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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Dec 1878, p. 8

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* live /tv*v -* #*w &.;Nm 3>|rtT?'V* nil i .v ,V * 'IwAJ? • ' . « :v + '»u ^ - ^ fi*> $ WSBBSm MvMappMM A^rimDEsri O. & N. «ri*wir. ^ Wd ft ml*e *t&bea«tmi' p^ THB CHICAGO* WOpTH-** ESTEKH »• •*» »$T "4b ->r • * "i'(< * ^i% i l am Selling all the fctfS •gST^-' •jKlf r V ' TJ- , ' j ' W ' v -n $$•••: -'4H» jp suffier. jiwad if you %**- 'jUtory life in ^ . *?*<• ^ Entirely your ^Y:^*fta»lil«-il JiGie vO',,"©.>« excuse .:-9&t, you,*--your ««?%*,,o» a » e prejudice «nd skeMlcianr. whV ifts thous­ ands. •UtaNfei* kPOfffed e f. t, com- saon seiw*;- *e*ionf«r wti" *ooi show > fou thai G-eet-s August flower will «ur« yot of L* *•*• Coin pV« i i% o • Oys- * jbepsia, wltH " u> rise-p.We e: eccs, fjuch a» ' fw epctf.c"«e V.'vi'irt'o • of |he «ea «ou • «uo >*, *»» %.»*».•«* cos- tivei'ev * *: jsi,-o e »ei»t* -e -*v- #ltt . © ttMsfc'O.v HW ")*•?• )ts , Halei o«r e«» ere-/ «®? oi the ' <o .*••#»'!»."* ~© r ) r^gist jfeut ;*| .e1 *o o * ro -• o .r1 c»' -en. • too cn »*"' j "*»" 49 e Jo.vie 'o- 10 - • '§£-*: ".USL j % J5 *n ^ ••ale Jf Cov#y Bs-o's, NOTICE TO WOOL GROWfcTtS. The su . ccikers wouid say thai if on ) oldche j oi' "amlly y ou can «o "i " ng* r » o!r»g your wool •liud «3»;w«g»'.'ii*« «u'« o &ootl deair» ||ble W g've yo i for tsn- Iww'iei 'rom 35 »o 13 ets -for washed 4m thf( e#o85 to -37j ct8., and for tub Sfva&iute »n«* you goods SO ^Ibep cert. m»*s» ?r vear. # . !. A. iV HEELKRACO, ;:W:. R Nor . l*..ln S JjinfisyiHe, FOE SALS. RAE#T I # T r WK oAuu, • "'H Aere«o1f laud in Section' "12, all 'Vteaoed.. Atao80 acres o*'and, with a , Kood house a^<» 'mrn thereon, with tltn- «er and wa^er i*~ abundance. In Section • Also my homestead on the Crystal t<ake and Nunda road. Good new otise, barn and other outbuildings.-- • j|\PPLY to • John Flvskt. Farmers guard your vfJheep ANDJLOG.4 from the Distempers, Horw, JE >lds and Fevers so easily taken this a *R :lime of year, and coating so much neglected, by mixing Uncle Tondltlon Powder in their feed |«rhen para's Coni according to the directions. You can 'tnake noluvMtpents that will yield so great n profb ta vour pntae, and com- :#ort to your stodk. Sold by all Drug­ gists. HENRY MILLED, -DKALKR IN- kmm aaS Fsreip Marble. Xonumeuts, HEADSTON^* ; 2 >***> American & Scotch Granite* 4 • > Constantly on Han# Embrace* nnder one management the Or -Traok BKihay Lines ot the WKKT a iNORTH*'WKST, ami, with its nnmerc ** * " ' " iort nd ilichU ifornii In the market. Among them are the Moline, Peru, Grand Detour. Furst & Bradley, J. I. Case and Norwegian, all acknowledged the best i^ade andM /. * . ^ -v jc>. You t;¥ '* <t *' , v> n "J-/ <*•»*. jf1* ' -«'•M 4 ** I•*%>•*" f* ' ̂•*-*'*• , ' f '-t k eaviTinoney by examining our purchasing elsewhere. LOWER Henry, ' Johnsborglf, 1878. f878. LAUER & EECm, \ *« . " ,sH< • • • • r"' •*' ^ 1 . ,%»•* - ? V- ;VTT ^ WAGON Am RINCWOOD # £$k«',$. *'• t • ILLINOIS The srbsc »!n? wtMild Inform the pabUe |l»*s i>« ig | o«r p)rep*r««1 tm furnish them with 4*11* hl' V ' ' 3 alZiw mwim «» t/OuiuiOu Fanil JWrtSon a J..6 niee*t T<»p Ca.* lake, on short $.!£iotice • ftiTCMtNiable rates. Usini; none ;4>ut the a •*. «C tl«b«r anti emp'oyinj; none ; but ^ 1 8KILtED WORKMEN! f He Warrants his work to civo satisfaetioo. fn*l for good pay will be aaktw a* eah poMl ^..-Wy oe alfocdoo, , ; I! T; Si t ' < ::.M Mm el r /A. :%T aispkciai,** BEPAIBI PfJGJ Oraltkin<la promptly attended to. Call and aee for yourself! N> BLAKE. filBH«roo4,IlL, Oct tftth, 187S. 1 FRED. SCHNOiR, MANUFACTURER or Near the Depot MCKSNRY^- ILLINOIS. Have Jv*t reeeivcd their Fall and Winter Stock of «eady-Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, and Gents' Furnishing Good* WE W!H Givcfas a dn. IT"-' JLAUER & BECKER AuK.^th, 18/8. Prints, Bleached & Brown Cottons, CottonadeS) Tick- Call and GIVE them A t; be coiivmcedi' ̂ ̂4̂ : l am also Selling . 1 Bull's Racine Faiini Hill, At reduced prices. PLATFORM SPRING WAGON, I have the "ftairtiaml Improved Gear/' which Ĉ N'T be beat, either in Price or Quality, and is tne only A No. 1 wagon in the market. CARRIAGES. '• '^CARRIAGES, ^ ' i' .• *' .I#-:-" • i •> > p I can sell you a First-class Top Carriage for $80, and Warrant it for One Year. WHO can afford to ride in an open buggy when a *V Sn« a **»_*»* a. 4 : -> k i-'-nr j '** g$$ Silki; Cashmeres; Cambric, Alpacas and White Goods of all kinds. In Ready- Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, we will not be un­ dersold, aualitjf pf Goods ANNEI<1OMKRI^ LUIibllLUl uii« r, • s,> *: f* ~ 8" connections, form%the shortest^ ^ route between Ch/caeo and all; • ttinwu MloKI. .. 1 <".,V ,> ^ an _ nnmerouS) Branc and qn«c' points in llirsois, Wisconsin, N<6rthern gan, Minnesota, l<<\va, Nebraska, C*liforn.w , , and the Western Tertitories. Its j&j ,;1' Omaha and California LincW lsthi; shortest and best route between Chic# J- i;i go and all points in Northern Illinois, Iowa* ? ;%.4 S Nebraska, Dakota, Wyoming. Colorado, Vtalu. Nevada, California, Oregon^ China, Janan an* ̂ Australia. Its Ohleago, It. Pay! A Mlnne*pfttf^ Isthe short l!ne between Chicago and < points in Northern Wisconsin and Minncso.„ and for Madison, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dtii luth, and all paints in the Great NorthweB IU LaOrosse, Winona & St. Pet#? Liae Is the best ror te between Chicago and La* " *> Crosse, Winona, Rochester, Owatonna, Maw kato, St. Peter, New Uim and all points -ini -. " Southern and Central Minnesota. Its *'4 *.•>' * Sreen Bay & Marquette Linf " Is theonly line between Chicago tnni Jane%- ; rfi vil'e, Watertown, Fon du Sar., Oshkosh, Ait;" v' pie:on. Green Kay, Escanaba, Negaunet^ r< '^S iiiarquette, Houghton, Hancock and the Lakv' " ' 'A Superior Country. Its Freeport & Dubuque Line ^ni i Is the only loute between Chicago and Elgin. "' - , Rock ford, Freeport ana alt points via Free*51! -* j poi.. l.s Chicago & Milwaukee Line ••'J , sr< '*3W •***"*A ITliu^vv s;> Is the old 'jftte Shore r.oute, and is the onl#: f ' J one passing le^veen Ch:ca ,o and Eraoetodi-!*•~*?v *i Lake Fore-. lligjlnnd Park, Waukega% -" ' - Racine Kenosha and Milwaukee. " * . Pullman Palace Drawing Roon^u Cars y ̂• "**• *» j . %. s are rrn on all through trains on this road. rj This is the ONLY LINE running those carl."i" 1 between Chicago apd St. Paul and tfinn#',>;'V#s apolls, Chicago stn<t MilwaiiKee, Chicago anjf. Winona, or Cnicago and Gseen Bay. R,^ ' , - Close connections are made at Chicago witjl the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, MtelH igan Central, Baltimore and Ohio, Pittsbiiri Ft. Wayne, & Chicago. Kankakee Line an Pan (fandle lioutes, for all points EAST -arJ^v-'r.^^ SOUTII-JE^AST, and with the Chicago an'1 Ali' *' ^ •Ai* ovn UUAI Are changed by ,i<\- * ^ sfewappUcations of the AMBROSIA to a beautiful aubnni or so the dttk, Iurou oolors of youthful trs--es. Hmaers^ tea^ali; Itohhtg of the Sc»ip, and Fattfag of the Hair are at onoe onzed by it. Wfcef# tad hair follhslM urn not destroyed, it will cause the hair to grow on bald heads. It is perfumed with estreats from fragrant All who ase it praise it. CARRIAGE can t>$ bought for those Be sure and call, as we Know we can make it to your interest to do SP. .. GRAY, LIGHi; ]Vlei-its._gF|s" ̂ ^" Remember the Old Stand, oj>« posite the Mill, IB. Mt. Oweu. ft- L^FILOTM HS& Hftsierjr £ $£>6<&1fjr« VENETIM* and Oil Cloth Carpetings, ' V /; " * - •» ^ ; -;;>v ; It A ' • 1-, .A . "J «; full Line of Family Groceries. • PERRY A, MARTIN MeHenry, May 1st, J&4>1 - -- o r - - ton and Illinois Central for ail points SOI TH^ Close connections are also made with thi Union Pacific R. R., at Omaha for all far Wesf" points. , Close connections made at junction pointer with trains of all cross points. Tickets over this route are sold hv sll C pon ticket agents in the United Stated anir; i Cana<la. v Remember you ask for your tickets via tWlt ' Chicago A Northwestern Railway and take, none others. • > • New York Office, No. 415 Broadway; Boston Office, No, 5 State Street; Omaha'Office, «# Faruliani Street; 8an Francisco Office, lit Montgomery Street; Chicago Ticket Offices, 62 Clark Street, under Sherman House; 75 r Canal, cornerSladison Street; Kin/.ie streat i>epot, corner W. Kinzie and Canal Street Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Streets. -M hnlfofl&Mi McHbnht, I1U, J«ly t* is not er ' < v earned in these times, *>r ^ ^ can bv made in three monthb bvr.«v one of either sex, in any pi> o the conn try who is willing .o work steadily at the employment that we furnish.-- SB per week in your own town. You need not be a wayfrom home over night. You can give your whole thue to the work, or only your sua re moments. We have agents who are making over $20 per day. All who engage at once can make money fast. At the present time money cannot he made so easily and rap. dlj- at any other business. It costs no thine to try the bnsiness. Terms and *5 Outfit tree address at once, H. HAI.LKTT A Co,, Portland New 8tore, near the Depot, MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. Having removed to my new Store, I am now prepared to accommodate my customers in anything in the liae ot • Cu stam-Made Boots and Shoes On short notice and vrarrant satisfaction-! I '* a .Workman of many years expe rience »a confident I can please all who rive ire a eall, and as I use pone but the best o;. ock can guarantee as r presentad. t Give me a eall and I will try and pleas*. IP _ «VltnniiBmber the plar.o, new Block, ore ll duor West of dtory'« Hardware Store. FRED- SCHMORR. Xelenry, IU., Oet. SOth, 1878. Ate aUe-rlsted, and hi aaost eases eased, bjrthe nee ot this PAIN SBAOIOATOB. It Is an to| ' valuabit.? Family Medicine, affording relief be. fore a physician eaa be reached. Pcoeue ear circular describing above rtlsoeaes and thei* proper treatment, and you will blees the iwaedy that brings such healing. For Sole by All Druggists* Prepared by E. M.TUBB8 4b Froprietors of "Magm AaArab," MANCHESTER, N. H Sold by COLBY BROTHRRf - MoHenry, III. 'F Administrator's Notice. XT'ST AT K of'Horar.e Lrng deceased. The I vl undersimed having jeen "sipo"*'ted Ad- miuistrator o.f the Cs.aie of ho ce Lou? late of the C'him v of M •Hei'rw, ai«- Sic ,e of 111- in iis, dcc». ise l. heri-hv «:ve* io.lee that he will apne ir bei'o -e tiie Coun.y Court of Me- Henry Conntv. at t..e Court House, in W-wd- Stock, at tie Ueeenlter Term, on <.ne Third M-mday in »<Ms«aiher ne- t, at wh'cli t^ne all persons having e'ainis lisa'.nst said Estate, ate n<ttiae<t and requested to attend for the r.„f purpose of having the note adjusted. All **,, « , jn'.r-mn* Indebted to sail iisiate ire ~e<inested . . I<» make l<*.iae'liate payment to .he under -t 5 signed. Due-ISftth dr vof^j u. a. D. wrs. - Bowik M. Owbw, a- ministrater. v.- s-; * SL To Magazine dub-Getters 3-Butftii Kid Gloves, t n-T * «<T/r> •" ... 'J. . . _ S, given In iums lor bubhcribers, at Club Jbioet SIM Hataiine ! Imm- wMh a larrc re Nmnlier, Kic. Tm GERMAN M- Sffanixfaotured by -^DKALBR IS-- PuitEWIfiES, LiaUORS AiKD CltiAKS Woodstock, III, !itTonl«in the-World.' Put #p-;ln 1 Quart Rotated. r. MARCUS. PdtentM. 4 u-; v:sf- .;•* *»'»• H. Thompson, MAK£B» Shop opposite the Parker HooSi, ' / " ̂ "7 , Illinois. McHenryt Having purchased and . ken possession of these well known Sbo-n, I rru now prepared, with first class wo.-• > r4oo«| material, to manufacture ViTr;.,ojs. i< buggies ou short notice and at as I«ow, * ' t^ 'sa goo>l article can be purchased e'bew :e e. - 1 ALSO DO A CSherai BiackSmfthfng Bnsiness, and will do your work In the best of manner and with the least possible delay HORSE SHOEING JUSPECIALITY. Of all kinds promptly attended to. Call and >1 B. TliontpHOii. MoHenry, tl!., April M, Grace'* CeleMtefl Salve. A «tJRK RELIEF FOR TUX SUFFERER. 'k ':4"*<•" -: nxvMtf * »* •1 fi - iT'* T Scissors^ ShearSf Table and Pocket Cutler]^ #< Spades, Shovels. Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstones, Window 01ass» ,w,v . • 'W CRANITE-IRON AND TiNWAE. + f J STCRY& S6% mmum HiM OR AC. COLBY ' yiP- HENRY OOLBf . '7 HAVING PTFRCHTPED the ENTIRE stock of Dry Goods, Grocerie8, &C., ol Smith, Aldrich & Haythoi n, have removed to the Store in Riverside Block, where they are now prepared to meet their customers and the public generally with a lttrgc aad w'ELL selected stock READY-MADE CLOTHING, 'Boots' and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Crockiiyj ACC.» &C . * S k ; (VfHi Glass-Ware, 7^kc<9 <*-^1 IRII FH%' will sell for Cash or Ready-Pay as cheap House in the County. Our Goods are all fresh and have been bought with esnecia'L reference 4$ • community, ana we * S /. J * WILli NOT We also keep our usual stock of rBKPA«Ei> B.fA 8KTH W. FOWLS * SONS, BARRISON AVKNUB,"^*!-5": • - ,V" *.i , BOSTON, MASS. mm Ana as hereto%i>, wiii«|Mir« jptiw t«* rfeaae cuetomest # this line. - vj..-* \y IPliysiciai^lv Prescriptions • h : J < , 4 - ; - / ' , l ; ' . * ^ n f *' - , ( * ' h < < & '»s0 W v\ Compoiihaed in a careful MANNER .and by none but experienceuB.inJI. Thankful for past favors/ we f t o merit a con tinu- auce of the same. MR ^^B^^OLBY BROST 2 McEenry,IU.,Maj 7 n MARVIN HUGHITT General Supt. W. H. STINNETT, Gen'l Passe: "*•- *-»-* liifilif'- creete; Kinzie For rates or information not attainable from; f' your home ticket agents, apply to 5x ' . " ^*t'A V" ".t •' •' J- * t% • I Fox R. BISHOP, PROPRIE^ WI«jHenit * V i - tlttiTef# > "..'t '•?». Mi -Mmm X ^"11'*1 V^v»>r ; CONSTANTLY ON HAND. i •'•!. -v: . : ^ <",Pi'W Done oromntlv, and sp.iAction gnarpnlce4 Having just «h a new Feed Sior>e, capable of grinding six..y ')ti-hels of Feed per bow. I amjirepwied Wn.oyorr grinding on shot ^ v ' • i ! , ; •:» H->-. - - .: i--: - •SfTfie Highest Market P" ice paid for roSfe-i'rfvf Milling Wheat. - R. BISHOP- :H' McHenry III., Dec. Tith, 1877, *1 1"he McHenry • . > - -*8 ' Havin#r newly Re-Painted and fitted «p e«Sr > : -J Shop, we are now prepared to furnish o^x ^4 customers with Fresh and Salt Meat|.„ ;| OP ALL Iv'NDS, / V ̂ Sausage, moked Meats. v i AT THE ( ^ Lowest Livinar I»rice«.!il \ ;j We buy none but the beat of Meats, ami ' ;f« having served our time in one of the belt " .j Markets in Chicago, flatter ourselves that vH . f.-ia can offer our customers Meats in better shap - ; 1 than any other Shop in this section. , " 111 Thankful for past favors we solicit a contift nance of the same, and we w'll (nirantee t#m "1 s a t i s f y y o u b o t h i n q u a l ' t y a n d p r i c e . ^ , y | ^ Frett SNmu^; ' >\} VCHrnrt, I!L, May »)th, 187*. "l~ j To Consumptives^ J-.'r HHHEadvertiser, having Uetm permanent!* 1 c cured of that dread disease, Consump> tion, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to hi.-* fellow-suiFerers the means ef cure. To all who desire it he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge,) with the directors for preparing and using the same, which fiey will find a sure cure fe Consu rption, Asthma, Bronchitis. &c. Pa tics wishing the prescription, will please dress, E. A. Wiison, 1P4 Penn, St., William! bnr£h, N. Y. / iw k,ni*; 1^ Errors of Youth. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nevvons Debility, Premature Dei c.ay, and all the effects of youthful indisTi:* tion will, for the sake of humanifr sejid free to all who need it, the rtcipe and direction for making the simple re ne^y l>y which he was cured. Sufferers wishing u Croflt by the adviser's experience candor' y addressing in perfect conlidenc ' JOBS B. OGDEN ^.Cedair St.,

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