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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Nov 1878, p. 7

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DR. JOHN BULL'S I**#*'. FOR THE OURII OP |FEVER and ACM |j Or CHILLS and FEVER, *** the proprietor of this oslobratod mediais* nstly claims for it a. superiority OT«I aJl r em- tlM «T«r iftnl to the pablie fbr tHe SAFE. JEBTAIS, SPEED ? and PERM ANEIT T ear* , «g»f Ague and Fever, or Chilli and Fevor, wbeth- #r of short or ton# standing. He rofen to the ^%atiro Western and feather neonmtry fc® Wr kirn testimony to the truth of the assertion ftlhatrin to ease whatever will it failt* euro if the ci iroctions are strictly followed and carried : s#ut. In a great many cases a single dote has .#een safflcient for a cure, and whole families 4ftve been cured by a single bottle, with a per- ' lect restoration of the general health. It is, Aowever, prudent, and in every ease morecer- tain to cura, if its use is continued in smaller 'ifosce for a week or two after the disease has .keen checked, more especially in difficult and long-standing cases. TTsnally this medicine . will not require any aid to keep the bowels in 3Hfood order. Should the patient, however, re- [uire acath&r ticmedicine, after haying taken hree or four ci oses of the Tonic, a sinsrle dose of ULI.'S VEGETABLE FAMILY FILLS will bo suifiloiont. . Xhe genuine SMITH'S TONIC SYBVP must •' .fcave BE. JOHN BULL'S private (tampon each ...Jicittls. D R JOHN BULL only has the right to j»ar.ufacture and sell the original JOHN J, SMITH'S TONIC 8YEUP, of Louisville, Xy. Examine well the label on each bottle. If my private stamp is cot on eaoh bottle, do not rurchaso, or you will be deceived. 3DXI. O-OXXCT SVXaXi. . Manufacturer and Vander ( 1 WlTH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, BULL'S WORM DESTROYER, tfc» Popular Remediaa of the Day. Prteipal Office, SISMala St, LOUIST1LLK, IT. 7* a V E 6 E T I N E . For Nervousness, Sleepless Nights. WASHINGTON, D. c., March 12,1877. H- B. STEVENS: Sir--I do not not believe In puffing. nor would I Indorse a humbug, but I consider It no more than rtal >«#<i' i»to spcfk well of Vegntine, believing it to be an excellent medicine. I have userl several buttles of It, t" Buy entiro satist irtlon and great relief from an inexpli­ cable .\rr::oj8>ic»» which had caused me gnat suffering $n<f tiio r r^rtert to different methods for reiief, to no 'purpose. 1 fiually thought I nould prive Vegetitie a trial, with little faith, I will ;iitmil: but lo my surprise and gi-eat relief, S few doses convinced me that I hurt «"T lulld of the tiglit thing for my ditlir-ulty. It sent out humor from toy blnoti that, I liave no doubt, was the of the iiiisery I had endured, and lf'und relief as soon as a medicine could relieve a disease of that kind. When I began its 1 s 'ldom cot :t ultrht's sleep, or half a on \ ^id my appetite was poor, and its a cons-iiui-nce I was running uown rapidly; but, after a few dos>s, I saw a radk-nl change everyway, and nm thoroughly satisfied v. iti: Yepetine, and recommend It t.» any tenon sutler- lug as 1 did. ltespectfully, MRS. J. A. JOHNSON. FEMALE WEAKNESS.--Vegetine acts directly upon the causes of these complaints. It invigorates and'atintj.i cvcttim tiiS SCCrf'tiV? Oi'g&us, allays .anamination, rleanses and cures ulcera­ tion, cures constipation, regulates the bowels, hradarhr and pains in the baci; cease; in fact, tlnrc Is no disease cr Cwiiiplni:,! v.l'.erc tlic Ycgetiu<i gives so <iuick i'-iief, and Is so effective In Its cure, as In what Is termed Fe­ male Weakness, it hijsnever failed lu one iusiaqce. ato "f KIDNEY COMPLAINTS. CmctNNAf t, O., April 10,* 1877. MR. H. K. STKVENS : X have suffered several years with the Kidney Com-plauit. and was induced to try Vegetine. 1 have taken several bottl.'s of your preparation, and am convinced It is a valuable remedy. It lias more good than any other medicine. X can heartily recommend it to ail suueriiisr from KMttfV <.<»><yiUtintu. -- - ? -V *« Yours jwpectl»ily.i - « tJ^S. MrMILLENr? I'iifrt Bookkeeper for Newhall, Gain At Co., Flour Mcr- cliants, No. 86 West Kj-ont street, Cincinnati, O. VkoeTINK hits restored thousands to health who had been long and painful sufferers. ' < j VEOETINE. * r » DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS ,, And General Debility. CINCINNATI, O., April 8,1877. Mr. H. R. STETKN8: Itfur Sir--l have used several bottles of Vecetine foi Se,rz<»i*ne-1H, and <ieuer<tl lability, and 1 can truly say 1 liever had a remedy so sure in its effects: thei«fore 1 umy recommend it to all sufferers. W. L. BELL, o , , - Walnut HiUtf, 41 Court Street. FOR GENERAL DEBILITY the good effects of the Vegctine are realised immediately after coniuiencintt tc take It _ urnrTiiii; _ icuc i inc. & •" Hfitta Lira ud Sidney Ccuflaiit i CINCINNATI, OHia H. <t.#r#VKN8: !ifiir Sir -1 have received f»re»t benefit from the ns« of the VeKOtine, and can safely rcconnmnd it for I'uzi- new, Runft Iif Bfooti In the Head, and a Keneral hlooo l*orlfu>r. It has also been used by other members of ill} faitiUs for Liver and Kidutu Complaint*, MRS. A. C. ULKICH, 200 BaymDler Street JDSEFUL AMD 8UO«ESTIYEi : A MOTHER writes: "Once a invariably---and generally when we had cold meat minced--I ftave the children a dinner which is hailed With delight, and looked forward to; this is a disn of boiled onions. The little things knew that that they were taking the best of medicine for exptfjiingf wufit tabst chil­ dren suffer from^Wrj)^. wj^ kept fr«fe by this remedy alone. To PRESERVE apples nothing more is necessary than to lay them in bullf fp<» on a dry floor, and throw a thin linen cloth over them before the frost sets in. This i4 the Method practiced in North America aftd Germany, and is found to be effectual. Care must be taken, how­ ever, that no spoiled or bruised fruit is laid down, as it will soon corrupt and destroy that which is sound.--Exchange. TUB season for colds and sore throats is at hand, We give a popular cure. We do riot recommend it as in­ fallible: A few spoonfuls of vinegar with enough watej to make iti weak enough to be swallowed* adding a " bit of alum, a "pinch" of salt, and a "dust" of pepper. The ingredients are alway at hand, it is easily mixed, palatable, safe and simple, and will usually prove all that is needed in sore throat from a ©old.-- totoa, Slate Rtg~ ister. MAKING SATTER-KRACT.--In the first place, let your " stand," holding from a half-barrel to & barrel, be thoroughly scalded out; the cutter, the tub and the stamper also well pcalded. Take off all the outer leaves o£, the cabbages, halve theift, remove the- heart, and proceed with the' cutting. Lay some clean leaves at tlhe b6ttom OT (he stand, sprin­ kle with a handful of salt, fill in naif a bushel of cut cabbage, stamp gently, until the juice just makes its appear­ ance, then add another handful of salt and so on until the stand is full. Cover over with cabbage-leaves, place on top a clean board fitting the space pretty well, and on top of that a stone weigh­ ing twelve; or fifteen pounds. Stand away in a cool place, and "When hard freezing comes on remove to the cellar. It will be ready for use in from four to six weeks. The cabbage should be out tolerably coarsc. The Savoy variety makes the best article, but it is only half as productive as the Drumhead and Flat Dutoh.--Germantown Telegraph. IVY--BEGIN NOW.--When we see a window furnished with the most beau­ tiful of all screens, a living one of ivy, or a room in which the vine is made to run upon cornices or surround the picture frames, if we do not envy the possessor, we feel a strong wish that we had something like it. Recollect that all this luxuriance had a begin­ ning; this vine, the total length of wnich measures y»rds, Was once but a few inches long; A small cutting, a little care and time. These were all the outlay required for this treasure of verdure--and all these are within the reach of every one. Time, indeed, is the chief element; but after a fair start has been made, less is required than one Would suppose. Make a "be­ ginning; if with a rooted plant, all the better; if only a cutting or " slip" can be had, start with that, for it will take root with the greatest ease. When growing, give it a fairly rich eoil; wa­ ter as needed, and--especially this-- remove the dust from the leaves as of­ ten as it accumulates, by the use of a sponge and warm water, and in time the reward will come. -Am. Agricul­ turist. rT _ „ , Jfrrftig Meal, V^fTKTlXK Is the (Treat health-rebtorer--compose'1 exclusively of barks, roots, and burba. It 1* very pleas ant to take; every cliild likes it. " VEGETINE Prepaid by HJ. Stersas, Boston, lass. Vegetiae is Sold by All Dn§§istt. Graeffenberg " Marshalls " naTiini innii ua i nuubun AN INFALUBLB EBWEDY POB ALL FSMALB COMPLAINTS, PBICB $1.50 PER BOTTLE. THH BXPBHDBNCE OF MANY YBABS AMONG TBB MOST CULTIVAT­ ED AND BBV1NSD HAS RESULT­ ED IN STAMPING THIS BE- MASKABLE PREPARATION AS THE ONLY RELIABLE RBMEBT FOR TBB DISTRESSING DIS­ EASES OF WOMEN. SOU! BY DRUGGISTS. Grattfenber? Co. 5 6 EeacfeSL M.Y H U N T ' S R E M E D Y T H E C R E A T JNEV M E D I C I I lKS^owndVBi£j botti. warranted. 8«ndto W U ttpnt h»TT it h« °""r it for jf oie i of | luul 3 1195 to |iM--Factory ,ieee--bighest honora-Hathuslvek's ' scale for squares--finest uprights lu America-over 12,(4)0 la use--reicularljr-lncorporHted Mf*K Co.--Pianos sett on trial--48-paj» analogue tree. AUWOjasmiarS> AM tM^liewXark. PIANOSI! klthou^h givfnl fc hatlas and pickled beef a fine, reddish appear­ ance, is regarded as objectionable by a great many. A Waiter in an old num­ ber of the American Agriculturist speaks of having very successfully used sulphate of potash in place of salt­ peter. He says: 4 A mucti Ifess quanti­ ty of sulphate of potash will cure and save meat than of common salt or salt­ peter. I have used it in ouring hams and shoulders, and dried beef and bar­ reled beef, picklcd; and this sulphate of potash communicates to meat an ad­ mirable flavor, entirely superior to that which it has when cured by saltpeter. 1 used nearly the same quantity in cur­ ing meat as is generally usea of salt­ peter, or about one ounce to twenty- five pounds of mteat." The writer adds: " I have known the sulphate of *»/>• »> oV* o Vjorl f A |rvW««w*a Mr^^tivu WW vuw VUVlUg Vk in another manner, ever since I can re­ member anything about the curing of meat. The sulphate of potash abounds in, and is known to potash- makers by the name of niter. The man­ ner in which I have known it used was as follows: Put one peck of wood-ashes into twenty gallons of water, stir it up thoroughly, and then let the ashes set­ tle. After the water is clear, pour off the clear, white lye that is made into another cask, and dissolve in it half a bushel of 9ommon salt, stirring it well. Let this settle, then pour off the clear bri^e and put it upon as many hams and shoulders as it will cover, and let them lie in it three "weeks, then hang and smoke thellt. If the hams and shoulders have had sugar or molasses rubbed over them, and then lain a few days before the brine is put upon them, their flavor will be improved by it." Mr. John Lewis,, of Kentucky, has for thiKty-flve years used another mode of applying sulphate of potash, which is Contained in wood ashes, to the cur­ ing of hams and shoulders. His mode of curing is to mix one part wood ash­ es with four parts of common salt, and pack the meat down in this* mix­ ture. After letting the hams, etc., lie three or four weeks, he washes them and smokes them, And Mr. Lewis says that this mode of curing makes good, sweet meat. But the surest and best way for those who can procure it will be to u«e the pure sulphate of pot­ ash. This article is a strong salt, and yet is only a gentle purgative. If an ounce were to be taketi, although rath­ er a large dose, it would not injure any grown person. On the other hand, saltpeter in large doses irritates stnd in­ flames the bowels, and a dose of one ounce produces death. It is a strong poison. Taken in small doses of one or two grains it diminishes the heat of the body extremely, and is used by physicians for that purpose in fevers. In, healthy persons it produces unnat­ ural coldness and dyspepsia. When spirituous liquors axe in constant use by anv one, it may to some extent be | useful in lessening the heat occasioned « by the indulgence of such a hurtful appetite. But now that the cause of temperance so generally prevails, there seems to .be ho good reason for con­ tinuing the use of this poisonous drug as a condiment for curing meat. Ana when the properties and hurtful effects of saltpeter become generally known, its use, jve think, wiU be abandoned. In the use of pure sulphate of potash it is to be remembered that this article does not readily dissolve in cold water, and therefore when used for curing meat it should be pounded fine in amor- tar and dissolved in water befopfit is put into the brine along with cottunon salt.--Cincinnati Enquirer, foultrjr. THE farming community cannot af­ ford to'abandon raising poultry.' <lts profits and comforts are too great to yield the question without a struggle. The chicken cholera, like the hog cholera, seems to baffle the skill of the wisest. But the world cannot do with­ out the delicious spring chicken, and. the delicacies of which eggs form a very important part Would be delicious no longer without this ingredient. Hence the necessity of the most scrupulous care of the broods and their places of roost, as well as searching iavestiga* * : i u 1 -- » u . . wv/no IUVU Mic vaum; auu vtuo w uuv diseases afliicting the chickens. The hen louse is one of the most annoying, if not the most dangerous, agent to the poultry house. They must be expelled from nests and roots. The chicken house must be kept as clean and sweet as circumstances will permit. The cholera is confined* to no particular season or climate. But the winter quarters of the chickens should be renovated before the severe cold con- lines them indoors. AH the manure and old straw should be removed, and the latter burned, to destroy as many insects as possible. If the boxes or nests are old or in the least decayed, burn them with the straw. And if the house itself is old and only a den for vermin, if it catches on fire in burning straw and nests, and burns up, so much the better. Whitewash the hen­ house outside ar.d inside with strong liine, adding a little carbolic acid to the slack lime When cooled. Beside, give the roosts and floor a' little kero­ sene oil. See that the lime in white­ washing gets into and fills up all the cracks ana crevices. Give the fowls a box of lime, sand, sulphur and carbolic Sowder to wallow in All this will pay. ^eep the chickens warm and comforta­ ble, but not so tight as to make the air impure. Give them the advantage of( the sun, and throw their food among straw so they will have to scratch for it, thus giving them exercise, else like many a human biped, they will become barren and unfruithful. Scratching for a living is as important to beast or bird as it is to those who should only eat bread by the sweat of their brow. But give the hens tender care, whole­ some quarters, plenty of light and ex­ ercise, and they will generally pay a generous interest. Some farmers are abandoning this branch of industry, but it is wrong. Bring more care* and wise snpervision to that department of the farm and more general success will be the result. Chickens are never healthy unless they have plenty of sand and gravel. Their water given them should be in an iron vessel, and if a handful of rusty nails be kept in their water the better. But otherwise the water must be pure, and renewed esnery day.--Iowa State Register. Fattening Animals* ^ NOVEMBER is the month of all for making pork. The potatoes have been dug. The corn is ready to be used in feeding. The temperature of the weath­ er is generally the most favorable, and all that is needed is the most careful and painstaking attention to seoure the best results. Hogs should have all they will eat- no more, no less. They must be fed With the utmost regularity; they should have a bed Wherein a human being could sleep with comfort, and if the pen hi^s an exposure to the southern sun, it will add more than most think to the general increase in avoirdupois. Give them variety in food at the begin­ ning of the month, but as the days gd on put in less potatoes and more corn; and during the last week of their lives give them the latter altogether; and the consistency and flavor of the product will be as good as it can be. Not a few farmers feed corn in the ear, and some raw potatoes. One-half would probably be an under estimate of the loss by this easiest but most slovenly and costly practice. A larger number mix dry meal with cold water or slops, and immediately feed the mixture to their hogs. The loss is less than when grain is fed dry and whole, but in this case it is very considerable." Still others cook their meal with pota­ toes or pumpkins, making the con­ glomerate into a thick mush. This is a good way, but not the beat. For several years we have adopted this plan: To one bushel of potatoes, if we have them, or its equivalent, we add half a bushel of corn in the kernel, and then with a liberal supply of water ih a kdltle almost steam tignt, we slow­ ly took for two hours, ^hc kernels are then swelled to their utmost; the {>otatoes are paste, and a little manipu-ation makes a mixture that is not only very acceptable to the animals, but which contains all the fattening prop­ erties in a condition to be the most read­ ily assimilated. ' As to beef, the most successful mode we have ever tried was to fasten the animal to be fattened by the horns to a stake in a stable, keeping it well bedded and never taking it out until it was sold to the buteher or slaughtered for family use. All expenditure of muscular force takes from the supply which the food constantly gives; and the net increase is lessened, and so the quieter you can keep the animal the bet­ ter. All they will eat and the best you can givje them is the cheapest in the long run.--Golden Rule. DB. Buix.'s COOGH SyRtrp IS A purely vege­ table compound, innocent in nature and won­ derful in effect. For children it is Invaluable, curing Coup, Whooping Cou^h, etc., In ft few houre. Price, 25 cents per tauJe, or Ire bot­ tles for $1.00. --Doting mother: "Yes, I shall be happy to give yon the wages you ask, b«t I shall expect you to love the dear children." Nurse--"I shall be very happy to do so, &a'am; Tt>ut of course that would t)e an extra.'Funny Fothft. :-1 I i iH • 4 I I , . ItfbELnira rfcft starasf irtSy TJfe Re­ moved by first soaking them in strong salt water and then washing them with ammonia. The salt changes the nitrate of silver into chloride of silver, and the ammonia dissolves the chloride. --Men may oome and om we want to> see the man who #il! come to town In a two-horse Wagon* and not ^ to t cto&sing t<i stop his team.--Brookville Democrat. m m _ _____ i --If you want to know how bad aper- son you are, get somebody to consult the man who owns the barking dog next door. He knows all abouu^avu:^#^^ vocabulary.--N. Y. Graphic. , , Cured of Drinking. "A young frienrl of mine was cu^ed of an in­ satiable thirst for Lienor, that had so prostrated his system that he was unabic to dt» any busi­ ness. He to entirely cured by the use of Hop Bittt-m It allayed all that burning thirst; took away the appetite for liqaor; made his nerves steady, and he haa remained a sober and steady man for more than two years, ard has no desire to return to his cups, and 1 know of a nuBiber or others that have been cured of dvinkiny hy it."--from, m leading & li. Official, Chicago, ill. Are Fat People Siniiiiyl Why are fat people always complaining? asks some one who entertains the popular thouah erroneous notion that health is synon omous with fat. Fat people complain heVaUS( they are diseased. Obesity is an abnormal condition ot the system, iu which the'ftaccha- ri#» and oleaginous elements of the food are assimilated, to the partial exclusion of the muede-fai mini; aiidbrain-produeinu elements In proof of tlrs, it is only tiecesavy to assert the well-known fact that excessively fat peo­ ple are never strong, and seldom distinguished for mental powers or activity. Besides, they are the easy prey of acute fflid epidemic dit? eases, and they are the frequent victims oi eout, heart disease, and apoplexy. Allan'? Anti-Fat is the only known remedy for this disease. ,lt. .contains no acid, is absolutely harmless, and is Warranted to remedy tnte mo*t confirmed case of obesityr or corpulency. IT is demonstrated that America makes the best Cabinet or Parlor Organs in the world. At all world's exhibition* In recent years "Ma- •on & Hamlin have obtained higher honors, having received the gold meual at the Paris Exposition of 1S78. , The Treinonc HOIIMF, Chicago, has reduced Its rates to $3.00 per day for all rooms above parlor floor, without baths. Appointments unexceptionable. Table d'Hote unsurpassed. A1 t «»•* UlkalWM li at BBOAD CLiDt 01 FINEST FIHISEED AND ItlDMIT HUM flffi EVER MADE FOR THE PRICE. DON'T BUT ANY OTHER Uatll jo* lafi Carefally Exailacd th* 6B1NII CHARTER 01E SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY Bxe«lslor Uanufactarlng Company, 61S to <19 Kata St., 8t«louis, M*. L I V K S T O V E D E A L I R S . WORMS, and all Die- eaaes of Hogs ABSO- nTm irTRI.V r.rKRDhii A# n rmt. McKKNNEY-S KKMltD^ ) CENTS. Perpetual Wick? Equals gas. No trimming or cleaning. Fits anr Ag'tswailta& Send foraauiDle. C.J.0avan*ugb ~~ * m iCl LANDS I A I I K& FARMING <0 tttt I *200*000 Acres w *• ^ ' s I' hii aco At #5to IH. in farm lot* and mi terms to suit all classes. Send posUu-oawl tor maps and pamphlet descriptive of 16 counUes. Low freights. Land exploring tickets, osit and back, free to buers. Start rlglit! For any Siiformt^ Hon ajuil.v to lO W A KAI1. ICO A. O CUMI'ANV. MftpldB. low*, or M Uauilolph Street, CIIICHKO. R R 'L_ H N 8 T I T U T E . . Established In 1872 for the Cure of t'snerr, Tumor*, Vlcera, [Hcroful*. and bltin Diseases, t. knife or loss of blood and little pain. F.>r Information, circulars and references, Kudress Dr. V. I*. ronD, Aurora. Kane Co., 111. STgfE IfFffc GIVE* fm MPLOYMENT I" ograjpliy ;ult particulars or tlie AKenis' inrectnry a smrai- r. (None free.) Agcuta' Pub. HOUBC. l'lilla., Pa. Gfri m f *1 mooth Faces and Bald Heads! Uaa COSMKriU PKBfARATloN, tl.* rr»uU » » y»t«» •f Ike jatr«st*.d wliere i« to s o f t . lu^uriaiit be.-xrd. wMl:in ik* faee, no injur?, fsii*- itu»B guarasteff'i. Malie! free, j-rite ILiL U«r2us«r. 2<. •« FOR SINGING CLASSES. AMWARII ! <;75c*nts; ?7.B0 per down). By lln II AltU • I>. f». EM Kits* >N. anil Is the an tiler's last and perhajM liest compilation for Slnsinu Scliotils. ilne instructions, abundapt ciercie» many Glee* and Songs, and a good qOanUtjr of S» crv-d Music JOBKSOH'3 Mod for Sispsg Elm (fiO cts.. ar JKT dozen 1, for Singing Schoola nss remarkably clear lristructinna, «M a larue qu u.titi ot pleaaln practice. acred and Secular Musle, for TEE LiDRtt mai SS W ,ls? «ranrt Ix.ok for Sn«dag Classes in r'S Sc"1"'!'1, Nitrraal Schools and Seiulnsrien Tart Part II.. Voice Cultivation. Part III., Select Music in 2.8 and 4 mrta tiui'iv. cred Music. ' mmi ICBQQL cBon, (60 Cts., or 96,00 , , per do*. > ftw. S 11LOEN, is an excee<link'ly well cmstnirted book tor the Sin«intf Clnssss In Uraimnar Schools (the lilKher classes), and for the younger classes of High Schools. (60 eta., or f.voo I aoa.) Bk w. o. l™.- i'lNS, is a genial and *eiy bright cotlecUon of School Songs. OT*Any Book mailed free, for Retail Price. I.VO* A- REALY, ' OI^IYKit A OIO., llostoit* C.H. IHtion €•„ <1. K. Ditxon 4t Co.. 843 Uroaiiway, JJ. Y, 9*9 Chestnut bt. Phlla. Me cpr* ana tr enness. Intemperance ami the use of Opinm, 'IV)l>ac<o, Narcotics and Stimulants, remov- insr all taftc, desire and habit of tisliisr any of tii em, rendering the tai»te or desiry f« r anv of them perfectly odious and disgust ing. Giving ovctryono perfect and irresistahle control of the «<>brletv of themselves and their friends. It prevents that ahsuinle physical end niornl prostration that follows the sudden breaking i>J fiotp nsini; stimulants or narcotics. Package, prepaid, to cure 1 to 5 |«>rsons, $'2, or at. your Druiruists, Teiiiperance and charitable societies should nse it. - It. is harmless ami never-failing. HOP DITTERS MFG. CO., tele Agenta, ROCHESTER, \.V. The ftop Cough Cure Destroys nil pain, loosens the cough, qniets the nerves anu produces reSt. It never falls in performing n perfect e«re where there is n shadow of hnjw*. Try It once and you will find it so. FOB SALE BY AM, DHl'UUIKTS. anmana It having: l»een widely ailvrrUMd, aa- •er the c»i»tlon of "America Ahead in Spool Cotton," that the Jury on Cotton textile*, ynrn«. and tlireailN, at the I'arlii Kxpoxltlun, de­ creed a tiolil Medal and Uraad Prize to the U'illliiinntif- 3ii IIOH i'omiiitny for •' Spool Cotton eN|H>cially H<ti»i»te<l for aw on Sewing fliiclilnes," over all the grent thread manufhetureN of the norld, wc owe it as a (Intj to the jtnhlie and tm >«"«>•«. J.d P. Coat* to announce that No Grand Prizes were decreed at Paris for Spool Cotton. We are advlaed by cahle of the following; Awards: J. & P. COATS, GOLD MEDAL. Wlifiimantlc Llntn Co., Silver Modal. And ivr clalta for the .viiiitem of tiir Fiitt Prize tliat, a* they !utv<- eNtaltllNhed In Rb'"1" !!»» «y®®« t'atean Xilla In the United Stalest, where their Spool Cotton la ntannfactured through every proceaa from the raw cotton to the •ainlieit spool. A Ml K RICA, mm reprenented by eKNin. J. A 1>. COATS, laattll AHKAD 1* MPOOL COTTOK. Auchincloss Brothers, Sole Agents in Hew York for J. ft P. COATS, latablished ISM, YaUew Wrapper for Animal aad While Sot , Human Flesh. \ ts OOOD roa BUNM tal Scalds. jf Sprain, and Brulees', ' Cliilblains, Frost Bitea.Stringhalt, Windgall^ Scratches or Foot Rot in Sheep. Clipped Hands, Foundered Feet, Flesh Wounds, • Koup iu Poultry, External Poisons, Craclked Heels, Sand Cracks, Epizootic, \ Galls of ali kinds, Lame Back, "* Sitfast, Ruigboni, Hemorrhoids or Piles, l'oll Evil, Toothache, Swellings, Tumota, Rheumatism, Garget m Cows, Spavins, Sweeney, Cracked Teats, Fistula, Mange, Callous, Lameness, Caked Breasts, Horn Disteaiper, Sore Nipples, Crownscab, Quittor, Ciub, Ola Sores, - - Foul Ulcers, Farcy, Corns, Whitlows, Abcess of the Udaer, Cramps, Boils, Swelled Lege, Thrush lerchjMt's 6a: Llniineut of the Weakness of the Joints Contraction of Muscles, liag Oil is the standard nited States. Large size, gi, mediant, 50c; stnaii, 35c. Small site fbr family use, age. Manufactured at Lockport, . Yh by Merchant's Gargling Oil Company. JIIIIV HOAFLL. K«RV RULE THE WORLD! lated wore Kads In llelag. me» FOBTHE WEIt mmjm DEBlUTITEDt- ' HI qjfttefai tan now 1m restored to kmxlth tad boi&y energy,, at hom$t witha^Y tkt utt qfmsdieine qf my kind. \ . ,(|M PtJLVBZIMACRBI^S i ELECTRIC BELTS- AND BAN9%<! Hr part ttf tkt f meet every requirement. •1 ' Tk» Moft horned physicians scienter u m m q f E u r o p e a n d t h i s c o u n t r y i n d o r s e f f m f j w Theee noted Curative a] rtood the teat for are protected b; >y ueu«i»-nittDt in oountrlee of the world. Tn tJ .nplianeee at the gi •iwte, PhtlKtlelpalsk and el principal countries of the world. They wen. decreed thsonly Award of Merit ffcv KMdVHs illaneee at tfje gr^Ht World5! the moft valuable, nt known treatment havu been fcun<_ _ BlSEple, and efflelem t^a core of diaeaaa. HEADiH. ARE YOU AFFtKn»t * »nd wish to moovw the •tone detrree' 3H* * health, strength, and energy aa experienawft •* In former years? ix» any of the nluttai " ' na o? class of lymptomi meet 1 I condition ? Are you aulTeriiig Ill-health In any of Its many and nut ooi forms, consequent upon a lingering, nerTr < Ooa, ehronlc or ranetlonal disease? Db yatt * feel nervous, debilitated, fretful, timid, MDil'o] lack the power of will and action t Are yon ^ •toping, unfit lbr business or pleasure, aaf subject to fits of melancholy t Are yooir kU> neys, stomach, or blood, In A disordered eon- ltlonr Do you suffiu from rtwiwittMy- neuralgia or aches and painqT been indiscreet in early yean and' 11; self harassed with a multitude of symptoms? Are you timid, nervous, forgetful, and your mind continually 4 Ing on the sutyect? Have you loat eonfldi In yourself ana energy for bustnesa por~ Are you subject" - - * toms: Restlees Are you subject to any of the foUowlug.ftymBt •. toms: Restlees nights, broken tfeep. mgall mare, dreams, palpitation of .the hean, baalfr * fulness, confusion of Ideas, aversion to socle' young men, the mlddlo aged, aajLeven the old, suffer from nervous and physioal debil­ ity. Thousands of females, too, an trokMy down In health and spirits from disorders peculiar to their &em, and who, from MMH* modesty or neglect prciong their 'SufftorlnJtB, modesty or neglect prciong tneir-sunen Why, then, further neglect a suhJeet str- duetive of health and uappl?.ess when i is at hand a means of restora tion ? PULVERMACHEITS ELECTRIC BELTS AND BAN09 H ear® these various diseased condition*!,, mt •U other means Hail, and we offer the n» convincing testimony direct from Q»« J nfirtl Aicted themselves, who have been restored • i r HEALTH, STREN6TH, AMD EMtftftY, •Iter dragging tn vain for mantta an€. Bend now for DiscBirrtVK PAKPHi*T wad. THK ELKCTRIC Q,TJARTKIILT, a large lllua- tmted Journal, oontalning tall particulam '•-* and INVOIUCATION WORTH TBOC&INDS. QOB> .. tea mailed free. Address, !!"?* ratVIRMACHEK QUWHIC W.,""' iui onBfktt «d vjm Hi. omasHA^'* " 19" Avoid trie qualities. Our Pam iittmnuish tk«genuine MASON ft HAMLIN CABINET Denumttratfd ltd by HtOHKST HOHOKS A1 WORLD'S EXPOSITIONS FOB TWELVE YEAJSS: i at PARIS. 1867; VIENNA, 1 N7!<; SANTIAGO, 1875; PHIL*- SKLt'HiA, 1870; PARIS, I.S78. and Oqu» > Msnst, 1878. Only American Organs ever awaroea hlKtiest honors at any such. Sold for cash «r iMtaH»> ments. Illmtrated Catxh-guet and Circulars with new styles and jprlrw, sent irra. MASON & HAMUN <jfe GAN OO., Boston, New York or Chicago. toO) WAHI Ul^orm Cram's Reveruble Maps of the United states and World; Mate Maps, Atlases,. PlWnritt- Charts, Lltho«raphflk Cbroiuus. SUUouen Novelties, etc. mm Tow. Proflts iwiS Circulars free. Address QKO. F. CRAM, B6 Lake-st. Chicago. Bl. For full :IIK1 cmplete li. n of Stat* and CJo.iuties, St ilg. pn-t> I duciloiis.eto., perfect luajis.ei.niale^ etc., st'iM inrSoiithfiii «aw! W«UM J Texas iiuiiie. Price o»!y $|.(KI. .. 4 Jti- ISKAAOKU. Publihliei'.MUt Market si.Si.S.oui.'i.SISl •' •1 A CO. Cu'.a A^«CKU>IK.IU ihMkw, VEGETABLE With the liandH; tluee ; Dve for Ilaii and Whisker®. _ as lnvmi"ss ak water;nvpiM" With the hands: tluei' apiill'.itioiis Tl'llSK UKAV HAIK HKUW^t »H BLACK, l-vpiiii m-ut» ' any address on iv~e 11 m pilce, It K. FOODIE. M6 LaSallc Sti«-t. Oiiicas >. III.' - j u I ' n f J ' . i ' i AWNINGS. TENTS f t W W I l l l i U w i W a l c r - u r s v f 4 s t r ^ s . Mgns, Window Shades, etc. SJUKKAV n, BAKK. NS»> « s. Dssplalnei-st, Cliieaito. Send fur Illuit'd trvc*rUqL. -1 All hi auches taught 200 State St. tOt Stnd for Circutmt. 0IVE Voar Chttdm a A TBADft. The Kngrsrer'H Model CahlstU Free for a stamp. Address, o. G. LOSWeflTHAte CO, No. 722 Sansom street. Philadelphia Pa. Are aelllng stock, at W.SO per share, tor •10.00 shares, l'ss will sst I<HM» say Tltere are gmma amy l»y dividends there was in tl»e iioney at that prtce eJlMIK'^'M Of SiaklBf BIS aail the rise mt steck, i Ibllswisf list x July 2 Utah Mine, per share. Slirr* Nevada, '• Union Consoi, '• . Mexican, * ..It KO North Consoi; - .. 1 *2 The lkKlle Mine yielded, in August, 9400^000, and fur tlie month of September »250.<M)(>. Xhe stuck of tne A. T. tk Santa Fe R. K. and branches tit cuirt ti.e ruii uwiii «. W up to *«() per share. The Ustliik' nrice, on the San Francisco Stock Ex clianve. for a Mine, is (2,000 each, aud In oaeday toot teen Mines were I Is tod. UIANTED _ ' "I'LL "IN* ATVPHI INjjt STAaPK. Send staiup tor rates. Live Ak«;I t\ P. HAMMOND iCO.. Auroraf'Sf*1' «52iSMrAsrm .r KIDDER'S PASTILLES $350 4 MON wt--Agents WiotsMH selttnc articles In toe world: odt'S frm. Address Jay Bronsoo. Detieit, 411 60 Mining; Is the Most Profitable and Saftst Buslntss in th« Seuniry. TRY IT. K^Send yiMir orders, with some money, and we wit. .••1 ward tlie stock C. O. TK tor tlie balance. A<!(hvv» A. I>. W. MKI!«XKR. Itoem 10. IO> Clark Mt.. t'hlesse. Uffi-sf iclereiici's Kiven wiieli desiiwl. OPIUM! SECRET A m. ft K ACT f ----Ir t A HfMt 4k 81d> Diseases, Thousand* cured. Lowest Prleea Doast tali ts writs. DrJ-.KJtswli.Oatnw.Mlsh I Beautiful Christmas and New Tear Cards J (Original Dmgns), no 2 alike, for 10 1-dL sMiW ents WSUHXT H.1'IKNBSS 4CA, p.O.Box itsafiinula^a ANTtGf- irSt cret IVfwtiv«8»»#vie«v 'ay liht-rai. Addr<-t>^, -jfe K. oivt Sejrvlce Co., Ciuei] W EEK tn vo'ir own town. Term?' knd > outfttfiee. A'rtilr s M HalMA<>»..Pi'rtlaii<i..M« Th« .ifidote To Aleehol jTowssd at I*Mti THE FATHER MATNEW REMEDY Is a certain aiul speedy cure for intempersnee. R de­ stroys all appetite for alcoholic liquors and builds up the nervous system. After a dekaaeh, or asy lute :n:>ilal*c>s^ri , m single te»* Miooural will remove nil nsent«l andplijr- siral deprewMioii. it also cui-es every kind of Fs- TKII, DVSPKPSIA and TOHPIWIT¥ OFTFS LIVER. Sold by all druggists. Friee, SI per bottle. Pamphlet on •'Al­ cohol. its Effects, and lu temperance as a Disease." sent free. Fntltor JIathfw Teiiiiteranceaied nfarturiiic ('«•• Bond St.. »e«v York. BnnlftTc'i^'TWE tows oi~- Willi LU 1 V MKOOKA. Nout ;i »'l»rlila. 10 lie sold, if taken tliii month, at ¥1.50 each, eoni-. r lots BOe. extra. Deed, abstract and aektiiiwletlKViiieiii furnisfitxl without charKe, 5 and 10-acrerir.unje tracts adjoining the town, long time. Improved and;. orange groves from flO.tKMl to $15,000, cash. Che:i| lands In North Florid i for s ile. Apply to WM. VA V FLEKT, South i'lorlila Land and Emigration Office, 14 La^allu St., Chicago, III. Ageuu wauled. an Trial to Invalids. Improved Aieeirie Mitouge mim. W.U.tte»Ctt,iifc4*tMlS.MtCtU PKKMOSiH wishing employiuent. at hutue or travel* lug,address, attince.A a. H1 itcli insoln,ClefelaaAOiito. S||t |\Antwairtareaiimake918a<layattaomaCosily * UllU ouiflt tree. Adduss TKUIE & CO . AmruMa Ma IHAII !J-'on Hi'v Sealcs, ((-t®; 4-ton, 864L TO Mill) Circniarsfre«. Ctiicage Soale CXk.Qaca*«U5 $( fC 4. (on P«rciaT at nome. Samples wurthif9 19 10 VZUrree. AdditinsiDTlNsoNPm-Uand.w AASBS. 2-S Swii>s Motto and Ocean Shells, 18fr ll 50, no 2alike, 10c. 25 Scroll. 10c. Alller26c., with name. Agent's Outfit, 10c. I* I. Card Co.. a iwfcl|a.KT Oft 8up< rtine Unique Cards, with name, 10e. SV Samp e • Sc. Agents try us. Slocum & Co., Troy.SH, M Floral, Satin, etc., Canls, name, 10c. €»:«••.,* plete Outtlt, 10c. O. TAM feCO., N. Cnatiuuu, H.%. MSnowflake, Chromo. etc. Cards, name !• Gold and Jet, 10c. 0. S. Card Co.. Northford. Owh. AC Fancy Cards, with name, 10c., filain orgaijl. OVAgents' outfit, 10c. 150 styles. Hid! hCo.,Hudson, tc. V 68. irittcx wMiTtxv TO AmrmitTttiiimM-. MY Y*H MW MIS <m thix fit iff. AHrrttimmrm lifcs '• wAem «n I trSse* JAsi'WsssisalS sre jisywif

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