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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jan 1879, p. 5

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Idib, 1678. WEDNESDAY n a i i i u n u ime GOING SOUTH. i a Die. CMnevaLake l»*H*pn$?er /;...,.x. *. '«•»?*» Lmk# FRF!»«rht -- i ̂ ... 1:14 r. H. OOTKO imtf. ': ,4mm Lake Freight,... a. W. StmvR Lftltfl Patenter r. M MESSRS Curtis ft Walker have erect­ ed an Ice House and filled it for their wn ne, at the Pickle Factory. D.S.SMITH ft Son with their fami- llgftr, started for fehetr home in Nebraska # Mondrnfi M ^ • • 7 " Jl S. WnpiT and wife, Johnny ^ftieat and George Whitson.of Wood­ stock, spent Sunday in this village. THK Ladies aid Soclcty of Ring wood will meet at the House of Mrs. Wm. Langhan* 1*0, Thur*clty »«*t. All are livlted. " OLD Probabilities has let up and we life no w having as fine winter weather as one could wish for. The sleighing iji fine and business good In this eeetioo. " *Wr would direct the attention of our readers to the notice to be found else­ where. of "Farm to Rent." Full par­ ticulars can be obuiued bjr Inquiring AC. H. Parks. ^ . A grand Masquerade Or Plinntom Party is being talked of by the dancing public in this village. When it is A- ' nally decided upon due noticcrwill be given through these*columns. FOUND, in this village a pair of Spectacles which the owner can have by calling on Jos, Wiedemann, prov­ ing property and puying (or this notice. " Jo8Kpn MYERS was injured at the tee House on Friday by being caught In a rope while holding the Jack. His ankle was sprained quite severely, but we believe no bones were broken. CIRCUIT Court is in session at Wood­ stock this week. The jurors from this town are Geo. A. Buck 1 in and Johu Balaton, on the Grand Jury and John P. Smith and R. A. Bucklin on the Petit Jury. WE have received a Fairfield, Neb., paper, from which we learn that W. S. Pricket t, formerly of this towu, is O Attorney for the people in an impor­ tant murder trial, now going on in ' that place. t 4^A-W A«A. .W.JA^tm, K»Q^ P. MM of Wood- Slock, was driving a pair of his splen­ did young Morgan horses on our streets on Sunday. We do not exagerate, when we say they are the fl:ieft teitni 1 u McHenry county. CLRMEWT BROTHERS gave one of •fielr entertainments at Riverside Hall last evening, hut at the hour we go to press we are' unable to *pe»k of tin*m as they deserve. Wis shall have more to *ay next w*ek. IT affords us great pleasure to state tliat the Congregational Church of ' Woodstock have made arrangements with that brilliant woman Mrs. Eliza­ beth Cady Stanton, to deliver her- fa­ mous lecture "Our Girls,*' Thursdayete J«ao. 30th. list GTTIR 8ICAKI.ES, sister of Smith 8e*rles. who has raided lie re for the past three years, departed on Monday morning for Cedar Rapids, Iowa, which place she intends making her sfiiture home. Her many warm friends liere much regret her departure, and the best wishes of *11 will go with her to h«r new home. WHILE in Dundee the other day we made a short ca|l at the store of . C. F. Hall, and as usual fouqd himt busy waiting upoh customers who are con­ stantly Sibling his store In search ot the bargain^ there offered. He informed us that his -trade the past year had been much larger than ever before,and Was constantly Increasing, and we know this mast be so as he knows the value of Printers ink and uses It with­ out stint, and remarked to us that he should advertise even more extensive­ ly the year to eonte. He Is A live busi­ ness man, keeps a large stock of goods both in his. Dundee and Richmond stores, and sells at prices to suit the tidies. * FFTTOR. GILLKTT will open his Dancing f School at Riverside Hall on Thursday \( to-morrow) evening. y All those attend this school are requested to be<(f on hand on that evening, and bring along, their lady. Prof. Gillett is an experienced Teacher, and onr young people will find this a rare opportuni­ ty, ^ WE woulricall the attenMon of our readers to the new advertisement of t Dwight ft Forest, Boot and Shot deal- "er, Woodstock, which can be found in another column. This firm is one cf the most reliable in the county, and those wanting anything iu this line should not fail to give them call when In want of anything fur the under­ standing. WORK at the Ice Houses of Sliedd ft Co„ Is progressing finely, and the large houses are being filled rapidly. The steam power which they are using is a great improvement on the horse pow­ er used last year. /Should the weSther 1 fcjontlnue cold we-tinderstand they con­ template erecting five other houses on the North side of the present one.-- They Are now working about seventy wen. WE made a brief visit to Dole's ex­ tensive Ice Works, at Crystal Lake on Saturday last, but owing to the crowd pf other matter we are unable to give It that notice this week that we had Intended, but shall do so in the fature. We C*H now merely say that there is no more extensive or perfectly ar­ ranged works of the kind in the North­ west. Mr. Dole spares neither time nor money in making everything in perfect order, and also to secure the comfort of the large number of men that he there employs. It is a sight well worthy the visit of any one. FOUWD, IN this Til tag*, cannot call it a gentleman's ring.) which, if the owner will call at this office and prove property, we will give him a bit of advice that may prove beneficial to him iu time to come. There Is a law in thle State which pre* scribes a heavy penalty for carrying certain weapons, and If we have a class among us who are not aware of such law it is high time they learned that fact. No one but a Doward will use such a treacherous weapon, and when one is detected eitherusing or carrying to use, he should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. The indi­ vidual who glories iu being able to mark or cripple for life another is a brute, aiid not fit to live in a civilized community. NUNDA is getting somewhat noted for the number of rough characters who from time to time visit that little burg, and disturb the peace of its quiet citizen* Ou Saturday last one Thos. Gannon, who claimed to have recently come from Texas, appeared upon the streets, and being froui ap­ pearances. more than two-thirds full of poor benzine, probably forgot where he was, and drawing a loided revolver branisiied It about in disagreeable proximity to the heads of several peaceable citizens. Officers Beuthuysen and MeClure soon appeared upon the scene, and after considerable trouble succeeded in <;apturlug the rantanker- ous Texan, disarming hi HI and intro­ ducing hiiu to Esquire Petti bone, who bound him over to Court, and not being in a conditiin to obtain bail he was loaded upon the train and taken to Woodstock to board at the Hotel de Stedinan, where it Is to be hoped lie will be given a lesson that will learn him that "the way of the transgressor is hard.1' No leniencv should de shown such roughs, but give them the fullest penalty of the law. THE Regular meeting pi the Red Ribbon Club will be held at irtte^Uiji- versallst Church on Thursday evening Jan. 16th. The Programme will be as follows: Tst. Singing. _ Onh-r of Business. Song, by Miss Magjrle Clark. Address, by 8. D. Baldwin. Sinking. Recitation, by Henry Hogan. Close by Singing the Doxol- 2nd. 3rd. 4 tli. Rth. 6th, 7th. ogy. , ^By Order Committee. Vicit's FI.ORAL Guiin:.--Of the many Guides and Seed and Plant Catalogues sent out by our Seedsmen and^NnVsery- men. and that are doing so'much to inform the people and beautify and eurich our conniry, none are so beauti­ ful, none so instructive as Ficifc's /Yor- al Guide. Its paper is the choicest, its illustrations handsome, and given by the hundred, while its Colored Plate la a gem. This work, although costing but five cents, is handsome enough for a Gift Book, or a place on the parlor table. Published by JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. TAXES' TAXES! t The undersigned is now ready for ^ttte Collection of Taxes for the Town of McHenry, and will be at the follow­ ing places at the time named.„ Monday *t Johusb'irgh. Tuesday, at the Store of Perry ft Martin, McHenry. Wednesday, at the Store of J. W. Criaty, Ringwood. Thursday, at the Store of B. Gilbert, near the Depot, McHenry. FKAVK SMITH, Ooleetoi R IN G WO O D EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--Quite a num­ ber of our young folks attended the donatiou at the Residence of Chas. Tryon, on Thursday evening. All re­ port a good time. We understand there is to be a young folks sociable at Mr. Bradford Smith's on Thursday evening for the benefit of the M. E. Church of this place. All are cordially invited to at. tend. . Its a bright bouncing boy this time and Johnny Bell is father. Ain't he happy though. Mr. John Rainthorpe last «week bought of Mr. Dodge 201, porkers each weighing five hundred and forty-six lbs. Who can beat that. Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. Sore Throat, and all diseases of the Lungs and Chest, are readily cured with Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup. It never falls. Try it. Price 25 cents. Sold by Colby Bros.. McHenry, IIL Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup relieve! the worst cases of Coughs and Colds almost instantly. Call on your drug­ gist and trv a bottle of it, the price is only 25 cents. Sold by Colby Bros., McHenry, 111. BVKGLAKY ATKIWGWOOD. The store of J. W. Cristy, at Ring- wood, was burglarised on Tuesday/ night last, and money and goods taken to the antotmt of about #93, but fortu\ j liulciy the thief was captured and the property and money recovered before seven o'clock the next morning. The facts as we nnderstand them are these: Mr. Cristy has a dog that stays in his store night*. About one o'clock he was awakened t>y the dog coming to his bedroom window, giving one yelp and then departing toward* the, store at full speed. Knowing that something mnst be wrong or the dog would not be out. he dressed as quick as he could and went to (he store. The main door and window appeard all right, but ou unlocking the doer and going in he immediately saw that he had had a visito or visitors. There were three money drawers, oue in the Post Office department and two in the store, all containing mofe or less change. These had been emptied of* their contents, eight or ten dollars wor h of Postage Stamps taken, an Overcoat, a pair of Mittens, a dozen of handkerchiefs, and Several other articles, in all Amounting to 893. He also found that he had gained an en­ trance through the back door, by cut­ ting away the panel enough so that he could insert the blade of an axe, with which he pryed It open far enough to insert his hand and unbolt the door. Immediately on finding out what had been done Mr. Cristy began to adopt means to intercept the burglar, forthls purpose calle<l up Chas. Harrison and they together commenced t%search lor some clue. /I'liey at once su?pected a young man by the name of Blgalkl. who had beeu In the neighborhood since last fall, and going to the place where lie had beeu boarding found that lie had not been there since the day before. They then went to the Railroad track and found tracks to­ ward McHenry which corresponded with a peculiar shaped shoe which Bigalki wore, and were then sure they were on the right track. Mr. Cristy and Harrison then t<»ok the track to McTIenry while Carlin Richardson took his team and came around by the road. When they arrived at the Depot they found by the track that he had passed here.and fearing h6 might get the early train to Chicago they got up Telegrrtph Operator Buss And attempt­ ed to telegraph to Nijnda, bnt could not get a dispatch through. They then telegraphed to Chicago and took their team and started for Nunda, Fortu­ nately they arrived there ahead of their men, as within fifteen minutes he walked into the Depot, and arms of those who were looking for him To say that he was astonished at tlm? coming face to face wjth•Mr. Cristy. wiiom he had robbed, does not half ex­ press it, An office" was sent for and he was searched and a part of the money and the goods found on' Ids person. He then wilted and tol<| where he frail hid the balance in a snow bank, near this village, where it was found, lie was brought back to Mc­ Henry, inhere Esquire Perry bound him over under #500 bonds to appear at the next Court, failing to obtain which he was sent to the Woodstock Jail to await the action of the Grand Jury. During the trip from Nunda to M&- Henrv, Bigalki explained to Mr.Cristy how tiie dog happened to let him iu. He had been around the store every day for a long time, and taken particu­ lar pahi6 to make friends with the do£, and had done so to such an extent that he was able to coax him to let htm In on that night, although he said that he was obliged to hold the door on a crack a long time and talk to him before he dared to venture In. But when lie went out he went by the front door and as soon its it was opened the dog made a dash and got out in spite of lilm, and immediately put for the house to awake his master. To this fact is due his speedy capture. The dog acted almost human, for as soon as he had awakeued ilia master be was away and ou the track ot the buglar, and it is said followed him quite a dis­ tance down the track. Great praise Is due Mr. Crtsty, Har- risoh and It'chardsoh for their prompt action and untiring energy in follow­ ing, Capturing and bringing to so speedy Justice the tldtf. If such prompt measures were instituted in all oases. We would hear ot fewer burglaries, as It would soon prove an anprofitablc and unsafe business. We also congratulate Mr. Ciisty on the fact that ho succeeded in getting the entire amount of his money and goods, as the rascal had not had a chance to dispose of a single cent. And if he gets his just deserts it will be a long time before he will have the chance to commit a like depredation. Bigalki is a German, says he is nine­ teen years old, fcnd came from Mil­ waukee. ) j i--: .• v / FARM TO RENT. Situated about 3 miles Southwest of McHenry. known as the Dunu farm con­ sisting of 80 Acres. with good build­ ings and Orchard. Will be Rented on reasonable terms for cash.'; For furth­ er particulars inquire of C. H*. PARKS. McHenry. Jan. 14th, 1879. A large Variety of Ladies and Gen- tlemens Slippers at Fitzsimmons & Evanson's. The best' Overcoat for the money, at Laurer & Becker's. least liiclimoiid Department. The readers of this column will, doubtless, remember tiro commenda­ tory notice of the Rev. Mr. Cox, of the Baptist Church, in last week's Issue of the PLAINDKALER, and als<S\the lact that certain advice was giver^, In a general and not specific manner, as to the removal of tares from the wheat, should such tares ex­ ist, "Behold, liow great a matter a lit­ tle fire kindleth,*' An ounce of t-h* leaven of truth in a seething caldron of corruption works an immense fer­ ment, Great is truth! Th« old thing ought to be canonized, much as It has beeu twisted and abused by uaughty men and women! I begin to have a deal of faith that It will, properly ad­ ministered, reclaim some of the hard­ est cases in this town, after awhile.-- Of coutse, the man who tells the truth must be a sort of social and religious outcast for awhile, but ail great causes have had their martyrs, and must, un­ til the moral sense of the world works up to tli ©Reformer's ideal standard.-- Such martyrs have we among us. The Richmond correspondent of the Geneva Lake Herald is one--or would be if the world could find out who he ib. You will see further on. My commendatory notice of the Rev Mr. Cox was made and based On a pret­ ty fair acquaintance with the man,and a careful estimate of his abilities and character. Last Sunday, to strengthen or Weaken my faith in the ntan, as the case might be, I attended divine ser­ vice in the Baptist Church, where Mr. Cox officiated. I found the church well filled, and the very excellent ser­ mon which Mr. Cox did then and there pfeach, more than confirmed tlie pre­ vious high estimation in which I had held him and his abilities. It was log* leal and eloquent, not the crude uttlr- »nce of a novice, but the earnest lan­ guage of a ripe scholar and a zealous chvistian. I had got into that com­ fortable frame of mind usually induced by hearing a good sermon when my pail of religious milk was kicked ove^ by an apparently disaffected brother rising and reading froin the Geneva Lake Herald the following extract from lis Richmond correspondence of Jau. 4th. The Baptist church has just changed pastors. Rev. Geo. Robinson stepping down and Rev. J. II. Cox, taking charge of the fol<l. We think tlii^ an excei- lt>nt move on the part of Baptist brethren, for by the change, a good pastor as well as talented preacher is secured. Mr,Cox is very popular Ui town and wherever he is known, aud talks and acts Christianity. Wn are told that the retiring broth­ er didn't act very £hrist like to his successor on the last Sabbath he was with us. He told his weeping flock that he parted with tlieui having the best of feeling to all of them, and then showed that lie was inad enough at some of tliem to bite their Iliads off aud tried to do it. But Mr. Cox is too popular a mini to have anything of that sort effect him. "By their Fruits ve shall know them." George got jealous, and we learned years ago that • jealousy was the outgrowth of ignor­ ance." Is it possible that Geqrge Is ignorant? 1 wonder If he hrfd aUetter from a church in good standing vwheu he came here ? Varlou* and energetic were the ef­ forts made to choke the brother off, but he wouldn't stop. By conversa­ tion with several of the congregation since, I find that they all got. the same idea I did, viz: that the brother who read the extract Intended to convey the impression that the Rev. Mr. (/'ox himself wrote it. A large number of the congregation left the house in dis­ gust during the reading, and 1 do think that the reader made a great mistake that is, if he had the cause of Christ and good morals at heart. Of courset it placed Mr.Cox in a very ombarrass- ing position, and he intimated that he should be heard in his own behalf iu the next issue of the Herald. If he has any denials to make, 1 shall take the liberty to forestall him by assert­ ing that, I am very well acquainted with the Herald's correspondent, and he is not the Rev. Mr. Cox. He Is the last man to pen an article in which he was so closely Interested. I Intended to stay to Sabbath School, but I had seen enough of the meek and lowly spirit supposed to Characterize the followers of the Savior, and I left.-- Woe H me. that I did not stay to hear my own condemnation! The subse­ quent proceedings I must report from the testimony of ear witnesses. Sab­ bath School being convened, another brother arose to relieve his mind. He said, in eCect, that he supposed every­ body knew how he had be^n assailed in the Herald and PLAIN DEALER, that he had tried t3 do the best" he could, hoped God would fotglve him if he had done wrong, and If he wasn't want­ ed in the church he would leave. Much more he said, but that is sufficient to show that he took for his own and put on his own stioulder* the coat of tares aimlessly woven by your correspond­ ent last week. Again I exclaim, great is Truth! I don't kuow how many at the Methodist aud Congregational churches put on the same coat, but I presume many, even tf they didn't get up and 'fess. On Monday evening a meeting w#j> held by those earnest workers fcfr the public good, your four PLAINDKALER correspondents and the twd^iorrespond- ents of the Herald. The Herald men claimed what was undoubtedly true, that their correspondence had been dictated by the kindest spirit, and aimed only, by presenting the truth, to purify our moral atmosphere. Tho PLAIN DEALER men didM't have much to say--In fact three werq pretty mum. while the "*mo9t guilty of them all" quietly remarked that the good wotk was going bravely on, and he had firm faith that his humble labors would eventually atd much tn regenerating Richmond. The worthies shook hands and congratulated each other oh the hopeful outlook, and expressed the mu­ tual hope th:;t the tears shed by the penitent, if not crocodile tears, would be bottled up by the angels, and kept in everlasting remembrance of the good work done by the huinbta repre­ sentatives of the press, The first lecture before ' tt& nigh School was delivered by ftev. F. J, Douglass, of Genoa, Wis., at the Con­ gregational Church. Notwithstanding there was a meeting at the M. E. Church, the students and teachers and many of the citizens of the place were out and got well paid for coming.-- The speaker talked in a very conver­ sational style, which wSs winning, and displayed his forte to a decided ad­ vantage. His subject, "The Higher Ends and Aims of Lite," was so plainly put and the gool lessons given to the students were listened to with atten­ tion and will be remembered In all their future life. The speaker told us life is a series of means and ends, each end a mean for something else. The three great ends of life are Physical, Mental and Moral. There are two classes of men who follow the first: those who look only for present happi­ ness, and those who look for future comforts, but yet physical. Those who follow the second end are much above the first class, still the highest happi­ ness they can enjoy is the pleasure they receive from mind alone. The sculptor may obtain to a high degree of perfect ion; out of the cold marble he may make an angel or a devil. He is not satisfied. ..There is yet something wanting, aud he draws down his high­ er spiritual character to the level of the mental nature. To those who seek the third end of life, the highest aim of human beings, only one example has ever been given, that of Jesus Christ* If we would know of him, search the scriptures. If we would reach the highest point to be attained in either of the aims, we will do well to copy Him. 1 wish space would allow a more full account of this admirable lecture, that your many readers might know what a treat It was. NOTICE EXTRAORDINARY. I ain preparing not to elose up busi­ ness, and 1 want those knowing them­ selves indebted to me on merchandise account to setil^ up and pay up with­ out further notice. £. GILBERT. , McHenry. Dec. 90th 187*. THE new departure taken hy Mr. Sherwood, proprietor of the Waverly House, Woodstock,4s a very commen­ dable oue. The mere suggestion, of lining farmers, aud others g<>iug to that <jity to trade, get shelter for their horses, is a sensible oue, but when/ taken together with the fact, ofget^ ting them housed for nothing, (in case you get meals at the Waverly,) should be encouraged. Hereafter, let those going to that town to trade. Improve the opportunity and get their horses taken care of. • IMPROVE THE TIME. Having decided to go West In the Spring I would say to all my old friends in McHenry county, who have negatives in my posession or who wish to get Pictures taken that "now Is the accepted tlme."p I am now prepared "to take Pictures in any style, in the best of manner and warrant satisfac­ tion. Come as early in the day as possible.aud do not wait for a clear day, as a cloutly day is preferable for a good Picture,| I have also a fine stock of Alburns, Picture Frames #c.. for the Holiday Trade, to which I invite your especial attention, confident that I can please you both in quality and price. : J.S. MEDLAR. Woodstock, Dec. 17th, 1878, Just received a new Stock of Millin ery in all the stylish shades Tin every grades of Straw, Felt, Velvet. Bea­ vers in Hats and Bonnets. Every thing in Plush Velvet, Satins, Silks Plumes. Wings, Ornaments &c., at Mrs. S. Searles, and will be spid at the very Lowest figures for Cash, ior the next twenty, days. v.-- ̂ When horses and cattle are spiritless, scraggy and feeble they need treat­ ment with Uncle Sam's Condition Po\vder. It. purifies the blood, im­ proves the appetite, CuresjColds and Distempers. Invigorates tl^e System Business Notices. and will keep the Animal in a Healthy. Handsome Condition. Scld by all Druggists. ^ A FOR SALE OR EXCHMOJC. Having moved on my farm < I now offer my Store and other property in Johnsburgh for Sale, or will exchange it for good Farm property. If not sold I will Rent it to a responsible party on reasonable terms. It is a flue location for trade. Call ou or addreife P. GIESELKK, McHenry, HI. PUMPS. A large Stock of Adams celebrated Kenosha Pumps. The best Pnmps and Rt iowest prices, at E. M. Owen's. If you want a nobby business suit, cheap, go to Lauer & Becker's. Clothing cheaper than !tfc Lauer t Becker's. For the largest lines of Boots wad Shoes go to Buekltn ft Stevens. For s isohsr suit, go tA *•*«€?? & Beckers, near the Depot. 81x8x10 Chromos, for 3l 4ents, at J B Blake's. Have yon seen those Overcoats it |3 each at Fitzsimmons ft Evanson's. Onlv one Carriage left, ontofFonr teen two month.? ago, at E.M.Owen's. A full line of Carpentervllle and other Flannels at Bncklin ft Stevens. Bargains can be had at Bucklin Jl Stevens in a great variety of goods. Call and make a selection Ml of Fifty Plows, at E. M. Owen's. Examine two different geared Courtland Wagons at fi. M. Owen's A full line of Rabber Goods at Buck linft Stevens. . A good assortment of Splints ehaeb found at Blake's, cheap. A fine lot of Zephyr and Card Boards, just received at J. B. Blake's Farniturt * Store. * faH Fitzsimmons ft Evanson hava line of the Celebrated Walker also a full line of Beloit- Shoe#. warrant every pair, GREAT REDUCTION! In the prices of the Buffalo fiooii and Shoe*. Don't fail to see tliem b«N fore making yonr selections. COLBY BROS. Riverside Bloelt School Books and Writing Paper s Cheap, at O. W. Owen's. Stop at R.M.Owen's and Me new tHS; Geared Cortland Wagon. Remember that Fitzsimmons ^ Evanson are still selling Overcoats Bargains. s Rubber Goods very cheap at FiUh simmons ft Evanson's. New and stylish Clothing just re*-: ceived at Fitzsimmons ft Evanson's. ' New Stock of Cloths. Ready-Mad# Clothing, ftc., for the Fall trade just received at Lauer ft Becker's, near thf Depot. _____ WOODCHOPPKRS WANT IT DC Eight or ten good Wood chopper! wanted immediately. Iuquim - ftf John W. Smith. -T" FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! Bucklin ft Stevens have a fine assort­ ment of Mink Furs, which they wilt sell at low prlees to olose before . ttae Holidays. t OVERCOATS. A great reduction on this llnf of Goods at Fitzsimmons itEvanson's FOR the "Boss" shave or Hair Cu| call at Wilson's Tonsorial Parlor, over O. W. Oweu's Store, McHenry. /BARGAINSI BARGAINS#" For the next thirty days Bucklin A Stevens »v 11 i oner especial bargains in order to reduce stock before taking, annual inventory. * - 5a? The celebrated M. Sela ft Co'tp Boots and shoes at very low prlees ef Bucklin ft Stevens. TRADE DOLLARS. On and after date Trade Dollar* will be received for Goods at par «§ Bucklin ft Stevens, near the Depot. CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! CLOAKS!!! T.adies Cloaks cheep et Bucklin Jl ; Stevens. Cloaks at Cost and below te elose.-•» We have a few left that must be seltf at ouee. riTZSlMXOlfS * EVAVSO*. CASH! CASH! CASH! Will buy Millinery for the next twenty days at cost, at Mrs Searles'. PEOPLE who go to Woodstock and take their meals at the Waverly. will be furnished stable room for hones free. From now until the close of the seep' son Bucklin ft Stevens will sell a$ smaller profits than ever, giving the most goods for the least money 4UJT house in the county. Try them,. .. MrSi Salisbury has a choice selection of Holiday Presents.\ Do not fail to give her a call and learn priced. _/ BOARDERS WANTED. The undersigned is now prepared to take a number of Boarders, either bj the day or week, on the most Reason^ able Terms. Good Rooms and th(f best of accommodations furnishes..-** Residence near the School House. O. STMUUfc Mclleurr. Dec. 10th, 1878, •25 REWARD. The above reward will ib# paid Is any one who will find oue of our BulT%> |o Boots in which there is a counter, inner sole, slip sole or pleoe ef heeling that Is not oast from a good, thief!, piece of sole leather. COLBT BROS. Bireraide Blu«b / BOOTS & SHOES. It Is ft., conceded fact that the lo Custom Made Boots and Shoes have no superior on the market. Selected stock. Warranted work. For sale by Colby Bros.. Riverside Block. It is theuoiyereal testimony tkst tH#* Buffalo Boots and Shoes, for which we are the sole agents in this village, an§ relatively the best and cheapest In thf market.' Glve them a trial. it SJLBT BBOS.^ Iverskt* BlocH V„Jj, .wfl MAMitlED. KENNEDY'--UDELL.--At the residence the brides father, in Kenosha Oountv, wis- Jan 14th, 187», by the Rev. Sargttnt of Wlhno^. Elbert K 'linetly, nf llarvanl, Neh., u> Mite AnuK Udell, of Kenosha Comity, Wis. Much has beeu sung of the "Matd with Golden Hair." No song, however, has yet been able to make that color * popular one for any considerable leagtli---^ of time. Light red faded or sandy hale are equally under the ban of publta opinion. We are happy to announce to our readers who desire to change those colors, that three applications of Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia wlU give them beautiful auburn tresses possea-^ sing all that soft, lnstrious appeerei so desirable in this chief adorMurat < female beauty.

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