Published Every Wednosdny by V^AJV SLYKE Sdltor aad Publisher. OlBce In 01d~I'. O. Block, -OROUTI KITBBBEDB TIOC8I:.4^ ; .'^,vV TKTtMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Year, (in Advance,) ...$1 50 *;If not Paid within Thr*e Month* .... i 00 MubicrlpUonp received for three or six months in the same proportion. BUSINESS CARDS# i~ • • H- T- BITOWN, M. IX PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office In Brick Block over F. G. Mavos Clothing Store r£"TWater Street, McHenry 111. ~~ E. A. BEERS M. D. • P?:^ • • |pHTSlClAK and Surgeon. Office atrisidence, * ,17 two doors west of Post Ofllce, McHeury h j-W* ' -- Pi'•%, O. J. HOWARD, M ? ! f& "v'*}•IJHTitCTAir and Snrgeorn. Offlce *t the Mm a#MT of Howard & Son, McHenry, III. , W. H. BUCK, M. D., HOMEOPATHIC Phytician and Sergeon.--Office East Side Public Square, Wood- block, 111. Office hours 11 to 13 A. M., and 8 to 4 P. M. •• •! (,,id t f. <M* BARB I AN, ?« j, „i • i PIGAR MSNWFACTI.R^, M.AIONYV IN. 6I4 ders solicited. Shop North East comer "Public Square. ®- E. PERKINS. [ITAGON Maker. McHenry, III. General IT Jobbing promptly atteuded to. jhop, /"est of the Public Square. &ICHARD BISHOP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. McHenry, 111. **». >»> m -i-_-- --t__u--, • lUfiitf GEO. A.;BUCKLIiC,5 j,r>;.^'i(^ NOTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancer and Insurance Agent. Office at Bucklin & Steven'* Store, near the Depot, McHenry, 111. E. E. RICHARDS. ' HAS a complete Abstract or Titles to land In McHenrv County, Ill'nois. Office wittt 36unty Clerk, Woodstock, 111. ROBT. WRIGHT. .1 Manufacturer of Custom Made Boot* and Shoes. None but the best of material used and all work warranted. Shop Northwest corner Public Square, McHenry, IlL B.M.OWEN. GENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in Leading Farm . Machinery. Prices low and Term* favorable. MCHENRY. - - - - - ILLIMOfS. GEO. SCHKKINER. SALOON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite the Parker House, McHenry IlL 3 49~Fir8t-Class Billiard and Pool Tables. -.:•••> J. BUNSI-ETT, ' •?< , V' SALOON and Restaurant. Nearly oppdeite Owen's Mill, McHenry, IlL Fresh Oyster* served up in any shape desired, or tor sale by" the Can. , «TOO0D ST ABLING FOR HORSES .er W. W. ELLSWORTH. Breerterof the Celebrated Poland China Hog Also Light .tud Dark Brahma Fowls. Pigs shipped to ail.points by express. P. O. Ad. iress, Woodstock, III., PETER LEICKEM. REPAIRS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds. Also lie pah s Violins iutlieliesC possible munuer, on short notice and at rea sonable rates. Also Violins for Sale. 'Shop drat door North of Riverside Block, McHenry IlL , F. KLEIFGEN A SON. CARRIAGE, Wagon and .House Palntltfg; done on ^hort Notice. All work war-j ranted. McHenry IlL, South of the Public!' Square. Poland China Swine rfTOOD Pigs for sale that was sired by Boars VJ that took First Premium and Sweep stakes at State and County Fairs, from #10 to £15 anieee. Wo are shipping to some of the 't;s3t breeders in the country. For particulars apply to C. STREET & SON, HeWou, 111. TUT" A TVrT,T],T\ To make a permanent W Ail A Jli JLF engagement with a clergyman having leisure, or a Bible Reader, introduce in McHenry County, the CELE BRATED NEW Centennial Edition oi tho HOLY BIBLE. For description, notice e<li-- toriai in last week's issue ot this paper. Ad dress at once P. L. HORTON A CO., Publish, ers and Bookbinders, (JO E. Market St.. Indian apolis, Ind. A. A. RICE D E N T I S T Har permanently located his office at tho Riverside House, McHenry ill. Where he would be pleased to wail on all those needing his services. Full sets of Artificial Teeth inserted for ith <>8. v Si" 'esSjfV' V ThefHfrge which has been Sttoan and twenty. None but the best of material nsed jand satisfactioniguaranteed. Partial plates at reasonably low figures. Gold and Silver fillings and : No Fancy Prices. , fltpeeial attention paid to the treatment of diseased and spongy gams, ulcerated and •|$* irregular teeth. Would be glad to see persons that have teeth that^are not satisfactory. v Call and have your teeth examined. Teeth extracted in a careful anil skillful manner. Ten years practice in Chicago where he has met with sorae very difficult cases. Gold flllings inserted by an entirely new method, bv using gold wire anchors which nass partially through the tooth making it Impossible for the filling ever to loosen.-- Samples of work seen at the Post Office, Mc Henry. 1000 BOYS & GIRLS act as agents for the best Boy's and Girl's paper published in the West. Beautiful presents to subscrib- ers and agents. Every boy and girl can earn lots of money canvassing during leisure hours. Don't fail to send for it at once. TO introduce it we will send to any address on trial three months, for 10 Cents in ofsh of postage stamps. Simple of paper and particulars FREE- Address f R £ £ Household Gem, Cleveland, O- • •••-•- ALL tho Daily and Weekly Paper?, Magazines, etc., can be found at the LA.NRDEALER News Room. W, H I'K.KKINS, Dhotogmpber. Gallery over Perry A: Mir. 1 tin's Store, McHenry, III. Pictures taken in the latest style of the Art and satis faction guaranteed. E- V. ANDERSON. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office at Gilbert's Drug Store, opposite the P*fker Hon se, McHenry, Illinoit. ; i- --r-> . E. BENNETT, M. P., SURGBON and Accoucher. Diseases of Women a SpeoiaUy. Olfioeand Residence on Clay Street .Woodstock, III. DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. 1r\BNTiST, Algonqnin, III. All work war- MJ rant'ed. Teeth extracted in a careful and skillfnl manner. W. COX? DR. C DENTIST, office Over Smith, Altftieli A Hay thorn's Store. Richmond. 111. SIDNEY" DISBROW, NOTARY PUBLIC and Conveyancer, den, 111. •Al- N. S. COLBY. TfcyfoHENRY, McHenry Co., 111. Breeder .of m Siianish Mel*lno sheep, Berkshire and Poland China Swine. A choice lot of young Buc k stock for sale. Please eall and examine before buying elsewjiere. ELECTROPATHY. Dr. Samuel Sherman, And Wife will be at their residence IX miles West of the Depot, oij tho Woodstock road, three days in each week, Tuesdays, Thursdays ami* Saturdays, for the purpose of tseatingnll curable diseases. Consultation And Examinations Free. Office hours from 9 A. M., to 11\ m. «EF EKENCESi--John Doran, Richard Bish op, Martin Wfelsh, Arthur Whiting, Leonard Bonslet, James Swtton, John M. Smith. F, K. Granger, Geo. Gage, Hen. Gilbert, Horace Dwelly, B.F.Peck, Wm. Hutson, Geo. Gilbert. « J. A. SHERWOOD -irf CTIO î'12 APPRAISER Algonquin, III. >4'-: SALES of Stock, Farming Tools end Goods of all kinds promptly attended to. Farm sales a specialty. Terms reasonable. Post 3Jli£« address Algonquin 111. - -i_ i_ W. N. 8ANFORD, Merchant Tailor. ' # In the store of C. H. Dickinson, Saal tlfte of Public Square, WOODSTOCK", IIX. A good Stock of Fine Cloths for jjfcnitings al ways on hand. Suits made to order and a lit warranted- "Give mca call. M. 1NCELN. OUN-SM I TII. Scale Repairing, Grinding and Pol s' ishing Itaaors and Shears and Table Cutlery a speciali ty. Repairing of all kinds done in Steel or Brass.--* All work warrant, ed. Also dealer {n Gnns. . Revolver", Table and Pocket Cutlery, GUn and Fishing Material, Pipes, Cigars," Tobftcco, Violin Strings, &c. Shop and store near the Post Office, Mfc. Jftenry. 111. H . Ml I'll I Ui i . E. WIGIITMAN, Proprietor. Firat class rigs, with or tfithout drircrs, furnished nt-reasonabie" rates. Teaming of 'all kind* none on short notice. s O. W. OWEN, WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, I McHENftY ILL., I»e*ler ie all kinds of. Amerioan end Swiss Watches, Clocks from the best factories in the country. Silver, platedware, Silver Spoons, 4c., ALSO AGENT FOR THE Weber and Bradbury Pianos AND THE Estey Organ ! . Which we believe to be the best Organ in the market; We think we know that by experi ence, And we believe it, for it is backed up by the ' Besi Musicians in the World. I also sell other Organs at less prices than the Estey, but can't reccoramend them to be as good. O. W. OWEN. July 38. : • - '•***: » Scott <fc Co., EATS CAPS & STRAW GOODS WHOLESALE AND BSTAIL, ? 192 MADISON STREET COR. FIFTH AVE. And 123 Lake St., Cor. Clark CHICAOO. A Larger Stock of MEDIUM and FINE GOODS and LOWER PRICES than any other house in the trade. PIMPLES. I will mail (F'ree) the receipt for a simple Yesretable Balm that will remove Tan, Freckles, Pfmples and blotches, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful; also instruc tions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Address, inclosing 3 ct. stamp, Ben Vandelf ft Co., ad- Ann St., New York, . * JULV 1878L Tht Hon. Board of Supervisors of Mc Henry Connty met at their room t» the Court House in Woodstock, on Hominy. July IS, 1878 at 2 P. M, as per adjournment. At roll call all present. The minutes of lags meetlug were jread and, approved. Sundry b>!!« w«re presented and re* ferred to the committee on claims. The semi-annual reports of the Sher iff and Treasurer were received and referred to the committee on fees and •alarie?. Mr. GiJkcrsou came before the Board and mnde complaint aa to the assess ment of the personal estate of Lyman Johnson, deceased, which on n^otlon was referred to the committee an as sessment. Board adjourned 10 fliefti to-morrow at 10 o'clok A. M. TUESDAY MORNING 10 A. X, The board met pursuant to adjoorn- 0}ent;at roll cali alt present. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Mr. Huft came before the Board and made complaint as to his real estate as sessment for the year 1877, which was referred to the committee on claims The claim* of Mr. Thomas Venard tor war bounty as volunteer was re ceived and referred to the committee on claims. , Board adjourned to meet «$ the call oMbfe .chairman. WEmntiDAf • July 17,1878. The Hon. BoaraW* Su pervisors met at their room at 2 P. M. Called to order by the Chairman.-- Present same as yesterday. The min utes of last meeting: were read and ap proved. The hill of O. C. Digging was read mad referred to committee on claims. The following report form the com mittee on Fees and Salaries was read and on motion adopted; to wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS i McHenry County, ) *. Board of Supervisors, Jnly tem, July IT, A. D. 1878. --- . Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee, to whom was referred the ••mi-annual reports of the county officers, would beg leave to submit the following re. pert on the matters before them: The County Treasurer reports the amount of fees received for the six months ending June 1st, 187#, to be $ t&l 11 Clerk hire, fuel, stationery and inci- dentals . 128*0 We And the earning# of the Sheriff's , office to be 417161 Receipts same time £3090 Salary one half year... SAO00 The earnings of the offlpe of Circuit Clerk for the same time are 1M9M Receipts same time 'MM j§ to July 1S7S ...: «®6 60 f««t tor tt>« year ending Dooi ii( . W78 ........ 7000 <M60 Express charges, postage................ 750 Balance due county, covered Into treas ury 89 » The County Clerk reports the earnings of liis office for the same time to be.. 142ft S4 Receipts same time 825 04 Salary one half year : 1060 00 Showing balance due clerk 424% Your committee would recommend that au order be drawn on the county treasury to pay said Clerk said amount of <1124 W. All of which is respectfully sumitted. GEO. If, (iARRISOW J. W. CBISTY, M. L. Jkki.YN LKSTKR BA^BEK JAMES THOMPSON Commit toe. The Committee OH Railroad proper ty made the following report, wbteh on motion was adopted to wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, 1 Vss McIIenry County, j "board of Supervisors, May Tarn, July 16th, D 1R78. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board tot Supervisors:-- Ufour commit tee on railroad propertr would beg leave to submit the following reporton the matters before them: That the assess- uicnla of »ailroad yrouerty should, and we leconiinend that it be left subject to the rates of 6<iiialization that shall bo adopted by this lion. Board, except as to the town of Mcilenry where complaint has been made as to the ex cessive assessment of personal property at Ring wood and McHenry. Your committee would recommend the amount of a 1.550 at ttlngwood, be assessed at $1,2&0> and at Me- llenry as assessed at $925 be assessed at #700. Allot whlcfcierespectfully submitted. JAMES THOMFSOX. B. F. FKOK SAMUEL CUTTER, THOS. W. CI/TTKR, WM. G. CoHxiiiN, Committee. The Committee on personal property Sade the following report, which on otion was adopted: STATE OF ILLINOIS 1 McHenry County, ) Board of Supervisors, July term, July 17th, A. D. 1878. . , Mr. Chairman and, Gentleman qf the Board iff Suptn-visors: Your committee to whom was refered the complaint of G. A. Palmer and Thos. P. Gil- kerson for the estate of Lyman Johnson, de ceased, and also the assessment of the person, al property of the countv for the vear 1878, would beg* leave to submit the following re port on the matters before them: They would recommend that G. A Palmer 8 assessment remain as made by the assessor; and that the personal property assessment of the estate of Lyman Jolinson be 30 per cent less than its real value as shown by report filed in the County Court July Term 1878. We would also report that we have equalized the personal property assessment of the several towns of said county by the adding to and de ducting from the valuation as made by the assessors the following rates of percentage to-wit: PEBSONAL PROPERTY, 1878. Vaffle of Towns. % s»- *» 8' e? ?1 PS 11 % = m « <> ®"C e S • % = m « <> a.<«! t-O Kiley $ 76 289 8 s 73 993 Marengo 331 281 8 226 655 Dunham 70 130 79 130 Chemung 221 422 221 422 Alden ............. 78 177 a* 80 131 Hartiand 66 609 4.H 69 491 Senetva 76 851 8X 79 640 Coral , .. 136 962 129 844 Grafton 112 866 IS 104 492 Dorr S31 320 h 329 S64 Greenwood 117 619 3>* 113 503 Hebron .1 98 694 tx 96 "<93 Richmond 116 248 >K 123 892 Burton..... 40 259 *X 42 071 McIIenry ..k 218 943 *X 9 199 239 Mnnda 140 967 7X 161 640 Algonquin 157 972 IS 154 629 Total 3,274,350 2,413,188 Bvspectfully submitted, J. W. CRI8TT, O. C DIGGING JOHN S. CUMMINS, G. S. FHAKY, H. UNDERWOOD, Committee, Supervisor Cutter fr^m committee on education ' recommended au appro- prtatifei of §50 for a Teichert ioatl- i i'rCviiiuln?iii\itiOA nmipte*!, ; The committee on claims made the following report, which WM on motion adopted: STATE OF ILLINOIS, 1 * McHenrv County, I * Supervisors, Jnly term, Jtly 17th Mr. ('hairmcM and OstitteimH of (He Board of vuperviaorf,-- Tour commitiee'on Claims woaiS beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented before them, and recommend the payment or the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders for the several amounts to the several claimants, to wit: ©. E, Losec boots and shoes for prls- «>ner« i J>.vig!.t A Forrest boots and shoes flit LANDS--1878. prisoners . L. Sherwood meals^ for jurors P. Whitney express, postage* stamps f>. A. Steadman services on crimliial .cases f>. A Stead man dieting prisoners...... 1>. A. Steadinan miscellaneous service IX A. Steadman sevices in criminal \ eases -- A. Steadman, bed and janitor servton K. 1) uiiii'!!}' as per bill claimed tlft 85, allowed til. Dickinson shoes for prisoners... Hoy error in tax sale W. H, Buck medical attendee* M prisoners L* II. Davis, same... ft. II. Lamb purchasing agent half year §. Vnn Curcn constable service claimed allowed us service in the McCot|fc«f 6 00 400 88 AO 11 95 Ml 70 408 40 fttt 30 105 SI 33 00 85 00 1 50 10 64 IS 50 812 00 4 80 10 00 ...nso 93 The following bills have oeen paid, as per order of the Board of Supervisors by the County Treasurer, and vouchers accompany- Idas them examined and approved by your fominittee: K OUT HERN HOSPITAL FOR INSURE, EIXXV. IU. ToUl bills nnpaM.. flmot^v Hai' lay , " ** ' »v PST1 . Mwari Riley DfntelJ PaddMk -./ft",. w.... Thomaff Cummins •• P. Wilkinson balMT Janandtfay |>. W. Lawrcnce «• •« A. IMell " •• -I. A. I.. Brown " •• §. Van OHm f ,.. Vail-; • • • I, Church vj. % A. Pease • K. WlgMman W. Vo«B|g (Jo Supt of Schools. W.^White^pub report of Board Sup.. 1 40 9 60 T 66 IS 45 » 27 18 7ft 66 1 10 ' 47 50 • 74 M) SO 00 45 00 37 50 30 00 65 00 BOO 600 33 00 15 00 15 00 Total bills paid.................too38 laird to the petition of 0. W. HuJT for Torn excessivw tax, your committee recommend no action. it case of the claim of Thos. A. Venard antv, your committoe would recom- Ikafaciorler be drawn upon the Coun- in favor of said claiment, for the i hundred dollars. M of the bill of the Coroner of itnty *r inqnast on the body of Klla WNnraltte* would reeowmend be disallewnd. on the (tmad wasnata resident of lire: «*4waean <hid no provision miakfaa<voroner,s foe* incurred in one countv rhargeable to another county. Also. *hat ihe bill of D. W. Sherman Iw dis allowed, on the irroiind that the service for which the bill was rendered was performed for a reward offered, which is understood to have been paid. Your committee would further recommend that the bill of S. J. Perkios for constable's oosts in case of Abram Styres be laid over awaiting result of trial of said ^ty res. Your committee would further re port that they lmve examined the report of E. M. Lamb Purchasing Agent, and the vouchers accom panying the same, and iind them to agroe.-- Said report is hereinto attached, and is here with submitted as a part of our report. lteii#awUaHjfe*Bbmitted, - , GEO. H. G ARETSOHFC ,; I SAMUKJ. CUTTER. J. W. CBISTY, A. E. A XT KM., GEO. B. ADAMS, Committee. BEFOBT OI rVBCHASIItO AOEVT WWOM BBC. LI 1877, TO JUNK 1, 1878. Stationery* records, etc. To Culver* Page. Hoyne A Co as per bill $ 4 00 do do do •• JJ. »w«r J; do y do . do do da do Gi#. Sontfthworth as per bill.. da do & :: to % 40 138 00 836 4 15 14 25 90S 23 00 d<&0 107 70 • "7 n 8 75 15 00 £ 10 00 600 600 70 00 IfifiO 6 75 500 do do do do do do do do Dufleld Bros, as per 1411 Fuel. To C. Ok. Parsons 10cords wood.......... 46Si do 4 do lsoo do fx do .......... 12 94 do do ..t 1221 P. Coonev 7^ do 36 74 Burton Wright do 3418 D. A Stedman sawing 39# cords WOOd.. 22 13 Field & Hawley 12,240 9>s coal 53 40 Medical attendance and medicine fbr pris. oners, lights eto. |>r. J. Northrop IS 50 J. & Wheat.... 3395 do 17 08 do 2255 do 7 00 Marphy ft Hoy 1175 do 15 35 Furniture and repairs on the Court Hon so 96 30 225 300 350 4 70 435 350 3 25 773 18 48 ... #58:*$ 800 315 85 .....joooe ...*.*1*02 ...$W 81 T. Whitson A Sons... It Deisel do ' A. Hanaford do J. C. Choate P. Collier P. Moldoon P. W. Curtiss H. 'M. Wait BBCAPtTULATfOW stationery, records, etc Error Fuel. . . Medical attendance, etc Furniture, repair, eto... Total STATEOF ILLINOIS ) >ss McHenry County ) I, TClnra Lamb, do* solemnly swear that the foreifnpig statement is true and correct, as will appear by the bills and vouchers here, with submitted, ELAM M. LAMB. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of June, A. D. 1678, P. WHITNEY, Clerk. McHenry county to E. M. Lamb, Dr, To one half year services pur agent. ..|50 Op The Committee on Equalization of Assessment of lands and lots made the following report: v STATE OF ILLINOIS 1 >ss County of McHenrv ) Woodstock IlL, Jnly 17, 1878. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry Countv Illinois Gentlemen: Your committee on Equalisa tion of Assessment of Real Estate, bog leave to report that they have examined ana equal- teed the assessments of the several towns of said county by adding to and deducting from, the valuations, as made by the assessors, the following rates of percentage, to-wit; «• •MOV »•! snivA al, a"V t>3[ ss3s8gs8siss$6aa8i3 * I I •poicvup&a >n<ip an j -poppy S" •poicvup&a >n<ip an j -poppy •» ' )0 f:.'.. *3 55 5 *S 'M»V OSVJOAY •»B|»A pOS8Sf>«V liiol 'M»V OSVJOAY •»B|»A pOS8Sf>«V liiol tuoT *OM '^11 if 'ftf'lJ I siitsiAjlij "• iS18S«8ii8slliSgSEj aBaiisMiiSBaaa'BM 'J4* , issfiiXii .. LOTS--1878. •non«nie.\ peine"'>51 •pajoupati luep jaj mmmm *9 •* a •peppV taeriiaj *eni«A po -8S8S« {«|OX *j»t»898ST n M(«A *AT •»ot 10 -OK ' 36® l£|5§ps|8 £6? j U Sjg 2c-S 'S®*? S s l ^ 2 - s ^ « g & Supervisor Digglns moved to amend the report by deducting from the land in the town of Dunham 20 cents per acre and adding the same to the land In the town of Chemung. After a spirited discussion Supervisor Cutter moved to amend the amendment by making the amount- 10 cents per acre instead cf 20 cents. Ayes and nays called on the amendment to amend ment; Ayes: Cutter, Josylr., Garrison, and Cristy--4;Nays: Underwood. Por ter, Adams. Diggius, Axtal), Thompson, Cottklln, Parsons. JQarber, Cumming*. Wilcox, Sweet, Peck and Frary--i4. amendment lost. Ayes and noes called on the first amendment; Ayes; Adam*, Dlgrgitis. Cutter, Cutiiming*. Jotyim, Cristv--6:Nayes: Underwood, Porter, Aktell, Thomson, Cotiklin, Parsons, Barber. Garrisoh, Wilcox. Sweet, Peck and Frary--12, amendment lost. Supervisor Josyln moved to amend re port by deducting from assessed value of town lots as follows: from Marengo 810.000; Chemung, $10,000, and Dorr, #5,000; and adding to town lots in Nun- da, $15,000, in MeHenry. 810,000 Ayes and nayeg called; Ayes: Adams, Axtell, Josyln,--3; Nayes: Underwood. Porter, Diggins, Thompson, Cutter, Couklin, Parsons, Barber, Cummins, Garrison, Wilcox, Sweet, Cristy. Peck, and Fra ry--16, amendment lost. The ayes and 'nayes being called on adoption of re port of the committee, resulted in its adoption; Ayes: Uuderwood, Porter, Axtell, Thompson, Cutter, Conklln, Parsons, Barber, Cummins. Garrison, Wilcox, Sweet, Cristy, Peck, and Fra ry--12; Nayes Digging and Joslyn--3 The Petit and Grand juries were •«- lected by the Board. Supervisor Cristy moved that inatend of paying the amount now be lug paid for ,ptibll'?h?n" ths .proer^ding® -*f this Board, that the purchasing agont be in- £li* UCiO J to p»ooUie 1000 printed copies of the yearly proceedings of in ie l>uard for the use of the Board and county, at a cost not to excecu $50. Amendment offered by Supervisor Garrison that the number be 500; amendment accep ted. Amendment offered by SupervU sor Parsons that in addition to the five hundred copies we pay each of the papers in the county $10 for publishing the yearly proceedings of this Board. Motion as amended carried; Ayes: Underwood, Porter, Adams, Axtell, Thompson, Parsons, Barber, Joslyn, Garrison, Wilcox, and Sweet--11. Nays: Diggins, Cutter, Conkling, CummJng$, Cristy, Peck and Frary--7; Supervisor Cristv made a motion that hereafter the burial expenses of paupers In coroner's cases be chargea ble to the town where said pauper re sides; motion carried. On motion of Supervisor Parsons the usual per diem and mileage was allow ed the Clerk and members tills Board. Board adjourned. WM. A. MCCONNELL, •Mast, P. WHITNEY, Clerk. For Headache, Constipation, Liver Complaint and all bilious derange ments of the blood, there Is no remedy assure and safe as Eilert't Daylight Liver Pills. They stand unrivalled in removing bile, toning the stomach and in giving healthy action to the liver. Sold by all Druggists. Dr. Jaqtte's German Worm Cakes are an effectual and safe remedy for worms. They are Pleasant to take and not only destroy the worms, but remove all traces of them from the system leav ing the child healthy and etrong. They are warranted to give perfect satisfac tion. Sold by all Druggists. Bucklin & Stevens' are in receipt of New Dress Goods, Parasols, Trimmings, Buttons, aad at the lowest living prioM. _ Do not neglect a Cough o? Cold. Eilert's Extract of Tar and Wild Cher ry is a standard remedy In all throat, asthmatic and bronchial affections, and has saved many vtluble lives. It never falls to give Satisfaction. Sold by all Druggists •OM$N 1 -If £i>rrofc Plafk i>x a LKit«--FarastH i help still on the strike. They ale ao|' striking for "grub" this ils<z bvtfof better wages, forgetting that In Iw# weeks the golden grain will be gathcri*:; ed, when wage* will deeliae lower MMUI • ever. ,• •• J, Mr. Robbing fs doing a liberal bus!* ness with reapers and mowers. Sell| ; fchc ucet aui«C= rake la the sssrksl, *n<|". supplies the whole neighborhood witH flour at bottom'prices. • ^ */*<•• It don't make any difference hot it is. Just as stare as weeds without cultivating. Mase will ooaMj^ np from Volo once In two weeks. ' Prof, Wannemaker hat gone to Mitt# nesota. Be intends to travel thrw|ii -/•" the State and give lectures on Phre4|, nology In all the principal cities. Shoult|r [M he fiud an intelligent class of peopld "" there, he will not return to Solon, on* j til Illinois is eoclhcd by the co*»!l * winds of Antama. If not his stay wi be fleeting. / ' Mite Louisa Moore has finished lief terra of school la Southern Wisconsin^ and will spend the remainder ofthf' Summer among her friends al Soloiy " Ji where ahe receired her first Instruct tion In the "Little book with a greet# _*• cover." Her school mates are SMttere«f v and gone In various directions, follow* ! ing various vocations, and perhaps nof: one of them will spend the Summer al* their childhood'^ home. Some are ||f -- the East, some la the West, iom4f;^ North, some South, ethers have ionjf$£§ since gone to rest neath the gree^C^p mound, in the sllea't church-yaria Louisa is here, strolling to anil fsoaf her secret haunts of school girl life oa« joying good itea'.ih, aad appareot)? af ̂ h*ppy as a queen. i * One bf the requisits aeeessaiy td make any individual, what they &ho«»l<t be. Is pride. Of this very ffew possesf too much, a goodly uamber a sufbcieul amount, and many are entirely waap ; ting. The Goddess of Biehaen^slio f| ever trapsing through the streets, pry ing into other peoples affairs, thlaki y because a person doss not salate her ori v every corner with a bow, Inquire about her domestic affairs Ac., thai they ar§ , *,•.(, getting "too protid." This fs a " the pewmr -raffcre^tOi'lijMi striving to posmaa and sbefssajr cost essMr ̂ tented that whatever else beffcMl In this life, he will never have ai*y Iss* ̂ pride than now. Perhaps Ifyoawl^^ turn your attentlea more to yoarowai acts and manners yos will have 1M time to criticise others, and dad out a| ' last the fault Is In yourself where prtdf \ has never been. f -, Mr. K. S, Turner while going to IImI factory with milk last Friday morning was seized with a dizziness la the Madt Vl: fel Ifrom his buggy, alighting ontri^li back* apd the eon tents of one can at"- milk showered upon hlai. He was Mrt||p hurt, the bath removed tho dtssloess^ and he followed oo after the team, which was trotting along, as thought, nothing had happened. Th#, hasaat,;.:., / was stopped after going half a sailed without a driver, »nd a boy w©»t ' , <ta-meet-the old gaatlaman, and li® was^ soon on his way again, rejoicing* thai*., •it wM.oiwcaitftssUA^ttCtTO-fliil <mw£ lost. .. *'*1 ... . « 1»a3' * for his negligence, spoken of last weelc ̂ ; but like the boy who told the lias, tlM prints are left, and the whole pastls ̂ - dotted with just such mistakes aad the* v public has suffered thereby. Oh noi" ; you don't "soft soap ̂the writer, for he knows to well the papers are appropri ated for the perusal of the family. MrSome one who seems to know about the relation of agosd' newspaper 1- to the family writes as follows: * "The strong attachment of subserih* en to well oouducted newspapers is fully confirmed by publishers. "Stop f- my paper," words of dread to begin* ners in business, lose their terror after ̂ 1 a paper has been established for a term, of years. So long as a paper pursues just, honorable and judicious oeurse, meeting the wants of its eastomvra in ̂ all respects, the ties of friendship be- :\ tween the subscribers and the paper are as hard to break by outside third \ party as the link which hinds old1 : f/iends in business or social life. Qoe*-^ sional defects and orrors in a newspa-r • per are overlooked by those who have| become attached to It, through Its pffH^fj usal, for years. They sometimes he- " come dissatisfied with It ouaccount of! something which has slipped into Its columns, and may stop taking It; but the absence of the familiar sheet st their homes and offices for a few weeks t: becomes an Insupportable privation* and they hasten to take It again, and possibly apologise for having it stop- , ped. No friendship on earth Is more constant than that coutracted by the reader for a journal which makes an honest and earnest effort to merit its^ continued support. Heuc« a conscien tiously conducted paper beoasBte vorlte In the family." iA