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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Sep 1878, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 11th, 1878. ftailroad Time Table. 4 OOIKO SOUTH, 'felneva lAke Pssseafrer 7:15 A. M. Geneva Like Express .3:»a. *. 6enm L»U Freight .1:1* v. m. Oenev* L»k« Through Freight •-.» r. u. s OOIKO WORTH.' fcss s Oeneva.LskbKspreas 1:49 r. K. GUnava Lake Pastimcer 7:01 r. u ?rr first Float of the UtgiiC. . ittlntlce In uotlm for 8«le. on of In THE Board of Supervisor* turn session at Woodstdtilt this week.. NEW Full Mill*.nery Good* jutt Mircd it Mrs. Sear 1 ee\ ta WlGHTMAN, of Cb«nO«, with « party of friends, U canpta| at the Lake*. pe- fll. Knife Plaiting made to order, also Knife Platters for sale at Mrs. Salis­ bury's. SAM. CART, the great Greenback Orator, will be at Woodstock on Thursday of this week, the 12th. The meeting will be held at 1 o'clock. THEKB will be a Social Danee at 8chrelner*s Hall, In tlits Tillage, on Tuesday evening next, September 17. Tickets 60 cents. "FULL many a rose la born to blush Unseen, and waste Its sweetness on the desert air;" full many a pound of but­ ter that teems clean, Is but a hiding place for yellow hair. IT Is expected that a GAME of Bull VH1 be played in this village on Fri­ day afternoon next, between the Fox River's and the uClippersw of Wood- inxk. OH felicity, thy name 1* oyster, and Un season wben then art destined to gladden the heart of man has come; WeMl take ours on the half shell, if you please. THE question now among the beys !•* *18 U a Peacock or a Turkey F* In »our humble opinion, taking all the circumstances into consideration wte should think it was. "A. hasp's nest contains 15,000 celts," and the greatest of these "cells'* is to •et down on the nest, under the mis­ taken 1mpredion that all the wasps have gone somewhere on a visit. NOTICE is hereby given that there will be a Cake and Ice-cream Festival at the Residence of Albert Colby, on Friday evening September 13 th, for the benefit of Rev. Jbv Wlle& f f*ll are invited. Wis had intended till* week to give our readers the letter of Acceptance of Hon. A. Adams, the Greenback can­ didate for CoHgre??. b»l It did not come under our notice iiiitii iOO bit;. It will appear next week. WE learn that the piptheria Is* ra­ ging to some extent iiV the Northeast part of the town of Nunda. Owen Courtney has lost one daughter, about 18 years old, and another is not ex­ pected to lire at the time of writing, Monday morning. A fashion paper has an article on **the coming bonnet.™ The country has had enough of the "coming bonnets stock on the bauk hair and coming at a distance of several inches In the rear *Ma • '-'generation' wants is a bonnet right up "witfe and covering the head of its owner. AN unusually* large stock of .jbew goods for fall trade Is now being receiv­ ed at the hardware and stove store of J.Story A Son, oue door below the post-office. A11 the latest styles of cook and parlor stoves .jat greatly re­ duced prices; hardware, tinware, etc.. •t prices within the reach of all. JV8T because a clergyman In a town west of here said at a funeral, iu his words of consolation to the mourners, that Min that better land there are no tears, no deaths, no coflna, no under­ takers"--just for his saying this, the undertaker refuted to pay his pew-rent, took his children one of Sunday School, and haa stopped going to church alto­ gether.* ' Jes. URAPBB is the "boss" Cabbage raiser of this town. This is a settled fact. He left one at this office one Hay last week that weighed after being trimmed up nicely, 13} pouuds. He aays it is of the "pure blood, French variety," and of course we take his word for it, (and the cabbage too,) and we can say for ourselves that it tastes just like a splendid cabbage.-- Thanks. ABOUT 3,000 years after 8o1om<>n ceased ids philosophical observations, another prophet bloomed. It was Joshua Billings who advised all welt regulated families, to "fit good shews' In preference to "educashun.* Both of these are convenient, but when you are at the Fair and waut Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, call at the Boot and Shoe Store of E.C. Jewett, Woodstock. He .. just received his fall stock, and is spared to suit both the young and led. Remember, cash buyer*, that his the\e# arc lower than the towe*L Sue ipes of %tisement in another column. >rs run H. N. HOLMES will aeceft our thanks for a nice mess of Fresh Fish, left at *thisoffice on Tuesday. "Dad" is the 'boss* fisherman of this section. Wi acknowledge the receipt of a complimentry to the Racine County Fair, which is to be held at Burllng- tun, Wis., Oct, 1st, in. 3d and 4th, 1878. Residents of McHenry County are allowed to compete for all premiums, which are as liberal as any Fair In this part of the West, and we believe many of our cltlaens will take advantage of so liberal an arrangement. THR firm of Walsh & Howard,butch­ ers, has been dissolved, Jas. Walsh re­ tiring from the business. R. A. How­ ard will continue the business at the old stand, where at all times can be found Meats of all kinds, of the very best quality. His shop is always /iccpt hi a neat and tasty manner, and fis he buys hone but the best of Meats cannot fall of pleasing hU customer* at - all times. i Br a ckrd before us we learn that Wm. Veley, former|y of Woodstock, is now the proprietor of the Central House, Sharon, Wts„ which he has fit­ ted up in a manner second to no House In the Northwest. Mr. Veley is a whole-souled, genial fellow, and those who stop at the Central can rest as­ sured of being welt taken care of. We prophesy that the Central House, Sharon, Wis., will soon become a popu­ lar resort for the traveling public. WE don't know that any man ever owned an umbrella for two years.-- That is, the same one. If there Is any such man In this country, we should be pleased to receive his address, not nec- essairly for publication, but merely as a guarantee of good faith. We think lie would be a curiosity, and would, furthermore, be quite au acqui­ sition to, some traveling show. Be­ sides, w« should like to borrow bis umbrella. ONE of the best kept Hotels in the county Is the Richmond House, Wood­ stock. The landlord,Mr. Richmond, !s certainly the right man in the -right place, and spares no pains to make it pleasant and comfortable for all who make him a cr.ll. His tables are at all times supplied with the best the mark* et affords, and the oomforts in and around his house are always pleasant and homelike. All who have been there vote the Hotel de Richmond a good pi^ce to stop. Wss learn that a Woodstock man pleasantly sat down to breakfast on Saturday morning last and his loving wife said, 44 Darling, does your head ache?" He replied with sufficient dignity, MNo; Why should you askf" And she said hack, u Well, dear you came in from the Convent ion at three o'clock this morning, and as put the rack down on the floor, and said you'd hang every hat in the house on it; and I thought your head might couldn't hang your hat on the rack you tut suck woigd* as the following " Prof. Arnold will help /us to re- it: •sons who wish to know how to the butter made in hot Weather . _ _ _ a a lUMsi. U9V wuviomi, ii&st/, iu see he cows;are so circumstanced as quiet and comfortable. Cows i are by any Means worried; or Club* mid jd by too much exposure to hot >r annoyed with thirst, become ith, and the butter : made from milk,will not keep. Sound and to. to A DASTARDLY PKOOKBDINU. Our atteution was called on Sunday last to one of the most dastardly proceeding that it has been our lot to record for tnany a day. C, Stegeman, who makes a business of raising veg­ etables of all kinds, had a large .patch of Melons whioli he was raising for the purpose of selling and thereby turning an honest penny. Bnt on Saturday night some sneaking thieves entered the patch and not satisfied with taking what they wanted to eat, wantonly destroyed nearly 400 Melons, thus dam­ aging Mr. Stegeman to the amount of some #40 or $50. This could have been nothing but pure cussednes*. If they bad takeu what they wanted them­ selves Mr. Stegeman says be Would have found no fault, but to wantonly destroy the balance was an act for which the perpetrators deserve, and If found out, would receive, the sever­ est penalty of the law. Mr. Stegeman and family are honest, liawl working people, and the thing in human tbape chat would thus unlawfully destroy property is not lit to live in a civil­ ised community, . Owe of the most wonderful stories we ever heard of the appetite of the animal kind was told us on Saturday last, by Wm. Dow, of this village, ant although it is one that will try the credulity of the reader is vouched for by three or four substantial and credi­ table witnesses. Mr. >chimmel. of this village had a cow that was taken sick and rapidly wasted away In flesh, until she became but s walking skeleton.-- Not knowing what ailed her he called In Mr. Dow, who is considerable of a Veterenary Surgeon, who began giv­ ing her medicine, which seemed to have no effect, and on Thursday larft, after going fourteen days without food she died* Curiosit? to know what was the matter with her caused Mr. Dow and several others to open her, when what was their surprise s to tlnd In her stomach the following articles: 12 Needles, 9 Pins, 3 short Lead Pen­ cils,! piece of gun barrel aniuch long, piece of a spring to a Pistol iouk, piece of a wood Saw two' Inches long, and over a pint of Nails. (/fft^r*«Jlnding these things they naturally came to the conclusion that the cow died of in­ digestion. What freak the cow got into to swallow all this Hardware Is hard to tell, but that It lay heavy on her stomach, and caused her to lose confidence in worldly things is evi­ denced by her death. But candidly the story Is an astonishing one, and al­ though we did uot see it believe It to be strictly true. . icing juice make Tribune than that of making but- j keep. We ought to pay our for- debts in some form of carbon. it is one vf the few® things fv^hich u one-horse farm can take a* hand It tfill; Packing btftter sWfef for you Jpr is becoming a lost art among •••I Eitote Trtntffin. Conveyances filed for record in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County Illinois, for the two weeks ending Sept. th A. D. 187 8: Chaa. P. Jones (by Art».)to Electa A. Jon«« lot* 2 and 3blk 2, Huntley, 8. D. Warper to Harriot L. Wuttr *rX m Msec6, Ki&hinomt, $625. J. M. nnd W. W. Rartlett sad trfi. to 15. f. Heweat 38 26-33 gq rtts in sue 17, Hebron, fl.MMl. A. J . Barrows and w to Fred Barrows nw aw sec 3, Dunham, $2,000. H.C. I)o#ire and w to Frank and George Krentier sVjkf sfic 15, Grafton, *4,000. Rohl. P. |'*T and w to W. P. Abbott pt tot S blk fi, Marengo. fSOft, Russell Plumb and wife to Gottlieb Siekto n 10 a wJt e.H se sec 4, Riley, fSOOi Wm. Hill and w to John Haw ley lot 9S seeS, Algonqnin, SI.OKV. Jas. Wood and w Ww lots - ia Aldcn, Reuben Attwood et ai, io Wm. r. Atwii lots 4, 5, o, ex aec «, Marengo. |lil4t Joseph Oolby and w to Jas. V . CorttlW wX lots H and 14 blk IS Hart's M odd to Harrard, •873. Maria Thomas et al to Fred Richards lot 10 and 17 sec 28, *,;noa- Win. II. Williams to Wlllard Cummlitga pt Wk 7, Huntley, $ 1,20(1. Mary C. Gates to Sylvia D. Gates t a is swlf se« 9, AlKonqutn, ^290. Geo. W. Zfller to Ue«. Buraslde nX fH aeo 34, Seneca, ex. Jf a, and 10 a in lot t aec 30, Dorr, 92,708. C. II. Tnwx and w to LaCt Bcnthnsen lot 11 Wk W, N'uuUu, $150. , l«wn»ra Stev«o8 and * to Wm. Altkoff lot, 8 sec 13, Johnsburg, fSM. John V. LeMoyne and w to John ICnnahaw sw& sw,V se-j 10. Algonquin, 11,004. Calvin Hnntington to Keuben Austin land in sec 7 and 18, Coral, |2,40iX Kdniond Fleming and w M a in sees. 12 and 13, Kunda, *1,200. Benj. F. Peck and w to Albert H. Colby 80 a In ueJi sac 14, Nundn, fH75. : " Y* the Tsschfriof MoHeafy A Teachers Institute will be held at Woodstock, to commence on Monday Oct. 7th, at 10 A, M. and close Oct. 12th. State Supt. Etter and James P. Slade, Republican nominee for the same po­ sition, will each be present one day qf the session at least, and deliver in­ structive lectures in the evening,-- Prof. Wurwn Wilkle, Principal of the Woodstoek Public School, fqriuerly Principal of Cook County Normal School, and several other old and ex­ perienced Teachers of the, <M>unty will also act as Instructors, The Insti­ tute will be couducted with spec!at reference to the wants of yourg and inexperienced teachers and those In* lending to engageJII "the work of tenchiug. It is hoped tiiat all suo)i will avail themselves of the opportun­ ity for improvement in their position. Let all teachcrs in the County, attend a part of the time at least. Let thean meet for social intercourse, for ex­ change of Ideas, to Uacli and to be taught, and thus encourage aud strengthen euch other In their common work and inform themselves. |u the best theories aud methods of teaching. A cordial iuvltatlon Is extended to all f the common schools of our .juice ittake; W. TotrlrOV' "T A County, flMpt. of Schools. wooDiTOC^-^i; eyery- TH* Waukegan Patriot pretends feel hurt at our remarks in relation the Liberty ville Base Ball says: That our friend should thus misrep­ resent and attack the ivputittion of one , of the acknowledged best heintved and ihy milk is an indispensable condi- faii-Ast amateur nines iu the state, we In making butter to keep. Seqund, are sreatly surprised, and are at a los* iiflk must not" be kept s6 warm to know why he has se»»M fit to do so. A standing for the cream to rise "Beet behaved and fairest amateur the cream will become stale before Nine in the State." Well that is good. I1 *>e raised and churned. Butter Mr. Patriot If this Is true why Is It that^ U?m 8t^e °5ea® d«*th. they 1iav« troubl* . IU. dwt s'gnfl andsealod, and noth.nK elubtbat they can't faivly beat t Ask "orcst, T»3latlK3, and .toores of men we can nam? In yolsr own county. We would advise the Patriot to look up factepefoie tlmy attempt to «rlti- . >rfi¥£at it from gouur THE Exposition UJ else. IN the Sentinel of last week Appears an article from Lake County under the signature of "Acine,w which takes us to task for what we said in relation to the ungentlemauly treatment received by our boys on the occusston of their visit to Liberty ville. Now we. do not propose to,go into any controversy Ui relation to thle disgraceful game,--- What we said was true to the letter, which cotild be proved it necessary *by twenty reliable witnesses. Therefore we have nothing to take back. The article iu the Sentinel is so grossly and faoltsh.y untrue that we do not con­ sider It worth further powder, if the **Acmes"* are not ashamed of tjielr proceedings on that day their fritfciids should be ashamed for them, . ,, COBUKCTIOS*. J Ms. EDITOR:--Will you please state to the many readers of your paper, tlrat the name of Miss Myrtle Wodell was omitted, through mv earelefesIH»SS, in the list of prizes as published iu the Catalogue of the Richmond High School, as she won the Peumanship Prise June 26th, 1878, B. F. »TAN(.BT, Principal. THE LAST CALL. All persons knowing theiuselres in­ debted to P. D. Smith, or J. M. Smith, must call and settle Ml# tpeek, as we are preparing to leave. All account* not settled immediately will be left with a Justice of the Peace for collec­ tions ;• Yours truly, i P. fx S*I*H. J.M. iaiTU. Onlv orte Carriage left, outofFonr teeu two mouth* ago, at E.M.Owen*s. At Colby Bros, you ^can always find the latest styles of Dress Goods. If W srtf wl •out wit: ic.igo til tS^JE •l>en and is attended dnily by ltirge cro*vds from all oyer the country. The »how iseald to be ahead of any former year in possessing more imports?:? ohjt cts of general luterest^aS well a^ iu presenting a more elaborate, taste­ ful and expensive installations of In­ dustrial exhibits. The Art Department contains one hnAdred-casts of Sculpture from the Antique, especially imported for tills Exhibition, together with a greater nuiubet of very valuable Oil Paintings aud Water Colors than have heretofore been assembled on a similar occasion. Walker's great painting ot the Battle of Gettysburg, upon which the owner, Col. Bachelder, will lecture daily, has been secured at great cost, itUd Miss Edmouia Lewis, the Colored Sculptress, has been induced to exhibit fter most celebrated work the Colossal Statue of " Cleopatra." so much ad­ mired by all connoisseurs at the Cen­ tennial Exhibition. The Department Of Natural Science Is especially rich, ^outaiiiiug the largest and best display of Live Fish ever made iu America; a reproduction of the. great Siberian Mammoth, by Proh Ward, of Roches­ ter, N. Y.; the largest known skeleton of a wliale; an immense collection o,l pre-historic relics, and many other objects of Interest. The 'Mediaeleal Department is particularly full and Interesting In procensesof manufacture never before displayed in public, and iu the general collection of Agricul­ tural implements and Machinery, In textile fabrics, household goods, and personal ornaments, it Is only necessa­ ry to say that the best manufacturers aud dealers are worthily represented. The management and exhibitors h»ve spared no expanse to wake the display of this year M> attractive, instructive and full of geu\dne^ merit, tint* It** teliigeut peiftou in the No'thwest., who desires tu k<Htp abreast of the progress* of the worldvOtM afford to foil ta vU&l FLAIKIWALEU : -- If ' body did not already know all about last weeks doings, excitements, eou- ^versatlons, thoughts, etc., etc., we could H-jt#amuse your readers With "lots and ami'itiM lots" of goid reading. But, albeit, as botUOT1'the principal events of the week have been of that character as to attract {attention from our entire community, each individual has either been an eye witness or has read, lu the papers, all, lf ior nearly all that is of interest. The w ®njnomination at Elgin on Friday /has If *od been the theme of conversation atdtr (lapiriMRtreet comers, business placet, and wherever "two Or three are gathered together/' Iu tbe main, from the best information we can gather, the situa- tiou it accepted, and the feeling seems to be that John C.Sherwin will receive the eittii'e 'of; ils® voters of the District. Of course It is expected that those few who are so: well kuown iu *he District as dissesttcrs and factiouists, wlio have been disturb­ ing the harmony of the party ever since their god-father was beaten fix years ago, will endeavor to keep up a fermentation, but the general feeling is that however much they 4* snarl there will be no venom in their bite;" and that bsirmonjr will prevail among tfie rank and flit', and that little If aiiy, discord will disturb ojir peave in this fail's campaign. We bespeak for , Mr. herwiu a' majority of 8.000 to 10,0<t>. We are not personally acquainted with niin, but We have read his speech on accepting the nomination, ha^e liiteu- cd to Outturn nts frout friends of botii the late coutestalnts for the position, as well as from Greenbaekers and Dem­ ocrats, aud the general conclusion is, "He'll do." The Green backer*. Dem­ ocrats aud Prohibitionists «U claim that heir particular candidate will win this fall. Well, may bej b«t l|te peo*. pic seem to think hot. ' l e G. B. Dake, wife ui.d daughter, Mrs. Stites, of Miun&upoUst]VUuiw, are vis­ iting with old lrieud$ here,, L. H. S, Burrows expects to etftrt bis Peat mill soon. Q«r »eltou) has opened i(s fall term witii Prof, W, Wilkle, assisted by Miss Auue Granger, at the head and other­ wise by the saute oorps of teachers a£ torotorly, .• . ; ; PARTICULAR NOTICE, TMTFI All persons knowing themselves In­ debted to thjR AudCrsigned either by Note or Book .account, are requested to call aud set&le the same without delay. r i J A C O B R O T C I t M l U . . Johiuib\trvl>. Septemlwr 11. W74. ^ Call and make a selection o& Of Fifty Plows, at E. M, Uweu'tk " V ALOOHOtlUU - EDITOR PLAINAI.*K The WIB of yesterday laid tlfe dust. ^ The Congregational Church is being repaired. . The little Steamer went up tbe river Sunday. James Dunii,of Indiana, Is now vlsit- ing his mother wbo is very low at present, . ^ Friday evening a smafl' regiment of our town "bumSj" tmdfr/ command of "Rod Mike," marched forth uninvited to a private d«mceat Mr." Leinpky's^ Of course, they had ptertty of benzine along which made a few of them red h«t; eaiw»el*lty "RM MlVe" f* had to earry water and throw' in his face to cool him off. Mr. Geo. Newens, who hafc be^n very sick with Inflainatory Rheumatism, is liow on the gain. Ye Local leaves tO-dsy for Minnesota, where he is engaged as Telegrapii operator. James Shefwood stil] continues to improve his place. He btis lately built the best sidewalk to be found lu tqwij/ and we are anxiously waiting for tluit new fence. Souiethiug new and novel Is expected. On Thursday evening of last week some oue bfoUe Into Chfcs. Ayers cel­ lar and stole all bis choice liquors.-- The effect pf the same was seen on our streetis next day. On last Wednesday night about half past eleven o'clock, our citizens we*e aroused from their sweet slumbers by the alarm of fire. Everybody was on foot at once and many hurried to Kugal's Furniture Store as the illumi­ nated sky plainly told where thfe" lire fiend ha(d commenced. The wltidows and doors were hastily broken in and the crowd made a rush to save the goods, bfit the room was so densely filled with smoke it was,impossible to stuy In more than'a lAiuute or two at a time. Only a short time hade passed when the flames came through the par** titlon from the work shop aud every­ body was compelled to l»ave. Soon the whole building was In a moss of fiaiues and in less tliaii three-quarters of an hour tlje buildipg. fell a: mass of rtliuS. Mr. Kugal )md just received some $500 worth of coffins, trimmings Ac..a few days previous %iifl Ills. whole stock was valued at about f2000.-- What furniture was saved was terribly damnged and will probably* invoice somcfeliere between $100 &td $200. He was Insured for $1000. The building, belonging to Frank Tomisky, was also Insnred in the same company for $000. •The eause of . the Are is yet unknown.-- Sinew the Are Mri Kugal's friends have Resented litm with a purse of $900, to purchase a new set of* tools. He much appreciates the gift and exteuds thanks to all. . ^ . PONT, 'lillWOA. EDITOB PLAIMDKALER:--D#. by a man who everybod|f 5 supposed -was the President. Ouf P. M, * being itt the Govei'ument employ crowded to the front took off his ha# and bowed 5ft or 60 times and who dll yon suppose It turned out to be?-** ; Porter of tbe Sleeper, 'and blactt A that. TNotices. ; ( For a nobby suit, go to Latter Beckcrs, near the Dejwt. ^ • . . • . Ir In search «i Bargains call at that „ store of P. D. Smith, near ttie De pot - School Books and Writing ; Paplp vl Cheap, at" 4). W. uwen s. _ Stop at E,M.Owen's and see «ew tl»» Geared Cortland Wagon. , , M tllfneryV MlTlIrtotrf Great Rediutlon in Millinery #| M S. Searles, McHenry. THE Eureka Tree and Poit er, at E. M, Owen's and se# «(»ne. The best thing la the market, and sold cheap. , , FOR SALE. - FCS Two full Blood Durhattf ^ir1f»|l^ Bull Calfs, fit for use. J. FLU SKY. , SAVR money by buying goods at D. Smiths, He is going West and sell at cost and below, to close. Dr. Jaques German Worm Cakes stand unrivaled as a worm medicine.-- Giye them a trial. Sold by all irug- _ / '5. ! CLOAKS' CLOAKS! ^ Mrs. 8. Henries is now offering De-' elded Bargains in Cloaks and Mantlet In Silk, English Diagonals aud Mate- lasses, Cashmere, &ic. A fine lot of Zephyr and Card Boards, _ just received at J. B. Bfakefs Furnitur^^-- Store.1 W** PUMPS. « iJ * A large Stock of Adams celebrate Kenosha Pumps. The best Pumps and at lowest prices, at E. M. Owen*f. f $ FOR SALE. Half Interest in a Buffalo Pitts, Horse Power Threshing Machine.-- Almost a* good as new. Will oe sold cheap. For particulars inquire at this otttee. tea Hi t wEconoimy is the road to wealth ;"rT. If fifty cents worth of Uncle Sam's Har-*f ness Oil applied to your old harness will make the leather look like ue« juulkeep it soft and pliable. "DO not neglect' a Cough or Cold. Ellert's Extract of Tar and Wild Cher ry is a standard remedy iu ail throat. • . asthmatic ami bronchial affections, and has save'd many valuable lives. l|t>- ' n^.ver fails to give Satisfaction, 80^1 / by all Druggists. WAIT FOR TiiE WTAG0lT. We are uo\v. offering one of our celtt* brated Lumber Wagons, with top Belli v*,- Stee^l §pri;ig j>e«^'Wldffletrees, Neck" Yoke and stay chains, all complete,.for $50. Warrautcdior.pue year. ,. R> BISHOP* Fonner has gone and done it, taken unto him­ self a wife. TIMB happy bride was Miss E®« Perkldk. They commenced nouseKeepingoperations immediately In part of J. Darby to house. : , FrAfik t'niger is again able td'be out, thougii quite lame, having, been laid up some four weeks wlth**a sprained ankle; It looks as though FVank liad eut Fred out, but then we w<^uld uot' blot the thing for any price, . Dance In Nuuda Hall this Friday eveniug, select party we believe. A pleasant time is anticipated. Charley McCollum, our" Crystal Luke mail driver, lias come out with a span- flred new two horse buss, A&d before we had time to-write it tip a party hired or chartered the buss last Friday evening,It being quite moouey, and a very pleasant night to take a ride, but the buss (we mfan the omnibus) failed, awheel breaking down about one and one-half miles from home and unluckily the party consisted of 4s many young ladies as gentlemen, and how did they get home. Why, some came on horse­ back ss.'v.c on foot and s&me in a .lum­ ber wagon. 1 • ' Chris. Bticle got the ladles suit. He will have to get him a wife now sure. Barney liiakesley brought to town lastSaturday a wagon load of largf wateriueloaf which fo/nndT a ready sale. Last Saturday the Dublins aud Wau- eondit's played a match game of ball on the grounds of ttte former, which re­ sulted in favorfof the visiting club.-- Score 14 to*. Goo. P. Bay's family have removed to Chicago, after spending their sum­ mer vacation lit fbf ft town, Clayson's Dryer is again in operation This tlinp sweet qom is theouuse. He employs two sets of bauds and raiui it night and day. : Last Wednesday morning the town was all exciteineikt about the Presi­ dent and faratty passing tlirouglt here. Quite a large crowd congregated at (lie Depot long before tho traiu was due to cateh a glimpse at UrijreS bilt Were all doomed to dlsiiptxiimuent. for the train passed through hero at the rate of SO hour mid the dust W#s so thick not even the train Itself could be seeu. However our Post Master saw Mm. It happened like this: The 95tl» Re-uned at Harvard ahd several from l\oj>e took the freight train, got as far as Ridge fie HI, and tiien side-tracked far the train. When said train arrived there it slopped for cowil and water, when ;^f course a call was marde for the Pi.kal^ den t to show hi»«eirs This was. re "Mllotts fever many other Ills, by taking a few clbset of Eihert's Daylight Lifer Pills. Have you know rest, mind ill at ease, bodjr seldom free from paiuf Tliese su^ar coated l'ills will bring relief and uakt you well again. ^ PARTICULAR NOTICEl^ All persons knowing themselves i*. debted to P. D. or J. M. Smith, will confer a favor by calling and settling the same without delay. Our k^fai must be settled and clo^e.d within tfc next 60 daia. Do not delay. P. Ik SMITH. „ „ ... J. M. SMITC MoHaary I1L, Anir, Stb, 1S7S. ,:-4 Thousands of dollars are now beltur saVed every year by progressive far* mers, who sooii discover the great val­ ue of freely using Uncle Saurs Condi* tlon PoWder. In the feed of their stockt it restores the sick, increases the beat* ty, and usefulness and preoMrtet tbi growth. Sold bv all Druggist*. * _ f. FOB SALE. 48 Aerdsof land in ^ ̂ fenced. Also SOr.crcs ©f laud, with W-j good house and barn thereon, witii tirn« ber and water in abuudasee, in SectiaB 24. » Also nry bomeetead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good new house, bar* aud> other outbuildings.--. Apply to, JOHN FLUSKY. "Time Is money" wealth Is often * source of consuming care, but health it -happiness*consumption that foe revels in neglected eoldsj fee wis* and for your cold, cough* wtarrh or any bronchial ootnplaint use Kilertfft Extract of Tar and Wikl Ciierry an<| be cured. Sold by all Druggists. . AN UNDENIABLE TRUTH. "« . You deserve to suffer, and if lead a ini<«er^bie, nnsatisfactury life In, this beautiful world, it Is entirely youuih own fault and there is onlv tuie exci f o r . y o u c - y o n r u n r e u s o n a * and skepticism, ivhich has kl}pii |l ands. Personal kn<nvledge itfi«r eom^. motk sense reasoning will soon show' you that Greeu's August Flowe* wtllL, cure you of Liver Complaint, or Dy«K pepsiju with all its miserable eftectl. .«i«u>h ae slek heacftiehe, palpitation of the liearr, sour stomaohe, habitual cot- ttve»»ess. dizziness of the aerv»- ons prostration, low spbrits^otc, nates now reaeh every town on, |K^ Western Contii^&at ani a i>ru«gHb but w»W (eft von of its wondorful curea^ You can bu>y a Sample Bottie for 16» cents, TUree doses will re^eve jon, For sale by Colby BroX • MABBIHD, FKN .VKa-PKHKINS-By the Rev. R. K. To.M. at hta residence in Woodstock, Sent. Nuuda, and Mu« b«k . 4aetauu lN»Uax, U*q.. «£ Crystal Lake. • • ^ 'A. i^irhio, uf Ur<!K>nwo(Kt. DIED. =4B PH KM AN.--At tho re»W*M»«'e her patvaMi ii\ thu tow» of Xand#, Thursday, 6»pt, t»T$j Marv Phohaa, aged *1 years. Examine two different geart«| Courtiuud Wagor\s at E. M, Qwea% /' s •» *• - w® A

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