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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Dec 1878, p. 5

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j, ' ri d?{it7 7 ^ v vf* * «??< I J ? V - : - « • . . ? 4 K A W * * * - I T - C * - ^ V - A Y - ; . ' ."*: • • •• • O „ . . * r - . W - . L A ^V .^- : : V . . V . V *1 W EDNE SD A Y, DEO. 18th, 1878. Railroad Timfe Table. «Oi»a gou lift-- ."•;. iter* Lake Passenger.....<; 4V*LaJte Freight.......... GOING XOKTH. enpv* TAke Freight en«va Lake Passeneer--. .. . . .7 :t& A. K. . ..1:15 p. K. .10:00 A. M. ....7:03r. M SEE the card of Geo. H. Stewart, ||Luctlonepr, in another column. lliY Blake'# and see his stock of *^,$Iol1dsy Goods. \'fVt At Colby Bros, you can always find Vlhe latest styles of Dress Goods. ,«-? . * J SEE and read the new advertisement : , ^fO. Bishop, in another column. s BUCK has again opened his bus- ,v\v^neM at his old stand, on Water Street. Kiirrox WHEELER, of Rlack berry . Station, Kane County, made us it call Tuesday* v W -- ~~--~ V: ; .Do not fay to hear 0. Dale Arm- v%|ltrotig, at the Methodist Church, to- - iaorrow, (Thursday) evening. The latest styles of Fall and Winter Lillinery, just received at Mtfc. ftowes* it Mrs, Morey's old stfand. WB are agaii) under obligations to F. A. Hebard for a line spare rib, left At this office. ^-Mrs. Salisbury has a clvoice selection Of Holiday Presents., Do not! fall, to give tier a call and Learn prions. THOSE In want of good Pictures itionld not fail to read the notice of J. S. Medlar*^ Woodsfco^; lot aWher column. C.Dale Armstrong, is. pronounced the best professional Reader in Amer- JIM, Do not fail to hear him at the ^Methodist Church Thursday evening. Largest stock of Millinery, Cloaks, Cloakiiigs and tHminings in the coun- at Mrs. 8. Searles' and Cash will them at bottom prices for the iiext twenty days. THE Rlngwood Ladies-JMd $oelety ' *vlll meet at the resilience Of J. Harn- Ji|on, one mile West of the village, on |rhuT6day afternoon, Dec. 19th. All .re invited. v MRS. WM. LANOHAM, Secretary. - ^ Un- (to- the take inter- ON Thursday evening of next week the 26th, there will be a Social Party at the McHenry Bouse Hall, In this tillage, for the benefit of the German School, to which all are cordially Invi­ ted. Ticketincluding supper, 75 ets. The best of music will be in attend­ ance. Let all who evet* dance turn out and have a good time and at the same time aid the School. * A mew disease has attacked the cattle In Marshall County, * tow*; Wm. She'douf a former resident of McHenry, has recently lost twelve head of steers. lie says the nose becomes dry and they drop their heads and re­ fuse their food and . soon die. The stomach is found to be rotten, aud the food is baked ordried hard in it. What the disease Is has as yet baffled every­ body in that section. • IT Is with the deepest regret that if# are obliged to chronicle this week the death of the only child of Benson and Georgie Hanley.who died-on Sat­ urday evening listf of Membraneous Croup, aged about three years and nine months. He was an unusual bright an active boy, and will be sadly inisse'd, not only by his parents, but by all who knew him. . Mr. and Mrs. Hanlevhavc the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community. , » *.« ' Anew advertisenmt forDwight& Forrest. Woodstock, is too late for this week, but will appear in out- next. In the meantime we would say they have a line stock of Boots, Shoes ami Robber Goods which they are selling at pric far belov anything ever oflered in th county. They make a specialty of the celebrated Seltis A Go's. Boots and Shoes, which compare favorably with any in the market. Look out fdr the new advertisement. THE regular meeting of. the Ribbon Club will be held at. the Iversaiist Church, on Thursday, morrow) evening, at which time y^y&fiunual election of , officers will ^ 5 t>lace. All members, and others ested in the ca'.ise, are , quested to be present. earnestly ..r%r " ' " BY circulars on our streets it will be seen that C. Dale Armstrong, the Elo­ cutionist aud Reader will give one of his pleasing and instructive entertalu- sjsents at. the Methodist Church in this village, oft Thursday evening of this week, the 19th. He is universally pro­ nounced by the press and the public to be one of the finest Readers in the West. His programme, comprises se­ lections from standard literature, as well as from the popular writers of the present day. In speaking of him she Chicago Tribune says: r ^ lie lias a rich, flexible voice, of more variety and melody than strength but quite sufficient tor all his purposes, it is under admirable traiuing, aud he reads with evident enjoyment and aj>^ preciation, His versatility is remark­ able. He acts rather than reads, and owing to the intensity and passion with which he invests his efforts, he never becomes tiresome. There are a good many conscientious people wlio object to the stage, and who, therefore have few opportunities to hear the creation of poetry interpreted by the living voice. Ail such persons would take pleasure in hearing Mr. Arm­ strong, who either in comedy or melo­ drama, would have attained an honora­ ble place if he had chosen to devote himself to the theatre. Those who fail to hear him ofl this occasion will miss a rich treat? IT becomes ou» painful duty^o ah- noutice the death of the 3'ouogest daughter of Geo. Schroinpr. aged- about three years, who died on Tuesday liioruing. of Membraneous Croup. Th is Is the seco/!td clrild Mr. and Mrs. Hclireiner iiZ-e lost in the past four weeks -Jt' , • DK. A»^ RtCK. l>t^|ist, Will be nt Jhe Riverside llouse. in this viilago. on the 3<lth inst.. ami rpuiain three days And those wishing anything in tlie line of Dentistry will do well to bear it in mind. He is well known as a first class Dentist, aud lie is doing all work at bottom figures. Remember the date, Dec. 30th, at the Riverside House. C. T. ELI>KEDUE has commenced his annual war on Turkeys, Chickens, Ducks, Ac., and Is now dressing an average of over a thousand pounds a day, which he is shipping mostly to Eastern markets. Those Hkviug any­ thing in the lino of Poultry to sell should call on Charley, as he is paying the highest market price. TICKETS have been issued for a Christmas Party, at Red Ribbon Hall, Waucohda, on Christmas Night, the 25th. Bugbee's Quadrille Band has been engaged to furnish the music, and a general good time may be expeoted. Should the present fine sleighing con­ tinue, we hear that quite a number from this village will attend. EVERYTHING at the Ice House is now ready for taking in the crop, but it is probable that work will not be com­ menced until after New Yearns. The Ice on the Pond Is now about four inches thick. *he ice will be thrown into the Houses and cars tfcjs Winter by Steaift Instead of horse l>bf>ver, as last year. The Pond will fee- .a1 lively place assooil as operations commence. THE mortality among the cbildre ii| this village is becoming a serioi matter. Five have died withih th! past six weeksi and quite a numbe more are sick. The disease assumes the form of an epidemic, and bj* some is called membraneous croup, and by others diptheria. Whatever it may be It is to be hoped that we may haye no more of its ravages. , As we noticed last week, there ^ will be a Christmas Tree at the Methodist Church, in this village, on Tuesda evenfng next.. We are requested by the Committee to say that this is no for Church or Sunday School exclusiv bnt for the whole town, and all invited to bring their presents and hang then on the Tree. We hope our citizen will avajl themselves of this and tha the Tree will be loaded, and while th children are made happy all may joy themselves in social intercoure together " " • • ; • OrH^Piokle Factory Is doing a thriv­ ing business this Winter, tlie Factory having orders for car loads ahead near­ ly all the time. The Pickles made at this Factory have gained a reputation second to none in the country, conse­ quently there is no danger of the pro­ prietors being obliged to^ carry over any of the present stock, but. rather will find iUiard to supply the demand. The prospects are that they will \yaut a much larger acreage iiextyejirthaB ever before. * IP y|a« are looking for a place to commence the New 'Year right, and enjoy yourself in a manner that will long be remenibered with pleasure, just bear in mind the Party at the Riverside House, la this, village. You will there find one of the finest Walls in the Northwest, the best of music, and a landlord thajt.will do all in his power to make it pleasant for you. We say bear this in mind, and if you love to "trip the light fantastic" you will be sure to he at the Riverside House. ^ WE w^nf-ll call the r-specjal attention of our reasons to the advertisement, to be found in another column, of E. C. Jewett. Boot and Siioe dealer, Wood- ^t«H?k. As tvilPbe seen he lias "st-rttck a Bonanza." in his line, and secured a stock of Hoots and Shoes which were manufactured by Miller & Co^ of Ra­ cine, Wis.. for samples, and as he gels them at a great discount, now offers them to the public at Wholesale Pri­ ces. These goods are all made of the best material, and by the best of workmen, aiul will be warranted be sides being sold at prices that will as­ tonish the natives. Read the adver­ tisement in aribther column and do not fail to call on Jewett when in Wood sto^k. He will show you that it i# cheaper to buy bis Boots than to go barefooted. PETERSON'S MAGAZINE is already on our table for January, a triumph of art, literature aud fashion. Either of the two steel engravings "The Playmates." or "The Le.tter at the Gate," is worth tlie price ot the number. Then the treble-sized colored pattern, "Persian ^mbroldery hi Applique, Ac.;'* the very newest thing out. would be cheap at fifty cents. As for the mammoth joolored fashtoh-plate, it is simply un­ rivalled; and besides this, there are some thirty other fashion illustrations. Thetu too..there is a Supplemen., with a full si*e pattern for a Winter Man­ tilla. the very latest style. To praise the stories in "Peterson" is ueneees- sary; they are always original, aud always the best. Two powerful novel­ ets are begun, one by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, another by Jane G. Austin and iij addition there are stories by Francis Hedgsou Burnett, Rebecca Hardin Davis, Frank Lee Benedict, "Josiah Allen's wife,"* Ac., &c. Now is the time to subecrbe. "Pe terson*, is unquestionably the cheapest and best of tha ladies1 books. The price is only two dollars a year. To clubs it is cheaper still, viz: 4 copies for $6,60, with an extra copy gratis to the person getting up the club, or 5 copies 98.00. aud both au extra copy and a superb premium engraving, Christ Blessing Little Children."-- Specimen of the magazine seijfgratis to persons wishlngfto get up clubs.-- Address Charles J. Peterson, 309 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. --- -{SrigvsM lake Setiwl The".following is a correct report of my school for &lie «wo weejc* ending Dec. 13th, 1878: : ' Number in attendance 18. Average daily attendance 16. Deportment, Carrie Granger, 100; Laura Morley. 100; Carrie McjCabe, 100; Nellie Mc^ Calie. 99; Caddie Morlev. 99; May Mor­ ley. 100; Mimiie^imlg^tt. 100; Bertlia Wilson. 100; Gteorge ̂ Simpson, 99; Willi* Welch, IWfc Leavas Morley, 100; Richard Morley, 9B; Carl Mudgett, 79; Johnny Kittle, 9^; Alva Hale, George. Wilson." 62. The report of my First Class in Spelling: Carrie Granger, 1 176; Laura Morley, 2-88; Willie Welch, 26-220; George Simpson,7-198; Richard Mor­ ley. 4-132 ; Leavos Morley . 8-110; ETTA KITTLE, Toacbor. NUNDA , EDITOR PLAIN DEALER--Pleuty of. snow and good sleighing ao^ we think from appearance that onr yc^i|g JpHts are enjoying it hugely. The people of Nmida are ^jorry that the members of the County Teachers Association feel that they are not wantedi here once in four weeks. Nb^ only the School Board but the patron* feel honored to be so centrally located agto accommodate Such An institution, knowing the importance of such an as­ sociation. The feool reception they re­ ceived here at the last meeting was no fault of the School Board, for they have not the key iu their charge, ex­ pecting, of course, as heretofore, that the present teacher would see to hav­ ing the house in order. Our Public School has beeome fo large that two teachers could not do the work and now a Primary depart­ ment has been opened in what was formerly the Nunda Drug Store. • Miss Emma Mansfield is the teacher of such department. M. H. Mansfield is busy delivering Bibles and other books which were or­ dered for Christmas presents. He is an earnest book agent aud deserves success. '• • • G. W. Horn has an Immense stock of all kinds of Chri %tmas goods at prices to suit every one. H!s stock of Jew­ elry Is the largest ever bhmght to ibis town, and much cheaper. ' A nephew of Alvah Clark's has opened a Jewelry and repairing shop in part of Alvali's barber shop. He comes well recommended and expects by doing good work and ^oiug it upon short notice to receive h!$ share of the public patronage. Christmas is hurrying on and the little folks are/ttghly elated with the thought of sjoeirffigs brim full of can­ dy, nuts, «^c,, besides there will be a distribution of presents jn each of our churches!, according to ancicnt customs. The Village Board have passed an Ordinance against the selling of even cideri anikplsiying any game of chance or science upon any Billiard or Pool table, including all games of/fSnrds or dice for anything of value. |The peo­ ple are looking for the enforcement of this ordinance. The facts about the murder of Frost are as follows-: He and John Stewart worked on a farm West of Elgin.-- Frost's time being out Stewart played sick an(} accompanied him to Elgin, no doubt for the purpose of robbing him. Whetherhfe intended murder Is net known at this time. Frost and Stew­ art were in company and took several drinks together/ Beeorfifnsr separated Frost went uubeknown to the batik aud deposited his money* In the mean­ time Stewart went and bought a re­ volver aud then persuaded Frost to accompany him home to Algonquin (or near there) where his people lived.- jl'ter arriving at Algouquiu they Miietliing to eat/tfml the • *- ob^jfliiT'S IttgiiUM Notices, The finest stock of Millfhrery Good# id towb, at Mrj. Howe's. s ^ - ^ ? For tHe largest line'i of Shoes go to Buokltn A Ste veus'# For a nobby suit, go to Latter Sb Beckers, near the Depot. * Sis 3*10 Ghromos, fi Blake^i for M c«fft«;at ̂ Onlv one Carriage, left, ont of Four teeu two nionthi? ago, at E.M.Owen%, A full line of Carpentenrilie and Other Flannels at BdCkMn & Stevens. Bargains can be bad at Bocklia 4p/ Stevens in a great variety of foods* v Call and ttiake a «ele«tioa out Fifty Plows, at E. M. Owetifa. different gear«d at E. If. ©wett^l then started for home across tlie lot^jfliiT"Stewart man­ aged to lead him to this $tiH^k where they eat down to rest and while sitting down Stewart raised up and shot Frost took his pocket book, watch, pulled his rubber boots off and fired the Stack, then started for home* where he was arrested'by officer'BeiithuyNn on 'the Tuesday following, aud lodged hi the county jail to awnit his trial. MANY of our readers will bo pleased to know that the fifty-second uumber of the old Westeru Fanner's Aim i nac is out, promptly on time, for 1879.-- We need say but little of this old and standard almauac, except that it is fu3J to the britn. as usual, with varied and valuable original articles on new and^ interesting subjects. To those who khow it. it Is indispensable. Among the authors who have Papers iu this issue, we notice the names of Prof. C. V. Riley. B. F. Johnson. F, D. Co- burn, Prof. James Fit#., Burdette. the luminous light of the Burlingto^ Hawk-eye* Mi B. Hillyard,,'*M. Quod." Kennedy, and others, all of them the best authorities on the subjects of which they write; and all this, with its mottoes, weather forecasts, calan- darSj and fund of other matter make ft not only the best but the cheapest periodical published. Its price Is only 10 cents. It can be had of its publish} ers, John P. Morton & Co., Louisville, Ky. Send them a dime anil try it. lUitli'i Valley Hohool. The following is a brief report of my school for the two weeks ending Dec, 13t.h. Number in attendance 22. Av­ erage at tendance 20. Report of spell­ ing. 1st Class Written. Kittle Lun;ily. 250; Flora Harsh, 250; Ruth Sherburne, 2f>0: 1st Class Orally. Robert Sher- rne,2-250; Freddie Sherburne, 250; ton Merchant,A60rlrWtu Merchant, 125; Vincent Lutaly, 250; Georgie Simmons, 1-250: \2nd Class: Olive Hayford,, 200; Nellie Merchant, 200; Lizzie Walkington, . 3-200; Abb}' Whi­ ting. 200; Eddie Lumlv, 200. ' KITTI.F.. Teacher. Imrn Rurt IMPROVE THE TIME. Having decided to go (West in the Spring I would say to aO my old fi'iends in McHenry county, who have negatives in my posessiou or who wish to get Pictures taken that "now is the accepted time." I am now prepared to take Pictures in any style, in the best of manner and warrant satisfac­ tion. Come as early in the day as possible, and fdo not wait for a day, as a cloudy day is preferable for 'n good Picture, I have also a fine stock of Albuhis, Picture Frames for he Holiday Trade, to which I invite our especial attention, confident that canplea6«i'ttU both in quality and >rtce. - ' BUM**.,, WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAMUEAJJBII:-^-"Mardor will out" though the mordcrer's lips are sealed after a visit from Coleman. The two trials ou either aide of us, on* at Jauesville, Wis., of Mrs. Mack, the other at Chicago, of Mrs. Clark, illus­ trates quite forcibly that woman, who so frequently faints at the sight of slaughtered chicken can plan and exe­ cute as horrid deeds of murder and for as loajDhesome purposes as man. Also that horses ar.d hired men are dangers adjuuets In a mail's family.-- We have been taught from early child­ hood that woman as a class could not nerve herself to such horrid deeds, but as from day to day we peruse the criminal calender we are forced to the conclusion that in latter dsys she either, as tlie accomplice, or principle us the cause near or remote, is fully as ofteuchargeable with,loathsome, hor­ rid crimes as man. And as this seems to hav,o obtained to such an extent within the last- few years wfc are led to inquire whether the teachings by pre cept and example, of the Woodhulls and Laifiins and their "imitators have an influence tending to degrade rather titan- elevate, * : v Sletghing h «t>lP«dl#l« au clear I rfe,gh «ders ire haptfy. fiut tlie poor ... VOLO. .EDITOR PLAIKDEALER What could nature do for us that she has not done? We have p£ace'<.atf home and abroad. NUaiost universal health (some as well as,thcir^lispositiioii will allow howev­ er) and gr^at plenty, all the elemente of phyjsipri, happiness. Yet we are not h^ppy.^, Why? You will find an an­ swer to this question in the 13th Chapter of Daytd. Get down j'our'old dusty Bible aiid read It Some are orgflniked with la'rge com- batlveness, afrd tb tone down excess of physicHl VfgOr and exuberance of Spirit. Iikhilge In Ben Rowing's Rattle­ brain P^p, then conclude they can tan anv Galoot of their inches in all Amer­ ica. tail in aud keep It up until 4 o'clock A. M. In tlie moruiug. Ji^ta comfortable sociable, only using Flut- irons and sich. This occurred on the night of the 5r,h . Inst., at a licensed Saloon in Volo, These Saloons, Sh-- keep still don't*ay * word, you might disturb somebody close at hand tod. Then and there Barney Martin's cora- ha*ative bump was flattened very flat with said flat-iron, and until hewas very fiat; Jack McCoscur had an extra join t put in his arm for the purpose of hitting those behind him if occasion required. No#the Doctor, the Law­ yer and tlio Priest aft consulted aad calied in. tv./- . .1 ;• The Red Ribon's here have gone the way of all the earth aud the mourners go about thelstreets. The revivalist, Bell, has been here but' Volo will not enthuse, bnt if McLane would come hero and blow the bceath of life into the nostrils of said society and make It a living soul, he would confer a great favor and we should be' willing to feed ids horse \vell and his fare Would be Ben Franklin's best Mitsh and Milk, Sawdust dumplings aud honey for dressing. • K" ' Anthony Brbwn has sold his Arm for 825 per acre to Peter Miller. ISimon Brown goes west.' This is very low figures for the farm. Five years ago said farm could not have been bought for $35 per acre. » Volo tain want of aPhysician aud it would be an excellent point for * Surgeon and Physician to locate. ^ Peter Dhvidson Is in the Prison Hos­ pital at Joiiet. Fifteen months in Chi Jutl and tbe great pressure upon his mind during- this length of time,has completely, prostrated him, Eddy, QJgi^BSM.andhaainorePOIKTSofSXC Allen's hired boy that wijf spirited ^XKtJ^n^TST^ARGAiNS! away, lias, been ferreted out, the boys affidavit \vitli the f numerous petitions now being signed ought to influence our Goveuor to immediately pardou Davidson, as a man of his refinement and intelligence his punishment has been already greater than lie can bear. The oild Bachelor Levi Wait, and Miss Sarah A GlVnCh, launched their rafts on the troubled sea of Matrimo- v,ou the 10th inst.. at tike residence of.the bride's parents, Thomas Giynch, Esq. of Wauconda. It was ail old style wedding. Numerous relatives were In­ vited, and. the tables groaueduuder tM^ delicacies. ^ Is". Ring out wit<l bolls and tsmos oaes t<M| Rihti o\it the \overS ttiooift J lf Bin r tat he little worsted Hinc la the bib and syoou |> j • -¥~ ' 'hit ALGONQUIN. FI fhcttTOR PUALHDKALIW:--S|deodid sleighing. ^ We now pmdi«| a winter, c f Snow shovels to the fron,t. Novelties in Christmas goods at J. D . F e r g u s o n ' s . . Sociable at^jwf^Mlt?^ day eve Boots Examine two Courtland Wagons Do not buy your Millinery n-jtll y««l haVe examined the fine stock at Mrt«' Howe's. A good assortment of Splints oha«l> found at Blake's, cheap. ' A fine lot of Zephvr and Card Roar^ML just receivedJ. B, Blake's Furnlttir® Store. • •. Fitzslmmons & Evan§on have line of the Celebrated Walker also a full line of Beloit Shots. warrant every pair, ? ^ GREAT REDUCTION I " ' In the prices of the Buffalo Boots and Shoes. Don't fail to see them be- fore making yonr selections. " COLBY BROSU^ .v..* . Riverside School Books and Writing Cheap, at O. W. O-wen'l. ^ 1 Stop at E.M.Owen's ai>dSoc new DM- Geared Cortland Wagon, New Stock of Cloths. Ready-Made Clothing, Ac., for the Fall trade just received at Lauer & Becker's, near tho Depot,- . ; . : WOODCHOPfKK* WAMTKXI,, w ^ Eight or ten good Wood choppers wanted immediately. Inquire of John W, Smith. v • PUMPS. A large Steek of Adams eolobratld Kenosha Pumps. The best Pumps and at lowest prices, at E. M. Owen's. OVERCOATS. ; A great reduction on thil lino Of Goods at Fitzsimmoiis &Evansbn*S i ( itWINB MHUIIint j Ever lomtcdi Itia 1 ' POINTS ef _ J For the next thirty d«ys ££ Stevens will oiler especial bargains in order to reduce stock, before auuual inventory. The celebrated M. Sols A 00%* Boots and Shoes at very low prices at Bueklin & Stevens. • '• - mi TRADE DpLL4JR8...^-fi^ Qn oni] «f£or (Jsits ' Trade will be received for Goods at par at Bucklln vt Stevens, near the Depot. HOLIDAY Goods for old and youn^l^ Blake's. • '.v CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! CLOAKSiH Ladles Cloaks cheap at Buckling & Stevens. ' • , ( ^.;'U Cloaks at Cost and below f# We have atf w left that must be sold at once. ' J _ FITZSIHMONS A KVAXSOK. Frank f *«^irn«d fyom lows last week. \ The highest market price paid for fcutter and Eggs \t J- D^Ferguson's. Judson Snooks shi^two carloads of ^ A CASH! CASH! CASH! Will buy Millinery for th« ttsxt twenty d»yi at Ibst, at Mrt SearleiV From now until tlie close of th® sea­ son Buckliu & Stevens will sell at sin tiller profits than ever, giving the most goods for the least money of fcny house in tlte county. Try them. *"• •RIS: WooditocV PARTICTTTa HNOtlC*. ^ All persons knowing them^efVesin­ debted til the Arm of Smith «& Snyder, either by N<»t»» Hook Account, are requested to call and nettle the same without delay, a* our books must be closed preparatory to closing out our hnslucM. This is no humbug, aud those Indebted to ns will do well to heed this notioo and call and see us at OBOe* SMITH ASxtdbx, McHeary, pee. Dth, vttk v. • Fits- horses find little rest night or day Yon just' tell Mr. C. M. Pendleton that he must give up that belt on Tur­ nips, because it is admitted by ^11 that Blaine w*s the cause of a bigger turn- up among the Democrats whrpn he in­ troduced his resolution last was ever raised in McHeury c The coolest thing we have Opportunity to witness was >h leutation of a shepherd dbg dece at the office of the County Clerk, cl lug a bounty for a wolf, but the could not s^e the wolf part no how, liogs to Chicago nearlyN»vfry week. Too many glasses makes a (hie) tumbler out of a fellow, sighed an early celebrator of the holidays on his way home one night lsst week, €. E. Chapel and wife returned home Saturday eve, from California* ftfter a sojourn of three mbntlis. The merchants of our town * have of late been aunoyed many tinges by unknown persons prowlfng around their premises at unseasonable hours of tlie night for tiie supposed purpose of plunder. These flight fingered" lieiits bettei1 look a little out. Mrs. Valaritine Mc^fett;of Manches­ ter, Iowa, formerlly a resident of this place, returned last Week, accompan­ ied by her son .Tames, alias ^Buffalo Bill. They expect to be with us a few months vislsting relatives and friends. When in town please catt. at J. D. Ferguson's andgxavpine hi» immense stock of goodf suitable for Il9liday gifts%"both useful i^pd ornamental." On Christmas eve a Grand Party will be given at Pingry's Hall for the bene­ fit. of the Algonqnfn Cornet Band.^ ' IMiaoo wfin liivii tn ti*in thd LI£THT t:i I ime looked f«2j BOARDERS WANTED. Tbe undersigned is now pre take a number of Boarders, either by the dav or week, on the most ltetaot»*> able Terms. Good Rooms and Iho bestj>f accommodatioins furnislifd.-- dence near the School House. Ipwaear^Doc. loth, C. STXOUUir, fi • ? . V , M R E W A R D . ; • * . , The above reward will be paid To* any one who will find ouc of vur lo Boots in which there is a counter, inner sole, slip sole or pteoe of heeling that is not cast from a good, thick, piece of sole leather. COLBY BROS. I Ruer^de Bleek BOOTS & SHOES. , It is a conceded fact that the lo Custom Made Boots and Shoes bavo ? r;, =, no superior on the market. Selebtod . / v«, ; ^ stock. Warranted work. For sale, by • J Coll^: Bros., Riverside Block, ' ' * 3 Tt'ts the universal testimony that th% k-> | Buffhlo Boots and Shoes, for which are the sole Agents in this village, ar*V.3gf relatively the best and cheapest in th« T market.* Give them a trial. u >; ooLjaw iiiitii,.' • * ltivercidc MARRIED. 0$M0N Bh-R AW SON.--At the the I'lergvman, G»at>a J Wis., IK'C. joth, 1S78, fay Rer. F. J. ... Mr. Geo. A- to MUs Hattie 11. both of Richmond. Rubber Goods very cheap simmons & Evanson's. 1 TTIE City Bakery, Is the'oitly B in Woodstock where yon can Bread, Pies and Cakes. Wan: at all hotirs,^'i<^ftBi^>|^ih« and Bulk. -v>^ - -'•*' - • A full line of RubborGood lln A StevenB. *•'

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