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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Feb 1879, p. 5

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,J"M " J W^1;! Raftroad Time Table. „ v ja» "[i&eaeVO L»k« #»H t«ake 1 •n«vtliafc» Pasaencer. , ...TSl.lL ...1:15r. n. .M:M A. H. ....7:03r. a Lttdtt iimiatiH. Seeem! Lecture of the Course lijr K. Jidton Silpatrick, --A* TH-&~ • Universalis Church, V (Mi There is an air about Gen. Irlek tlMt teaches out from rronnde |si« kudiea^, and Kilpftt- hlm and enlists them under hli banner as if by magic ||Wbether it Is the enchantment that ggappeare almost naturally to hang sfavound the name of a gallant aoldier, • his wonderful elocutionary powers, |or both combined, it is not easy to say jffbut certain it is, the General has a #|most captivating way, as ail who hare f|§heard him will admit. Secure your ickets and be on hand fatly, as he Is to have a fall house'* v 'kiL » 1 ' 1 ti'" ' • - - KILPATKICK at the Utrfveraalist %J%Churcb, to-night. : ' NASBT IS expected to talk at the Un- Jlversaltst Church on Friday evening -^•'lof next week. ><SL ( • 'panade our Sanctum » pleuwf Mil oa fc-O : A* the time of writing, Tuesday .^j&inoou, tliere is strong indications of a in this section. ^ ^ v* "SHERMAN'S March to the Sea,** Ijr ••^J^Oe". Kilpatrick, • at tin Universalis . Church this evening. f. A new boarder at the residence of ^George Beck with on Sunday last. 1 i ; • V:a boy and weighs ten pounds. Go to the Universal ist Churelk oil i'riday evening Feb. 88th, and hear the imitation of Josh Billings iM theTele-. "fc^phone* THE fool killer Is In hot pursuit of * '.t*Wl these walklsts who are too lazy to ::^*§earn a living by honest labor In some ^^lloseful pursuit. " " • '•> » - Do not fail to hear the famous Sol ' ,C|dlerand Orator, Gen. Kilpatrick, at ;^||the Universalist Church, this Wednes­ day evening. Box. F. K. GHAMOBA, came home from Springfield la*t week and spent he Sabhath. returning to the Sta£> apitol on Monday. nt sold three No. 4 urday last to men thai have given up the Urge pans nod all of them were #«s!i jsatisfied that the Cooi- ey process was the best, for they cave "vf-Hbb labor and make "Batter than. any• othar klud now In o*, ; ... W« obligation* to the Weet side GtSKv B. ' Gilbert, for a liberal iiilo|» »r Ont Meal, which we Wait say S|p ft fine as any we ever *i|w, and i#itf fs our favorite diet we relished It very much. Ifr. Gilbert keeps it on salfc at hl« store, where all who wish can find it In largo oramall quantities THE McHk-nry Mtnltreb gave -two en­ tertainments at Ho^'i Hall on Friday and Saturday evenings last, and al­ though not largely patron tied, gave an- tertaimnenta that Would have done credit to mnch older otganisatlom, and showed that they possess talent in that line of no mean order. We understand they contemplate visiting some of our neighboring towns, and if they do we predict they will give sat* isfactlon. THB Concert for the Benefit of the Johnsburgh Band# on Tlmfsday e ve- nlng last wa« notlargely attended on account of the extreme cold evening, but the Singing of the Concordia Club was listened to with marked attention and highly appreciated toy those pres­ ent. This Club of German singers promises to be one of the finest in the county as soon as they get sufficient practice, and we hope to listen to them again at no distant day They were ably amisted by the '.'McHenry' Band and the Scott Family. PROF. SCOTT and Filially are adver» tlsed to give the Oratorio of ^Esther, the Beautiful Queen/1 at Llbertyville, on Monday and Tuevday evenings next, Feb. 34th and 26th, and we can assure, our readers in that section that it wl# be a rich musical treat. Prof. Scott and Family have this grand Master* piece to perfection, and with the assistance of the home talent of Liber* ty ville, cannot fki I of gi vi n« the cl tlsens of that place something worthy of their patronage. Do not fail to g§> iireat FOUND, on the street. In this village Ladles Fur Cape. The owner can jhave the same by calling at this office, proving property and paying for this' notice. 1 - s *' MASKS for the Phantom Party «*n* '• K.|be obtained at the Riverside House on ^^flthe evening of the Party, Bring along a 8heet and Pillow Case, as that Is a n<Mt Important article of (lress. ^ Tits Second Annual Institute of tl» Klihwaukee Farmers Club will be held in Lansing's Hall„Marengo on Wednes­ day next, Feh. 26th. A very interest Ing programme has been arranged for the occasion. JOK FRETT, of the firm of Frett & Son. Butchers, had the misfortune, to cut his hand In a horrid manner on Monday last. He was grinding a knife, when In some manner It got caught by the grindstone, almost severing the thumb on the right hand. "CAN a man belong to a brass band f;|: and he a Christian?" asks an exchange. We see no Impediment tn the way. -'fjiBut If he Is given to practfcelng at •i.1|home, ft Is an utter Impossibility for '$^the man llvtng next door to be a .^christian. THB McHenry Minstrels have dec!- ded to give an entertainment at Biveraide Hall, on Thursday, (to morrow) evening, to be assisted by the ^llMcHenry Cornet Band. Do not fail te It will pay yon, besides giving i the boys a benefit. CHICAGO newspaper m«n ave not nil wealthy; if so, they do not carry their possessions with them. A night-shirt a toothbrush, several keys, three lead pencils some mantwerlpt. and fit in , were taken from a journalist of ^bat city one night recently by three But what bothers vs is he got that 919. We might be- the other part of tho story, bot 111! oh no. nrrangemonta for the Phantom Kiverside House, are pie ted, and everything post pl«*||g#t and ' the saaion. Be your fiHiai.. and, " o find a MFO prIcioftenee«l| gbosts in full ottend on Frl- . . •" red 1* ACurraj' Md HUt Helen MU dene* on We Stanley, Montgomery The bridegroom in this happy event Is well and favorably known hero, be­ ing a nephew of Ralph Stebbins of this village, and his many friends join with us in wishing him'a long and happy life. The list of Presents was large both In point of number and In finan­ cial Value; but our space will not peiv init us to give even a part. Few couple start out on the sea matrimo­ nial with brighter prospects, and it Is •the wish of all who know them that not one doad will ever crees their p^fi- way. AN entertainment of a combined clas­ sic and novel character will be given by Wm. Stanley, of New York, at the Universalist Chnroh, McHenry, on Friday evening, Feb. 28th, commenc­ ing at 8 o'clock. The Professor recites from Shakespero and other authors; sings songs--part of his own com* posing--in voice of both lady aad gen­ tleman. He Is the only person living so far as known, who is claimed to have successfully imitated Josh Billings and Nasby, which alone should draw out a large audience. The charge for ad­ mission is only 10 cents--condescension to the panic--and Is pronounced by one who has heard the entertainment to be only one-third what it ia worth. _ jSpiTOB Ann Rlisa •pike to a erJplk* Mse. and It re- ported te Itav« #ii6rt*!*4d the curious upon the aubjeft of the "Twin relic." "And knowing how It Is herself' St Is not "hear say" testimony. We j||O j|ot prepared to say, but we entertahiflpmve doubts as to the propriety Of Iter lectures. And we thlttk lecti#S «om- ailttees siiould weigh well and #|ttder whether It la morbid curiosity to SM and hear* woman of her esperlenhp that draws (he crowd or wjmtliir a doaire to eneoorage refoMh. God sought to itttm **4 «a*«m th* world from the ho choao Christ as his instirnaont, born Of virgin purity, and knowing no sin. If our churches really desire to the will of God, Would It not be well for them to select, their reformers from the temple8 of virtue, rather than Croni the haunts of vice? She wasi Arec moral agent and chose her place as Ho, 111, and would not modesty auggest that some other tongue than ber« re> late the shamefui horrors of tho life to which that choice exposed her. No deaths, burglaries, or #n«8 to re­ cord this week and the dull times cause a dearth of Items. It is said 37,009 Valentiuea passed through Chicago Post Office. Our P. M. has not reported but judging by the no tee and clamor about tlte Post Offioa on the fourteenth we should say 80,000 to 100,000 would do for us. We have laJoiy heard some good hiuts thrown for tho ptijHdf to con­ sider. on the e*| of a Judical Klectiou. If possible, let our judges be Indepen­ dent of Party, and political trickery Let them come before the peopls un- trainelled by Ring caucuses and If they are worthy they will be abstained, If unworthy they should be defeated. We hear no objections to Judge Upton as a choice for one. In rtgaird to tlte other two tliere seems to bo a division. We saw Senator Joelyn on our streets on Valentines day, lie Is spending a few day* at homo. • RIDQCPiCt^ SDITOR PLAINDBAE.BR :--Thinking an Item of interest from this part of Nun- da might Interest some of jf*otur load­ ers, I will give it In my way. f Feb. 8th being the anniversary of Mrs. Steplien Howe's birthday, she be­ ing ?§years old, her neighbors thought they would ieUrate It by the way of a surprise. Otrflto a$ttrnooti nf that day they all met at IKr. PoWera, across the street, and left their provision there till tea tltue,each one carrying her a proseut as a token of friendship. Grandma looked wonderfully surprised and woudcredwhat it all muant, say- lug, "how came it to happen so you all jime together f After a while she looked worried and said, Myou kuow I am hoarding and do not have charge of any work,"'so to relieve lior uiind of too much ankle ty for one of her years, two of ttie ladies sli pped noiselessly into the diuiogVootn and spread a table filled with atykinds of delieades and then invited her to tea. Then there was another surprise. Aa we took our leave that night we could not help but express our wish that God might let her live to see a number of such birth­ days, ANONYMOUS. THB Geneva Lake Merald Is respon­ sible for the following, but We really believe Brother Meg had been out all the night before and wag not quite re­ sponsible for what he said. Neverthe­ less we give it as we find it: "We were shown a clock the other day that was qui te a wonder. It was a very ordi­ nary looking afatr but on winding and setting the alarm'there was more In it than one dreamed of. At tho time set, the alarm begins an Interlude from the opera of**Dtaval0" and keep* it up long enough to make a dead man get up and swear at It. On tho first sound ot tho bell. It strikes a match and llgfyts a lamp, so a person will not have to break his head hunting for a light. The inventor la now at work experimenting on one that will, in ad­ dition to tins above, bring a hot break­ fast to the bedside, warm a man's slippets a^ poll oa Mn pants. . There fca„.wwr, PBTBRSWN'S MAGAZINE, for March/ls an unusually brill taut number. It opens with a spirited illustration, en­ graved on steef,^ Let Me Catch You, You Young Rogitel." This Is followed bv a douhhMiUie colored faahion plate, wUfcjhfa Altogether tho most beautiful wo%ave ever seen. Then comes a double-sise pattern for tidy* on Java Canvas, printed in tho appropriate colors. Then a charming engraving, illustrating a powerfully written story, "My Evening Star," Then about fifty other engravings, illustrating the latest fashions, patents for the Work-Table, &c,, Ac. The stories In this number are even better than usual, and they are altoiys remarkably good In Peter­ son. A Supplement is sent out with the number, with a full-size pattern for the latest style of Polonaise. It is a standing wonder to us. as to all others, how so superior a magazine can be pub­ lished at so low a price; and it Is only to bo explained, as the publisher ex. plains It, as a consequence of an enor­ mous circulation. He prefers a small profit, he says, ^on a large edition, to a large profit on a small edition.1' No lady should be without this magazine. The terms ate but two dollars a year, with great deduction to clubs, and liand»oine premiums to persons getting up clubs. Specimens are sent, gratis, to perons wishing to get up clubs, so that ladles may judge for tiiemaolvoa before subscribing. Address Cbas. J. Peterson, 80S-Chestnut S$reet, Phila­ delphia, Pa. P|tOF. STAMi>lsT, of New York, oO<» of the g!*itet»t imitators now traveling^ will glv* one of hU unique entertain­ ments at the f?aiversa!Ut Church On Friday ovonlnp'lib. i8th. Do not fall t o h < M k r . h i t n » • > ; • i ' v WK would call tho at£cntloti of our illy those who ©on­ to Kansas, to the fife foottg.lM another J . I1 1 11 11 • - • - • • " fsadt. Tho grain of trii|p^Mie above sists of the f*et thlM'oae of Mr. Stan ley's soholani did, on two occasions, ask sviv asplWSirton of something about one of the Rldi- what follows bea^m* It »nd toully Waflve only ooe moro sample of this stikgularly IB-advlatd and unmanly For a B«t»ker*. ue wish to your re to„ ventilate or to gratify Oniv one trnu two oatof Call and Fifty Plojrag Examine Courtlaud If yon want a cheap, go to Laoet etothtne ^oapor than Laue# ft Be&ot**. hrlad"w^kea' ;MPNW' but lo make our protest, as a flflBfti of tlie village having its well being at tMort--as a heavy tax payer andconneqoeatly Interested la Its ma- and it on Impimlvo poblie need, by a «iavtotteof pubtlo spirited and generous men, Wn£j pledged their purses to its Moport, The advantages whieh it offered for an edncattoo In the Higher Branchea were eagerly gaud thankfully seieed upon bjr a goodly nihgiber of young men and women in the village and surround- ing country, a part of whom were too poor tofpotti the expense of attending a distaii^neademy, and a part whose means alli»#d, were intending lo pat- ro««i«e high seooi® in vavtoui plases. The advantage to tho firstoiaw wem the grsaur, becavm It gave an oppor* tunity to gain that education which poverty of resourse made impoehlble for them to get away from homo. The ••coad claM, being financially able, Might: have obtai ned the same advan- tego« elsewhere, but, by having litem furnlshed at home, the leavy expends of support at a distatt tout of learning were avoided. These facts make the school and Its perpetuity objects of dose personal Intetfctt to a large, intelligent and progressive does of our people, a class that oannot bot look with sarpriae and Indignation upon the late articles In the papers mentioned. Intended as they are to kill the school If possible, and thus deprive our village of an Institution which lis# be­ come an Intimate part of our prosperi­ ty, and la which so many of our «it!««M have a living interest. It Is a matter of surprise that the Democrat and the Aenifoif should lend their columns to such aa attack, even though the "local correspondent" must neces­ sarily be the scape goat to bear the blame. We submit It to the people of Richmond and to all fair minded men everywhere, whether any newspaper or any "locmi ^orrespondeat*1 has a right to damage a common fly In money and In what Is more value, ed­ ucational advantages, by writlug and publishing auch articles as wo have mentioned t Again, I submit, whether tho man who Vfitos or the newspaper th*t publlshot such articles, is entitled to pnbllfe confidence* countenance, pat- ronage or Support? That yoiirtonders may judge of the *jnsttce of our strict­ ures I will quote from the SentineC* article. Did space permit I would quote from both, but It Is needless, since both, were dictated by the same man, who wo are pained to say, has publicly boasted he wOold break up tho High School. Wo quote; "Several of the high school scholais have quit. Perhaps, If the principal would Snivel, and onlatgO npon the * l»ase Ingratitude" shown him. as he did last Isll whoa he popMrnited one of the scholars of the public school to leave It and attend his wltool bar­ row Institution, his "bleeding heart" might again have the wayward yoath under his noble Instructions and high moraltrodnhy/." It Is not Justifiable to oatt a man a liar unless he Is, but if he Is, Is It no- gentlemanlyto note the factst The first sentence In the above quotation Is strictly untrue, as the records of the school, to which any one who deslroe the troth can Iwoe^access, wlH show.-- Slnoe its organisation Just three schol­ ars have left the school, two of whom were wxpelled for Insubordination, with the advloe and foil sanction of tho High School Board, nod the other one loft through the Inincace of the Democrat and Sentinel articles and for certain reasons whieh. if known would reflect honor upon the head of the Principal. Whooan read what follows the first sentence above quoted and not /eel sor­ ry at the spirit which evidently die tated it? Does the writer forget that, when ho first came to this Village, a can­ didate for public patronage, he em­ ployed a minister of the Gospel to travel all oyer the country with him. Introducing him as a ChrUtab^ and aolicitiofjMsiucssf Ah, Mr. Corres- P0!'!deryt,ofthe.:2>em©om£ and Sentinel facts are hard things to face sometimes and do not the facts show up as hard against you for sniveling as against the honored Principal of the High School f And do you think, or does the public think, the spirit of your attack shows yottto bo possessed of as plod quail- of ko'Oilt At^isi m m • ii iif VIW O* TVRGSNNF m HWFW A»#4rliM| f«|-1 incited the ptoenring standby; were you n0«»0 that an ;fefp|0on of that slnod»r cvoiy ipoa woinan and<fctfai la latkiad when» h«t : • , -nlofce a soecens of by soch sm article their high school . whore insiltntlotts oi •oarcer than hf it's tootikH The aame splrlt gooa tihiar fehroogh. Do the people of Riuhmoad thta#t tt is a €h«%ftian spirit f Doen thO|Min*r at tho High School Board sound ffcnMnt- ly to She ears of its friends t ¥f>ll tlie friend* of Mr, Potter, or Mr, Bennett or Mr, Cole or Mr£ Johonneit, be apt to feel kindly toward the man who, ffiin boneallt the cloak of Chrlsts re­ ligion, flings the sneer f Wo ask the people of Richmond, friends and foes of the Iligh School, to look this mat­ ter over In all Its bearings, candidly and with undue favor to ho one, and then say whether they will counte­ nance a man who Is striving to break down an Internet valuable to m nil in common, by Onmanly t nslnuatlons agHdnst lu prlnelpal aad sneere at Its board of. directors, Mr. Stanley has a hont of warm and devoted friends wlio will stand by him when his character and his school are so unjustly attacked. His character while among tut-has been without spot or blemtoh, and he has done more for t|mjo«i| Uma n t^mneand such as his ttatlueers. We point to hlin and his school with pride, and we will trust to the "high-meral* sense of the commu­ nity for his vindication nnd support. We are sorry to note the death of the infant son of Harmon nnd Caro­ line Cole, which 'sad event occurred on Sunday the IBth Inst. The family and friends who mourn the Uttle blosmuii so soon transplanted to the garden of Heaven, hove n wide sprnnd sympathy. On Tneeday, the 11th Inst,, the fami­ ly of Charley Andrews were caiiod up­ on to mourn the loss of their baby boy aged only a few months. They have the sympathy of the whole community. Your "regular* gives as a rich sketoh or a certain convocation of high-toned ladles, heid soon after the receipt of the PLAIMDBALBB of three weeks ago. He says, "faith I'll prent It." • BAIIIIVVILLC. Bonron PLAUHUC ALKR Pray or meetlugs continued. Miss PltehpOox U visiting vlth her friends in this vicinity. Charles Andrews met with n severe accident on Saturday last, by catting tils foot. We notice n ne# dinner bell erected at Monroe Shales*. A. Henderson, J. Patsiey, Wm. Snow, and Steve. McDonald, from this place, have gone to Geneva Lake, to work on tili'foe. James Henderson Is going 40 Worit the Baxter farm this season* The Lone Tree Base Rail nine have lo*t their first bcee«an» eo boys you will have to elect another man. Or perhaps he has left a substitute la hi* plane. N- A runaway team from Burton's Lake up through Blue Ridge valely were Stopped by Mrs. Smltay aad her daugh­ ter. To much praise caunot be given them. Richard Steel Is still buying cattle and hogs In this place as also are the Fittsimmons Bros. We noticed by the Demoerat last week that only one wrote from this place. Don't be bashful, "our folks." IrO FARMERS. FORSALB.'TTWO Superior Yearling BuUs. Will be sold reasonable If ap­ plied for soon, at my Farm, three miles from the McHenry Depot, on Wood- A , * . I "S * • " . c - s - ' i • > • The Concordia Club, of J< wish to hereby tender tti4ir the McHenry ~ Cornet valuable assistance on the their Osncert, and'tfeo to O, W. GRBAT to the prices and Shoe*, Don't fore makiug yonr select! School Books aad ... Cheap, at'O. W. Owen'*. The best OvensoM tor the. load * M mon|y, at Laorer A Becker's, ^ i,;; : Jftfcr Stock of Cloths. RenMladft 1 j Cl0«fcingv Ac., for the Fall InSftJInit > i received at Lmser A Becker*ii, near tig* "kss|S ,• &1. mm** m wante#: '^1 John W. S OA wm buy Mini twenty days at . r rate* wt te Duginger,Jo 15 ponadi Peachee W 6 pounde No. 1 ~ 3 pound» 14 bar* KM BOA takea numfa«?of - Boardn*eT the day or weak. o« the «eo« able Tortus. Good IW*t«f Beside noe near the 1 e for #1, Theaborerev f-£: BOOTS A „ _-- Itls a conceded fact tlmt lo Custom Mail --***• MA -ASK J BtocC^aW Colby Bros,,: tlii relntlvely t market. G ;WAVt 9m rai t A«wr, wt are new 'OBOfwg emowsomr Oke j^lllnfoh^M, nn iWipiil,, tor #50. iSi^ted flerisa *S?^ :. " or xutitt very Lowesi nexttfiftty Having esovid on offer myl^orons JohnfborghrerBn)e«or ltforg5M«Fen» I will Beat It to* reesoaaost lor trade. BOTTOMKSAcancBk' .. , lentil further nntloe, We will M§| lleats, FOR CASH, at the follow® nUi: _ .. ®eej Stiwtti. ̂ * 4p Wfl. •«'• •'%-» ..'i# Corn as Low ae the LtmSZ hand. - if.1. . .*m aod and e eml ery #lier© sand mm Oysters by fit to those State their * n .. . !t- A •" -- , yon, McHenry, Jan, SP In orderto to tb«lo«Rflp| lo bnrgh, for shenseof an Wgan on that •ion. They one and>all w£U l)e glad *®%um a llke/avor '.erlmn. ipp>slon •nrs MILL F£KD. PHOTO«|MkliH»ALL hat jet H M m Stanley verdict we ll abide 5 •¥ furtt^ lMilM and tlie slandwr dominates, has laved fad cherished daughter, to H|aol«i^ mental and moral train!

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