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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Feb 1879, p. 5

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«#l|f •*« ** llC'ifP f--; ^ ; •• I i < "* ? ̂ , FEB. 26th, l*7t. w . Railroad Time Table. |jan.T. I.*. Y»MWM{MWJ.T-"'.. TAB A. M. p«n«T« Laki Pi^it 1:15p. M. % ewiiro WORTH. :g»eae«« Lake frafcrltt ... *. Mam Ltlt Pa Meager 7 -.09 p. m E. FlLT, 'ii;:||M|ar Agehtof the SIiigerSewfi|f-itt^iil«e in Ifeis Comity was in town last week He has eorn« ont with a bran fired new wagon, that is a little the nobbiest rig now on the road, Felt is now selling the genuine 8lnger at lower prices than ever be­ fore. and all know that there. is no bet* ter in the market. ^'y* r,~J si®® »4-1". f i . y ' % X y \ - x-- ' . *• • i, i.i !i -t ; i; -M; commences. SCALY LEGS IN FOWM.--Insert a leather in the spout of a coal-oil can so that too large a stream will not runout; ** some one to hold the fowls by the wings; take hold of a toe of one foot at a time, and pour a fine stream from the k&ck joint to the end of each toe, taking eare that all parts of the foot are wet with it. One application a year is enough, if done to all, and at the time when they need it, say during January or February. The scaly appearance is caused by an insect, which the oil Most effectually kills, and leaves the legs dear and feriglit-lookin g. This will an­ swer even when the legs are twice their natural size, which is frequently the case when neglected.--Exchange. WE have no doubt that the English parrow, in a. very few years, will so age our corn crops that we shall not ly be ready to let this bird shift for If but to join in exterminatory easures in place of the kindly protec- that has thus far been extended to ^ It aeeme o^ly to have found | *** Mf. Bailey as * lecture*, Is the granu fuccess of the season. He is drawing '•4^rge, cultivated ind paying audiences ^ilind in almost everyplace where he lias f^eturetl, he has been re-engaged. He |asfectured live nights in Tuscola, III., j|ince the beginning of the season, each ^|lme to cultivate 1 and larger audi­ ences, and no lecturer lias succeeded in Iprinning the favor of the public, and irlhe pi audits of the press and pulpit as s|§e has. Ho knows China thoroughly, ^-Und his lectures are intensely inter* ^sting and Instructive, while his wit is ^^brllliant, continuous, and overpOwer- ^ng,' Do iy>t fall to hear him as it will one of the best of the course. »• ;Ml -• v ' • ; • VIF Miss DOVE OWEN has been quite sick .- #he past two weeks, bttt is now ttawly ^onvalesclng. , U ; " *; > . •\:¥ Miss JESSIE ECKERT, of Woodstock. tss been visiting the past few days ith Miss Mamie Owen, in this village. ' ri ^ON48' Traveling Agent Tor the ^Woodstock SentineL, made our sanctum ^ call on Monday. ^ j!:| Do not fall to hear the Lecture on I ^phlna on Wednesday altd Thursday Evenings of next week. CASPER MCOMUER and Will. Knight", 4 Chicago, have been spenditig afew ,Hj)ays among friends in this village.., MR. NORTON, from Urica. N. Y;. lias en spending a few days In, this . vil- ^•f^age, the gue*t of fi. M. Owen. •••[.. tt-4 ^HAT jR (|,e matt#]P witli our Algon- j ^ulncorreipondent? He ha**' not re­ ported In two weeks, w I rich we" wry \'5;§nnch regret. " . » ' ^MISS ETTA KELTKR came home from ^ffchlcago on Saturday, aiid will spend a few weeks visiting parents and friends *4* this village. ' J. HIKES * and FAMILY started for 'ichlta, Kansas, to-day, Wednesday. [r.Hines has a son in business at that joint and goes there to make It his Future home. t THE next meeting of the McHenry county Teachers Association will be held in Woodstock on Saturday next. March fst. In addition to the regular programme Prof. Ray, .of Chicago, Is expected to deliver an Address on the subject of Geography. Mil Teacher*, and others Interested In the cause of educat ion are earnestly requested to attend. REV. FATHER O'NEIL, will deliver an Address before the Red Ribbon Club, in thife Village on Thursday evening next; Feb. 27th. A11 are ^ cordially invited to attend. The tol- * lowing is the Programme for the evening: 1st* Singing. 2d, Recitation by S, D. Baldwin, 3d Singing, 4th, Ad* dress by Rev. Father O'Neal, 6th. Bhigiug. WE are now prepared to do all kinds of Job Work, from the smallest card to the largest Poster, at lower prices than ever before known in McHenry county, quality of work considered. Send in your orders and get good work at low rates. Envelopes aud Letter Heads printed cheaper than you can buy the white paper add good, work guaran* teed. , ' - v • WE would direct the attention of our readers to the card, to be found In another doluuui, of F. J. Cross. Dentist, who has taken rooms iu the Riverside Block, aud opeued an office for the practice of his profession. He comes reccotnmended as a, first class workman, and we hope he may receive that en­ couragement that will make it profit­ able tor hia» to remaiu permanently among us. would again remind our readers ot the entertaiiimeut to be given by Win. Stanley, at the Universallst Church oil Friday evening of this week This entertainment consists of Reci­ tations from Sliakespere, Scott, Tenny­ son, and other authors. Song*, Ac. Atao imitations of Humorists, sucli As "Nasby on the Red Ribbon, Josh Bil­ ling's on the Telephone, and other favorite selections and original humor. Admfeisioii only TO cents. „ M FRAHK GOING started for Wlshita. ^iCansas, on Monday. Frank has got the J.^ecessary vim. to make his owi» way In ^Jhe world, nnd his matiy friends in <: this town wish him the mpst abundai't ^|ucces$ In the new flei«l to w4»i«h beis THE Phantom Party at th«^v«MNif House on Friday evening last was a success ir every particular. About fifty couples were in attendance, all enjoyed themselves' In the (highest degree. There were little ghosts big ghosts, male ghosts and female ghosts, all (Iressedjn the latest fashion strong March will soon IMtun....... Prof; at the Uuitolwnllei Church on f i l i n g . T h e r e # • » A smell in tta:lbt Ward loa ^tiirday night,..... .."fhsefe, cheese, Umber- g«r cheese f. We leafn i part- iHsrshlp was dissolved in this village on Monday morning by physical Torce. .The gentle man from the sub­ urb* of Chicago was dressed at the Phautoiu Party a la bate train, cMt bias The cosluute he intended to have worn was done up a to Shermau, aud not to his liking........"Blrtliiiigtoii'* Wash­ day" hiw just passed and the little hatchet Is diill .An exchange says a tnau is known by the sidewalk he keeps. Many of our citizens must be slippery customer?.-^. Man wants but little here below, but wo­ man wants most every tiling she sees her neighbor have--except her tooth­ brush and youngest baby........Re­ member the next Lecture of the Course on Wednesday aid Thursday evenings ntext........wTruth «rusltetl to earth will rise again."' So will a broken bar­ rel hoop, especially the end you don't step On ."Are good men, then, so rare asks the Christian Standard.-- Well, brother, that depends a good deal on the taste of the cannibal that cooks them...,*,..Old Settlers" An­ nual Meeting March 13th ...Tip is going when the moon changes. Uerui went after the cars had goue Probably the happiest ,combination these days is half a ininee pie with a boy around it ...Speak gently. speak gently; no matter how much big­ ger aud how much broader across the shoulders than yourself the other man is, nor how cross he looks, speak gently The bigger and broader and crosser-- the gentlter ...At that dl^iohitiou of co-partnership the other morning, if the buss hadn't come along just then there would have been just one whole nose and "that would have belonged; to the tay kettle."........It will not more. She's gone..:,... ,T(iiK6eorgU Minstrels played to a small house on Saturday night. A. .Tiu Boquets are tl%e latest thing out. Eli. Jim.?..... ... If this thing goes on much longer somebody will be writing poetry on the cipher dispatches, and then this overburdened country will rise up in revolution There i« one terri­ ble revolution In a man's life that uo eloquence ofpen has the power to de­ scribe. It Is when he falls prone to the earth, overwhelmed with confusion nnd'an anti-friction iidewaik. Eh, Hairy? and j**' " rBUiai"8 unmoved. Be you ;e that rock, young man. Vioe may ttl)(] tice, and the song and the cup may cite. Beware--stand firmly at your st. Let your principles shine forth tobscured. There is glory in the ot ghostdoin aud .presenting au ap­ pearance ludicrous iu the extreme.-- fought that you have resisted tempta- Tlie disguise was perfect, a* it was on and conquered. Tour bright ex- iupossible to pick out a imwt intimateJnple wil be to the world what the acquaintance, and hard to tell a ladytght-house is to the mariner upon a from a gentleman. The inu«ic was ex-iea-shore; it will guide hundreds to the celleiit, aud the Supper such a one tu^bor Df -virtue and saf^y. " * mine host Wightman and Ills esthna- , j fee lady knows how to get up, autl M» BAMKMY AND MEM JPwi# taking all in all was one of rite niosten- A barefooted darkey, while hoaing joyable occasions of the season. ^ l,eotton one day, saw his toe under aclod, party broke up about four o'clock tuld> thinking it ir mole's head, hit it tlie morning, everybody well |d hurt himseU. After , working 4ith with Mie (Xlebratloli of Wwlmigtoi.'. I M, ^ tiMu| hi. . WHILE J. E. Jones, of Woodstock, ras In ttU« village ou^ Monday, he re- »ive<Va dispatch that'- his residence md burned, together with its entire intents. This will be a serious loss for Mr. Jones, and as one of the craft jie lias our heartfelt sympathy. ^ Dm. H. T. BROWS, of this village ^ S'jlook a Tape Worm full sixty feet lone ^troni Frank Torrance, one .day Inst rf^ireek. Ho h*s been feeling unwell * J.ifnost of the Winter, and now that he ^ ,f .^las got rid of this troublesome raistom- ^ Ifl^r will probably regain his usual health- f • i Ae worm can be seen at the office of '• Br°wn> would call the attention of Old, .4ijBettlers and other* Interested to the to found In another column, for fi . 'Jlhp Annual Meeting of the Old Sefc- -j ),|tiers Association, to be held March 13. "^^In this village. The object of the & . jmeeting is to elect officers for the en- . ftulng year and to make arrangements. -^i|for holding the next Re-Uuton. be a fhll attendance. ^ f I o SOME miserable sneak, who h*d either the fear of God or man before Is eyes, t«r»k occasion, during the anceon Friday night to cut and de- troy the cushions and trimmings of a ry nice cutter, at the Rl verside barn CvThe damage will probably be from i *<Jthree to five dollars. What the object •i|jof the dastardly act could be no one can i^jtell, but if he could be found out no pun- .^ Jlshntent would be too severe for him. jThe perpetrator Is too low to be classed oi^etvtltotf i ^ I -V 4 ^ Birthday and the Phantom Party, if . : " Th« Plokle Factory, We made a short visit to the Pickle Factory-iu this village on Friday last, and found business being pushed there with unusual vigor for this season of the year. Since our last visit they have made sopte good improvement* in and around the Factory, building additions,enlarging the rooms, putting in steam pipes, whereby the whole building Is kept wami, and making it, in fact, one of the best arranged and handiest Factories In the Northwest. They now keep eight hands at work, and are shipping when the weather will permit , an average of five' car loads of Pickles and Vinegar (>erweek, and the i^ianagtr, Mr. Henry Reif, in­ formed us that they Will undoubtedly clean out their entire stock of Pickles before the next year's crop will com­ mence. and will probably not have enough then to supply the demand As we have before said, the Pickles from this Factory have galued an en­ viable reputation all over the oountry, and the demand Is such that the pro­ prietors. Messrs. Curtis A Waiker may find it necessary to enlarge their works another year. They kre sparing n* pains or expense to make the Factory meet the requirements of-, gjbe trade* and do honor to our town, for Which they deserve much praise. Their head man. Mr. Henry Reif, has few equals and he superiors In this line, understanding the business In all Its branches, and to whom in a great measure is due the popularity of the goods put up at this Factory. We were shown while there some Pickles put up in bottles by him four years ago In Cliicsgo, that were as fine and solid as the day they were picked from the vines. He superi ntenJs the whole business, and Is emphatically the right man in the right place. Messrs Curtis & Walker are e*|re^ioly fortunate in being able to secure so efficient a mau for this place. The business of the Factory for the next year will undoubtedly be larger {than tvejr befor^ My place was so ably filled by a brot hei or sister last week, that I am almost inclined to lay oft for good, and let so able a hand hereafter represent the village. B|tt a se use of duty to my sinful neighbors urges me to keep on in the gtorloiis work of reform and regen­ eration which I have begun. I can already see hopeful fruits spring from the seed that 1 have planted, and I very much expect to some day see the Devil shamed out of all our possessed citizens, and a retgu Of peace and har- tnouy duwn upon Richmond. When that is accomplished I will lay down my pen, cast oil my armor, and bask in the sun Of the victory 1 have gained. Since last I wrote you, Death has been busy in our midst. Last week Mrs. E. M. Potter aud Mrs. Jud Sher­ man died, and on Sunday the beautiful' little son of Albert aud Matie Alexan­ der departed for a fairer shore, ^rs. Potter aud Mrs. Sherman had been suf* ferers for a long time and their deaths were not unexpected. The former died of Consumption, the later of Brlghts Disease, Mrs. Potter leaves a husband, and a daughter of nine or ten years, aud Mrs, Sherman a husband two sons and a daughter. Thus are two families robbed of the counsel and care of loving mothers. Sympathy with both Is genuine and wide spread. Little Hallie Alexander's life had blessed the world not quit* two years, lie was as bright ahd engalgtig a little fellow as ever a mother smiled on Or 4 father caressed. One week ago to day he was apparently well; to-day his bright spirit took its flight. I know that no cousoliiig words can heal the pareuts' hearts. He who, when ou | earth took in ills arms the little ones and blessed them, must be their com­ forter. In His arms the .dear child how reposes. I am sorry the report of Mr. Farmer's lect^iw did not reach the PLAiND&ALRR be necessary to hold up that feiice_ aujt*-itrtime for last week's issue. Please publish this week. R«SR1E^S£E¥RANAR«RS. Conveyances filed for record in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County IIIinol«,fbr the week ending Feb. 15th, A. D., 1879. Geo. N, Chittenden and wife to Jos. W. Phelps. EJt sac 9 and wX aw# iee 10, Marengo, *1500. Geo. W. Bentlejr and wife to Kooch Brdar. Pt lot 1 blk 10, Woodstock, •!«*. Ths. I-indsey tp Wni. Scott. Swfc qwX sec 17, .Dorr, 91230k Davi t Elktor and trite to M*ry Owtflll.- Pt 1 blk 12 MaustieltlH add to WiHHi6tock*.43U0. itobert Morton to Edward Morton. £t al lot IS sff frc.V see- 86, Algonquin, 1000. Lucy Miller to Henry Lindsay. 9a in «cJi •ec 17 r 8, Algonquin, $225, Sarah Wrljfht widow to Helen M, Mills*nd Abbie E. Gould, Lt« 12 7 8 9.10 and It 10k 4 E. I. Suiitli'kadd to Woodstock, 1333. Robert L. (ttmer to Ifenry Kidhurst. 900 in aen Hand IS. Ktchmoud, #001. J. S. Hines and wife to Henry Btofk., J-« blk S W. Meitenry, 9700. ^rr John and Jacob llrost to Margaret BBeWn.-*-' Pc in nwji£ sec 18 McHenry, |4ia. Win. Fern and »vilu to stiles Sillhnaa. S IS a vrh nwM sec 17 Dorr, 91U0U« h Wm. Fern and wife to same. 10a in ne^ see 1 SeecO, S3< 0. Harriet Clute and bna to F. L SIWMM. K X neM «eo 2 and wJ* swj^ sec 1 Coral, 91'A W m . D . G a t e s e x r t o E l l i s M a r a a n J . l a i n OwX see S3 Nunda. Emily J, Manstield to same. I. 11 sub div blk 6 Walknp's add to Xuif's. 9374.80. Leonard l.ockwood and wife to Michael J. Powers. 1.10 blk 6 Harvard, 91400. Divid tfelly to Francis Forrest. Und>s 5e.V self and nX «w>i se^ see 32 Greenwood, 9*W0 h t W i l s o n . -- G. Freeae and wffe to Francis Wtwbr. Lot S blk 99 Harvard, 9800k R. Cumin and wife to Lena Vrasan. seJi ex e 10a and e 19a »wH sel> sec 29 Dan- bam, 9850. " Fred. Sedleiseh and wife to Frank Piekney St f 21 ot wide in sectin 19 and 20 in tp 43 r»9H). Frank Wewerka and wlfs to F. Tomijky.-- 114 a in sec 67 and6 in tp 43 r 6 94790. 4 Marion M. ^terens to Merrtl St *vens. I, 8 and 9 blk 1 Etlsworth's add to Kunda, #1409. ^ ....'.M.H .. I ^ • ' -H Art of Propagatloi Is a Wf^hly illustrated pr^etlcsl work on the rapid increase and multiplica­ tion of stock. Published by Jenkins Grape and Seedling Nursery, WI«?ona. Columbiana Co., Ohio. Price prepaid by mail. 50 cts. patnlogue free.-- Agents wanted. Ad«lress as above. # THE City Bakery, is the only Bakery in Woodstock where you can get Fresh Bread, Plee and Cakes. Warm Me ale at all hours. Oysters by the Can Dish Very many children in this neighbor­ hood are afflicted with colds and symptoms of cronp. but diptheria has not yet appeared. Rev. F. J, Doulass preached a very Interesting discourse at the Cou£to$M tlonal CHurch on Stuulay evening. Ho leaves this charge in a few months. Goldsmith, the Artist, is painting » picture of F. W. Mead'o, little boy. Tom Fisher keeps the Geneva Lake oatuieal. at 94. per huiidted. Oatmeal Is a very healthful food and: should be more generally used. Nearly ererv seat was taken In the Mufiic Hall of the High School, to listen |to the lecture on Monday night of last week, by Mr* G^ Wi Farmer, of Liber- tyvllle. As was stated In last week's paper, his subject was *~l!ow to Start in Life with a reasonable prospect of Happiness and Success," which drew out a large number of young people ami jiot a few old. as there are but very few in any community who are not di­ rectly or Indirectly interested tn thls portant subjects After defining happiness as -one be­ ing's eml and aim" tli'e lecturer told us **worldly happiness may be properly considered In the common Deception of the term, as the synonlm of content­ ment, which the poet defines like this: "There is a Jewel which no Indian mfae can ' buy '»•&.! 3 No cbeniloart can counterfeit; It makes men rich ia greatest poTtr^r, Makes water wine; tara* wooded cupi to gold, ; Tke borne whistle to sweet waste's stiaias; Seldom it comes, to few from Heaven sent, That much is little, and 'tis scarce. Content. Neither time nor space will allow me to do this lecture justice. 99 no one can know what It Is till they hear Mr. Farmer deliver it. The audience though mixed, both young and old, sat spell-bound the entire evening and scarcely a breath was heard but the speakers voice. At the clone he was greeted with such applause as would please any one and 1 noticed the bright eyes of the listeners M they poured out of the Hall, and such expressions as "Rich! wasn't It?" and "Perfectly grand." made me know that all were pleased. Mr. Farmer. Is a farmer by occupation and is a practical dfeinon- stration of hli lecture, the pith of which Is *wlthit!l thy gettings get un* dorstanding." He lives near Liberty- ville. 111., has it beautiful farm well stocked, and little laid asido "/or a rainy day," and attributes his success to the early principles aided by a good education, which he thinks is necessary to add to dally. His lecture shows us that he has a good store of it to cheer his latter days, and his frleuds are also cheored by Ills genial presence, and wherever lie goes he lias hosts of friends Richmond wants to hear him again aud that soon. Iu conclusion the speaker sfdd: "I summarise With the lines, which though I perused years ago as advice for the young, are Equally applicable now, to the time and occasion, put form your energies with might asd main Till yon accomplish wliat yoa would obtain. Perhaps at first though illy yoa succeed, If with determined seal, yon might indeed Launch forth ia pieaaures, which before, to yottj....; . * Seemed dark and distant to your mental view; For. who ean rete«)at« the boundless nflgkj, From mind there springs when guided by the bright radiance of the ii--uital ailed, Risep then, in youth, and gather round iMpf'iieytion^ choicest gifts, let it impart, : TMNilitre rewants whlcS never foil to Wees, In *aat ectppliea of peace and iMppineM." The Principal stated that next Mon- 9«y i»lgfc« w«lt|d be occupied with cltemicallMhl friMlosophicai experi­ ments, arti'ip*tii«*rom the scioptluau. - For the4ltAlltMi|MCR. kkvm|P|||>imwn. ^ oeeeen a sfane.' a«ii&|steritag aroaM J In search of pli^sliii«feraity of rtie kind - thtt seeks its aourlehwent whet* amt abound • i ItoelMaentaef rfiit^tiiliWl; At ones, Instlneiirely, I swrfcW th« ptaee, As well nU^t wenderfui; to proedft Or seemed to stand, ease, Wbose ways are pleasaBt»a»d whoaa yaths -are peaces ,r Surety, thought I, Here is a tittle qet, Blest with a people versed In Wlsdqa's ways, In whom a christlllte uatnro »tumbereth nat; 'Twerc well, Indeed, to eoanift theireotiljef PRAISE,-:. R And w i did with earnestness eommend, In the good graces which to It and them Might be accorded by a sincere irienfl, As holding in perspective, that time when W e choose the Jewels which we woald se­ lect For real worth and beauty of efltoet. , • • • • • e * • • • * • * An lalprveniag time since then eones by, And yet again I found the favored spot; But lo, a change, so marked that ear and eye And characters so plain, mistake it not; ; By one whose iilgh conceptions were so fond In former times to accord the meed of praise The contrast thus defined, could bat de­ spond Who sought to bnt unravel the dark mase, • Whioli wrought eonfusion, where before . dwelt loVej . And hawks had tenanted IM %bede§ of • doves. -v Cottld Satan well devise a better plait, " v To frustrate christUa growth and top#* nese» T* foster crime and selfishness In mant, Than give to slander,, all its power and stress " • . Which husy gosilp can so well kapartt Ah, no; the history of my model town Too well attest, the ruin aud the smsrt. Which thus on friend and foe reaots,arouad Qa all ooaneraed. A fnead suggests, they ought To stop, and take a sober, second thought; W hen charity ahouads, *tlM aafo to gttess. They'll be restored to peaee and happi. aess. W. G. F. A SPIIINQ OIIOVK- tferrtm Pi.JrtsDEAtititSayfeft^l^ If we were you wt would not feel quite aobad. If yon had to take a married women along in order to have Miss -- go, you are not tlie first in this village that has had to do the same thing. I. Snyder and wife are away visiting friends iu Wadkegan. Mrs. l.Westlake was taken very tick white at < 'huroh last Tuesday evening. She Is rapidly recovering under the careful treatment of Dr. Ward, Rich­ mond. 11 is sometimes said that • person will cut his nose of to spite his face, and we think one of the Solon!tea has done just this very thing. The Rev. Mr. Bacon, of Solon, #111 hold meetings in the H. Church at this place every evening this week. FROM ANOTHER CORRESPONDENT. J EDITOR PLAINDKAI.KK There is not much news, but we will let yoa know what little we do know. There Is but very little business done here among the common class of people only loafing at the cbrners and stores, where we spend the most of our time In backbiting our neighbors. But we do not like a cowardly sneaking dog that will never bark, but only watch to catch your heel*. Stteli we have arouud here HISO. >; < U And still tliey comfe Another Uttle boy came to S. L. Orvls. We think Orvih is just the man that knows bow to raise a line lot of healthy boys. There Is a large number of people going west front here this spring. Mr. M. Sllter and his brother went on the 17tli,and Aaron Hoffman. Joseph James, and others on the 10th of tills month. Mr. Hooper ahd a good many more are talking of going about the lsi of March. . i-i I" i TO FARMERS. FOB BAL*:--Two Superle* Yoarliitg Bulls. Will be sold reasonable if ap­ plied for soon, at iny Farm, three miles from the McUeniry Depot, on Wood­ stock road. K ISAACfncxa. A CAttlX * Tho Concordia Club, of Jfofensburglv wish to hereby tender their thanks to the McHenry Cornet Band for,-their valuable assistance on the nfjght of their Concert, and Aso to O. W. Owen for the use of an Organ on that occa­ sion. They one and all will be glad to return a like favor when occasion oo- «*%• - 0«i»Kit \ aIH'OaLL C. W. Dunbar having opened the Photopraph Gallery over Perry 4k Martin's Store, in the village of Mc­ Henry is now pee pi red to do all work In that line on shorfr'notice aud gmtr- antee satisfaction. No PIctnres will b« allowed t«» be takeh froin the Gal­ lery uiiless th« parties are perfectly satisfied. Call and see supHfiens. FARM TO RENT. -- A farm of about three hnndAdl acres, sitHfHd two rolle9,.M|iiwest .M, Mo- fleftttfT Is In.«-g^«j|i#toijwf 'Silttva- Terms L.C.OAT»fc, ri v?J^4 , W f i t " ; smi nobby near the m ofFoor Dwen's. For * Beckers Onlv one CarrH teen two months Cal) and wako a Fifty Plows, at E. M. Examine two Court laud Wagons <ltfle«Mit geared st E. M. Owen's If yon want a nobby bwiitosi <dieap, go to Lauer & Becker^i* «»lt, Clothluc dieipsr Lauer t Becker's. «W, ,L.|§v School* Books tndlffltiii Papov Cheap, at O. W. Owen's. ' The best Overcoat for the least money, at Laurer dfc Becker's. of New Stock of Cloths. Read'T-Mad# Clothing, Ac., for the Fali trade just received at Lauer 4t Be^erV, mMlr the Depot. , 4, WOOPCHOPPKttS WAKTift)!. Blglit or ton good Wood chop wanted immediately. Itvnulre John W. Smith. V CASH! CASH!CASH! W||| buy Millinery for the twenty dto$a at cost, at Xri Sea J- WANTED. Choice Antler and Fresh which we will pay the price. --1 ~ FLT»#lMMOK« et -X: SON. Baggage and Freight hauled from Mcileury to JohnsCntfgh at reasonable rates. Trip twice a week^ bjr H. D ugl nger. Job nsbu rgh. 111. CASH BUYER*. IS pounds Peachea Hir Wkl':l * 6 pounds No. 1 Ground fcof 3 pounds Jap«9 Titfifii 24 bars Kirk's Sdap for w « fBOARDERS WANTED. Undersigned Is now take a number of IkN^Ni^ the day or week, olfiiic; able Terms. Good Ml host of acconunodattona Resi«h*uce near theS<dt«B McHenry. Dec. 10th, 187S, Dr, Marshall's all's Lung Hf IllflMtlMfl V.T /. nlarij* reco ra°,8t -mm effective Cough teiheiy on vour dr^wlst eitd try FCGMGLG- " WAIT ITOB TAX WAOOK. We are uew brated LuntberWt. Steel Spring Yoke aud stay chains, au diliip^#vf)Br #50. Warranted for qne jp§t& '.-v , B. Bwaoy. Just received a new Stock of MUlin ery in all the st#l| grades of Straw, vers In Hats ant thing In flash V1! Plumes. Wings, Mrs. S. Seurleju end1 very Lowest flgurea: next twenty days. FOR SALE Oft Having moved offer my Store and Other Johnsburgh for Silt, or H it for good Faros pteperti I will Rent it toe: reasonable terms. <|CM'a fine1 for trade, ad< 6|M|J,ER, McHenry^ • !"i.i ' ' n BOTTOM REA( h til further notice, we wf Meats, FOR CASH, at th« following rates: Beef Steak,. • Beef Roast, i Pork -.-i'll Corn Beef * Boiling Beef,,..'.^,......i.i,^ MF*The best Brands of Ol as Low as the Lowest, and hand. We keep none but the, and are bound not to: Give us a call and we wti| please you, McHenry, Jan. 98th, 1879. IF M l eta ; special Noppp,, la order to reduce j^ir stock to th« lowest wmMe point, «tn<l to prepare for the »pring trade, Bucklin & Stevens will offer w* usual inducements .in « variety of Goods to close. have a few overcoats to close at a bargain. Also broken suits. Pants and Vests at cost and than cost to close. Cull and and they will sint) ou in price. January 29tb. 187®. One trial is sufficient Is most skeptical of the unfailing eflk^ii Lung Syrup for curiuj sumption, Aathhm, Try It by alt Means, cents. Sold by Colby Bros^ TTO Paiars for ths Priee of QH. Referring to in advertisement, in this î perjbf the Weekiy HdHon, we offer that journal/r«e for one yeaty to all new snbscrlbera to our paper, or old ones who pay one year In advance.-- The Natimh a weekly Literary 'lb# Educational eontaintag eight 'large pages of vaterfble readlngigpler ;e»cti*reek.aod will be a ^olsi tlon to your r#j at this office dime

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