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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Feb 1879, p. 7

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* ':VR" FAMM Aim HO WORK not a oui work we! It is reported tixat at least hall the potatoes stored away by farmers frozen. . "J THOSK who raised hops the pwt yew 4 Jtfe ad had off a® wheat raiaera. It did iiot pay expenses. HE has fat cattle who feeds them. And he has fat acres who feeds them With »liberal hand. 1 ; THE home training of the farmer's * children should convey honest convic­ tions of the trne dignity of agriculture. THE man who stopped his paper be­ cause he oould not afford it, recently fold 100 bushels of wheat at 20 cents less than the market pride. THE temperature Of a cellar may be tnddenly raised by burning a saucer fnll g)f alcohol. A kettle of live wood coals Will soon warm it up to the desired - point, but considerable carbonic acid %^^as will be generated. .;v.; „ IK making your armngements for the Homing season, let there be room for ,, Improvement of the farm stock. This fan now be accomplished at so little ex- > ~^§>ense that we are often astonished that farmers who are always on the alert ^ fail to perceive the advantages within 2 . Iheir reach. - WINTERS blessed with heavy snows ire always expected to be followed by f fbundant crops. Why? Snow falling fhroogh the atmosphere absorbs from fhe air carbonic acid and ammonia, which, to a great extent, are retained by the water when the snow thaws and so far as this enters the soil the gasses are retained and become the poor man's manure--fertilizing his land- without costing him anything. DURING several months past we have been experimenting to ascertain what degree of looseness or compactness of j|oil bilt promoted the germination and •arly growth of seeds. In one of these Experiments the "lifting" power of the growing embryo was well shown. Radish seeds were planted half an inch deep in a number of pots. In some of tbem the soil had been pressed so com­ pactly that the little plants were unable . Jb penetrate it, yet they grew, neverthe­ less, raising the entire layers ot soil above them, fully half an inoh thick, and supporting it for a day until it cracked and, broke into pieces,--Sural NewaJtorker. • ABOUT BUTTER.--Fresh butter con­ sists of about 83 per cent, of pure but­ ter and 16 of milk of butter. The former can be separated by melting the Whole in a long tube.; after a time the butter proper rises to the top. Some of our best butter-makers claim that, from the time the milk leaves the cow till the butter graces the table, milk, . cream and butter should be near the temperature of 60 deg. Fahrenheit. Boussingault prescribes the proper temperature for churning to be 59 deg. lor sweet cream, 62 deg. for sour and #4 deg. for milk. About one-fourth of the total amount of butter globules which exist in the cream escape collec­ tion, which accounts for the rich taste Of buttermilk. Winter is the. time when it is most difficult to produce good-colored butter and free from streaks, and the harder to come. ' Judi­ cious feeding will help this very much. St will pay well, with some simple ap­ paratus, to steam or cook the food, with a little salt through it. The cows will ^eat up everything greedily. A lump of xock-salt should always be where the cows can have access to it. An old but­ ter-maker claims that where turnips have been fed to milch cows and the strong taste incorporated in the milk, then, when the milk is put into the pans, to every eight quarts of milk mix one bf boiling water. This will anni- hi!/ tte the taste of the turnips, and facil- the rising and the ohurning of the n. But do not attempt to put such tter up for keeping. Use it or sell it immediate consumption. fSTER icloth JDomtuMe Economy. i*oR TaKXNG OUT SCORCH.--If a shirt- or any other article, has been rched in ironing, lay it where bright will fall directly on it. Itjwill take itirely out. PBIKD POTATOES.--Potatoes sliced thin should be cooked in a deep let; the lard or butter must be lg hot. If placed in a wire sieve kh time is saved and troubled spared. MACARONI.--Boil macaroni to keep it straight. Put a a diah seasoned with butter, pepper, then a layer of oysters; il the dish is fall. Mix bread with a beaten egg, ie top, and bake. ck the ham into small a cup of rice, beat up in with the ham and pepper, salt, and deep pan, and bake. ,r.--As a «atter of rather than brown , greater amount of lother reason is , relieves it of 4 in little insect which is very like the itch id which is in all brown sugar. All brown sugar. % » MINCE PIE.--Four pounds of boiled beef, chopped fine and salted; six pounds of raw apples, chopped; add one pound of beef suet, one quart of wine or rich sweet cider, mace and cin­ namon, of each one ounce, two pounds of sugar, a nutmeg and two pounds of raisins. Bake in good paste three- quarters of an hour. MINCE PIES WITHOUT MEAT.--Five cupfuls of chopped apples, one cupful of chopped raisins, one cupful of citron, one enpful of currants; add molasses, sugar, a little salt, a teaspoonful of cin­ namon, mace, cloves, nutmeg; orange- peel, if you like, or figs or almonds; wet with cider or brandy. A BAKED P&UM PUDDING.--1Take one pound of flour, one-half pound of cur­ rants, one-half pound of raisins, one-half pound suet, one egg, one-half pint of milk, a little candied peel ; chop the sue#"finely; mix it with the flour, cur­ rants, stoned raisins, and sliced peel; add the well-beaten egg, and add milk enough to mate the pudding the con­ sistency of very thick batter. Put it into a buttered dish, and bake in a good oven from one and a quarter to one and a half hours; turn it out; strew sifted sugar, and serve. - • • •' I f iffic IN JTJEir rojur. *. %.* ' A pale, emaciated man, costless afMt thinly clad, was taken before Police Justice Kilbreth, in the Essex Market Court, yesterday. An officer accused him of throwing a cobblestone through one of the green lamps in front of the Eldridge street police station. "John Peterson is my name," the prisoner said, as he slowly raised his eyes from the floor and answered, the magistrate's inquiry. "And you threw the stone purpose­ ly ?" *1 did!" "Why did you do it?" The pallor of the man's place to a faint flush as he told, broken tones, the following story: "1 was cold--so cold that my body was all of a-tremble ; and hungry, yes! amished; for I hadn't had a meal since the day before, when I pawned my coat to get it. I am in the last stages of consumption, and I lost my place as clerk in a drug store on that account. After wandering about for several days I went to the station and begged them to take me in. They refused. They were already crowded, they said. I was growing weaker and weaker from ex­ posure and hunger. I lingered about the police station until my legs would hardly support my body. I was think­ ing how I could get arrested. That was the only way I oould imagine of getting a bed and something to eat. I found a stone in the strejt. I gathered all my strength and threw it through the lamp." Justice Kilbreth sent Petersen to the Commissioners of Charities, instead of sentencing him to the island as a con- •icfc.--New York Sun. LINCOLN'S INSPIRATION. Judge Johnston, of Cincinnati, is quoted as saying that he was with Abra­ ham Lincoln one day when a commit­ tee came to ask the President to sus­ pend the draft until after his second election, on the ground of its unpopu­ larity. Said Mr. Linooln, quietly, "What is the Presidency worth to me if I have no country? " Whereupon the committee retired. The Judge says also: "Mr. Stanton told me the next day or so after Lincoln's death that there wa$a time when the members of his Cabinet and he disputed on ques­ tions of policy, but they so often found themselves wrong and Lincoln right he came to have his own way, and they to have entire confidence in his 'inspira­ tions,' as they called them. He was a man of wonderfully clear inspirations; a man who employed no spies or others to collect stories, but judged of the pub­ lic sentiment by inquiring into his own breast, and asking himself what ought to be done." COLD WEATHER Itf CALIFORNIA* The present is the severest winter they l|ave had in California for a long time, and it has increased the mortality, chiefly among persons of middle and advanced age, fully 20 per cent. At the same time, when their weather is com­ pared with Eastern winters, it becomes difficult to understand why they should find it so trying. For about two months, with occasional rain, they have had a white frost every morning; but, as soon as the sun was fairly up, that has disap­ peared. A beautiful sky was overhead; there was only just wind enough to give motion to, the atmosphere, and, when the sun was up, doors and win­ dows could be left wide open to let in sunlight, air and the odor of flowers. At night, however, grate fires were pleasant and extra blankets serviceable. The increase in mortality is attributed to the lack of precaution of old resi­ dents, who are not accustomed to find heavy clothing necessary. entire county of Hindoo, la Mis­ sissippi, i* «$id by a local paper to be for sale at HORATIO SEYMOUR has Presidency of the New York State riculfrural Society. r SENATOR HEREFORD, of West Vir­ ginia, is lecturing in the towns of his State on "The American Farmer the Hope of his Country." GEN. GREEN CLAY SMITH, who once rah for President of the United States on the Prohibitory ticket, is abont to take charge of a Kentucky hotel. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES used but one pen tor all his literary work be­ tween 1857 and September, 1878. He hbs sent the old veteran to the makers tor repair.' •' "p *, COL. A. DUDLEY MANN, the ex-Con­ federate statesman, now lives, self- exiled, upon/a beautiful estate in the forest of ChantiUy, dear Paria. He it very infirm. ' JFDGE WALKER, the new Senator from Arkansas, is a Democrat of the Ste­ phens school. He opposed secession in convention, but joined the Confeder­ ates. GREAT ZEUSI George Reogeoncoir- oplle and Demitre Johannioestrawtn have just been admitted to American citizenship in Portland, Ore. They axe Greeks by birth, and also bgr name --slightly, t THE celebrated physician and sur­ geon, Sir. William Jenner, has retired from the position of Professor of Mor­ bid Anatomy in University College and Hospital, London, which ^ |Mui held for thirty years. " -- B. F. JONAS, the ritewly-elected United States Senator from Louisiana, will be the third Israelite who has occupied a seat in the forum. The others were David Yulee, of Florida, and Judah P. Benjamin, of Louisiana. REVOLUTION IN VENEZUELA. The news from Venezuela is of the usual South American character. No sooner had the successor of the late President Alcantara been chosen than a revolution (which is still under full headway) broke out. There has been severe fighting, but the national troops are generally successful. r" Wx are bulldozing old England with the beef of young Texas. Nerre Inquietude and Its KcuwU|a" • Restless nerves, at least those that ar§ ?«5Ss stantly 8Q? are weak ones as well.® The true way to tranqnilize thera thoroughly ia to strengthen them. It may be, nay, it is very often ncceasary, to have recourse to a sedative or even an opiate, in dangerous cases of nervous inquietude, but the continued use of such un- W* wilt pay Agentaa Salary of flOOper month ant n«. «, or allow a large commission. to sell oar ned w<>nder«d fimnttona. r« mean, uhat mm MI Mwrtall. WHA. *TT«H BIO'S COM*!* raris'kx POSITION**' FLEX IB LIS li'frcORSET ([a*fmiH-s it vtKHJUrrcDno! Icbreak Prlr«$l.». Their {MPBOVIB, HEAITH CORSET ftnuutowati tli* 'I aujjuco Bust, whi.l» lis *oft and flexible and cout»Ii*& b® boftM. Prtc* by t»mU, It.f.O. F«»r«*le l»v all leading WARNER BKOS.. SSI Breaiwt), Si. I, THE NEW YORK SUN. JSUSS5g*_ iY M7N k s»pbsHnsltr the BHOLAHD. FiWWm. IT. T. Otto. NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES at tiaiilii. TbaatmU* wd «|wtMaiiMl teWb> acribiac throoghtbe Rocky Mountain Snbaortptkm Ageney. which famishes any paper (exeept local) pab> i the Jnited State*. Musical Instrument*, in* Machines of all kinds Chromes. Frames Sewing Ma-chine Needles and Attachments at reduced price*. I will also famish Books of *11 kind* *t lowe*t prica* Body Mountain Stereoscopic Ttews • np*c(«lty. DaattftB to wrttaaiMMe for oar ciroulam TO WOMANKIND- »6er><l r-Mrr.p for circular to 1C. Y. Piwrc: ,M.P.,Chicago. §186 S400--factor* prtcM~-° I lAHIIS Rl*he«t honors -Mathi*th*S'**oal« • •"••aww for nqudro*--finest aprigtota JB America--war IS,Oft) In use --lesuldrlv Incorporated Mfa. 80.--Pianos sent on triai -4* j>*e« <-ATALOOO* niE. MENDKLasoBM PiaKO Co.. Si K. 14th Street. N. V Medicines" niw'falM ioSf HIXTS T%« Pobj- JlfSswfca^trtet Basil 8«w, with Barinc AllwVm««t(itrt;i). FatdasUac wark. IRsa* •* aaijr 8«w-Inc Macfelna, u&l* to macMH - osei •nly tte Mil. • JV.^*a4«Mv4«- WTwIm for SS-TKHWTUW DRILTSTW 3 V>M*ad »e wnrU ef daica Wa guarantee every machine Clitet*.IU. PUKE TE (!eaaaSi|itlTN^-MaBy luave KEE« to give their teaUiaoBy in faw.r <•,{ the use of " WiKHr* Pari Cod 1Hw Oil nii tiwu," Experience Im it to be a i«lu*ble reined? for I V>n«Hnptlsa, i Diphtheria, and *11 dlsasses of the Throat and _ Man^urdony by A. B. WII.BOR, Ghfnslst, BcMa. EDK Adftat to all E Mpn.WomwuOaOor rBHrtrtu cam HJ.AIEM,M.P.,184 ourk£^ktaa«a LIST or aKwafAPKita. wttb ilTiiiaii rates, 109patas,lOo. O^P.ItOWKLL* 1 mm Mi IV AAD Tlr* Spietter. II A complete itMk «f gj| surely does--restores to health all who are afflicted with Drops*. Rright's Disease. Kldnw, Btaddli* and Urinary Dlaeasas. l,: HIIXT'S REVF.RT cans Diabetes, Gravel. Incontft. _ nenca and Retention of urlaa, la- ah u. fans are cured by Hunt's Remedy. Try Hunt's Remedy, Send for pamphlet to Wx. K. Cusu, Providence, rTL JdtU V 'TPJtJLJil " BAY STATE ORGAN DIRECT FROM FACTORY, As< Save Acenta* CmaMladss. Two full SetB Reed*, with Celeste 9 Stops, for NO. Fully warranted Other styles very tow. Correspondence solicited. C.B. IIl'XT A CO., ManalkeliiMrth lOt tti'latol St.. Beaten. Maaa. R E G A L I A FOK LO.O.f. K, of P. L0.QT. K.ofH. ArtifM, «nd all other Socictiea wade to order bv N.C. I.llley A Vo., Owumfrus, O\io. Seai Jli»r JVfee lAmt*. UlUttiyaairinaen^ Oooda, Banner* <2 Flags Dr. Craig's Kidney Cure, Tliem«at8peelAoforall Kidney Diseases. Haaeevs * In any dtaeaae of the Ki Send for pamphlet, and «IVKRHITY 1»I . . Ha* never failed In any dtaeaae of the Kidneys in the past tbtee years. Sena for pamphlet, and adrite** Dr. CRAIO, i« rwiVRRMTY PLAdl. SKW YORK. l.UOKt LOOK! LOOK! ALRX. A. SGHOEB, the world-renowned Teacher of Short-hand Writing, will teach his improved system of Short-hand Writing, which ran ho taught perfect la three hours, also taught through mail perfect in few letters for the small autn of S&. Address ALRX. A. SCHORB, P. O. Box WO, Pittabumb, Pa., for Clients* or for any information wanted. nervousness, eminently calculated to allay and eventnally overcome it, a fact which the recorded experi­ ence of many goes to substantiate. This in­ estimable tonic, by promoting digestion, assim­ ilation and secretion, touches the three key notes npon which the harmony of all the bod­ ily organs depends, and the result is (hat fresh stores of vitality are diffused through the sys­ tem, of which the nerves receive their due apportionment, and grow tranquil as they gather t>ti engtli. The Value of Time. Afl in ft lire the loss greatly depends npon the tfnw required for efficient aid to arrive. 80 ttei*- eu't of catarra greatly depends up MI the speedy use o 1 efficient rem edies. For over a quarter of a century, Dr. Sabre's Catarrh Bemedy has been the standard remedy. The positive cures it has effected is numbered by thousands. Each year has witnessed an increased ealo. Its reputation is the result of pnperior merit If the disease ha* extended to th tiir. a' or lungs. Dr. Pit r "e's Golden 3'edical Discovery should be used with the l a arrh llenedy. Thea < two medi­ cines will spe dil.v cure the moat stubborn case of catarrh. See the People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a work of over '.MM pages, Pri^e $1.50. Address the author, B. V. Pierce, M. D , Buffalo. N. Y. GAPS MADE IN THE FLESII bv afaMesaea and ulcers speeddy disappear without leaving a senr, when HENRY'S CAKBOLIC 8ALVE is the j fg-nt employe] to heal them. This etaudaru article cures the worst sores, eradicates cutane­ ous esiwtions, relieves the pain of burne, ban­ ishes pimples and blotches from the skin and IIHS proved to be eminently successful iu reme­ dying rheumatism and soreness of the throat and chest Sold by all Druggists. AN EXTENDED POPULARITY. --Each year finds "BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES* in new lo­ calities in various parts of the world. For re­ lieving doughs, Golds and Throat Diseases, the Troches have been proved reliable. 25 ot*. a box. . BEST organs are certainly cheapest when the price is not much more than that of very poor organs. Mason & Hamlin Organs are sold at prices which are not much more than those of inferior organs. See advertisement FOB upward of 80 years Mrs. WIN8LOWH SOOTHING SYRUP has been used for ohildren with never-failing suooees. It oorreots acidity of Hie stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhea, whether arising from teething or other causes. An old and well-tried remedy. 25 eta. a bottle. P . 3 l c . S . n : a v l i • H 0 M r . Z * h i G - T i c f s ; - • . e.T. MiLLI3AN. Chicago Weekly Teiegraplr ̂ pw. Independent In polltlos. Bright,spuurandenter. Wnllf. Kach issue contains one or more stories. Mailed, posti»>U4_faEjr4LeSnts t year. Resident acents wanted. Tiifms and sanpls copies sent free, iiailu Thl^raifh, " "--a year. Address Tklbabsfh (jo.,Obloagek postpaid,: P AGENTS WANTED FOR THE HISTORY WORLD It oontains 072 fine btetorie&l engravtam* and 1880 lance doiible-i-olnmn psges, nol fs the m>*t oomplMS History of tho World ever pnlill^Und. It sella at stgfa& Bend for «pechu«n tuiffes and oxtrn ietms to Agents. Address NATIONAL I'UBIJBHING CO.. Chloa«o. 111. CURED FKEEI An Infallible and unexcelled remedy foe MlSi lipilcpsy or Fading Hickneee* Wnrrnnteil to effect a speedy and PKKMANEKT cnn. "A free bottle" of mt renowned S|weLic and • raluablo YrrnMso sent M any etiftprcr sending me hU Postotfice and Kxpress ad< dress. ^ Da. H. O. ROOT. 183 Pearl Street. New York. _ PAHPUi CT ,or advertisers. Itto paces, 10 ccnts. rnmrnLCi r. moww.. s. y, YEAR. Mew Wfiehv'ltl" 'i*s» Agmu COB * fUKCE. St. Uab, Ms. UHKW The Celebrated "MAXCHUBSB* Wood Tag Plug TOBACCO TmPxoKnB TOBACCO OOM»AWT» New York, Bop^w and Ohutga. QBV Jadnon's Best Sweet Navv Tnh^nno WASTING DISEASES, SOCH AS Ceaesimptloe. •renchltls, Aclbmm, Oenernl Deiillltjr, Brsis Exhsmtlon, Chronic Com* etlentleu, Chrenle IHurrhra, Pyspet»sl«s, sr ISM ofNEKVOi'M PUWEK, Are positively and speedily cured by Compound SYRUP OF HYP0PH0SPHITES. It will displace or wash out teber* eelons matter, and thus cure Oon-•amption. By increasing Nervous and Muscu­lar Vigor, it will cure Dyspepsia, feeble or interrupted action of tbe Heart and Palpitation. Weakness of Intellect caused by grief, worry, of sr-tax or Irregular nabits. Bronchitis. Acute or Chronic. Congestion of tbe lautgs, even in tbe moat alumina It cures Asthma, Loss of Voice, Neuralgia, 8t. Vitus' Dance, Epilep­tic Fits, Whooping Cough, Nerrous-neea, and is a most wonderful adjunct to other remedies in sustaining life during tbe process of Diphtheria. „ , Do not be deceived by remedies bearing a similar name; no otter preparation is a substitute for tola under any circumstances. JPrlce, 91.00 per Bottle, W* fkr VMA SjW hu alt Druifqintg. ,T. N. Harris & Co.. Western Agent*. Olnolwwatl. CWltw. *»AY-Witb Stencil Outflts. What cusui t eta sella rapidly for 60 eta. S. U. SFKKCM.liaWaurtj'oi A ar DOU.ARH NADR IK »\ F. MY! rjC with the TIPPIS WKM.1IOMIK6 ^3 iiiul MA( III\F. M Ft f. I.OOIIIIk A, .Vymun, Tiffin, Ohio. The (ireatcst Musical Success of the Day is H. M. S. PINAFORE. IT ha* attracted large audiences nlcht after nlsht and week after week in all the principal cities, and having easy music, and needing but simple scenery, is being extensively rehearsed by amateurs everywhere. This succeed is merited by its perfectly innocent wit, its lively words, and good music. Try it while It is new, in every village! Klegant copies, with Music. Word* mailed for (1.00. Per doren, $9.00. Kmrrton 4 Til.lmU HIGH SCHOOL CHOIR $1.00 LAUKW. WRICATll, by tr. O. /Vr/.m«... 1.00 Ci SCHOOL 8ONG BOOK 40 ate three of tbe very l>est books for Seminaries, Normal snd Hlith Schools, Ao. Octavo Choruses. • A splendid stock of these on hitnd, cost bnt fl to In cts each, and each contnins a favorite Anthem, Olee Oratorio, or other ('horns. Quartet or Part Song. They are much used by Choirs mid Societies for uccnsionttl slngine. Try a dozen f Send lor list, or send 10 cts. lor our full Book Catalogue. Invest* eta for one Musical Record, or (8 fore jsay. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. C.!1.DI(WII&COH J.E.Dii«MI&CO4 ? 11 A 843 Broadway, N. Y. OStiiI Chestnut St.. I'hila, PMC ctsT sells "rapidly" fori: cts. Cologne PIP S. M. SrlXCU, 112 Waab'o St., Boston. Mi ADVERTISEMENT fflfor it«k Send ICo. for 1 JBOWELL At, CO. of { lines inserted on# week in SOO newnwpeni lOO-page pamphlet^ O. I*. 19 Mpruce ."ii, X. Y. LYRUCE i' • .•»' *V ' J! -%v. .'TL' H-ri rnm-m TO 0JET T|II» »• be* twt sf tb. ...... COOO.OOO*. i»rnt« enff *r "Kssssi 1'aelSe Hs L- sddraM a. J.<ia«ore, H«ore, Laad Com'r, Silios, turn. Meileal COLLET* is n d Ho«|»lt»l. he world. Spring session begins March (, W7SL fcr eataloguse to dress T.M. UOYNE.M.U..UTWabsabaTe..Oiitcacfc s Month ami expenses guaranteed to. Agents. 9 I i Outfit free. SHAW 4 Co., APOKBTA. Maikk. FIREKINEERSS other VALUABLE INVENTIONS. Articles wll like wildfire AliKNTS WANTFI). to whom we will pay a •alary, or allow a large commission. Address EMEU V At NEAMPAS*. WhltelsMll, Mich UCCE83FUL FOLKS. lattHGT Hale Smitii's mM. l^OOO Prominent persons--men and wewis. S¥KVAXT, I sensation of the season. Now la tbe time fat . . ' v-' -M*., n*K9» JT f VsiAABu HOPBuOl) imuTOiR ,M esinsyi AWARE Nk In tho ooantry: quality and 1 THE 0RIBIML ft ONLY 6ENUIN6 , "Vibrator" Threshers, MOUNTED HOR8K POWERS* Am4 VtMun WurwHir Enfiati, ,.i.. Mads only by V NICHOLS, SKMIO & CG « BiTTLB CBEXiK, MlCaf. . Tesrlag, and MoBey-asvin* lluwlan ofT] * jswaratlen. tqoel alt Rivalry hr Bipld MQsola^urf for Ssvlag Ursia ma Wasu in*. Tlmee (tllli dny and <»«y 1 _ W«rk, !>««. Wastage. I RAIN Raiser* will not Sntnnlt to tk* saeneoaa srsaum cf Grain A tuc Iniirlor work <toua by th* ettisr awcbliMS, wImu ported ou IV* IIBirnft. rHB KNTTRI Threshing Etvmwi lon^ustoft Thn»*fi tfiai AmomttjCRH M l btr« Ontin 81VKD l>y lh«c« Improved Miflit'iiii IO Rvrolvingr 8hnfti Issld« the Bept* Mter. KisUifty fiv* lumi rirki-t^, KadtllsSk aadall swh ((m.-wnsilns *n.| straln-wastinjt comp .; *»rr»r»ly n.lnnt..,? Sn al! K{n«, a;..l fVsiHtlcaS .» Wst or Dry, Long or Short, Hv.drti or Bound, OT •Bljr Vnetly gnperl^r for Whent^ Osts, itAiley, K>*, an<t lik« Ursliis, t-ui lite ONLY <*»»t ul ThrcBlierin Kl»«, Timothy, Millet, Clover, snd THE! tsad< tkek tfkfi Kequin w uo " Kttucbucati" or M ltUiildll|** le «JjaGg© from Orain to 8e«U«. MARVK1X>I?S for 8lM»1trlty of Fart* ««ln* Ii^ms tlisn en«-lisii tlm usunt lielts sai UeatS Hakes no LIUerlngs or Sesttsriars, FOUR Rmnitan Made, rain lug from Ms t<> Twelve Horse sise, aud twi styi«(4 UoaaMd Boise ruwsm to (batch. QTKAW Pfwer Thrtwlien a S|telaltn jpA »|i»«tsl «ls«ls>sn»lor Madsespnssly Air Mmuu fuw«a OUR Unrivaled Bteitm ThiMkcr Kb* glass, with VsIIMMA liiiprov«m«iits an.I lilsliaetlsa HkSpi, far IkjihiiI any other make or kind. «JSJRS?S * ste.,e«r "Vimu' :h WnrkMuhlp, Kletatf on of I'srlit, 0»m|iUif II««h of blMpmeal, **VIMUTUH" Tlinsbst Wutlisn are locsiafWaMtk IR Paitlealnr*. nil en mtr De«leni WeDMUfni fSwrtU te as (or iUestrateti CtrcuTare wiilch wa THE"CHOICICST vooo' IN'THK"WORLUT^I A. II. C. Cruaked White Wheat. A. B. C. Oatsirsl. A. It. Hortey Food. A. B. C. MuIM. Obtained four medals for superiority, and dlplowa Air eootinueil superiority. The purest food for children ana adalte. All husks. c»ck!e and Imparities removed. Can be prepared for table In fifteen mlnntea. For sate by OtocorR Ask for A. I!. C. Brand. Manufaetuied by TUK CKRKAI^ MANUFACTURING CO., 18 COLUCOE PLACE. NEW YOU. $8 A DAY y&'K-ig&i?8SAni» S7 A DAY to Agents canvassing for the Vtte* side Visitor. Terms and Oattit Wee. A4> dress P. C. V1CKRRV. Augusta, Malaa. -AH cbmoioaort supposed Incurable diseases Proof of It mailed hee €an lie Cured Address Ox. FOOTK, I g<> Ijsxington Ave., New York. KI0DEIT8 P«8nU£8.̂ ifS ̂(Cbarlastowa, lisas. iM KI WEST. A choice from over 1.1*00.000 sens Urn taste due west front ciiica?o. at hoan W to 98 per acre, In farm lotH. and <ut fa*> tenns. Low freiclita and itMf markets. No wiiticrm'Ns uc- ague--no Indiana. Jjhnfr eiplorlng tickett from Chltago, free to buyers. XW Matis. Pamphlets end full Infenuation " IOWA HAll.l Cedar Kaptds, lows, MAKYLAXD FABM. Book and Map free. By C. K. 8HANAHAN, Atty.. EABTOW, MP. teed a paying *tta> id full Infenuation applyto . .ROAD LAKHIOXPAWV, t, or 9z liaodolpb Sueet, Clikatfo, ADT«RAS«IIIENTII5SSSS for a *00 f%PH i -- CUBgt-itneeetleHa. >W» d>QCA "sosm-Mcm* mmt-NlS SCROFULA.--Persons afllietod with Scitiftila, Hip-disease, Ul­cerous Sores, Abscesses, Whltr CI will pi Or. JONES. Oniaw, Hew LnbsMw, «ft" All tiM TKEWTYKWII. dlieot teas tke: TEAS!_.^ He Great lasHm Tea 0 'k ht - 'i ' 4" ;i i* .:,y t' ' • r ; ; Ms- ^ ,,5; PAm. Y.O.BC» Teeejr Xiest, »*w Tap*. , Soldiers--Pensionersf JUOAHS ow Pntatow Bii.l furntokedgrwrwRemiWto J*"'er sKkssrOsra oa|g,aad soak ctslras OBoe wf Ao«t charg«, Ja aapy frse. Send for It. O" Wsshington, Dl O. Lock TheMatt SPENDS adrsrtising in newspapers ia thess hard ilwsa. wl^out first obtaining an aatlmste of tke east feem Gsa P. Rowell A Oo. s Newspsper Advertising Bureau, No. li 8p™c* Ydrk. to likely to >ay «lu for what aiigk| be obtained for $& Suob estimatM are furnished Ml applicants gratis. Send lO cents for 100-page H.t ot newsiwner rstes and referencea. T fj-nf v Tint EitabUihcd I Most Sacmiftll , THEIR IN*8TRUMKNT8 hava a etandar* value in all the y LEADING MARKETS ' OP THE WORLD ̂ Kverywhere recognized aa the TOMB. W»SS*,* 't'4 OVER 80 ,000 gade_BBd In u««. New r il| m nalsallp |-' IN work and lowest prices 49T Send for a Catalogue. hunt Si, upp, Wittao 8L, CAPOWIFIEP li tlii Did HiHsbli CoiKiwiliatad Ln FOR FAMILY S0AP-MMII& _ Directions accompanyitw «ieh owi for making HliC Soft and Tollat Soapt^fCKXY, IT IS TVU. WXiQKT AND STRENGTH. .Themarket Is flooded with (so-called) Ckmc«nfaraML Itre. which is adulterated with salt and mtn.<uuf MfSV ' <mak* toap. SATS MOKBT, AJTD JtVr TBM |J SaponifIeR MADE BT THB Pennsylvania Si PXIUB a v »«?.>• , : •$ i ITnsurpassed in all the reqnlrsmeota of AN AMtBlOAIT PAMI1.VNRW8PAPER. Sevsnty-Vlve Cents a Tsar. A large aa-colnmn paper, well-filled with mnch tostttteaeheftheTa- rylng taxteit and needs of the fam ily rlreio. Itglsas «un MKW8, torolgn and domestic, complete and trustkarikyOU- OAC*0 MARKETQOOTATIONS, PRONOUNCKn KDCTORUtS apsatk* topics of tho day. Is tnnk:rKNPr.i>T I N POLITICS treating eveiy political ijuestiou fairly, without fear or favor, prcscatela each ixsue a rich variety of e>.iiuleitsed notes on aax^-j n>RK, sciKsca, iKDiMTuias, FAsRioNs,etc.,etc^ anmbercontiitns sis COMTLKTSD Rt ok lies. It Is tbe ch large siz^d weekly published In the United States, Mstk|: only 76 Cents a Year, |Mi»tnge Included. Address TUB CHICAGO WKKitLY KKTF8, l» Fifth AHk. Chicago, ills, asran rostmsstsrs receive subscriptloas ikg- Tho Chtcaeo Weekly News. 1? VOUNC MEN • month. Kvery graduate gaaran . . _ ation. Addmss R. Valentine, Manager, Janesvdle. Wis, m iu mm Address BAXTER * CO.. Bankers, IT Wall St. N. T. TRUTH Itt MWUTVl PnfMM MsnHML tka arm* BiiilA B*er «S4 ttarifiil fcr BO W AKTK FIR «alw «F MFM ML Mafkiir, tmi u^m • nwt jasdwrs •r fmt M«f« hifcssl at *HK iMuali «r «*•! isis, «k» iia« MM! flaw vWr* ftm «NII «m osMi. saliMiM rf«iwid|ii AHw, Ihni. MABTIIIK, (Mm fc., Jidn. VIM. Hmiim hmiia; I Do not let your children grow up weak and punv. whsa Ridge's Food ean be had St sucb a suull cost WOOL- RICH A CO. on eveiy label. ••st W^e - MUSTANG m U YAKUT MEDICINE TB1T HAS BUUB MiLtio? a mmrn ss TEIBSI IttllRTIRlHim IA. BALM FOR EVERY WOUND OF MAN AND BEAST! AGRNTK wanted to taaeersers terAnlsrging Victnrea Over lOODer cent, guaranteed. Send for circular and price-list. ConmPT ConiW Op.. Oonneant. Ohio. If sou tutna one hundred d JS?T 13TJM jroar idverUNiMn<i of chai«o) $50 for oar itKi nnMs pamphlet. Address treet. New Yw£ send us a copy o| and wa will telif ng (free ot cnaige/ wbat will betb* beet possible inve ̂ for yoa tdaake. Send lO oents " et. Address liA80NAHAMUHI WOW^«TtXPO( rts.: At Fill*, I Hnmwiwu, arr INET0R8W HBHSMHtn* LTHED10E8TABE8T LINIMENT EVER HADE IX AMERICA. ILASCEEKTHAN EVER. Mexican Mu«fan{? Liniment h«l known for looro titan llinty flvc as tho best of nil I iuin>enU», to# nil licast. Its sales UMlajr .ban ever. It cures WImmsjkN il, ami lionet rr»tea akin, toodwi bono* 80M llai _ lothe 1 ami r every •4- ti-4 • O.M.U. \UliKN Wl It ulease 1 to thfa vsnr* ;r »• * . 'ip 4L i " •f "- * \ - ,1 i; TO AtfTKKT'KKBg! ! HV (IM MNNBENMIL ' «V ^ •*' A. i x "

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