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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Aug 1878, p. 5

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' " h , _ r s »-*' * - - c. .v^>* ; \ f - * ' •'••; T-*-"'!:-•-•*- ""• f* f* mp* S*s»m >**i- ' '"•.W"' ^ •> 4 WEDNESDAY, AUG. 28th, 1878. ;V-;#*' Railroad Time Table. OOTKO SOUTH. -'* I*k« Passenger... .T»........7« A.**. ^jva Lake TCxpre&s - «*> A."*. n«»va LAKE Freight 1:15 P.M. i«va Lake Through Freight 8:90 r. u. GOIKO WORTH. Geneva I.ake Thrmipta Freight 4;50 A. W. tten<"-* t,al&* Krwisht... 10:00 A. M. §enev»I.nke Express .• .5:49 p. *. enava ],ake Passimjer 7:03 p. M 'J~}"'; ANNOUSICKMKNT. I hereby announce myself as a can di­ tto for Sheriff of McHenry County, •abject to the decision of the Republi­ can County Convention. ~ D. A. STEDMAX. REMKMBKR ttie Base Ball Dance on x Uridayevening. %Call and make a selectiondutof fftifty Plows, at E. M. Owen's, i; For a no^by suit, go to Lauer 6 Beckers, near the Depot. J. BOMSLETT IS putting up anetir barn oo his premises apposite Bishop's Mill. Knife Plaiting made to order, also Knife Plalters for sale at Mrs. Sails- bury's. MRS. "L ANORAK, of Rlngwood, pre­ sented ns en Monday a Boquet of very choice flowers, for which she will please acdept our hearty thanks* New Stock of Cloths. Readv-Made Clothing, Ac., for the Fall trade just received atL*:*er A Becker's, near the Depot. W E learn that a workma.; at the Ice House had the misfortune to break hfs leg one day last > w^eje. We did not learn his name. • A large Picnic party from this vil­ lage and Woodstock went to Fox Lake on Tuesday by Steamer. The day was pleasant and all report a good time. WE have received the Greenback Platform adopted at the Convention, l»«Elgin, August 14th, which is una­ voidably crowded out, but will- appear n^t week. H. R. ENOCH; Secretary or the Win­ nebago County Agricultural Society will accept our thanks for a Compli­ mentary to the twenty-fourth Annual Fair of that Society* which is to be lield at Rockford September 10th, 11th, 32th, and 13th. 1878. IF the person who took from my house, on Tuesday, a Bed Da musk Table Spread, will return the same no questions will be asked and they will save being exposed. "A word . to the wise.*1 J. M. MCOMBER. Am an by the name of Deos. who works for John W. Smith, had the mis­ fortune to cut his foot on Monday last l:i ft horrible manner. He struck the whole blade of the axe Into the top of his foot, cutting it^elear through. Dr. Beers was called and lie is new idolng a* well as could be expected. WE would direct the attention of our readers to the "Price Current" in an­ other column, as reported bv O. Bish­ op, dealer in Agricultural [in(dements, Ac. Bishop is always up to the times both in <p?intltv and quality of the Machinery sold, and persons wishing to purchase should not fail to call and get his prices. MR. J. ATLESWOKTH. and wife, of Nun da, are at prese nt guests of Re v -J. and Mrs.- Wfieeler, in this village, and made our sanctum a pleasant call on Friday. Mr. Aylesworth was one of the first Printers ever engaged in that business in Chicago, and knows that now fatuous city from its earliest days. • THE Red Ribbon Club will hold their next, meeting at the Unlversalist Church, in this village, on Thursday evening of next week, Sept. 2d. at which time O. H. Gil more, of Wood­ stock, and other speakers will be pres- eat find address the meeting. The meetings will be held regularly each week thereafter. PETER SHOEMAKER, who resides on Coon Island, Pistaqua Lake, had twen­ ty-four sneep and one Bull killed by lightning on the night of the 17th.-- They were huddled together under a large poplar tree and were all killed by a single stroke. Mr. Shoemaker is a poor man and could 111 afford to stand such a loss. FRANK SCHNORR, who Is with the firm of Bucklln & Stevens, has the thanks of the printers of this office for »large ftue Water Melon, left at this office one day last week. The boys say they remembered Frank while eating the lucious Melon, and also several hours after, and although the last re- meinbranoe was not so pleasant as the first they thank him "allefe samee, THERE will be a Universal 1st Con­ ference Meeting held in this village the first week in October, at which tfcne the Rev. Mt. Balcn, of Dubuque, Iowa, He v. Mr. Stiles, of Chicago, and Bev. B. F.Rogers, of Whitewater, Wis, mid other speaker? will be iu attend? •lice and address the meetings, The meetings will Continue through Satuo day and Sunday, the exact date of which will q|>i>e2}r iu these coli^nis in due tio|e, J. H. GARRISON, the Nursery and Seed m^tiof Greenwood, has. undoubt­ edly the choicest variety of Flowers to be found in the West. In fact, his va­ rieties surpass anything we ever saw from Vicks Catalogue, the celebrated Eastern Florist. We were shown by Mr. Garrison a case of Flowers one day last week, and must say we never saw its equal. Mr. Garrison has Seeds and Bulbs for sale, and those wishing choice varieties of Flowers should pot fail to give him a call. THE FOX River Base Ball Club have a Benefit Dance, at Riverside Hall on Friday evening of this week, the 30th. at which time it is hoped our citizens will turn out and give them a substan­ tial benefit. They have been to con­ siderable expense during the season, and have not, we believe, asked for a 8ingle cent donation, and as they are taking pains to get up this party we hope they will be well patronized.w Let all who ever dance turn out <jtt|d shake the toe on this o-casion. THE FOX River Club went to Nunda on Saturday last and played the second of their series with the Nunda N'ne which resulted in a score of 16 to 13 in favor of the Fox Rivers. The score really should have beea 16 to 6 had our boys attended to the'r business, but they have a bad habit of getting care­ less when a little ahead. It is an in­ excusable fault, and one which they should try and remedv in the future.-- It will sometime be the means of losing an important game. IN another column can be ftwnd a new advertisement of the Spring Grove Mills Voss A Siedersleben, Pro­ prietors, who have recently purchased It and put it in first-class order for do­ ing all kinds of Grinding on short no­ tice and iu the best of manner. They are now making Flour equal to the best, and Invite the public to call and give them a trial and they will guaran­ tee satisfaction. Custom Grinding done promptly and on short notice.-- They also pay cash and the highest market price for good Milling Wheat. Read their advertisement elsewhere. THE Twenty-Sixth Annual Fair of the McHenry County Agricultural Board takes place at Woodstock Sep­ tember 24th. 25th, 26th and 27th. 1878, a notice from the Secretary of which can be found elsewhere. A complimen­ tary h<*s come iu'o our posesMon which admits "J. Van- Wie and Lady," and if we thought, that meant lis we would thank somebody for the same, but as we can liardly claim that name we are at a loss to know just what it means. If Mr. " Van Wie will rail around we will deliver up without a word. ,THF. McHenry Public School will open for the Fall Term on Monday next. September 2 1. under the contin­ ued charge of S. D. Baldwin. Principal. Miss Etta Torrence Teacher of the In­ termediate Department, and A. F. Parsons Teacher of the Gage Town Division. Mr. Baldwin has had charge of our School for the past three years, and in every single Instance has given entire satisfaction to both patron and pupil, and the Directors are deserving of great praise for securing his valua­ ble sevices for the coining year. Our School, under his supervision is second to none In the counter. Onlv one Carriage left, out of Four­ teen two months ago. at E. M. Owen's. KErUBLICAJf CAUCUS. ^Pursuant tocaJlthe IltpubHcHii vo­ ters of the town of McHenry, met in Town Cancus, at the Council Room, in the village of McHenry, on Saturday, August 24th, 1878. The meeting was called to order and on motion Dr. H. T. Brown was chosen Chairman and J. Van Slyke Secretary. There being no contest in relation to the different candidates, on motion of J. W. Cristy the usual method ,of choosing delegates was adopted. On motion this Chair was empow­ ered to appoint a committee of three to report the names of eleven dele­ gates to represent said town in the County Convention. The Chair ap­ pointed as such Committee J. W. Cristy, James B. Perry and Hon. F. K Granger. The Committee reported the follow­ ing as such delegates: J. W. Cristy, J. Van Slyke, Dr H. T. Brown, Smith Searles, Geo. A. Bucklln, James Ladd. S. H. Walker, A. O. Whit­ ing, Wm. Hutsou, Jr. Henry Simpson, E. M. Owen. On motion the report of the Com­ mittee was accepted and adopted. On motion duly seconded, the dele­ gates were Instructed to use all honor­ able means to secure delegates to the Congressional and Senatorial District Conventions favorable to the nomina­ tion of S. A. Hurlhut for Congress and Hon. F. K. Granger for Member of the Legislature. On motion the delegates present were empowered to cast the full vote pf the lown. The following Town Committee were then appointed lor the ensuing year: Dr. H. T. Brown, Smith Searles, J. Van Slyke. On motiou adjouned. H. T. IIBOWN, Obairnan. J; SLVHK, Secretary. . Examine two different geared Cotirtland Wagons at E. M. Oweq's, Artificial Teeth only #8. per set, at Pr Rice's office, Riverside House. F. O WMlTSOX. , Disn.--In Woodstock, on Wednerttay morn- iTi*, Aug. 51st, of €on«timptina, MB. E» d WHITSON, aged S7 years and 33 dars. It i* with feeling ef the utmost sor­ row that we make the above announce­ ment, for among all the young men of our acquaintance we had no stauncher, friend than Oscar. Generous to a fault, honest and upright in every particular, one needed but to know htm to respect him. and we believe we can truly say he had not a real enemy In the world. On the contrary he was honored and respected by all who knew him, and he will be sadly missed by both old a:id young. His funeral was attended on Thurs­ day afternaon by a large concourse of relatives and friends from Woodstock and surrounding town?, by the Wood­ stock Fire Department, of which he wa« an honored member, and during the services every place^ bf business was closed in honor to the deceased. For the past few months he has suf­ fered greatly from that fell destroy­ er. Consumption, and death came as a relief to Ids Overtaxed constitution.-- In his death the business men of Woodstock lose an honored member and his family a much beloved son and brother. The following resolutions were passed fry the Woodstock Fire De­ partment: i . • RESOLUTIONS OF RESPKCT. At a meeting of the Woodstock Fire Department, held at their rooms on Wednesday evening, Aug. 21,1878, tlie following resolutions were adopted. WHEKKAS. F. O. Whitson, one of the mem bet's of the Woodstock Fire De­ partment. Ifas been taken from our inidsbbv d«ath, and .\V«HRIIEA8. We desire to condole with ajnd o'fier our sympathy to the friends and relatives who feel his early demise 'so severlv, therefore, be it Resolved, That in his death the Fire Department of the city of Woodstock ha? sustained a loss which will not easily"be repaired,alid whose presence will be sadly missed by every member of the company, for iu him we recog­ nized not only a willing and efficient firemaii, but a geni»! comrade, '.rue friend and perfect gentleman, who was always ready and willing to assist the unfortunate and befriend the friendless. And be it further. Resolved, That, we as members of the Waodstook Fire Department, ten­ der to the bereaved family in thl* their hour of afHictiou. and to those frienis who so sincerely mourn his loss, our heartfelt sympathy. Aud be it fur- ther Remloedy That as ah expression of our respect and esteem for the de ceased, the members of the company attend the funeral In dress uniform, and that the engine of said company be drnped in mournii;g for the period of thirty days. And be it further Resolved, That these resolution* be spread upon the records of said com­ pany; that the Secretary present a copy to the family of the deceased, and that the same be published iu all the county papers. C. H. DONNELLY. E. T. GLENNON, E. W. BLOSSOM. Committee. THK^followlng is a list of Grand and Petit Jurors for tb«» September tt-rm of the McHeiii-y County Circuit Court. OBAND Mort Metcalf. Amos Bnvce G. I.. Avcrv : Jrtlm Wortbiiigton... S. li. Helm J. O. 1,K\vifl J ('. N. C. Jerome J.-?*. Pierce ..... TrM' ti Kichards a. W. ©.-it Daniel t'lwt« Thomas <iiIkersoi) Ui. hard llHdley E. M. l.HHlll.. Leroy W'Mjfht: Hamlin Turner Joiiti Mor<'nnell...;,., William Pierce William Paige iienrv Keller................ C. F.'Dyko Epbraiu Pease. . * PETIT A. I. Brokan F, W. Patrick A. D. Randall Con I i n s O' Leary J. H. Baffler Moses Bombard 0. I. Austin John Nihun Win. Blackmail Geo. Bn'limiin A. A. Osborn J. H. Finch J. H. She punt S. Rockofellowr Elijah Buck JUKOHS. Riley M irentro MnenKo tl mi ham . ...Clioimiiiff .. ..Chemung Aldcii Alden .....Hiti'tlaiid Senera . ....Seneca .... ...Corai Coral ......Grafton Dorr ..Gretii wood .......Hebron ... I Burton ....M«5!er„y Nunda ... Algonquin ... Alguui^uiu JURORS. E. S. Mnrrlmaii D M. Fuller O. H. Peavy Robert Beck D. A. Cornue. Williani Evans W. Diitcffins William O'Cock S. Cum nings H. Harman Jacob Zimrner Geo. W. Beard Oliesft-r Shales J. It. lteinhart J. B. Koblnson RINGWOOD. EDITOR PLAIHDEALER:--Our little village has been having quite a sensa­ tion. As two of our citizens could not agree about a settlement of their af­ fairs they agreed upon a Board of Arbitration.. When Eli Chase and S. H. WaMter were chosen as such Board the disputants brought in their claims and theu a lively time ensued. They called each other liars, aud as they are both members of the Church it is proper to suppose they had forgotten their Testaments.' As witness after witness was e*xamined tlie more holy brother called tliem liars, and as the court did not call him to order it was more like a regular .quarrel than a Court of Justice. The warm weather of the past few d*J*s gives the farmer hope that there wi II bs a large crop of corn in this vi­ cinity. Our new blacksmith is doing a good business. All wanfelng^ a horse shod should try hiin. He guarantees to give you satisfaction. , Yes, the grays are gon'e. They have done their,work and are now to .be found at the Livery Stable of Parker Sou, waitiug to be instrumental in carryingunor? to the Hymenial Altar. /. MOWBKAV. AtOalby Bros, you can always Aud the latest styles of Dress Goods. WOODSTOCK. , EDITOR PLAIKDKALER:--Our Town has lost one of its most enterprising and Industrious business men. The elder of the sons In the Arm of Whitson A Sons, has passed away, and our en­ tire population mourn his decease. All business places were closed during the funeral exercises, and nearly all our citixens were In the procession. In full sympathy with the bereaved family in paying the last sad rights to the mem­ ory of the departed. Twenty four years ago Thomas Whitson and family, came to Woodstock, purchased a stock of Groceries of Vau Dyke & Moore and for a time did a very prosperous busi­ ness and by his fair dealings won hosts of friends, but by the profligacy, and mismanagement of the Sons-inlaw whom he took In as partners was forced to quit the business, but not one ot his creditors, so far as we ever learned, lost a penny by his failure. For a number of years the Elder Whit­ son and sons worked for L.J. Gates, and his predecessors, in the Hardware business. Some eight or nine years ago they, under the Arm name of Whit son ft Sons established a general Hard, ware Store and were doing an exten­ sive and prosperous business, when at onr great fire East side of Square their building and stock were totally de­ stroyed aiid no insurance. Notwith­ standing they were tlms reduced, their known integrity and business habits gave them a credit so that they were ^enabled to join In the erection of our beautiful new block and again «tarted iu business. During ail these years of alternate prosperity and adversity, Oscar, the deccsscd, has never been missed from his post of duty. Oscar was one of onr pupils during the year we had charge of tlie public school of this place, and his good .deportment' and studious habits fixed In our mem­ ory that hallowed k ind of regard that lias carried our aflectiors and caused us to rejoice in his prosperity and to grieve at his adversity beyond wh«t is ordinary. Then, to, Oscar was one of those patriotic boys who answered our country's call, and although he wore not the shoulder straps he saw service and did battle that endeared him In the hearts of his countrymen wherev­ er known. Oscar will be missed at the counter, be missed in the social aud business circles, be missed by his com­ rades in arms who with him served in the country's struggle, and more tliau all will be missed, at that home, by that Father,, by that Mother, and those brothers and sisters who are waiting to be ferried over to the other shore where Oscar awaits their coining. "• Well we have had eur caucus and as we have before stated Woodstock is for General Hurlbut and gives him her eighteen votes In our oonvention neYt Saturday.1 SOLON. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--That fel­ low who stole tlie potatoe basket from hhe road«!de, while George was dig­ ging the potatoes must be pretty hard up, or else a mighty mean man.--' Should lie return the basket nothing will be said. If not. we shall report him throiurh the columns of your paper, though we don't like to do it for a five cent battel. George snya be will plajr no roore^ for he can neither suit nor tramp. *A short time since he went to dig « few potatoes, and unfortunately sat the basket dewu near a bumble-bees nest, and he was compelled to seek another place la the patch to sathar the frclt and then carry it home in his hat.-- The next time thinking to avoid this plague lie had sat the basket by the roadside, hut ere be finished digging some one had stole the basket and it was with drooping head and despon­ dent look he conveyed the sad news to his master. Iu gathering items and plain facts for the PLAINDEALKR, we were not aware we had been so near that long eared animal, until we heard him bray through the columns of the Qa- zette. In one short week he learned the whole history of one whom it lias taken others years to leam and Is, In his own mind MA suiart fellow," in the minds of others a complete fool, capa­ ble'and willing to commit any mean low-lifed, infamous, act, ever yet heard of. The public opinion is universally the same aud lie might as well cast his gleanings to the four winds of heaven, as to expeot to make any impression upon the minds of the people by bray­ ing in the dark. Dr. Hornby informs us that he has nine cancer patients in Wisconsin at the present time and is receiving com­ munications from others every day. Who but the Prof, has the audacity to run all night to get his neighbors cow into the pound, and in the morn­ ing be standing on the* steps begging for milk f v GREENWOOD CAUCUS. The legpal Voters of the Town of Greenwood are requested to meet at the Hall over the Post-Offlce on Fri­ day August 30th. at two O'clock p. M. for the purpose of choosing seven del­ egates to attend the County Conven­ tion to be held at Woodstock on Sat. August 31st, and to transact any other business that may properly come be­ fore the meeting! f By order of TowaSOaauaittse. VOLO. EDITOR PLAINDKALKR--We tret Just as reSdy as anybody to see the funny side of a thing, but for the life of us we cannot see any cause for mirth, cheerfulness or good humor by having a licensed saloon iu Volo after being without one so long. What have the churches and the temperance societies been about for the last two years, when In March, 1877, tlie town of Wau- conda stood less than six of being tie of the legal voters. Now Ben Rosing petition has but one majority on it of the same aud obtained a license there­ on. Now I am on tlie war path in this business and dare say go up thou bald head, aud if you have two she bears, let thein out and destroy these for^ and two babes in the woods. One sliF from the locker penetrates their vitals and tlie whole matter I s disclosed. The whole aim aud eud of the Metho dist church here is to obtain; money out of the Red Ribbon's to pay their Priesthood, and relieve their own pockets but not one cent for the cause of tempeianee. Is this right 1 Tell me ye winged winds that round me now play, is this the right way to raise the wind their priests to pay? A gen­ tle zephyr sadly in inoaus thus replies tome. /Got In Himmel, vere else is de viud to come from, eh, but eut of their own pockets. Five moonlight festivals under the auspices of the Sisters and Mothers of Israel. Winding the blue and red Ribbons around their little Augers, playing elite gagies, archery &c„ with cuplds bows, aud arrows ot stars, (sheep eyes) and so many hearts left bleeding ail for the cause of the God Mammon. But to tlie cause of tcmperauce and charity you are strangers. They know you not. What have you done to pre­ vent a licenced Saloon in Volof Ye Methodist, aud you Deciples, your Elder being a Supervisor, voted a per­ mit to deal, shuffle and cut on Sundays, opens and down grades a public high­ way that his neighbors children may slide into Hell easily. Consistency thou art a jewel, aud If 1 could lash you Into a.fury tlieu we may expect you will reform aud become converted to the cause you profess to follow. God help you, is the prayer of a heretic. Charity, behold that aged couple yon dcr by the wayside, who but a few short years ago were possessed of a happy home and a farm of 130 acres. are now by the officers of the law made homeless, (done In July 1878) In temperance done it. They are now searching for some quiet nook where tired life might well be content to lay down its burden and^enter into its final rest, and Anally receive absolution at the door of the church fer the widow's mite if that much were left aud they ^ould get it. Oh. Holiness unto the Lord, thou art a sham, a hiiuttVaiice to tlie cause of temperance aud reform and a burden to society. The 23d Inst., Elizabeth, relict of Levi Marble, Esq., was conveyed to her final rest, aged 87 years last March. She came with her husband and family from Ohio and settled in the town of Avon iu the fall of 1837.-- Uncle Solomon Mnrble was at the fu­ neral and over elglitjr winters have frosted Ills locks and press heavily up. on him. On Monday evening, Sept. 2d, Judge McLean and Co], Ed Joslyn will ad­ dress the people of Volo on the Green­ back question. Come one, come all, as Hank is well loaded and words will flow from his li ps like pouring peas in a boot. The Hon. Col. Ed Joslyn will be very interesting. He will occupy his time in spitting provided he can get a few glasses of the beverage ho recom­ mended to the ladies at tlie last old settlers' reunion at McHenry. Mr. Editor we have become a thorough Evolutionist by seeing quite recently a cucumber in human form.-- Apply to The head, body and extremities all in4^ their proper plaoe. That was a terri­ ble leap from the vegetable to man.-- Nature must have spread herself and done her level best. Such Is the fact. It grew in McHenry county, and after It had been on exhibition in Chicago was finally sent by Express up to Crys­ tal Lake, C. O. D. aud to be pickled.--- Cigars boys. Smoke them Abigal. SELAH. Business Notices* Something New for Farmer*. The Diamond Wheat a new variety for fall sowiug--Grains measure nearly one-half Incii in length--Pronounced tlie finest in the world--grows from 18 to 24stalks from a single grain--heads from 7 to 6 inches long, average grains to the head 40. A limited amount of It put up in packages containing about two thousand graius and will be sent by mail post-paid on receipt of 50ets.-- Agents wanted in every County.-- Sample grains and terms to aaenj,s sent to any one free of cliarge. Hun­ dreds of testimonials furnishedon ap­ plication. Address If. 8. TIPTOIC. 8eedmwin, Cleveland. Tennessee. Virginia has seen a strange sight In Elizabeth City county, last week, a white woman was under the law whip­ ped by a negro constable fcjr stealing. Her name was Mary Mudell. She was stripped to the waist and the lash was duly applied. The prejudice of color was laid aside, but barbarism eame back iu tlie act. Humanity revolts at such punishment for any crlwiej^ ' • ' " • '• .r.*." Uncle Sam's Nerve and lloi»e Lini­ ment is for man and beast and U a balm for every aft^^Drtig- gists. *v-'" Jfex's Coat*e Boots WMoIti ft EVANSOKS. *1.80 si Fire* Si eests. At 1 Six 8x10 Chromes, for B. Blake's. ... iF ln search of Bargains call at tfct f§ store of P.D.Smith, near thef>epot School Books and Writing faMt Cheap, at O. W. Owen's. > Stop at E. M.Owen's and see lMrtf the • • Geared Cortland Wagon. Millinery! MiltlMiyl Great Bedncrioq"in ililllnery at Mn. 8. Searles, McHenry. A good assortment of Splints CM Mt found at Blake's, cheap. A few Parasols at still farther re- ^ dticed price* to Close, at FliZs(KMO!tl & EvANSON'S THE Eureka Tree aud Poet Mole Digger. Call at E. M. Owen's am4 see one. The best thing in the BMfffcet, and sold cheap. ? i FOR SALE. Two fill' Blood Durham Yearling Bull Call's, fit for use. J. FluskT., SAVK money by buying goods at P. D. Smiths. He is going West atud will sell Ut^st ̂ id-below, to closf- , S CLOAKS!'CLOAKSS 1 rL J Mrs, S. Searles Is now offering. De- cided Bargains in Cloaks and Mantle* iu Silk, English Diagonals and 3£aie- lasses. Cashmere, Ac. Aflne lot of Ze ply rand Cartf Boards, ,, just received at J. B. Biake's FumMur* | btoiO. 'y PUMPS. A large Stock of Adams celebrate<7 Kenosha Pumps. Tlie best Pumps aud at lowest prices, at E. M. Owen's, < '{jj Hare you a Cold and Congh ? Avoid ^ ail flurry and to a flrst-t.Tass Druggist hurry, ask for Ellert's Extract of Tar and Wild Cherry, one bnttib buy, your cure is sure--don't worry. Teeth extracted and filled' In ffir most skillful manner by Dr. Rice, Riv­ erside House; Mcllenry. Consultation Free. i~;* The ehlMrens' best friend it Div faques'Oertnan Worm Cakes. pleasfcnS to the taste, harmless to the child, and? sure death and expulsion* to the worum- Sold by ail Druggists. • • -. • FOR SALJ&. Half Interest in a Buffalo Pitts, ten Horae Power Threshing Machine.-- Almost as good as new. Will be sold cheap. For particulars inquire at this office. Jog. WIEDEMANN now keeps Franc Falk's Milwaukee Export Bottled Beer which i« the finest made, put up In Patent Bottles, and will keep fresh aud nice. Will be furnished p|y the dozen or single bottle. ,:*• A FEW BARGAINS. "#r1»aw n few Ladles and dhffflliiw Shoes left which we will close out very cheap during this week. It will pay you to buy them. Prmmow & Blruim. Do not neglect a Cough or Cold. Ellert's Extract ©f Tar and Wild Cher ry is a standard remedy in ail throat, asthmatic and bronchial affections, and has saved many valuable Uvea.. It never fails to give Satis/action*. Sold' by all Druggists. » { WAIT FOR THE WAGWfc. ; We are now offering one of our brated Lumber Wagons, with top Box, Steel Spring seat. Whiffle twee,. Neck Yoke and stay chains, all complete, for ftflO. Warranted for oue year. B. BISHOP- PARTICULAR NOTICE. AN persons knowing themselves fiil debted to P. D. or J. M. Smith, will confer n favo? by calling and settlSiig the same without delay. Our bo*Si& must he settled and closed within Iter next 00 days. Do not delay. " 3l'lTtcniy' I3!.i Aug, 6th, I87S.' ' J-;""V' T;- - ' FOR SALS. T;• ' 40 Acres of land in Section ISi alt feuced. Also 80 acres of land, with a good house aud barn thereon, with tim­ ber and water iu abundauoe, in Section. 22. Also my homestead on the Cr$«taV Lake and Nmida road. Goo«i< new house, barn auu other outbuildings.-- JOHN FtusKf.. ipf 1 ml* 31 3 NOTICE T© WOOL GROWERS. The subscribers would say that if you wish to cloche your family you can do so by bringing or sending yourwool a id exchange tlie same for good desir­ able goods. Will give yon for un­ washed from 25 to 28 cts., for washed* on the sheep35 to 37£ cts., and for tub , washed 45 cts., and sell you* goods- 90> per oont less than last year. K. A WHEELER A C X X R North Main St., .""Hp 1 ¥ ^ rws NOTICE. We are now ready with a fUil'lllMrof Goods at our new Store, and would ask our fiiends and patrons So. r alKamhex- amine our stock and leam prices. We would particularly reeoiammid' our stock of Boots arid Shoes which is com­ plete, aud consists of some of the bosk aud mo-t celebrated makes in the-coun­ try. We guarantee bottom prioff,. on* evWy article we sell and believpj*'" be for the interest of Cash trade at our store as we sell Jtftv on time and make no bad jd0M ' price to all and that the very * FtTXStMXOKt & 1 AN UNDENIABLE TRUTH. You deserve to suffer, and if lead a miserable, unsatisfactory life la this beautiful world. It Is entirely yon* own fault and there is only one exitwo for you.--your unreasonable prejudice and skepticism, which has killed thous­ ands. Personal kno'wledge aud com­ mon sense reasoning will show you that Green's August Flower wilt cure you of Liver Com plaint, or Dys­ pepsia, with all its miserable effects, such as sick headache, palpitation of the heart, sonr *tomaelw\ habitual eoa- ttveness. dizziness of the head, nerv­ ous prostration, low spirits, ete, 'If% sales now reach everv town *n the Western Continent and not a Druggist hut wi}! tell vftti of its W(VtderfU)ear**, jfeptn buy a Sample Bottlfr fOr 10 C*mk ' Three doses will >«lt«Te For sal© by Colby Bt«\ 4: * • - « • - 1

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