Julia Powers, Flla Powers, ilattie Goff, Lizzie Flanders, JEthea Mack, Molly Holcotnh, John Powers, Edith Westfall, Etta Powers, Emma Rowley, May Parks, Hugh Mack. The following are the name* of those who have had perfect lessons dur­ ing that time, Etta Powers, Mauq Mack, Gertl« Willey. Emma Rowley, Charles Goff* Ellen Doherty. The following are the uames of those who have not whispered. True Flan­ ders, Ella Powers, Mary West fall, Mary Doherty, Emma Rowley, May Parks, Ellen Doherty, Anna Powers. Auna Westfall. Etta Powers, Hattle Goff, Lizzie Flauders, Maud Mack, Gii tie Willey. Below is the report of my A.ctatt, in spelling, Welcome Beckley, 3-280; True Flauders, 1-100; Hattie liofl, 280; Lizzie Flanders,280; Kllen Doherty. 1- 240; Anna Westfall, 3.280; Etra Powers, i-28»; Charles Goff, 4-2S0: May Parks* 1-200; Emma Rowley. 280; Maud Mack, 280; Mary Westfall, 6-260; Anna Pow­ ers, 1-270; Mortie Gilbert, 4-80;. Lrev A. HALL Teacher.* OUR Road Commissioners are doing a good work In all parts of the town.-- At no time, within the memory of the Oldest Inhabitant, was our road? In so had a condition as this spring, but our Commissioners have taken hold of the work with a will,and have been heartily seconded by the people, many of whom have given one and two days work be- •SUBK their tax, to nsip pni the roads In a passable condition. For t{ie past week they have been at work on the flats west of to,wn on the Woodstock road, putting on a he jury coat of gravel which pnts It In fine condition, Let the cdndfferk jp •«. WE hear from all sources the com­ plaint that the Apple tree worm 1* de­ stroying all the frnit. This is too bad. We trembled for a month for fear of a frost, and just as all danger of that is past this pesky worm must cOnie to blast all our hopes. Almost every one has some remedy, and we hope some one will strike one that will be sure to do the work. He would be a public benefactor. One of our correspondents suggests Paris Green, but we should consider that a dangerous remedy. At least vre ,«honId not want to cat fruit that had been sprinkled with this deadly, poison. WE learn that a son of A. L. Howe, aged four years, met with a severe and perhaps fatal accident on Monday.-- He was riding with hi* father on, a load of rails when he accidentally fell oft, the wheel of the wagon ruifning square over hi* toad. They were par­ sing over a piece of new plowed ground at the time, which accounts for the fact that he was uot instantly killed. Dr. Brown was Immediately called, who found the boy in a stupid half insensible condition, but at the time of writli g, Tuesday afternoon, he has revived up, and there 1* a fair pros­ pect ofhi* recovery. Real Estate Transfer!, Conveyances filed for record in the Recorder's Office of MuHenry County, Illinois, for the two weeks ending June 1st. A. D. 1878: Wm. P. St. Clair and w to John Avis worth let 1 blk 6 Walkup's add to Nunda, (100. Nelsoa W. Derry to Orson V. Petting!!! lots 7 and 8 and lot 9 blk 10, Union, fSOO. Nelson Norton to City of Woodstock pt lot 7 blk 1 Woodstock, *150. Harriet Howe ct at to Owe* UeGee he nw sec 36, Cheinurifr, fl,:'40. Clarence E. Chapel to Henry Keyes lot I blk 11 Piiunlelgh's add to Algonquin, *125. James Kellv and w to Powell A Entrlaad lot 10 blk 1 Ellsworth's add to Nunda, *130, Henry W. Mead and w te O. ft N. W. R. R. Rt of way over land ia SWJi 8*e 8 aad nwX aec 16, Hebron, $1,000. Daniel Clute and w to Fiank H. Sheldon a# sec 2, Coral, S4.000. it. R. Stone and wife to Charlea S. Kilbonrae Cheese Factory sec 33, Seneca, 13,000. Same to same Cheese Factory and flxtores, Algonquin, *2,500. Sarah A. Reid and bns. to D. W. Robinson ne ae sec 12, Seneca, *400. oSi«« DlKftOMUOir tu Vt'IU. UIAI E uw * H W aeo U and a SO a w}( sw sec 2, Graftou, ttiQO. Jnne Gardner to John O'Connor part lot 4 blk 5 Hart's add to Harvard, *100. Mary E. Heaton to Robert Forrest 191 a in wAi eesecS, Seneca, *200. Ilenrv Deos to F. K. Granper nw& se.'i nejtf and sw.V ne& nej^ sec 3t, Mcllenry, *600. Cyrus Fj. Mead and w to Phebe E. Pcfcenk f* Wx seo % Hebron, (Sa* of K. R.) fn Memory of Adalbert Headee* i Again lias the Angel «ome in our midst, and bourne away the object It has watched for years. Following when he fled to the Pacific coast and return* ing with him In its grasp, though he strove with mortal energy to hold his spirit till he enjoyed the sweet welcome home. Death seemed cruely to take him, just as the goal was reached, from friends who already knew but to well the last look of eyes fondly cherished. And the lonesome heartaches which follows, having only the solace of past memories and bright imaginations of future reunion, when their spirits like his shall "quit this mortal clay". The gnllded wheeltof fortane. Ne'er laid riches at his feet, Bat the blessed gifts «f kindness. Spread laurels round his heart That won and held him many friend*, Whom naught but deathcouId part. And where he lived from boyhood, Their mourning is no other, Than a mingled grief they might feel For child or younger brother. Hearts' sweetest buds lie withered; Ropes brightest dreams are o'er, Lips that respond to soit kisses. Must feel the thrill no more; O hearts that ache in anguish; Where deep regrets arf given. Bethink thou of a spiiitV joy, That's welcomed home ia Hea * WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDKALKR:--'NOW yott just*'gone and don€ it fo »hoo.n Last week we set up that naughty boy tor the Ravens to plyk out his eye* and lor the young £*gle* to oat them, just n* old So)oman did. But jrou spoiled It all and let the Ravens eat the eyes and the poor Eagles were compelled to go without. Now if you think this is fair well and good, bnt if not, we w«l§ yon to place that boy back and give the Eagles a fair fchake. - Saturday we *aw a wagon load pile into Frank IlanaforiTs buss and make efi towards W. W. Paynes lot of young timber, consisting of white, burr and jaok oaks varying lit si so from six inches to a foot In diameter. The load con­ sisted of our Police Magistrate, Joe, our Collector Lon, our commission man Jake, our Doctor Thoder onr Postmas­ ter Asa, our Marshal Vajp, and other* too numerous to mention. Mistrusting ywhat was up and thinking your read­ ers would like to heap about that stuu|p puller, wo took a short cut across lot* and were on the ground ahead of the buss. Not being a practical mechanic wo will not attempt to give a descrip­ tion of tlie machine, it 1* very simple iu structure, easily moved from place to place, requires bnt little space, and when once set a largo area cau be cleared of stumps, trees or grubs In a short time, and it requires no extraor­ dinary skill to manage It. As wo said last week, H. W. North, of Rock ford, Is exhibiting It. Makes no blow about It but lets the machine speak for Itself, and he has the good sense to see that its practical working is by far a better recommend than blowing. Suffice It to say that U Is well worth a trip from any part of the county to see it oper­ ate and any psrsoircom|>laiiihigof hard times and uothing to do would do well to get him a good steady team, pur* chase oue of these machines and far­ mers who have grubby or second rate lands which they desire cleared will |g» glad to pay hi in at profitable rates fbr his time and Investment, The ma­ chine cau he had complete for one hun­ dred and ifty dollar*. An old gentleman has taken position nearly in front of the Post Office for the last few days exhibiting a patent Churn. He offers to sell single Chums, Couuty or State rights, and warrants his churn to give satisfaction or no sale. Several farmers have ordered churns on these terms. Corn planting "drag* it* *low length along,*' and corn already planted la equallr slow In growth. The worms seem to bo making sad havoc among the frnlt trees and tho flattering prospects for fruit so much talked of a few weeks since are grow ingsadly less as the apples are falling to such an exteut that few will reach maturity. Tho strawberries and early Richmond cherries still bu&e a fair show and It Is said there will be a fair yield of grapes. We arc glad to see sooh men a* Alexander H. Stephens, Postmaster General Key and Gen. .8. A. Hurlbut putting themselves on the patriotic side In regard to the Potter Resolu* tion. We lear that for the good of the eouutry too many men of ability and Influence are holding bade their efforts against this attempt to mexlcaulze and revolutionise our government. These measures tend directly to revolution, and revolution means civil war, beslda which our late war, the most gigantie In history, will be but a tame affair.-- When we consider these measure* In connection with the socialists or com- Kichmoiid Department. DKCOKATION OAT. |Tot les* than one thousand persons, men, women and children, congregated iu Richmond on Decoration Day. The procession . was formed about one o'clock, and marched to the Cemetery, headed by the nigh School Cornet Band, where tlie followii|£ ord£J.' of Exercises were obeerved: ; h v* \-hit 4* &-; r*ll Business Notices. School Books and Writing Paper Cheap, at O. W. Owen's* ' Barb Wire always on ban4 John M, Smith's. Six 8x10 Chromos, for Blake's. M oent*,at J. O.Q.®. . WAUCONDA. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER :--Proftosor Nadal, the Elocutionist made up a class here about a month ago. He says they are doing splendid. All the yonng folks should take a term of lemon* of him. Prof. Nadal spoke a piece entitled **The Rom Maniac,** at the Rod Ribbon meeting, which was rendered In first- class sty)e. We hope we shall hear him again soon. There was ̂ ulto i rain a term here On Sunday last. Prof. Barker does make very pretty Crayon pictures. Leave yonr, order with Business dull at present. They had* debate at the Red Rlb- bon Club meeting, the question being "Is a Lie ever Justifiable,** which was decided in the affirmative. Doc. Wells Alleq and T. B. Harrison, tn the affir­ mative, and H. B. Burritt, John Boomer aim Rev. Mountain, for the negative. This debate wai a very In­ structive and Interesting one.' The Red Ribbons have rented Mal- man's Hall for the sum offlOO per an- MAb,< : •• Villi munists, who make their boasts that they are ..a..million rtr-ng, Is It not fully time that the alarm was souuded from 'high places bo those in /power and Influence that the people may be pre­ pared, "may know the worst and pro­ vide for it.** If the people can be made to see that almost all of hope of a peaceful solution of this voxod ques­ tion depends upon our next Congress, they will see to it that none hut the faithftil, none but the tried and true shall represent them therein. Tilden Is nothing. Hayes Is uothing. De­ mocracy is nothiug. Nor yet i* Re­ publicanism anything except as they are Instrumental In saving our laud from the Imminent dangers which now threaten It. Our greatest danger is, that our friends are sleeping seeming­ ly unconscious of the danger, while our enemies are vlgilint lighting the fires of sedition. Already are the enemies camp fires burning near every city and hamlet* on the mountain and ou the plain throughout the laud and yet we heed not. The elements of destruc­ tion are at onr very doors, we behold them not, but seemingly prefer to be "of those who having eye 6 seo not, and ear* hoar not the things which so near» ly eoaoern our temporal salvation.** jCast about yon my fellow*, citlsen* kwake from your llthergy, buckle ou your armor of defenoe while yet your tattles may be fought with ballots. Work while the day last* le*t a night darker than hades shall come when none but the lovers of darkness can ^ork. This Is what is callod the oft fear in politics, but peaoe or war, ex­ istence as a notion or destruction are Die questions to be wetgherf !ri !h; alance of this fall*s elections. Choose e nftw which you will have, a land of eace and prosperity or war and pes­ tle noe. Be vigilant in the perform- mee of your duty and the former will How, adopt the sluggard* motto and o late yon will experience the evils Hinging, America. Prayer, Rev. F. J. Dongl Music, Cornet Band. ^ Speech. Rev. P. C. Stire. Singing. Red, White and Btoe.' Speech, Wm.Grifteth? f>- Musi c. Cornet B:»»<!, Hinging, Rest Comrades Int. Speech, Alfred Wilcox. Music. Cornet Baud. ^ i. Original Poem, S. F. Bennett. Singing, Sweet Bye and Bye. » v ^ Benediction. Dr. Bennett has kindly furnished in* with a copy of his Poem, which 1 send jrou herewith. [Owing to tho <Srowded state of onr columns the publication of tlie Poem will bo deferred until next Week,--JBu- itur.J Mr. Stire's Oration was an able effort and reflected great credit on Its author. If you could take the sell-conceit out of lib head, he would be considerable of a man. Ho did well Decoration, Day. anyhow. Mr. Wilcox spoke ex­ temporaneous, and his speech was one of his most brilliant efforts. That ma«*s talent Is not half appreciated by hi* fellow townsmen. He ought to be in Congress Instead of digging on a farm. Mr. Griffeth's speech was the best written Of all. At this writing, (Sunday P. M.) 1 hope to have it in time to send you for publication. It contains some of tho best specimens of English 1 have over come across. Dr. Bennett'* Poeip was well received. Of course, Beunet is only a ** minor poet,*' not ranking very high In the world of letters, but after all, he did a moder­ ately fair thing on Decoration Day. The Band played splendidly. It would seem by the last number of the QaxetUi that Prof. B. F. Stanley has a notion of pitching Into your Richmond correspondent. He bettel1 Ind his own busiues*. Prof. Stanley has done a good work In Richmond.-- He Is an able man, well educated, and all that, but he don't want to meddle much In newspaper controversies. If he does 1*11 give him "flta." If your space will permit allow me to repro­ duce and answer some of the question* in Prof, Stanley's communication: 'No 1.--"Is the bond of friendship cemented any stronger by having our mistakes told each week in tho news­ paper ?" Answer.--Yes sir. If people think that their "mistakes,**--(which nine times out of ten are pure deviltry,)-- are going to ho shown up In t public newspaper, they will be more careful to arrange their walk according to the ts«*( orthodox standard of the moral law. No. i.--1"Are our children any more apt to walk in the path of rectitude after reading aueh dark hintaf** Anmoer.--Yes. You have got to teach children morals by comparison.-- Children are not fools. They can see the difference between virtue and vice in their parents, and if born with proper sensibilities, will avoid the bad example and follow the good. No. 3--%(Is the cause of Temperance or Religion furthered, I* education promoted, by our hard working fielder of the goose plumage?*' Aiietoer--Yea sir. Church members have an idea that the sacred iif ture 6f their rela?'*v-*h!p with the church Is such that no one dare to criticise their actions They will lie more decent If they know that somebody is to show up their hypocricles every week. Rich­ mond Is lull of church members, too many of whom, wo are sorry to say, are hypocrites, and your correspondent has heroye upon tnem, and will show them up from time to time as they de­ serve. Mr. Stanley, tend to your own business. < Foi*s,Hoe*t Rakes, AMU an low as the lowest, at John M. &mitb*s soar Depot. i 111 r C> f New and 4e»!mbt* Stvle* In forest Goods Gingham*, Print*. White Goods, Parasols, Ac.. jn*t revived. 1 us pectin* solicited at I'ITZSUIMOM A KVANSOX. • Mrs. 8. 8*ftrk? makes a specialty t« Mourning Goods: Monrnfag work dots* «n short notice. Don't bny Planters till you see my stock. They all have a high character and are not surpassed in the market. K. M. OWBX. Hats si»4 e guar an te« Men and Boys Clothing, Caps, a large variety. We the lowest prices. FiTzsiVHons A KVAKSOW. FOR SALE. Two fnl» Mood Durham Yearling BuU Catfs, fit for nse. J.FLUMTT. ; CLOAKS! CLOAKS! Mrs. Seurles is now offering • De­ cided Bargains in Cloaks and Mantles In Silk, English Diagonal* and. JUO#- lasses, Cashmere, Ac. FOR SALE CHEAP. X ̂ Several itood second hand Buggies.-- Apply to E. M. Owen. W A new stock of Table and Pockol just received at John II* near tho Depot, cheap for At a solemn conclave in the Gazette offioe, it was determined that a certain "mouled man** should •*prosecute your Richmond Correspondent. Now. Mr.M tnonled man,** don't, ptecue don't prosecute! Please, please* PLEASE don't prosecnte! Yon might waste your money. Yon dare not do it. It would bring too much hell to your own gattis. Just try It oh. The new "Buss" which landlord BlUett has put upon tho road Is a cred­ it to any hotel in the county. It is for hire for Excursions, Picnics, etc. Dominie Douglass did a good thing lately In his Sunday evening sermon. 1 begin to believe bo Is a Christian-- that la If he will practice as good as he preaches. In the sermon referred to he handled the vloe of slanderous gossip without gloves. While he was preaching 1 saw several men in Rich­ mond ** dangling,** as Ike Mead said^ " at a ropes end before the speaker."* Go on. Mr. Douglass, yon and I togeth­ er may be able to make a moral revo­ lution In this besotted, priest-ridden town, Shake, Mr. Douglass, shrike. WAIT FOR THE WAOO*. We are now offering one of onr cele­ brated Lumber Wagons, with top Box, Steel Spring seat, Whifltetwes, Neck Yoke and stay chains, all complete, for $50. Warranted for one year. tLBiaao^ A ll«W CutlerJ, Smith**. cash. IF yon want a Dress made In thn latest style, call on Mrs. Dodge and Miss Stocker, opposite Perry & Mar­ tin's. Go to Mrs. S. Searle* McHenry, ami 8*9 the largest stock of MSilUiiery lit the county and selling at the lowest prices. A fine lot of Zephyr and Card Boards, just received at J. B. Blake's Furniture Stoie. 4 IF you want a good Picture call at the Art Gallery, over Perry A Martin** store. No person a»ked to take a Ple- ture from the Gallery unless fully sat­ isfied, PUMPS. A largo Stock of Adamft «*1obratC>4 Kenosha Pumps. Tlie best Pump* and at lowest prices, at E. M. Owen**. PLANTERS. I am Sole Agent for the oelehraMNl: Union, Keystone and Star Planter* which I oiler at low prices, E. M. OWES, CLOAKS.--Don't forget to call and Erlce Cloak* at Mrs. S. Sonrlos' Mc-lenry. . BOqTS AND SHOES AT BARGAINS. During this week we are opening a large Invoice of Boots and Shoes, which we have purchased direct from first hands for cash, and we will guar­ antee the Cash buyers a great saving <u» all grades from a Child* Shoe to a MenV Calf Boot. We are also offering a tine Men's Plow Shoe at fleets per pair, to clo<se. Our goods are wortl of Inspection, as they are decided gains. FIJZSIMMONS A F VAN SON. Uncle Sam's Harness OS1 will keep the leather soft aud pliable, thus pre­ venting its cracking or* ripping, keep* out water and is better for oiling har­ ness than any other oil ever made. It will make harness hist as long again, sold by all Harness Makers anu dealer* iu leather. Give it r. trial. Uncle Sam's Condition Powder, pro- vents disease, purifies the blood Im­ proves the appetite, gives a smooth and glossy coat of hair and keep* the animal in.good condition. It should ho used by every out ofuinf or having tlw care of home* or stock. Sold by all Druggists. MUSIC LESSONS, fei?1 acts* Mattle MEOAAHER.F^ ' Is now prepared to give Lessons on Piano or Org*n, either at home or will call at residents of Pupils. Term* Reasonable. Good, References sriyen if desired. 25 Lessens will be gtvon for a Term. Where Pupils com* to mo I will furnish Piano or Organ without extra charge. MATTIE McQMBER. Summer Complaints, or Cholera-!in­ fantum. this fearful complaint which 1* carrying of! the Infants and children by the thousands at this season of the year, can always surely be checked and cured by Dr. Wincliell's Teething Syr­ up, it has never failed to give immedi­ ate relief iu the most sever® eases. It l* a boon within the reach of every mother. Do not fail to give it a trial, you will be pleased with its charming effect. Be sure aud ask for Dr. Wlu- chell's Teething Syrup. Sold by all Druggists at 26 els. per bottle. Mncli ha* been eung of the UM#M With Golden Hair." No song% bow^iir, has yet been able to make that valor n popular one for any considerable length of lime. Light red. faded or sandy hair are equally under the ban of public opinion. We are happy to an* Bounce to our readers who ttestre to change thoee colors, that three applU cstions of Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia will give them beautiful aubiirn tre**e* pesseesiug all that soft, liwtron* ap­ pearance so desirable In this chief adornment of female beaaty. AN VNpEMABLE TttUTtt. You deserve to suffer, wad if yon lead a miserable, unsatisfactory life In this beautiful I* entirely yonr own Aiult and there l* ontv one exruso fbr yon.--your tin reasonable prejudice and skepticism, which ha* killed thous­ ands. Personal knowledge and com­ mon sense reasoning will *>on show you that Green** Angina Flo#er will cure yon of Liver Complaint, or Dyo» pei sla, with- all Its miserable eff«*ots. •n«»K « hrsdnuw, of the heart, sonr stomache, habitual eoo- tlvenes*. dlsslness of the head, nerv- otis prostration, low spirits, etc, Ita sales now reach every town on tho Western Continent and not a Druggist but will tell vou of its wonderful enros. Yon cau buy a Sample Bottle for_ 10 cents. Three doses will relieve yoifc* i #or *alo by Cnlby Bro1*,

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