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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Feb 1879, p. 4

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mwm m m MAO For the Benefit of the German School & Snbbath Sohoot KSDAY. FIB. 19th. 1879. Bif«irln| to u idnrtlMmcnt, In tMi paper, ©r tiM Mm j»« •flfer that Jooreal /*»<» for one year, to •II new subscribers to our paper, or old ohm who pay om year In advance.-- IVyadmiliiweelly Literary and Bdneatlonal Journal, containing eight large pages of valuable reading matter eaeh week, and will be a valuable ac- qutaltlon to your reading for the year. Call at this office and see a copy. purposes are served by •ending Senator Christ)aney, of Michi­ gan* &8 Minister to Peru. The old gentleman am? his charming yeung wife Will fee removed from the prose- entloaa of hfs children and a vacancy Is SRftde In the Senate forZ. Chandler. And tbtM are a domestic and political unwind both to be healed by a single wall-directed stroke of the pen. »v. Chamberlain, in his article to the North American Review, on the negro la politics, says: "From 1873 to 187H, when political power was violent­ ly wrested from them, it is the truth •f fctetory that there was at the South a steady progress toward good gov- eraneat, purity of " administration, roforat of abueee, and the choice of capable and itoosst officers, In those State* In which the colored race had •Mit complete flMtroS." The white Pemoorata atoed sullenly by, refusing to aid In the work ef reconstruction, vatll they taw the negroes were likely to make a sucoess, and then they Ittnikl together, ( with shot-gun and ftftc. to deprive them of political con­ trol altogether. Hew York Pott speaks as follows in regard to the prospects for tin present year. **By common con- ust 18f» Is regarded as a year for bus! am la the commercial and Indus­ trial world the recovery, of which there are signs. Is slow, but there are signs of It, at least la this country.-- We art ready to lake a fresh start, with an boaest otie-hundred cent dollar with flsfcte paid or in some way oaacelled, with the wisdom taught by titter experience, with asore moderate Mabltion and batter regulated purposes There Is a revival sense of the necessi ty of work. There is ao longer a royal toad to riches. Men feel that the money which they are to get in the i|Xt twelve months must be earned, and they are turning their attention mb* to easy speoolatlon but to substan­ tial business" Emtor PjuAtxi'JEALK*:--Clark Demy isfre coveting uuder the able treatment ofDr. Wateo*. Mrs. Holmes Is in Iodlana vlsitingjro- latlves. ; • There was no preaching in the M. E. Church last Sabbath for our Paetor was unexpectedly called to his father's death bed. His wife went to Ohio £ few weeks since to attend her parents Golden Wedding, and Willi are aKsetit at present writing. Mamie Thomas is back again from Chicago, and if site knew how down­ hearted Millard looks when she Is gone She would stay at home more. The entertainment at the If. E. Church last Friday night, which con­ sisted of singing by the;Chicago Quar­ tette Club and select reading by Miss Monroe, was well attended, the house being ftill and still It did not pay ex­ penses. We are sorry for H was for the beueflt of the Sabbath School and we tbiuk their funds are low enough now. Stewart Miller and wife, of Barring- ton are here, accompanied by Hiss Mary Clark, of Wauconds. They are the guests of Irving Miller. By way of advice to the young la­ dies we will say no young man could see me home from an entertainment unless he had sense enough to take me. This was forcibly illustrated last Fri­ day night at the M. E. Church where all the young ladies, with one or two exceptions, came alone, paid their own money and then the young meu who are so sure to go to the residences of said young lady and take them to every free entertainment flocked to the door and waited for their lady-love to come so they could escort them home. We did not stay to see the result but hope they all got the mitten as they deserved. The Rev. Geor&e Baoon, of Chicago, preached here in the Disciple Church last Sabbath morning and evening to a good house. It is reported that El­ der Collins will start a series of pro­ tracted meetings In said Church here soon. We hope he will have success and turn many from the evil way. We hear of several from this vicinity who expect to attend the Phantom Party at the Riverside Home next Friday evening. The mass meeting of the Ladles Temperance Union will be held in the M, E. Church on Friday evening of this week. The Checker mania has a«raln struck this town and anybody who thinks they are good at it will And Judd Nichols at the Hyatt Honse. Said Judd thinks he can play a pretty good game. Eb. McMlttan Is again back after a few months sojourn In Texas, and Ira McMillan who.has been sick for some time past is now able to be out again. i- MP I;-'" jfc'V l $ •$r :W ~%afcipe has not been so much «d In years as at present, on account of tls eastern plague. The general symptoms of the plague are enfeeble- ment of mind and body. Shivering, headache, vomiting, high fever or pro­ mise perspiration, vertigo, stnpor or uncofMcieusaeM, bloody excretions, in­ flammatory enlargement of various glands, carbuncles, and purple spots.-- The duration of the disease before It reaches Its climax varies from. two to fourteen days. Many cases result In speedy death without the appearance of eruption. The Infected district Is In the lower •alley of the Volga river, near the Casv plan Sea. It covers several important towns and extends 150 miles. If any of tlmse cities and towns will probably be tarned to prevent the spread of the Hick Visgus. mmmmmmmmmmmrnmrntmif) ? ;y-$ • . AO|UflM>l*wer Rate* -f ^TIm supply of money in the East Is ';3m» FRED. MARCUS, it iitimi m vnM February 20th, 1879. TICKETS for Ooucert, |1 Mr cottpta. Con­ cert and Ball il-SO pareoupfo. TIM Celebrated Violinist, * A. Eosenbeckeî "• From Chicago Musical College* the best Ma- lician of the Northwest is ennigtri; and Will play some of finest Violin Solos. The Ifoeaerohor with our best home talent will assist to jHSke the Concert the best musical tr£ate*er offered la the County, Manager ef Concert, - • 1.1 liehsids. Music for the Ball br the NEW CHICAGO ORCHESTRA. Floor Managers: B. Walker, Harvard, J. A. O'Conner, Harvard, Cha«. Donnelty, Wood stock, Bmil Arnold, Woodstock, C, T. Kldredge, JlcH«>nrirr- Jos. Wiedemann, Mcfleniy, ' Charles Wanderack, Algonquin*. Pervv Woden, Richmond^•• gharles Bice, Marengo,, : '. B. Warner, Nunda. • -J* THE WEEKLY NATION ! Dr. Marshall's l.uug Syrup speaks for itself. It ieem* everybody recom­ mends it as the moi>t reliable remedy for Coughs, Colds and Pulmonary com- tlaints. Price 25 cents a bottle. Sold y Colby Bros. McHenry. Having used Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup in my practice for some time,! am prepnred to say that if Is a superior remedy for all caies of Coughs, Colds and diseases of the I.ungs and Chest. Dr. F.Wai.tmai*, Springfield, Mich. Sold by Colby Bro«„ Mcilenry. '•(y,! V "i *.c of the demand. It li loaning at'VW^Jow rates, and borrowers think they are doing lenders a favor by ac­ cepting money at almost any Interest, •Hfl giving good security therefor. Banks earry a heavy surplus^ which IHoy an unable to plaoe at any ra$e aildssasonsequence, bank stsck has gvaatly depressed. The ellect will be a lower rate of interest throughout the whole country--a privilege which Wostorn men will be only too glad to avaii themselves of. The prices which Uiay have been compelled to psy tor use of money for the last six or Olgitt years fiave been onerous. Ho logltlaeats business has justitied It and tbo consequence is that excellent peo­ ple by litHMlrsdt have been >uined. The matter is now being agitated In dW Western states about such a change InttM^scf those States as will pro- Mt|| tlie loaning of money for a higb» or 'Staff Interest than six or seven per oent. The present indications are that the rate of interest will be low oaough througont the West to meet fay reasonable requirement before year rolls around. Already pltaiists are disposed to ae- a"td i no rea» te indi-, gin fo at a rate of InUrest setea per',. • TO SELL LIVELY" hard times you need something of Ken I Vain* to the people, do 7011 net? Such is that grand acw tow priced bnok, Allen's Useful Cempanlofi, -A3SD- Artifloer's Asslstanti Valuable receipts bjr thousands for anything and everybody. The most universally nee fill book ever published, saving money to all buyers. Outsells everything. Agents want­ ed. Address SOAXKELL ft CO., »t Louis Xo. For infornifltion relative to KANSAS, take the Leavenworth (Jutnt't*) Appeal, a large eight pn»e v. oeklv pain-r, eontalning each week a sketch, maps mm illustrations ofsomo one of the comiiio* in Kaunas. The lKitter Imulx in this state are pellinsr at from #2.00 to fctt.oo per acre, with a credit of from six to eleven years, The great bulk of the Government land, whiHi i« as rich as the richest in the State, is Htiil open to settlers.-- Full information in regard to soil, climate, preemptions, homesteads, markets, churches, schools, etc., will he found each week in The Appeal. • Price, flOO per annnm; or »1 fl« for six months. Sample copies sent on recipt of 10 easts. Address __ The Appeal, Leaver worth, Kahsas. Its name stirs liko a trumpet and calis to the fray! That powerful new Temperance book, BATTLING TS' DEMON, is selling by thousands. Cheapest, most com. plate ana intensely interesting Hand-Book and History of Temperance ever produced, • ' " tlec, nenl ghty faAtsand arguments for the cause. Flnelv illustrated. Nothing can compare with it. More Agents wanted. Write to STAS$ABD BOOK oa, St. Louis. Xo onUinlng'biographies of its Apostlec, thrill­ ing accounti of all the great Movements, and mis A Literary and Educational Journal.-- Eight large pages of valuable matter every week. No apace taken up with advertise­ ments. The columns of Problem* and Quer­ ies are especially valuable. Subscription rice fl per year, postage paid by the Pub- sher. Samples free. Address, E. T. HAZELTINE. Warren, Pa. order to redwe Stock have commenced a regular CLEAMiHe OUT SALC Of all kiikU of Good® which continue for the next wmw t * 3k"4v p' hp ' rv •'* enterviile ana Springtie Flannels, Overcoats, Mens' Fine Suits, Blue Flannei Shirt8, Lft- dies and Gents Underwear, Ho- <• "A • My Annual Inventory occurs March 1st, and at that time Mr. T. C. fcichroder, who for several year* has had the efearge of my Jtich- mond business, assumes One Half interest. . With a view to Reducing Stock, I have ; V ~ - V >• In many cases at Cost, and at lass than the Coat - of Production. 1;; I r M Aa Bou4 to Reduce Stock if Prices WiII J3o 4i US: I. SCHNQRR, t. >7 • - ' • • ' w V"1*- ' manufacturer of Kuw Store, noar the Depot, MoHENKY, ILLINOIS Having removed to my new Store, lam bow en to accommodate nyt^ing in the line ot my customers in Cu8toin-Maile Boots and Shoes On short notice and warrant satisfaction. Being a workman of many years expe* rience I am confident I can please all who give me a call, and as I use none bn t the best of stock can guarantee as represented. Give me a call and I will try aud please;" S^-Remember th< door West of Story FRED. 8CHNORR XeHeary, itL, Oct. soth, 1878. ' I I I I I . I • Hjg S^Rememher the place, netr Block, ;6£i: try's Hardware Store. REPORT of t h b C O NDI TI ON -OF- TEE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois* -AT- Close of Business Jan. ii ̂ 7i: $118,147,20 •• ' IWS,-lt 80,000.00 M.WW.75 f,fi|!»,0lt 4,200.00 * si 152.10 - '••^1,824.00 48 8,^.42 17,000.00 S.S80.00 BXSOURCMJ L o a n * a n d D i s c o n n t s , . . . . Ovenlrafts, v. IT. s. Bonds to secure circulation.. Due from approved Jteserve Agts. Due from other National ltanbs, Real estate, furniture and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid.. - Checks aud other Cash Items -- Bills of other Nntionnl Bankjk Fract'i currencv, (includ'g nickels) Specie, (including gold Treasury Certificates.). ' Legal Tc nder Notes, Redemption Fund with U.S. Tri-ufci nrer (5 per cent, of cireuiution) Due from IT. S. Treasurer, oth^r .V -HABlLITliB Capital Stock paid in Surplus Fund Undivided profits Kational Bank notos Outstanding. Individual Deposits subject to check Total STAT* OF ILLINOIS, 1 ^ i . County of McHenry ^• I, JOHN J. MUKPHY, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement ie true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN J. MURPHY, Cashiei. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of Feb., 187® C. H. DuMKSl.LT, N. Jp, O o r ~ . . . . t*14^U0,n3 50,000.00 40,000,00 ft,663,60 44,000.00 74,046.18 >rrect--Attest: .John J. Mutipht. «w. H. Stewart, B. •. Mubph f Jiublas Filt Skirts, Clovee and Mitten^ HATS ANS CAK^ » "sj • • BOOTS AND SHOES, ' • KUBBER GOODS, ' |r * .•>- Y^t in Brown aid Bleached Sbeetiiiss Which it will pay yoti "I© lexanil ine . ' : • • ; • > f ) t , We sell ne Ooo^s on*thn« hrut will take in exchange choice But- t§r» Fr^sh Eggs, Oats, , r A full line o!, . * Always on prices. atlowest FHzsJmititmsA Near Depot, McHenry. TO m BUYERS THIS IS THE GOLDEN OPPOBTDIITI .5^: • "5-, • •i--4 •Wit.: • r Aud consTsts of Ererythinc usually found ill a Country Store, with the LAKGEST STOCK of and Boys' Clothingf At DUNDEE my Stock » COMPLETE, and I am MAKING 8WEEPIN» KEDUCTIOm f Tw f ** ^ ^ ^ ^ * 1 l^jl 'II 111 I II 11*1 .1 ,«•••„ ^,<1 MM,. I liu'll^l'll II 1 ' ' "'S| iiy CA8H--ONE PRICE ONLY. •" ,<v rr " v Jtespeetfully Yours, Ct,F.HA|4« it: February 4th, 187% 'i ."#«•! i ii.; v.* i'W- o-AND WILL GIVE THB*.^" ' •' •' | « v ' •'fM \ "Don't (acnin< „ ,, pay War Prices Hr Afrlealtnral Macbinsry, kut eall on ,• I 0;i: •'' MCHENRY** • v.. Where you will And all kinds of aGRI Having moved my ®»op to Howe's Block, opposite Frett A RsdjOHarket, 1 am now pre- pared to make to oaw;' Boote 2nd Shoee, On short notice ami warrant satisfactien.-- After an experience of many years in the business I ara confident that I can please the most fastidous. Prica as Loi m tte Lfiial. Of*U Is iMrti I Mill <vi T s :r ? His '•look cab* t*U4» fisH of feed Xlnttcri, Fanning Mills. Corn shell'lrs, Feed Wills, Pumps, Plows, Drags, Cultivators, Wagons.. B«K«scs, Bobsleighs, CuJtc-it», Circular aims iu lu siiort every kind of -Tool or Ibuibiue in use on or aboui the Farm. It yea want * pair of BOB SLEIGfHS CHEAP, m m m ^ ^ E-,» >^4- ',&• i .J ' OiriMtoMU lUhtv+LXuit'f.' 4:.':.';^ WANTED. Choice Butter and Fresh ^ which we will pay the highest price. » Frrz»iMMUN« 2b Svaki In tills line I ara now prepared to do jou work in the best of manner. Reapers and Mowers, Pumps, and all other machinery Repaired in the best of manner and on short notice. Turning in wood or Iron promptly dgne and in u workiipalike laaiinei^ . ftttende4 Nt« a tesHfr-* bm the place, Howe's Biaek. r?:>v Wm. AStt XoHeary^FSlr, Hi* 1878. - m ' . , £ • Preveutiou is better than Check a Cough or Cold at once m ay la ad to Cowpmption, by ttai Marshnli*8 Lting Syrup, an old re re met?v which never rail?. I 26 cente, Sold by Colby Bro«. lllf. msmt 1 J, -vwrnt Give me a ca thing in my line. Mtmm VsHeary, Dee. IHh. wm sr., ^Having bonght $1,000 worth of'^amples from Miller A Co.* ot Racine, Wis., at a LARGE DISCOUNT, t baa md wfll sell the same at WHOLESALE prices, for the int 30 days. Bemember these are not SNIDE GOODS, but the BE&£ the firm manufacture as they were made expressly for their traveling men's samples. NOW IS THE TIME FOR BARGAINS. Give me a call. Nk> trouble to snow Goods. BOTTOM PRICES ON RUBBER GOODS. " v -i f(j -i WOODSTOCK, Mean Just 1 •^14 >• We shall, in order to re duce our Stock before the time of our Annual Inven­ tory, sell all Goods now |n Stock , 1 "U - * ' P- ces only for a short time, but will guarantee you bar­ gains never before offered 111 tUlS S6CX10I1$.\**% ̂ ... li J ' I a. I s ^ i . Mi » « ' •. »-v Pnblie 14th, 18TS. T' mm - DWICHT & Cor. Main

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