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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Feb 1879, p. 4

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V >• 5 wt' , » " V<v •;|»;y, ;#. .i *W'M */V * * * * ***v r p .fr^ j| «• WOODSTOCK. EDITOR P^IHDKALKR.--In our last, mpn- mt WKDNESDAY, FEB. 36th. 1879. VAN SLYKE, iklitor. larTlie OhHcajfo !Tim« makes the $»*<ftct!on that in 1880 the two great parties will run as their candidates Qraut and Wheeler Republicans, and Til<t«ii *»»d Hendricks Democratic, and lliat Grant and Wheeler will win. The great and go«d man. the Rt. v. Thomaf Foley. *5athollc Bishop of the diocese of Chicago, died at his home In Chicago, on Wednesday mor*. lrtfigl*»t, Mr. Foley was born in Baltimore March 6th, 1822. and had;at the tfme of his death nearly completed Ills fifty-seventh year. He received hi* education at St. Mary's oollege, Baltimore, and was ordained to the priest-hood in 184C. , ^'4'- 1 * ' 1 ~~ ;4 MrMmc. La ChapcHe, who ti «ow tie champion lady walk 1st of the world, haa ju*t completed the unparalleled Urat of walking 2700 quarter miles In S700 quarter hours, and an additional m quarter miles in 300 ten minutes.-- jihe is certainly the pluckiest little wo­ man on the continent, but whether or «|ot it would not be better to use this pluck and endurance for a more praise­ worthy object than making a public ixhlhition of herself in the fashion of 5I race horfre, is indeed an open ques­ tion. While such women may not de­ generate in muscle they certainly do self respect. fQMEtoes yopr wife He awatfc -lifter midnight awaiting your return ^||rom the lodge, so that she may impart ^'i|©tiie implant information before tougo to sleep? If she does just call er attention to the fact that a woman Xaoayunk who was addicted to this Reprehensible practice, so fearfully ,4trained the optical nerves that she ^Imnnoi shut her eyes, and has not had wink of sleep for more than three V freeks, and the doctor says her eye­ balls will eventually burst and cause i; tier death. (This is a lie, of course, but St will do no Harm to make your wife Relieve such a painfull incident actnal- ,'w-fy happened. American women lose- il' Moo much sleep for their own good.) you tnade us" say i,#nesM instead of "flres" as we wrote it. Well, the dif­ ference Is to slight perhaps, It Is better not to notice it. Old Prob spoiled owr sleighing on Saturday and to pay him for hit Iro- pertinance he got up Sunday morning with & "hard cold." Served hira right. He had no business to break that con­ tract with Dacy for si* weeks good sleighing In March. Auction sales, voluntarily and un- voluntarlly, follow each other in rapid succession. Is it a sin to protect ourselves, families, and property against the curse of Tramps? If so then the criti­ cisms of some of your cotomporarles in regard to the proposed Tramp law are just. If otherwise, let us have some protection against their depre­ dations. Somebody feels bad about .that Frame of Business Cards in our Post Office, if we read the Sentinel aright. Well what are they going to do about ft* >, ; A/ ' ;:'l And,. M* . "At*" atones for bis treacherV to Stephen. There is likely to be some life In the judicial market at our June Election, and it is more than likely that Caucus Machinery will not be dispensed with. It lsl>roadly hinted that the records of our Probate Court will furnish some interesting, facts showing the fitness or unfitness of some of the aspirants to judicial honors. Greed for filthy lucre sometimes outwits the wily politi­ cian. A small fire. A tenement occupied by J. E. Jones, belonging to Andrew Bourne, burned this Monday p. K. Tenant loses all. House said to be fully insured. Sf W&T We see by the Washington de« -r ipatches that the President has sent ( In the name of Capt. T. O. Lawler to ; l>e Postmaster at Rockford, in place | #f A. E. Smith, whose term has ex |>ired. While the people , outside of ^ Rockford have no personal interest as who is Postmaster of that city, yet ; we believe the defeat of Abe Smith v> will be hailed with delight by a large :ji 7tnajorlty throughout tills District, as tie is known to be one of the most un- ^ ^crupulous politicians in the 4th Con- ' %ressional District & |iot an honefer hair Politically he In his head. has He !m49. B m layed second fiddle to the. notorious rd two years ago In committing that disgraceful fraud in this District, *which was the most damnable act ever known In the history of politics.-- ; •1 Ji'his the people remember, and there- y fore rejoice at his defeat. We con- gratulate the peopl3 of Rockford on being able to cast from his lucrative j position this folitical dead beat. %y: / fSTBev. II. C. Yates, a Baptist tnln- ' isterof Lee County, Illinois, proves to be a very subtle and dangerous wolf in The reverend brother ;* tnade improper advances to the ^daughter of a deason. and was whole­ somely thrashed by the young woman's brother, who was too impatient to wait k: «heep clothing. V jpjforthe decision of a committee of in­ vestigation. Now it turns out that j^jabout a year ago Yates presided over \,'N§a church at Payson. 111., and made ur­ gent love to a young married woman ^tV°f congregation. The husband did >:\inot publish any statement about the jmatter, but proceeded at once to pound ^ Jthe minister until he clamored for ^i/jygraee, mercy and peace. It also ap- pears that Yates has frequently been ' * ilocked up In Quincy for drunkenness. Y/ cliiihe words of an exchange, "There §i§g- must be sometliiug very lax in a sys­ tem which permits such men to obtain )(Hs : charge of ehurches, and become the ad- f* visers aud betrayers of -th9^|n|MM»^ and uus«(f: pe o ti n g. NUNDA- EDITOR PLAINDEA LKB:--Elder Mar­ tin, the Presiding Elder in this dis­ trict, preached in the M. E. Church last Sabbath. * v Elder Collins filled the pulpit In the Disciple Church last Sabbath and also left an appointment for the following Tuesday evening a week, for the pur­ pose of opening a series of meetings. Writing School opened this week Wednesday evening Tn the school house. A good chance for all who de­ sire to improve in this art. Conduct­ ed by 6. Hubbard, of Wauconda. He is a splendid penman. A. J. Russell, representing the Janes- ville Company, advertises for 1500 acres of land to be planted to Sugar Cane and be made up here at the fac­ tory. It is said to be a paying busi­ ness and all who want to avail them­ selves of the privilege will call at the factory immediately. The City Da<ls have finally succeed­ ed in scaring the saloon proprietors into shutting up llieir places of busi­ ness. The wonder is now will it be lasting. Judging from the past We fear not. but hope it may. Clark Henry is again able to bo out. Mr. Henry's house has been a regular hospital for a few days past but we are glad to hear the patients are all doltig nicely. The Disciple Church have purchased a new Nicholson Organ of Stewait Miller. Said organ eame from the proceeds of their Donation. A dance in the Hall last Friday night but owing to so many going to Mc- Jlflir^|4^re was not many oqfr r f - -' LRIMCWO6D " ;, ty* EDITOR PLAIS DEALER Ourt^ycc um met on Tuesday, Feb. 18th, and the room was filled to hear the following debate: Revolved. "That theeiumigra- tion of Chinese to this country should be stopped." which was ably handled by H. C. Allen on the Affirmative and F. Carr on the Negative. There was| some choice singing and declamation^ from the scholar* at the ctose of the debate. Frank Carr, in behalf of the§ scholars, presented their teacher, Mr* Nickle, with a valuable Oil Painting, $ life likeness of himself, from the brusif %©wiM*men W» ii#*l1«d 6n* ftty last week by two roughs, who from their language showed they neither fear pod nor regarded the Devil, by the oaths that came out of their mouths. Though they valsetl their haads to* strike the old adage lsst'll true *bark4 4n|[ tiogs sei<Jk>H}- bite. ' r&\ i EDITOR PLAINDEALKR The paper wedding of Mrs. Mary Hoffman was well attended on Saturday even! Jast, and many valuable presents we given her by her friends.. Miss Libbie Duffy, of Crystal Lake, Is rusticating with friends here. * T. C. Andrews spent a few days in town last week. " - J. H. Cox has the largest wood pile in Bar re vl He. We hear that Mr. Morley, from ove* the river, has bought the Wilcox farm^ near Burton's bridge. Steve McDonald is back from Geneva Lake. Mr Andrew Henderson has sold one of his horses to Mr. Church, of Barring- ton, for $175. Another exhibiton at the Mudgett school house next week. Mr. Henry Keller had several teams drawing wood from his farm to the Barrevilie cheese factory last week. James Henderson sold his larfee drove of hogs to R. Steele last week. The great commedian, Wm. Percival from over the river, Is spending a few days with J. H. Cox. ? George intends to fence the farm * this incoming Season, and he Intends to farm it. So girls look out for he is bound to got a housekeeper. There is to be a dance at Mrs. Wicker's next Friday evening. ^ Mr. A. Gardner and Hershel She par d« visited the Dublin school on Tuesday last. Come again boys when you can't stay so long. High Parish is the boss chess player. Mr. Ed. Mullaney, from Iowa, Is visiting friends here. Mrs, John Fleming Is very sick, Dr„ Howard in attendance. Biger thinks that mysterious light was seen by the effects of hard cider. We would like to know if Jim Mile lias foreclosed that mortgage yet. The McHenry PLAIN DEALER is always a welcome visitor, and I sincerely hope that It may realize the success it merits for itsfiilelity to principle, . BIGER. In order to reduce Stock % have commenced a regular CLEAWM6 Of all kinds of Goods which Wilf continue for the next wun JW ' i */- •* "* "Kb .»,••••!> ! < Carpentervilfe and Flannels, Overcoats, Suits, Blue Flannel ! • Springfield Mens' Fine Shirts, La- My Annwal Inventory occurs March l«t, utid at thirt time Mr. T. C. Schroder, who for several years has had the charge of my Rich­ mond business, assumes One Half interest. With a view to Reduclng 8tock, I h«y| *;iiffy? In many ease* at Coat, and at leas than the Coat , -J. W of Production. 4- THE fourth and fifth Lectures of the courj^ will be delivered by G. Wm. Bailey, at the Universalist Church on Wednesday and Thursday evenings of next Week, March 5th, and 6th. Sub­ ject--"China and the Chinese." Wher­ ever Mr. Bailey has delivered this Lecture it has been pronounced the most instructive and|entertaining deliv< ered by any Lecturer now traveling, and in nearly every Instance lie has .met with a request to repeat it. We hope our citizens will give him a full house as it will certainly pay them well. An exchange says: "Our people have never listened to a more interes­ ting and valuable course of lectures than those ou "China" by Mr. Bailey. They abound in instructive and enter­ taining descriptions of everything pertaining to China and its people. The lectures were spiced with sharp witty points that kept the audience ta splendid laughing humor aud won their frequent applause." dies and Gents Underwea|j J^p- siery* Dress Goodf, Nubias Felt Skirts, QtttVia a«t Mittens, Am Bound to Hedice Stock if Pricer Wili Po lt It USI Bum ip IS THE SOLDO IfPOSIEfiltl Hn K H labgi; TOO I - A l t o I C , Aud consists of Everything usually found iu a Country Store« with the LARGEST STOCK of HATS AND CAPa BOOTS AND SHOES, BUBBER a(i)8,^,s We also have positive bargains Wtiicli it will p*f ybiTtO exam­ ine. - We sell no Goods on time but will take in exchange choice But­ t e r , F r e s h E g g s , O a t s , e t o . } A full line M • • iyJ'\ , Choice family Groceries, • -litfijr- 1 fejs Always on hand at lowest Cash 1.4 i- •' fjit- >>!• : Filzsimmons & Evan son ' (^epot, McHeury. -Am Dentistry. F J. CROSS, Dentist, Riverside HftJ *' Henry, 111. Having opened an 0fljre ^ this villttfrc, I am prei»ared to do all work in the lineot my prote^simi on short notice antf in a workmanlike wanner. All work war. ranted. * • ; • V'~S Ot»e More L* Nfortank1 There was a nice young man named Blakle. Heww>ahigh stool clerk in the Fidelity Savings Bank in Chicago. A portion of the funds frotn this dead- failgoliig to tnlpeiirieh the Chicago | Tribune. Blakie was arrested with : others of tln« Fidelity gang, but agood physieian said he was insane, and lie fi wa# Ittid in lavender and gently taken | to the Xortliern Insane Asylum at El­ gin. Here It WM found that he was not ft* least Inoane and RuperinUni- . dent Dr. E. A. Kilbourne, a man noted for blunt honesty, ordered him sent out and declared that the Insane Asy­ lum wan not a hiding place for thieves ^ who ought to he in the penitentiary, i Blakie begged Ha dog aU lowed to remain there, ratlteir- than fa**e the law* Fiuditig he couid nftt re" jwaiu,be fce!egr«phe»I to his mistreat* on iu CMeagei. when a grip-t<fti'k full of of the au itg, and the as It Is understood, for wooM. San FrancrI'orfcland, an Juan mines, and ou 10 the tw* Democrat, II &Bcriai Ecmkssp' Se&li - Patented May 151 of that able artist Henry A.Gold?mitt| which Is a true gem of art In every re­ spect. The following gentlemen wer| then called upon for speeches: Mr. Ben Hendee,of Lake county, one of Mr. Nickle's old pupils In years gone by. H. C. Allen and Wm. Langham, who de­ livered short but well directed ad­ dresses to the point, showing that edu­ cation makes the intellectual man.-- Mr. Nickle's reply was truly interest­ ing, as he felt deeply moved at such an expression of their kindest regards for him aud should always remember this token of respect with pleasure of hap­ py daj's gone by. Some of our farmers are getting tired of paying such high rates to the Railroad Company for carrying their produce to Chicago and arc taking it in on their own wagons these hard times and make it pay. There is no commission to come put of it, ar.d they bring the ipouey back with them and do notjnre to waife* month lor their p»y. Firm fiends are plenty just now look­ ing f&r work for the coming eight: months. Wages are lowand they don*t feel like taking ave resibet for the $<anif«HP8B » good place while they iiret|P%^ got. The Wisoonsin boys will be down soon and then it will be too late. Farmers can't pay high prioas now. everything is too low. ft tii W«|hs ^ t» MUm, Prici Oily $ 1 . 5 0 , By Ixpmi, or $185 By Mrt^poet- Dfil't mmi Oon't pay War l^rieeft for Afrieoltnral Machiperjr, bat oal) on THAT CAK BE FOUND IN OODNirri At DUNDEE my Stock fc COMPLETE, sad, I »m MAKINO^1 f i*\ii If..' 'K- ,"P? jit! i?«' ,j4 jtf, .«• (t 1: ", - • r > vim riCASH-ONE PRICE ONLY. . Respectfully Yonr», f F. HALLI February 4th,. ?; •.ML \i '•'iy-iiCilW S'ii «•»' 'pM j,- : i J ;*n, II j ft '"X <i> >hi> , <•>?> A * %' ' -rf ' 7 ^ s Publif •j'f! Having bought $1,000 worth of Samples from Miller A Co., of Kaoine. Wis., at a LARGE DISCOUNT, I can and will sell th« same at WHOLESALE prices,/or the next 30 days. Remember these are not SNIDE GOODS, but the BEST the firm mantifectarf |-"Xv,Jr r' as they wiere made expressly for their traveling men's samples. „ r NOW IS THE TIME FOR BARGAINS, ? Give me a call. No trouble to snow Goods. BOTTOM PRICES ON RUBBER GOODS. ; -m: Where ynn wilt find all kinds of AGBI CULTURAL MACH1NKUY, at Bottom rig His stock consists hi part of Feed jhetldrs, This is ihc best I'siiiuy Platfera Seal* for the price in the world. It bu MO coMFKTiTOa as regards Price, ComTenteBee ail DsraMlItf ̂ It is used for patting np PRESERVES, Cook­ ing, 4c.: al»o for tecting Grocers'and Butcben* Package*. It will ofleo pay back its cost In a week> time. The 8pritiR Balance Is made bv the most cvla* brated and oldet<t Scale-men in New York, Joba Cbatlllon ft Son. and we guarantee the Scale cannot get out of order. The Nnt is adjustable j thus the TARS can obtained of any dish or receptacle used in weigh- ins, without the ase of weights or lsas ef tine# Other Fiat form Scales cost from® 10 $5.00. We want one active, wide-awake Agent la •very town in the State of ILLINOIS, to whom we will give the Exclusive Agency for the town­ ship he selects for our Scale, aud give him the best opportunity to clenr $10 per day that was ever offered any man. The ouly conditions being that he commence operations at once gad guar­ antee ns in writing that he will call on every fam­ ily in the township he agree* to canvas, and in* Budace onr Scales; and, in addition to giving out Ageat this splendid oppon unity to make money Cast, we offer every one of them (either gentleman or lady agent), a MOM D «OL» WATCH, wort* at least $50, whenever they have sold a certain unmber of Scales. For circulars, terms, •te., address TUB AHEBICAH 8CAI.B CO, , La Sails SteeeW Chicago. _ r Cutters, Panning Mills. Corn shelldrs, Feed Hills, Pumps, Flows, Drags, Cultivators, Wagons. Bug$1 es, Bob sleighs. Cutters, Circular Saws anu in short every kind of Tool or Machine In use on or about the Farm. It you want a pair of B9| SLEICtHS CHEAP, it* 7, 4", Wi* MlUff MILL FEED. At 910 per Ton* for nale at the Fox %ir- ring. In tnis.nne I am now prepared to do jou work in the best of manner. Reapers and Mowers, Pumps, and all other machinery Repaired in the -best of manner and on short notice. Turning in wood or Iron promptly done and in a workmanlike JE. (X JEWETTjC WOODSTOCK, ILL FRED. SCHNORR| MANUFACTURER OF New Store, noar the Depot, r?; MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Having removed to my new Store, I am no# pre parea to accommodate my customers i|| anything in the Sine ot Custom-Made Botts and ShMt Oa sbort notice and warrant satisfaction. " Being a workman of many years expe* rience I am confident I can please all wn* Efive me a call, ami Ji® I use none bu t the best of stock can guarantee ns represented. w" Give me a call and I wiii try and pleas*. ^ aGT'Remember the placo. new Block, oair door West of Story's Hardware Store. MeHenry. III. FRED. SCHNOI|l|. , Oct. SOtb, 1878. . - few manner. t- (Jive me* call if in wknt ufany- tliing iu m :. ' *.£*'• ,\r * *{. -|/f' -•mm "r ly ' 4 .• v: , Fsrlnfnnssms relative to KAKSA8, take the Leavenworth (Kanxi*) Appeal, a large# •tight page weekly paper, containing each week a sketch, maps ana illustrations of some one of the counties in Kan»as. , The better lands in this State are selling Kt from #2.00 to f^.00 per acre, with a c red it of .from »ix to eleven years. The great bulk of 'the government land, which is as rich as the richest In the State, is still open to settlers.-- Full Information in regard to soil, climate, preemptions, homesteads, markets, churches, pcliools, etc., will be found each week in The Appeal. ' Price. 9&40 pjr annnra; or 11.00 for six months. Sample copies sent on recipt of 10 cents. Address Having moved my Shop to Howe's Bloclfe opposite Frett A Sons Market, I am now pnp pared to make to order ^ Boots and Shoes,| On short notice awl warrant satisftMttoa.-ttN After an experience of many years in thfe business I am confident that I can please tkfr most fastidoos. as u The Appeal, *.EAV«^p^ KAH8AB. ^ REPAIRINQ. Of all kinds promji tended to. Cive Me a Gall. Remember the place, Howe's Wm. Dow. Uth W9. - .-ViVt;, ' X j ? * IBS

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