* ! < _ • „ • "&*S> v\y f"Binijjf|ffiy1~r in so> an demand not wtojuftqwrifcivet* b«< how e othwra lsHL This is a very gift.' Tolw able so to direct tion M not to display your Itnowledge. bnt to draw out the op!n- And quicken the thoughts of those Wtth who.n you talk--this Is an ac- 'llibmpllshment ln&N0L It timtas each 1l contributor to the enjoyment of all, I'jgnd It leaves with each a pleasant j, tense of having said something which others were glad so hear. This Is very 'A, * . different from the consciousness of hav ft";?lhg been bored or* snubbed--or both, ' • which lesser folks often carry away ^ ' from the presence of a fluent and ty- •<> fannicai talker. There Is a good deal ^ ? "v. J , #f this sort of conversational mission- .*• * «ry work waiting to b* done, and the i 1 * $*«»« which we spend In chattering 4 V about the weather might be very prof- f 'ft * <|tably devoted to It. It should be "V, - • *orn« In mind that there is scarcely fK"..'v• •'•mvj one of average Intelligence who *annot, if he is drawn out, talk tnter- Istlsfly and Instructively about at ' 5least one thing, the thing with which ke is practically rao9t familiar, orwhich ' lis connected with his regular labor. Is ^your companion on the car or on the f ilitrMta mechanist, a manufacturer, an te* frtlst, a builder--lead the conversa tion around to one subject, if there are « 4 tio others, in which he issure to be inter- sted. The result will be that you will lease him, and will gain fresh knovyl. *#dge yoursHf. Whoever* talks much • v>f®^ihus with specialists upon their chosen department of labor or thought wilt j^get together a fund ot valuable Infor mation, not to be learned from the - ^w>k».- .;: • ; larThe following specimen of grim «^lunjof 0,» a grave subject emanate? from Albert D. Hagar, of Cook. It addressed to Senator Riddle: W. *When you kindly suggested that you /pr wouM be glad to do anytiiing for me that ( might want, I did not think I nfcarid watM anything. But sir, 1 am * *"• iW ; z/'riM,. -%; i * " i ̂ 1 iki mi**"' ^OLDEST, BUST fasS £ -I - 'Vft ' J/Lp iAV ̂ j lam Selling all the <*¥i iJ "4. • • ' •. Hfe• ""•V.! H9' tv « \ r • -ukudi Ma-r MOST RELIABLE Sf^< T-' iEto MILLER ST. • -DKALKR IN- Amricai and Foreim Martle Morxiaments, Headstonai, ; V diHy gettih^ sickened at the sight of (? ^ funeral processions as they pass along this avenue toward the cemetery.-- here* Is altogether too much "pomp cl ceremony1' over the dead carcass. *Slt seems as though the funeral proces- • %ious were as much in earnest to *^«»atchw each other as the '•walkists" 5 j are. Some, indeed, seem not content to match, but wish to go anywhere J^Fromone to 4 fifty better** than the # MI other feller. I don't want to he buried (strange,) but whpn I have got done ^. with my body I want it burned, and I \ 5|want to have it done according to the T ylaw. I-therefore wish, if yon feel so . ' ̂ disposed, and can introduce a bill and "mot have it killed by your saying you J. |il© it by request, that yon introduce a •5 t bill making cremation lawful."* * bor with head, or hands or heart; that §f an honest man is the noblest work of U JS/rThe following sensible advfee Is vea by the Stertitig Standard: •' W hav teach my child ?n Teach him ^fshatit is better to starve, than to 'steal; that it Is better to be a scavan- Eer or a woo^ chopper than to be an j^ier and dead beat; that it is ju|t as minaFto waste Monday as to dese crate Sunday; that labor is the price f^pf all honest possessions; that no one m Is exempt from the obligation to la " W ' i ^Godf that knowledge is power; that V-x f|aboris worship and< Idleness Is sin; - jthat it is better to eat the crust of ii . J, ' dependent poverty than to luxriate *moi,g the richest as a dependent.-- T«aeh them thwse facts until they are Jwoveti to his being and regulate his ^ife, and we wi^ insure hi* success. FOB SALE. \ ; Actesof land in SectidlH^'iS fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a ood house and barn thereon, with tim- r aiid water in abundance, in fection ,. ^ Also my homeste$d on the Crystal ,!Zl4k8 and Niiuda road. Good hew ^^Thouse, barn and other outbuildiuars. ff J#pply to , * 'J.JT". I American & Scotch Constantly on Hand Shop Two mifcs North of Mc- Heary, 111. Johnsbargh, Aug. SOtta, WW 5 ,w*"' - m . Mami 1878. y ... In the market. Among them are the Moline, Peru, Grand Detour^ Furst & Bradley, J. I. Case and Norwegian, all acknowledged the best made and at ?\V C And by Its accelera Ua various lines and" tion* and by its cxI J quired that CtwtfMt really wljit lt Qiaf has «xt losnch |ir»p6r«i ilty hu ac.| t mafeMIt! LOWER Call and giv« be convinced* I ato also Selling .. BdII's Eactte Faiim 111, At reduced prices. For a " Near the Depot MCHENRY, - ILLINOIS. Have jaet received their Fall a««t "Winter 9took of Ready-Made OlDthin& IIats. Caps, and (160(8* Furnishing Good»i We Will Not Be Undersold Girena a call. as: . LAUER ifBECKfiS» • Ang. 88th. 18W. TWAl 1B8TUEICK SifUQ WWK TfLLIf EIPERS. i is a eurioas story aboat some nsttn •wines which are extensively advertised nowa days, and have oniyrecently been put upon the market. Dr. Underbill, the well-known grape-grower of Crotcft Point, died in 1871. Some of his heirs entertained temperance views of such extreme kind, that they were unwilling to allow the stock of wines then on hand to be sold or any more to be made. The grapes have sometimes been sent to market, and sometimes left to decay upon the vines. 11 is only now that the other heirs have succeeded in arranging for a settlement of the estate and the sale of the wines on hand. Among these is a wine cf the vintage of 1864, described as a " Sweet Union Port," but suggesting the Imperial Tokay more than any other European wine, and 1 wholly growth. Its purity, age and mellowness are remarkable, and both physicians and wine- fanciers have & special interest in it as die oldest native wine now accessible in any con siderable ooantity. Thewhole stock is In the hands of tne wo house of the Nov. 19, i9jf. JOHN FLCSKT. I R I N C W O O D - l l U N O t * *8 *»«W Inform the public .1 that he l>»ow |mii»are<t t« furniuli them with 'px. 'I^ajfminif ill;hi«_ lu»e froin a common Farm Vr* to the niee»t T«»p Carriage, on short notice and at reasonable rates. (Tsinir n<>no {hat of funber Jtod empfoying ;'^|c SKILLED WORKMEN! Sri '; W« Warnnts hi* work to j|iye ' an4«>ra«Ml#ir^Hl'heirtfW#^s WpewS' bly be atruntM. - . :: The above speaks for itself, but we md4 add that this is the pure juice of the grape, neither drugged, Uqucred nor 1oatend; that It has been ripened and mellowed by age, and for medicinal or sacramental purposes it Is unsurpassed. It can be obtained from most of die leading Druj^jjists throughout the United States, and at wholesale from As undersigned, who will forward descriptfofe pamphlet, tree of charge, on application. ̂ Respectfully, etc., <> tA* ; H. It F.B. THURBER k CO.® w*tt Broadway, Sitade and Hudtm StfWtt̂ '§r. TtorwYcm*. S" • • ---- •••• ' « C E R M A M Manufactured by ^^^t^attende^^g^ BE MAKM; i'KCIAJLTT •' W' vsi ^ * -*t v*" puirt WINES, LtauciftlllliD CI6ARS S. Woodstock, HI, • -'i' Tl>e b«st Toni»» In tbo world. Put IB is Pint and Qnart Bottles. ; , ™ I P. MARCUS. Patentee. CaTI and Ring wood, til., Oct. JSHb, 1^3, fef ' ' * r*$\ 'M. m./ . . . . - , 4 \ I f.l' * v IS „ • V" At THE WEEKLY NATION! A TJternry rin-l Journal.-- Eipht large T»a»e» <*f va1«aV»le m-itter evory week. Wo gpaee tAker up with advertise- ments. The nolumn* of Pmhlemt nmt Quer. ies am especially valtmUlo. Hub^criptlon pHoe fi per year, postage paid bt the Pub lisher. Samnlo* free. Addrass. E. T. HAZELTINE, Warren, Pa. # ' " I have the "CiSBrtland Improved fieitr," which can't be beat, either in Price or Quality, and is tne 0nly A No 1 wasfon in the market. CABJIUGE8. ^7^ . CARRIAGES. I can sell you a First-class Top Carriage for $80, antl Warrant it for One Year. W ho can afford ttn open buggy., wjjea & . • CARRIAGE :irj4-,-:'a'e- &ii 'v:$' can be bought for those figures. Be surp and call, as we KNOW we can make it to your iuterest to do so. , J^'Everything salcf on its Merits. ̂ jggJ Remember .the Old Stand, op posite the Mill. '* ' 'h u . • , v.. * ^ W Yon will Eave money by examining our Stock of Goods before purchasing elsewhere. Prints, Bleached & Brown Cottons, Gottonades, Tick- * k,:x • , ^ \ .-A >•; MCHENRT,.!!!., July 22.? W: Lti Ot 0 ^ ae X 0< .O BOOTS AND SHOE^ 911 A 313 Madlsoa St., BUEL, COOK A SEIXAS, Maiiuf'rs and Wholesale Dealers. *»rl)oirt fail to examine Goorts unrt Prices when in OliicnKo. Stack New »nd Bought for Cash. Great in- itioements to Cash Ituvcrs. H.K. Brsi^, Late with M. Solr, *Co. 0. F. COOK, I I.atn ot Whitney p. I<. SKTXA8, 1 Cook & Co., X. T. Salve. • BELIEF FOE THE SUFFEREB. Silks, Oasnmeres, Cambric, Alpacas and White Goods of all kinds. flEiilj Ready- Mad# Clothing, Booti %nd Shoes, we will not be un dersold, (malrtyf j)f c o n s i d e r e d ^ " >*• i j. :'X Orthe West and HORTH-West| ., Embracing under one managemcitt a, 158 Miles of Road And forming the following Trunk Lines j- Chieag«>, Ootinctl Bluffs 3s California line, Chicago. >*ionx City and Yankton Line, Chi^^l,. ettyto, Clinton, Dabnque ft IKCIMN 1.11*0/^4 T- Ohicago, Free port A Dithuqus Line, Ohic»g<4- "" Lacrosse, Winona & Minnesota Lin®, GIVH'R « 5fo, St. Paul & Minneapolis Line, Ciiicagiwj?: Milwaukee & Luke Superior Line, Ohtcagnl^' Green Bay & Luke Snperfflr Line. The ad-|\ J? vantages of these Lines are: 1. If the passenget is going to or from any' 4$ point in the entire West or North-Wcst, helA'V- can huv his ticket via some one of this Com f;f, pany's'lines and be sure of reaching Iris dee-fsi tlnation by it or its Connections. fe, ? - 2. The greater part of its lines are laidf!?'%;s with Steel Hail#, the road bed is perfect. MofeJ* road has a better or smoother track. 3. It is the short line between alt itt^port%# ant points. *. Ita trains are all eqninped with th Westlnghonae Air Brake, Miller's Platfo: and Couplers and the latest improvement for comfort, safety and convenience. ft. It is the or.lv road in the West rnnnin the celebrated Piillman Hotel Oars betwee: Ohicago and Council Bluffs. 0. It is the onlv Road rnnnlng the Pnllmai Palace Sleeping Cars either way between Chicrtffo and St. Paul; Chicaj?" and Green Bay, «^"' * M'f , "• C h i c a g o a n d F r e e p o r t , ^ g * ;, Chicago and LaOrosa*V f ? : Chicago and Winona. *f .*. fr- u Chicago and Dubuque, i'/.o' ^"'•V'v-'r ." Ciii«ago and McOregW^ Chicago and Milwaukee 7i ' II Is the only road passing along th« shrtres of Lake Michigan between Chicag( and Milwaukee. 8. The only Road rnnning Fenr Expresj Tr ains a dav via its lines between Chlcagl and points in Minnesota. ». No road offers equal facilities In nnmbe oftbrouarh trains, equipped. with Pultma: Palace Sleepmc Cars. 10. way on all >ts lines an l four trains each way $3^"Glove8;aiid Hosierir a Specialty; ^liiei| Veii^tifti», lovntii^ Uttd Clot^ Carpetings. * ^ . ^ of Family Groceries. McHenry, May 1st, rF-m uf i P h 'AM 4 mmt #;.-!*{• "Vv e shall, in-order to re duce our Stock before the time of our Annual Inven- ' !W-ii} f. 1 »t,<; m -hp y | <«•> ^itt,,' \> '• •i. i, . ' ""rs I? : %:i. .sp-. r - ' ty i ^ w& -m. mmmm WTKI'ARKO BV •KTH W.FOWLI IIABSISOS IRM }. •. 5. •, BOSTON, MASS. •S»sc? :fe.A Jv.^f op] •k% nnnoh| Having purchased and taken possession el bDOWn Shops, I am now propared. with first class workmen and good material, to manpfneture Wagens and Buggies on shaft notice and at as Low Pri> «sasa good irliob can be purchased elsewhere. ^7? tmpo A :*;f. Baslneos, and will do your werk in the best of Manner aini with the l«a«t possible delay HORSE SHOEING -H." attended to. Call and Of all kind* promptly see fi>* R. tlionipMOH. McBenry, U{M April «8tl, 1878. Wi ina ̂theieŝ eciaj prir a short time, ^ains never before offered m this section. i / / JL •• »'/ « * <S * * *<<•*%•>. *' i"vVI? J" *•' i ' * * DWICHT & FORREST# ; Cor. Main Street and Public Squaie w^dstdefc, til., Jan. 14th, 1S79. « ' a -,iv' '/><!,> McHENRTj lLL. f fU?S ; 1 1^"; '"*•1 jr Table and Corn Knlvei, flnftiitta ShnvftU. forJcs. Com Knives vvwrr** frr*™ Wndow eiasst CRANITE-IRON AND TINWARE 1,4-; ** ' •' 'f - 4 % H «* « «S4<« ' % " *"* """i rqrcT; , ft*"' 'X , /; A';**' '"A- "i-H V- P " **> ̂ ' t: it 'I%J *" l . A-'-'* A', , f11 J 8TCRY& SON. It runs Two Evpress Trains Dtlly each mall >ts lines an l four trains each between Chicago and Milwaukee. * 11. It makes connections with all line* crossing at intarmeMlate points. ^ The popularity of these lines Is steadily in. creasing and passengers should consnlt thel|| interest by purchasing tickets via this line, p For information, Folders, Maps, Ac., no|;. obtainable as Home Ticket Office, address any agent of the Coiypany or MARVIN HUGHITT W. H. ST1 fHETT, 4 U'meraMapK. OenU Pesseager Agent ; ), ."T1, i\ • f J " "?.<•'•• yi»i"w>'y m Fox River Valley &Usj| i>'t ' } -T •* * < *dp r R. BISHOP, Proprietor. " ' *' ^ 4 V ' v ' ^ ^ I \ % *- "unit-i**' ^.2; j IMcHenry 4 llllnoii / , - '( ' ' , fj" t f ' ' I' •^*1*' . P- 1 - * • > > .. ̂ CUSTOM GRINDING Done promptly, and satisfaction guarantee# Having just pnt In a new Feed Stone, eapabM of grinding sixty bushele of Feed per hour. 1 am prepared todoyonrgrlndiagonshert a* tice. * JWThe Highest Market Price id for goo( Milling Wheat. R. BISHOP. McHenry 111., Dee. 11th, 189% ' TO SELL LIVELY " hard times vou need something of lienl Vain# . r<> the people, do you not? Such is that gran4l new low priced book, Allen's Useful ComMnlonv ^ -AND- Artiflcer's Assistants Vtelnalile receipts by thousands for anythii and everyboflv. The most universally usef book ever "published, saving money to i buyers. Outsells everything. Agents want e<li Address SCAMMSLL * ca, at Mi *0. tlnf CRAGE'S CELEB SATED CURES Flesh Wonnds, Frozen Limbs, Salt Rheum* Chilblains, Soie Breast, Sore Lips. Krj^ipelaa. Riagworme, Calluses, Scald Head, uhappea Hand*. Bums, Caneere, Felons, Scalds, Sores, Ulcers- Wounds, Stings, Shingle*, Festers* t Wen», Sties, piles. Abcew, Freckles, Bun ion % J Sprainp, JWils. Bites, Cuts,' ' Whitlow^ Warts, Bltaters, Tan, Pimples, Coras, 8enrvy, Itch, Ingrowing Halls, Settle Iteeh, MoeqaliS and Flea Bites, Spider Stings, ^ And all cntaneona diseases and ernptfoiHl generally. , For sale by all drnggiste, groeen. and at a countrv stores throughout the United StatfL and British Provinces. Price by mail 30 ctfc § : -f To CoBstuapims. | 'THE advertiser, having l>een peiHMtneal^' X cured of that dread disease, Coaiana* tion, by a simple remedy, is anxious to naM known to his fellow-sufferers the means «f cure. To all who desire it he will send aee^r of the prescription used, (free ofcharge,) W the directions for preparing aad nstag-1 same, which they will And a tare enre fi Errors of Youth. | A GENTLEMAN who Buffered for ye#* from Xervons DiAility, Premature Dt cay, and all the effects of youthful iptiii'lt tion will, for the sake of suffering hsnuiaiar send free to all who need it, the rec^e anp direction for making the simple remtmy tf which he was cured. Sufferers wishingffc roflt by the adviser's experience eaaaoi Croat by the adviser's experience v addressing in perfect confldene JOHN B. OGDEN 4S Cedar St., ] Kew Tc •V ^ - " . • j a L i • ' k f i M a u . , •( ' " V . § tf'