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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jan 1879, p. 1

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1 • " - " J ' .• ~ « * „ * .» V,4 ' Vf.,*- - ' - 6'~ * m * ' j~ 1 i '•*' Pr * •w •'.4*> -*,% «fr>r j, *> *s~»» «.•* .„»•«•. w •;.„ . . rr ' v " '| ^ gKx '•*? * fi« v*>j r; • # *;,# • • '- -AT- ̂ ̂ ?"• ifc, «...»• ,,#* t * W'V*? - -f-'i -3W..J , #}' "if? • ;CCs' i if - " - <*'* A , 4. " V ' *#<• . . * ' v v . 5 - . . ' f « •£'- *~ '•• ••- -R' ,'^v- -v -f .f-v-1- I; !'r*« •--% 'tar 7fe*- »*> * A* i* ? »,«• » i>* & «* 1 4 -i 4 *" ' f&'ZZ*.<&*'-m " ' ^4k*rns^m ̂ 4R I*Wft****{*44* * -^.l ^ f :• » > . V ;• •- M Pledged but to TrutAi9 to Liberty and M"*y No Favors Win ui and no Foar 8hall Awe. *»»• • • • • ' ' • - ~ • • --- - • •% * 1 " • " ; " ' " • 1 • . " " M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, yEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1879. NO. 25. Published Every Wednesday by ;;war. VAN SLYKB • ' IkUtor Mkl PnbUs^i^ r p: 0<pee In Old P.O.B' » *'{~ lt= *-0W»OBITE BlVKBSIDK HOVSB.-- TERMS OF SUllSCillPTfdSf t yH/f, (In Advanee.) J.?.; $|S6 ;v" ,ff not Paid within Three Months ..;J«. S0® • i,;; fuUsariptioiis received for three op six months - / -J* the same proportion. BUSINESS CAK®$. ; • H. T. B WS, M. JL>, ; HY8ICIAN ®na Surgeo^ Office over the Poet Office, upprtllfe Perry tfartins Htore.up stairs Mcile ry lit- E. A. BEE US M. D. OtirsioiAKand SiAiguon. uffl^oatresiieiifeej 1 two doors we3t of Po»t oAce, Mclleiwy €11. . O. J. ttOWAKH. M ». PHT8iciAJ» and Surjreon. Office at the store of Howard A Son, Mo Henry, III. W. H. BUOKi M. D.. OMKOPATHIC I'hytician and Surpeon.-- OSce East Side Public Square, Wood- k, III. Office hours 11 to. 12 A. M., a»d2 4 P. M. 4- *\ J. JJAKBIAN. 'S^iniGAR Mi mi f:ic tii "r**', Mc Henry Sl/ ders s riioitoi. Shop North iPublic Square. til. £ast E. y KHK1N8. WAGON Mvker. McIIoury, IU, General Jobbing promptly attendea to. West of the Pnbiic 8<(Uitre. ',,0P( UIOUAR1) IlLSKOP, ! ' ATTORNEY ANDCOUIJBBI-OB AT LAW McHenry, 111. RICHAltl> COMPTOS. JUSTICE of the Pence and Conveyancer,-- Will attend iimuiptly to tlte colfuctfon of lebts. Voio, Lake. Coiaiy, 111. -?•*•-, GEO. A. BLTCKLIX rOTARY PUBLIC, OonreyittlM^'irt^ In- aurauce A^ent. Ollice at Bucklin & Steven's "Store, near the Depot, McHenry* III. N' •$:t K. E. lilOil AUDS. |~TAS A complete Alwtruct ot Titles to land CI in McIIcurr County, Ill'noisI (MBcewith Jounty Clerk, Woodstock. III. * S, • '£„ / ItOBT. WRIGHT. ' Manufdctnror of Custom Made lioots jw<1 Slroe.N. None but the best of material jised and nil work warramod. Shop Northwest ; ^orner Public Squnve, Mcllenry, III. • t:. M. owEN. ii\ JfiENEB.VL Dealer and Manufacturers .Avre*t ia Leadiw^ Farm Machinery. Pri*4«.s low anil. Tcrais tavoraule. - . ILLIN i=fc- , i. U":-' : GOTTLKIB ' !BOLE||| ( SALOON" and Ten IMn Alley, Lansings Bloc.k, itc^ii' the Hcyol, \I«'jlciiry, III,-- Choice oi" i-ii'iiuirs and Cigars always ton hand, 4 f|. ^-^KO.;M>iiWK»»I£H. -,{• . , filp Al-QOXOnd aesitiuir mlt. Neatly oppSiiflte v|5 the Parker 1 louse, McHenry 111. ir#-frMr3t-0! «.ss tlilliiird and Pool Tables. BUSINESS CAItDS. JL C. II. TRITAX. f\ A^PICXTER and Bnllder, Nnnda, \J .Will pu up buildings by the Job or day, and suaran lee snUsfaction. , " • • -i. ,i . ... - . E- V. ANDKltSOH. M. D. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office at Gil­bert's Drupr Store, opposite the Parker Houee, McHenry, IllinoiJ. fi. BKNUETT, M. D., and Acconeher. Diseases of SURGKOS Women a Specialty. Office And UesWeeee on Cl*y Strpet Woodstock. Ill, DR. C.1 WILLIAMS. DENTIST, Algonquin, III. All "Work war­ranted. Teeth extracted in a careful and skillful manner. ' DR. C. W. COX, ^ : • DENTIST. Office Over Smith. Aid rich ft Hay thorn's Store. Richmond. III. T SIDNEY DISBROW, AJOTARY PUBLIC and Conveyancet. AL- JN •-idenv'liB#-. "...•• r»' . ' ... N.8.CPO'^B'T, . . •! McHENRY, McHenry Co., 111. Breeder of Spanish Merino sheep, Berkshire and Poland China Swine. A choice lot of young Buckstock for s:ile. Please call and examine before btiviny elsewhere. ^ ELECTROPATHY. Dr. Samual S .erman, And Wife will he at their residence miles West of the Depot, on the Woodstock road, three days in each week, Tuesdays* ThursdayH and Saturdays, for the purpose of treating all curable diseases. Consultation and Examinations Free. Office hours from 9 A. M., to I I\ M. „ REF KRENCES:--J(din Doran, Richard Bish­ op, Martin Welsh, Arthur Whiting, Leonani Bonslet, James Sutton, John M. Smith, F, K. Granger-, Geo. Gaee, 'Hen. Gill>ert, Horace Dwelly, B.F.Peck, Wm. Hutson, Geo. Gilbert. FEED. SCHNORR, ,» iAA- MAXtJrACTUREIqoF • 1 * - " New Store, no&r the Depot, McHEN R Y , ILLINOIS, Having removed to my new Store, I an not pre |wtred to accommodate my customers In anything in the line ot Custom-Made Boots ami Shoos On short notice and warrant satisfaction. Being a workman of many years ex»o- rlence I am rontldent I can please all who iflye me a call, ami as I nse hone hntthlS best ot' stock can guarautee as represented. Give me* call and I will try and please, > •Si-Remember the •pine", new Blockj S»rtt door West of Story's Hardware j<tore. ; FREb SCHMOftR- MeHcnryr'm» Oct. 30th, 1878. , J. A. SKER OOD AUCTIOjNE EH ---- AND' APPRAISER, Algonquin, III. SALES of Stock, Fanning Tools and Goods of all kinds promptly attended to. sales a specialty. Terms reasonable. Office address Algonquin 111. Farm Post W. H. 3; NFORD, Merchaut Tailor. In the stove of C. H. Dickinson, East aide of Public-SqimrOi WOOttS'^OCtC, ILL. A *ood Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitingn al­ ways on hand. Suitstifiade to order and a lit warranted- Give me a call. W. IT. 8 ANPORD. Woodstock -I1L, Sept. 87th. 1S75. •rh J., 2 ALOON nn I Ue<t uir;int. Nearly oppoelte 5 Owen's Mill, McUeury, III. FreshOyi^ters erved up in auy shape desired, or tor safe by t. a rOa M ^ 4 :p>4.p;"' ' M& ! . cm «#"GOQD STABLING FOR IlORSES-ji* W. W7 K L1,S WORTH. Breei<}rof llic Celebrated Poland China Hog Also bight-a lid Dark Brahiua Fowls. Plas •'lipped to :> 11 point's by express.. P.,0. AA- •aress, Ww»'i!«tock, III., "" PETER l.EIClvEMl RKP AIR*1 Watche-<, flocks and all kinds. Also Repairs Violins iuthebest nossiblc manner, on short notice and at rea- • - .1.- «n..i;„o Shop cllenry 11 #on*l»le rmtes. A|*<> Violins for Sale. Shop , Mc first door North of Riverside Block III. ° Poland China Swine GOOD Pigs for sale that was sired by Boars that took First Premium and Sweep­ stakes at Statfc and County Fairs, from $10 to fsl5 apiece. We are shipping to some of the oest breeders in the cnuntrv. For ;»articiilars apply to C. STREET & 40N, Hebron, III. XAT li \Trri? To make a permanent W iViA I Il> \* engagement with a siergvman having leisure, or a Bible Reader, to introduce in McHenry County, the CELE­ BRATED XKW Centennial Kdition ot the HOLY" BITtl.E. Kor description, notice edi­ torial in last week's i«sue of this paper. Ad­ dress atonce F. L. HORTON A OO., Publish- ' -^8 and Bookbinders, 6© E. Market St.. Indian­ apolis, Ind. Biivin*' Kills or Spring Grove Grist Mill. Tos ASMerslgta, Proprietors. ntvInH put this Mill in first class order, we prepared to .do Custom Grinding Oa Skort Notice and Warrant Satisfactien^ Flour and Feed Constantly on lasil And Sold as .bew as any other Mill in the^ fS* ̂ W'The filchest Market Price In 0ft$h Paid for Good Mtning Wheat. Give us a call and \^e will give you satis­ faction, VOSS & SIEDERSLERBN. Bllvlns' Milla, 111., Aug. 37th, 1878. 1000 BOYS & GIRLS for the l»est ll iv's and Girl's paper published In the tyest. Bea'.itiful presents to subscrib­ ers and agents. Every boy and gitLcan earn tots of monev canvassing,, during leisure honrs. Don't fail to send for it at once. To introduce it we will send to any address oa for 10 Cents in ensh of Sample of *paper and trial three month V1" postage stamps. rticrulars FREE- . Ad.lress" •>({££ particulars riccS' X Hoasehold Gem, Cleveland, O- dfe^Afk MONTHLY MADE. Agents wanted! SRlUlP Countv rights given gratis, f^r the gXle of seven well-known Standard Medicines needed In everv family; reputation world wide; established many years; made by i celebrated phvsician; proofs of evidence given. Anin lustrlons, energetic, person can mtike unuziicriw iuent income Ann very liberal terms bv addressing with ' reference, 338 Ofcestni*street, phliadelphia. ... J H. K W ! Proprietor. First class rigs, wilhor without drivers, furnished lit veasonaltle rateis. Teaming of all kirnls iloneon shore notice. 4 ^ "Qniok Seles and Small Profits," - • . • ,11; i;,;' Is mv motto. The choices stock #| Tobacco and Cigars 10 town. Call and n - my goods and loam prices be­ fore purchasing. M- ENQELN. ; SA. ENGELN. G tr ̂- .SM X T TT! Sc^le Repairing, Grinding and Pol­ ishing Razors and Shears and Table Cutlery a speciali­ ty. Repairing of >ff&EsWall kinds done in -.•steel or Brass.-- J All work warrant, ed. Also dealer In Gtins. Revolvers, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Gun and Flshinir Material, Pipes, Cigars," Tobacco, Violin Strings, Ac. shop and store near the Post Office, Mc­ Henry, III. f' J#""' ' , ,, wm$ Scott & Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HATTERS! 8. V. Car filll in t lattn BRANCH STORES S. E, Cor. Clark & Lake St's., & S. E. Cor. Halsted and Harrison Sts., CHICAGO. P.AiPLES. I Will mail (Free) the receipt for a simple Vegetable Balm that will remove Tan, Freckles, Pbn pies and blotches, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful; also instruc­ tions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair tip a bald head or smooth face. Address. nelo*iug3 ct. stamp, Ben Vandelf A Co. *0 Ann St., New York GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALTS Is A VEGETABLE PREPARATION invented in the 17th oeuturv by Dr. William Grace; Surgeon in King James' army. Through, its agency he cured thousands of the most sB^ipus sores and wounds that baffl­ ed the skill of the most eminent phvsicians of hi*.dky, and was regarded by "all who knew^htth-ag/a public benefactor. PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX. : Geo. H. Stewart,' Auctioneer, filchmondf III,; Has an exfierienee of 15 vears. lira vlf gusrantee satisfaction in all cases, wherfc sales entrusted to my care, are properly *<k vertised, or no charge will be made. Terms, from 96 to *10, according to amonnt ofsale. • All orders addressed to Richmond, III., wi^l receive prompt attention. HURRAH FORTHE HOLIDAYS eln, | Neitboor to the Poit Ofttotu, Has just p«t In his store a large, selected stock of Goods for the and HOLIDAY TRAD Consistipgtn part of Toys, Candles. N;„ Jewelry,Mastcal Instrumeiits, a full litte* Notions, consisting of Pins, Needles, j penders, Handkerchiefs, Stockings, Ac. Also a lull line ot Pocket and Table ler.v, ,Stcel Violin Strings, (Something Hunting and Fishing Tackle, Revolvers, These iroods were ail bought for ca«h will be sold lower than ever before efl'cred McHenry, Nov. 17th 1878. 4 C. & N. - W. XjaVESL TTll? rtrtCAObA KORTH WK8t^K ^Alfwil Embraces nndtfrene management the Great Trunk Railwav Lines ot the WEST am: NORTH-WEST, and, with its numerous Branches and connections, forms the shortest and quickest route between Chicago and all points in Illinois, Wisconsin, Northern Michl- gan, Minnesota, l<»«a, Nebraska, California and the Western Tei i itories. Its Omaha anH California tine Isthe shoi test and best route between Chica go and all points iu Northern Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Nevada. California, Oregon, China, Jauap and Australia. Its ^ « Chicago, St*TPaul * Line- is the short Une^ between Chicago and all points in Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota, and for Madison, St. Paul. Minneapolis, D«- lnth, and all points in the Great Northwest. Its LaCroase. trinona ft 8t. Peter Lias Is the best route between Chicago and La- Crosse, Winona, Rochester, Owatonna, Man- kato. St. Peter, New* iTlni and all points 1b Southern and Central Minnesota. Its Mlnn««petis igo M i ;; ... " <-<. . GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE CURES Pleek Wounds, Frozen Limbs, Salt Rheum, Chilmains, Sole Breast, Sore Lii»s. Erysipelas. Ringworms, Calluses, Scald Itead, Chapped Hands, Burns, Cancers, Felons, Scalds. ! ; Sores, Ulcers Wonndfbi^ s Stings, »Shingles, Festerfc,, , ^ Wens, Sties, '.Piles, ; * Abcess, Freckles, Bnnioiii, S|>rains, Boils,, ' Cuts. Whitlows, Warts, ' Blisters, ^ian, pirn Corns, Scurvy, Itch, Ingrowing Nails, Settle Rash, Mosquito an«l Flea Bites, Spider Stings, And all cutaneous diseases and eruptions generally. For sale by all druggists, grocers, and at all countrv stores throughout the United States and British Proviuces. Price by mail 30 cts( Green Bay 4 Marquette Lint Is theonly line between Chicago and Janes- ville, Watcrtown, Foil du lac, Oshkosh, Ap pleton. Green Bay, Escanaba, Negaunee, Marquette, Houghton, Hancock and the Lake Superior Country. Its Freeport & Dubuque Line Is the only route between Chicago and Elgin Bock ford, Freeport and all. poiuts vh Free port. It's Chicago ft Milwaukee line Is the old Lake Shore Route, and is the only one passing between Chicago and Evanston, Lake Forest, llighlnnd Park, Waukegan, Racine Kenosha and Milwaukee. Pullman Palace Drawing Room Cars are ran en all through trains on this road. This is the ONLY LINE running thase cari betw een Chicago and St. Paul and Mlnne* apolis, Chicago and Milwaukee. Chicago and Winona, or Chlc«;go and Green Buy. Closeconnections are rnadeat Chicago with the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, Mich­ igan Central, Bal»iniore and Ohio, Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne, & Chicap). Kankakee Line and Pan Handle Route#, for all "points EAST and 80UTH FAST, and with theChicago am1 Al­ ton and Illinois Central for all ]H>ints SOL TH. Close connections are also made with the Union Pacific R. R., at Omaha for all for West points. (dose connections made *£, JnnctioD point! with trainsofall cn>ss jtoir.ts. / Tickets over this route are sold by *11 Cou­ pon ticket agents iu the United States and Canada, Remember yonask for vonr tickets via the Chicago A Northwestern Railway and take none others. New York Office, No. 415 Broadway; Boston Office, No, 5 State Street; Omaha Office, 448 Farnham Street; San Francisco Office. 132 Montgomery Street; Chicago Ticket Offices. 62 Clark s'treet, under Sherman House; 76 Canal, corner Madison Street; Xinzie Street Depot, corner W. Kinzie and Canal Streets; Wells Street Depot, corner Wells and Kinsie Streets. For rates or information not attainable from your home ticket agents, apply to DKSIKKD LEGISLATION. The Hiinois Legislature that con­ vened on last Wednesday, will have Important work before it besides the election of United States Svuator. We win suggest to our member* aorae question* that the public are Interested lit and upon which there should be legi?latk>n. Prominent atiiong these Is the quen- Mo» of the time af fcltfl payment of taxes. As the law now stands, this heavy drain on the pockets of the peopiftoomes In the dead of winter, when there are more calls for money than alany other time In the year. When 3ie tax-paying time was fixed for Januliry and February, It was cus­ tomary f&r the bulk of the farm pro­ ducts to be disposed of during the winter: but now is has changed, and were it not for the necessity of raising monev to pa^r taxes, we believe that mnch less grll n and live stock would be marketed dufeing tlte winter than at other seasons i>r the year. Ingrain, especially, the ^»rice is nearly always from four to tei| cents better In May and June than insanitary and February. Let the taixpaying time then be fixed for May and June,^or even later, and we believe the change will bring relief to the people* \ Another matter In which the people are even mttre interested than the above, is the revisiotlj of our interest and usury laws. As thi law now stands the legal rate of iutt res| when agreed open by the parties is limited to ten per cent, and the penalty for taking or receiving a greater sum, tk a forfeiture of the interest, so contrad|ed to be re­ ceived. By a 1 urge class ot people the opinion is held, that the matter of in­ terest Is not a proper subject for legis­ lation, but should be left to be uou- mnled by the law of supply, and de­ mand; bttt the holding In our ^1 ate has been to the contrary, and Interest laws have always found a place in our stat­ utes. This being so. the only point to consider Is the rate of interest to he fixed by law. In our opinion the present Legislature should flx'^he limit at six per cent, and make the penalty for violation or evasion of the iUw sufficiently heavy to prevent any j»r ts. w% believe, the highest rate of inter­ est ever allowed in this State by law. In eariy dnyswhen the State wif* un- d«velc»p«d. and money was needed to build up the country, there was reason in allowing the high rate of ten per cent, to be paid by agreement of the parties, but how such a rate is a burden aiid extortion that but fow can stand up under. There never has been a time in the history of our State, that investments of all kinds, whether In city or courtry real estate, or cominer* elal ventures, paid so small a margin of profit as at present; there has uever been a time when the article of money furnitdiod so nrttch of the necessities, comforts and luxuries (of life as at present. The reduction of the rate of interest to six per cent, will relieve our people of a most heavy burden and will give a stimulus to business, of all kinds that will prove a great benefit to the State. We sjggest to the mem­ bers from our district that no more just as well as popular measures can be presented before the General Assem­ bly. A third matter that In oar opinion should receive attention, ts the muter of judgments notes, which wetlilnk Should be prohibited by law/ We claim this ou the ground that/diey are a secret lien upon the property of persons giving them and as such, con­ trary to the spirit ^of law. which is always inimical to secret liens whether upon |>ersonal property or real estate A judgment note when due, can In an hour be put into a judgment and exe­ cution issue thereon, and thereby a lien is created upon personal and real property of the debtor without process or any publicity to the aflair. In this section judgment notes have grown In favor, but we would like to see a law passed prohibiting the same, and be­ lieve such an act would be in harmony with the spirit of the laws of Hie State.--Belvidere Northwestern. MAEVIN HUGHITT Geuuraibu W. H. 8TI5NETT, I9*A Washington special of the 93d says that, for the first time in seven­ teen years, gold had Come into circula­ tion there. The banks paid it out on checks the same as currency, customers taking it without objection In most cases. Travelers and those expecting to soon leave the city called for cur­ rency in preference to gold. At the Treasury Department, creditors hav­ ing coin obligations, in many instances called for legal tender notes. Some Treasury officials predicted that gold would^c n jlrug In the market in sixty days, }'• C - S'-J ' - : Largeststock of Millinery, Cloaks, Cloakings and trimmings In the coun- t£ at.Mrs. S. Searles' and Cash will buy them at bottom prices for the KAISK MOKK 1-Ol'LTKi The Telegraph uses tlte following sound argument to Induce Its readers to produce more poultry: "We have often recommended the raising of poultry by farmers Wlthla easy reach­ ing distance of the elty markets, and have no reason now to change the rec­ ommendations but to repeat It. If properly conducted It would become one of the most profitable branches of the farm. The French give special at­ tention to poultrv etc. It always has been to them an Important source' of revenue. The total value of chickens solid In France, including eggs and capons, is estimated at $80,000,000 per anunnt, which if equally divided among the population would be at the rate of •2. 25 for every man, woman and child In the coiintry. There Is no reason why the bilsiness here should not assume greater proportions than It does, as there ts at all times a demand for every variety of good poultry and fresh eggs at remunerative prices. This Is a branch of the farmer's indus­ try that can be managed by the women and boys of a family. It requires but little capital. The chicken-houses should be Inexpensive but sufficiently roomy, cleanly and well-ventilated. A large portion of the food can be sup­ plied by the offal of the farm of almost every description, which can be readi­ ly economised for the purpose. The time required cau be mainly what may be called off-time. The pleasure of raising chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, guinea-fowls, and even pigeons (with squabs at forty cents per pair), should pay for all the outlay in money or labor. As we say tiiere is a constant demand for poultry at good prices, and there is uot a season iu tho year when they can not be disposed of freely. We know that upon many farms poultry raising is uot regarded with favor, as consuming time that should he applied to the general affairs of the farm. But it is a mistake and we commend a thought*:! consideration ot the subjet." Another even more powerful induce­ ment would be to Invent some remedy for chicken cholera and "gapes," which cause such discouraging mortality among our poultry, both old and young. Two of our best and most suc- cessftil 'JNMittir ttrftersi ••wh# never lose a single chicken from gapes.** tell us that they attrihute their exemption Wholly to the fact that as soon as taken oQ the roost they grease the heads of all the chickeus. The argument Isthat the wurm which produces the trouble in the wind-pipe of the bird hatches on the top of Its head and passes In at the nostrIK I Snow In New York State. A Watcrtown, N. Ym exchange, mir­ ier date of Dec. 26th, In speaking of e great storm in that section, says: "During the terrific storm on Tues­ day uight several people In the cit^ were uuable to reach their homes, via were compelled to stay all night where­ ver they cajpld get In. Major Herrick succeeded ^reaching home, but not till other assistance reached him.-- Myron Bee bee sank down exhausted, and only reached home after much dif­ ficulty. Dr. nolle nbeck WM lost en Court street and wandered Y^r seme time, not knowing where he wa& One gen tie mam who Uvea some dis­ tance from the Public Square, fearing that he could not reach home safely Tuesday night, made up a bed of books and papers on the floor of his office, and lay down to pleasant dreams. A gentleman from one of the villages in St. Lawrence county, on his way to one of the towns in the Southern part of the dtate where he viras to be ma ried Is among those wh*> are snowed in at this point. A gentleman en route from New York to Gananoque, to attend the fit* neralof his mother, was snowed In here. A man named Crawford got stuck In the snow ttn Baker street last night and cried lustily for help until it came. The great depth of snow makes many of our streets impassible, and all of them nearly so, for teams and ordi­ nary sleighs, so that in case fires should occur It would be almost tmposible to move the engine, hose, and other fire apparatus quick enough to do effective service. The city is in nearly as much danger as It would be without water." WANHlXJTu* COItKftSPONli£XGB. W ASKINGTOH, |>. C. Jan. 6th, 1879,. The cold weather has come upon ee at last with a zest. Ten days ago we were visited by quite * fall of snow, since which Jit has beea as oold as it ever is here, quite frosty *nid Stinging. A thin coating of Icy snow atlll covers the grassjin^lawns and yards, and the streets are not entirely free frpui it.-- But during the merry Christmas time whaiever the weather, everybody is glad, and the whole city Is In & busy bustle. Christmas week It was well worth an e3ort to go npbn the princi­ pal business streets of an evening and see the moviMg throngs of people, one and nil laden with bundles. Large bundles and small, wide ones and long, their shapes and unmanageable ex­ tremities often suggesting contents.-- There is something of the sweotest and best In nature to be seen in old women tottering along undet a weight of childreus presents, or of • bowed and gray haired man carefully bearing, home a big wax doll or a toy baby car­ riage, while a'^feeling ef amusement cannot fail of rising at such it sight. Another pathetic part of this bright and happy Christmas picture Is the poorer class of people one sees on^ttte" streets. None appear so fwopOthat they cannot buy gifts for tfee poor ones. Men and women, weak looking and haggard, patched and ragged, hur- . -1 ry along the way, their hands full of *| bundles and their eyes fnll of smiles, .:3|* for their children were to find their J stockings full on Christmas morning. . And little children, so thinly elad that ^ they shivered as they walked, their 1 faces blue with the cold and pinched ^ from want, ran gaily along, entering cheap toy shops with the mos* Impor- tant air, for did not their bare cold ' hands clasp tightly a few pennies and wasn*t somebody golt^ to be made -I happy and glad by H on the morrow? H Verily, It Is more blessed to give than to receive. Our city has not yet retttrned to Its 1 j usual winter activity from the langor >>] which follows Christmas and the holi- ^fj days. Schools have re-oponed, full ; - | office hours are taken up again but tho v J business of the winter will not begin | to go on till Cougrese meets again next Wfeek. l-J' v ----- The season, however, may now be spoken of as having fairly opened, the initiative step having been taken on Nej^Years day in tho way of recep- The central point of Interest naturally the White House, where the usual yearly public reception are held, Not a little aristocracy is shown even there and in this laud (of boasted de­ mocracy, The reception Is public, yet It is not open to "citizens** until after the Cabiuet officers. Diplomatic Corps, Judges, Senators, Representatives, and evej^y other titled or diplomaed offlce- -holder in this official city have been presented and received. Then the plebeian rush of common folks begins aud all the world is admitted to the presence of our National high and mighty.. And the smiles of Mrs. Hayes are giveu to the blackest and shabbiest negro that shakes her whito gloved hand with the same prodigality as to Sir Edward Thornton or Barou Blauu or any other nobleman or mil­ lionaire. Some interest has been aroused la political circles by th$ publication of a letter of Senator Ingalls, of Kansas, in which he accuses a Kansas postmas­ ter of fatllng to "keep his contract** with him to pay another person |50 a month as a consideration for his ap­ pointment. This will be influential agaiust Ingalls re-election and onght to, for it seems to confirm tho very general impression that he was net elected by fair means before. He Is openly accused of having "put up the job" to defeat Senator Pomeroy by an > J accusation of bribery in a most dra­ matic way. Facts have since trans- 4-~ plred to show that great Injustice was done Mr. Pomeroy, and It is said that J many who voted against him under I misapprehension then are ready to ¥% vote for him now, and if the statements ,;S; j about Ingalls are true, Mr. Pom«roy*a election would be a specimen of re- J " 2< 54 v+ji • .•< '• Huaaor of the Snow Blockade. Some cf the passengers on a railroad train during the recent snow blockade in Northern New York was detained at Sandy Creek for eight days. One young man from California was on his way to Gouverneur, St Lawrence coun­ ty, where he was to be married.-- "Whatshall 1 do?** was the young mans agonised query. "Do,"' repeated they; "why, telegraph yonr situation T And he telegraphed; and the answer came back: "We are all ready and waiting for you." Then the agonized young man remarked: "Well, they ain't waiting any worse than I aiuT tributive justice. OLIYK. 10rHard times exists in England far more than in this country. A dts- J ^ patch by cable from London, says that v ^ appalling distress and destitntlon ex- fFl ists among the mechanics and laborers of Sheffield. Inconsequence of the bust- -!'j 1I3SS depression. Hundreds exist In ^ tenements without clothing or furni­ ture, all having been sold or pawned to procure food. They are without | fuel, and dependent upon the . charity •'.•! of the neighbors. Tho Mayor has called public meetings to device meas­ ures of relief. j THE City Bakery, is .the in Woodstock where you oan get Pres Bread^ Pies and Cakes. Warm Meal^ at all hours. and Bulk. Oysters by the Caa Dls)

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