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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jan 1879, p. 4

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TIM 8MM>(t haspasfef the WU ff *«*•* •• flic Ard$ji||o Pension bill, ^ '•& Mi **« (loose under > »sasftslnof nm n»» the •4 <toHw»:Mow Of tbe l««t '»*«>»•% The ; M8pw*l#i that alt iNnwIont wl»lcb ^vt Mv* own fntnvMi micr 1110 gvwww ^>umregalfctlag psasleas, or• may here­ inafter be fra«t«4, In . consequence of >»tW«MMi «ittwt«4 i»» the United s € ^msHSSfarfW* ifcrtng the rebellion, or '\'"to«M4M|piMM*«r woand® received or dtses* «o»t*Mt«<1 In soeli service, shall ' kmm the date of death or Sf farther provides that \:rfl the r»%s «t pension for the intervening > , V time ipf Wfelch arrears are granted -V^«ia#%*lfre same per month for which T tbe?»wton was originally granted. and repeat* section 4,725. Mbvlsed 3tat«Mi» irhtah provide that no claim £• w pinion »«*fc .prosmieed to a saceess> ,;:,VOT Ave years from the ,* Adt tf iBIng, shall be admitted with- •|||J out evidence from the War or JTsty 3- Departments of the death. Injury* or ' disease of the person on whose account ° the claim Is made. The bill also pro­ vides that no claim agent or other Kt ^ person shall be entitled to receive any ' VJ:. nnmiginiatlon for services In malting . applleattofl for arroars of pension.-- Hill hlH was passed by the House du- 1 ring the Forty<4batth Congress, but V: ^ |n the Sana* by a motion to lay oatin table, made March 3rd, 1877, the last alght rfHiiiWtoi, It Is estt- mated by the Owowlsskmer of Pen­ sions that at lease*. glBjOQOgDOO will be i,, required to pay tbe arrears antborlced * by the bill. , >r {. The Bill in Ml eaa be focmd on the llrst page of this paper. .The Presi­ dent bas sot yet signed it, but it Is to be presumed he will, as It is a matter of and right. P. 8. Blnce writing tbe above tbe President hasslgned the Bill mid it is " •C1 !_ now a law. v ? ^A^ ^ ATTHe gold In the United Steles * j - ^ Treasury and the various Sub-Treas- '*; * urtes of the country bas increased so largely ales* January I, that the Sec- fc retary of thoTvesanry announces that' ' ^ hencefortb Oovernment interest will be paid at all Sub-Tie usuries! In eoln T' ? ®r wirrenoy, at the ogftftitof the' payee as was the enstom prior to resumption, •' and the policy of paying gold only at New York will be abandoned. It was ISM 1 > a cautionary measure and proved to be y. m Mr A novelty in grave robbing - ft reported from Cabe, Alleghany eounty, Hew York. Elgbtenn years sgtf a cit- isen of that place burled his mother, and, to prevent the body from being stolen, he prepared the grave by building In mortar a bride receptacle for the ooflln, which, when lowered, was eovnred crosswise with timber, then earth. Desirous of removing the remains, the other day, be found that the grave had been disturbed. The remains were found untouched, but every brick In the grave bad been re­ moved. %j4 . V ~hs *-• ?f< i4o ^ ' S' r\ i y," % 1 * , / Frank Hnrvnvd. . '..-.v lobn Xa$t0b who was •t ®ypfc»»l«b«»e slelu Never mind Jfcwry you will get that ring time. While la Cary »tntM lMl?««k we saw Pnwle.v anil ll.Bn»dfer8ont employed at tbe W*«htng«nnJH» Co. We heard some talk of S3 is* Knox gding to teach at Dublin this summer. We heard some taHt of James Hen­ derson leaving the BaXjHfr Ibhfei. Among the load sfcriffcridlng lam Sunda? night was Hmplnj «Akbl« glri Jno. Parsley oSers U aaatcb any­ thing in town trotting bomm. Lyceum Thursday evening at the Htiflhian school House* Horace Burton has been very sick but Is recovering. Some talk of an Exhibition at IfudS* ©it's School House this week. H. Parker Is working for Stier® Burton. Tba sleighing Is demorallslnK fast, I am in hopes to bear from Folkes this week. CART STATIOM. Emtok Plain dealer We feel somewhat slighted in not being repre­ sented through the ooiumns of your paper, bat as we handle the pencil as a chronicler of events, we will try and let you know the transpiring events of Cary now. Champ has twenty-flvt boarders. Terms ftt.50 per week. «• Tbe len Company are cutting Ice SI Indies thick. 44Jack*' likes lard wttb a will tft 111 Direction northward. Church every Sunday night, and prayer meeting twice a week, aud still we are not happy. It's a dishwasher ttfis time,'ten days old, at h, McSetis. Lyceum ^Was largely attended on Tuesday evening to liear the question discuued whether two meals a day was better than three, with W. H. Har- back leading disputant on the afBrma- tlve side, and F. E. Cox en the nega­ tive. After a discussion of about two hours it was decided In favor of the affirmative. Our heart jvas gladdened the other day by the sight of a youth Who anpivns to epistolary fame under the innofnlt* of M Ou^ Folks.** He is the same unassuming youth at of old, and every inch a gentleman. Johnnie Kish keeps a full assortment of everything that is usually kept in a country stove, and 'will sell at prices that can*t be beat in tli's village. Tbe engineer Is the be*t poker play­ er In this bnrg. He has to cut the buttons oft Ids panu for stakes, and still be thinks it is pretty sijftle. . Kfctr STIIX. ttrTfm Commissioner «C Indian Aftln has suggested to several mem bars of Congress the propriety of some legislation which should look at least toward placing the Indians under the Jurisdiction of civil law. The Commis­ sioner and the Congressman with whom be conferred are of the opinion that tbe Indian thorougly understands some of tbe grosser crimes, such as murder, outrage and robbery, and (bat be could readily appreciate tbe law- lessness of such acts if he knew that he Would suffer civil punishment for com­ mitting them. It Is probable that a bill waking this Initiative toward bringing the Indians within the juris­ diction of tbe Courts will toon be pre­ sented. 0QrX?ndoubtedly -one of the most healthful and nourishing articles of di­ et is oiitmeal. When properly cooked and eaten with sugar and cream It forms a dish which most people relish better than meat for breaksaet, and Is much cheaper. Liebtg has chem­ ically demonstrated that oatmeal Is almosts as nutritious as the very best English beef, and that It is mneb rich­ er than wbJateu bread in the elements that go to form bone and mu«cle. Prof. Forbes, of Edin­ burgh, during some twenty years meas­ ured the breadth and height, arid also tested tbe strength of both arms and loins, of tbe students of the Universi­ ty--a very numerous class ardof va­ rious nationalities, drawn to Ed in. burgh by th« fame of his teaching. lie found that in height, breadth of chest and shoulders, and strength of arms aud loins, the Belgiaus were at the bottom of the list; a little above the them tbe Etiglish; and highest of all tbe Scotch, and Scotch-Irish from Ul­ ster. who, like the natives of Scotland, e fed in their early years at least one meal a day of good oat-meal por­ ridge. sp ' 4 jr t *-- n«T REUA1U SUU*sy OArporatles *fttas •»«!*• and North-Wiit, And !>gr itsi»ee«iwr»t*«l growth ha* extended its VI vai tion* CLCAMM OUT »"» a m p u d i i » . t iui« # LBADINC RAILWAY Of the WMt and North-Wnk. Sm'bmefne under one management 8,158 Miles of Road Ami forming the followinjc Trhnk Llnei"" Chfcagck, t?-ounril Bluffs * Oailfbrala Line, Chioaen, ?fo«x Cstv timJ Ynnktoli- Line. Chl- capa, Olioton, D«"l»«v<tn© & LaCrwue Line, Chicago, free port * D0»Mique Line, Chicago, Laf^rosse, Winona * Minnesota Line, Ohica- (to, St. Pant A M(an«apolis Line, Ghteafro. Milwaukee ft Lake Superior Line, Chicago, Urcen Bay & I^uke Superior Ll»«, Tftte *d- vante^e^ of tiiese Lines are: I. If tlie i»a»sen^«i is going 4o«r ttma any point in tli© entire West or Xortt»-We»t, he can ln>y his ticket; vl:i some one of this Cod pany's'Mnea an<i be sure of reaching his den* tinatinn by it or its Connections. > t> The greater part of Us lines are laid With Steel Hit Hs> the road bed is perfect. Mo road lias ti better or smoother track. 3. It is the short line between all import­ ant points. (, its trains are sll equipped with tbe WeatinRhotiae Air Brake, Mlfler,s Platfona and Couplorn ami the latest improvements for comfort, safety and convenience. A. It is the only road in the West rnatilug the rele lira ted l'iillmsiS Hotel Cars between Chicago and Council Bluffs. 6. It <» the only Road running the Pullman Palace Sleeping Cnrs cither way. tis^waett Chicago and St. Paul, ' ^ Chicago and Green Bay, - - Clilcago and Freeport, f^t - Chicago and LaCrosse, . t Chicago and Winona, ; ft Chicago am! Dubiique, Chicago and McCfregor, Chicago and Milwaukee. 7. It is the ohlv road passing along the shores of Lake Michigan between Chicago and Milwaukee. & The only Itoad rnnniag Four Express Trtinsa dav via its lines between Chicago and points in Minnesota. Of all klndi af Ooodlt continue for the next ,.04. Will i. %f «'<• m • \.»h, ^ i* ^ -Wfi« Carpentervulc and Sprint, Flannels, Overcoats, Menr Fine Suits, Blue Flannel Shirts, La­ dies and Gents Underwear, Ho- 4% hi 9. No road offers equal facilities In namher of through trains, equipped with Pullman Palace sleeping CarB. 10. It ran* Two Express Trains Dally e*el» way on all its lines ami four trains eaen way between Chicago and Milwaukee. 11. It makes rouneetions with all lines crossing at in termed iate points.. The popularity of these lines is steadily la- creasing and passengers should consnlt their interest by purchasing tickets via this line. For information, Folders, Maps, Ac., net obtainable at Home Ticket Ofllce, address any agent of the Ooaipany or VASVIIT HTJQHIXV UeneralSupt. cSM.Su FRED. 8GHNORR, manufacturer or > h'4%; ' iv ' $*y P:'V New iitore, near the Depot, HeHEKBT, ilXINOia Raving removed to my new Store, I am now prepared to accommodate my castoiners in anything in the line ot Ciistom-Made Boots and Shoes On short notice and warrant satisfaction. Being a workman of many years expe­ rience I nin conHilent I can please alt who rive me a call, ami as I use none but (he best of stock eaa gusrantee as r'presenteC •: ;#pf ' Nubias, Felt Skirts, in Mm oApa AND SHOES, HUBBEB GOODS, Ac. Bnii ail BteaM Un, t i< H* • ,« • l f , :> > . ~W ; ••'/.'IV > t, if'" 4!' V",U< " * • { < ' e . • -A3fB "ILL OiVS rHlt r,. / ?fV l!. * Having bonght $1,000 worth of Samples from Miller 4k C*., o4 Racine, Wis., at a LAEGE DISCOUNT, I can and wit! aeU same at WHLESALE prices, for the next SO day*. Kemembe these are not SNIDE GOODS, but the BEST the firm maiuifacturtf1 as they were expressly for their's samples. SOW THE TIME FOR BARGAIN! Oiveme a eall ON UUBBEU GOODSJ N« trouble to show aood*. BOTTOM PBlCEf ' * [ * . * . -. r ^ ' l+v* Js'jtft.'b' - A** " '4 ^ r. J »r & * f„i J*1 f, r i- • *«• 4^ WOODSTOCK, p. Ve Mean M lat ve Sail Which it will pay yon to exam­ ine. i; ^ ' • W e - b n t will take in dxi'haii^e choice But- tflsjr^ Oats, efe^,.,. Mi • v,..A full line ot r p,, Sf: Always on hand at lowest Cosh prices. 1 • ' .. .. j v * .JT 21 A .... ̂ $*1s * -1 ' PRZsmimiis m evhiissii* r j - N e a r D e p o t , M c H e n r y . Give me a call aad I Will try and please. SWRemember the nine, now IIlock, oae door West of Story's Hardware Htore. FRED- SOHNOffV. MeHenry. 111.. Oet. aeth, 1878. 9 i Q i yJ CO 9 O •FOR-- (BOOTS AND SHOES Ml a SIS NMIImm M.. BUILt COOK A SBIXAS, Manitrrs and Wholesale Dealerw. *arDon't (ail to exnmine Goods aixi Prices when in Chicago. Stock Hew aa md ltought for Cash. Orcat in­ ducements to Clash lluyers. K.K. Br Kb, Late with M. Selz ft Co. C. K. C«k>k, I La to ot Whitney, n. L .Skixah , 1 Cook A Co., v. ' v V" ' '4 - 1* • • hK >"!<» r?Y,0i We shall, in order to re* duce our Stock before the time of our Annual Invent tory, sail all Goods iptow m ; ' ;1 , * . tfWMI tm-i " /[ r ces only for a short tim^ but wilt guarantee you bar| gains never before offered in this section. vW , f l : > i." «,S , "« Don't pay War Price* fttr Avrieallnral Machinery .but call on t " W ^ ' '* irnyt*i j M-y£ ' «•**< 4 f<4- -w 4i»- • Mi / £,i- ttTThe etiKlneerluc project* of nedera tlmea are often startling by tlMir rnrlglaalHy Md boldness. Not the loMfc ia tlMse respects Is the one which proposes to avert future visita­ tion* of yellow fever from 2ffeir Or- 1ban«, by turning that eity into anoth­ er Venice, rem*vi«g the dykes whfeh pre«te Mississippi from overflow lag ft, sad letting the water from tlie rivet low Uurot^h its streets. Of ••arse the city would have to be lifted Wily, as Chicago was, but It Is eon- tended that its health would be assur­ ed If Mm fact that dean water would dtsplses the poisonous sewerage, while the City Would also be relieved from tbe exfMMtftaiH! eare of maintaining the dykes which are tow it« proteo* tlon. TIm Iftdical Inspe^or of the Boaf# of Health of Pi a suggesli&ii which " testing--that the eity sewers, whkfi pubHe hsalth, may posstb )>y oonaecting the sewers eWmnejss of factories, by wlii the gas would be drawh off and Its oom- bastion secured. No subject* mom • 'l|M*apvely 4jB9MMid the wisest Jnves- tipiiiiJ ©f wienie than such as are so ^tt^ljr^apnaOM .Ijmlti of CONCERT AND BALL, For the Benefit of the Qorman School * Sa1>bath Sohooi ByPtED.MAl^US, it Katiiiial Hall, Wesdstcck, February 20th, 1879. TICKETS for Concert, SI pereoapSS. On- eert aad Ball |U0 per eouple. The Celebrated Violinist, Prof» A. Ro8eiitM*eker, Kroia tShleaae lfMteal Oetlefe, the best Ma- slelaa *f «1m Vertliireat le enmieil, and will play wms of kit iaeeft Vkflin Solos. The Kswaerelinr wlthaarM«t home talent will assist to aukke tbf ireto makes worth oin the tttal to Owtert the beat musical treat ever offered 1st (he County, Ma&ag« ef 0--ssrtt • - S. S Btohaiis. Xasle kr the Ball bjr the NEW CHICA80 0RCNE8TBA. Floor Managora t ; B. Waller, ilarranl, ... - 'Omiaer, Harvard, ^ v , j ' W e e d s - « * V iqaia,^. • . yx N ^ ̂ McHENRY, M^ <*' vyf t*. f <"r" 'i •i".1 "V fi f" n«» <*1 « f 1 i ~i ' » t * r M Where you will And alt kinds of itiBI 0UI>TU*4i*ACiUNKtt\,at Aottow % fanains Mills. Qorn Cntters. il'trs, Feed Mills » r, Nunaa. Charie THE WEEKLY NATION! A lilterarT and Kdueattoaal Joaraal.-- Elitht latm paiees of vniuaW® matter ererjr week. No spar taken np with MverUse- meats. The eolumns of Pfoblems and 'Q#er- les are espeekily valuable. Subeerintion ffjf-8*1 |t$ii6Ti Hnmplei fw®, jMlufiMi K TM. HAZELTINK, Warren, Pa. - --iHm-- COOUtY CREAMSR H»ves aiaeh la^ Iwr in the »ss!ry ns thu reabor in the nel<1. Makes more : an<l bettor Butter than any other j mown process, en<l | VU[» le.8.s o^l»ens«. Tha Hiwinx ftM t weeps taken civen or the beat Ikitter nade by My Fae. wry or Dairy in the Unituu jw.rf tt'as awarded Hiram Smith, of SaebojrgStt, Wis., at the Interrnitionnl Dilrr Fair, Hear ICork, December, 1S78, for butter ma>le by the Oooley process. At the same fair, Jno. 8. Murray, Delhi. 5. Y„ was Awarded the First PreatlaaS fer heat Dairy Batter made in Ne w York Mate; this batter was ataomade by tke Oeetiy pieeeSS. a. i»wljt4 Mia Batter aae Chsm. sMair pf ||MrI«»eraa> • • nyi i " Jfii wrj m*4* by the Coeley rmwiii^lNlMrWSCMS «*• isrSSSSSSSSimg The <Jw»»ey Clreeeier wIM par iter Itwlf «r- ery «S days, «awater or winter. Send tor Circular tn Pumps, Plows, HMsge, Cultivators, Wagons. Buffatas, Itebmetjrhs. Cutters, Circular Haws andin sbort every kind of ,Xool or AIAcliiue In use on or about the l[aria. II yoa want a pair of •:>' SOB % 'ifei';' ;v DWICHT & FORREST. »"* - t; ̂ 'rmtr K-$ pt, "t 1 V k' J Woodstock, ill., ICot- Main St"®* Pnblie Squ»(S Jan. 14th, 187». :!*- mm s a'S.? W r. 'te' is #OMEIt WATTL BREWERY PORSALK Oft ltENT The utidemigned offers for Sale or fteitt cw»e half Interest la the llollenry Brewery. It is now doing *good busl- wws aud Is in good riinning artier.-- l^lenty «tf Malt and Beer on hand^-- Will disposed of reasonable if ap- foraoon, JriW* eary. XO. Jaa. fted, 197a. dive MS ealjk . CHEAP • !*»&! Jbi thia line I am now prepared io do yoa work in the best of Maimer. Reapers and Mowers, t and till other machinery in the beat of manner notice. Ttiraiiig in wood or lion promptly done and <|n «irMkmbnfike uianner. ^ ' , ^ ',s ? Qt^e mea callJfta wantt^ahy- thing in my line. « "?7 . O.QISHOP. XsBeary, Oee. Hth« K'\ t? 4 "-V +<*: « ' . 'Awfit,, fed) *•<* faffl H 4f -f't • f! ». r i' fi. 17 ,t" ̂ • J ' ' t* % * »«t^V 1 > j j "i/FT a <' * * t ' ,> v :..t* 2* > • '"i.ii/A ' C. F. Hall's Stores are both ready for the Fall and Wiuter bual* ness>of *78 and '7^, and are offering stich indncerqents that readers of the Plaindealer can't afford to pass thein by. s Just read ft fei| prices 08 au 9i)pcti»a i»nd ttou go und see for itself.,, , . , m" ..........le, Se.Seaad a 'Hi ti.rt it. i vrVj Be«t' Bast Prints. a #} Spool Cotton 05 SB inch .... ... <W\ SS iaeltOotton best :.. 0th M " " bleached w «« " •« bleached bait K> ........ 86 ........ m : : % " " Cashmere....... Black Alpaca Oood Corsets No l Offsets a Furs i lo liohee a Vlanm wool Plaanel, Gootl Women*and KLIssea SUoes ...... Boots A.... Beys pseteji^ . Ladies Far* ail prices!....!!... Itohes < " • Buttle CoUda i Alt woo all prices, flannel.. (I MtoS 78 iistosas Onwd Tketfttna,...^.^*. .. Sufrnr Best Tea w Best Jupun Tea. 91 Sets off on 5% lota.......... 5 lbs Coffee 1SS 15 lbs Currants....... ISO 1211m Rice ISO No 1 Baking Powder..... SS Sale rat us • SS '8. O. Starch IS Axle Grease SS Stove Polish HR, Mens Salts cheap r^5 Boys Suits cheap !••»... S : Oven-oats cheap. n 1» No1 r«e Cat Tnftaeea «t Dress Qoo4s •••«»•* ...Seta to It Hy disposition this Fall is to sell cheaper than ever and I am pre* pared to give all who are in want of merchandise a -feal benefit. "Goods well bought are half «old" and I know I present to patrons as well bought stock and bought as low as Cash in hand .would buy it in any market. Clothing is one of my great specialities and I guarantee Jt saving of from |£ to $6 a suit. Stock always full and complete for all sizes. Trunks, valises, Hats and Caps in full a*s sortment* In li^tin all classes of merchandise I am fully up to the times in goods and prices. I am bound to lead the trade if good goods aud low priceb will do it. In closing I will only say I wa«t to see you. It will be of mutual benefit for I know you eaa mmSsm Rich' money out of me. I have Stores well filled at Dundee and oionds gentlei^ply clerk & in attendance au4 |^r w»iwc is t • r • r C. F.HALL, fhlcego Offlee, Bichmond, Iuu 122 Franklin Stbkkt. r.HAuy- 'diixdck, ill

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