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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jul 1878, p. 1

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mm. $•: Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; Wo Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe. VOL. 3, m J|#"I JtoWWw. Published Every Wednesday by J. VAN SLYKE Xditor an.l Publisher. r* i * • »r 0*c« in Old P. O. Block, > -ttPfOIIII &IVE8SO>B HOCIb» . . 4 • •%$ •ffE&Mf, or SUBSCRIPTION: One Tear, (in Advance,) ....#180 If set Paid within Three Month** I 00 tfubserlplionM receive*! for three or aix month* In the same proportion. BUSINESS CAKD8. H. T. BROWN, JC. I). PHY9IC1AX and Surgeon. Odce in Brlek Block over F. 8. Mavea Olothlng Store Water Street, MeHenry lit K. A. BEERS M. D. pimiouv and gvurgGsu. Office attMrtnea, iiti 1" two door a weat or Poat Oftee, MeHenry O. J. HOWARD, M D. PHT8ICIAN and Surgeon. Ofllee at the store of Howard A Son, MeHenry, 111. W. n . BUCK, M. D., HOMEOPATHIC Phvtictan and Surgeon.-Office East Side Pnblle Square, wood •tack, I1L Office hoar* 11 to IS A. it, aadS to4 P.M. r. J. BABSIAN. I ? i 4^IGAR!Manufaetki»r, McHcnrr I1L dera soiicltorf. Shop North Eaat e Public Square. Or corner ' . i -% K. PERKINS. • * WAOOJf Maker. McKeary, III < ' If Jobbing promptly attended to. Weat of the P ubiic Square. Genera! RICHARD BISHOP, ^TTORNEY ANDCOUNSELOR AT LAW MeHenry, III. GEO. A. BUCK LIN VOTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancer and In. aurance Agent. Office at Bucklln * ItfTw'a Store, near the Depot, MeHenry, 111. £. E. RICHARDS. HAS a complete Abstract ot Title* to land In McHenrv County, Illinois. Ofllee with Oeanty Clerk, Woodstock, 111. ROBT. WRIGHT. Manufacturer of Custom Made Boots and Shoes. None but the best of material used and ali work warranted. Shop N' •orner Public Square, MeHenry, IiL E. M. OVEN. GENERAL Dealer and Manuffcetnrctra Agent in Leading Farm Machinery. Prices low and Terms favorable. MCHSNRY. • • ILLINOIS. GEO. SCHREINER. SALOON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite the Parker House, MeHenry IIL SVFirat-Clasa Billiard and Pool Table*. J. BONSLETT, SALOON and Restaurant Nearly oppoeite Owen's Mill, MeHenry, IIL FreshOystera •erved up in any shape desired, or tor sale by the dan. 4VGOOD STABLING FOB HORSES.US* W. W. ELLSWORTH. Breeder of the Celebrated Poland China Hog Also Lijrht .\nd Dark Brahma Fowls. Pigs (hipped to all points by express, P. O. Ad Iress, Woodstock, IIL, ' PETER LEICKEM. REPAIRS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds. Also Repairs Violins in the best •OMlhl© manner, on short notice and at rea« •onAble rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop first door North of Riverside Block, MeHenry IIL P. KT.EIFGEX ft SON. riAlStAfiE, Wa*on and Houae Painting • : a\J done on Short Notice. All work war. jraated.. JfccHeasy. IiL, South of the Publlo • Sniuu*. Poland China Swine £>OOD Pigs ft that was sired fey Boar* ok First IVoniiiun aad 8 wee ir sal sp- atakeb at State and County Fairs, from $10 to, We are shipping te some of thf "n the country. For particular1* 3TSBBT A SON, Tlcbr d 15 apiece. f>eat or Dreedera in the country .on, III/ WANTED 2£££S«,*5!arS clergyman having leltnM, or ft Bible Reader, to introduce in MeHenry County, the CELE. BRATED NEW Centennial Edition ot the HOLY BIBLE. For description, notice edi­ torial in last week's issue of this paper. Ad. dreaa at once F. L. HORTON * CO., Publish­ ers and Bookbinders, SO E. Market St.. apoll*, Ind. « A. A. RICE D E N T I S T Has the permanently located hla offiee at, Riverside House, MeHearyM. Where he would be pleased to wait en all those needing his services. #111 seta of Artificial Teeth UuarM tor "$8. Pi. f"> The price of which ha* been fifteen and twenty. None but the best of material used and satisfactionjgnaranteed. Partial plates at reasonably low figures. field sad Silver fillings and No Panoy Prlooa. Special attention paid to the treatment ef diseased aad spongy gams, ulcerated aad Irregular teeth. Would be glad to see persons that have teeth that are not satisfactory. Call and have yonr teeth examined. Teeth extracted in a careful and skillful manner. Ten years practice la Chicago where he has met with some very dlfllcnlt cases. Gold fillings inserted by an entirely new method, by using gold wire anchors which through the tooth making it S5S®?i& flam pin" Henry. the III lug ever to loosen.-- flamplM Si work seen at the Post Ofitae, Mc- AT HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 187$. BUSINESS CARDS. W. H. PERKINS, Dhotographer. Gallery over Perry ft Mi I !!«> Store, MeHenry, III. Pictures taken in the latest style of the Art nnd satis­ faction guaranteed. E- V. ANDERSON. M. D. and Surgeon. Ofllee at Gil the Parker Hocse, MeHenry, lilinoli "PHYSICIAN J| hert's Drug Store, opposite E. BENNETT, V. O., At-^wufcuer. , Diseases of neciaUy. Office J ' on Clay Street Woodstock, III. 'UMituii »n« b Women a Specially. Offloeand Residence DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DCWTIST, Algonquin, 111. All work war­ranted. Teeth extracted in a careful and sklllfhl manner. DR. O. W. COX, DENTIST. Office Over 8mith, Aldrich ft Hay thorn's Store. Richmond, 111. SIDNEY D1SBROW, NOTARY PUBLIC and Conveyance*, den, IIL Ah N. 8. COLBY. CHEKKY, MeHenry Co., III. Breeder of mlth Merino Sheep, Berkshire and )hina Swine. A choice lot of young Buck stock for sale. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. M* ELECTROPATHY. Dr. Samuel Sherman, And Wife will be at their residence IX miles West of the Depot, on the Woodstock road, three days in each week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, for the purpose of treating all curable diseases. Consultation and Examinations Free. Office hours from 8 A. M., JEO IP. M. REFERENCES:--John Doran, Richard Biah- op, Martin Welsh, Arthur Whiting, Leonard Bonslet, James Sutton, John M. Smith. V, K. Granger, Geo. (iajre, Hen. Gilbert, Horace Dwefly, B.F.Peck, Wm. Hutson, Geo. Gilbert. J. A. SHERWOOD AtJCTIONE EH AKD APPRAISER* Algonquin, III. SALES of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds promptly attended to. Farm sales a specialty. Terms reasonable. Post Dffice address Algonquin IU. W. N. SANFORD, Morcliant Tailor. In the stove of G. EL Dickinson, Bast side of Public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al- wayeonhand. Suits made to order ana a fit warranted. Give me a call. Woodktotik 111., Sept. 27th, r. H. SANFORD. 1875. Vp M. ENCELN- ; ,,-r G U N - S M I T I L Scale Repairing, Grinding and Pol- Cutlery, Gun and ishing lienors and Shears tind Table Cutlery a speciali­ ty, lte{miring of nil kinds done in Steel or Brass.-- Ali work warrant­ ed. Also dealer in Guns, Revolver*, TN hie and Pockot Fishing Material, Pipes, Cigars, Tobacco, Violin Strings, &c Shop and store near the Post Office, M< Henry, 111. " ; ' H. *}• '"IGIITMAN, Proprietor. First class rigs, with or without dri?ers, fnrniahed at reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds done.on short notice. O. W. CWEN, WATCH MAKER & JEW£LIB. MCHENRY ILL., Dealer in all kinds of American and Swiss Watches, Clocks from the best factories in the country. Silver, platedware, Silver Spoons, Ac., AL80 AGENT FOR THE Weber and Bradbury Pianos AND THE * pstey Orgpan ! Which we believe to be' the best Organ in the market. We think we know that by experi­ ence, and we believe it, for it Is backed np by the Bell Musicians in Hie World. I also sell other Organs at less price* than the Estey, but caa't reeeotnmend them to be a* good. _ : , ^aw.owiK. July tt.. 1000 BOYS&GIBLS .. KTery hoyiaad ghrl caa earn a.. *---- l«i*nre iy Papery afi- tkit can w f K«w« Scott & Co., EATS CATS & STRAW GOODS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 192 MADISON STREET , COB. FIFTH AVE, And Lalca St. Cor. Clark CHICAGO. A Larger Stock of MEDIUM and FINE GOODS and LOWER PRICES than any other house in the trade. • . « . • liitivjil'iilil! - PIMPLES. ) thi receipt for a simple 4hat will remoye Tan, Uotehes, leaving the tiful; also instruc- .. „ _ .nsuariaat growth of ftAKt bead or smooth ftie« Address, will mail ge table le*,Pfcapi T wl] ^ THE MAQIQAL MAMSMAlt. Dr. W. F. Carver CHnmngj the Wk^gof a Lusty Bumble Bee.-- Wonderful Shooting in Dserfoot l*fx r k,--Sending <S5/ver Dollars. Halve*, Nlcklea, and Three cent Piece* Whizing Through mjUr. neaa the Heir Teak Jha On the Fourth »f Juljr Dr. Carver stepped (o the front of the little shed iirar the centre of f?o©rfo©t Fark. Four Winchester rifles lay on* table to the right. The famed Texas Jnck and Col. Fletcher of San Francisco briskly shored bullets Into the rifles, supplying themselves from a strong rug carpet-bag on the table. A barrel of glass balls stood thirty-Are feet away. The Doctor picked up % rifle, and took a position near the table. The spectators spread out in two long \ wings on each side. Carver's long auburn hair was thrown behind his ears. Be wore dark pantaloons, lap­ ped over his boots, a soft white flannel shirt, his light-colored sombreo, and a glazed belt, with a gold buckle nearly as large as a railroad frog. His right hand was covered with a grimy buck­ skin glove, and the corner of a blue silk handkerchief peerd from the pocket of his shirt. A white silk scarf encircled his neck, and WHS fasteued to tils botom by the diamond-eyed and ruby-ostrill- ed gold horse's head presented to him after breaking fifty successive glass balls while riding a horse at full speed In California. The magnificent badge given by his friends in San Francisco on Washington's birthday, after the breaking of 885 balls out of a possible 1,000, swung from his left breast. At the Doctor's request Col. Fletcher tossed several glass balls In the air, for the purpose of puting him In trim. The most of them were shattered as though struck by lightning. There were four or live misses, but froiu twenty to thirty were broken before the Doctor stopped shooting. "Throw them upas high as you can--higher, higher!" said the Doctor, and up they went eighty or ninety feet, and were broken on the turn. Each ball was filled with feathers, and as the glass was .shattered the feathers floated oil on the wind. The Doctor then tried to shoot thrice, reloading his gun twloe while a ball was in the air. and break It at the third shot. He did it on the third trial. Half of the ball fell among the spectators behind him. Texas Jack suid. "Dead bird, but fell out of bounds." This drew a laugh from the usually saturnine Doctor. The work of the day was begun. What had been done was mere byplay. One hundred balls were thrown into the air alternately, and they melted away like magic. The Dootor shatter­ ed 91 out of the hundred. As fast as each rifle was emptied of its score of balls he laid it upon the table and seized a fresh gun. He shot faster than Texas Jack could load. The balls were hurled in the air from fifteen to eighteen yards in front of the Doctor. The hot rifles were handed to an at­ tendant, who sat them In a tub oi water «ud sponged Ui«>ui oO like horser. They v. ore ihen wiped out and handed to Texas Jack, who reloaded them. After again successfully trying his tripple shot, a ball was tossed skyward and broken by the Doctor, who aimed and discharged the rifle with one hand. He then began to call for trade dollars. Several were thrown Into the air, and promptly chopped by the Doctor'* bullets. Some were sent spinning a hundred yards, and it was amusing to see the ^rowd start after them before they fell. A Peruviau sol was chipped Texas Jack matched the Peruvian With a Mexican dollar. Pointing to tho cap of liberty in the centre he shouted, "Knock out that cap. Doctor." The dollar was sent above the heads of the spectators, the rifle cracked, and Jack flew after the metal. It had a hole through the centre, and the liberty cap was taken out as neatly as though cut out by a chisel. Nothing but the rays of the sun remained. A quarter was Hipped up and shot out of sight. Jack said he saw it going a long way oJL "It turned sideways," said be,taand dropped in the edge of the jrass," pointing to a patch of timothy over 100 yards away. Its owner was cha­ grined, for he wanted It as a memento. A live cent uickle glistened in the sun­ light, and was snufled out like a candle. A cent followed It with a "pi-i-i-ng" that vibrated on the drum ef the ear like the twang of a guitar string. Mr. Haines then announced that the Doctor would break a hundred balls on time. The four rifles were loaded, and a man detailed to assist Texas Jack in keeping them loaded. A boy stepped to the barrel and handed the balls to Col. Fletcher, who kept them in the air as last as he couM throw them. The Doctor stood as tfcodgh earved In stone. The rifle was raised *nd fired. A quick jerk downward with the right hand popped the empty shell in hisfaee, and ft seoohd sbtî wms fet***. Xtfhteen glass balls were broken as quick as a lazy man could clap his hands eighteen times. Then a ball was missed. There was another long run of dead shots, followed by two misses. One hundred and eight balls were broke* In three minutes and fifty three seconds. The time would have been even better, were it not for an awkward balk with one of the rifles. This is the best time ever made by the Doctor^ beating his Beaton time over forty seconds. He discharged the rifles faster than two men conld load them. Col. Fletcher then stood a hundred paces away, and began to hurl glass bsl's at the Doctor's head./ The Doctor missed the first two, and then shatter­ ed four in succession. They were thrown with such force that the bro­ ken pieces were showered upon Carver's broad brimmed sombreo. During this scene two martins darted across his vision, and quick ag thought lie blazed away but missed them. Cot Fletcher then hurled a ball in the sky with all his force. It want up It went up like a rocket, and began a beautiful curve a .hundred feet above Carver's head. He kept his feet, bent himself backward in the shape of a how, drew the rifle to his eye, and shivered the glass Into a million frag­ ments. A handful of feathers appeared and sailed away upon the air like the fiery drippings of an exploded rocket. After this feat the Doctor discarded the rifle for a Parker shotgun. Col. Fletcher stood thirty yards distant, and threw the balls away beyond him. They were broken repeatedly at from seventy to eighty yards. After several trials the Doctor broke at that distance two balls thrown in the air at the same time. He repeated this feat three times. A heavy ball made of bell met­ al, Col. Fletcher's invention, so con­ structed that it would ring whenever a shot touched it, was rolled ill the air. The Doctor rang tt fifteen times twice before It reached the ground. These shots were made at a distance of from fifty to sixty yards. The ball finally fell upon the head of one of those pres­ ent, cutting a bad gash, but making no serious wound. The Doctor avenged himself by seizing his rifle and shoot­ ing the bell ball into bits, while Texa* Jack heaved it )n Hi ait. fit, then retlfed. The most of the spectators rtished for the cars, more than satisfied. The Doctor drew on his coat, and quietly drank two glasses of sarsaparilla. He takes nothing stronger. After a half hour's rest he raised a rifle without re­ moving his coat, and asked his friend 7exaa Jack to pitch up something while he emptied the gun. Jack tossed up a peanut at fifteen feet, and the Doctor shot off the end. A ginger snap was split in twain. The cover of a paper box was propped on the ground fifty feet away. Tho Doctor dis­ charged his rifle from the hip, Mid promptly pnt two bullets through it. He afterward broke three soda bottles at the same distance, shooting in the | b u t l i e u i i i d e h i 3 ' misses while blazing at the battles. .Ml bullets, however, struck the ground within three inches of them. Many persons think that the Doctor takes no aim while sliootlug from the hip. This Is a mistake, for the manner in which he runs|his eye along the barrel gazes at the sight, and takes in the ob­ ject In view, shows that he seeks a cor­ rect angle before pulling the trigger. In shooting on the wing he takes sight without shuttiog either eye. This at­ tracted the attentleu of a ntranger yesterday. "Why do you aim with both eyes open, Doctor?" he inquired. "Oh, it's a habit I acquired on the plains," responded the Doctor. "When shooting deer, 1 kept one eye open for the deer and the other one open for Indians." After the hip-shooting, the Doctor seemed attacked by a rifle fever.' He biased away at anything. Two pocket match boxes were spun into the air and knocked into smithereens. A gen­ tleman threw up a blue lead pencil, and it fell to the ground in two pieces. A black pencil met the same fate. A lusty bumble bee hummed over the sward,>nd the Dootor greeted it with a bullet that outhummed the insect, for the bee flew oft at a tangent, and took the ground in a bee line. The Doctor had shot away its wing. One of the most surprising shots was at a rifle cartridge. It was struck the first time at twenty-five feet, and the shell knocked off. Carver drove the bullet through the air with a second shot.-- A silver three cent piece was wiped out on the second trial. Au enthusias­ tic genius wobbled his pocket-book skyward, and it c«ine d°wn with a hole in It. There was a general laugh when it was discovered that the man had forgotten to take the money out of it, A folded copy of the Sun went np. snd came down plereed. On unfolding ft twcitf-Ive holes were Mpnd in paper, Texas Jack thrin Wwkj.Tfcwis weretw* NO. 52. the spe^|ot7 were covered with brick dust. ThoDocterbroke a brick, re­ loaded his gun, and shot one of the de­ tached pieces to atoms while in the air He also shot off the neck of a soda bot­ tle while in the air, recharged his rifle, and shattered the bottle before it fell. This last feat was so surprising that a gentlemanly Spaniard, wearing a dia­ mond on his shirt froiit b!a*i»g Ilk© a star, expressed his unbounded admira­ tion, "I know how to shoot very nice," said he, "I see these things, 1 hardly don't believe it.** Col. Fletcher then threw up a fence picket endwise. A bullet pierced 'Its centre. Again it was launched into the atmosphere. A second bullet went through the hole made by the first.-- The picket was kept in the air, and in seven shats the Doctor cut it in two pieces. A negro with a buck saw could not have done better. Mr. J. T, Hill, one of Ool. Berdan's Sharpshooters, picked up a piece or lath six Inches long, stood forty feet away, and asked the Doctor to shoot It out of his hand. Carver did so. Then Texas Jack held np a shingle and seven bullets were sent thrdugh it so close together that they made a hole large enough for a rat to jump through.-- Hill then held up an exploded cart­ ridge, and the doctor shot It from be­ tween hts thumb and forefinger. Hill had never seen the Doctor until yes­ terday, but after witnessing his shoot­ ing said he would nothesitate to "hold up a fly by the hind legs and let him rip away at It." i'M • "•- * * ̂ tth tho two. TMAMP. TRAMP. TRAMP. The question, What shall we do our tramps? bids fair to enter more and more into the polities of this coun­ try. It will divide Itself into more than one question, and the people will yet be called on to vote for or against measures for the suppression of the gangs that are now dally increasing In numbers and strength. It Is the duty of every man to study the question with a view to obtaining the right of it. If legislation against capital has driven capital out of service then it is within the power of legislation to restore it. If labor saving ma chinery has made tramps of men who would work fTihey conld, then It Is time the government give these men some means of helping themselves.-- If the reduction of the army has thrown tramps over the land then the army should be enlarged. There are va­ rious seemingly good theories and It Is every man's duty to weigh them, for when he is called on to vote on the matter he must vote intelligently or do harm. It will be a-pleasure to pre­ sent arguments on all sides of this vexed question, and thus aid its read­ ers in reaching Intelligent conclusions. We do not believe that any one of the theories already presented, will alone overcome the trouble, but that some of them will help matters there can be no doubt. For instanoe, the repeal of certain legislative acts which say, in snbstance to the capitalist: You may but your money into railroads in our state if you choose, but we(the legislators, who as a body know nothing about conducting the affairs of a railroad) will manage It for you. Does anybody suppose that the man with money is going to invest in such an undertaking? Ouce the money and right of way were ail ready for the construction of a railroad from Aurora to Jollet. That road would have been In operation to­ day and employing hosts cf men had not the legislature of Illinois put its iron heel on railroads, and said to them: We will manage your affairs for you. There is as much money tn the coun. try,as ever and it would be in circula­ tion we#e it not true that a oertaiu herd of fellows, who seek political power it the expense of the harmony and prosperity of the country, have or­ ganized a warfare between the two most brotherly things on earth--labor and capital. There can be no such thing as labor versus capital; • the one Is dependent on the other, and wheu the laboring man assaults tho capital 1st, he smites the hand that feeds him, for he drives that capital out Of ser­ vice, causes Its owner to put it Into bonds or otherwise leek it up where it produces nothing and oflfers no man an opportuuity to work. Give capital assurance that It" will be given a chance to •increase and it will be Invested where labor will „ be required and paid for. This will aid somewhat the man who wants to work but can find nothing to fayrAurora New*. -' "is-:! WASHINGTON COKRHSPONDRKCK. > ^ ' WABOIKOTOIf. D. C., July lftth 1878, The fiver family in the land is tits last one to leave city quarters. Tht White House has only been vacated J within three days. Ou Tuesday Mr% Hayes superintended the trunk packir>» and selected furnl are for the cottag m , Soldiers Home, where the Preside tiai family spent last summer And i ieud to this. The cottage floors a covered with matting a>id the furni tnre used Is mostlv willow and Sr.r Hammocks depend from the piaz^^ roof, rustic chairs are scattered the grounds under the trees, and therfe !s apparently no reason why one migli^ || not be most comfortable there the hot season. Fannie and Seott Hayes, aged respectfully 10 and 7 yeartL..: . ̂ have ponies of their own which they 5 | have been learning to ride the pa?t ~ 1 year. Finer dri ves cannot be Imagine# J than these In the Soldiers Horn# •" grounds, shady, smooth and wending, • f? J m ft , and there, no doubt, these two littlf ones "of high degree** will dlspoifl . . frfc"K For Headache, Constipatfon^ Ufer Complaint and all bilious derange­ ments of the blood, there is no remedy as sure and safe as Ellert's Daylight Liver Pills. T^ej stand unrivalled In removing Mto, jbSngt'the stomaeh.aml iving he«dt(jfaMleranv' to. the \lver. themselves at will this summer. Now Is the time when cholera itifai|» turn begins to rage. Every outgoing train bears some mother and child. o| nurse and children, away from thij|~ boiling city towards the country^ mountains or seaside. But alas for tht * babies of poverty stricken parents.-** They must stay here panting their lit- . tie lives away for want of fresh aif fresh food and out of doors living.--" Poverty is dreadful enough at bests,. *; but poverty in a large city is a hun« .• dred times more cruel than poverty iff. the country. TrUer words were uevef spoken than those of long ago "TNfc poor ye have always with you." Last year the idea of a sort of floating bo*% pital for the sick children of the poc# was suggested and the question agita­ ted to some, but It died out, as quel* tlons relative to charitable benefleia**#; rles are so apt to do, and no more Will probably be heard of it for a term of years. Excursions for the difiereit% Orphan Asylums are always gi«ei£> sometime in the hot weather bus onif day on the water does little to' strengthening one. I WIHII I could help yon to see youir' magnificent Capitol (yours and mine, reader as much as anyone's under th«^. sun, that's the best of it) as I saw' iffe during one of the last evening session# held by the late Congress. With it%;J ousand points of flame It mocked tho < ^ moonlight serenity of the fair June ^ ; • evening. Every window was aglow " and above It all, all above the dome, . just beneath the great bronze Goddessv of Liberty, gleamed a flame of llght^ a great steadfast star, only a sign that | i Congress was in session. Tou can, inn 3 t agine no more lovely sight than tho V * eastern front of our Capitol flooded with moonlight. Tho great poriI«o« ' » , of the Home and Senate wings : out with utter distinctness, their 44 u j Corinthian columns flowering out a& V. the top like natures own palms, their broad white steps stretching far oat|U towards the grassy Junes beyond. Ami- , the dome ia magestic beauty itself*--/ Its proportions are so carefully toned" that, despite its being bnllt of IrOi*. and nearly 809 feet in height. It looks. light, airy, almost floating lu soma at mospheres. The colossal statute o George Washington in front looks real and life-like on this particnlareve^ nlng facing the Capitol with hand up- T raised and linger pointing heavenward as if in warning or to direct attention to better, higher things? The other statutes above and around tho greats ftronze entrance doors seem expressive in their very stillness, But the moon-.; f light and the marble walls alone ar«\\ . > still. Within,Congress wrangles am% surges, shouts, laughs,drinks audsuoresf •- 1*^ Without, to the very doors, throngs * ^ mob of workingmen calling for 8 honr* laws, time to teach their children, , bread to give them and some oue to f come and talk to them then aad -"^1 there. Somebody comes--a Represent IM tatlve from Virginia, who cries out to» the crowd that he has been working h a r d f o r t h e m i n C o n g r e s s t h i s s e s s i o n ^ ' • . that he is the working man's friend and; that be wishes their party success.--- , Then they cheer him and shout forr R: more like him. God help the ingmen! God pity them! And God pity the "Honorable" gentleman fi Virginia, OLIVE. work- ';,J' Dr, Jaque's German Worm Cakes an effectual and safe remedy for worms. They are Pleasant to take and uot only - t destroy the worms, but remove all traces of them tfc* syste» lug the tihild healthy and »trong. They are warranted to five perfret satisfftft- tion. Sold by gB Dmg^ls4g. Bucklln & Ste New Dress Got><%, Buttons, and at j-riew. : 'IF you want*. _ and Clqakt go to 10 you - -- -- m &•.>?•» JJ f • .... •Ml - 'i' 41- 4"- i. *c w a » a»ln r«N»|pt of tho lowest living ; ty au# .00 wye

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