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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Feb 1879, p. 7

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\W; - y« r v . '^ 'v " j - , y- "r"'-* V- ,„ >? -. % »* vC \ *\<A, f. *±. ; . If ' " , MANRM«I.---So &*• possible, manure Should be drawn out in winter as fast as •xade. Where it is thrown in heaps, as lo^baiJfid and chqpptd. TWO poulb 'fr":f >.*• >m hone stables, or made in barn SM •• .. f'«; k1'- Hi ' $ j# basement, it will usually be unfrozen While the ground is covered with snow is earner both for team and pitcher to w manure on the sleigh than on the fragon, so that winter is the best time #>r doing this work, aside from thus helping to get one heavy job out of >ffie way as far as possible before the flowing commences. ' SCAMR LEGS RA FOWM.--Insert a leather in the spout of a coal-oil can so fhat too large a stream will not runout; ,.Jjet some one to hold the fowls by the Wings; take "hold of a toe of one foot at (I time, and pour a fine stream from the - Jlock joint to the end of each toe, *»Hng •frre that all parts of the foot are wet , ifitb it. One application * year is |:5i|iough, if done to all, and at the time When they need it, say during January : i<ir February. The scaly appearanoe is ISfeused by an insect, which the oil most «J3fectuaIly kills, and leaves the legs <dear and bright-looking. This will an­ swer even when the legs are twice their . natural size, which is frequently the when neglected. --Exchange. WE have no doubt that the English Ijjparrow, in a very tew years, will so damage our corn crops that we shall not only be ready to let this bird shift for itself but to join in exterminatory measures In place of the kindly protec­ tion that has thus far been extended to it. It seems only to have found out during the past season, or so, that cprn in the xsulk is delicious food, and that by a little scratching and pecking a sufficient meal may easily be obtained. In an experimental plot of sweet (black) corn, planted in an out-of-the-way part of our grounds, we had a good oppoij- tfonity of observing their operations. £)rom the time that the corn was well set until it began to harden, a flock of •bout fifteen made this their head­ quarters. They would peck upon the silk end of the ears, open the husk and feed upon the corn as far down as they eould manage to pry it open. They destroyed about half of the crop.--Ear- chanye, BATH AND MICE.--These vermin do" not agree, and rats will soon drive mice •way, so that when the latter get really plenty, and shrewd enough not to enter traps, the incoming *of rats may be hailed with gladness, for they are much more easily destroyed. Last winter a ^neighboring farm-house was nearly overrun with rats.' They were under­ mining the foundations, destroying a basket or two of turnips and of apples every night. They would not look at traps; they were too numerous for cats; 'they could be poisoned only at the risk of destroying the chickens, for all or­ dinary poisons make the creatures sick, and they run out of doors and throw ofi the load upon their stomachs, and that it is that poisons the chickens. Some 4»e mentioned the use of plaster of Paris--calcined gypsum--so I brought some up from town for them. It was xiixed dry with wheat flour and Indian meal. The rats ate this; it set and settled them, and we laughed over this mortar mortality; .but it does seem cruel --no worse, however, than poisoning With arsenic.--Cor. American Agri­ culturist. , "WHEN TO PRUNE HEDGES.--April is itoj good as any time to prune hedges, whether of hemlock or Norway spruce, arbor vitse, or the maclura. * The thing to avoid is a hard frost, and we rarely have that in April. Box-edging in yards and gardens can also then be pruned. This, instead of cutting-off square at the top as many do, exposing a dead or yel­ low interior nearly the whole season, should be pruned at both sides to a point, cutting a little above last year's growth. Oke thing should be borne in mind by those who are growing young hedges, which is, not to allow them to get too pin apples, two pounds raiafcw stoned and chopped, two pounds currants, one- half pound citron, two grated nutmegs, one ounce powdered cinnamon, one* half ounce each of cloves and mace, two large oranges, one teaspoonful salt, one quart brandy, one quart wine, one wine­ glass rose water. INDIAN LOAF.--Take one pint of sour milk, one-half pint of sweet milk, one teacupful of molasses, one-half teacup- ful of butter, two teaspoonfuls of sal- eratus, one large teaspoonful of salt, three eggs, one pint of wheat flour, One quart of yellow Indian meal; bake in a deep tin basin, in an oven same heat as for cake, for one and a half hours. APPLE FLOAT.--Mash a quart cooked or coddled apples smooth through a a sieve; sweeten with six table-spoonfuls sugar, and flavor with nutmeg. Then add the apples, a spoonful at a time, to the whites of four eggs, well beaten. Put a pint of cream, seasoned with sugar and nutmeg, at the bottom of your dish, and put the apples on top. ALBANY CAKE.--One and one-half pounds flour, one and one-half pounds brown sugar, one and one-half pounds butter, one table-spoonful lard, four table-spoonfuls powdered cinnamon, one tpble-spoonful soda, dissolved in a cup of milk. Boll on extra flour very thin. Dip the faoe of each oaks in granulated sngar. Bake slowly in greased pans. . SUPERIOR PUDDING.--Four eggs, one quart of milk, one oup of sugar, two ta­ ble-spoonfuls of flour. Beat the sugar, flour and yelks of the eggs together, with one cup of the milk, scald the re­ mainder of the milk and put the above in it. Flavor with lemon or vanilla, Beat tiie whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, add a little sugar, spread on top of the pudding and brown slightly. BOSTON BROWN BREAD.--Two cup- ffuls Indian-meal, even, one cupful rye- meal, one cupful flour, one quart (small) sweet milk, one and a half cupfuls mo­ lasses, pinoh of salt, one teaspoonful soda dissolved in a teaspoonful of water, two teaspoonfuls .cream tartar--or, if baking-powder is preferred, two heaping teaspoonfuls. Steam in a covered tin i^our hours. The water must be boiling when the tin is put in the pet, and must not be allowed to stop boiling during the four hours. This is sure to be good if the water is boiling. {died. An evergreen hedge, particu larly, by commencing to prune when the bushes are about four or four and a-half feet high, can be made in any shape or ' form that may be desired, without leav­ ing unsightly stumps. Young hedges Should receive careful attention, or they will become an eyesore instead of an ornament. They should be cautiously forked up under the branches, at least •very particle of grass and weeds should be removed; and. if the soil is not rich, apply a good mulching of manure; but, if sufficiently rich, grass, straw, or refuse Of any kind may be used. The hemlock, especially, which makes the most beau­ tiful of all hedges, and the only orff that really does well under shade, showB the effect of manure by a luxuriant growth of the darkest green foliage that nature can present.--Qtrmantown Tele­ graph. • Domemtle Boonomy. FRITTERS. --One pint of milk, one egg well beaten, flour to make a rather stiff batter; before dropping into the boiling lard add one teaspoonful of baking powder. May be varied by Edding sliced apples. MINCE-MEAT.--Two pounds lean, freah wri TO A BAB-BULLET KBTEUL T An incident occurred in the Battle of Franklin which I have never seen in print. That sanguinary battle was at its height, and now and then there was a soldier who would not face the music, and, holding to the idea that M distance lends enchantment," on all such occa­ sions would exhibit his faith in the idea by taking " leg-bail" for the rear. These cases were getting too numerous toward the close of the battle, and Col. B----, A. A. G. of one brigade, was sent back to the rear to intercept these seekers for safety, and return them to their re­ spective posts of duty. Ool. B said he hailed one fellow who was making tracks for some place of safety with all the energy of despair. M Halt! I say, and return to your com­ mand!" The flying son of Mars took no notice of the command. " Halt! I say, and go back to your post." The soldier paid no attention to him. The Colonel now became exasperated and yelled out: " If you don't turn and go back to your command, I will shoot you, sir!" Without pausing in hiB flight, the sol­ dier yelled back to him: M Shoot and be hanged 1 What's one bullet to a basketful? " Col. B let him go, and, after the battle, told the incident as a good joke. « « SLEEVE-BUTTONS FOR ONE. large before the pruning-shears are ap-/ Corned-beef hash," said a gentleman to a colored waiter of a popular New York restaurant at lunch-time. "Corn- beef hash for one," echoed the ebony boy into the kitchen dumb-waiter. Two tables away another customer said some­ thing to the same waiter, who shouted doWn the dumb-waiter, "pair o' sleeve- buttons for one!" This piq#ed the first gentleman's curiosity, if not his ap­ petite. He kept his eye on the man who had apparently ordered "sleeve-buttons for one," until the dumb-waiter came up stairs with a pair of fish-cakes and solved the mystery. , A F1BE-BCBBBN. A handsome fire-screen can be made at expense. Have a framework made first of black walnut, or pine, and stretch on it very tightly black oam- bric. ' Then cut from a yard of gay cre­ tonne all the buds and sprays of flowers and glue them on the cambric in the most artistic manner you can devise. You can have no idea, until you tiy it, how handsome and rich-looking the completed screen is. IT is estimated that fully one-fourth of the sheep in Western Texas have d&£d during the last cold V-,. (T' *• HOW TO MIND A BABY. Fust* a man must have one to take care of. It isn't eveiy one, you know, that is fortunate enough to have one, and when he does his wife is always wanting to run* over to a neighbor's only five minutes, and he has to attend the baby. Sometimes she caresses him, and oftener she says sternly: "John, take good care of the child until I return." You want to remonstrate, but cannot pluck up courage while that awful fe­ male's eye is upon you; so you.yru- dently refrain, and merely remark* " Don't stay long, my dear." She is scarcely out of sight when the luckless babe opens its eyes, and its mouth also, and emits a yell which causes the cat to bounce out of the door as if something had stung it. You tim­ idly lift the cherub and sing an operatic air; he does not appreciate it but yells the louder. You try to bribe him with a bit of sugar; not a bit of use; he spits it out. You get wrothy and shake him. He stops a second and you venture another; when, good heavens! he sets up such a roar that the passers-by look up in astonishment. You feel desperate; your hair stands on end, and the perspi­ ration ooses otit of every pore as the agonizing thought comes over you, what if the luckless child should have a fit! Yon try baby talk; but " litty, litty lamby " has no effect, for he stretches as if a red-hot poker had been laid upon his spine, and still he yells. You are afraid the neighborhood will be alarmed, and you give him your good watch as a last resource, just in time to save your whiskers; though he throws down a handful of your cherished mustache to take the watch, and you thankfully find an easy chair to rest your aching limbs, when down comes that costly watch on the floor, and the cause of all the trouble breaks into an ear-splitting roar, and you set your teeth and prepare to administer personal chastisement, when in rushes the happy woman known as your wife, snatches the long-suffering child from your arms, and, sitting down, stills it by magic, while you gaze mourn­ fully at the remains of your watch and cherished mustache, and, muttering a malediction on baby-kind in general and on the image of his father in partic­ ular, vow never to take care of a baby-- until the next time. CHEW . . «. ITCHLKSS Wood Dim Wag TOBACCO. ui PiomtKic TOBACCO COMP, IOWKKK TOBACCO COMPAKT, Mew York, Boaton sad Chiaago. & I'KRKItCf OURS (or nnwxIF/w »*• «r»r»l Piui. LSPKUBT. Scsor-m*>n*y r?tanwd. /«• >•< - nf I'iLSt. UI UNKUMAT-lMI, SA.LT TUHTH UATAKKH, KIDNEY DUI*«n. UM Hit* *ad Bu XiL l>, FttWl.K 4TlX»« SiMtrwl Sold twtyvlMm. 11 .OO • Bottla. FUIXEK * KUt.t,KR.A«U-.Chtc»«o niitagp WBgiiBM nipuim vKiwwsgjw vwuvni uu Wwi f • MOARARLJUROAOCMIPIIS MIA R«A I PR0BDCB a a •A*qaAKT.q--i nm •• um i.wa* W.&WUAU'<tt4kOQ..Mtar * ItaMMI*. Water* l«mii FREE; ABOUT atone*. Th*T<n»jr Jig Is a perfoH Saw* Alt*chn!««it(<,rm). Pwdft«lint work. Mt any Sew­ ing MftrttUi*. •rlilh*. Noiujnrjr to marblcse - u •nly tbt tr»«d I*. Bora ah 4 home*. Huyaroa? JI*Saw-Only far --farliultns drill, :t •<%* Ma»|«v 2 25c w>«rU) W» mil' machine tft Mid tndn work to llw lux-.tilnm A«{«nU wl«n (leRin n bnsi-•li.mUt fail Ui *nn<! for oim tn canvm with. ONJ I*. O. t'nler or MMIMOIMI to HARKtN A N.tMrMIN, ^nur, 4'hu-i«a», III. EPCC A4vlie«tcali Invalid* i Mon.Womtn, Call or rwCCwrtUcw.N J.AlKlW.M.D .13«0l»rket,.,Chioa*0 fl|'7 fj * Monta suaran!**.! Agents'. I Outfit Crta. «HAK * CO . ADOCSTA, MAIMB^, YEAR. How <« M*k«. it. <* VO\UK. Kt. U«i«. Mc. MAKR Voih Ouii tVrfun>««. Wiil send wTpp M A K Co LOOSE for is ct». Df.w. S NAV. rn.Wri A BLESSIHS WANTED <»EH. :«iilerhiSS.Vt. TO womankind; nii for riri-olar to C. Y Pierce. M D .Ctucit^o. POC Ii KT l> r< Tl ON A |{ \ . Wonin. anS Or. Ifflnlf'n il«*!ilih .HnutHFv. one year, .iOc. MORBAV HIM. S»I-B. fa.. 12!> K SStli Si,. NM* York. One Lire *V«n rore,ifi» Stwc i-'>Mil good* 1 by K;iir -uhirf |<xia. LK IIELI.K SV«< K>.. 91 LT*I K SI.., CMMF* aasag SSSi' Will ooMa « $i» a till * oa^SSSStS JV^fulL. AddraaBAXTKR, K.Y. sssssxtssiacs A Har* Ba ; Mtlores Noywi Bros. D»t. CRAI6H KIONKY DISEASRS. anknimn. .Sand for otrcalar. Paul; liord. Stout Paul ;JU)rd. StoutbiiiK A Co., OhtMCv; A. Smith.IM- k foile lor Mtu»rc*--flOMCup. M.'hiR in Atncrioji--12.0M in nann« Jftit »n trinl--4,»«:.|.>nii<. «rp«>. MKKDEL» HOHS l-u-so Co.. 211: 15th Street, N. Y. MONTH-A«EMIS WAMIEO-n BEST TLELN JII UM world; OM I VOUNC MEN • month. Ettrf cradiuta mi SEEDS to«» ntlhn • iftlchi frmt, Adjww Jay Brouaoa, MndC Learn Ttlemptvuf mtd IM to IIN a montb. E«ary (ndultiMniiictd a pajrta* «lta atton. AJJrei R Valanaoa. Manacar. JanaaTUIa, Wla, BEST ETEK (iROWK Down | than dii !i H and Uanlen fiiiMe and mm the P™tUMt bo.)k ever pHntod. Worth man# H. NHt'MWAY, RMklord, Hi; ri(UI*l l AfniiM MkiniMM. •» vietiia *' Th* NaiHURt NmMan. N.T -- i n t h « w o r l d -- I m p o r t s r d * p r l s ' P « --I.Rriri'Kt Cititiitmiv in America - Bingito Arlirl.- MVnrylMMly-TrH«1«» tlmially tnciwiMux AirntitK WAIUKI) evvrywlioro ~lm*% - iliurt (ur ROUT WKt.LS. 4:< st N V. I» O. Boa. im GOOD PtaO «osJ Maawb xh* aiMswkwsM t® IM HJMS, I^TTO of SiHTIKK. i tZSSi BoMk, i!.«, IbaaW,! otfx op Bit; KSiTT. W« wil! aaod Ow, by mall, to u»y on« desiring pleasant and proBUble employment, a >en«tiful Chroma and oonfldentlal circular of the Am«r-can and Ruroman Chronw Company, ahowing how to nake m m«v. We have xometbine ent4r«3y new, such aa aaa never b«sn oflcn-d to the public beforo. There is a tot of money In it fov !.(rent«. Addraa«, inclosing a Scent uamp tor ret urn on chromo. F. GLKASON, M Summer St, Boaton, Mats. MA80N 4 HAMLIN CABINET 0R8AN8 rioea chaap*r arranted fraah from mower. Sand for free dollars. $8 A OAY TEAS. Unuall) Mum RO P AGENTS WANTED FOR THE HISTORY" mi WORLD It contain* fine hlstorioal anrraviniEs anil I1MMI lM|t» doat<l.< col'iinn panM. and is thw m<wl. mmphto akibl n ina »>«tr«temi» lo Affen1 NATIONAL FUBLISHINC CO IIIMory ot Ihi* VorUi imhH«hwi . It mlh at al«|bk Sand tor opociai^n »<«<•« "imt «>«tratemi» to Amenta. wm LIFE BX riRV. The winds and the waves may beat against the rock planted in a troubled sea, but it remains unmoved. Be yon like that rock, young man. Vice may entice, and the song and the cup may invite. Beware--stand firmly at your post. Let your principles shine forth unobscured. There is glory in the thought that you have resisted tempta­ tion and conquered. Tour bright ex* ample wil be to the world what the light-house is to the mariner upon a sea-shore; it will guide hundreds to the harbor of virtue and safety. itfK DARKEY AND MIS TOE. A barefooted darkey, while hoeing cotton one day, saw his toe under a clod, and, thinking it a mole's head, hit it and hurt himself. After. working ^tith it awhpe, he got tired, sat his foot on a stuxrfp, and said: " Well, jes pain away now, I don't care a ding; you hurts yen- self wusin yer dus me."--Excd&ior (Ga.) News. > A BOY died lately in London from the effects of being hit on the head with a snow-ball. Chii III, 1« ambitterad by Dropsy, Kidney. Bladder or Urlrwijr Complaintal Brkcht'a DiMMt, G rural, or Ueuera, Debility, take nvNrs REMEDY. Retention of Urine, Diabetea, Pain in tlm Side, Back and Loins, Ktoin end Intemperance are eared by II I'ST'S KKUEDY. All Diaeases of the Kldnen, Bled- .I-'t trad Organs are oared by Hunt's Remedy. Family Ptiyaioians ase Hunt'* Beaaedy. Send lor pamphlet to WM. K. OLAKKB, Proridenoe, R. L WARNER BRO'S SOKKki* tli*» Hi tt»t FA it IS EXPOSITION- ov-r all AltK'rli an i..|ii|..tHins Itifir FI.EXHil.E IIIP CORSET (12HIIIII««, JP HOI TOLIRVSK down ov.T Itin liip«; I'lii i-H IV Ylii-lr IMPMVIi HEALTH CORSIT !• ma ie wtlli tlic 'i'niui'x o Hurl, tohk'lt soil «nd MI<3 ^outslnt &o botiM. Frlr® bv m«iS, f>0. Pnr«il« tijr «tU UMiti wr mfrr4»«nts. BKOB.» SSI Broadway, M.T. . AilFiD A» the TIM . The very best>ood> direct (turn the lto- n . , _ imrtfrs at Half the Best |>)an to Club Amenta and Soldiers--Pensioners! T" FMSMSts^ U"1 "dSaikis, and hata; alae eimtalna in- c - . -oe ,a reur--mecia l lndooemwat* toe luba . A proper blank to ooUeot amount doa nnder new ABKURB or PutaiON furnished armtuHmmfy to rwuter wtwrthw omlft, and aueh olairas filed In Pension copj free. _ WaahlnRtMi, fAIl). TEAS! nana! eo*t. Best plan offered lar«e huyen. AI.L KXTRKiiS Mew teriug KREK. The Great American Tea Company, p.oSBo?S»«af r*m"y Xcw York- THE NEW YORK SUN. free HOMES NOW Ttt (ill TIIKX in the lx**t p«r» of the Stat* GJMMJMt »cr«5 tor Bale. K«r H1KK «p? or the " Knnu<« l>arlBr llatat-JW." J. JJtlmniy^ l,nn.t_C<ini r. Xalliia. K»n»a«. Tlic Greatest Musical Success of the Day Is H. M. S. PINAFORE. r' imn »tt racted Urea sod Inn ceo nisht after night and week aft«r week in *11 tini iiri'ioiinu t itics, and having easy music, and needing but "iimil* scenery, is being extensively ntlwarsed bv jsmiiteurs wtnywlmre This suewss is merited by its jiprfvctl.v innocent wit, its lively words, /ind good mutlc. Try it while it U> new, iu etwi vlilaxe! Rlennt eoplea, with Music, Word* and Libretto, mailed for 41.00. Per dozen, j&UU. r.7,t„t\v HHiH SCHOOL CHOIR 11.00 LAUREL WRRATH. hf H*. O. l-rrkint 1.0H C £<Hrr«*t'<iSCHOOL SONG BOOK ,«0 are Uuee «t the venj twst books for Samlnartea, Noraaal litfh Schools, Ac. Octavo Choruses. A splendid stock of these on hand, cost hnt < to 10 els each, and each contains a favorite Anthem, Glee Oratorio, or other Chorus. Qunrtet or Part Sonic. Tlmy are much used by Choirs and Sooietlea for (NHtaaioual ainwInii-.Trv a dozenr Send for Uat.orsend ltlcta. fur our full Book Catalomie. ?AMlYv41"*-' Siota sBoeth; |6JO a year. ^Kv'fsvy.VAsi- TilB 8UN haa the largest circulation and la the eheapeat and most ioUrsaUn* paper In tb* United THE WEEKLY S(7N ia emphaUaaily the pe» pla's family paper. I. W. RHOLAWP, Puhllaher, If. Y. Olty. s CROPULA -I'ersons alilicitMl Wil l i Seruf i i l a , Hi iHf iseasc i , Ul ­ cerous Sores, Abscesses, IViiitf Swelling, Psoriasis, (ioitre, Ne­ crosis, Eczema, Diseased Bones, Will please send their address Dr. JONES, CaXMirr, New Lebanon, M.T. The True Wajr to The true w&v to invigorate a feeble to infuse activity into the operations of acb, that wondrous alembic in which the food |e transmuted into the constituents of blood, the chief element of our vitality. Hoetetter's Stom- aeh Bitters, because it accomplishes this, end, is greatly to be preferred to maiy so-called tomes, iiHeful, indeed, as appetizers, bat inop­ erative as aids to digestion and assimilation This sterling cordial, while it invigorates the stomach, healthfully stimulates the liver, bow­ els and kidneys, insuring the escape through the regular channels of effete and useless mat­ ter thrown off by the system, which is thus purified as well as invigorated bv it. Its tonic influence is soon made manifest by an increase of vital energy and a more active and regular discharge of every physical function, and it has the further effect of rendering the system un­ assailable by malarial epidemics. The Crowning Discovery. IS the " phones " of this phonetio sge are surpttted in practical benefit: to mankind by the discovery of Allan's Anti-Fat, the great and only known remedy for obeeity, or corpulency. It produces no weakness or other unpleasant or injurious effect, its action being simply confined to regulating digestion, and preventing an un­ due assimilation of the carbonaceous, or tieah- preducing elements of the food. Bold by drug­ gists. ELLSWOBTH, Kan., July IS, f878L Botanic Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y.: GSNTLEMEN : Allan's Anti-Fat reduced me seven pounds in one week. Yours respectfully, MKS TAYLOR. CHILDREN do not die of tne croup to wnom DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS ia ad­ ministered. Parnuis will do well to remember this fact aud keep a medicine, which saved so many lives, in the house, ready for an emer­ gency, Tne Balsam overcomes a tendency to consumption, strengthens weak aad heals sore lungs, remeoiets painful and asthmatic breath­ ing, banishes hodracut^s and cures all bron- chutl aud tracheal iullauiuaUuo. If you have a cough, use it "early and of ten." All druggists sell it. TESTED BI TXMK.--For Throat Diseases, Colds, and Coughs, "BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES" have proved their efficacy by a test of mauy years. 25 cents a box. AMONG American manufactures few have done our country as much credit its the IUMWB & Hamiiu Cabinet Organs, which have been ac­ knowledged best at ail great world's exhibiauus for many years, bee advertisement Ctaocw Jackson's Best Sweet N«VY TAMM CUBED FREE! An lr>fi«ltlble and nn«Jsc.t»ll*d remedy foi Kpilrpey or Kmliai Kirkiiru, Vt nrtKBiea in effeat a weedy nud FKKWANKMTcur®. •*A free kstlle" of mi renowimri SpeciHe xncl > *aluii!>lt> 'i'rvattae aviit tt 1 any «ut)Vr«r feaillnf ntn tilt fnatuthco and- Kiprui ad-dreas. Dn. H. O. HOOT, ISU Pearl Street. New York. MILITARY I and Band Vniforms--officer*' Kqnipment» Cam, rto., made by If. <7. fAlley Ss Co. | Columbus, Ohio. Sttuijur 1'rice Luis. Firemen'i Caps, OelU, and Shirts. THE CHOIOBliT FOOD IN THR WORLD. A. B.C. Creaked WkUe Wkcat A* •. C. ttaiieat. A. R. C. Barter VmA A. B. C. Mulze. Obtained foar medals te euperlorlty, and diploma for oootinaed saperiority. T)i« purest food for fchildron and adalta. All husks, cockle and imparities removed. Can be prepared for table in gfteen mlnatea. For sale by Art for A. B. O. Brand. Manufactured by TUK CEREALS MANUFACTURING OO.. 18 OOLUCOB Pua. New YOBK. T^e ' • STEY Ai ^•,©RGAN *- ^ <n ET B E S T ! ^anuiac to iygRf l iUEBORO.Vl Inrest S^cts. fur one Musical Record, or S3 for a year. OLIVER D1TSON K CO., Boston. {:. H. Dlteon A Co.. J. B. Oltaon & Co^ Tit 4 843 Broadway.N.Y. «St2Oheatnnt St..Phlla. MUSTANG ISurvival of the Fittest |A RUni MRDICIXB THAT HAS BKilU WLUONS DCB1NQ U TKABSt imciinifiiiivEiT, A BALM FOR EVERY WOUND OF MAN AND BEASTt THE0L0E8T A BIST UKlINt EVER MADE IN AMKUICA. SALES LAEOIRTHAH Z7VSL The Mexican MunlnnR l.iniment has been known for more tlutn thii-tv-flve Y"ar8 as tlx- lK*st ol all Liniments, for Mara and U«*at«t. Ita sales today are larger than tv«r. It cures when all others fail, and poneltaU's skin, tendon and mu»'.>ie, to the very boue. Sd<! evwywlwn. SJPONIFIE^ DIRECT FROM FACTORY, And SAVE Accatt1 OOSMIMIOB. TWO foil Sets Reeds, with Oeleale 9 Btopa, for 900. Folly warranted. f i l l# ATlTr Annf l l l l« the OM H«HaiX« Concent ra te Ly BAY STATE ORGAN tor m\n SW-uml Directions eccompanyhut ea<"h can for maalnc Hard, Soft and Toltsl Koap Q CT IC'IA 1. Y. IT IS rt!LL VfF.'GUT AND STRBHGTWL The market Is flooded with (so-called > Concentrated Ly«. •bicb la adulterated with salt and rosin, SM SMY mmh* . SA vm MONEY. AND BUY TBB SAPOIMIFIER UADB BY TBB Pennsylvania Salt Manufg OA, rHILABELFBIA. lei BrhtuI 8L. ] solicited. era. St.. Boston. Mi Ridge'* Food has received the most unqualified taati men* irom persi.ns of the hitiboat cliaracter aad nspor sibiUty in this and other countries. ^ORGANS! ON "The littleJ>etectiv»* A $10 SOUE F0SS3 AND TH* • %' -* Chicago Ledger free*'. ; Z Weighs fVosa iiss.toK 1W. This little Scale is made with Ste&t BMrinfi and A Rrs«« Roam, and will waixb accurately any jmekMi from V o*. to 251 be. It is intended to supply the ( demand for a Houspltnepor's Seal#, nothing of the e"r bmiiig been sold before for less than from 98 to(B Rrery Scale Is perfect and will iant a person's llfithf i With one of these rtc*lw you need riot eomptaln to yow Betcber or Grocer of short weights without cause, a*A If base Butter. Cheese, or any article that goeatv WSi^bt to cell, yon n»>ed not mess at It. or fcruat to ottMM to wsi«b tor you Kvary family in City, Village or (]n» try will have one. It is also a valuable Scale in Office, for Wel^h'ng Mall matter, aa well utcanM^M Scale for any Store. Merchant* sal! hndnda tt ""rtfii Aaente can ss!) from 25 to SIS j»er day. To «very purcbuser of one of tin abova doeeribsA Stales we will send THE CUTCAOO LEDGES POST PAID Ml .Jr.n,!, The Scale will be seat to any i rifling to the United States, securely boxed, by eiprwn,o* ramltt Of the price--$3.uo. Send yonr raoney by Ragbtomft l«tU>r,Itraft on New York or Chica«o,or PtoetoflkeOril*. Address TM|i LEIKtER, CUsa«s, III. ACENTg, RlAto THfal We Will pay AffenUaRalaryor ilOOasc wwiith asi irgn cominksakxfe, to aall onr as# Ions. He »a»-- tako( tee sma T*mt> „ MIKKJlASi A. t:o., Warafcall. iWieH. SIlverVMto Strlim. 10c. HulbWt Broa.. llarahaUtpwn,la. 4:3 • 5f- i§ or a!i;->w a larjo eemtmssloa, and wou.Ierfai liiviiitlnri*, H'« ---- Sample free. Adilrm* BRICK M«H«YitL5S£sr» a WBAlf A choice from over 1.000,000 sores •< DUE wt«t from Chicago, at HOA ft to i farm lots, and on easy tertna. LOW ml markets. No wlldemeaa--no agtie--no 1 eiplorlns tickets from CMNM IM toj Maps. Pamphlets and full Information ami _ MWA RAIUIOAIT LAWOTWI**!*, ^X)darKaplds. Iowa, or 92 Bsadolpb Wrsct. CMca#a. 0 R plS-sra ssa"J?« hSSW Meagg Weekly TM p«r. Independent in pomtoa. B Watos.KjM^asiieoooUinsooaai posted. ferTA oeotaayaar. Saldt Terms and sample ooples sank free, d,88 a rear. AddraasTBLBfll Aft postpaid. "BACKFA "Bise and Fall of the Monstaekft1* Bit the Burlington HtItckeyt huwinriU. tfenimtha as a P. A, and P. p Bu Jfasiah All**!1* itifc. ' The three brightest and beat , sailing books out. A rents, you can put these books In everywhere. Best tew flyen- Addreas for Agwtey, AMERICAN PUHLIW> INfa CO., Hartford, Ct.; OtAcago, III. IVUT ALIVE AGERT IN EACH TOWN TO HELL MY ARTICLE*!. NO MOMKY RKQVIRRD till aalea are mad*. IwUT send an ootflt, with pamphlets to advertise, by SHE poatpaM. TUa is a good opportunity for agents to aM •mnething to their Income without risking on* cant. fWf A Write for particular* to W. H. COMSTOC'K, Mforrlatewa, >t. Lawreaes te., Sew Xo|ifc;,: S T O V E P 0 L I S 1 TIE JIIII INll CI. Writ Establlshsd I Moat Isawiifkll ; THEIR INSTRUMENTS hats a sUadai4^ value in all UM F' : LEADING MARKETS OF THE WORLD] th. vnsn| OVER 80 9 OOO Mad* and In osa. New Deulgns Best work and lowest prU.ea. 19" Send tor a €alalogiM. taut X, ̂ Mm S, THE0RI8INALft0NLY6EN " Vibrato*" Thresher*. WISH IMraOTBD HOUNTCD NORSK POW Am& Steam ThMakwr EnfiaM, Mads only by IICUOLS, SHEPARDIN BATTLI OUBKK» Hits!. THE BfatrhtoM. I String, sa>t -" ssBtrailos. W OWinlng, sa4 for Ssvtag i Miyanioi Ttusaasn erws day . BsyeadaU W*atnlsr Ks»M W«tk, | forflavisg MknaVUHii IRATN Ralaera will aat Silsilt ts MMI •AOI mow oTOnlt A tlie Interior work UivUMraieliltiei, r* "f-fl i\i\ t^ii tlftriMi". 1^1 tthtf rn IKTIRt TbvMUM f ta !«»•! nftsa 3 to ft 1 lm«s that aaiottaucaa be Ibe Elii* Orsia SAVSO by thase lapgrtl MaeafaeaTfl sasi all sech Usse-waatiag aad «rsto«aaUas na«B Wtloaa. Ferfvctly adaptal to alt Biadsaad OMnSttasse * •raia, Wat er Dry, Laag er Mart, UaaM er BaaaA ~ esssfal Tbraalier la mas, Tlsotby, Millet, ~ •kaSwdiw Baaatrr* ko "aitackmcuii to shsage boas ttraia to SsMa. MaksaaeLlttartacasrSBaltoHass. pWJ^^Msnas.,ss.?«s!aa8i • livaatod Hwta r«w«is to iaitr>. | f7^Jcs5isag!iaaA.'teiie& /- (f » tortof--s say ntw w>iii«rMa» a N. u. WHEN VI ple« . WIltXM) T€ lease »ay yss N* : * 4^ •4*' » ? v-*" •' . " A'. .. i'w.kjit.i* i..a£J4....Jf, ..fijjlm

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