•- ;-» • * TtA ' ' • "7 •" * ~ ' ' v^ ? - •» ^S^Kv; ItMctler. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 18th, 1878. i&utor. sif"The New York Times has looked •er the gallant men who officer oiilr •vy of thirty-three ships, cannot Bee hat they need the new uniforms, and n a friendly way advises Secretary ^ *> ^Thompson not to require them to give * , lip their.old clothes for new until they lW l̂b- • : •f )*"- >'.i \f |0*lt WHS not tiie missing Charley. SpMr. Boss returned to Philadelphia from ||Towaoda, Pa., yesterday, and an nounced that the boy in the possession $pf the half-breed way not his eon. This ^dds another to the very long list of Ids unsuccessful journeys to Interview little waifs. . ' "f%" fl^The Senatorial question waxes Jf-: warm, Among the names we have ^ 'seen mentioned ars Gen. John A. Lo ff) ; gan, Hon. R. J. Oglesby, Gov. S. M. : Callom. Gen. S. A. Httrtbjfit, Hon.--Ba ^ ker, and Kon. Wm. Lattfrop, with the chances about In the order In which •* *. we have named them. January 21st, %t 18 the date which is set by law for •$- i': 4„.. ' I? V * ft • the two Houses of our State Legisla ture to meet In joint ballot tg^ehoose a Senator. : • £;•»:* aerAn election is to be Bockford for the purpose of lug the wish of the people as shall be Postmaster of that Smith, whose r S" ,, place of Abe held in express- to who city in terra of 4 office is about to expire. We'll bet a Nickle that "dirty work" Abe won't tw. ^; stand a ghost of a show on that day.-- The people know him politically too ,^{ well. As has been truly said, Winne- ^ago County owes her present dis- : graceful position in the Fourth Con- ^ v gressional District to this same Beef !V, eajting animal. sW:.';' j,,. &•' ;./?2fcy 4f J *£®$M U- - g v ' I • &»*»• ' - ' : *>1, ' i ' »w , 'Hr«aM«nttal Speculations tor 1889. ffce Cincinnati Enquirer has collec ted interviews with leading men of both political parties throughout the south upon the presidential issue of 1880 No Southern man Is mentioned for the Democratic presidential nomination for 1880, except Senator B»yard of Delaware, Among; the Democrats, the first choice seems to be pretty equally di vided between i'hurman and Hen dricks, a Western man being prefer red. Bayard, however, has many de voted supporters through the South, and may be reckoned a good second.-- Tilden who went into the St. Louis convention two years ago with the solid South at his command, has in a great measure drifted out of notice, while Hancock and Pendleton, the former of whom was reckoned third in the convention of 18?G, have both a few zealons supporters who yet be lieve In their destiny. It looks now as though the race in the Democratic ranks was between Thurman and Hen dricks, and was » very even race at that. Thurman has the advantage of his seat in the Senate to assist him in his fight this winter against the banks while the failure to carry Ohio last fall tends to cripple him. Hendricks has the satisfaotio n ot having carried his State with a magnificent burst of suc- <pss, though lie has to endure the disad vantage of beinjg a retired statesman out of the ranks of publie life. On the Republican side, Grapt, Blaine and Conkling are talked of. WASHINGTON COIUtRSFONDKNCK. WASHINGTON, D. G. DOC. 8th, 187$, Thtee months seeins a short time , for the accomplishment of the work that Congress has on its hands. The next year's needs are by no metfns tri fling, and hard work is necessary for their wise and faithftft Supplying.--^ The appropriation bills come first, for: they must be passed else the wheels o^ Government stop or an extra session^ be necessary. Residents of the "Dis trict are anxious that legislation in its behalf Should occupy the attention of Congress to a considerable extent for its needs are neither few nor uuimpor- tant. The subjects of paving, taxation river front improvements, and sW* frage are among the livore important matters to be brought neotlbn. * ,v-'"•' o"; There Is no member of the present Congress whose actions will be watched more closely during the next tew weeks than Genl. B. F, Butler's.- There is no Representative now in the House, indeed, whose movements are noted with the same Interest that his are. He did not succeed in taking Massachusetts' Gubernatorial chair, but lie conies back to his seat in Con gress hacked by 110,000 of the Bay State voters. He decidedly leads the Greenback element and Labor party, and he is one of those who prefeir being King among swine, than swine among Kings. The violent campaign through which he lias lately passed has made him feel stronger than ever, notwithstanding his defeat, and he now has an air of, intense confidence and satisfaction. In personal appear ance he is, and ever will remain, un changed, and is too familiar to the pub* lie to need description. His attire is always faultless and his button hole boquet is never wanting. His relatives love him and as a family man he is gentle, kind and attentive. So much for4 Bluff" Ben--so rough and concise at times. There must needs be a ten der refined spot somewhere in one wiio loves the beautiful in nature as he does.. Last winter one of his Nieces was hete with him, and it ifras notice able that siie never appeared at a re ception or other entertainment, with out a boquet of the most exquisite rosebuds of the General's favorite specie, a kind most rare ^and expen sive, a small bunch of which may ncft be had for less than 95. Congress cut its first week short, Thursday t by adjourning until Mon day. The first two days of the session were full of interest but Thursday everything lagged and was dull enough The members had their big guns ready, and the adjournment doubtless is for the purpose of getting them in shoot ing order. Blaine was not in his seat Thursday, and it was understood that he was engaged in preparing a speech upon the resolution oflered by him on he opening day of the session, and which is.to be brought up for discus sion next Monday. The resolution W£s relative to frauds and outrages perpetrated In the South, during the recent election, and the debate will be highly interesting. Thurman and Hill have tyjth ex pressed a determination to speak against Blaine, and Thurman was also absent from the Senate Chamber on Thursday, at work on hl« speech. No doubt next Monday will see nearly as large a crowd at thejCapital as was there a week before. It 'matters- Jess wjtat is the subject under dlscusson ban who are speakers. People rush to hear certain m<w talk even if they have not an idea of what they will talk about. OLIVE. • \ « >* *' ,'-»>• ' * , ...t.. v . . . • Public -iher if*. ' If YouKnew You could get a Gold Dollar for Ninety. ^fa*^w;«©e«t»,vwiu!a you. go t<r tHe i rill sell 3f the Havltig bought fl,000 worth of Samples Racine, Wis., at a LARGE DISCOUNT, I can an<l same at. W HOLES ALE prices, for the next 30 days. Eemeraber these are not SNIDE GOODS, but the BES^f tll^ firm manufacture as they were made expressly for their traveling men's samples. NOW IS THE TIME FOR BARGAINS Give me a call. No trouble to show Goods. BOTTOM PRICES ON RUBBER GOODS. E. O. JEWETT. P.*##. .£?+ . t-44 > b': '5'* f" €Av". ' 'V - ** f -i : C. F. Hall's Stores are both ready for the Fall and Winter busif iaess of '78 and '79, and are offering such inducements that reader! of the PLAINDEALER can't afford to pass them by. Just read, a prices as an appetizer and then go and see for yourself. •M" Don't Do It. \ Don't pay War Prices Machinery, but call ou for Agricultural 'LATK DAIRY MAKKKTS. " * !" X F\v VORK, Dec. 9th, 1 The demand for the general run of State fall-made butter is slack, and for common to fair State dairies there is no market at above 12 to 15c. When buyers can get fresh Laddie packed western at 16 to 17c., they prefer It to common dairies of State make. A few fancy dairies brought 20c. -Any amount of common State firkins oflered at 14 to 16c. Creamery make, fine quality and fresh sells quick at 25 27c. The market i« hopelessly swamped with common and poor bntter. Receipts for the week, 24,550 packages; Exports,8*500. There is no material change in the cheese market. The quotations are State factory, prime late made, 8 to 9c. fair to good, <1 to 8c.; skimmed 1 to 5c. - BOBTOV. Dec. »th. Tb* demand for Butter has been moderate, but choice grades are firm and scarce; the sale of choice cream eries have been at 25 to 27c.; New York and Vermont dairies at 18 to 23c.; and medium grades at 12 to 16c f). lb. as to quality. Cheese is dull and we have only to notice small sales at 7 to 8c. $. lb. for medium and choice, ' O. BISHOP^ MCHENRY, New Goods suitable for Holiday •seiits Jus»t received at Fitzsimuions Ivausou's, i v FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! BuclcHu & Stevens have a fine assort ment of Mink Fnr«, which 'they will Sell at low prices to close before the Solldays. ° FOR the "BOHSm shave or Hair Cut call at Wilson's Tonsorial Parlor, ov^r O. W. Owen^s Store, Mellenry. HOLIDAYS! HOLIDAYS!! What better gift for wife or daugh- ^Jr than a set of ui(!e Furs, when you can get them so cheap at Bucklln & Stevens. v / . RIKGWOOO EDITOR PLAINIIKALEK:--Last Satur day morning mother Earth presented a most beautiful appearance, for old Winter had assumed her cloak of white and Saturday bells jingled in our vil lage and sleigh riding and coasting was the fashion. If you wjint a new cutter or a pair of Bobs eflll on Nick Blake and he will put them down to hard pan. Last Thursday we saw a small boy attempting to lead a calf around town, and part of the time it was hard to tell which Bosse was ahead. The Lyceum of last Tuesday eve ning was a success. All,or nearly all of the young ladies took part in the exercises, making it an enjoyable aflair. On Tuesday evening next, Mr. Adron will finish ids Lecture entitled "our trip to Europe." Of course he will have a large audience. choice*^ It *« a» °'d saying that the last Is not the least. Only last week one of our intelligent schoolboys made a val uable medical discovery. He cures all kinds of flesh wounds with the most simple of remedies. He says" just swaller an anecdote." It is expected that Mr. Tower wilj be here on Wednesday next for the purpose of organizing a singing school* All come out and let lis have a good ringing class. WlinTe vnn will find all kinds of AGRT CULTURAL MACHINEBY, at Bottom Fig. His stock consists In part of Feed Gutters, Fanning Mills. Coi n 4hell<lrs, Feeil Vlitla, I'umps, Plows, I)ra«s, Cultivators, Wfiirons. UiiKKtes, RohSleifriis. Cutters, Circular Saws and in short every kiml of Tool or J^act|iuu in use on. or about the Farm. It you want a pair of BOB SLEIGHS CHEAP, Giver me a .call. Repairing. In this line I ara now prepared to do j on work in the best of manner. Reapers and Mowers, Pumps, and all other machinery Repaired in the beat of manner and on short notice. Turning in wood or Iron promptly done and in a workmanlike manner. Give me a call if in want of any thing in my line. O. BISHOP. MjHenrjr, Dec. 17th, 1878. WOODSTOCK, ILL. The Holidays, are Coming. -AJtB-- Don't You Forget It. -THA.T- ftest Prints..;.; ....... 1?Cf.t Print!'. l tw. Spool Cotton..... . 3(5 inch Cotton. SO inch Cotton best •• •« " Mfeacliert...... £;« " " bleached best Cashmere Pfllaok Alpaca: .......... Gootl Corsets No 1 Corsets Liulies Furs all prices Buffalo Robes all prices Cotton Flannel. .......... All wool Flannel, Good Womens aiirl Mioses Shoes Boo tb Boys B<)Ots^...'. .. Jill I SI 06 05 06 07)4 07 10 08 25 •8 26 1 GO .tl 85*to 3 75 «1 7S to 2 50 Best. Tea ........... 5C Best .la pan Tea.... 10 Tvctsoffou 5 ft lots...v. 5 lbs Coffee.. --.... .'...1... 15 lbs Currants ti... 12 lbs Rice A No 1 Baking Powder.... Salevatus. ...»> :v, S. «. Starch..*,; Axle Grease. .1. , Stove Polisih.' Mens Suits cheap..t.. ... '.i...«v- Boy8 Suits cheap...J Overcoats cheap ...,..i. 1 B > N o 1 F u u i 9 M M M . . 4 | Dress Goods................ .....fets loK 1 09 1 00 :'I » 06 06 My disposition this Fall is to sell cheaper than ever and I am pr£* pared to gfive all who are in want of merchandise a real benefit. "Goods well bought are half sold" and I Know I present to patrons as well bought stock and bought as low as Cash in h^nd would buy it in any market. Clothing is one of my great specialities and J guarantee a saving of from $2 to $(> a suit. Stock always full and complete for all sizes. Trunks, valises, Hats and Caps in full aa- sortment. In fact in all classes of merchandise I am fully up to thfe. times in goods and prices. Iam bound to lead the trade if gooij goods and low prices will do it. In closing I will only say I want to see you. It will be of mutual benefit for I know you can make money out of me. I have Stores well filled at Dundee and Rich mond, gentlemanly clerks in attendance and my name is * C. F. HALL, RICHMOND, III. Chicago Office, 103 FRANKLIN STREET. C. P. HALL. DUNDEE, III -FOR-- Has the Handsomest Holidtyr Sto^k to 1 e fonnd in McIUnrv County, from which to choose Christmas and New Years l'rosuius out of ... Presents for Little Ones, Presents for Big Ones. Presents J or Happy Ones, Presents for All, It would be impossible for us t" ennmerate half Which we lv\ vc in stock, but sifftteo to say tbore i* nothing in tho Holiday Goods line but. wli.it C:in be found at-our store, and at BOTTOM PIIIOKS. asTTsll and be non- vin"e l. JOHN B. BLAKE. McHenry, Dee. 5th, 1878. New. Tumiture Store. Geo. H. Stewart, Auctioneer. Richmond, III. Has an experience of 15 venrs. and will guarantee satisfaction in al\ cases, where sales entrusted to my care, are properly ad vertised, or no charge will be made Terms, from |5 to #10, according to amount of uale. All orders addressed to Richmond, III., will receive prompt attention. Ji^t received a new Stock of Millin ery In all the stylish shades in every grades of Strawy Felt, Velvet. Bea vers in Mats and Bonnets. Every thing in Plush Velvet, Satins, Silks. Plumes, WiAgs^ Ornaments Ac., at Mrs. S. Searles, and will be sold at the very Lowest flames for Cash, for the next twenty days.- Have you seen those Overcoats at (8 each at Fitzeiinuious So Evanson's. Penn Yan Mystery! The New IlluMtrated Weekly Family News paper of Leon and Harriet Lewis, 8 pages, containing Stories. Lady ltedwoodo's Daughter, by Mrs. Harriet Lewis; Count of Monle Cristo, by Alex. Dumas;.Sir Allyn's Kneray, by Leon Lewis, etc. Portrait of Dumas and other il lustrations. Voyages and Travels, A Hide Through Islam, Turkey to India; Year in .South Africa, by Lady Barker; Six Months In the .Sandwich Islands; Around the World, by Mrs. llrassey. etc. Illustrated. Geographical. Vestiges ot" Atlantis, the Conliiwnt that existed 12,000 years ago be tween Europe and America; th'edost Anchor of Columbus; Current Explorations, etc.-- Willi Map of Atlantis. .Science. The Iteliginn of the Great' Pyra mid ; Discovery of Vitlean; The Moon of ftlarel History. Lake Dwellings of Switzerland and other parts of .Europe; Glimpse of Baby Leading Articles. The real Business of KxiNtence; True Capital and True Uiches the lie at ions or this Life to the Life to Come Is an Age of "Miracles" at Hand? Teriiitf. Single copy, one voir, $3; four copies, *10; eight copies, $20; single numbers ft cents each. The remitter for Club of eight entitled to copy free. Delivered to News agents and Booksellers in any quantity di- rec-t from our office at »t.-25 p«r hundred.-- Keniittances at our risk only in. p. O. orders on l'euu Van. or Banker's draft on New Yort. Address j LISOH ANI> HAUUIKT LBWIS, I Publishers, Pena Yaa, N. Y. The uew undersigned, having opened a NEAR THE DEPOT, McHenry Illinois Would respectfully inform the public that he has tilled his store with a full stock, to which he invites the attention of the public, confident that ho can please them both in quality and price. {CEPAIRINO % Of all kinds promptly attended to. Old Chairs re-,bottomed and made as Rood as new. Give me a call. WM. SIE Its. BOOTS AND SHOES Is now opeiim«? up, and DWIGIIT & FORREST are ready for thtf- cmergeney. "VVc shall continue to give you those BARCAIFSS FCK CASH That no other selliiifr on time can <lo. Webuy and tsell inore Boots and 6hoes than all other dealers in Woodstock together. Our stock beiiii? so large it is far better tk> choose from. O o y f ^ ^ We Buy and Sell For Cash Ezclusive? * We would be pleased to compare niality of goods and prices with any other dealer in McHenry County. Do not buy a single dollar's worth of Boots aii<^ Shoes, before examining our ^ MAMMOTH' STOCK. DWICHT & FORREST. ;• . . -• J . Cor. Main Street and Publi^ Square Woodstoek 111., Sept. 24th, 1878. Try the Cash System -AT THE-- One Price Cash. Store OF- 1VTOTIOK is hereby given that on Friday, 1* the 29tli day of T •eeeinber. 1878. or as noon thereafter as iny application can be heard, I shall auply to his Kx«-ellency, Shelby M. Cullom,\iovernov of Illinois, for n»v pardon from the Penitentiary, at Chester, I'll., wlu>re I am now confined under sentence of Circuit Court, ot Mellenry county, Illinois, at its January Term, W78, for attempt to commit larceny. THOMAS WILLIAMS. December ith, 1878. For every ache, paiti and bruise on man or beast Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Liniment is the Balm. Sold by all Druggists. Uiu'leSam'a Harness Oil put on to yotlr harness will make the leather look- new, and keep It soft auU pliable*. Give It a trial. " ' , ' - : ; 'k X: y,.' 'Wb I: MeHEIVBlY, IlX. We will make lowest bottom prices on any article purchased at our Store. We are ready with a full line of Goods suitable lor Winter use, such as Ladies and; Gents Underwear, Gloves and Mittens, Hats and Caps, Flannels, Waterproofs,, Hosiery, Ladici and Gents Ties, Cuffs and Collars, Kubias, Scarfs, Gents and Lft- dies Cardyen Jackets, etc., etc. We offer extra • ^ INDUCEMENTS IN OVERCOATS. In Boots and Shoes we have as good Goods as money, will buy, including a full line of Belcit Hand Sewed Shoes, each and every pair warranted. ^ Call and see tis and be convinced that our Goods are the best and our prices lo wer than ah^ other house in the coimty. FiTZSIMMONS 6. EVANSON.