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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Nov 1878, p. 5

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T^ftlr, :'$•' XW". • *sr *-5" .Aft: is WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13th, 1878. Railroad Time Table. ".mso SOUTH. Qeneva Lake Passenger.....,,. Geneva Lake Frefjht....,;; NNTKO VOKTR. 6eiif»* Lslce Freiwht Osneva Lake Passenger;....... ...7-JS A. N. . .it 15 r. x. & .»'Mk. it. ... .7:02 p. M H. D. LUFF, of Chicago, spent SUNDAY lit this vlllAge. " ;5ft' • * "-'ft REM KM HER t heOyster Supper ft*. 1 Slli, at th* Parsmnug^. ' ' 1 • * "f"' ' "i *ft'" CALX, nnd see the new stock of Xfl» Hnery Goods at Mrs. SearW. DON'T forget the Bazaar nor your pocket book Nov 13th. The finest sock of Millinery Goods In town. at Mr-. Howe's. ,*. r>t - „ t *09* it. .J,.,". •;2^A' - 'i-i? ftf -. WE are obliged this week to make excuses for the non-appearance of siverai of our correspondence. We shall endeavor t6 make arrangements before next week so that they will be morn regular in the future. We can assure our readers that we are much more annoyed at these omissions than they can be. We shall try ij* the future to have them more regular. SPLINTERS, Election is over And what's the nse of getting mad about It?.... ... /'Why, yes; of course not !**....,... Frosty nights and pleasant days are now the rule..,»....So put up your parlor stoves and keejJ your temper as serene as a summer sephyr........And now we would ask where is that wood promised? Everybody will' The most Important qualificalSTrftJ ebake the Toot at Riverside Hall on the "" " " 28th, .......Umbrella owners take HENRY BUYER had the misfortune to losi one of his hordes one day last week... . JOHS B. COLBY, of Clifton, LIT., HAS been spending a few day3 on •tamping grountls i n this village. The latest styles of Fall and Winter Millinery, just received at Mrs. Howes" at Mrs, Morey's old stand, A# exchange says* "Pcf.n'pJtln are healthy and good." We are there is no serious illness prevailing among the in, andiftbey are goodtitey Will be happy. ^ RICHARD WILSON, Barber from Chicago, has opened a Shop in the rooms over O. W. ©wen's Store, where he will be happv to see All who wish a clean and easy JSh^ve^or Ilair^it, on abort notice. ; The dancing public should hear In mind the 'Thanksgiving Parta^i to be given At the Riverside House jw Thurs­ day evening. Nov. 28fch. The best of music wiIt T»% furnished and a-geweral good tl me 'may be e df ^ TUB pleasant weadier <»F tike > (MTT week has not been fiavbrabte for !>nck hunting, still hnntPrs are bringing down * good inatiy. e^ach d;iy. A little cold weather an.I a Hurry of snow will make things lively in that line. CAST your eye over our columns un­ til yon strike the'advertisement of 5+ Story & Soni wjio are j«st now making a speciality of Stoves, a>vd are selling a« cheap ai •'•any otbe^ stot«,'tn the comity. They now occupy two stores^, one opposlt^tlie Mill aud une ufear the* Depo». --\ 1 • 1 11.1 • ;i' • 11 . • ' 4 i j,jWri2'fdreamed the other uight that all our creditors rushed iu .in one . day to pay old debts, aiwl was #o ^lelighted wHeii <M»e «<Migh'C(tstoi<te'r ha««le<1 *»s we kicked up <»rtr hrel.<, liroke a elat in the bed. tell to the floor and! awakened to ounself poorer than «ver, . * /• ••-; i; •:>*!, low price of Hogs, our live ftock dea'^rs aire picking.up a few all the tiuie. ju«;t to keep hnsiness going C. T. Eltlredge and F. K. Oninger each shipped a c|S^ on Monday. 'The price u certait^ down to bed-rock, 2| cents per pouud being about the ti^» figures. A truvelijig a^ent g i\(e a jthirsty ©Id lady wlioin he m<'t a drinjc of cold tea out of hi<* flask. S1i« di«'(l i«ext day* and left him $2(UK!0. ' Jusf' think what that age nit would have lost if i^is bottle had beetflWled With whisky instead of cold tea! Agents should out and paste it on their flanks. . O BISHOP, has opened a Shop iu (the tipper story tif his Warebou/ui. where, lie will ip^rfiufactnrc the Woodwork of Drags. Cultivators and other Agricul­ tural Tools. He is a go-ahead business man. and is constanly starting some »jew enterprise that will proy;4 bsiipfi^ clal to his l>u#i«es«. . . u c l- '.if AS the like ever •know^^"^iU^»t' here iu Mcllenry village we had two candidates for the State Legislature and one candidate for Coroner. We hope our neighbors won't feel proud and pufled up and go to putting on airs. We shake hands vvit.h our ont-of* town acquaintances jn?t as if we never had a candidate for office in our midst. AT a political gathering where a large number of smokers were together one gentleman remarked that it was no pleasure for him to smoke in the dark; and the discussion spreading. It was disc.ove^d H?h! s^p-r been heard of who did enjoj- a pipe or cigar when he couldn't see the smoke. Is this universal experience? THE Writing 'School, under the di- » rection of Prof. Barker.^ls progressing favorably, a Class of some twenty having already been formed, with a prospect of many more before the close of the- term. As we have said before Prof. Barker is a superior Teach­ er, and no young person should fail to avail themselves of this opportunity to improve in iliis branch of education. UHE lumlier for the MeHenry Club House, at Fox Lake, is on the ground, all framed, and will he put up in a few days. It is claimed thai the ho^s have the best location on the Lake, sightly, gravely shores, 4c. It is now called the "Calthumpiou Club„M but whether that will be a permanent name we are net informed. When completed the Club House wilfbe a neat aijd conveni­ ent buidiug. jrto. Int. & a cow is to hold out her milk In a generally uniform quantity. This, to a preat extent, is the result of proper treatment when the cow is young. II lie heifer, with her first calf, is allowed [> dry off at eight months, she will be ery likely to do the same thing the ext season. But if the young cow is to be established in a steady flow of bilk, she must be fed uniformly a full ration during the whole season. MK8. JOSKPH GAGE, of Clifton, III., daughter of Page Colby, died al the residence of her father near this village, on Tuesday uioruing. of Consumption. Mrs. Gage had been here for several weeks past. f The funeral services will be held Thursday, (to-morrow) at the Untver- saiist Church, at half past ten o'clock. Friends will meet at the houfte at ten o'clock. TUB beautv of the country just now_ --allowing toe pleasant weather--can scarcely b.e adequately described. There has been just sufficient frost to give the finishing Kmches to the foliage which now represents every known and unknown color, hue and tint, and pre­ sents a sight of grand effect and great beauty. Happy are they who haVe the opportunity of viewing Nature** mag­ nificent transformation scene. ^ AN exchange gives the following ad- viee to'young Nlmrods: *kNow that the days when our amateur huntsmen arc betaking themselves to the woods iu search of game, we would just venture a few word* of advice:, Don't point yohr gnu nt kny one else. Pon'f carry your guu «« that i ts .raiige iDeludes all your hunting companions. Don't try to find out whether your gun is loaded or not by shut ting one eye and looking down the barrel With the other; -/Don't use your £un for a walking silck. Don't climb over the fence aud pull vour gun through nuir/Je foremost. Don't throw your gun into a boat io that the trig­ ger itfiH <eftf^h In the seat and the charge be deposited in 'yojir stomach. Doirt use vour guu for-jU sledgeham­ mer. Doa't earry your gnu full cocked. i*oift o^rrv your gan with the hamiuer ;down||f Doift he a fool, Don't yon ,t:&. . *t -tan f: /r-'t 1i -f.! • ft in t'ot'gW'dt. ' -k4 ; 4 r e - w i i « ' e e d ' our v^fuge had hareiy escaped w severe eonfl.i<jr ition. and in tluiikiTj^ ofjt tluj fact oecnrs to our mind how jmfH.ftreto protect ourselvce<sii«uld such a luisfortuue happen to us. Itt this w«»o!e corp<»ratio:i, we reuti^rt» to' say. there ;s hot a ladder that cduld be oh- taiued in,ca<-e a fire-jifiiLUild break 01%. in sUWt uiKiiing lliatti^HiJd at ail aid •is in iiyfkj/M£ the fierr jtleinou. f^iow wtglle AlcHe«iry lias t»e^'U 'ext^>inely i"OTttffc.i11-<!n *Ws res|)ect would it not he well to iHTpare ourselves In case pt an emergency. The expense,of a good baud Engine would not be, great, but if we cannot have that let the authori­ ties procure fort it e use of.tlie town a good set |>f Ho»dis, Ladders and buck­ et^ and then {l«rt a company of our youiig men far their uae iu «ase bl need, j'i'his is no Idle talk, aud we hope our citizens will ht-ed it ^be­ fore it is too late. As we said the, ex­ pense is but a trifle as compared (o the <1MUJ*£C LI c;*!fe of a fire, . 9^! $211 «3I!t A First-Class, six inch, Full Plate Revolver, for."only $2, at M. Eugeln's. PBTEKSUK'S MAtrAZiKK tor December more than • maintains its unrivalled character. There are" two beautiful steel engravings. hc«ides a superb ste»-l fashion-plate,1 tfie laUer exquisitely colored. ^Fttdditio«, iliere is a niag- nilh'ient HIM-IIU pattern, iu worsteil- work priiite^t in colors, which, at retail, would costfifty.fcents: this is presented to the sub^rit»er£ of "Peterson" as a Christmas (tilt. A- eharuiing story, "Mrs. Milliuni." is ctmrmingly illus­ trated. The nuiut>er contains a Sup- pleiiieli*. with a fuH^iae patteru for a winter Paletot, the pattern aloue being worth more thau the price of the number. Ail these costly embell­ ishments are afforded by the enormous circulation of "Peterson," which as the'; says, eii'ibles him to give more for the money than any other. We cauuot leave this subject .without Speaking of the very hlicli character of the stories in "^Peterson,** v^ut how can it be otherwise, when Its regular contributors are Ana S. Stevens, Fran­ ces Hodgson Burn etc, Frank Lee Bene­ dict, Rebecca Harding Davis, and that unrivalled humorist, tne author of 4,Josiah Allen's Wife." besides hosts of otiiers? The price of the magazine is but two dollars a year. To clubs it is astonisliiugly low, viz: six copies for nine dollars, with an extra copy to the person getting up the club, Or seven copies for ten dollars aud a-half with both au extra copy and a superb large- size premium engraving. **Chri*t Blessing Little Children** to the per­ son getting up the club. Subscribe to no magazine till you have seeu a copy of this. Specimens are sent, gratis, to peronft, willing to get up clubs. Ad­ dress Chas. J. Petersou. 3D6 ChesnuS St. Fhiladelphla, jft*. f owners warning. We kn^v a fellow who hasn't got one, says he nfever Intends buying one, and don't intend to get wet.... ... .'•Going to see your girl.hain't you? I know who it is." He says he .wishes thtt 4 year old had been bom deaf and dumb....... .Festival at the Methodist Parsonage this evening ..Turtle Dove,Avenue is thronged nightly.-- The weather will socii put a stop to that........Call at Buckliu 4 Stevens and look at their bargains. New Goods Just received. Oh! what made you lock tho back door?........ "Give the devil his due," is all very well for a uroverb, but there are lots of meii around Who would not be here if ?he' fjttlenie n t was requi re d At dhce ........There is a young man in this toWn that they call "Dark Hours," be­ cause he comes home just before tnorn>- ing,.......Colby Bros., are offering rare inducement*.in the line of Bpots, Shoes. Clothing, Ac. Call and be con­ vinced. . ..... .A letter which we picket jip read: *'My heart beats fast when -- goes past." Be careful girls and don't lose soch things ........ Our **de^11" Is sick and We positively* for­ bid any young lady from teasing him. Shakes'... When it .was written, "Thou shalt not swear,** it is likely that no account was taken of a gifi down cellar, another coming inat tlie front daor. aiul a young man trying to get out of the back door, aud the darned thing won't open w^rch a dent. Oh, but them was dear apples... Perry 4 Martin have as flue a Stock of Fall and Winter Goods as can be found in the county..,i,...The newest thing under tlie sunlf a '^Quilting frame in­ troduction." Young men are arotiud looking for frames to carry hotne.... ... .Fiizsliuirtons 4 Eyaiisou, at their new store, |wive. a large and well se- lectc<l stock of Goo«U, to which they iiivite tlie atteutionof the public.... ... ."'Twas ever thus from childhoods hour," etc., and all on account of that bitgu* lettert Don't it Vf^L"he whistle on the "Win. Norton" tuude hideous noises all day Sunday.1 . Boys, don't. "Ain't that nicfe?" she walked right up ant!'took hold df my crook." ir-u-ni.. Turkeys roost high The Governor has isspted his Procluoi:ttiou for tli«; i8th.. .. . ..Call at Owehs' Warehonsw aud see that nobby buggy..;......That characteris­ tic "tramp printer" made us a call Sat­ urday .."Nuw, ^ee*here, mine lot, better as you had JoJmuy let a leetle •u» vou d.»t csmdy eatin' obber der first thing you don't know he haf some tooth iche in his ceeth, nnd lulf been gkwalHu' afouud all mit d«r Cholera morbus in his Jaw. t... .< .The woii: of grading for tho addition to the Ice Houses is about completed........ Prof. Barker will orgmize A Class lu Wfiting at Ulchmouaas JUir i ahes here.. .!. V •. <: . .4' • m MeHenry County Ttaohtn Auo«lall»a A meeting of the MeHenry County Teacher* Association will be held at Nunda, Nov. 30th, 1878. The program* nit* will be as follows: The English Verb, its definition and classification from a philosophical l point, of view, A. W. Cumins; Geography, In Pri­ mary Classes, Prof. Wilkle* Hisirbry? causes of the Revolution, W, Jf Wright; Arithmetic, fractions, Wu». Xickle; Coustitutiou of the United Stat^s. ̂ hii Morton J School Govern­ ment. A. W. Young; Reading, Win. H irbach. A full attendance of teach­ ers is requested. A. W, YoL'NG, Pre8ld*Si. RED RIBBON CLUB. A regular meeting of the Red Rib­ bon Club 6f this village, will be held at the Uuiversalist Church, on Thursday evening,at 7J o'clock. All members, and especially the officers are earnestly requested to be present, as business of the greatest import^© cbm.e he- fore the meeting. ^, : i " * j i X K < 4 B T O H D I s a ; Q p p C H f T t a « . . ir vVa ,1,; .. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the MeHenry county Agricultural Board will be held- at the Court H^use, iu Woodstock, Dec. 34, at 1 o'clock p. ti., for tlie , pur­ pose of electing officers for the oomlng year and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. A. BOURKS, Seoretary. Woo^atoek, |Tof. tuh, 1878. ;-- . 11 • - -Jr * NOTICE. There will beau Oyster supper and Bazaar at the new M. E Parsonage, Wednesday eve Nov. 13th. The pro­ ceeds are to help defray the expenses of the Parsonage. We trust all will turn out aud |lo what tbey can, as evety liMJe helps. Come one, come . /;• .--•' 18*crfiW#B*dWt)!I, 'tmeeWpr^igft Thread Cutters, Rubber Rings for Spooler, also a large assortment Zephyrs, just received at Mrs. Salis­ bury's next door to Mrs. Searles Me- fk WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDEALEH:--Election Is over. Republicans Jubilant, Demo­ crats. well some are glad and some are mad, but where ts Fiat Money? Ask Sen Butler. OurDeraocratic organ ac­ cuses its friends of "Sculdugery," what ever that may mean. The Aetna Insurance Company set­ tled with Ed Furer, and paid him to the full exteut of its liability, but as this was the second loss paid by the company on £he same site, within eight months its adjuster, felt obliged to cancel the unexhausted portion of his policy aud pay him back tlie un­ earned premium. In doing this 110 re­ flections or suspicions rest upon Mr. Furer but the Company feel the same as our community feel, that there is some secret enmity against him that makes it very imprudent for a compa­ ny to Insure him uhttl * diflerent atate of things obtains. ? J.J. W( Starr commenced his winter term of school on Monday. Mr. Starr has proved himself a successful Teach­ er, and as he is badly afflicted with that painful and treacherous malady Rheumatism, we are glad to learn thai he Is able to ftnd empioymcntin doors. We do not wish to: cast any reflections upon any one, bat Mr. Starr has our sympathy, and though we cannot give a professional opinion as to his condi­ tion, we do believe that there is great injustice' done, by lack of sympathy aud aid that might be extended to 1tlni nnd his quiet and peaceful family. We do believe that he is sorely afflic­ ted, that exposure Increases his aillictiou, that lie acquired his disease yhile in the service of his country durii g the great Rebellion, and that thousands are drawing pensions to-day honorably too. less worthy than he. He enlisted Wheti his services Were needed, aui no one pretends that lie ever shirked responsibility or failed to be at his post. Since the war he has been unfortunate, and we sincerely hope to see the dav when this seeming ingratlthde toward ahyl who Were faithful soldiers shall cease, and when they will be remembered and rewar­ ded by a great ful people. THE POUND CHINA SWl^T. EDITOR PLAINDEALKR AS you have asked%«s several times to tufotm you in regard;, to our trade and stock, we will say fii'st we have about 150 head of Poland China on hand. Have sold since Jan/lst, 59 head for breeders for $1307. Highest price 940; lowest $10; average per head $20.45; ages ranged frdm 2 to 9 mo jit lis. We sold 16 pigs at lUinoie Slate Fair. Two boars 6 mouths old at $40 eaeli; two boars 4 months old at $30 each ; one sow pig for $30. We refused $40 each for two boars that we intend to breed In our herd. We could not get a prize on any of these.bours under six mouths but was beat by a pig that was sold on the ground for $15, so we ; were Informed by the purchaser. He offered us $40 for one we now have at home before h e purchased the first prise pig for $15 Certainly, there must have been some rottenness somewhere. We certainly did not have any neighbors or cousins 011 the committee. If (be judges were houest they were certainly very poor judges. The second prise pig was •much better thau the first prise plg^- Tlie Herd prize was as ridiculous.-- The two pbot*st herds ont of five tak­ ing first and second. Just so iu aged sows aud yearlings. A Southern com­ mittee packed to beat a few Northern breeders. My sales tell the story.-- We liaye just shipped a very fine pig sired by Sambo dam Bride to Butler county, Ohio. W. W. ELLSWORTH. • •i-ft*./*; •• StrayecJ or Stolen. From the subscriber, in this village, a SORREL HORSE COLT, four years old, white stariu forehead, and will weigh 1000 pounds. Whoever will re­ turn said Colt, or give information whtre he may be found, willibe liber­ ally rewarded. c - Tto*. Karax*' M^Benryv tti.Oct. 30th, 1878. OVERCOATS. We have just received a large in­ voice of Overcoats which we offer at extremely low prices,, We will make it au object for parties in need of these goods to buy from ua ^ Xi , fji'ij&l *4 FOR SALE' Fifty head of full blood Merind Rams at prices to suit the t'mes. ti BO. W. IIUKT. Post OIBce Greenwood. PLTXSIMMOKS A EVAirSOK. JUST REOEIVKO at Mrs. Searl^', a new Stock of Fall and Winter Millen- ery. Also all the latest styles of Cloaks, Cloak Trim.niugs, Beaver Cloths. 4c., all of which will be sold at dricos to suit the times. Common Cold* neglected tire the Cause of one-half the deaths. Con- smnption lurks in every cough, o(ften iqsing as masks, the ruddy cheek, quick­ ened pulse and sparkling eye, till it deeply plants its dreaded deadly^eeds 111 tlie system. Every home shou% con­ tain Eilert's Extract of Tar and«Wild Cherry which prevents serious sickness if taken in time, and will surely aire Colds. Coughs. Croup. Catarrh, Con­ sumption and all Branchial complaints. Don't wait for sickness to come, but this day take h#me<a bottle of Eilert's Extract of Tar aud Wild Cherry for it inav save the life of a loved ohe. when jdelay would be deatlt. Sold by all |Druggists. KITCHEN aprons, afternoon aprons, and all kinds of fancy and useful arti­ cles for sale at the Bazaar'Nov. 13th. Under-Ladies, Mens and Chlldrens fear varv ciuiiui. Fi tgai mmons A " ji &nilm : ILUNOIS STATB DAIKVXKK'S ASSOC1- ATION. The fifth annual meeting of the Illi­ nois State Dairymen's Association will be held at the Court House, In Elgin, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, December 10,11 and It, 1878 The Executive Committee has adopt­ ed the following programme, which will prove of great Interest to all en­ gaged in the dairy business. Some of the questions for discussion are new, yet will not be lacking In interest.-- The producers of mllk, as well as the manufacturers of butter aud cheese, should unite to make this convention the best ever held by the Illinois State Dairymen*J Associativa. The following Is the .- ,i:r^. ;, PROGRAMME, , TUESDAY. ;; # - , ' JLdd«rssby th4President.r , \ The object and aims of the Illinois State Dairymen's Association will be brought up for general discussion, after which the following programme will be taken upi ' I. "Grasses--Tlie best varieties for hay and pasture* as adapted to our soils and climate." W. J. iiurdlck, Whitewater, Wis,; C, C. Bus 11. Rock Fails; HI. 3. "Soiling--Is it profitable to the dairymen of this state, and to what extent?" Geo. P. Lord, Elgin; Hon. 'W in. Patten, Sandwich. , „ 4 Miscellaneous. ^ , Evening Sesslonr-lf voted l»|r the emivention*, $ 4-. . • • '; wn>im»|R .* f ' Morning Sessloh,® a.•fifr1 « ̂ y **The Supply and Demand of Dairy Products, and th0lr Future Market." Gen. L. B. Parsons, Flora; H. A. Bogardus, Batavia; O^f. W. H. Stewart, Woodstock. 4. "Marketing Dairy Products.** G. W._ Gale. Galesburg; J. R. McLean, Elgin; R. M. Patrick, Marengo, 5. "What per cent. Depreciation It there in Keeping u» a Dairy, from all, sources ?»* 8. W. Klngsley. Barrlugton O. P. Lord, Elgin; Jackson Wood Huntley. fi. "What Is the Real Cause ©f Dif­ ference in Price Between Eastern and Western Dairv Products during the Summer Months? ^s it owing to the l'resent Mode of Handling Milk?" IsraeLKoies. Dr. J. WoodwortW Ma* w«t(fo( tl. W. MeMe, Hebron. • ' ., Afteruoon Session. ^ .- 7. "At Present Prices, does. the Dairymen, whose Milk Is Manufact­ ured Into Butter or Cheese, or both, at a Factory as now generally mana­ ged In this State, receive what he Ought for bis Milk? If not; Why? and whrtt Is the remedy?" Hon. S. Wilcox, Elgin; L. C. Ward, St. Charles D. E. Wood, Huntley; Thomas Bishop, Elgin;Gapt. W. H. Stewart, Wood­ stock ; C. J. Ferris, Galesburg. 8. "Is It Profitable to Grind Feed' for the Dai :y ? If so, can it be profitably done 011 the farm ?" 8. W. King*)ey, Barriugton; E. H. Seward, SftarSttgo; Henry Chapman, Sugar Grove, =.?:> • Report of Committees. 9. "Should Gross or Net Figures be Si^eit at Conventions In regard to the alrv F* O. H. Larkin. Elg(n; W. D. Turner, Geneva; Prof. F, H. Hall, Sugar Grova; U W. Sheldon, UttioM, Election of oflfteerd. • •« ,#fli Evening Session--MiscallaaiOOUl and volunteer topics. Morning Session. 10. "Do the Benefits derived from Manures equal the Depreciation of Dairy Stock?" E.G. Ketchum, Dun­ dee; John Keating. Elgin; 8. N. Wright, St. Cliark'S; t D. C. Soofield, Elgin;H. C. Mead, MeHenry. II. "Is it Practicable to Rudttoo the Cost of producing Mint so as to cor­ respond with the Decline in Prices?" John Keating. Elgin; Luther Bartlett, Bartlett Station; L. C. Ward, St. Charles. ' 12. "Fermentation and Putrefaction of Milk." Paper by Prof. T. J. Burrill, of Champaign University. f 13. "Dairying as a Part of General Farming." Paper by Prof. &.$» Mor­ row, of Champaign Uuiversltf. Business For a nobby suit, go Beckers, near the Depot. Six 8x10 Chromos, for B Blake's. *1 .K , v , » i Onlv one Carriage left, ont of Fontl teen two months ago, at E.M.Owen's. At Colby Bros, you can always find tho latest styles of Dress Goods. • CIll and make a selection Fifty Plows, at E. M. Owen's. o*i Examine two different CourtlamI Wagons at E. M. jreared;; '*£ • Owen's , ^ Do not boy your Millinery uatil you have examined the fine stock at Mrs* > * Howe's. , 4 Our prices talk loud on all kinds of Boots and Shoes. Come and see. FITZSIMMOKS & EVAITSON. As good assortment of Splints «hs«lf'r-- 't found at Blade's, cheap. - ^ _A fine lot of Zephyr and Card Boi*dS4::||| just received at J. B. Blake's Furuiture Stole, Dr, Jaqneb Gerntali-inform flakes,, • stand unrivaled as a weisji medl«iue«-- ' Mpy all Drug-" £ W. . frA',y ..." *32 Giye them a trial, gists, < f. "W GREAT REOUCTIOSV:'» ^ In the prices of the Buffalo Boots and Shoes. Don't fail to see them be- for© making your selections. - COLBY BROS, FT Riverside Blocks School Books and Writing Paper Cheap, at O. W. Owen's. Stop at E. M.Owen's and see now the Geared Cortland Wagon. J .Uncle Sam's Nerve aud Bone Ltnl ment is for man and beast and is a 'i'? balm for every wound. Sold by all , Druggists, . THE Eureka Tree and Post Hole '-P DISS*5'*' Call at E. M. Owen's and seo•" one. The best thing In the market* and sold cheap. - ^ New Stock of Claths. Ready-Made * . 4 Clothing, 4c., for the Fall trade just'..,^ received atLauer 4 Becker's, hear the Depot. ./ ' . DRESS GOODS ! DRESS GOODSii ' Just Received! Just Received!? At' BuukUu ft Stevens, McHemy, IU, - if "mi If-] ^ FOR SALE, - •«'; ^liwso or four improved Fifrms. quire of J. B. Perry for particularlys< .. • PUMPS. ; > A.large Stock of Adams celebrated^ . ; Kenosha Pumps. Tlie best Pumps andfT at lowest prices, at M. Oweu's,?^ f * " ' ' HITCH U1M IHTCH UPlif! --^3 D r i v e D v p l D r i v e D o w n ! ! A n d ' See Us! Andoe<» list! We will make' *v it pay you. BUCKLIN 4 STKVKNS. Uik ..... Mcfllenif.Ml.; ^ fpOOTS 4 SHOES. , ^ It is a conceded fact tliat the Bufia^' "1 lo Custom Made Boots And Shoes bavo^ no snperior on the market. Selectedl stock. Warranted work. For sate $>y Colby Bros.. Rivei-slde Block. "Economy is the road fifty cents worth of Uncle to wealth;"^ Sam's Har- ' A Wonderful Spring. 1 Silver Spring.Florida, ts one of the greatest curiosities of the South. It bubbles up in a basin nearly 100 feet deep, and about au acre Iu extent, sending from it a deep stream from 60 to 100 feet wide, and extending six or eightmiles to the Odawha river. In the spring itself sixty boats may lie at anchor--quite a fleet. The spring tli|is forms a natural inward port, to which tb»-ee steamers run regularly from the St. Johns, making close connection with the ocean steamers at Pilaka. The clearness of the water ts truly wonderful. It seems even more trans­ parent than Air. Yon see the bottom eighty feet below the bottom of your boat, the exact form of the smallest pebble, the outline and color of the leaf that has sunk, and all the prismatic colors cf the "aSituunl ATS rGuOCtc U< -Large fish swim in, it, every scale visi­ ble and every movement distinctly seen. II yon go over the Spring In a boat, you will see Assures in the rock from whitih the river rushes upward like an inverted cataract. ^ FOR SALE OR EXCHANOlUa y Having moved on my farml now offer my Store and other property in John«burgh for Sale, or will exchuhge it for good Farm property. If not sold I will Rent it to a responsible party on reasonable terms It is a fine location for trade. Call on or address P. GlKSELER, McIIei§fry. III. ? ^ *"] Un the UNDERCLOTHES The Cheapest and best Stock of derclnthes, Gloves aud Mittens in county can be found at L. Stoddard's. Call and see for yourself. uess Oil applied to your old harness,.' - will make the leather look like new V and keep it soft and pliable. • -- Have your Sewing Machine Cleaned, Re-Adjusted orReimired by nn experi­ e n c e d m a c h i n i s t , w h o w i l l v i s i t y o u r I house on notifying him by postal card, * ^ All work warranted. B. M. TAYLOR. 1 % »1 MclIeurylU . Ghildten have health and Motliers^!^ rest when Dr. Wlnchell's Teething Syrup is used. It produces natural sleep, regulates the bowels, cures dys-^ , entery and diarrhoea arising from ' , t teetliing or other causes, ^old by all - Druggists at 26 cents a Bottle. , v When you are depressed and system • disordered take Eilert's Daylight MM Liver Pills, they regulate the liver ahd digestive organs and will quickly r«-* I store you to health. Sold by all tfrtut* ^ ft gists/ * •••• • ^ It is the universal testimony that tho 4 J Buffalo 'Boots and Shoe«;, for" wlifch wo . * are the sole agents in this village, arer ^ relatively the best and cheapest in the , • market. #lw^^«iem a trial. COLBY BROS. $35 REWARD. ; ; The above reward will be paid to Any one who will find one of our Bnflh-" . lo Boots in which there is a counte? i u u e r s o l e , s l i p s o l e o r p i e c e o f h e e l i n g , ^ that is not cast from a good, thick, f ftp piece of sole leather. COLBY BROS. Riverside Block < -ft^' ...At-- , "f. .. - a** . * ' • ? . ? * . . WHILK in Woodstoek; THO f?ltv Bakery is the best place to get Oys* ters, either by the Can or Dish, cheaj> ' Mig8zYm*s,~e7c W Ihau'alit «|tUer " -t - - v; • -•"'v Thousands of dollars are now being saved every year by progressive far­ mers, who soon discover t lie great val­ ue ovf freely using Uncle Sanrs Condi­ tion; Powder in the feed of their stock: it restores the sick, increases (he beau­ ty, aud usefulness and promotes th growth. Sold bv all Druggists. RUBBER BOOTS. ft We would call the attention •# natrons to our rsbbs? - boot which is superior iu every respect ft to any other boot In the market. Wo warrant every pair of these gooda 4 and will stand ready to bask ap what M";* • •/" FlTestMMosa ASrARfiK ,<v. \.x: '4IVER IS king; j . The Liver is the imperial organ e>y - 1 .'t^o^af||.q^.bumau aystem» as it control,^ftftft the lW%{^H^MijLk^tlness of man - ̂ •Whew it fcImttppp^m its proper a# tion, all arV natural reMilt. The iHgestlon wf food» , / the movemeats of the heart and Mood,-|;P the actiuu of Ihe bruin and uervoua " ftft system, are all Immediately couaegtei with the workings of the I,IVWP,J been successfully proved that August Flower is unequalled In t all aJRtoted with Dyspepsia or OM»plaint, nu<> all th» numerous sj tliat result fW>m an nnhei eon (tit ton the Liver and Stoi Sam pls^||H^feo try. 10 renfs. 11veNtifflHMfletopms on the.'Wejifernj CnniiijnWP^THHR; dn 1 n ^111 ^promts• that want. ' ALL.tho Daily |fnd Weekly t{> "fyf PLAIN dealer »A>. « Z' /

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