SCIENCE AND MECHANICS. ILLINOIS ITEMS CURRENT ITEMS. McH fLYKE, Ecrrdr A*U PUPLDSHKB. r LjM ;V>~ RY, - * - IL) - ->%• OUR J U^ENILEB. >«*» " »*'• «INiM Titanksffiviitlf. Well. I never saw bucA a Duuiksgiviafl Why, the times are so hard, you knO*f ' We can't have a turkey or chicken- No--nor hardly indulge tn a crt*! Tor yesterday father was saying, " No poultry for dinner this year!" Tl>an-h« j^Bt talked first-rate te u* children, And gently called mother u My dear;'" And he said though he'd lost all his money An4 couldn't buy much that was good, Be hoped we'd be happy and thankful, t . Vtf*^t8houUd out ^ we r-J • ff Well, now, ain't it queer how tUngs happened? f"ot only just one year ago ' • '- "We lived at the top, lot me tell £011, And wbiH in for splendor and show! -And 'twasonly last-year at Thanksgiving Oyr, table was gorgeous with plate, -And every conceivable dainty *-:i That ever was longed for we ate. - ©ut we never once thought to be thankful, fart>4 justthe state every dftjrf - And we children were cross and-complaining, And wanted things just our own Way. An 1 father--I hardly dare tell yon How angry and dreadful he grew! •For hejift to^ig at wine after dinner. And ilpjt VH the cause, >ve all .knew. . • 1: •• • • • ; . And mother looked wretched and tearful Whe^wv-w*nt in to say par good night, •For father w® rivWsr so wildly "* That she hurried ns out of his sight. Well, that WiiVlaat year J then the crash came. And fatlux'H great fortune was gone; Antl!itii& til kis hiwidrediiof thousands Not a dollar was left as,his own. 'Jit first he just broke down entirely, Sat mother stood up like.a man, And eneofctraged and cheered him, and helped him- Tll tell it as loud as I can. Let a man only get into trouble- Then see what a woman will do! < How quick she'll forget her own sorrows, And help him to carry his, too. Well,father took heart ; now we're living In three little rooms--all us four! But, will you believe it? We never Were n quarter so happy before! Evprjr nlgjit we kneel down together, And father thanks God for us all-- His "treasures oh earth "--so he calls us, Andf>rays that whatever befall, '• We all may have treasure* in heaven. Where naught can corrupt or destroy "-- Prays for each one of us as we kneel there. His wife and his girl and his boy. Well, I Own to a weakness for turkeys, And chicken and ducks--no, not croic*: And lifcaBy enjoy a plum-pudding, ^nd oysters and creams--and all those. TT'! .• : ! Butw^Affever we do have at our house Shall be seasoned with love and good-cheer; And if that doesn't make a Thanksgiving We'll try to do better next year! -I tm&itnnrrtn ion*. •• ' f Florence'/* Tliank*givinfj. " I'd just like to know what I have to be thaulfrfrtbr??' I^er^e<%^ai aleer things than I, and everybody lives in a bigger house; and just see my dress, Etttean^tilll see -my <dr0gfc/ Iff fen please." " It is nice; only it is not quBfce new.' " Only? "Well, that is a great deal-- that's every thing; who wants to wear ^uchUj^bjfi.plii thinra wl^u other pco-- ple pave new ones anty betfer '? "Maybe yoii don't k,no\r hp^ nice it l<f arojbjA ligre o#cH3Jd be glad to look so well when they went to -church." ,, ,, ,. "Oh, of course! country folks! "There's no use of talking to you, Ei leen*; kii6w am^Ptihin&taboui it, .anyway;" and Florence gave a con temptuous toss to her little head as her •eyes ran from Eileen's chintz dress over the outlines of Eileen's tiny home, hid- •den half among the trees. "Maybe not, but I always think we nrigljt as yell make thingfc^s comforta ble for ourselves as we can; and, if we •cannot have grand things, to try and see all that is nice about what we have." "Oh, yes, of course; but that don't make an oKf rag new, or give anybody or fip place# 4<) fiiakestile places the fcieer, .to thftnjc -eftiie pleasant things about them, instead of thinking about the unpleasant ones." "You cannot know much about it, Eileen, for you don't see the nice things --d|esse§, dolls and all---because you are penned up in this horrible place, where there is nothing to see." Eileen's face flushed slightly for an in- staife^ Had she nothing pleasant tor see ? Was the place she lived in horrible? Did she really know nothing about mak ing' the best of even-thing--seeing •things in their most beautiful light? But she only said, softly: "I have Jthe sky and the fields, and there is something pleasant about--ev erywhere--if we only look for it." "Ijpqpense!, ,.I might look at my dolly Janet all 4.lie days of my life, and what •oouid I make of her but an old battered •doll?" ^ . " Yes; but it must be pleasant to fix on Tier clothes and hold her in your arms to rock--to smooth out the tangles of her hair &nd remember how •sweet she yas once--beside, she is all, every bit, yours; I have no doll to care for." r " Oh! I never think of all that; all I see abot^t her is her cracked nose, and that makes me think of Rosy McGee's sweet dolls with--oh, such faces!--and jgnch bonnets and clothes!" " I hardly ever saw anything so beau tiful for dolls as your dolly's clothes^ -are Rosy- McGoola --naally finer, than.. they?" ^ '« "Finer* UVny, they are just--well, h. don'tJmow ho^r ranch finer!* Why there^ nit a |pec% §>f 4eau|jr ajfout iiiinR" jL JL / A i ' * I. / A1 t ? " '"Don't yon think, Florence, maybe ills because you don't look for it?-? " Don't look for wlpt? " ,s"*\ « Why, the beauty^ * , f M I , " There's none to look lor; nothing but stupid old dresses and sacques and hats. Oh, dear, dear, if papa was oidyV richer and could give me everything finer thaif anybody efase!!J %K V Eileen "Stoocf "quite sftafi; lookftg §k, th£ pretty underbrush jus^ tinted with au tumn's red, at. the trees and the meadows so beautiful, and thinking: ;"Yesf X hjiv?, a XjWJ.JJJ*: grateful even to wish when I have so'; much. I did cry when papa came away out here f^om ey«fytfting,^ft*e, an4 all our beaTitiful things were Jbjiten away, and, olij I Florence does not Jinow how sometimes I think of t^e pwfehy dresses I used to wear, and wish--oh! wish for whai I ^teuot; but "it is only for a minuCe^--onl^ for ^ .littte' minrit^-?b&- cause I keep looking for the mercies; and, after all, there are so many to find ---so many to be thankful for." " Are you going to, church to-dag? ' inquired Florence, interrupting Eileen's ^ Two MEN, working at a windlass at light angles to each other, can raise seventy pounds more easily than one man t|n thirty g6un<fs. | J * J | f I,2ou,u00 for the patent rights of his process for the permanent protection of iron from rust and atmospheric in fluences. * T f(f" _' '* f'f THE Department of Agriculture received seed of the date-palm from . The Colorado desert is suggest ed as the place for the experiment of powinglhe sea^- r - , - - THE mosquito is li>w ^tafge9 #ith acting as the medium of transferring the filaria aanguinolenta from the blood of one person to that of another, and thus diffusing disease, j,: , > THE Russian Government has deter mined to send a scientific exploring ex- pecbtion to the lofty tableland of Central A*ia, knt^vn as the pamir, or »oof of the w orld. 1$ will consist of a topographer i and two botanists, who will be accom- 1 panied by an escort of Cossacks. may carry untold happinefs to the one »to whom thvy.<uy flpoten. Never attempt U) convey the W pression that yon ai;e a genius^ by im|- tating the faults of distinguished men Because certain gr«ftt me? ware poor penmen, wore long hair, or Juwl: otlier ! ®t Jacksonville, ampshire will have a free library. --A lard factory has been started at Sycamore... . ^ 1 1^, •< • --Maj. Cole, the evangelist, is labor- peculmiritifiB, it does/not fol|*^w |l^t you wili 4^ imit*«g centricities. TO TELL TUB AOS Of f'OWLtt. If a hen's spur is hard and the scales of toie legs are rough she is old, whether you see her head or not; but her head will corroborate your observation. If the under bill is so stiff that you canjiot bend it down, aid ttie eonl^ thick and rotagh, leave her, no matter how fat and plump, for some one less particular. A young hen has only the Hidiments of spun; the scales 6n the legs are smooth, glossy atod fr*feh ooloted, wliatever the color may be, the clators tender «nyd I short, the nails sharp, the under bill! soft and the comb tl^in aoud smpoth. i An old turkmy hfes rough Scales on the legs, callosities on the soles of the ! feet, and long strong claws; a young •ON the Crown Prince Rudolph rail- j one ^he reverse of all these marks, road, in Austria, the electric light is hid | When the feathers are on, the old tur- under a headlight, so that the engine- ^ev coclc has a long tuft or beard; a driver, in the darkest night, can see ob-1 y°unt? one but a sprouting one, and structions ahead. This would be in- | when they are off the smooth scales on vahiabler for oee'ait steamers in foggy I ^ie decide the point, besides the thoughts, and, at fbi to-, tying 1 ""f"* ""in "» iceber* rePun- . ' T* thei^y rikwUT^lrt^Mdxji^,F«™ok engineer nWf.e4 Morirho ; "°d >» «"«, ehoot „,x,n the aheWaonh^ne^^^"* ^ contriTrf «, .pjwatJin whiol. a ° . ' "Oli ves" ! system of mirrors is used to concen-! goose, when auve, is known ' trate the rays of the s«n in such a man-1 y. thc rough leg8, the length of the , n® as to generate steam in a boiler j Par^^Ctt^arly pinions, the , thickness and strength of the bill and fineness of the feathers, and when j plucked by the I4gs, the tenderness of the skin under the wings, by the pin ions and the bill And the coarseness of icks are mstingulshed by the same eans, but there is the difference that tickling's bill is much longer in pro portion to the breadth of the head than the old duck's. -- Cohnan'x Rural World. " What do you go fear? I'-- wonldxrt." „ " It'll the day t6 give thabkl." ' " Well, don't I know that? But what liave you to give-thankH for?"' * * \ ) " Oh, for so muQh! ^ broke earnestly from the little furl's lips; " for so many, many things ; I could never, never: count them " " f ^ • V-' i | " Eileen Harcourt! ' 1 would n6t liif\re believed it l Just a mite of a house and to- be applied as a motive power, thus ^oing away with the necessity of fuel. DR. AYRES, the British Government surgeon at Hong Kong, does not find 1 that opium-smoking in moderation harm. On the other hand, in his expe^" fience, leaving off the habit at once is not attended by bad consequences, even | no fine tilings in it, and almost no J where it has been persisted in for years, | money to buy with, because Aunt Har- j *nd as much as two onnces have been j court -Said, to l|«£^lf to. jiQjpa, yes^er-1 Wpen d^ily. There is much exaggera- l day, and no doll's house or things like ! tion as to the evils of opium-smoking, j that!" I which is often Confounded with opium-i ' „ , , « ..I...' vy .A. V. > ./ t , . *• 1 But 1 have mamma and papa, and . eating. f we are all so happy and so well; beside, I THE Scientific American says that j mamma says it is a great thing to be j ^r- Edison's discovery does not consist' thankful for that everything grew nice- j *n the division of electric light, because | ly in the fields and in the garden this j that has already been accomplished in year, then meadows, tJUe jvoa^ls ajpd the beautiful j ^° overcome was the liability of the sky--ih,«o^nMiik%o 4*ijoyV*3ven 1 ^ fuse and spoil the light; a difii- out the fine things we used to have." j ciilty which Mr. Edjson qlaims to have Florence did not laugh, as at first she j obviated bt the introduction of a simple, was about t° do when Eileen began i which, by the expansion of a small IJL V11C UCAUO CVllU 1U IUC UV.11 D1UO j MVVU wvvv/Miill r, so that we have pientj fpr wirrter; f4he present method? of lighting gas by a there is the beautiful ftpmttiy--the ! electricity.- 14 says: " The difficulty RULKSf OF CONDUCT. • Never exaggerate. Never point to another. Never betray a confidence. Never wantonly frighten others. Never leave home with unkind words. Never neglect to call upon your friends. • ' > ' *5 « ' * Never laugh at th^- misfortunes of others. Never give a promise tliat you do not fulfill. > i -• counting her mercies: there was too much earnestness in it, and she only stood qui^e stfilJtili^at length ^lie slow ly replLd/ V ./)C4 • / J " I have these and1 crowds of things beside, but I never could have thought qf thanking for ther*," | ^ $ f „ / ' "Oh, I aril sure, Florence, if you only waited a minute to think about every thing you have, you would not be so unhappy about those you have notj f^r mamma says there are so m&nf mercies arotipd us, it irbuid take n» a lifetime to see '"thorn al! if Nfe kept tWery nnn'nte looking for them." , i _ - -1 tne iiinci-wiieei ol tjie bicvcle. and the "You almQjft mflM J»,-#ome of U. ̂ J,r:5 »uu «-"« tliem, Eileen.'^ f^Wpparatii* ymali?ordmiiry magneto- "I thvik u^ipy, (^pi^/heJ|3jqu. to appointed. Nev^mkkie'Vdu&eH iKe hero^of your Never send a present, hoping for one Bar of platinuni the instant the heat of i 'iu return. the coil approaches the fusing point, in- j Never speak much of your, own. per- ferfos^s^ flfoeCfk to thV AQW of tlip cur-1 foraiances. * i • f rTt ^ C(fL T^is automatic Never fail to be punctual at the time arrangement, in connection witli an auxiliary resistance coil, secures, it is anidr&n evqp |lo^' ©^electricity tlirough the coil, and consequently a steady glow of pure light. If this is done econom ically, it is obvious that a marked ad- vancejhas l^eqn made in artificial illumi nation." -•• • .f*»* *• - TbE ei^eftie ligt^t lias been sjnocess- ful |y apphe<] i to the bicycle by an en - j thusiastic Englishman. The motor is the hiud-wheel of the bicycle, and the > --The Alton Dramaiio Association *88 turned up its toes. --The Bloomington Guards have re cently enlisted fifty men. . ' . --Stock business in Dundee hw sumed such proportions as to necessi tate {he construction of stock-yards at that point. --The Governor has appointed James Rice Public Administrator of Peona county. ; The office iias beep vacant for some tiHiie.'Y ( • --Tlifviadiii oi ffifockf<nd liive S^bpS ^d a fi^ a^nio(iafl4*iiooi^tibdb which are designed to take the place of evening gatherings. ^ --The amount 6f the payment on the State debt of Illinois to be made in Jan uary next is $249,570. This -will reduce the debt to $550,000.; , ; --The clearings of the Chicago banks fcr the past week foot up a total of *19,823,439, being $235,948 less than for the corresponding week last year. --The distillers of Peoria used dur ing the month of October 344,241 bush els of grain. There was entered into warehouses during the same time 1,333,- 162 24-100 proof gallons of spirits. --Quincy is elated at the prospect of having a big four-mile and repeat run ning race there next season. The Sin gleton gold cup and $1,000 in cash are to be offered as a premium. Eight en tries are already assured, and it is be lieved that the best horses in the coun try will compete for the prize. --The election o| the Hon. O. B. Fieklrn, of Charleston, to the "lower branch of the Illinois Legislature, calls out from the Springfield Journal the following: "Mr. Ficklin was a member of the General Assembly of 1832--forty- six years ago. Of those who then con stituted that body only six are still liv ing. Below we give a list of survivors, with the oounties which they represent ed and their present place of rosidenoe: O. B. Ficklin, Coles county, presefrt residence Charleston. Col. E. B. Tay lor, Sangamon county, present resi dence Chicago. John T. Stuart, San gamon county, present residence Springfield. John s Henr^r, Morgan county, prgsefTt. residence Sit. ,IjOi$is. Guerdon Hubbard, Vermillion county, present residence Chicago. John Dougherty, Union county, present resi dence Jonesboro." 4. It. A. Delaiiev, Df 8. M. L. Joslyn, ft, 10. a. H. M« < 'lellan, K. IS. H. D. lVinent. B. 14. J. H. Maj-hornej |t. 10. Tlios. 11. Bonfield, R. jW>. SylvexterW.Munn.R. Wora. , a - i hi 1^. 8,1. rtjsdick, R. ill. Suniud H. Lowis. B. .Never question a servant or child 20. N. J. FMNTZ, O. L'A L. D. wiatiug, K. 8S. H. C. Talliafcrro, R. ;21. Milton M. Ford. R. see them better than I, and I tluuk the reason that mamma's face is almost, if not quite, 4h<iK rpeetest lace fin . the World, is sli<5 ohlj^s^es the" plei&- antest things; she is always looking at the mercijift" , y t '\ y~ That night, after the Thanksgiving services and the? Thanksgiving feasting Were over, and Florence's brown head was nestling among the pillows, she sud denly raised it up t© whisker to Eileen : "I've been trying all day to tajuj^t Jshe mercies, and tlie^o^ Are \o< ijfta dread full v muiy, said my prayers t<Vnight I could only thank for them, inul did not daye to ask for any mpre--thej come so fast by looking for them."--$eic York Observer. electric machine with rotary magnet, iided by 4 small jpbeket battery. The carbons Are regulated by a train of wheels, worked by the front-wheel of the , bicycle, the .»cQnsumptioli jbeing j about one inch per hour. The appa ratus takes up the room of a small va lise, and costs in all about $25. The light is steady and equal to 120 candles, its great advantage being that it lights up the road thoroughly for 200 yards ahead on a dark night.. ^am*iagq- mttkers and owners may find a useful T;, I ̂ ;.v WHAT A ROGUK. Our youngest child seemed to have a vague, inde^nifc^ fear of rogues, ai^d a very imperjfecft i^fea Jot wliq| ̂ rogue might be, and was ajways asking ques tions on the subject. OSM. morning, while his nufse ®WaS dreisiftg him, I heard him inquire: "How big is a rogue,Betty? Can h^ heir a mile?" Before she could reply his bother, very little older, rose to explain : " Why, ( Bob, you've seen manjy a rogue. A rogue is thes' a man. I'ape an' Uncle Bob look exactly like i other rogues." "Is papa an' Unker Bob/rogues? " asked the youngest with iniiocent wonder. "No, chile--dat dey aiL't," said Betty, as she filled his eyes with soap. "Yo' papa an' vo' Uncle Borbl is jes' as ornes as anybody, 'cos rogue4 is folks what steals an' Magazine. gits cotch."?-- L ipp inco t FAMX LIJ K. Teach your boys that in fiirmers some thing more than muscle and physical endurance is requipbd; that, indeed, agriculture is a science or art that should be conducted according to clearly-de fined laws andJfwell-established princi ples, and succifssfrd in proportion to the intelligence tllat diwets it. company. an- Never associate with load Have good company or none. Never look over the shoulder of other who is reading or writing. Never appear^ to notice a scar, deform ity or defect of any one present. Never arrest the attention \>f an ac quaintance by. a touch. Speak- to > him. . Never punish your child for V fault to which you are addicted yourselt Never answer. ^oestionC in general company, that have been ptit to others. Never, when traveling abroftl, be over-boastful in praise of youi own country. £ ' Nm~er .call a. n^w ac^uaintan^ by the Christian name unless requested to do so. 1 Never lend a l»orrowed article uajess you have permission to do so. \ of the company constantly upon y self. Never exhibit anger, imjiatience \JJ- excitement when an accident happen Never pas^ between two persons win are talking together, without fto apology. „ i Never should the lady accept of ex pensive gifts at the hands of a gentle man not related or engaged to her. Gifts of flowers, books, music or con fectionery may be accepted. Never insult another by harsh words when applied to for a favor. Kind wordB do not cost much, and yet they own s^y. ; Never pick the teeth or clean the nails in company. Never fail to give a polite answer to a civil question. a servant or about family matters. Never present a gift, saying that it is of no use to yourself. Never read letters which you may find addressed to others. Never fail) if a gentleman, of being civil and polite to ladies. Never call attention to the features or fprm of ^^one prffont. 5 X *- j I Never refer to a gift you have made or a favor yoij have rendered. ; WHAT LAW • 3Ro|ir men in India, partners m busi ness, bought several bales of- Indian rugs and also some cotton bales. That tjie rats p4gfct„'nftt deltrcf' thl <cot)ton, tihey purchased a cat. They agreetr that 4ach of the four shpuld owp a jpai^icular leg ^f the cat, and each adorned with beads and other ornaments the, leg thutf apportioned to him. The cat by an ac cident injured one of its legs. The owner of thAt injured member wound around it a rag soaked in oil. TUe cat, going too near the hearth, set this rag on fire, and, being in great pain, rushed in among the cotton balgggyhere she was accustomed to hunt rate. The <?Qt- ton and rugs thereby took fire and they were burned up--a total loss. The three other partners brought suit to re cover the value of the goods destroyed against the fpurth partner, who owned that particular leg of the cat. The Judge examined the case, and decided thus: ^ ' "The leg tkat had the oiI«d*rag on it was hurt; the catcould not use that leg; in fact, it held up the leg aU^ ran away Illinois Legislature. We give bkhMthe fames and politi cal affiliations of the members of the Legislature chosen at the late election; KTATK SKXATE, [Dint. Elected. 1. < Joorge E. White. R, 8. Bylventer Artley, O. 5. W. T. Johnson, R. 7. W. 3. Campbell, li. 0. Charles E. Fuller, R. It. Charits Heat. R. 13. John li. Marshall, R. DM. Holding over. 1 D. N, USH. li. 4. 9. H. Rlddlf. R. «. U. A. 24. William Scott. D. SW. John A. Lee. D. S«. John M. Hinulltob; R. 80. C. V. DIIVIK. K. 8S. Maiden Jon OH. P, 84. E. Southwortk,». 88. Lnther Dearborn. D. 88. W. R. Archer. D. , 40. G. W. HerdmaD. t). 4t. f. E. W. Brink',©. 44. R. P. Hanna, I). 46. C. E. McDowell, D. 48. Ambrose Hoctier, D. SO. Wart), V. 28. W. H. Neece. D. 25. Meredith Walktr. D. 27. Abrain MavHeld. D. WJII. T. Moflett. R. •11. Ooorjre Hunt, R. K. N. Rinehart. I>. 85. William E. Shutt, D. 87. Maurice Kelly, D. W. Wni. P. Callon, D. 141. A. J. Parkinson, R. j48. Thos. E. Merritt, D. j45. w. C, Wilsou, D. 47. !S. D. Cheeney, D. 4tt. John Thomas, R. ll)l. J. Kuvlcendall. R.1 HOUSE or BEPRESEKTATIVES. />/#!. Wame. . .David W. Clark/If. *W. H. Thrim]iMou. R. *M. J. Wentworth. D. •..Benj. M. Wilnon. R. •Sol Hopkins. B. P. T. Earrv, 1). 3;.l>o Meilbek, C. John B. Taylor, R. Thes. J. Walali. D. 4..E. H. Bisbee. R. E. 13. Sherman, R. Jamen E. Murray, D. ( .W. E. M 11*011, R. C CTliarlen Er!iardt,'C. 1'. A. Sundelius, R» #. .H. W. Thomas, R. A. O. Sexton. I). ' Chris Meyer. CI. 7. Lauren ('. Collins. R. Geo. UtriK'kinan, R. B. F. Weber, D. Never attempt to - draw the attention' ^^h the other three legs. The three unhurt legs, therefore, carried the fire to the cotton, and are alone culpable. The injured leg is not to be blamed. The three partners which owned the three legs with which the eat ran to the cotton will pay the whole value of the bales to the partner who wall the pro prietor of the injured leg." , THE Cleopatra obelisk now stands on tie Thames embankment without a Single support. Considerable work in the surroundings, however, remains, to Undone. The sphinxes have yet to be erased, and they are not at present upon the tpot. Rt SSIAN soldiers are sorted, as fsn M practicable, according to their size »nd complexion. MAINE has grown 1,300,000 bnshel* of wheat the past year, agamst 2?8,f»0 bushels in 1869. ( A MAN 92 years of age was baptized by immersion in a creek near Benton, Pa., a few days ago. ? ITALY has thirty-two national H1 lies, and the entire number of read< last year was 806,388. THE cjnly railroad in Mexico is from Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico, a disr tahce of 263 milesi AT a recent sale of ostriofi fea&ersin South Africa a ponnH of that commofl- ity brought $338.75w :f«; , •> «i'v- « ; UNCM SAM'S M-ge fafelilvlias'liafed* nearly 10,000,000,000 postage stkmps since their introduction iii 1847. THE American Express Company lias offices AND employs over 5,000 mMi, of whom 600 are messengers. ^ ,1 ' CRISFIELD (Md.) colored wconanhr^. 115. Very chipper, and could read without glasses if she could read at all. THE first flour-mill ever started din •Lake Superior has lately been erected!' at Thunder bay, on the northern 3hofe. IT is reported tliat every article of furniture in the Queen's Hotel, at Glas gow, Scotland, was made at Grand Rap ids, Mich. , THE stagnation of the Tfrgtinh iron trade oauses the consumption of coal to be very small in England compared to what it was. ^ CLEOPATRA'S needle is already show ing a disposition to crumble1 from the exposure to salt water and the unaccus tomed climate of England. A FLORIDA preacher closed an unsuc cessful revival meeting recently with the remark: " I tell you, ;my hearers, it don't pay for the gas." Ji?8T as the mosquito lias chimed his last hymn and passed from earth, the chestnut worm' arrives on the scene, and commonees io get in his wyrk. V THE Persians, who are greatly skilled in the art of dyeing the hair, use for that purpose powdered leaves of the henna plant, made into a paste with hot water. » THE ladies of Japan are said to. gild their teeth, and those of the Indies to paint theirs red, while in Guzerat the test of beauty is to render them sable. FOR stealing a penny apple a little bay of Coleford, England, has been sent to jail for fourteen days, with an addi tional term of two years in a reforms tory. • V 1 "• •< * '• • i-n. A WHITE or crenm-Colored crow has been killed on the farm of Charles Moore, ih f\yette, Ky., and will be sent to the Smithsonian Institution. It was seen in the same locality eight years ago. THERE are still a few bottles left of Chateau Lafitte of the renowned comet vintage of 1811. This wine has reached at auction in Paris, $62.50 a bottle. Big- non, who is upon the wine jury in Paris, sent his brother jurors into ecstasies by giving them a taste of this literally worth-its-weight-in-gold liquor. THE income of %he Prince Louis Kfe" poleon, Eugenie's son, is only |8,0X>' «' year, derived from a little property in Illyria left him by the Priilcess Bacclo- chi. The smallness of the Prince's in come is the alleged reason for the parents of Princess Thyra refusing to let her marry him, although the ex-Em press offered to settle on her son twO- thirds of her own income, or about $60,- 030 a year. 8 *W. A. James, R. JamcH L. ltyan, D. *F. K. Granger, R. 54. .W. Y. Cronthwait, R. William Price, D. John B. Jones. D. 9. .O. H. Wright, R. Oeorge L. Zlnk. D. H. W. Taylor. R. 85. .William L. Gross, R. Tlios. lintterworth,D. John Snigg, D. 10. - James I. Neff, R. Carter Tracy, D. C. 8. Burt. R. 86. .Jacob Wheeler, R. Andrew Hinds,D. Dr. J. F. Snyder, D. 11. James Shaw. R. John W. Savage, N. Allen. R. . 87. .J. N. Carter, R. W. C. Green. D. Dr. Saml. Mileham,D. 1*. -*Frank N. lice, R. A. M. Samuel. D. Col. A. P. Dynarf. R. 88. .•Asa Matthew*, R. B. H. Truesdell, D. J. H. Pleasants, D. 18..Wm. M. Byers, R. John Kelly. N. R. M. Brigham, R. 89. .*1. L. Morrison. R. A. B. .Smith. N. Frank M. Bridges. D. 14.. J allies G. Wright, R. Richardson Va>,ey, D. E. Lovell. R. 40. .•J. N. English, D. James Hcrrington, D. »H. W. Wall, D. 15. .*Fred Kouka. R. Geo. E. Warren. R. Jerry Keniston, R. 11. .»J. 8. Dewey, R. Win. P. Thompson.N. John M. Pearson. C. 16. .'"Conrad Secrest, R. W. R. Prickett. D. A. Buck. R. 42..T. D. Hinckley, D. M. H. Peters. N. John S. Nichols. I-.. 17.. *L. B. Crooker, R. Samuel Jones. R. Francis Bowen. R. 43.. J. E. W. Hammond.D. David Richey. N. F. M. Bolt. D. lS-.'^George B. Gray,R. James 8. Jackson, R. N. E. Stevens, R. 14. .Charles Churchill, R. Calvin H. Frew, N. Nathan Crews, R. 19 .Albert C. Scott, R. William Bower. D. Sylvester Otuian, --. 45. ."Andrew J. Keavell.D. S. Elliott. N. JaincN W. tiraham. T). W. Joel A. Ranney, R. Jesse I{. Johnnon. R. G. F. Wiirhtiuan. R. 46. .Dr. C. M. Lyon, R. Euclid Martin. D. Alfr< d M. Green. D. 21 . J. W. Simonsou. R. John R. Moss, N. A. R. Mock, R. 4". .8, C. Hall. D. John W. Foy. N. Wesley Trammell, I). 84. .*J. F. Latimer. R. John M. (iregg, R. Itufus Milef. R. 4W. .John R. McFie, R. John B. Sloan. D. P. C. C. Provert, D. aa..Henry Black, R. John T. McBride. D. Edwin Allen. R. 49. .F. M. Taylor, R. Henry M. lx-wis, D. Josejili Reicbert. D. St. .15. F.'Hamilton, R. Henry Scifer *Dr. J. J. Bealmrn,D; 50,.Chas. H.-' "*,.,. i . T. B. Brum back. D. T. W . "° w 0"'Iei 85 * HoKea Davis, R. ;i li riou harvest *C. F.'Robison. D. Jfj Collls ailtl Coilffhs ®J TVA^IF'*l co"tahl Eilert's Wm. Row.-i* ar stntl Wild Cherry wliich R. stands f jerious sickness if • taken iu National, c. will surely cure (Jolds, Couglis, star (») are.jitan li. tJoiisutnptioii and nil M Complaints. Don't, wait for &o comc but at once procure .ninble remedy, it may save life delay would result 111 death. »ttted and Sold by all Dru^ijistS. THxi Same. 86. - Bernard Cremer, D. 87. .D. H. Hall. It. Wm. A. Moore, D. G. 1'. Oreudorf, D. 38..H. A. Ewinff, R. •Dr. T. P. Rogers, D. *T. F. Mitchell. R. 2U. .John H. Tyler, R. G. K. Inphali), R. R. K. Durfee, D. 110.. James Core, R. George St-roRfrs. R. William A. Day. I>. 81. .John <i. Holden, R.' Ljrford Marnton. R. *Ii. L. McKindlay. V 83. ."Henry A. Neal. R. Orlando B. Ficklin,D. Arnold Thomat<on, D. :J8..Harlow ParkM^. ., , , . , Bartiett Scarlett. Drv *erts cats^dogs, horse8, birds and A BEKR-DBINKHfG HORSJS. It is argued by those who desire lut excuse for using alcoholic stimulants that it is a taste natural to man, and distinguishes man more than anything else from the beast. Dr. Richardson, who has himself tested the matter, as- aH^ animals upon which he has made the experiment grow fond of alcoholip stimulants from frequent use. One in- stanoe which he relates is o| a hoiM which learned to drink beer. He says: MOne day when I was riding in a hired carriage near to Canterbury, the horse stopped short at a wayside publie house. I asked the driver what that was for. 4 The horse,' said ha, «always stops here for his beer; he wouldn't go by on no account; you couldn't whi» him by, sir, till he has had lus bee*; 5 His former master taught him to drink beer, and invariably treated him to it aft this house, and here he'll stop till he gets it.' It was the fact. A large tank ard of beer was ^brought out for th«ft horse, and he disposed of the fluid with as much relish as his master, and thetf went his way. 'It's a shame,' addqd the driver, 'but young fellows from London, who like a joke, and who like beer themselves, will sometimes give him a Apt and make him very drunk. Tht^n he is awkward to drive, and bad +'*r tUree^dpys afterward, anj^.' him more beer to keep costs a lot.'** He fac«r that overworked oxeft in ^ mules) should have selling at 25@2% . . .... „ . .r ^ ,^iito their drinking wir and Vermont tl ilk , , ?. up and make then 'oiirierjQurwl ii, we ha^"^ . afld in ate request, make; choi medium grades a dairy packed Westl lower grudeSa are Cheese is iu moderate niaius the same; the sale 7(o)SH;. lt>. « W wim*.