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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jul 1878, p. 4

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i: r :V * ' V' 2k WEDNESDAY. JtJLY 17th, -fPW\; • ' W. : ipM#W»w *HMH MMMMMI lA^itoihiMiiiiiiil tadH LIVER IS KINO, TIM LIVER is th« Imperial organ of mm<i Jf f o J ; t C,l 1 v* THE- m. • '1,4-W* r" >«• * K W'J-'y.v'iS •J. VAN fflTA Tempsrstftw Convention for thefoftrth Congressional District,ha* been called to Meet lit Elgin on Ttwt- dayt the S8d day of July, for the pur­ pose of nominating a candidate for Congress for asid District "indepen­ dent of all former party affiliation." The call Is signed in behalf of He Henry county by E. R. Passe!, F. G. Moulton* W. F. Morris and M. G. Sheldon. Now We would like to have tome one tell us who these gentlemen are. We have made dilligent inquiry andean find no one that knows them. Were they im­ ported for the occasion f jfipEx-Govemor Horatio Seymour has for some time been in correspond­ ence with the War Department in re­ lation to the Question of adopting cheese as a ration in our army. He has so far succeeded in his attempts, which have been seconded by Senators Conk- llug and Kernan, that a Government agent is soon to be sent to investigate the matter. Governor Seymour be­ lieves that if this measure should suc­ ceed In the United States army it would eventually be adopted by Eu­ ropean armies also, and thud furnish a new and large field to be supplied by this important branch of our farming Industry. gVJust before the horses wire called on for a race in Beacon Park, Boston, a tramp with a pack on his back, came shambling along among the stables and inquired the road to Lowell. A joker pointed down the track, along which the tramp'at once began his journey. In due time be reappeared at the point whence be had «et out, still slouching along and leoking neither to the right nor left, aad started around the course again.-- After trudging around the circle three times to the amusement of the spec­ tators, whea a sudden thought seemed to strike him. He looked up, recog- «tfed the gate by which he had enter­ ed, and dashed out in anger. 1. •y--1------a; •&"In ordinary iiuni-drum times when there are great issues to awaken general Interest, political conventions are turned over to cliques and coteries of state-makers, and the party masses follow the self-constitu­ ted managers with an easy indiffer­ ence that enables them often to Ignore the real will of the people. But the last two years have brought us to the threshold of a eontcst In which popu­ lar convictions sharply defined and popular feeling thoroughly aroused will defy ordinary restraints. Party ties only chafe the independent spi rlt of the masses when the pract ical wel­ fare of millions is at stake, and the pop­ ular heart must throb In every utter­ ance of the convention that loads the people now. Under (he heading **Is prosper­ ity at hand F" the New York Herald of a late date sajs that a good many astute business men believe that the cotuitry stands on the threshold of a new and great era of prosperity.- They are not always able to give defi­ nite or detailed reasons for this belief, bat In general they say that the period of contraction Is substantially at an end; the prices of commodities are so low as to make the low wages of the present day better for those who re­ ceive them than were the high wages of the period of Inflation; that there are abundant evidences of a somewhat rapid growth of our foreign commeroe; that the country has been enriched by the large crops of several years past, sold In general at good prices; that the people have at last submitted to habits of economy, which tell very rapidly in increasing the sum of the na^onal wealth; that the redis­ tribution of property, which has c&used so much suffering, is now almost com­ pleted, or, to put it In a more homely phrase, the Sheriff has almost finished his work; and that unless the next Congress should commit some striking folly to plunge us back into the morass the country is really on the upward way. r\ We believe/this reasoning is la the •naln correct. It is an undeniable fact, shown by official statistics, tu&i, Uus production of all necessaries of life-- food, fuel and clothing--has actually and largely increased during the | last ten years. Low pricos have prevented great dividends or striking profits, but low prices are an advantage to the mass of men who labor for wages.-- The redistrbmlon of property arising out of the failure of rash speculations and ventures Is not yet complete, but nearly so. The tendency of the more energetic part of our urban population to the land is increasing, and is one of the most healthful and promising signs for the future, as is also the other fact that our merchants and manufacturers are at last thoroughly awake to the necessity of largely increasing our for­ eign trade. Old Fidelity. The Chicago Journal of Monday, July8th,says: "The old watch dog "Fidelity" of the Fidelity Snfe Depos­ itory, died of old age on Saturday night. His death deserves more than a passing notice. On the night of the great fire, October 9th, 1871, "Old Fidelity" was at his post in the Fidel­ ity Safe Depository, and when the hurricane of firo swept over the city he took refuse In an unoccupied vault (a the basement and remained there ontil the morning of the 11 th of Oct., when the debris was cleared away and the faithful fellow was rescued, /tie has ever since been an object of jVter- est„ as the only living thiug that pass­ ed through the great fire. There Is mourning in the Fidelity to-day over the death of "Fido/* A fine oil paint­ ing of the dog, presented to Mr. Geo. W. Fay, the manager, by Miss Owen, of McHenry, hangs in the offius of the depository. • £"* the whole hr<<nan system, as it «onti*oli the life,health aid happiness of man. When it is ciisturbed in its proper ac­ tion, all kinds of ailments are the natural result. The digestion of food, the movements of the heart and blood, the action of the brain and nervous system, are all immediately connected with the workings of the Liver. It has been successfully proved that Green's August Flower is unequalled in curing all afflicted with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, and all the numerous symp­ toms that result from an unhealthy condition of the Liver and Stomach. Sample bottles to try, 10 cents. Posi­ tively sold in all towns on the Western Continent. Three doses will prove that It Is jnst what yon wanif x A general opinion prevails that noth­ ing short of opiates or narcotics will produce sleep in nervous persons.-- This is a mistake. It is a matter of much consequence to heads ot fami­ lies where there are young children who are restless, sleepless, and of course more or less irritable, to know that in Lawson's Curative a most per­ fect nervine will be found. By sim­ ply bathing your child and rubbing it with Curative at night, and several times a day, with small doses taken internally, you will be surprised how quickly it will bring about natural, refreshing sleep, and that, too, with­ out any dosing, or poisonous drugs, whf&h only deaden the senses without curing the difficulty. The Curative Is equally good for grown persons, for all nervous affections. ?' THK KUKOPKAN COXGK Did you ever see a man on a mill- pond trying to hold together a num­ ber of floating logs 7 As last as one is polled ia and secured, another pushes vp one end and shoots away, and so it goes. Well, this was just the position of the Earopean Congress In its late session at Berlin. When one point in the -vgament was secured, dlssaiisfc tion aad opposition broke out at an­ other, Austria talks peace and pushes Its irawi forces to the frontier. Greece talkes peace and Is preparing for war. Buesia shows no signs of gtviof ®p her h«Jd ou Turkish terri­ tory. Be aeons Held. as the premier of England, puts down Ms ultimatum with a threat of war in the other end of the seale, Germany alone talks of peaee In real earnest. How peace Is to be secured under so many beligerent influences and demonstrations, is more than we can preteud to surmise. Per­ haps it is away they have of doing business over there. We shall see. 19~Tlie Idea prevails with many, says a correspondent of the Ohio Far- •er, that thoroughbred animals are for ornament rather than utility.-- From an extensive acquaintance with breeders I am prepared to believe that they are continually seeking to im­ prove in the points that go to make a profitable pork hog. No matter what the breed is, we want a hog with a good constitution, robust health, and good digestive and assimilative pow­ ers--one chat can make pork from a bushel of corn--and these are the points our best breeders are seeking to compass. I think I can say without hesitation that aside from the ques­ tion of cost of the first purchase, the most profitable pork hogs I have ever seen have been the purest breed.-- Whether the individual farmer had better breed thoroughbreds or glides, is an opeu question. FAMILY MEDICINES.--EVES# ^MLLY should always have certain remedies in the house to meet the common acci­ dents or emergencies which may occur at any time. Au emetic promptly administered has often saved a life which would have been lost if left to the delay of calling a physician. A medicine which combines the most essential features--such as a pain-killer --that wiii cure rheumatism, neuralgia, headache--stop bleeding, either intern­ al or external--a most excellent cor­ rector of the stomach--will cure sore throat, etc., should be in every house­ hold. In Law son's Curative we have the best combination of medicines, which makes it the most excellcut of all for family use. fl@TMWhat will you take, "^adamt* said the soda water drug clerk. "A little strawberry in mine," said she.-- uAnd you, sir?" to the husband. "Le' me see" (scanning the row of bottles which contained sirups), "oh, yes; a little splritus frumenti, if you please." And as they went off, after drinking their soda water, she said softly: "Oh, George how much better that is than drinking nasty, horrid brandy, as you used to do before you 'joined the Murphy men, isn't it? And he said be "rather guessed it was." See what the druggists say about Dr. Marshail.s Lung Syrup. "ft never fails to cure the worst Cough or Cold promptly and effectually." Pflce only <5 cents a bottle. Sold by A. B. Gil­ bert, McHenry, 111. : j . IF you want a bargain in Millinery and Cloaks go to Mrs. S. Searles where you can select from the largest stock in the county and at the lowest prices. Come one,come all aud have the ben­ efit of the low prices uutil July 4th. Bo«s Mowers at E. M. Owen's. Vv' ••i. -"rS * PI pared with a full and com­ plete Stock i for the Spring and Summer Trade, and extreme ̂ Low Prices for Cash. 1 . -f f b <WV There's Money in it for Yoifii ONE PRICE ONLY t CASH ONLY t< Good* at Unhend of PBICES. Quality the Best and everything ** repr*e sented or Money Refunded. V **- V* ' t ' » t » .V - V * ' " *6 i *!*!** YOU BUY AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES? ISU W Best Prints,..,. Best Prints,.,.. . Coats' Cotton Good Corsets,........... .. No. lBlaek Alanana,....,. All wool Cashmeie--JSxtra Table Linen Ladies Ilose Gents Hose, Ladies Black Ties--best,. Wo's shoea--cloth A button 1 Misses shoes--11 to 9,. Good Boots,...; 05 Boys Pants--Good....... 06 Boys Vests--Good,.ii*00 05 Boys Coatc ,. J 15 Mona Suits, .....I.... S 00 «f» Mens Suits--Good,.*3 75 to 7 00 65 Overalls, leather trimmed, 50 8fi 10 lbs A. Sugar I 00 0B 11 lbs No. 1 Raisins, 1 QfilM lbs No. 1 Currents, 1 85115 lbs Dried Apples 1 00 00 11 lbs Best Dried Apples,.. 1 I OollStbs Beat Haifa Peaches.. > 00 1 76 7 B>s Choice Pared " 1 00 12 lbs Rice........ ......... IN No. 1 Baking Powder...... SB 3 lbs Tea, 100 4 lbs Tea,.. | 09 Best Japan Tea, 71 Best Young Hyson T« Best Y. H. & Jap. for ] Axle Greese: Stove Polish, ft. Fine Cut Tobacco,.......... Stove Polish, Tack*» * Choice Syrup, 5 9>s Ground Coffee,..-.:..... Eta The Place where you can buy a Sfr. f broad new AMERICAN OR HOWE nfinhmn wm vited to call, inspect Goods ana Prices be­ fore purchase ing^^whether yo"U Wish to buy or not. No trouble to show Goods. House and Lots for S&1& THE undersigned offers for sale his house aod two lots, situated in the village of McHenry. There is a good house, barn, a good wel I of water, cistern, a line orchard, all kinds of small fruit, and in short is a very de. sirable place. Will be sold' on reasonable terms if applied for soon. Appiy to J. 8. HIKES. McHenry, 111., May 28th, 137& 186frcareful estimate* made the sum of United States bond* held abroad #900,000,000, and the annual in­ terest was #54,000,000. This eucu hu been steadily decreasing In the mean time. It was reduced to less than •500.000,000 a year age. The general balance of trade in our favor during the past twelve months has been over #265,000,000, and more than one half of this balance has been brmtght home In United States bou.ds. It nsay be «»fely estimated that not more than $350,000,000 of United State* bonds la now held abroad, aad Che annual in­ terest ean not be as much as #50,000,000. f his great change in the amount of foreign d«bt lias a permanent bearing jMpou the demand for coin for ship* pent. Of the railroad bonds which BraM CAIJ) akaiA*yl • i «»rgv tnare u fiv default and will long remain so. With v.'%#o small a foreign debt represented by fovernment securities and such a heavy alanee of trade in our favor, it is lm- possible for any serious pressure to \ tome from abroad upon oar money Jnarkets. And since we owe so little j»nd are selling so much, the growth «|f our national wealth can not be de­ nied and it can net forever fail to show Jtaelf in mo¥#»«nU toward general V '•? * Itt^Ofllcial notice is given by Hon. George H. Harlow, Secretary of State, that on the 5th day of November next, will be submitted to tiie people of Ill­ inois, for their acceptance or rejection by ballot, an amendment to the State Constitution, proposed by the Thirtieth General Assembly, so to amend the thirty-first section of the fourth article of the constitution, that it may read: The General Assembly may pass laws permitting the owners of land to construct drains, ditches and levees for agricultural,snnitary or mining put- poses aciosB the lauds of others, and provide for the organization of drain­ age districts, and vest the corporate authorities thereof with power to con­ struct and maintain levees, drains and ditehee, and to keep in repair all drains ditches and levees heretofore con­ structed under the laws of this State by special assessment upon the proper­ ty benefitted thereby. Onimnry MMU With all the latest ranted, improv and wafr- For $25. These are two of the bent machines new In the market, and persons wishing to buy should avail themselves of this Rare Chance, Call at my store and examine the machines. 0. W. Owen. McHeary, III., July 15th, 1878. I sell cheaper than my neighbors because I buy cheaper, and' say to any one coming to buy of me, you will be more than satisfied. In Clothing, Boots and Shoes and General Merchandise, my stock is three times what it has been in former years. My Bankrupt stoek of Clothing is now being sold at less rates than other dealers can buy. Hats and Caps, Trunks aild Valises at much below regular prices. Am weekly in the market, buy for cash for two stores, and do secure bargains which I more than divide with mv customers.-- Our interests are mutual, and my constant aim will be to sell you goods at such prices as will convince you that I am selling General Merchandise cheaper than any store in the Northwest. Come and see me and I will do you good, and in this way you can make mbney easier than you can earn it. § C. F. HALL, Stlicago Office, Q.F. HALL, RICHMOND, III. 122 FBANKLIN SrHit*T. 1^ DUHDKK, III. ORA C. COLBY. HENRY COLBY. Worklngmen! look to your interests and save doctor bills by using Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup for all cases of aIa Pflita nnltr 9lt Aonta v v» • V-..VW a bottle. Sold by A. B.GilbertMcHen- . Dr. Jaque's German Worm Cakes are *n effectual and safe remedy for worms. They are Pleasant to take aud not only destroy the worms, but remove all traces of them from the system leav­ ing the child healthy and strong. They ere warranted to give perfect satisfac­ tion. Sold by all Druggists. Bueklin & Stevens' are in receipt of N#w Dress Gooih, Parasols, Triinmim s, Button#, aad at tin loweet living pice*. iimi. immncK nim won m n HfllS. There Is a carious story about some native Wines which are extensively advertised nowa­ days, and have only recently been put upon the market. Dr. Underbill, the well-known grape-grower of Croton Point, died in x87T. Some of his heirs entertained temperance views of such extreme kind, that they were ucwilling to allow the stock of wines tnen on hand to be sold or any more to be made. The grapes have sometimes been sent to market, and sometimes left to decay upon, the vines. It is only now that the other heirs have succeeded in arranging for a settlement of the estate and the sale of the wines on hand. Among these is a wine of the vintage of 1864, described as a " Sweet Union Port," but suggesting the Imperial Tokay more.' than any other European wine, ana being wholly unlike any other wine of American, growth. Its purity, age and mellowness are" remarkable, and Doth physicians and wine- fanciers have a special interest in It as the oldest native "wins now accessible in any con- * aiderable Quantity. The whole stock is in the' hands of the well-known wholesale grocery ' T*vxb*a'-N* y. The above speaks for itself, bat we wot^l add that this is the pure juice of the grape, neither drugged, Uquored nor wfsUrtd; that it has been ripened and mellowed by age, and for medicinal or sacramental purposes It is unsurpassed. It ean be obtained from most flf the leading Druggists throughout the United States, and at wholesale from the vadersigned, who will forward descriptive pamphlet, free of charge, on application. Respectfully, etc., p. C. 4 F. B. THURBIR 4 00. Rtod* amd Hmdtm Nzw-Yomc. The Fast Running Steamboat "Ilirair :Tfvr." ' JLifi 1. •JLSJJi M, JS.wi , Having been ttutvmitrhlv repaired and fnrn- isheil with a now ^te«l ltoilor, making nescuiar Trip* tiutwocsn M«8enry nml tlie Lakes as follows: Fridays and Saturday* will leave McHenry on the arrival of the trains from Chicago and the South. Mondays will arrive at McHen ry in time for the 7:25 A. M. train for Chicago. Fare OO omntm ner head. All other 'lays In the week will l>e ready to run on 20 minutes notice at rates according to pumper. No pains will t>e spared to secure the accommodation of passengers. C. QRI5WOLD, Captain. COLBY BROS., Having purchased the entire stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., ot Smith, Aldrich & Haythorn, have removed to the Store in Riverside Block, where they are now prepared to meet their customers and the puUic generally with a large aud well selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Boot& and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Cro eery, Glass-Ware, &cc., &c. Which they will sell for Cash or Ready-Pay as cheap as any other House in the County. Our Goods are all fresh and have been bought with especial reference to the wants of the people of this community, ana we WILL I*OT BE UIVDERSOLD, The McHenry MM MB Having newly Ee-Painted and fitted up onr Shop, we are now prepared to furnish our customers with and Salt Mleats OF ALL KINDS. s ' '• 'V. "•:$> A ' Sausage, Smoked Meats. &c., AT THE Lowest Living Prices. We buy none but the best of Meats, and having served our time in one of the best Markets in Chicago, flatter ourselves that we can offer onr customers Meats in better shape Thank'ful for pastYavors we solicit a eon- tiaaance of the same, and we will guarantee both in quali ty and price. We also keep our usual stock of Tltinrrn Mndimnnri Dninfn fliln dn k up, ftiouibiiioD, idiiiid, una, oib., And m h^otofore, wiil.siiarQ ao .pains to please pr ̂ i^looiN jp this line. . * J^hysicians Prescriptions Compounded in a careful manner and by none but experienced hands. Thankful for past favors, we solicit, and hope to merit a continu­ ance of the same. GOJU&lf BEOS. McHenry, 111., May^ 7th, 1878. Frett Ac Son. ycHsKBY, ni., May *>th, ism. " """ '• • dfc-|AA MONTHLY MADE. Agents wanted 5>lVV County rights given gratis f„r the sale of seven well-known Standard Medicines needed in every family; reputation world- wide; established many years; made by a celebrated physician; proofs of evidence, given. An industrious, energetic person can* make snng permanent income and very liberal Oerms. by addressing with reference. MS ihestnot Street, Philadelphia. Will not be excelled, either in quality of Goods- or Jx>w Prices, by any in or adj oining counties. Gash or Heady-Pay One Price is our motto. • ~ . P. D. SMITH. Near the Depot, •Mfl* «_» 1 ^ i ; /

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