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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jan 1879, p. 7

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S'JJBMAMZ* HOME. * • " • t '• i." ' "•:': ' >.i. '.-» • -*'•-*' - ••• -'feffiri ' ' ' - ' v ' " #• .'/=-." i.'v---K.-'. i. '-.< '• • -"': •• .'•' .i-:. ."V. k - .. *••'•' v-." ' V•. • • . r--'r' c>? V: r-, ~ T • -»^,.]MI -jfiniwr • J"*"- »«'«*»I•-. •mtumvr' • N/: -imv-'-.r:. • > -:r >£<*•*. -- «•» «hitf>v «g*J »»- *«•.«;.» -4 >••? , [pWjjp» *£ty* ** >'/; • ' '£•- . : • . • i"' J- " Arm BaMwgi. IT tslflMMfcore fodder to ! barely alive in a cold barn, into which ; the snow drives, and through which the wind whistles, than it does to keep ifc thrifty and in good flesh In a ^arm • stable, where the manure will not freefce. * --Mirror and'Farmer. Sc ^E-BUG8.--Use a brash and soap- " frada on ivies for the scale-bug. I know > of no other means for exterminating 7 '--f them. I had a large c&buliton nearly destroyed by them, and I used the snds but once, and am entirely rid of them. |p |#f--Letter to Chicago Tribune. ^ | . Wraraa FBOTBCTION car Pxju$ra^~ ^ For winter protection; all tender roses, ^7. pampas grass, oleanders, and tritomas ; ' may be bent to the grotthd and covered entirely with coal ashes, and in the lati- ' tude of New Jersey or Illinois will be safe, unless it be small tea-fbses.--In­ dependent. A WEBTEEN farmer wanted to borrow a gun from a neighbor for the purpose „ of killing some yellow birds in his field of wheat, which were eating the grain. His neighbor declined to loan the gun, for he thought the birds ulseful. - In or­ der to satisfy his curiosity he shot one of them, opened its craw, and found in it 200 weevils and four grains of wheat, raid in these four grains the weevils had burrowed.--Indiana Farmer. THE income from a sheep, a pig, a few fowls, given to the boys for the care of the same, will often stimulate them to excellent care and good judgment in the management of stock. A little re­ creation at times, and not all hard work, is worth more than the same time de­ voted to labor. Better school oppor- tunities should be afforded. More far­ mers' sons should go to agricultural colleges.--Chatham Courier. A CORRESPONDENT of the Kansas Farmer advises planting black walnuts, as soon as ripe, a foot apart, in rows four feet apart; let them grow without trim­ ming for three years, giving* good cult­ ure; then cut down close to the ground, and "the next season a shoot will strike upward, as straight as an arrow, and at least ten feet high." At this age, he tells the boys, "the trees will be worth $10 a hundred, which is better than to eat the nuts." THE editor of, the Indiana Farmer says he raised this year, in three or four shorl rows, » bushel of peanuts of fair size and quality, or at the rate of 250 to 300 bushels per acre, and he is confident that on good sandy or well-drained soil crop would be profitable in that latitude. The same paper mentions a boy kt Danville who gathered ten and one-half quarts from a bed 7x10 feet, jt and he is so well pleased with the product that he is "going next year to plant peanuts on a large scale." WE have butchered a 4-year-old Jer­ sey bull, and have the testimony of the butcher that • he never killed a steer which had a hide so soft, thin and fine. A velvety skin is an important perquis­ ite in a good cow, and in a dairy breed is an essential point in a bull. A good ' cow always has a mellow hide, and a poor cow one that is thick and harsh to the touch; hence in a stock bull the breeder cannot be too particular in re­ gard to the character of the skin. Com­ mon bulls usually have very harsh and thick hides. Breeding for a purpose, as in the base of the Jerseys, will produce certain results, and it is these which make pure-bred, stock more valuable The skin of this 4-year-old bull only weighed seventy pounds--thirty to fifty pounds less than that of a native animal of the same age would have weighed. -- Col. T. D. Curtis, in Rural New Yorker. _____ Domestic Eoononty. Rtcis CAKES.--One pound erf, rioe flour, one pound of butter, eight eggs, andf half a nutmeg; bake the same as gri<l&e <Kk|a. 1 OKRA SOUP.--To five quarts of water F and a shin of beef add four dozen okras, sliced thin, and a few tomatoes; boil from six to seven hourB, and add salt and red pepper to taste. WORMS ON PLANTS.--Worms at the roots of plants can be exterminated by i watering with a solution made of fresh lime and water. Use after the lime has settled. It will improve the plants. FISH SALAD.--Pick up codfish and place in frying pan; season with salt and pepper, the juice of a lemon and melted butter, a little vinegar^ and one raw egg beaten; let it warm over a slow fire, stirring so that they do not burn; plaoe in a dish; serve cold WINE BISCUITS.--Rub into one pound of dry flour four ounces of butter, four ounces of white powdered sugar, , one egg and a spoonful or two of cream to make it into a paste. When mixed, put currants into one-half and caraway into the rest. Cut and bake in tins. fjiRAn PIPES.--Clean lead pipes lead­ ing from wash-bowls by pouring down • „ them a strong solution of potash dis­ solved in hot water. Don't get the ^ mixture on the hands or clothing. It JP destroys all animal matter, hair, etc.v, «nd saves employing a plumber. BROWN APPLE-SA<JCE.--Use six good- sized apples, one-half pint of brown gravy, cayenne to taste. Put the gravy in » stew-pan, and add the apples, after having pared, cored and quartered them. X** them. pimmor £«ntly till tender; beat them to a pulp, and season with cayenne. o ̂̂ FOB THE BATH.--A teaspoonful or more of powdered borax thrown into a bath-tub while bathing will communi­ cate a velvety softness to the water, and at the same time invigorate the bather; persons troubled with nervousness or wakeful nights will find this kin^i of bath a great benefit. SOFT SOAP. -- Three-qnarterd of a pound of washing soda and a pound of brown soap cut in small pieces; put them in a large stone jar on the back of the range, when the range is not very hot, and pour oter it a pailful of cold water; stir it once in a while, and, after some hours, when thoroughly dissolved, put it away to oool. It forms a sort of jelly, and is excellent to remove grease on floors or shelves. SWEET POTATOES.--Take medium- sized, perfect potatoes and boil them until, as the Irish say, "there's a bone in them "--which is supposed to mean not quite done; take them from the water, peel them smodthly and carefully, and slice them lengthwise into aqueensware pudding-dish; add a reasonable portion of good butter, sjprinkle over them two or three table-spdonfuls of granulated sugar, and finish booking them in the oven. Serve hot: TBTE JACKASS AND THE MTOR One day there was a jackus a passin by a winder, and he herd a yung lady singing, and he stopped, the jackus did, and pinted his ears strate ahed of his nose; you never seen sech ears, biggern he was his ownself! After the jackus had harked a wile he flopt his ears back til they tutched his tale, and then he streched out his kneck and let down his chin, and brayed so fritefle that it broke all the windoes in the house! And wen it was all over it was mity stil in that house, I can tell you, jest like somebody wasded. But bime by the olp man he stuck his hed out the windb, and he sed to |he jackus: 1 "Mebby you dont lity the music wich is made in this house? " I dont kanow wethef I ot to like it or not. I got a mity firie voice, but no ear." \ Uncle Ned he Says one|time there was a mule wich moved away from the place were it Jived, cos its master sold it to a other feller. But after a|ong time he bot it back, and wen it wto brot home agin it see a jackus, and thf mule it had never saw a jackus before. | So it hiked awile, the mule did, and then it sed: " My feelins tels me that feller is my little boy." s • So the mule it went up ti the jackus and sed 1 ' "Little feller, dont you kanow me? Ime the ole man; yes, indeed, you see yure daddy before you, ded shure!" And then the mule it snoozled him with its now, reel loving. Bqt the jack­ us he roled his eyes up sollom, like preechers eys, and dident say nothing, but one time Billy, thats my brother, he spoke rite out loud in church. The mule sed a other time: " My son, wen you are grode up, and hav got childrens of yure own, yule un­ derstand how I kanew you. Its the pa­ ternal instinct, wich speeks to a fothers hart like the crack of awip; yes, in­ deed, my boy, the paternal instinct is jest the biggest thing in this world." But the jackus it was the mules foth- er, and the biggest quodderped wich wocks the face of the erth is elephants, but wales is the gratest wich plows the deep*--Little Johnny. TUB INVENTOR OF TIKE BAROME- fJE*. . , The explanation which Galileo gave to Uhe artisafls of the failtire ol their sucking pump to raise water higher than iluily-i/wu feet, namely, that it v*d& the limit of nature's abhorrence of a vacuum, he didv not. consider himself as quite satisfactory; it was, indeed, evad­ ing, rather than meeting, the difficulty proposed for his solution. In the last of his dialogues he mentions an experi­ ment to ascertain this power of Girtu, as he calls it, of a vacuum ; but, although he got the length of weighing air, he advanced to no conclusion respecting the effect of its incumbent mass. The atmosphere was, in his days, still sup­ posed to reach to the moon, and the pressure of columns of such enormous* height seemed to mock all calculation and to overwhelm the imagination. Torricelli, the friend and pupil of Galileo, resumed the investigation at the interesting point where his master had left it. He conceived the happy idea of exhibiting the action of a pump on a contracted eoale by means of a col­ umn of mercury, which is fourteen times heavier than water. He ascer­ tained that the water and mercury were each supported by the s&me equipoise, which, after some hesitation, he at last concluded to be the external atmos­ phere; and, having afterward con­ structed what has since received the name of the siphon barometer, he de­ tected that variation of pressure which depends on the change of the weather. These important results were published in the year 1645; but Torricelli did ndt live to enjoy the fame of his great dis­ covery, being snatched away by a putrid fever i$ the flower of his age. POINTED SHOES. A great beau of the time of William Rufus, called Robert the Horned, wore shoes with long sharp points, stuffed with tow, and twisted in a spiral form. This fashion took the fancy of the peo­ ple of that day immensely, and the points went on increasing yearly untfr the reign of Richard II., when they had to be tied to the knees of the wearer to save him f^om being encumbered in walking. This tying or fastening, in the case of gentlemen, was by chains of silver or silver gilt. In Chaucer's time the upper part of these shoes was cut to imitate" a church window. The rank of the wearer in those days was known by the length of his poulaines. " The men," says Paradin, " wore them with a point before, half a foot long; the richer and more eminent personages wore them a foot, and Princes two feet long." By an act of the reign of Edward IY. the absurd lengths $o which these points had attained was limited; and no one under the rank of lit Lord was to wear shoes more than ten inches long, and all cobblers making them were to be fined and cursed by the oletgj.--Allthe Year Bound. • " ,,> '• : THE bloodhound is now employed hy Spanish fishermen to catch sharks cm the Cuban coast. DECAY. Turn whithersoever we will on the proud face of creation, and we find the landmarks of decay. A continued au­ tumn brings down the weak and aged *to death. ^ The strong oak that lifts its haughty head on yonder hill, defying the hurri­ cane, may have a tiny worm gnawing at its heart that will sooner ear later send its lifeless trunk to the earth, a broken mass of decaying wood. The huge mountain, around whose lofty turrets the lightnings of a thou­ sand ages have played and flashed, and whose devoted sides have breasted the storms of snow and rain, alike impervi­ ous to each, may contain within its bosom a volcano that will, one day, rend it in fragments, and level it with the plain. 1 The haughty eagle, that mounts the sky, and dries his plumage in the sun­ shine far above the clouds, has his al­ lotted 100 years to live. Everywhere we find indelibly stamped the word " decay." The sun, moon and stars--the earth, with the bones and ashes of her myriad dead--must one day be rolled up as a scroll. The tooth of »•'«>« is continually gnawing the bones of departed millions. The si­ lence of the tomb gives back but a single echo, and that--decay* Tax Typographical Union of Hew York numbers 1.200 members. gaampward of 80 years Mm WINSt/WE BOOTH&tibTIiUP his been nmd forohMreu withnew-ftdling «uccew. It, correct* of ttie •tomMh, jelievee wind colic, the lxmela, enm dysentery awl whofcer arising from teething or other eram Aa old and weO tned remedy. 25 crt«, % botfle. 'Ifecksrui's Swcut iitvy I'Qb&ot**. IMPORTANT Pan,*. ttM md Oth«r* c*n pnrohiws no mmeAf equal toDr TOBIAS* VENETIAN LINIMENT, fm th« oure of OholM, Diarrhoea, Bywmtery, Croop, Colts andSe*. token Intern*)],* (it i» p«rfectt> harml«*s; m >ggggka^cllCT?K>y1«? »iUm»Uy Cn ««0 JTBASKB A Select; «f IMSI N< •imaged by separate States, rates and a mnt redaction rr«A toa«iy applicant. AddraaalTowtp&per Mw&Tt&Uftg IWSSIS'Skft* to eauti customers. Bureau, 10 Spruce itreet, New York. $7 Warranted a PREFECT CURE (or motioy returned) tor alt the ««r»! form* of PILKS, LEPROSY, Sen or. OLA, RHEUMATISM, SALT RHKCM. CATAKHFI, KLDMKX DWKABKG, ami aUditeaxeiot ths SKIM and BLOOD. II. IK FOWLK & CO., OT«wtr*ai and BMIDN. 8"ld everywhere, ftl.OO a Bottle. _ FULLER A FU LLER^L*te,,Ch!<!a«o A DAY to Agent* canvawiuiff (or the far*. •We Vhltor. Terms and Onlflt ires. Ad> draaa P. Q. VICKKRY. Augitste, Matcw. VOUNG MEN££-.£«5?i • month. Every graduate poar mtead n puging fttu- etlon. Addrena R. Valentine. Biattager, Janennlle.Wlk MUSICAL KNTKRTAINMBNT New book. By SKP.WlNNKO. Sam- " How to do it. >o..N»--aii,K.Y- $8 > DAY AWrilNGS-lTiHTS! OOSoBtti DrxplainM i ' f l X I l T v i . " T 4 " t * Wnti AkiimiA St.. fftdl wonsen <HII ( h" h/u jnoy• Ciin make from sit to a a ay. Sawit are maisi»<f it nott. Strike wtitle the Iron la hot. Send ao«*-centstams> tor oxrticulara. Jnv. 8, T. MftnHk, MUton Pa. S-M«r« N«wapa Independent in and enbn Kaphl--a contains Mailed, poetp«id. far renna aa postpahS.I .OhlcajKk KEDT. 'ial ki:M, Side.Bi «as«s of I U rin.iry _ UX encaurak«ss sleep, creafas an appetite, bracas up the system: atul renewed health is the i-esultof using IlCVrv* KiMlKHV. Send for patniihietto WM, B. ' > (>h i: K F, i'ntvidcn<Se, H. C THE NEW VHK SUN. Q5ot«. aiaonth; 9^.40»|»ar. - SOtm. S# VVK T H E N baa the tartraat " ^ the tarmat giroolaUon and le the oheapMt and moat mtoreatin* papar in tlM ttfolted SttUHU THK V.'EKKJ.Y SUN la wnp&aUoally p*» ple'd Jttmilf Itanetf. I. W. BNGLAND. Pnbllaher, N. Y. Cttr. VIOLIN A N D P M N O (>le^pas«i sent on application Jio . M. Stoddatt A Co., Paia., Phlta. When you name Is emtxiaced »u «» UUl. nature of WOOLRIOH A OO. ha* tha atg- Pensioners, Abbott'sPatent Portljuid Cut­ter--Sold for half the price, finished aapariorand warranted rtronOTr than ordinary aloigha. Aim, Abbott's Patent Banner Attachments for every vtrietv ot wheeled vehicles. Only dcvice of the kind in existence. Fits any axle; perfectly practical, Cteoog and cheap* Wide track for city u«e; narrow tack for country F jraalebyAfrt. IsnpLaad I dealen gnneraliy, 7 Cot. Beach and Sebor OTITCAGOl Very important bills IV*p¥<,CM Are now pnndlnir In Congress, which.if at* lowed to pass, all pension claims lier«t<>forw admitted will be rtv>pen«d. thousands of meritorious claimants will be dr!M>(H<ii from the rolls, and «r<>:it injusticedono. For fvU particulars, sand for copy of THE NATION'AI, TRIBITSK, an h-j>sso piper, issued monthly, .arid devoted to the in-ten sfs ot soldiers and sailors, nud their hpits. t'ontains a'l MOW isot'NTV and VKNSIOM uws Saould be in the hands of erer.v soldier. Term*. 5® oomt* per year. Specinl inducements to r.hihs Specimen c»i»v tree. Address, at once, GKORUK K. I.1 \it)N A CO., WushiiiKton, D. O. MAILER'S 'gr.' COD llVER Oil Hostn of People Are Martyrs To eick headache, that infallible symptom of a disordered stomach, liver and towels. Many Buffer from it as many as three or four times a week. They do so tieedleaslv, for Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, by toning the digestive organs and regulating the bowels and liver, removes the cause, and dispels the painful symptom. The intimate sympathy Iwtweeu the brain and the abdominal region causes the slightest dis­ order affecting the latter to be reflected, as it were, in the organ of thought. The reform in­ stituted by the Bitters when the digestive, se­ cretive and evacuative functions are in a state of chaos, has other and more beneficial results, viz., the complete nutrition of the whole physi­ cal economy, the restoration of appetite and re­ pose, and an increase in the power of the sys­ tem to resist diseases of a malarial type. Why, Verity ! •Why be an animated tallow-shop wben Aftit's Anti-Fat is a safe and sure remedy for obesity, or corpulence, and will reduce the'most ill-pro­ portioned form to a graceful outline withm a few weeks. It coutains no ingredients that can pos­ sibly prove deleterious to the system. A well- known chemist, after examining its constituents and the method of its preparation, gives it his unqualified indorsement as a remedy that ucan> not but act favorably upon the system and is well calculated to attain the object for which it is intended." BALTIMORE, Md., July 17,1878. PBOP'BS A L L A N ' S A N T I - F A T , B u f f a l o , N . Y . : Dear Sirs: I have taken two bottles of Allan** Anti-Fat and it has reduced me eight pounds. Very respectfully, MRS. L R COLES., A Startling Fuct. TlioxiHauds of childrenliave died of diphthe­ ria this winter who might have been saved by a single bottle of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. It is a sure preventive ot diphtheria and will core nine cases oat of ten. No family should be without it a day. THKBE IS NO TIME to be lost when a cough at­ tacks one, in adopting means of prevention against consumption and bronchitis. A cough may, with perfect truth, be termed the incipi­ ent stage of those destructive maladies, and it is the height of folly to disregard it If neglect­ ed, it will assuredly culminate in some danger­ ous pulmonary affection, but if DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOB THE LUNGS be used, the complaint Imperfectly pure. Prononnoed the best by the high- eat medical authorities in the world. Given highest award at 12 World's Expositions, and at PartMSW. Sold by Druggists. W. li. Scklemlln 4k. C0..K1. TE A Of -• U V The very l«*t truods H Ba| ^ diroct iiom tlm Itti--- porters at, Hnlf the usual cost. Best plan ever offered to Club Agents Hnd lacffe Duyers. A|jL KXPREiM CHAKuEiS Paffi, New tes-ms FREE, Tbfi Great American Tea Company, _ 81 and S3 Veiey Street, New York. P.O. UCCES3FUL FOLKS. Hatthev Hale Siittfs net loot 1,000 Prominent personti analysed. Btcel ri nwn and women «f A. T. of tho beiason. Now is the time for territory. Address,for cironlani Knd tei nir, 1KO to.. (Iblcsgn, HE, QliWAVT VANUKKBILT, 3iu*l AA 1, BE NNKTT,E10. The sensation of tho mtaon. No' J AlllCliTQ108B0n">terrlt« NDCR I O asency, cironlw A.*KMC:AHF PVBL1SK CUEEDFREEI An infallible and unexcelled remedy lM Flte, Epilepsy or FslliB(Hleknras. . r;S ̂ '•A free bottle M of wf renowned SpeolsU tnul a vnlualilo Treatise sent to any sufferer sending me his Postoffioe and Express ad> Cress. DR. H, O. ROOT. I S3 Pearl Street. New York. ITS O. ROOT. II I WiHT A LITE AGEKT ••-as In EACH TOWS toSFXL MY AUTICI, NO MONKY RKQUIRRIi till sales are made. send im outtit, «n!t paiuiililets to advertise, by postpaid. This is a.cood opfxirtunity ior s«*ntS to •omethin^T to tlieir income wiiUout risking on® MOi Writ« tor particulttni to V/. H. COFOLSTOOK, Morrlstown, St. Lawresce Co., Xew Torfc. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET 0R8AN8 De X CHOICE-SELECTION U Q I C N O W R E A D Y . C n-lUP.CiREEn^C0 ThisKrimberis nniformwith the Sariss,and contains another H CN DUD (plsndid Dedamstiom and BeadingK. 180pp. Prioe,30ctsn nailed flwe. Bold by Booksellers. TIE SMITH Oltll tO. First EstaMi^ml t Most Snceessftalt THEIR INSTRUMENTS have a staadaid value in all the LEASING MARKETS OF THE WORLD' Everywhere recognized as tho FINE81 IN XOMV. O V E R 80,000 use. New Designs constantly. lowest prices. 49~ Send for a Catalogue. , g(j ^ltaoijcs B.O. fiAJROBAMT. W.K. #•- P*b,is;8* $10 to $1001 AdOwssBAXTKB A UK. URUAT HILL fy "if* ^ ffORflM™1"1"1"" wmto-M ksi ^ls«^id Work m4,wHh tai Rttaals ' ~ ^ ot spprk^e Kltaah noW belnit'a Sr. Craig's Kidney The Rreat Specmoror ab KMnwr Dtsesse filled 'irT*' %3Fb£ i^oaseor AGENTS, it.thnw cK,yEw ifc READ THTS ! W» wiW p*y A j*Hts a o? tttOOtwrtteilb sad ipenws,or «UO-T » FAW|(t> eooaaslssion, to ml! evaii ia wond^rfitl invenoona W« stitM what tea Nik Sample free. sj| l;:Sl.>I.%Nrd3tCO., Marshall, Wtofc. : MIKDIUSOHN PIANO CO., 1)1 K. loth i'ltbxa IS HltlETV: tkfM wii SSmSH *S*!i£9 iwMtm Ends and In nse. *t work and tint St, iff, Wito to SAPONiFIER lath* Old S«Habto<ka«Mitimt*d Sj* FOR FAMILY SOAP-MAKINfl. Directions acenmnsnylnir each esn (or Hard, 8ott and Toilet Sosp iiVi€KLY. IT is rri.t WEIGHT AND anusnsth. The market ia flooded with (so-called) Concentrated Ife, which is adulterated with salt aud rosin, and msl wiuketoap. HAVE MONET, AND Bt?r TMM SivpSHiFUR UABB BY THE PemMylvania Salt Manuf^ Oo, «Ul flm mm. m mttimf. MABTTNEI; « TRRISM rto»w>mlnr TkoAuUmtoAlmhsl F«nnd at liib' THE Is SM stroys all api norrous system. After a dcbauch, or n pertUe Indnlsence. n ainido ttupe remove all mental ana jMiyslcnrit< It also oarss every kind of FKTKN, Drarxpi _ prcrrx or TBX LIYKS. Sold by all DRAMMS. Botlle. Pamphlet on " Alcohol, its Effects on . cure tor infc _ alcoholic liqoots and bailda op Ui» After a debaueh, or any Intern. do te>asiH>onrnl will «sl ajgd pfcyglenTdepre^jon. nod ofrani, DnmnuiadToi NEWSPAPERS •Q^jiDc'threush " IchTai wmmm . _--Kooay Hoostssi , which Cornishes any raoer (excel nanea ns this United ttatea. Mnslcal Insti Ins Machines of all kinds, Ohronos, FTsnes, HswlnsAlo; Bockj Xmmtoin Stereoscopic View® • specialty. Don 't fall to wrtt* aft «MM tor onr elnmtali' THE 0RI8IHAL & ONLY BEpM MYUnratMr" XbnShen, •leUNTKO HOR8K POWEft$ Ami Itwm Thrtilur Esgtaus, \' Made only by IICHOLS, SHEPARD & 0C, BATTLB CBEBK, MXOB. DemoH'trated b'tt by HIGHB8T HONORS AT ALL 70RLIVS KXPOSITIONS FOR TWKLVK YEARS, vis.: At PA«W, IfeW: Vnm. 1878; BAKI'IASO, 1875: PHILAUKLVHIA , 1S76; PABIS, 1878; and GBANB HWKDIIH •GOLD MEDAL, X8T8. Only American Organs ever sward­ed highest honors at any saoh. Sold lor cssh or install-ments. ILLCBTRATKD UATALOOinu and_ptroulat»._witb new_,.^ ORGAN P l». UtbWBlMAAV UA4AUUUVM wm UUVUiMft W«W style* and prioes, sent free. MASON Jt HAMLIN JAN OO., BOSTON. NBW YORK, or OHIOAOO Ments wanted for the s DK. L S. JOHNSON & Co., of Bangor, Me., will send by mail, postage paid, a quarter of a pound sample pack of Sheridan'B norse and cattle powders on receipt of '.2> cents. These powders are worth their weight iu gold to make hens lay, and will psrevout all manner ot' «1 incasestiommon to hma, %1'gs aud horjjes, including hog cholera. CHEW 1* Celebrate ̂ "MATCBUBS*" Wood Tag Plug BT TOBAOOO. TB PIOKEEE TOBACCO OOTIFAWT,-' New York, Boston and Chicago. OOKB FOB COUGH OB COLD.--As soon as there is the slightest uneasiness of the chest, with dif­ ficulty of breathing, or indication of Cough, take during the day a few " BBOWN'S BBON- CHUXI TBOCHEH. n 25 oents a box. THB famous Mason A Hamlin Cabinet OrgaiM, which are certaMy the tost of these instruments in the world, are sow sold for_ payment by in- •Wlineats, bringing them within reach of those who can make only small payments at a time. Any agent for their sale HISTORY"*™ WORLD It contains \il 2 fine historical engravings and 1 'J60 erf o doiibte-column pages, and Is the most cumulj * i.-f«ry of the W'orid ever published. It sells at mg JietuJ lor aiMM&tittit puces and extra tenas to Aspsats. NATIONAL PUBL18HINC CBKWGO. IU. Gems of Eitglish Song. New enlarged edtUon. Sunshine of Song. Cluster of (Jems. Clarke's Rail Organ . Melodies. - . • ri'hes» £it« Mtuples of SO or BOM flne eoUeettoas of Piles efasoh In oioth.9s.aa Itne GUt,$4J»L Boards, tltO, ntbi best arranged Reed Organ Music extant. Begail Books of Xuical Llteratiire., OUt^dced, Intereetinic, Behnnsawn and Mosart MestenTlKITTEfra (I vols., wak $Lt0). and XTi Oi. AJao. many artraot .the splendid A*inl! The Mother C»»»t \ill« little ones into e«sstasles--and Stalner's IMcttoouf of Hosieal (M.00) la a maynlflcent mostralUI%eshisl WBsynlnpsdlil M great aad permanent valoe. Any book sialIed,pastft««i4rrcH^ vrtM> OUTER DITSOH k OQ.% Boston. C.H.OU«eaAC«^ J»li^sss40s^ S4SBiMMhnv,K.T> \ V KSMnratiea. BQMl ill KMlfM Xiptil Wmk, IU hat CUSSISX, snd for asvlnf QratoBSP Wsstegc, !• aRAIH Kaisers will not ^sbmlt «• tk« I snonnoas wastage of Grain 4 tha Interior wurk iiotie b) UM ethsr SMcblues, wlk«n once posted ou llm utSkrwaea THB BHTIBV Thresfcln* Expenses (and oft*n s to S Times tliat amouui i can In nuwte ny tbe Bstia OralD SAVBD by Uuse Issproved UashiMS. •• «ad all each ttaae-wast|ng snd »ishs srsstlnn comfit, cations, ferfsetly adapted to all Klndaend CowmtelH Sraia, Ws» er Dry* Long or Bbort, Usadsd or Bo uad. MOV nlr Tnstly Saperler fbr Wheat* I Qata, Barley, Bye, and like Oralas, but tbe ONLY Haw HkeSMds. teehaageftoai «• aim uav vnuNSt vm IUV unbi dwp la Flax, Timoth jr, XillattCtorer, aa4 MsbraUtotsedB. "• Makes aeU^lagserfleaMeHaga. F°.57tffS?'̂ SfR^SS5!.™^5! • Ml--11< Borss Powers teassld>. ' O'̂ iSVltiLSSSlSSB'BaJBs w Kata^lsrksyaadev«ihstHi*eerkto«. gl|. Thewarh Wsrtasasitte, • eS.,<w"Tnws»ni asljui 01SIS si i Issisu nsi> ; ff&BaaiiKi iff r.agjiate; SOSTOI TlAHSCHIPf! DAILY AND WEEKlt." BOSTON, MA^j.} 1 ii1 '»'1 • •. *. Quarto Sheet--56 Columns. TUB LARGEST. OH KA PEST AND BR8T FAMILY NEWSPAPKli IN NEW KNtiLAND. DAILY CVEIill TRANSCRIPT has been carried bn for forty .seven years as an INI*KPE*BEST .lOl KX il,, discassiiiK and consld«rin< iiuestioriB .4 and ao> clkl interest, according to the best opinions :md coi-.»ic- tiisns of Its oondactors in advocatin;.- the good, condemn­ing tbe bad. expoeing the faUaoteii of mistak«ri policy, and promoting tbe general welfare of the people. All foreign and local news published promptly. WEEKLY TRANSCRIPT is published every Tuesday momln*. la a Quarto Form. ' " "fty-sis -- -oomprleing fifty-six OIIIIIUIIH, at Two DoLLiBl per an­ num. including postoge. Single copies for mailing, B»e •rata. It oontaini. tbe uholctnst LITEBABY MI8CELI.AXY, «nd Is made np wHb apeclal refereaae to the varied tastes and roquireaaecta of the boae eiroie. In a ward. It is a iiret-claaB FAMILY, KEWfPAFEB, , giving, in addition to Ha literary contents, the principal JWWSof the week. Market Reporte, etc., eta. ' Dell* Transcript, 116 |>er annum in advanoe. . •* (t eoplm Bone address), STJSpIr aannm m tdnan, - SJCXB fOB SAM PL* , WMRIR IRS'S CMWEt* ITI. Iv«-A the lllshrat Medal at THEIRI-'OT PAEI8 EXPOSITION, nviM' *j'r«»T*r FLGXIBl̂ K 1IIPCOKSS* (ISO U WARFT*MD NOT TO LIRUFTIC flown over the PHw $1.11 IMPROVED. HEALTH CORSEF isluaiie with tit* Taaupiim Bi.SI, wuwh ,ls win knd flexible ami rvutaias bom'». Price Uy w«ll,*i.r>n. FnTaaieby sllleadlnt; mi'r>*!iants. ' WAMTEE BBW»a Ml Brwumay, M, T. MASONIC BapnlJcs for lodges, Chapters, and Oommauderiea, taanufaet- nredby M. V. JAIf- w A- CO., Colum- its, O. Send for Price bimts. ' iWKnights Tcmplar'UnMbrtns a Specialty. Military, Society, and Firemen's Goods. kNUFACTOR^ MnlEBORpyt :%: t ,4LWAY6 CURABLE BY U3JNO ^ ^ -H MEXICAN •"< : •01-: V,v t - t ' . : ; MUSTANG- UHIMEITP. OP HUMAN FLPff. J Ithsaaiatlim, Bnrni and Scalds* Stings and Bites, Cut* and Btulsoi, Sprains 4 Stitches, Contracted RIascl«s, Stiff Joints, ttacl 0FATOUM. Scratches, - • Sores and Call*, Spavin, Cracks, < Bingbone. ̂ Screw Worm, . 4 d- Foot Rot,Hoof •Ht Hollow Horn. - Lsmtns«|, Sprains, Straln% ' ( ,i ?o»* * *««» , StlffklCKM, . •%) -f and every hurkorsfldduH ' < 1 use In family, stable and eiock iAI* - ^ .--ideas!**. , Old VleertV **" <3angrenous Sores, Neuralgia, Gout, Frost Bites, Bin Disease. snd all external diseases. "t#* •I : OF AL LINI1BENTS " FRANK LESLIE'S POPULAR MONTHLH i. AttnetMra si no Monthly« ^ Hagaziflfis. The neat meHt of ths SKerarysad aHlsUo depart ssents DM secured almost unexampled success for Ike POPVLAR UO!*TUIuY« imd sueh arraap ̂ its have been made as will render the fortbeom&v fRore Brilliantly Attractive* .; ' Kaeh nnmber oontaina 1M quarto pages, satfeeer &-r • 1M beautiful eajtartngs; two. tborcifbre.oontaln l#W wnn __ Ihia | 1(11 ite^dssMSr fflnsli •Hewn n PnbUshed 16th of Baoh Kontb. te Frank Lush's PHkUshto Hfisft. I-- M, 55 & 57 Park Piaoe. NEW YORK. '^ * o.». 9o.a IWJBT* • r * *\P '• i-' i ^ fl. « e. v- *

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