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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Dec 1878, p. 1

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n>v- * p ̂ z, .*> * ^ r J ' *-;h " - --/v. t <*; *£?.>•{>*• H'a' * . m- ^ 5WJ& ' ^ v$ fi *f\ ~ , ff * r ' v ' C .« ; ' • 4 ̂ ̂ * * i > * "* 3 v* ^ ̂ * *• t i ^ **> t +î 4 *•] VOL. 4. Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; Wo Favors, Win u» and no Fear Shall Awe." MCHENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 187A BUSINESS CABDST Published lEvery Wednesday ^ J. V A.TV SLYKE fc ^ Editor **4 Publither. ©ein Old P. O. Block, -OPPOSlTE^IVEBStDE Hoi'Sg^*- J ;• ftRMft OF 8UBSCniPTlO*t ' 0ne Year, (in Advance,) ........ft 80 If not Paid within Three Month* g oo labsorf plums received for three or six months in the same proportion. C. H. TRL AX.i CARPENTER and RniMer.J Nnnda, III. Will pot up buildings byfthe Job or day, and guarantee satisfaction. BUSINESS CARDS. U. T. BHOWN, M. W. jjiffYSICIAK _ and Surgeon. Offl C/8 a over the Post Office, opposite Perry & Martins Store, up stairs McHenry 111. E. A. BEERS M. D. PITSIGIAN and Surgeon. Office at residence, ^ twodoors west of Post Office, McHenry O. D. J. HOW Alt D, M W3HT8TCfAN and Surgeon. Office at the (lore JT, of Howard A Son, Mc Henry, 111. W. H. BUCK, SI. D., - HOMEOPATHIC Phyticlan and Surgeon.-- Office East Side Public Square, Wood* Itocfe, 111. Office hours 11 to 12 A. M., and! to 4 P. 31. ' Public Square. , P. J. BAltBIAX. pIOABlM^nufcBtUifP, McHeurr 111. Or. v| rtsw soliflltod. Shop North Er " cast eorner E. PERKINS. WAGON Maker. McHenry, III. General Jobbing promptly attended to. Shop, West of the Public Square. RICHARD BISHOP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW McHenry, 111. lt, RICHARD COM PTON. ,s , V JUSTICE of the Peace and Conveyancer.-- will attend promptly to the collection of debt,a. Yolo, Lake County, 111. GEO. A. BUCKLIW NOTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancer and In. aurance Agent. Office at Buoklln A St even'a Store, near the Depot, McHenry, 111.. E. E. RICHARDS. HAS a complete Abstract of Titles to land in McHenrv County, Illinois. Office with I Oounty Clerk, Woodstock, III. , ROUT. WitlGIIT. Manufacturer of Custom Ma<te Boots and Shoes. None but the best of material Insert and alt work warranted. Shop Nor (b west |eornor Public Square, MoHenry.ill. "U K. M. OWEN. > GENERAL Dealer fcnd Manufacturers Assent in Leading Farm Machinery. |PriCyx l«iv *nd Terms f*VvtVulc. llClIKVitV ILLINOIS. . --•--4 GOTTLEIU BO LEI". [ALOON and Ten Pin Alley, Lansings Block, ne.-ir the Depot, McHenry, III,-*- Jhoice Brands of Liquors and Cigars always >n hand, GEO. SCHREINEtt. ^ ALOON and Restaur int. Nearly opposite tlic Parker House, McHenry 111. iWPirut-Claas Billiimt and Pool Tables. J. BONSLETT, ALOON and Restaurant. Nearly oppoeite Owen's Mill, McHenry, 111. FreshOvster* lerved up in any shape desired, or tor sale by [he Can. *WGOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. »ES^» ' E- Y. ANDERSON. M. D. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office at Gil­bert's Drug Store, opposite the Parker .House, McHenry, Illinoic. E. BENNETT, M. D., SURGEON and Ac voucher. Disease* 'of Women a Specially. OMce and Residence on Clay Street Woodstock, 111. DR. C. E.. WILLIAMS. ' DENTIST, Algonquin, III. All work war. ranted. Teeth extracted in a oarefnl and skillful manner. DR. C. W. COX, er Smi Richmond. FRED. SCHNORR, PfANUrACTURER OP , : . ; III. fiENTIST. Office Over Smith, Aid rich & JLJ Hay thorn's Store SIDNEY DISBROW, - J^OTARY^PUBLIC and Conveyancer. Al. N. S. COLBY. Breeder of ih \f CHENRY, McHenry Oo., 111. ITl Spanish Merino sheep, Berkshire and Poland Obina Swine. A choice lot of young Buck stock for sale. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. New Store, near the Depot, MoHENRY, ELONOIS. Hti vmg removed to ihy new Store, I am now prepared to accommodate**pny customers in anything infthe Hn<| ot v . Oustom-lailofeoots and Shoes On »hort notice and v;arrant satisfaction. Being a workman of manv years expe rieiice I am confident I can please all who give me a call, and as I use none but the beat of atock can guarantee as represented. Give me a call and I Will try and please. •arttemember the plac«\ new Block, one door West of Story's Hardware Store. FRED SCMMOItlt. MeHenry, III., Oct. 80th, 1878. X ELECTROPATHY. Dr. Samuel Sherman, And Wife will lie at their residence l$f miles West of the Depot, on the Woodstock road, three days in each week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, for the purpose of treating all curable diseases. Consultation and Examinations Free. Office hours from » A. m., to 1 p. M. REFERENCES:--John Dornn, Richard Bish- op, Martin Welsh, Arthur Whiting, Leonard BonHlet, Jiimes Sutton, John M. Smith. F, K. Grander, Geo. Gajrc, nen. Gilbert, Horace Dwelly, 15.K.Peck, Win. Hntson, Geo. GilV^rt. J. A. SHERWOOD AUCTIONE ER AND APPKAISEB, Algonquin, III. SALES Of Stock, Fanning Tool's and Goods of all kinds promptly attended to. Farm sales a specialty. Terms reaqpoatole. Post Office address Algonquin III. W- H. SAHFORP, Merchant rJ?»iloi*. In the store of C. II. Dickinson, East side of Putitie Square, • , , WOODSTOCK, ILL. ^ A gorttt Stock of Pine Cloths for Butttft^n al- Ways on hand. Suits made to order and a flt warranted- Give me a call. '• W. H. SANFORD. Woodstock Ill..8ept_»7th m BDBRAH lOKTffi HOLIDAYS M. tothePost Itao jnst pnt In hisstoT^a large and well selected stock of Goods for the 4 X . HOLIDAY TRIH, Consistipg in part of Tovs, Candies. Nnts, Jewelry, Masical Instruments, a full line of Notions, consisting of Piss, Needles, Sa&- |ienderti, Handkerchiefs, Stockings, Ac. Also a lull line of Pocket and Table Cut- lery, Steel Violin Strings, (something new) Hunting and Fiatyng Tackle, Revolvers, 4c. These roods were all bought for cash and will be sold lower than ever before effered In this sounty. 41 Is mv motto. The choioea stock of Tobacco find Cigars in town. Call and see ray goods aad learn prices be. fore purchasing. , RFF. CNQKLN. McHenry, Nov. I7th iS78. H. E. W1GHTMAN, Proprietor. rigs, with or without driven at reasonable, rates. Aoneoii short notice. Teaming of all kttids W. W. ELLSWORTH. iroerterof the Celebrated Poland China Hog • Also Light .tnd Dark Brahma Fowls. Pigs •hipped to all points by express. P. O. Ad- I reus, Womistock, li t., PETER LEICKEM. >EPAIRS Watchej, Clocks and Jewelrv of all kinds. Also Repairs Violins in the best lossible manner, on short notice and at rea- Wiihle rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop |rst door North of Riversi4e Block, MoUeury •otand China Swine I OOl) Pigs for sale that was sired by Boars r that took First Premium and Sweep- fake® at State and County Fairs, from $10 to IS apiece. We are shipping to some of the »st breeders in the countrv. For part iculars jplyto C. STREET A 40N. Hebron, 111. r A "WnPT? T^l To make a permanent xlLl* JL IJ 1/ engagement with • |ergyman havinsr leisure, or a Bible Reader, i introduce in McHenry County, the CELE. •RATED NEW Centennial Edition ol the »LY BIBLE. For description, notice edi- Irial in last week's issue of this paper. Ad. >ess at once F. L. HORTON & CO., Publish- |s and Bookbinders, (>0 E. Market St.. Indian, ills, Ind. Ilivins' Mills or Spring 6rovf» Grist Mill. IKS T Sitltr.iita, Pnpralirs. iving put this Mill in first class order, "vfe now prepared to do Custom Crinding 181»»H!Settoeand Warrant 3»tte^Rctim. •" * : >%•- ̂ 0- Loir anil Feefl Constantly on hand Id Sold as Low as any Vintv. other Mill in the _ The Highest Market Prioe in Cash Paid Good Milling Wheat. }ive us a call and we will give you satis, (tion, I VOSS A SIEDERS,T*EBE», Ilivins' Mills, 111., Aug. 27th, im. 100 BOYS & GIRLS . Ithe best Bov'sand Gin's papej published the West. Beautiful presents to subscrib- land agents. Every wy and girl can earn of money canvassing during leisure ^rs. Don't rail to send^for it at once. To oduee it we will send Jo any address on kl three months, for 1< Cent,s in cash or Itage stamps. Samp e of paper and FREE- , ^ddresa L' D F C Mhold Gem, Cleveland, O- • " t B IAA MONTHLY MADE. lw County rights given g of seven well-known Standard Medicines Aleuts wanted County rights given gratis f«r the |ded in every family; reputation world- . established many years; "made by a pbrated physician; proofs of evidence An industrious, energetic, person can te snug permanent income and very liberal Ins by addressing with reference. 333 |ttnut Street, Philadelphia. M. ENCELN. GUIV.SMITH! Scale Repairing, Grindingand Pol­ ishing Razors and Shears and Table Outlerv a speciali tv. Repairing of all kinds done in Steel or Brass. All worlc warrant­ ed. Also dealer In Guns, Revolver*, Table and Pocket Cntlery, Gun and Fishinp Material, Pines, Cigars, Tobacco, Violin Strings, &c. Shop and store near the Post Office, Mc­ Henry, ill. Scott & Co., - -w- • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HATTERS! S. W. Cir Fiftk in i laiim BRANCH STORES S. E, Cor. Clark & Lake St'*., & S. E. Cm Halsted and Harrison Sts^ CHICAGO. PIMPLES. I W«I ^nicail (Free) the receipt fore slmpl* Vegetable Balm that will remove Tan, Freckles, Pfanples and blotches, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful; also instruc­ tions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Address, nc losing Set. stamp, Ben Vandelf & Co- SO Ann St., New York GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Is A VEGETABLE PREPARATIOW * invented in the 17th century by Dr. William Grace, Surgeon in King James' army. Through its agency he cured thousands of the most serious sores and wounds that baffl­ ed the skill of the most eminent physicians of his day, and was regarded by all who knew him as a public benefactor. PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE CURES Flesh Wounds, Frozen Limbs, Salt Rheum, Chilblains, Sote Breast, Sore Lips. Erysipelas, Ringworms, Calluses, Scald Head, Chapped Hands, Barns, Cancers, Felons, Scalds, Sores, Ulcers Wounds, Stings, Shingles, *" - Wens, 8ties, Abe ess, Freckles, Sprains, Boils, Cnts. Whitlows, Blisters, Tan, Corns, 8cnrvy, Iteh, Ingrowing Nails, Nettle Rash, Mosquito and Flea Bites, Spider Stings,. And all cutaneous diseases and eruptions generally. •' • spiles, .. Biiniouik Bites, Wr.1 Warts, Pimples, For sale by all druggists, grocers, and at alt country stores throughout the United States and British Provinces. Pricc by mail^30 cts, 0 0 < o X Q Ul CO CO < o •--.iron™ {BOOTS AND SHOES 211 & 213 Madison .St., BUEL, COOK & SEIXAS, Mauufrs and Wholesale Dealers. ifiTDiui't fail to examine Goods and Prices when ill Chicago. Stock New tnd Bought tor Cash. Great in- lucements to Cash Buvers. H.K. BCEI., Late with M. Selz. ft Co. C. F. COOK, I Late ot Whitney, II. L. SKtXAS, | Cook A Co., N. Y. 0. & N. LINES. w. TLLB OUTCAOO ft KOHTH WE8TEBS «AILWA1 Embraces under one management thtf Grreal Trunk Railway Lines of the WEST ami NORTH-WEST, and, with its numerous Branches and connections, forms the shortest and quickest route between Chicago and all points in Illinois, Wisconsin, Northern Michi­ gan, Minnesota, !<»wa, Nebraska, California and the Western Ten itories. Its Omaha and California Line Is the shortest and best route between Chlca gt> and all points in Northern Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon, China, Jaoan and Australia. Its Chicago, St- Paul A MlnnMpolla Line- is the short line between Chicago an<1 ell points in Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota, and for Madison, St. Paul, Minneapolis Du- Inth, and all points in the Great Northwest. Its LeCroase, Winona 4 ftt. Peter Line Is the best route between Chicago and !«•» Crosse, Winona, Rochester, Owatonna, Man- kato, St. Peter, New Ulm and all point! ill Southern and Central Minnesota. Its Green Bay & Marquette Line Is theonty line between Chicago and Janes- ville, Watertown, Foil du lac, Oshkosh, Ap Sleton, Green Bay, Escanaba, Negaunee, [arquette, Houghton, Hancock and t*>e Lake Superior Country. Its Freeport & Dubuque Line Is the only route Inst ween Chicago and Elgin, Bockford, Freeport and all points vis Free- port. Its Chicago & Milwaukee Line Ts Hie oiii i.ane snore Koute, and is the only one passing between Chicago and Evanston, Lake Forest, Highlnnd Park, Waukegan, Racine Kenosha and Milwaukee. Pullman Palace Drawing Room Cars are run on all through trains on this road. This is the ONLY LINE running thsse ears between Chicago and St. Paul and Minne­ apolis, Chicago and Milwauxee, Chicago and AV inona, or Chicngo and Green Bay. Close connect io!>8 are made at Chicago with the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, Mich- igan Central, Baltimore and Ohio, Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne, & Chicago. Kankakee Line and Pan Handle Routes, for all points EAST and SOUTH.EAST, and witMthe Chicago and Al­ ton and Illinois Central for all points SOL TH. Close connections are also made with the Union Pacific R. Rr, at Omaha for all far West points. Close connections made at junction nointc with trainaof all cross points. Tickets over this route are an RP" , Canada. Remember youask for your tickets via the Chicago ft Northwestern Railway and take none others. New \ork Office. No. 410 Broadway; Boston Office, No, 5 State Street; Omaha Office, 246 Parnham Street; San Francisco Office, 1SS Montgomery Street; Chicago Ticket Offices. 62 Clark Street, under Sherman House; 75 Canal, corner Madison Street; Kinzie Street Depot, corner W. Kinzie and Canal Streets; Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Kinale Streets. For rates or information not attainable l'rom your home ticket agents, apply to CARPENTERVILLE. „ EDITOR PLAIN DEALER-- Thinking that perhaps a few items from this lively and prosperous* little village might be of interest to your many readers we will try and give tliem some idea concerning It providing you deem our articles worthy of publica­ tion. As many of your readers are well aware, the Bailroad, whi<Jh has heretofore left this place in the dark, now runs through it (that is the cars run through on it) bringiug^th them such accommodations and privileges AS only the Iron horse and his followers possibly can. By the side of the track stands one of the neatest depots found west of Chicago, built both for beauty and utility being alike attractive and commodiorC It would be impossible to do justice to the many branches of industry which flourish here were we to attempt It in one communication and as such enterprises ought to be no­ ticed in detail we will take time and gather such information as will enable, us to notice each one particularly, merely drawing an outline this fkne.-- Something odnn Idea of the amount of business done here ipay be formed \by the cars standing here being load­ ed and unloaded, there being as many as\25 or 30 per day, most »f them be- ingXinioaded or reloaded here. Mr. Smith has a stock of lumber Which can­ not be surpassed either for quality or quantity anywhere In this part of the country, he having three or four car­ goes of the very best Michigan lumber several carloads being boards from fourteen to twenty inches wide most­ ly clear. Those who contemplate building will do well to call and exam­ ine this lumber, even from a distance of ten miles, as Mr. Smith intends to make his own prices regardless of those who buy small lots on time. 8ituated close by the depot is the well known Flouring mill of Dillon A Carpenter, who shovel their wheat from ihe cars directly into the mill, having a side track running right to the door. They are selling an immense quantity of their celebrated^ Flour, supplying El­ gin, Dundee, Algonquin, and other places that are supplied with mills of their own, sending oft" several wagon loads per day. The Illinois Iron and Bolt Co.. the Valley Woolen Mills, and the Star Manufacturing Co.. are each doing a large business which we shall notice at some futiue time. •1r •>r NO. 20 McHenry County Agricultural Hoard Meeting called to order by James Crow President of the Society. The reports of the Secretary and Treasurer were read and adopted. Thos, Mel>. Richards offered the following resolu­ tion which was read and adopted. Semlved, That It Is the opinion of this Board In annual session assembled, that the county should assume the In­ debtedness of this Board, and take a deed of the real estate, not now held by the county, and give said Board a perpetual lease so long as the grounds are used for fair purposes. The following resolution wfts itbo Adopted, * ^ Resolved* That a committee of five be appointed to bring the subject of the (above) resolution of tnis Body be­ fore the Board of Supervisors of this county, and to request the favorable Action of that Hon. Body thereon. T. McD. Richards, Richard Wray, A. Thompson, A. Dike and L. Wood ard were appointed as said committee. The Board then proceeded to elect the following officers for the ensuing year: President, J, S. Wheat; Vice Presidents. Richard Wray and T. McD. Richards; Secretary, L. J. Gates; Treasurer, A h. Salisbuty; Superin­ tendent, A. Bourne. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Riley, Henry Uiuierwood; Marengo, H. M. Thorne; Dunham, Thomas Wood Chemung. James Thompson; Aldcn, E. Glass; Hartlaud, Robt. Forrest; Seneca A. Anderson; Coral, A, Dunham; Graf­ ton, C. M. Pendleton; Dorr, Mark Hickox; Greenwood, J. H. Garrison; Hebron, I.. Glass; Richmond, H. Cole; Burton, Frank Cole; McHenry, A. H. Hanley; Nunda, J. £. Rectify; Algon­ quin. A9 Thompson. Tiie Superintendent was Instructed to make all needful repairs on the fence on the fair grounds. A resolu­ tion was Adopted requesting the Ex­ ecutive Committee to hol$ jt] the 2d Week In September., * ; • TM i ' * • , iji " vHi" f'"-' 9* y >'• ticket agents in the United States "and MARVIN HUGHITT UeneralSupt. *4m "V-' W. H. BTIirVXTT, Gen 1 Passcr^erAgen Our people will remember that a few weeks ago Angeli, the cashier of the Pullman Car Co., 'and a famous dandy in Chicago society--the pet of the Aristocratic ladies ot that city-- that this Angeli, we say, spread his bl ight wings and took his flight to ,some far away country, carrying off 6ome 970,000 of the money of the Pull man Co. Now, if anybody on earth must be robbed of #70,000, we should prefer it to be that Palace Car Co., which so systematically monopolizes the privilege of robbing the public by charging <2 for an hour or two of hot, uneasy slumber on the shelves of its bedecked and bedizened sleeping cars. But Angell's robbery was so uncom­ monly mean, having nothing about it of the common excuso of a defalcation and using of trust funds and Inability to replace them, but a low, vile. Inex­ cusable, detestable, deliberate viola­ tion of solemn trust. And picking of the pockets of his benefactors, with no apology of necessity or need, that ev­ erybody was Indignant and anxious to i*ee him punished. Well, tliAt very proper desire has been granted. Af­ ter spending many thousands of dollars in detective work, the company has tracked the dandy thief to Portugal and nabbed him there. We have no extradition treAty with PortugAl. The United States has never thought it worth while to make such a treaty with that little weak State, And that Is what caught the scamp. If he had t-~ = cc-tirttry with which we have such a treaty he would have gone tree, because extradition treaties binding nations mutually to surrender danger­ ous criminals, do not embrace offenders of his class But Portugal, bound by- no treaty, is yet sufficiently courteous to give up an offender upon the spe­ cial application of our goverumeut, and this It did in this case. This Au- gell, with his wings clipped, his plum­ age soiled And bedraggled, Is new on his way back to Chicago, to be tried like a common thief, and sent to break stone at Joliet, we hope, a WArning to all--especially to sweet-scented, kid- gloved. high-toned pick pockets. They have got some 960,000 of hi#: money too.--(Sycamore Mepublican. fCxtravagant Americana In two very important items of do­ mestic expense the AmeriCAQ people are extravagant beyond all exense.-- In the matter of food the waste is as­ tounding to all who know of the con­ tinental frugality and economy, It would not mat ter so much that we in* sist upon having the most costly viands if we only had the knowledge of cook­ ery and the sense or saving, which would make the most of them. Nine out of ten families might, if they knew how, live better at one-half of their present expenditure. But lu the matter of clothing the $a*e Is, If possi­ ble, still worse. There is little or no question of what is becoming^, useful economical or appropriate tp person or purse. The only caro is to &e in, or as near the fashion as possible. Silk, if possible ; if not, calico that looks like silk. Broadcloth, if it cau be got; If not shoddy thAt imitates it. The expenditure of the MAN who CAII afford to live at the rate of 10,000 a year is imitated in brass, or by steal­ ing. by him who is entitled to spend 05,000. Afar oft, the #1,000 folks are envious and imitative in cheap furni­ ture and dresses which would lead to suspioion if every one did not know them to be the merest sham. . If some of our peopk, of Advanced thought would give their attention to the sub­ ject of moral courage, even if it did no good, it would indicate a line of thought and action novel to the im­ mense majority of our highly trained, and wholly by what others think pos­ sessed men an̂ women,--Providence Journal. WASHUWmrN OOMnSPONnSNCR. , WASHtirtJTOir, 0. C. Dec. fnd, JtfS, Y This is the tlme for conjecturing it the NAtion's CApitnl. The sociAt world Is full of conjectures rel&tive |» the eomtng "seAson," th* doings of Mrs. so-and-so, the costume* of Mi«n Such-a-one. the actions of this OM And the appearance of that. Politician* are conjecturing A« to the sucoeee ft this measure And the failure of that, the appointment of one and the eta*" tion of Another, the passage of anmjjp^ bills and the flat falling of others.-**:; Business men conjecture fo'icernlnjg silver money, specie resumption, th* length of the session and similar sub­ jects. Even keepers of Boardlngf Houses and Livery Stables Are not , without their conjectures, for the#^ *, money-making depends upon the du­ ration of Congress, the gayety ofth» 1 •eAson, &c. . " Society people Are wondering what role Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. Evarts, Mr«. '* Sherman, and the other Cabinet ladiet ̂ will play In connection with the colo* * * ed Senator's new wife, Mrs. Bruce'-** The lady Is an octoroon, handsome^ *" well educated, well bred and (most of'* r all In her favor, perhap«)well dressed^ ,'4' having purchased Parisian toilets dii;, ring her Europe an trip this summer.-*.. ; , - 4 It has been said--though upon wiia|f * ,> authority does not Appear--thAt Mr4 Hayes will lead off in the matter anf..^ step straight across the still unoblltei4 " ? J- ated color line, by inviting Mrs. Brao* to assist her at the first Presidential • ' reception of the season. This willla*' *« * deed be a bravery on the part of th#^ ; 7 J ^ "first lady In the land." But she || S i * " ' equal to such A stroke of policy. 1^ would not be surprising for belief; should she complete her part by CAUS- ^ ing Postmaster General Key to escor| 1 the colored lady tu question toifsfi; * grand StAte dinner before the winter ' iSaOver. s It is doubtful If Mrs. Grant could hAve been prevailed upon to receive f1 a colored woman into the White Hous^ : > as her peer in any respect, even though 1 she was the tvlfs cf s;; honor»uly seAt* ed member of the greatest parllAmen^ tarv body in the world, AS AmertCAn#! ^ love to designate the United Stated Senate. It is true thAt the influence off - a Senator in full accord with the Pre»ff 1 ident can hardly be over estimated*-^..'V Governors of the proudest Btatea^ ' gladly leave the Gubernatorial chatfe - : t3f '• .... WSyA. patent WAS lAtely issued for a coffin torpedo, which consists of a can­ ister oontaing powder, ball, and a fir­ ing trigger, so arranged, that should an attempt be made to open the cofflu. the torpedo would be instantly exploded, with a loud noise, and the deadly sent In All directions. .» _ ^ .4 „* . T'V* • • *> iiff. • • v> V * 'V'... ^ AM OUTRAGE.--There Is A load And bitter complaint raised by the farmers living.near the line of Winnebago and Ogle counties, concerning a number of low-lived vagabonds who have been traversing the country in those parts, gathering up dead hogs for the pur­ pose of selling them to the soap fac­ tories. Their plan is te give a trifle for the deAd bodies of the hogs, and then sell them to some sosp factory, which pays quite a little sum for them. These fellows, it appears, in this part of the country, have tried in every way which was possible And me An to spread the diseAse. Some three weeks ago a man came to the house of Chas. Hosier, and inquired of his wife It her husband had any dead hogs, stating that he would like to buy them if he bad. He was informed that the hogs were in go<?d health, and so left the, house. Thlfe Was at about ten in the morning. At noon Mr. Kosier found a small dead hog in the yard with about thirty of his large fat hogs, aud in less than ten days every one his hogs bad d ied o f the cho lera . There I s l i t t l e doubt but what this fellow who called in the morning had thrown this deAd hog into the yArd, There ARE also A number of instances where these' fel­ lows are known to have thrown por­ tions of diseased hdgs into yards of healthy hogs, Aud thus spread the dis­ ease. This is a most despicable trick, one which should receive the utmost ponaTtŷ f the law.--JEoĉ furci Gfazette. doubtjf for A seat in our Senate, and no Any member of the Cabinet woiUdTV" glAdly exchange his present • oftkMt *• with its monotonous ronnd of dutleir; * 1 for A*ftdl term iy the SenAte. Bout/ , * ' ̂ well left the Treasury for a seAt theraTj 'tV ̂ And Judge Davis the Supreme Beaoli*/4 s* * Sumner, Howe And Conklin prefei«4.> t,- " Senatorial honors to Chief-Justioeshlp^^ A l i f e pos i t ion . The nnconte t ted i ' leadership of the House of Represent; - tatives was given up by Blaine wlth-^ !^ out hesitation for he hold* the Senate, and It was In a CAnvAM Stephen A. DouglAss* seat that Abr**^- hAm Lincoln achieved the distlnctte#> ' { that carried him to the White Hone*/ * *"•-if Thanksgiving day passed away qdlet-i'?; C '* ly enough. Plenty^of tnrkeys wera>r\ eaten and plenty of good chser pre-^' * railed; but the day Is by no means the T * 4 day here that is in New England or*?," " , even farther South, where there amf; * v more colored people than hera. StiUf^ It WAS A holiday, and as such, was mad# ^ the most of AS AU hoildAys are ! Washington. • •" # " ^ Monday will be a bnty dby. ••All tbo world" will go up to the Capital to ie»vv "; 5 the convening of Congress, the street* ' ! *- will be full of people from morning* /" till night, and the winter season may, J be considered fairly open. ' , Ouva. / w" * e 1 *^-MSupper is now ready In than 'If'- smoking car," shouted the brakeman,J> ' ̂ and a young man from Hartford whofi ; >5! was on his way to San Francisuo, got;' ^"^ 'KJS up and went forward tosee what the ̂ brakeman meant. He went Into smoking car and fouud a party of Ba-f \ 4 variau emigrants cooking two kinds of|£ ;\ cheese and three denominations of sausages on the stove. U® emmt outr ' very pale and gave the brakeman hairfe* * a dollar to stAnd on the plAtform and|-|:^lfi^ burn matchesftmder his nose. "Was " V - very bad?" an old gentleman asked him, when he returned to the coach.-- "Sir," said the young man of Hartford*' "yotfll never smell anything like it tU you have been dead about six mon t hs.r'-~--Ifawkeye. MTFrank Totbpkins goea oat of tfeo Oregon State prison, after servi^f three years AS horse thief, with Ms in­ nocence clearly established by the eon* fessiotts of the real criminals* He has not only suffered nnderserved tmpris-* onment, but his property, wohli 000. has been waste^T mi*"' ( •• Af, t [* Li-.} *•! iSt" ' mi 'i -i fi®f"TUe receipt9 af hogs iu Chii during tK# month of January were 881,004 head, and for the month they were 9W.31? head tiie two largest monthly receipts record. V - . * » 4 r* *' V • •

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