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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jan 1879, p. 5

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1, •*- WEDNESDAY, JAN. 1ST, 1879. Railroad Time Table. OOiKO SOUTH. QTNM T*K« Paweniref . ..TV, *I-RF A. X. Q«Mra Lake Freight 1:15 r. *. OOINO NOBTBt$ Gene*% T,aTie Freiprht 10:00 A. *. .(kenovft Lake Passenger -....7:02p. M Miss CLARA B. OWEN, spent Chrlst- wlth her parents In this village, ' C. A. KNIGHT and wife are spending tbe Holiday week at Dr. H. T. Brown's In this village. "*•' H. D. Lew and H» C. Irish, of Chica­ go were in thlsvlllage on Frldfy eve­ ning last, « Irsa boy, weighs about eight pounds arrived on Sunday night, and will call Will. Thurlwell Pn. C. P. WAITE, leader ofthe McHenry Cornet Band, has been engacred as Teacher of the new Johnsbtirgh Band. J. A. BALDWIN, Assistant United States District Attorney. Chicago, taade us a pleasant call on Friday. . - 1?^-*- ; JT. KING, of Johusburgh, son-in-law- of John Ileum nn, died on Sunday last.of Inflamatlon of the bowels. He leaves a wife, but no children. PATTEHSON BROS., of Chicago,5 ̂ E. Thomas, of Woodstock, and other?, spent Christmas at the residence of E. 31.Owen, in this village. THE Tee men have commenced work on the Pond, and by next week will be *n full force, probsibty about on&" hun­ dred men. The Ice is reported as,^i«e Inches thick. ;^ * 'Vit /*•' FROM one of tue largest tslty dailies In New York we clip the following: 44Write that man a fool, whether he be great Or small, who boasts that he floes not read his local newspaper."1 • THE City Bakery, is the only Bakery In Woodstock where yon can get Fresh Bread, Pies and Cakes. Waviw Mcnls «t all hours. Oysters by the Can Dish and Bulk. WE learn. that the participants in the fight at Volo, who were arrested and tsven to Waukegan for examin­ ation, were each put under ' 9500 bonds to appear at tiie next terra of the Circuit Court, to be held in that County. v -jiv • THIS is not a dun, yet it is the truth; neither is it poetry; but it is a fact.-- But few people know, or even care, that the country editor has a desper­ ate struggle. They do not realise that 1*6 tru£*& lilfe cluing* lu diliibU. Aitu they are sure that the small sunt they owe him individually, would not help much, if paid, and therefore neglect pavaient. Meanwhile his debts come in lupps to him as large as mountains, and vnlfss met promptly, the weight will crush him. And the thought, while lie is shinning around fleroely for a raise, the ten hundred people owe him more than that number of dollars, a fourth part of whicii would save him from bumilation, does not add much to hisstveet temper. < ' THE Party at the McHenry tfefife, on Thursday evening last, for the benefit of the German School, was attended by aboutlsixtr-flve couples, and was a pi*4 is ant and enjoyable affair, r which was spread for the uld not b«i surpassed, and :s. Stegcman, under whose as gotten up,'are deserving iiise four their efforts. In THE dancing iwtilfcare makingf¥eat preparation for the party at tiie Riverside House this evening. Every­ thing is in tip top shape, and one of the best times of the season may be ^jexpected. Wightman will takeysnrOof you in the best of planner. EVKH\ u«w.«paper man will appreci­ ate the follownug from au exchange: **Get yowr printing done where you please--It in your right-*-but please do not, after ̂ pending your money else-, where, wine to this office bagging free local notlce«.it decent." '• WINK hosts; Parker & Son ftf fche Parker" House, are leaving nothing undone to ensure the comfort of those who attend the Party there this even* ing. Those who have ever been there "know how it is themselves,'*^ and we shall expect to hear of a large crowd 4HI thts occasion. ' V' . Jjr order to get ahead ja little* Xaiw Years, we are obliged to shorten np,a little on our/ correspondents, but we hope they will',overlook it this time* as they will agree with us that it does not occur* often. New Year's comes but once a year, and the printer enjoys a Holiday as well as the rest of man­ kind. . . WE would again call the attention of our readers tp the notice of "Board­ ers Wanted," by C. Stegenian. Mr. and'Mrs. Stegeman are old hands at the business, having kep^ Boarding Heuse in Chicago, for mativ years, and itoe guarantee that all who go there igjll be well t^ken care of. Bead their "• Just received a new Stock of Mill in ery in all the stylish shades in everjy , grades-of Straw, Felt, Velvet. Bea­ vers in Hats aud Bonnets. Every thing in Plush Velvet, Satins, Silks, Plumes, Wings, Ornaments Ac., at Mrs. S. Searles, and will be sold at the very Lowest figures .for Cash, for the ^aixt twenty days, v , j; ' V COLLECTOR SMITH has received tire Tax Book, and will commence about the 15th to collect the Taxes for tiie year 1878. The assessed values this jear areas follows: State33 per cent County 21 1-5 per cent, Town 11 4-6 per dent. Road and Bridge 11 4-5 per cent Corporation 27 per cent. Total Tax for the Town of McHenry, $8,316.86.-- . The Taxesare eo«4derab^ le#» 4ban lost year, • | , -- ' " % ' THE Ladies Missionary Sociable of Alngwood, will hold its next regular meeting at the M. fi. parsonage, in the village of McHenry, on Saturday, Jan. 4lh. The programme for the next jweetingconsistfi of an opening Address, Essay by Miss L.Hall, on Dress ffcform. "Select Reading by Nina Walker. Essay 1^ R. Nickle^nd such other business as may come before the meeting. A cordial invitation is exteuded to the Jadiea ojt MeUeflFJ to attend. *r ORDKB OOMHTTB* very The Supj occasion. Mr. and charge it of great p fact all to(k Hn*fnterest in .the matter, and done all in their power to make the occasiol onelongto be remembered with pieasifc-e by all, A large share of the citable* wens donated by friends of the school, and consequently the proceeds showed a handsome balance, and after paring all expenses 869.35 was put in ti tiie Treasury. This puts the School inl good shape andc takes quite aburd«4i from the patrons. DKATK (IP #OMAH BWIGI^R, We have Ju^t heard of the death of Joslah Dwighjt, an old resident and for mat^y years Circuit Clerk of this county ile d|pd at Cleveland, Oilf^, where he has resided for the p:i*t vean. His re­ mains will be brought tn> Woodstock, where the funeral will take place at 2 p. M. to-day. We will next week speak riifcreat length In relation to Mr, Dwight. m. . ' •.;,).^,.>vv^ " . V?' . .1 *"*" v^f V ; ; OA»D, . . A . ' My Ifforgans bfeg leave, tlifrttjgh the PLAINDEALEH, to express their thanks to "Stock Grower." for tiie flattering notice, they received from his pen. Hivd if he will accept a seat in the "Old Juinper,'* they, each pair in turn, pledge themselves to giva him as pleasant a ride M.possible with such a vehicle. ASA W. SMITH, A CARD OF THANKH ,r We gratefully take this method of tlianking the sympathizing friends who so nobly aided us on tiie occasion of the burning of pur barn and con- teiKs, Christmas Eye. We feel that to your exertions we ewe the roof that Is now over our headsi May yon never need one to fcove^ yours. For the -Christmas gift, whhai expressed your -snhstantial sympatht. we return heart­ felt tlw3iik«. Our misfortune has proved to us that friend* are more to 'he prized than inonev: and that Ood ^IHV bless asd all. In heart, iii basket and in stori, is the earnest pi%yerbf Yourf^Gratefnlly, ' >:n S. K. ^EXXKTT, NUNOA- EDITO^- PLAXNDKALER--The recent cold snap worked wonders by the way of marriages in this vicinity. . Frank Gening and Miss Bell Shales, George V/his. ton aud Mis,* C&nie "Flanders, Willie Knox and Miss Florence Bird- sail, Joseph Shales and Miss Effle Crab- tree, and last but not least was the marriage of L. 8. Malldry and Miss Febie Beckley, The two last men­ tioned were horn and brought up In this Immediate vicinity and are un­ doubtedly among the most respected of our8odety. Miss Febie, the daugh­ ter of Capt. Beckley, has shown from childhood a very mild, and amiable disposition aud beiug the petted of fond parents, Leroy having been early deprived of a Mothers love and protecting care and his Father being deeply engaged in a Son the rn political life, could not give him the attention a boy so much needed, notwithstand­ ing Leroy has built up a character for himself that ma«y a young man might well imitate. He is now a trusted salesman in Andrews & Co.'s Whole­ sale School Furniture House, Chicago. Tiie marriage ceremony was performed by R. K.Todd,of Woodstock, at the residence ofthe bride's parents, in the presence of a large number of relatives and friend; on Christmas eve. After the happy pair were united they were made the recipients of a large number of presents which space %IN not allow us to give in detail. A very sad accident occurred here on last Friday night when one of our most esteemed young men lost one of his legs. Chris. Buek was the unlucky one. While attempting to step ofT from the Jauesville train while in mo­ tion he slipped and fell under the cars tiie wheels crushing his right leg So "badly that amputation was necessary about four inches above the knee.-- Tiie lef t foot was also run over and badly mangled, but there Is hopes of saving it. He 1B at his brothers house. Toney Buck's, where he is made as comfortable as can ber. Chris, has the sympathy of the whole community, being a man well liked by every one who knew hiui. We hope a speedy healing may take place and he may be able to soon be among us again. Win. Butler is no>v our appointed Express Agent. ; ^ Ed. Bryuntcameail the way from Kansas to be present at the wedding of L. S. Mallory and Febie Beckley. We think his presence cost more than the presents of any one that was there. Leroy Beckley is at home spending the Holldaj's^from the Valpiraso Ind. Normal School. Mrs. Dr. Graves is spending a few d*ys at home resting from her studies in Chicago. Ed. St. Clair has a nice horse which lie bought from a Cblcngo party.-- Said horse is expected to otic trot any plMg hereabouts, having beeu all old courser. \ There will bp a dance New Year's night in Bailouts Hail. A good tliue Is expected. • >, Cr««Tari)K KtehUioni. i»1.. Dec. 45, friS. C. BKHXETT. . v.:; " . Q«h1 Kptate Transfers The following is a list of Real Es­ tate Transfers for the j three weeks ending Dec. 21st 1878. Patrick Syrnn to Amanda Anu* 9/IM. nwM see 5, Graf ion, #4,000 ? H. Fenner an<t wife to WS, Pnrson*. 10 A in NeX nn'K nee 10, Klehmond, fMO. Wm, 1>. Ciates to Henry Lye. NX n w 3 ^ s e c 3 , A l g o n q u i n , • 2 5 0 > j ; f ; John Bean to nenj. standirtu SJifw.V w* nwM see 20, Seneca, Sl00. j * ? * ; J. F. Warren to Benj. SU>ndtsli. WJt iX wX sK 17, seneca, f400. . H. H. Stmfelrit to James M|k<tden. BX ntrX sec 83, Alien. Esther R. Gil more to J. A, Pariah. WX •ec, 2, Dorr, Sl'200, Walter G. Bell to Owen MoGee. NeJi a*X sec 36, Chcinung, S2W. Geo. J. Dole to Uwrenfl(fc gattftran. 3X nwii sec 13, Marengo, #2iA0.< Charles Tripp and wife tn jolui Tripp. WJt neX and stOu* u«^ sec 30, Itittty, #2,000, C. L. Blackmail and wife Jto Wm, H. Wood. Lt 7 blk 7 Blackman'8 Add to Harvard, 200. Nancy Paddock and ha«t»4nd to Wm Butler Lt 3 blk 5 Paddock's Add to C. Lake, #150. Peter S. Crawford to H. L. Bishop. LtsC« 8, 4, in seK sec. 20, 8enoca, W00. II. H. Ford and wife to Jatne* GoodAan t Jr. Lt S blk 1 Foad's Add, to C. .Lake. Axtell, P« in Hastings, t a in Thaeker. Po ijRobt, Ha<lke. N. H. U. Axtell to Mrs. Ai sees 96 and 35, Marengo, $3, Geo, Brown and wife to se^ sec 24, Richmoud, 400. J, M. Neale and wife to in seK sec 20 McHenry, $ John llilley and wife 48, WO a in sees 3 and 10, Algonquin, $1,800 August Arps and wife to j Fred llaininea.-- 90 a in swK 8«c 2. Aigonquiii, $1,400. John Bur roughs and wife! to Felix Mc- Keown. 8X wX V »w^ »ec 7, Riley, $100. Owen Hubbard and wile!to School Trust, Marengo District. 10 pc innwM sec 16, #10. E. G. & E, E. Ayer and wives to Martin O'Brien. Lts 4. 5 and 6 bile 31, Harvard, $300, Levi Oowdry and wife ti Mary A. Bourne. Lt 1 blk? e 1 smiths, add ! to, Woodstock, $120, . A. H. Hanlev and wife to Richard Bishop. 20, 38-100 a sex sec 27, McH*nry, $1000. Mai tin Boyle and wife to R. Bishop. 1 a la nw}< sec2i, "McHenry, $100. A. Jenkins and wife to Alfred Corson. Pt lt 46 sec 36, Marengo, ?300. , P. C. Tecple and wife to Rath Teeple. Pt It 46 sec 36, Marengo, $1000. Alma A. Thomas et al to J,K. Saylor. Swjf se)i sec 32, McHeurr, $1000. Simeon Bellows and wife tp John Gaffney and wife. WJf svK DW frajtf 8ec *> Alden, $2000. Mathew Carrol to Richard Gleauon. E3I «S0 a sej{ nw,^ sec 16, Alden, $337.50. Joseph Dalby and wife to M. Fitagerald.-- 74>ia in seM sec 33, Graftou, $M0 ChasG. ttossell and wife tosJ. T. Pierson.-- Lts 3 and 4 blk 3 Pomeroy'a oat lots to Orys tal Lake, $300. Hester M. Hoag and hus to Isaac Q. Dike 10 a in nw^i sec 24, Ooral, 400.7 PEOPLE who go to Woodstock and take their meals at the Wavcrly, will be furnished stable room for horses free. \ ,, CALL at Blajke's and see his stock of polidijr Goods. The Holiday trade In Richmond has been very large. * Our public school closed for vacation- on Tuesday. The teachers were, pre­ sented fitting gifts by their pupils. The High School concert, given at the Baptist Church, at the close of the term, was very line, and showed great proficiency In the pupils of the notl^ cal classes. Constable Shinkle had a long chase after a gun thief on Saturday aferuoon and night. The culprit was captured in Antioch, and, pn Sunday morning was safely lodged In the Richmond calaboose. VOLO. tfiitToitPifAiNi)fcALER:--A comnlalut for A**anlt and Battery was entered at Waukegan against the rioters that made night hideous here the 5th Inst. The officers came up the 19th antT^ar- rested all that was In the affray. Some were in Johusburgh, John Myers was In McHenry aud when arrested refused, to go along but he sooi^ had cause to change his mind. When at Waukegan the trial was placed on the 97th, and at this date the examination came oft before E. M. Dennis, Esq. The Attor­ neys for the Defendants were Murphy, of Woodstock, Morse, Thompson, R, Bishop and Heydecjier. District At­ torney Whitney for the people. The result of the whole business will be as­ certained at the March term of the Circuit Court. Three Separate suits will be placed upou that smooth car­ pet, cailed equity, The Tin Wedding, the 23d inst„ at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. E.Tower was a very pleasant aud enjoyable tin arrangement. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bought have fust returned from a visit to Columbia county, N. Y., ami froni his corpulent condition we should judge he must have lived on the top shelf. Mrs. Rought's health is much improved. Marvin Rogers, Esq., died very sud denlv on the morning of the 18th inst., at the residence of his son, Henry Rog­ ers. His lamp of light went out like a taper that had been wholly consumed, and went peaceful co his eternal rest. While we pause to consider the merits of the one who has just left us forever let us try to regard others deserving our attention and give them the friend­ ly hand of social kindness while life givepthe opportunity." As time goes on all are passing away. Life is dreary enough with all the friendship that can be let us be social, and friendly wheu toe can. The Christmas Tree * H. 15. Church, in consequence of the cold was not very heavily loaded, but that package of money and that well- dressed fat hog, caused a little dimness in those aged eyes and a little tremor in the voice. Ah, if we had more of such men and women to give gifts to the worthy, the world would be the better for them. A very pleasaut Sabbath School con­ cert and banquet was given at the M. E. Church on Christmas eve. The at­ tendance was large and the little folks acquitted themselves creditably and enjoyed themselves muchly. The Winter t«rm ofthe High school opens on Thursday Jan. 2d. The school has a reputation second to none In the State, and offers superior advantages for those who wish to pursue tiie higher branches of study It ought to have a score of students from McHenry. At about two o'clock on Tuesday afternoon our citizens were startled by the cry of *'flre," and rushing into the streets, a glance showed its locality to be in the barn of Dr. S. F. Bennett, in au incredibly short space ot time al­ most eve^ry able-bodied man In the village was on the ground working like tigers to save the house, which was in imminent danger. The barn and contents were past saving almost before the Are was discovered, if ever ineu worked nobly our citizens worked that afternoon. Everything available for carrying water was seized and three pumps kept running until the falling n of the burning building rendered the hou83 comparatively safe. The tire was first discovered by the smoke is­ suing from the pigeon holes on the North end, opening from the hay loft, which shows that the ftre originated there, and leads to the belief that it must have originated through the care­ lessness of some wandering tramp who had there sought shelter from the cold. This theory of the origin is strengthen­ ed by the fact that a German working for Mrs. Gibbs found a tramp secreted between her barn and corn cribs shortly after the Are was down. Ou being questioned he gave no satisfactory ac­ count of himself, but made off. The rapid destruction of the building seemed wonderful. When the smoke wao first seen. Mrs. Bennett and her little son Robby ran to the barn and the boy bravely rushed lu and untied one cow aud took her to the door where the mother seized the halter and led the animal out. Hobby then ruBhed into the brrn a second time to save If possible, the horse?, but the frightened animals were fractiourf and the little fellow became so suffocated by the «moke that he with the utmost difficulty found the door opposite where he Entered and made his escape. It seems like one of God's especial mercies that the brave boy did not lose his life. A cutter and robes, stand­ ing next the north door, and one oow, are all, of the entire contents of the barn saved. The building contained the Doctor's favorite horse "Thunder­ bolt," a horse belonging to Professor Stanley, two harnesses, one tep carriage one open buggy, saddle aiid trappings, two cows, over a ton of oorn meal, a ton and a half of hay, 25 bushels of oats, one cook stove and numerous small articles. The Or. and Professor Stanley have, on all sides, met with the uiost marked sympathy from our people, and I heard the Dr. remark that his misfortune had shown him how uoble and how generous friends could be. The two horses were the, most re­ gretted loss as they were great pets frith their owners and families. The building was insured lu the American, of Chicago, for #200,00. Messrs Alexan­ der & Hyde, the Agents, sent notifica­ tion of the loss next morning aud a reply was returned ou the 27th that an adjusting agent would be at once sent on to settle the loss. I must not forget to state that the Babcockextinguishers, of which the village possesses two, did efficient service during the fire. gVA Httle son of Mr. litttmerB, who Uvea near Untoli, was on last Saturday accidently shot in his face by an older brother firing at him with a revolver with which they were fooling. The hft" entered the left ride cf the ft?«?c wear the oh$efc bone, and passing a lit­ tle upward todgeii near Use ear, as la suppose4, but lu whereabouts could not be defined either by Dr., Wernham or Dr, Green, both of whom searched diligently for It with tbe probe. Tbe wound Is not believed to be dangerous The boya were pi ay lug with the re­ volver, orw barrel having a load In, and it Is supposed they did not know It.-- The older boy, about nine years old, pointed the revolver at the younger, aud told him he would shoot him, anil biased away with the above result.-- Another warning to - parenta to' keep snch dangerous things out of the reach of children, and a warning to all never to point a shooting Iron of any kind at anybody, unless you , UiteutioauUy . or foolishly mean to commit murder.-- Marengo Republican. flSJTMr. MeFatland, who was tried In York for murdering Mr. Rich­ ardson, lives at South Bend, Ind. His former wlfb. Mrs. Abby Sage Richard­ son, went there last week to deliver a lecture, and It struck Mr. McFariand that it would be a sensational thing to attend the lecture, which he did, tak­ ing a prominent seat in front. During the delivery or the lecture lie did all that he could to attract the atteutlon of Mrs. Richardson, but the plucky aud sensible and self possessed Ionian paid no attention to liim whatever, and gave the audience no intimation of having recognizcd lilin. Those who catne to witness a scene went away disappoint­ ed, and there was nothing for Mr. Me* Farland to do but to go home aud go to bed. It is to be hoped sober* IflTTlie American Indians do Btot exterminate worth a cent. Rhetoric tells us that they are fading away be­ fore the onward progress of the white raen^but the*e progressive white men fall to see them fade. According to figure* officially collected the excess of births over deaths is considerable in a large number of the tribes, especially in the Sioux Confederacy, where their numbers have been quadrupled In forty years and more than doubled in thirty years. It may as well be confessed that very little is really known about the true condition of the Nations wards.---jgrc/tanjye. ?• zh fj$TA Washington dispatch announ­ ces that five members of the prec-ent Congress have died. This is an unusual mortality. The list embraces Welch, of Nebraska, Leonard, of Louisiana; Quinn.of New York; Williams^and Douglass. One Southern Congressman is being treated for delerium tremens, and another. Riddle, of Teiiiiew*, iiii been taken home in a eouUltlei^^wv deriugou Insanity. IMPROVE THE TIME. Having decided to go West In the Spring I would say to all my old friends in McHenry county, who have negatives in my posesslon or who wish, to get Pictures taken that "now is the accepted time." I am now prepared to take Pictures In any style. In the, best of manner and warrant satisfac­ tion. Come as early In the day as possible, and do not wait for a clear day, as a cloudy day is preferable for a good Picture, I have also a fine stock of Albums, Picture Frames &c.. for the Holiday Trade, to which I Invite" your especial attention, confident that I can pfease yon botli^ fei quality and price. / ' J,8 XIDUB. Woodstock Dec. lTth, 187a For the Shoes go t(|2 •##«<#I 'Stevens. i Mrs. Salisbury has a choice selection of Holiday Presents. Do not fail to give her a call and lear$ pri«**< ; NOTICE EXTRAORDINARY* - ' I am preparing not to close up busi­ ness, and I want those knowing them­ selves indebted to me on merchandise account to settle up and pay up with­ out further notice. B. Giunwr. McHenry. Dec. 20tb, 1S78. A large variety of Ladies and Gen- tleniens Slippers at Fitesimmons A fjV^sou's - PARTICULAR NOtlClE. jjv All persons knowing themselves In­ debted to the firm of Smith & Snyder, either by Note or Book Account, are requested to call and settle the same without delay, as our books must be closed preparatory to closing out our business. This is no humbug, and those indebted to us will do well to liepd this notice and call and see us at once. McHenry, SMITH ASR*M$T:. 10th, 1878. •J:* FURS! FURS!!FURS!!! |;^g- ifiTncklln & Stevens have a fine ment of Mink Furs, which they will sell at low prices to close before the Holidays. >• rr For a nobby suit, go to Later & Renr the De-pet., SixSxlOOhromos, Mr eentt,a»* B Blake's. ^ : Only 9m Carriage left, e#e of Four teen two month*ago* at E,M*OweuT*. p\ A full line of. Carpentervllle other Flannel* at Buckiiu & Steven*. Bargains can be had at Buckttn Stevens lu a great variety of goods. Call and make a selection Fifty Plows, at E. M. Owen's. Examine two Courtlaud Wagons different at E. M. A good assortment of Spliuti found at Blake's, cheap. A fine lot of Zephyr and Card Boardsk just received at £ B. Blake's FurnlturO Store. THE new departure taken by Mr. SheWood, proprietor of the Waverly House, Woodstock, Is a very coramen- dable one. The mere suggestion, of having farmers, anil others going to that city to trade, get shelter for their horses, Is a sensible one, but when taken together with the fact, of get­ ting them housed for nothing* i(ln case you get uieala at the W ave rly,) should be encouraged. Hereafter, let those going to that town to trade, improve the opportunity and get their horse* taken ca^e of.. ' "i ,• , --- - • : BbTTOM REACHED. ^ Until further notice, we will sell Meats, FOR CASH, at the following rates: Beef Steak.....8 to 10 cts. Beef Roast... .. 7 to 8 cts Pork # to8cts Corn Beef. cts Boiling Beef^....j.^....... to 7 cts. f&"The best Brands of OYSTERS as Low as the Lowest, and always on hand. We keep none but the best of Meats and are bound not to be undersold.-- Give us a call and we will be sure to please you, FRETT 9b SON, McHenry, Jan. 1st, 1870. * CASH! CASH!! For the lowest Cash Prices en aB classes of Gooils vou will find the bot­ tom touched at ftneklin & Stevens.-- The best Fifty Cent Tea in the market as good as has usually been sold for 73 cents. Five gallon keg of splendid Svrup for 83.50. Five pounds of good Roasted Coffee for $1. These are a few of the prices. All other goads in proportion. Call and see. HOLIDAYS! HOLIDAYS!! What better gift for wife or daugh­ ter than a set of nice Furs, when you can get themsoeheap at Bucklln *.itevet% , ;• „ a folC^f- Boots vi Fitzsimmon* if Bvanton have line of the Celebrated Walker also a full line cf Beloit Shoes. warrant every pair, . GREAT~REDUCTION! v' ' vf In the prices of the Buffalo Boot# '"'I and Shoe*. Don't fail to see them beW fore making your selections,. Ill 4 COLBY BOOS. ; ltiverskle Bloctt • School Books and Wrltllig Paper Cheap, at O. W. Owen*s. , :-~j : Stop at E. M. Owen's and see neir the • $ Geared Cortland Wagon. New Stock of Cloths. Ready-Mad^ ,^4 Clothing, Ac., for the Fall trade jusf / " received at Lauer A Becker's, neat Depot. _ WOODCHOPVJEK8 WANTKISW Eight or ten good Wood ohoppont * wanted Immediately. Inquire of John W, Smith, * f pumps. *7'! . A larye Stock of Adams Kenosha Pumps. Tiie best Pumps an at lowest prices, at E. M. Owen's. - ( OVERCOATS. * A great reduction on this llni Goods at Fitzslmmons AEvanson*i FOR the "Boss" shave or Hair Cut call at Wilson's Tonsorial Parlor^ over O. W. Owen^ Store. McHenry, f! BA RG Al NSTBARG AINS Jf-6 For the next thirty days Bucklln A Stevens will offer especial bargains liri order to reduce stock before takings annual inventory. The celebrated M. Selz .& Co**# Boots and Shoes at very low prices ai' Buokliu A Stevens. I TRADE DOLLARS. On and after date Trade Dollart will be received for Goods at par at Bucklln St Steven*, near the Depet. HOLIDAY Good* for old slid young, af Blake'*. CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! CLOAKS!!! Ladies Cloak* cheap at Bucklln A Steven*. . - Cloak* at Cost and below to elof*---- We have a few left that niu*t lie sold atoaee. ... riTXSIMMOITS * KVAV*OK % 6XSB! CASH! CASH! Will buy Millinery for the nex^ twenty days at cost, at Mrs Searles*. v 'k From now until the close of the sea son Bucklln ft Stevens will sell al smaller profits than ever, giving the riloat goods for the least money or an] house 'in the county. Try theui. BOARDERS WANTED. The undersigned ts now prepared 1 take a number of Boarders, either bj the day or week, on the most Reasoi able Terms. Good Rooms and best of accommodations furnished. Residence uear the School House. o. Bisuma ; * VeHenrr. Dec. Wth. 1*78, - " v 035 REWARD. The above reward will be paid t^ ' anyone who, will find one of our Buffaf^ lo Boots In which there Is A oounteii* inner sole, slip sole or piece of heeling that Is not cast from a good, thick!* piece of cole leather. COLBY BKOS. Riverside BOOT8&8HOES. It Is a conceded fact that the Buffn^ lo Custom Made Boots and Shoes havC < no superior on tiie market. Seleete# stock. Warranted work. For sale b#: Colby Bros., Riverside Bloek. ^ It is Che Universal testimony that tl Buffalo Boots and Shoes, for whfeh are the sole agents in this village, relatively the best and cheapest ta th#* market. Give them a trial. COLBY BBPS. deBtoet at th# sh w# K ar#^ Rlrerside: m MALLORY--ftKOKLKY^al the reside^ of the bride's pavMit*. In JN«da» 11L, evenlngof DeoTwkjb. by tie Re*. R. K. tWife of Woodstock* Mr. Lerov 8. |UUon a»§ Miss Febie eldest itangntwr of OfepC M. munJ Heck ley, boll* #f K'sndtt. WHISTON--PLANDKRS--At tberasideoN^ of tlx* oflSHatingr clergyman, at Woodst<«»ag III., Dec.ltttvWI^hf Key, Wu K. Wd, Mitj Geo. WhistM and Miss Came Flanders, both of Xnada. OiUUlS-fOHKIh^lifho»e*M*ofe 9f«h|r officiating elergynn*% ft Wis., Dee. ttth. Wa % R X Doaalaas* , Mr. Henry Crane aaftlBas Maella V. Fosts^ both of BfolUBend. GOOWUOH-WRAY-At the reaidewe the officiating clorifyman, at Genoa Junction Wis.. Dec. 24th, by ttev. P. J. DougtasM Mr. Joint C. (Goodrich, of Daavtile, VermiHwHa Co., aiwl mrnSoM*m Wmf. of ««*•***. ~ Remember that Fitssimmona. Evanaoa are still selling Overcoaia Bargains. " Rubber Goods very cheap ai sinuaon* & Evanson'*. New and stylish C^othl eelved at Fitsslmmene ft FltasinuMn* 4| - at OcMm beoafht «||: We ha Phelps, Calf Shoe# we invite to*] Evauson. FBBSU California Bros. The ftnes« , v , ̂ t * J- r A » 'A ou ^ -

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