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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Feb 1879, p. 1

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rr " fieSta ? * ' &• '.felfc „ ^ ^"r ;j^;':0. • • . ^ 6 * r"> -./, ' ' ? •h t.i-jS-.. \ **»& '•?:*>".. ,t««> . / ¥ . .« i* ! J *> ̂ /* -*, l\ • \ • I#' ' i f . , . ,;i ti.iiuiitai fefc** i , V I" ; * **• ' - 1 • r f > SJ 5* ' '); - '-*'< >••• .-Jfc a&i •_ • * < • & I S t w T r i s i f i s t s ? l a f t l ^ f i j r i f i f t s s r s ^ ̂ I t V w S ' f i « « * * « U S S ? S € f . r s s r S a r H S i s i s i A W S < 1 5 M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1879. VOL. % M,l> 5 'i •' .' s{«fr" T* **l, I • • K . * - *" * , V/ ̂ A** ' *4# %**• PaMUM Irtrjr Wednesday by V-AJf SfLYKE ®<iitor and PnbliBher. Office in Old P. O. Blocks f«Onosni Riverside Hon*.-- , i \?M y < - „ **fc< ,.. t IgtBRMa or BUB8CBIPTIOS: * §•• iMr, (in A<lvsnee,)... ..ft SO If net Paid within Three Months 2 00 ftttaftfpttons received for three or Six months iHftae Mme proportion. i BUSINESS CARDS. £/ u •H** 'A • > ;TM H. T. BftOWN, M. D il>HTSIClAN and Surgeon. Office JL of®T the Post Office, opposite Perry M alerting Store, up stairs McHenry 111. E. A.REE&SM. D. PurtioiAK and Surgeon. OfflUe at residence, two doors west of Post Office, McHenry O. J. HOWAttD, M D. f nrsioiAir and Surgeon. Office at the store of Howard & Son, McHenry, life , ftfi'.rln,. ,, ^ W. H. BUCK, M. D., HOMEOPATHIC Phyticlan and Jtirreon.-Office East Side Public Square, -Wood. Mock, Hi. Office hours 11 to 12 A. M., and 2 «4P. M. F. J. BARBIAN. #*<IQAR jlflnufActurer, McHenry 111. \J dors solicited. Shop North Kast o *%bllc Square. • ' Or. oorner Mi % • Ik: E. PERKINS. 317AGON Maker. McHenry, 111. General [T Jobbing promptly attended t«» Shop, "est of the Pubiic, Square, RICHARD BISHOP, TTORNEr AND COUNSELOR AT LAW l. MoHeury, III. - HICHAR1) COUP TON. 4 ifUSTlCE of the Peac® and Oon^#i^«r.^ CV Will attend promptly to the eollevlion ®f debts. Volo, l<ake County, 111. GEO. A. BUCKLIN 1STOTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancer and In- surance Agent. Office at Bncklin A fleTen's Store, near tho Depot, McHenry, IU. E. E. RICHARDS. a complete Abstract or Tllles to land McHeurv County, Ill!noU). Office with nnty Clerk, Woodstock, 111. UOH'f. WRIGHT. Manufacturer of Custom Made Boots and Shoe*. None but the beat of material (Med and all work warranted. Shop North west i|£rner Public Sqnsre, McHenry, fit ij- -- n f ' „• i • E. M. OWEN. |S ENRRAL Dealer and Manufacturer* UT Agent in Leaciing Farm Machinery. t»ric<!« low and Terms nrorable. MoHENRlT. - - ILLINOIS. ijm GOTTLEIB BOLKV. Q ALOON and Ten Pin Alley, Lanslnif* _ , O B!oi k, naar. the Dsuat^ Mctlenry, III,-- f 11^'"in ̂ - 4Jli<wc« ISeands'df Lhittor^aitd Oig^v*- UKO. SOllREINER. . SALOON and Ucataurmt. Nearly opposite ttte Parker House, McHenry 111. ..iil'fiafFiret.Gla** Billiard and Pool Tnh|ee. . •; ' • ^ • fe: J. HONS LETT, <3 Al.OON an<l Uestaurant. Nearly oppoeite O Owen's Mill, McHenry, III. Fresh Oyster* eerved up iu any dhape desired, or tor sale by Can. D STABLING FOR IIORSES.^ee r ^ Wl W. ELLSWORTH.' l4'reederof the Celebrated Poland China Hog D Also Liflu .tml Dark Brahma Fowls. Pigs thippcJ to all points by express. P. O. Ad- •'•l*ess, Woodstock, III., • •>*" PETER LEICKEM. ®-*>EPAlRH Watehoa, Clocks and Jewelry of Xi all kinds. Also Repairs Violins in the best possible inanuer, on short notice and at rea- i«n a hie rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop first door North of River»i<U> Block, McHenrj PL Poland China Swine jfftOOD Piga for sale that was sired by Boars \5T that took First Premium and Sweep- Makes at St itc and County Pairs, from $10 to |16 apiece. Wj are shipping tu some of the seat breeder* in the country". For particulars tpply to (V HTRKET A iOS, Hebron, III. ttr A XTT^T? T^\ To make a permanent W XVlM JL I J l * engagement with a Slergyman having leisure, or a Bible Reader, (0 introduce in McIIenrv County, the CELE­ BRATED NEW Centennial Edition ot the HOLY BIBLE. For description, notice edi­ torial in last week'fS is«ne of this paper. Ad- tress at once P. L.'TIOItTOV & CO., Publish­ ers and Bookbinders, 60 E. Market St.. Indian- .(Aolis, Ind. ; 'fc,. ... .. : -- .5 ^ Sitvias' Mills or Spring Grove Grist Mill. -feUSUOBSS CAKDSc O. II. TRUAX. f\ARPENTER and Builder, \J Will put up buildings by th< and gnaran tee satisfaction. Naada, he Jobc III.-- or day. E-V. ANDERSON. M. D. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Offiee a* <111 bert's Drug Store, opposite the Parker House, McHenry, Illinoh. E. BENNETT, M. D., SURGEON and Accoucher. Diseaae* of Women a Specialty. Offlce and Residence on Clay Street Woodstock, III. DB. C, B. WILLIAMS. T^ENTIST, Algonquin, III. All war- 1J Autted. Teeth extracted in • and sk,illful manner. earefai DR. C. W. COX, DENTIST. Offiee Over Smith, Aldrleh * Haythorn's Store. Richmond. 111. SIDNir DISBROW, ^ NOTARY PUBLIC and Conveyance* den, yi. m w i NO. 28. + >»w Ms fl- N.3. COLBY. MCHENRY, MeHenry Co., III. Breeder of Spanish Merino &>hcep, Berkshire and Poland China Swine. A choice lot of young Bunk stock for sale. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. ELECTROPATHY. 1 ^Dr. Samuel Sherman, Aft* Wife will be at their resideiee Uf miles West of the Depot, on the Woodstock road, three days in each week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, for the purpose of treatiiig all curable diseases. Consultation and Examinations Free. Office hours from 9 A. M., to 1 p. u. They will also be at the Residence of Mrs. L. A. Clark, in the Village of McHenry, on Mondays, Wednesday* and Fridays of each week. REFERENCES:--John Doran, Richard Bish­ op, Martin Welsh, Arthur Whiting, Leonard Bonslet, James Sutton, John M. Smith. F, K, Granprer, Geo. Gage, Ben. Gilbert, Horace Dwetly, H.F.Peck, Wm. Hutson, Geo. Gilbert. -- •: ' J. A. SI1SRWOO0 ! A U C T I O N E E R I AND APPRAISEB#^::| Algonquin, 111. of Stock, Farming Too la and of all kinds promptly attended to. sales a specialty. Terms reasonable. DCBce address Algonquin 111. 'tf'Sw-rn Farm Post W. H. SANFORD Merchant Tailor. In the store of C. H. Dickinaon, Kaet Public Square, WOODSTOCK, lL ,̂ h A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Snitffijpt al. waysonhand. Suits made to order ana* warranted- 4 Give me a call. fit W. H. 8ANFORD. Woodstock III.,Sept. 27th, 187ft. " " -V., I'..'*-; r V r . H. E. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. rijrs, with or without drivers, furnished lit reasonable rates, lone on short notice. Teaming Geo. H. Stewart, uctioneer. Richmond, III. Hae an experience of 15 year*, and will ffnaratitee satisfaction in all cases, where sales entrusted to my care, are properly ad­ vertised, or no charge will be made. Terms, from $3 to #10, according to aippUttt ofaale. " All ordere addressed to Rleh^ond, IU., Will receive prompt attention. » M. ENCKLN. G U N - S M I T H ! Scale Repairing, Grinding and Pol­ ishing Razors and Shears and Table Cutlery a special:- ty. Repairing of all kinds done in Steel or Brass.-- All work warrant­ ed. Also dealer in Guns, Revolver*, Table and Pocket Material, Pipes, fuss & SiBdersl8i)8D; Proprietors. |I^plaving pot this Mill in first clMa order, we now prepared to do I'- Custom Grinding ' ri* Short Notice and Warrant S^tia&ctlorff A flour ail Feel Constantly on MS lad Sold as Low as any other Mill in the Uonntv. v 49TThe Highest Market Priee in Cash Paid for Good Milling Wheat. ^ jJGive us a §411 and we will give you satis- v; action, wr "•:#I VPSS * SIEDER^LEBEN. iJtVaHivlns» Mills, lit, Aug. 27th, 1878. ® Cutlery, Gun and Fishmar Cigars, Tobacco, Violin Strings, AO. Shop and store near the Post Office, Henry, 111. Scott 6c Co., x WHOLESALE AND RETAIL S. V. Cor Filtl Ave & Madisoi BRANCH STORES S. £, Cor. Clark & Lake & S. E. Cor. Hal8ted and ' - ^farrison Sts.^ f , CHICAGO. fe:- 4000 BOYS & GIRLS Mr the best Boy's and Girl's paper published !• the West. Beautiful presents to subscrib­ ers and agents. Every boy and girl can earn nts of money canvassing during leisure Hours. Don't fail to send for it at once. To • trodnce it we will send to any address on Jrirtl three months, for 10 Cents in cash or postage stamps. Sample of paper anrt Eirtlenlars FREE- Address l, Qrr onsehold Gem, Cleveland, o- • n Lb nr000®T0©K^ ^ BDITOR Pt AIM DEALER t- another old settler has gone to nil sleep. Governor Wright is Imi was familiarly known, but Bet\jarahrihrank in Wright was the name his wither* gave him. was buried in Oakland Cem­ etery from the Methodist ClturQh on Monday afternoon, Jan, 97th. Mr. Wright with hi* family earn* to this township and settled on a farm about four mile* from Woodstock in 1844. In 1867 he exchanged his farm for village property here in town where h<6 has lived up to the time of his death.-- For several years after oomlng to Woodstock his principal business was as Drayman, for the last; eight or ten years tie was personally In the employ of the American Express Company, at the fame time running the Dray With Mr. H. L. Watson as his agent. |u these several capacities his prompt at­ tention to business, his genial and cheerful demeanor, his readifiess to give of his limited income to rharita­ ble purposes and to public enterprise haseriderred him and his metnory ln the hearts of our people and we be­ lieve we speak the universal sentiment when we say that not another man eould be taken from us who would be more missed among bur people. The aged and feeble, the middle aged, ilie yonth and the little children all claim­ ed the '"Governor" as a friend. And thub he died, at peace with fill Man­ kind. at peace with God, with an un­ swerving faith in the religion he pro­ fessed, he passed away, peacefully, quietly, while loving hands adminis­ tered to his last necessities, and save one, the companion of his yonth, the partner of his early toils and mother of his children and the main spring of his success In early life, who had gone before, surrounded by an unbroken household. Dear old friend and neigh­ bor we know o.f none who envy j*oa the bliss of such a death but we do know of those who would rejoice to know that their last moment! might be like yours. We noticed among the mourners the family of Voloroiii C. Williams, of Riley, a brother-in-law of the deceased. We also noticed the famllyofW.W. Willis, of JaweagUe, Wis., as among those who with the bereaved family. Tb# preached the sermon. Ife was fftl lowed by appropriate remarks from Rev. R. K. Todd, the Rev'ds J. I>. Mo- Lean, and D. S. MuKwen, also took part in the exercises. During the fu­ neral hour our business plsoos were all closed as a unanimous tribwtl! to life memory of the departed. As our last letter did not reach you in titne for last week's issue we sup­ pose that most of It will not be {nap* propriate for this week, so we shall not trouble you or your rearfera with a lengthy article now. 1 We think we mentioned the severe illness of Mrs. W. E. Hughes, who has since died, and was buried from the M. E. Church on Thursday at one o'clock p. m. Her funeral was largely attend­ ed. She leaves her husband and one son of her immediate household, an extensive kindred, and numerous ac­ quaintance, to mourn her lost. She was a true and affectionate wife, a lov­ ing mother and a faithful friend. Be­ ing in feeble health for years, she has been a great but patient sufferer. Having '• passed through the valley and shadow of deathw she r«sts from her toils and pains. The bereavedliusband and son And a solace in accepting the sympathy of our community. The New Era again finds it place among our literature, with Rlnglnnd A Cummins aa publishers. It stands square)}' on the Greenback platform, and ably and sealonsly urges all lis sympathy with that party to aid them iu the cause. « If Hessing is to be believfed. Judge Blodget could not have been "Csesar'l | *; wife." He is not "above suspicion." * We hear Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stan­ ton's lecture highly commended. We did not attend. If it tends to guide "Our Girls'* to pure womanhood, as decreed by the Almighty, it ii%e?l for them and their generation to hear her words, but if tainted with sentiments, such as have been reported through our leading journals as her utterances, not many generations shall hav passed ere woman abwve all others will have cause to regret the success ot tli principles she advocates. A Mystery off the Great takes. There Is a mystery about the Ameri­ can lakes. Lake Erie Is only 60 or 70 feet deep; but Lake Ontario Is 669 feet deep,'ISO feet below the tide level of the ocean, or as low as most partg of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and the bottoms of *Lakes Huron, Michigan and Superior, although the surface is much higher, are all from their vast depths on a level with the bottom of Ontario Now, as the discharge through the river Detroit, after allowing for the proba ble portion carried off by evaporation does not appear by any means equal to the quantity of water which the three upper Jakes receive, ft has been con­ jectured that a subterranean river may run from Lake Superior, by Huron to Lake Ontario. This conjecture is not impossible, and accounts for the singn lar fact that salmon and hering are caoght!ln all the lakes communicating with the St. Lawrence, but no others. As the Falls of Niagara must have always existed. It would pnscel the naturalist to say how these fish got into the upper lakes without some sub­ terranean river; moreover any period leal obstruction of the river would furnish a not Improbable solution ot the mysterious flux' and reflux the aa- First class ol all kinds He- ;f:v MONTHLY M ADE. Agents wanted IW# County rltrhts Riven arratis f„r the le of seven well-known Standard Medicines (fcpededin every family; reputation world- WMte;established many years; made by a 6atebi*ted physician; proofs of evident** £ven. Ani-i u'sr.ri'ms energetic person can ike snujfperiitnont income and verjrliheral 8rnas by ad lressini? with reference, SSS lestnut Street, Philadelphia. PIMPLES. * I will mail (Free) tho receipt for a simple Vegetable Balm that will remove Tan, Freckles, Pimples and blotches, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful: also instruc­ tions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald hea.fl or smooth face. Address, nclosing.l ct. stamp, Ben Vandelf A Oo. SO Ann St., New York GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Is a Vegetable Prepakatio* invented in the 17th centnrv by Dr. William Gra«e, Surgeon in King James' army. Through its agency he cured thousands of the most serious sores and wounds that baffl­ ed the skill of the most eminent physicians of his day, and was resrarded bp- *U knew him as a public benefactor; 1 PRICE 35 CENTS A BOX. locomotive, perhaps the larf- est ever made, is* now en route for work on the long, heavy grade on the Rockv Mountains of tne A'eftlson, To­ pe ka and Santa Fe Railroad. It has ten wheels of paper with steel tires and the fire-box is ten feet long. When in tvorkhig order it weighs 118.000 pounds. Its weight is so great that the Western roads will not let it go over their bridges, and it will have, therefore, to be dismantled. It ran, however, over all the bridges of the Pennsylvania road. ttiS* Among many residents of Me­ Henry County the opinion seems* to prevail that a. county newspaper is a eoncern that is run as a source of pteas- ant amusement to Its editor. They send him an order for the paper, take It from the post office and contentedly sit down to read it, with the belief ap­ parently that in #o doing they a*e ren­ dering material aid toward its support. Does the man who owes for his news­ paper ever take into account the great labor and care bestowed upon It by its editor, a whole week being spent in careful research in order to glean news of sufficient interest to make a paper which shall be worthy of his re­ putation ; of the constant and arduous labor of several skilled workmen, nee- esary to prepare the type for the press; of the expense of paper, type, presses.Ink rent, and a host of lesser Items which roll arouud as regularly as the earth revolves upon its axis? A epaperjsnot run for the sole great- " tiwr. Hread aiMl are justaaheeessary to one whose labor is done by his brain and pencil as to one working in the fields. In fact a newspaper is not run for love, but mon­ ey, To be sure an editor takes a jus­ tifiable pride In a large and Increasing (jireulation, but the list must be com­ posed of paying subscriber! in order to make thte the case. tSfr*Foughkeepsie, N. Y., has met the tramp question in a practical way. The city has Instituted a stone yard.-- A large shed has been provided in the, yard, wherein are wooden boxes, plies of rough quarried stone and numerous sledgehammers. When the tramp ap­ plies for food or lodging he Is escorted to thestoneyard, and told that on Ailing one of the boxes with broken stone of the slse of stone coal his wants will be supplied. About seven out of ten re­ fuse to do the work, when the city at once becomes too warm for them.-- They have to "get." Even when he accepts the offer lie seldom comes back agaiu. The city has thus solved the tramp problem. The stone yard also works admirably so rar as the city poor are concerned. All heads of families wantlughclp are given work In the yard at SOcents per day until they can get other employment, The brokeu stone is used to macadamise the streets of the city and It pays. Every city and village might adopt a . similar plan for utilising the hardy tramp. Bronco Pat, a local celebrity re­ siding in Utah, was anxious to wed a damsel whose home was just over the border in Nevad*. but could find no minister to perform the ceremony ex­ cept a Mormon Bishop named Allen, who declined either to cross the Neva» da line or to permit the young lady to come over into Utah and be married.-- Pat's ingenuity overcome the Bishop's scruples, however, and the three par­ ties interested met at the .border line. When the marriage ceremony was be­ ing performed Pat stood on the east side of the line in the Territory of Utah, and the charmiug and blushing bride stood on the west sld* in the State of Nevada, whi 1st Bishop Allen straddled the line, (standing on both Utah and Nevada soil, and in this po­ sition the young couple were uulted. Russian and German medioal jonrnal i state that the east of Europe is in a state of great alarm at the pro"1 gresa of what they allege to be the plague, which is rapidly making Its wav upward toward the North and and East of Russia from the Caspian Sea, along the course of the Volga.-- It is ascertained that It was imported by two regiments of Cossacks who had lately returned from tl»« war in Tur­ key. WASItlNGTtfN CORRKaPONllKNGIC. WAsniHOTOlt, D. C. Jan. »th, 1879, Senator Blaine on Wednesday made ^remarkable speech. He advocated a reduction of the amount of money paid for support of the Navy, and the payment of a portion of this reduction to American owners of American steamship lines to foreign parts.-- Senator Blaine showed that we have *n officer to every two seamen, and the saving he recommended was In the di­ rection of officers. The araount paid annually to officers Is about five mil­ lion dollars, and the Senator thinks one-half of this sum, judiciously ex­ pended iu the maintenance of steam­ ship lines would be the means of open- j Ing markets for oar mauufactnres and natural productions that ^rould bring to us hundreds of millions W dollars.-- The Senator also enlargesjipon the aid a merchant marine would be, in case of any emergency, in the creation of a needed Navy. The subject will re­ ceive much attention ,priB£ the re­ mainder of the session. The suit ef the Lee heirs for the possession*of the Arlington Estate, op­ posite this city, is on trial at Alexan- prla, Virginia. The United States hold the Estate by virtue of a tax-ti- tle. All the evidence is In, and the case will probably be decided next week. It will, however, go to the Supreme Court of the United States, whichever party may win In the lower Court. The sliief interest In the case arises from the fact that the claimants art the heirs of General Robert E. Lee, and the other fact that a portion of the Estate is a "National Cemetery** in which many thousand Foderal sol­ diers are yburied: " We naturally feeU deal of pleasure, wholly outside of politics. In receiving General James Shields as Senator from Missouri, This is the third time he has oome^iere as Senator each time from a different State, and he, as Is welkknow,served not only In the late war but In the Mexican War, with dlstinotlon. There Is every Indi­ cation that the General will be a favo­ rite In society while here. The only regret is that his term Is so short. It is hoped, however, that his stay here will not be limited to the time of his official service* or that * suitable po­ sition will be fe»*d fee ftfe* Government when fits Senatorial term expires, . The most important undertakings have small beginnings. When Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson opened her purse and called on Dr. Woodwortit to under­ take an Investigation of Yellow Fever with a view to its prevention, fejir sus­ pected that much permanent good might result. The feeling among the Well informed now has changed. If Congress gives effect to the recom­ mendations of the Commisson so ably presided over by Dr. Woodsworth a barrier to the unrestrained tramps of yellow Jack will most certainly pre­ sent Itsolf. The refrigerating ship which Prof. Granger has desigued is meeting with general approval and Mrs. Thompsotn, we are told, is exert­ ing herself in every way to have a practical and beneficial outcome to all the efforts which have boo* made at her Instigation. Congress will be asked to appropriate two hundred thousand dollars for this work that millions may be saved and the South maintained free from everlasting ter­ ror and almost annually recurring pes- tilenoe. It Is evident from tho temper of Con­ gress that money enough will bo ap­ propriated to make the next census of the country--that of 1880--better and more thorough than any proceed­ ing one. There is a not unreasonaple desire of each party to get such politi­ cal benefit as Is possible out of the ex­ penditure, but no doubt the political question will be left out. of considera­ tion and money voted liberally. OuvJL The new vault In tho United States sub-treasury, which has been prepared for the storage of silver dol­ lars, is 48 feet in length, 30 feet iu width and 13 feet in height. If every available inch should be packed solid­ ly with 412} grain dollars it would hold not far from $40,000,000. Every one who knowa that silver Is bulky, but few persons are aware how bulky it Is. A bag of #1.000 412} grain dol­ lars weighs 59 3-16 pounds avoirdupois. Accordingly 100,000 of the dollars of the dollars weigh not far from three tons. If a *erohant or banker having a payment of #30,000 to make is com­ pelled by cionmstances to puf with silver dollars he would need a vehicle as strong and as large as an ordinary coal cart (made to oarry a ton ofooal) to transport them, and It this shqnld be headed up not more than 39,000 silver dollars could be loaded on it. Why be distressed with headache low spirits and nervousness when EUert's Daylight Llvor Pills insoia by all Druggists. a i>Ano*aote nuo«*ft I Was walking with 4 the other day who will Mftdalr, to some bad end If he doos Mt ̂ his opinions. He had the audacity hold that children went to se&iol as prisoners, but as pupils, the loetal equals of teachers, but to obey because realising that difsclpllitfe vanced the interest of all. He that It mattered hot how the pupils learned that Michigan was bounded on the south by Ohio and Indiana, as long as they came to a disthset toowledgo of the fact, and he theroftotw said to his young class I si geography: 44 Now, children, *he President of tho United States »ised to live Iu Ohio, «nl Senator Morton, now dead, lived In Indiana. Tell mo in what direction these two States He front Michigan." It is very wrong in htfti, because ths pupils take real pleasure in hunting out the answer. No pupl! should be al­ lowed to search for any mmwti not regularly laid down In the text books. This teacher sets another awffel ex­ ample. Right in the face of the fact that there Is a school-reader containing the history of William fint nad tho adventures of Mary's little lamb, bo takes a magazine or newspaper Into his school-room and snys:1 " Now, children, 1 shall let om of |s« read this report of recent excavations at Pompeii. Before we read, let somo one tell me where Pompeii lsJ»"' •' " In Italy!" Is th^ answer. * ' ^ "And what happened to tbo " No answer because it Is not down I* their reader. "It was burned by ashes and mnd from an eruption of Mt. Vesuvius," hi said;44 and no# whore < la thit noH* taint*4 .. * In Italy.** "Correct; and it again shows signs of an eruption, ffe Will mw rest," In half an honf not only om class, but the whole school has learned geog­ raphy, history, natural philosophy s»4 something of art in the one lesson, aud each pupil goes homo to relato what was read, to discuss it, and pot* haps to learn new facta, Howovor, It is wrong--very wrong. Wbift is to become of our children If such things•--Dstnoli JN# JNn, SSSHHSSSBBBWBBSSSa On the 8®th day of November, lit!t Rev. Samuel then lh holy orders, went to the bouse of a milliner named A«n Lyons, In tho city of Cork, and then, in s ^aos where he btlleved there WA* siO wit* ness, performed a ceremony of riage between himself and a woman named Isabelle Franer. I Tho ceremony was that presorted In tho Book of Common Prayer, tho Rev. Mr. Beamish officiating for hiaseslf. No clergyman was-pr»Sent at.tho perform­ ance of the ceremony except tho Boy Mr. Beamish himself, nor was thore, In fact, any one present as a formal wit­ ness; but the performance of the ceio- mony was witnessed by a female qaflaedt Catharine Coffee, who, without tho knowledge of tho oontimotlif parties, and solely from curiosity, saw it going on through n window from ^ jsdjoln- Ing brickyard, though Sh* (M iiOl iMMUT what was said by either f||W.. ll*» belle Franer gave birth tfi aaohlnmi, and in 1844 Bet. S. Beato^b dled inteo- tate. It was then OOOteMfed by * brother vf tho rovornod gftntfemna that the marriago was Invalid, anf) that the boy was therefore illegitimate, and could not suooeed to hisfhthM* property. The question occupied tho attention of tho Irish law courts tor two years, but it was at decided that tho marrlago Iielaud. * tm IflrThe proposition to df*Mo «gt Texas and oreate tve sovereign State* out of the frngsfconts Is revived ago!* at W ashingtou. This Is amea--rs that makes i t* appearance in pototfoft circle* about once In two yenN, asd lends to just about m taiKfe gmte newspaper discussion and then drops sot of sight. Senator Maxey says that tho Inhabit­ ants of the Lone Star State tm almost unanimously opposed to a division of territory, but are ambitious of fsaklaff Texas the Empire State of the South­ west, as New York Isof the Hertheaat, As a inero party measure the folltleel organisation to be beneftted h? the division will hardly have the hetfdihoofl to raise the issue. Sight additional 4*solid** Senators might be tsslrablo In certain contingencies, hot far thn piesent the natural tocresne In' tepre* sentatlon in the ~ next census must When horses and cattle are ^ptrttlee^ scraggy and feeble they ne«A tvett- m«nt with 'Undo Sam's, Oandltleu Powder. It pwrlfles fhe |$90d. Im­ proves the appetite, Cmt Qelds and Distempers, luvlgorntes tho System and will keep the Animftl in ajBealtby, Handsome Condition. 8oM by nil Druggists.

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