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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Dec 1878, p. 5

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r " 2 A%;CV ; *• „% v* ^• sH VS-JT WEDNESDAY, DEC. 11th, 1878. WaggBBga^ipeaSMMgBga' i I%'1|,|I ' I NFFM ' 4H»t»» MQTR. ,-. genera Lake Pftwewter ..*.,...7* A. M. ftiMn Lttts PnrttK. .........t:»r. *. OOIVOKOBTH. g«Bro l,ake Fntxlrt...............10:0*a. *. 8<>m Lake Pumnr »»..„...,7:«r. x --ito IMH Crystal Laka. THE MITBDGKER CREMATES THE BODY IN A SAY STifcK TO HIDE HIS % CRIME. • '*• " ' CALL at Blake's and Bolld.} Goods. see his stock of At Colby Bros, you mm always find tto latest styles of Drew Goods. i latest styles of Fall atid Wlatpr Jgl» li •Rmi m1tn,; iry, just received at Mr*. Howes' i Hiwc^y's old stand. ,:fk» not Vail to rend the Proclamation •f Fred Renlch, Woodstock, which will appearnext week. lisbtiry has a choice selection foffday Presents. l>o nojhtUl to etC •) her a call and learn price WK would call the attention of our tifders to the notice, in another col­ umn, of Boarders wanted, by C. Stegeman. Largest stock of Millinery. CloaVs, Ctoakings and trimmings in the coun­ ty at Mrs. S. Searles" and Cash Will hqy them at bottom prices for the next twenty days. . WK learn that the Methodist Society, #f this village, propose tufting a Christ* mas free at their Church. We will give full particulars at soon as we learn • Item. • • ' A TASTE of Winter came to «t on Sunday in the shape of about three Inches of snow, but at the time of writ­ ing, (Tuesday) the snn 5 and a warm South wind is making itf fast disappear. A, MCLAUGHLIN,of the State Audi­ tors office, Springfield, will please ac­ cept our thanks tor a copy of the Pro­ ceeding* of the Illinois State Board' of Squalixation for 1878. ^FHE Red RibbOn Club, of this village iiiid regular meetings every Thursday evening, at the Uui^Brsalist Ch urch.-- When the exercises are of a special character the programme will be pub­ lished. H. C. SMITH, of the Arm of Smith A Snyder. returned ou Saturday from a short trip to Minnesota. He is making preparations to take possession of his M« locatiou In Kansas early iu Janu­ ary. ; • C. DALE ARMSTRONG, the Eloeutlon- Ist, proposes to visit this village on or about the 20tli iust, the exact date of which will be given next week. He is one of the finest Elocutionists In the country, and we bespeak for him a good house when he comes. THE Tickets for the New Year's Tarty, at the Riverside House, has heeu ordered and will be ready for dis­ tribution to-morrow. A regular old fashioned time may be expected, as Wiglitman Is bound to do his level best on all occasions. We anticipate a lljge crowd, , LOOK out for the new advertisement of O. Bishop next week. In the mean time call and see his large stock of Farm Machinery of all kinds, which he keeps constantly on hand, and manu­ factures to order, and sells at prices to milt the time?. His advertisement next wtek will contain sotaething that will tulerest all. 15. FELT. General Agent for the Sin­ ger Sewing Machine Company, made u* t call last week. He Is now canvassing 11 this part of the county for the cele­ brated Singer, and where Felt cannot •ell a machine the next man need not try. The reputation of the old Singer liar exceeds ail others, and Felt says he will make prices with any other Agent tn the Northwest. JAMES MCMAHON, a former resident of Woodstock, but for the past few years of Chicago, was shot and instant­ ly killed in the latter city on Friday night last, by one Hayward, a Medical Student. McMahon kept a Saloon, and Hayward came in late on Friday night In an Intoxicated condition, when a dispute arose which resulted in the ahooting of McMahon. Hayward is in Opiody and will probably ausw^r for MIL crime on the gallows. -"--N . ' " , C. M. PEKDLKTON, who Uvea ffn the town of Grafton, took the belt last year for the largest Turnip raised in the county, but this year lie has beat himself, at he has raised one that weighs 27} pounds. This he^saya Is the "boss" Republican Turnip, and he challenges any Democrat or Green- backer to beat it. He also informed u* that bis wheat was an extra good crop, averaging full fortjr bushels to the aere. Mr. Pendleton is one of the most enterprising farmers In McHenry county, and politically^ always sound. ->WE would call the attention of the (Spading public to the Prospectus in toother column of a new paper, soon to be started atPenn Yan. New Yori^ *y Leon Lewis, to be called the Penn Tan Mystery. It la to be an illustrated weekly family newspaper, and from (ha well known reputation of the pub- ~ it-- J* --I** be no light, trashy publication, but a paper that will take a front rank in the field of journalism.4. When the first number comes to band we shall apeak lore particular In relation to It. last rumors came that the bodji^f an unknown matt had been fbunvln a burning hay itidc near Lake, and further inquiry prove&that it was too true. The full partteltiiof the finding and all that can be laraed In relation thereto up nt time, can be found In Nunda Correspondence.-- foul Murder has been com­ ic Is not a shadow of a who the victim is or who ie deed, is as yet a mys- ng was found on or about which it could be identi- i# exception of part of a to the our re| That a mltted doubt com mi tie tery. Noi the body fled with Bank Bobk, which indicates that the murdered mm liad lately drawn some money from an Elgin Bank, and If this proves trns it may lead to hi* Identity, and perhaps to the perpetra­ tor of this most fool murder. A Cor­ oners Inquest wan held on Saturday, and adjourt.edever until to-day, (Wed. nesday) In order that an effort might be made to ferret out the mystery. LATER.~lru*c<!ay flight TBS BODY IDENTIFIED AND THE MURDBRB& GAPTURED. Since writing the ^bove the follow­ ing facts have come to light which proved the murdered man to be VV in. Frost. From the clew obtained from the finding of the Pass Book of the murdered man, officer Benthuysen, of Nunda, assisted by B. Stanforth, of Elgin, and Squire Philp* of Algonquin, traced the supposed murderer to a farm known as the Engbnrg Jferm, and oq Tuesday they arrested John Stewart, son of the farmer on that farm, which adjoins the one on which the hay stack was burned, where the remains of the murdered man was found. The young man was at work helping to draw ma­ nure when Benthuysen arrested him.-- He protested his innocence, but on searching his trunk, which was locked in the house, the wallet of the mur­ dered man was found with 12 In mouey in it. The officer theri started with him for Nundn, but on the way lie wilted and told officer Benthuysen where the stolen watch '«M and the Revolver with which he committed the act, which were found hid in a hay stack as he stated. The Prisouer was committed to Woodstock Jail, btf Squire, Butler and Pettebone for ,ai>e murder )pf the said Wm. Frost, Frost wrf£ a native of Germany, and patne to this county about August 1st, last, was about 19 years otd, and an honest, har<f working yoiuig tnan. He hail worked ou a tarm Weot of Klgin, and bad 9110 deposited iu the Elgin Bank, which undoubtedly was the money the parties were after. Another report says |ie had two opsthnee hun­ dred dollar* with him at the time of tiie murder, but this Is n«t as yet known tor certain. The murderer Stewart, Is about 20 years of age, and has heretofore bom a good character in the neighborhood, where lie has lived for the past seven years. • . Too much praise cannot be given to officer Beuthuysen for his energy in securing the arrest of the prisoner. We shall Uiiuvuutedly be ablo to give more full particulars next week. BKKYKftrg C03SKD1? COMPA**. This first-class Company has been, playing at Riverside Hall, in this vil­ lage, for the part four nights, and, we are sorry to say, to rather small houses, but those who did hear them are unan­ imous in pronouncing theui equal if not superior to any that ever visited this plaoe. Mr. and Mrs. Breyer s| MRip Van Winkle" and "Gretchen,'* sus­ tained their parts in a manner not to be excelled outfdde of the large cltie*. while tn the charaeters of "Cantolia," in the "Hidden Hand," and *"n>psey,* in "Uncle Tom'* Cab In." Mrs. Breyer has few equals and no superiors on the American stage. Her acting is perfect while her personation of character is inimitable, which is sure to bring down the house in every Instance. It 1s seldom that a Company outside of the cities have such talent In their line as is possessed by Mr. and Mrs. Breyer. and, as we said before, it Is a sh$me that they were not greeted with ,|j|ar- ger houses while here. But several causes combined was the reason,, lor certainly all ate ready and willing to acknowledge their ability, as well as to pronounce them a company of fadies and gentlemen in every sense of the word. We hope they may conclude to pay us another visit at no distant day. when we are sure they will meet with much better financial success. HOLTDAYS! HOLIDAYS!! What better gift for wife' or daugh­ ter than a set of nice Furs, when you can get theinso cheap at Bncklin & Steve us. H! _iL yo each at Fitzsimmons A Evanson'a. New Goods suitable presents just received at & Evausou's. THAT the (suburbs of Chicago are full of thieves, cut throats, and robbers, •who ready to do atiaott anything to obtain a few dollars In money, is a lamentable fact, and that it is unsafe or a mapeetful man to sojourn there after dark, has been proven equally true b^ a citlaen of onr own town.-- The facts as we learn them arc these: John Myers, who resides near Johns- burgh, went to Chicago one day la*t week with a load of hogs, accompanied by Peter Tlmlon, also of Johnsburgh.-- After disposing of his load and doing some other business, tney started for home, intending to drive ont some fifteen or twenty miles and remain over night. When near the dty limits they stopped to water their team, in front of a Hotel or Saloon, on the front of wfclrli was painted in large letters, "John Wall, a boy from our town."-- While watering the team a man came out and asked if be could ride, (naming the plaoe where tie wished to go,) and Myers Informed him that he could, when he went back Into the house, ap­ parently after something. When ready to start Myers stepped Into the lious* and asked the fellow if he was ready, when he was invited by another man present to step into another room This he declined to do when the man seixed hold of him and attempted to force him in, but Myers being fully aroused, and aware that some trickery was intended succeeded, after dragging the fellow out doors, In breaking away, mounted his wagon and drove of, the fellow attempting to hold his horses by the faiead when lie found he could not liold Myers. That it was robbery the fellow meant is evident. Ho probably knew tfey had'been In the city to sell produce, and If they could have got him into that other room would prob­ ably had help enough handy to have plucked him clean. It would bo well fdr persons going to Chicago in this way to go prepared to give such as them a warm reception. They are a set of thieves and cut throats that it would be doing the country a service by shooting dead on the spot. A few examples of this kind would make It tifftre safe for people to travel In that section. "John Wail, a boy from our town." should be spotted, and his plaoe given a wide berth. WE called at the Shop of H. H, Nich­ ols, one day last week, and saw some of the finest Painting ever done in this section of the country. ^*Tlp" does all the fine Painting for F. W. Mead: Richmond, and when work gets slack there, puts in his time at his Shop in this village. The work we saw was some Cuttera which he had just finished and we do not exagsrate when wo say they cannot be beat by any Painter tn the country, Persons wishing their cutter or buggy repainted should not fail to call at his shop, see l4$ #work and fcaru prices. . ' •/' • '• BAR RE VI LLC. " EDITOR PLAINDEALER :--Bust less im­ proving and farmers and merchants feeling better. . Sale* and law suits seems to be the order of the day in this vicinity. John Fleming, tlving over East of here, is building a large barn 00x80 feet. John Shales is doing the work. Miss E. L. Wiilard, of Elgin, is visit­ ing at her Uncle's, W. R. Wiliard. In this village. Sleigh riding under difficulties fell from the lips of a young lady W B^rre. vllle when her fellow took her out a riding last Sunday evening. Stewart Bro*.. living about one mile North of this village, have a gang of about 20 hands husking corn for them vand among them is Richard Kennealy, whe carHert off the laurels of bein^ the best Hteker In the lot. However they offer to bet money that he can't be beat. Any of your brag buskers that have got any sand should give him a twist at once for lie is a bad one. A. Gardner opens a Book Keeping class In the school house Monday eve­ ning. All those wishing to join should uot fail |o be there on that occasion.-- Terms, 91 for 15 lessons. Lyceum was organised in Bryant* school house Thursday evening, to be held once a week throughout the win­ ter. Question for next Thursday night. Resolved, That the Grand Jury should be abolished, E. Wheeler tak­ ing the Affirinatlve aide and John. Morton Negative. Writing for a paper that has so large a circulation as the PLAINDRALEK/ is new business for BIGEB. / Biclimoud Department* up since MVNDA- EDITOR PLAJBTDEALER--Last Mon­ day morning, when the Geneva Lake passenger train arrived here, an old hen was seen cm the trucks of the for- ward ear^fltting there as unconcerned as on her roost. The train men said she was there when the train left Ge­ neva Lake, She was also tbf re when the train left here. Ira Pi Chase, of Peoria, III., GALE NA course of two lectures in the Disciples Church last Thursday and Friday eve­ ning. Subject. "The Jewish Taberna­ cle." The boose was filled both eve­ nings by an appreciative audience. The item, which appeared tn this oolumn two weeks ago, tn which the qn Holden GelHspls to be mea*- name of Miss Nellie Mallory was asso- or* your Holiday suit. , dated, appears, upon further Investl- «t fV»Rt ami helnw, rfna* WftJiajpjkiew left that mupt be6 sold : •' Vfrcsmxoirs A E rxxmox. BOARDERS WANTED. ( The undersigned is now prepared m take a number of Boarders, either by the day or week, on the most Reason­ able Terms. Good Rooms and the best of acoommodation* furnisl Residence near the School House. O. STBG: McHenry. Dee. 10th, 1878, y at Rubber Goods very chea( Simmons & Evanson's. fS • PARTICULAR NOTICE. > persons knowing th^mwlwiS- debted to the firm of Smith & Snyder, either by Note or Book Account, are requested to call and settle the same without delay, as our books must be closed preparatory to closing out our lousiness. This is no humbug, and tihpse indebted to us will do well to ?eed this notice and call and see us at nee. . ' j, " > -8XITH & SVYDSFE, ' XMi&bt WW- . ' , gation, to have been groundless. The Nunda Dramatic Club, styled "Our Club " have already commenced the rehearsal of "Louva, the Pauper," which they Intend to bring out on New Year's eye. or evening. A cold blooded mnrder appears to have been committed upon the evening of Dec. Sth, about three miles south of here. The facts that hav® been brought to light up to date are as follows: Last Thursday night, about8 o'clock, a hay stack was discovered on fire upon the farm of S. E. Gates, between Crys­ tal Lake and Algonquin. The fire caused much alarm all over the coun­ try until it was ascertained that it was a hay stack and then no one took enough Interest in it to investigate the cause or try to save any of the hay. The next morning, however, E. Reed and Charley Barnes, living near by, had the curiosity to go over to the burning stack, (which was yet smolder­ ing) and satisfy themselves about the cause. Upon arriving at the stack and passing around it they discovered the body of a man lying upon his face and nearly burned up. They dtd not pull the body out but left It burning and hastened to give the alarm. Word came to the Lake and several parties went down, among them Dr. Hall and S. E. Gates. They arrived there about 9 o'clock and found the body still in the flames. They took upon themselves the liberty to draw the body from the fire to try and save enough to recog­ nise some parts if possible. When they pulled him out there was found lying under him a part of his vest, shirt and pants, including it clay pipe *bd husking pin, (it being of trou) alao a watch chain hanging to the part of the pants. The right leg and arm were burned off and the fiesh was entirely burned from the whole body, leaving nothing but a charred mass in the form of a human being. The Coroner was notified by telegraph and he sent word to bring tbe body to the Crossings where lie would hold au inquest as soon as possible. Lafe Bentliusen took charge- of the body and brought it up here and locked It up in the old ex­ press office to await the inquest. Sat­ urday morning brought the Coroner and a large crowd of men from all parts to hear the verdict of the jury. At the Inquest there was a Post Mortem ex­ amination made of the head and stom­ ach. The head had been pierced by a ball over the left eye which had taken a backward and downward course, lodging in the back part of the sku!l, near the base of the brain, which must have caused instant death. His stom­ ach showed that he had just eaten a hearty supper not more than half an hour previous to his death. Alt the facts that could be procured from the people in the viciuity threw no light as to who he was, where tie came from or his occupation, and just as the jury were about to return a verdict in ac­ cordance with the above facts Lafe commenced to search the pteoe of vest that was left, and to hit surprise he found part of a Bank Book which showed lie had lately drawn 9110 from an Elgin Bank, and the jury decided to hold over for farther evidence.-- The supposition Is now that he was murdered for his money and put in this hay stack to destroy all trace of him among men, but * clew la now left' to work a case ont of and we hope the guilty ones may be brought to the gal­ lows, there to pay theii debt to man­ kind as murderers. We will send addi­ tional evldenoe at soon OOQM to Hg^t. ^ ;• Miss Kate 8t Clair opened a Juvenile Singing Class in Ballou's Hall last Sat­ urday. She Is recommended by Mrs. Lois Hillis, of Elgin. Her terms are reasonable and the prospects of a nice school are now very favorable to her.-- The class is taught in Bsllou's Hall each Saturday forenoon, 10 o' Winter, so far as suow is opened on Sunday* Turkeys have been picking Thanksgiving. - Alexander & Hyde have a Mwand fine Stock of Holidav Goods. Bnv your horse a new blanket for Cbrlstmas, at Johnny West's. The new lumber yard It doing a good business. James V. Aldrlch Is ttie most popu­ lar Postmaster Richmond ever had. for Holiday Fitzsimmons siKS • FURS 1 FURS If FURS!H Bucklin & Stevens have a fine assort- _M>nt of Mink Furs, which they will (sell at low prices to dote before the lOltdaya* it. M ^ * | The Burton--Stanley troupe glye art entertainment here to-night, (Wednea* day). He went to Wiimot for the new snit some days ago, and when the wedding bells do ring, you shall hoar. Young Ackerman, lately so severely injured trying to board amoving train on the K. and R.R. Ri, is recovering. Tbe entertainment riren by the Band Boys Tuesdav evening 10th tnst, was good, but I have not time to-day for an extended comment. , : «. R.R. Crosby has now got all settled inhisnew home, and foels as if he were once more a permanent resident of Richmond. ^ The new Ice house, jitst erected by Mr. Cole, as a private enterprise, is situated on the south side of the pond and will hold about one hundred eat loads of ice. Bffort of the Spring time Seh*oL Fo^ the month ending Dec. Srd. number of'scholars enrolled 23, average dally attendance 20. Roll of Honor.-- The following are the names of Scholars neither absent Or tardy for the month t Eliza Haldemah, Libbie Hendricks, Ida Turner. Cora Sliter, Ltbbie Hendricks, Cora Westlake. Ed­ win Haldemaii, Callle Hendricks. . ALT sow LUMLET, Teacher, Jnst received a new Stock of Millin­ er} in all the stylish shades in every grfdea of Straw, Felt, Velvet. Bea- vers in Hats and Bonnets. Every­ thing in Plush Velvet. Satins, Silks* Plumes, Wings, Ornaments Ac., at Mrs. S. Searles. and will be sold at the very Lowest figures for Cash, for the next twenty days. r *"-r, f* .8^ 'M. ' On Saturday evenfng J. L. Downing sold a lot of fine chromos, at auction. In the south rooms of the hotel de Rich­ mond, The pictures went at very low prices. .• lam sbrry to hear of the sodden death of the sou of Henry Mead, Mead's Station, of what the doctor called Quinsy. Young Mead was a youth ofi great promise and his death Is a terri­ ble blow to his family. H|s remains were burled ou Tuesday, the 8d Inst.-- He was sick only two days. Lost week, one night. Brother Sttre tn a lecture, did a little gratuitous ad­ vertising for the • PLAINDEALKR, for which I felt duly thknk&ii. I laughed in my sleeve to hear him, for though he didn't speak right out, I knew that everybody understood him and that the consequence would be A new batch of subscribets at once. Let the good wora go on. Thsnky, Brother Stlre. The Rhetorical exercises at the High School, Friday afternoon, were atten­ ded by many of our citizens, and were, as usual, of a very Interesting and en- tertaiuing character. People will turn out of a stormy night to hear some traveling compauy of playwrights or singers, and cheerfully pay 25 cents for uot half as good an entertainment as the High School givea free ever/ Fri­ day afternoon. Saturday evening a yonnf fellow frotu "Brooklyn" disgraced his father and mother and himself by getting fighting drunk aud picking a quarrel with everybody he could. He was not alone iu the drinking of Richmond's temperance "beverages," and the hood­ lums managed to make night hideous till after 12 o'clock. I have a good mind to give names, but forbear, hoping the affair will not be repeated. The people of Richmond met their first disappointment tn the High School Lecture Course, on the evening that Mr. Alfred Wilcox was expected to speak. A large audience turned out to hear him but he did not put In an appearance. I am Informed his fam­ ily were sick. The audieuoe went away much disappointed, as Mr. Wil­ cox is considered oue of the ablest speakers iu Hebron, and muoh was ex­ pected from his lecture. It Is hoped he ntfy fevor our people at it later date. . , It Is a good thing for a society to have prompt and effident officers, but the fac totum of the Musical Union should have a leather medal for devo­ tion to bis responsible duties. Mr. A. L. Brown is the Treasurer of the Union and lately had just #1.50 of Its funds in his hands when said fac to- turn presented an order on .the treas­ ury for #3.50. for rent. "I don't see How(e) I can pay #3.50 with only #1.50 in my 'hands," tays Brown, "but here's the #1.50." UI won't accept of 91.50, I'll have the whole or none." And away goes the Intelligent (f) fac totum to Justice Wodell, and or­ dered the impecunious treasurer to be sued! Of course Wodell knew too muoh to issue a summons under the circum­ stances, but I wish be had, so that 1 might have A Jolly How(e)l when the prosecutor oame around to pay his own costs. „ v .. The good ladies of Richmond gath­ ered at the residence of J. R. Hyde last Wednesday afternoon, It- was a Missionary meeting, not Domestic, but Foreign. Brother Douglass was the only male **»« nartv and he Is said to have borne himself with sin­ gular fortitude under the trying or­ deal. I hear that the articles being manufactured at these Missionary meetings are for a lair to b« ijeld no very (fjsHjl day Foreign Missions. benif^iMrC and kll better It to cottMI^«f|r' your own deserving poor Don't yow know that tfc* busy fingers ism e*rofrt£ #M|^lf stolen outright, go to the support # some oue, too brainless and too dis­ honest to make auythl<Mybut a ister," m*4 too lazy to onto an living by the labor of their ha»Afc%" You have missionary work enongli , t» do without goi ng ©Ot of the village. • -:: ii mi mr I.' miiiii- i-Mi - "niiiirgiiiM» ' • Baalifteas Notteei. . r / \ Tbe Ihaast stoek of MIHIasry Goo4> tn town, at Mr#. Howe's. Sjest line* of Boots a»# uckiin & Stev^as. f For a nobby suit, go to Stauor & Beckers, near fc|ie Depot., t ; A full line of Rubber Goods at llu ft Stevens. Si x 8si0 Chromos, for 28 B Biake'e. Only one Carriage left, out ofFoni teen two mouth* a go, at E.M.Owen's, A foil line of Carpentervltlc ait#! other Flannels at Buckliu & Stevens. Bargains can be had at Bucklin 0 Stevens iu a great variety of goods* Call and make a seleetlo* oat 4f Fifty Plows, at E. M. Owen*i. Examine two different geared Courtland Wagons at E. M. Owen's Do not buy your Millinery u^til yon have examined tbe fine stock at Mrs. Howe's. I A good assortment of Splints found at Blake's, cheap. A fine lot of Zephyr and Card Boards* just received at J. B. Blake's Furaittu* Store. •A Fitzsimmons A Evanimn hate a foil line of the Celebrated Walker Boofii also a full line of Beloit Shoes. warrant every pair. GREAT REDUCTION! V In the prices of the Buffalo Bootl, !< andSHbes. Don's fail to sea She nt bob fore. u|akl»sgjoHr aelfjetlona COLBY : ver#!de Bissl;; SdtoPl Borflt* 'kind Writing Pape* Cheap, at O. W. Owen's. Stop at E.M.Owen's and see ne Geared Cortland Wagon. , New Stock of Cloths, Reahy^i Clothing, ftc., for Fall trad* ' received at Lauer A Becker's, fteAt* Depot. . # WOOBOMOPPBK0 WAKITA ; Etght or ten good wanted immediatelir. joquira of John W. Smith. PUMPS. A largo Stoek of Adams oei Kenosha Pumps. The best Ptimps at lowest prices, at E. M. Owen*sw A grea Goods at oviiio&Am eduction oirtli Fitzsimmons AEvanson^i FARM TO BINT. A farm of about three hundred near McHenry. Enquire of M. Bishop, BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! For the next thirty days BodrHn A Stevens will offer especial bengalns tn order to reduce stock annual inventory. UNDERCLOTHES. The Cheapest and beet Stock Of I?** dertlpilief. Gloves and Mittens In the county can be found *t4L Stoddard's*-- Call and see for yourself. The celebrated M. Self A Otfc, Boots and Shoes at very loir prlMS at Bucklin A Stevens. ' , TRADE DOLLARS. On and after date Trade Dollars will be received for Goods M par at Bneklla A Stevens, near tho Dej »PH» FOR 8ALK* head of ftill blood Fifty head of ftill blood XOHM Rams at prices to suit the fines. . 8sa W, Hm. . Post €>®ce Oreeawoo^* From now until the close of the sea­ son Bucklin A Stevens will sell at smaller profits than ever, giving tho most goods for the least money Ot bouse in the oounty. Try them. #25 REWARD. The above reward will *be paid •!(§:> any one who will find oue of onr lo Boots in which there is a inner sole, slip sole or piece of _ that is not cast from a good2 pteoe of sole leather. CoLBt JUST RECEIVED at Mrs. Soaifcip; *1 new Stock of Fall and Winter ery. Also ail the latest styWw o? Cloaks, Cloak Trimmings, Bcavlw;:.: Cloths. &e.. all of which will be sold a# drices to suit the times. BOOTS A SHOES. It tsa conceded fact that the lo Custom Made Boots no superior on the stock. Warran ted work. For Colby Bros.. Riverside Blotk.' It is the universal testimony that I BuflUo Boots and Shoes, for which are the sole agents in this relatively the oost Mid markefc Give them a trial. w WBT Qoaosowr choicest Meats at th* t We have now en hand Meats of all kind. StftgKarf Sausage. &c„ to whioh:||C H -Honjlm,oonfitfeni that W« you. Some of tiie fiiw« In the market now on bs Pork by the single pound or Ghee w a tatll. McH«ry. Hi.

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