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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Mar 1879, p. 5

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.. . ' . ** . . .% ikt~~ * . . • r\ I _ ' . >. ' 1 u 5" WEDNESDAY MARCH 19(1). 1879. iRailrofi Time Table. .#01** *Otr*S. •, VlnaTt UKT PMMiver 7:» A. V. »«n*vft Lake F^gllt....^...,.1:15 F. M. Mw<t Uk« PretffM Hum Lake P«MMt«r •£ • • » •"/* • OOtNO KOlTI. W. 7:©Sr. M TOWN HRRTINOWW week from next ••$iesday, April 1st. URiFf STV.ADMAK was in town Holiday Subpoenaing Jurors for the M»y Term of the Circuit Court. I 1 ̂ CIM Mir Bossitu, of Owatonoa, lliniu, who has been visiting here for the past four month*, started for hone on Wednesday of last week. OUR old friend J, M Stimp#on, of <%icago, WM out for « days shooting on Tuesday. Duck* fly high in HtU section ever since. -- No Farmer who titte Tfen'&<#£! of land can afford to be without a Randall Borrow. You can see one Every Day «t E. M. Owen's. ^ . \ Trb Board of Tow* A«d!t1Wfiieff rtn Tuesday next, at the Town Clerk's ofllce, in this village. Those having claims against the town should not fail to present them on that day. jTJ[<m.x THU HI. WELL., Jr., started for f Mateom, Nebraska, on Thursday last.-- I He intends making his home wlih hl« I brother-in-law, *4v4rnw Smith, Who Went out last Fall. Louis KUHNKRT, con Ot Chas. lliilinert of Johiisbnrgh, has been at liotne making ills parents a visit the past few days. He is connected with a large wholesale Grocery house in Chicago. UNLESS you have made your peace with God don't yettask "Heret" Snyder bow much he made on that car of horses. When he got returns he Im­ mediately took his gun--and went duck hunting. A. WILLEY, of Chicago, came out on Saturday last, to visit and have put In order for occupancy, his summer resi­ lience at Fox Luke. He informed us that he would movo hi* family out in about aix weeks. f /* ISAAC WENTWORTH has commenced painting his new house, which is situa­ ted oil the hill, west side of the creek. Jke has one of the handsomest loca­ tions for a residence In that part of town. LAUER A BECKER near the Depot* are treating their store to a coat of Pal at on (Jiqjitf Idg, which wjjl greatly Its appearance. Frit a ifech- Ite* {he JIoss Painter, is doing the !«vorl{. ^(W. WIEDEMANN has gone Into the <5nlcken business ou a small scale. He has tw< )ve 6f the finest Buff Cochins .that can be found in-this section, and wll pay no more high prices for eggs, and chickens for his table. Wits. MAVY LABKAU, mother of Mrs. Hsft-oir aud Mrs Lawrence, who resided wlfti the latter on the East side of the 'rlirer, died quite suddenly oii Friday last at the age of 82 years. Old age aftd general debility was the cause.. * TUB Exercises held regularly ev%ry . tiro weeks at the Public School, will take place on Friday evening of this week, at which time 'there will a de­ bate. Recitations, a paper Ac. All patrons aud friends of the school are cordially invited. LLEN Buss. Depot Agent, who we re­ ported last week as laid up with sore eye*, is slowly Improving, and Is in hopes to be able to attend to business again t>oon. He is being taken care of 1>y an Eye Doctor in Chicago, where he goes twice a week for treatment. HARRY DUNKELL. itobt. Stanley and J« Milne, of Fox Lake,'who have been South hunting ducks the past few weeks, returned home on Monday. They report the^ hunting splendid, but the weather fo warm that it was in*- pppsible to get the :gatno to market before it would spoil. i*UT your address on the oatside of «fl*e1npes, and then your misdirected, unstamped or uncalled for letters will be returned to you. Instead of being sent to the dead letter office. Printed envelope? can bp had at. this office at only a nominal Qost additional to the price of the plain envelopes. ( RET. W. A. AI>ROH will deliver an Address before the Red Ribbon Club, in this village, at the Universalis Church, on Thursday evening of this week, at which time he will LntrodiW sketches of hi* .travels in Europe. These sketches are said, by those who have Ward them, to be highly Inter­ esting. The public are oordially invi­ ted to attend. W E are informed by a local "oracle" that"Polltlcs are beginning to be the talk." Why we always thought that in the "eternal fitness of things" there must of necessity be an **endw to any­ thing before a new "beginning.'* Now considering that "political gab" has never ceased ever si nee the memora­ ble landing ot the Pilgrim Fathers On Plymouth Rock, we fail lo see the logi­ cal deduction of this "beginning" of political twaddle, announced by the ^Oracle" above mentioned. /THE moving of the little Steamer, *John S. Field, frotn the Ice Houses to j the bank of the River was successfully accomplished on Monday.and she will now be immediately put in repxtrs for the eariy hunting and fishing sea­ son. For small parties of this kind \ she wilt tiiake comfortable and SHfift strips. 4 XA. B. GILBEHT, the West side Drng- ^ist, who has been sick for the past few wee^s,l» so t6 be around, but yet unable to attend to business. The store Is now under'the charge of Dr. Anderson and A. C. McCrory, who will attend to the want! of customers until Mr. Gilbeifngtln regains Ma health. is losany friends hope- tosee 111 in again »t lilt post socp. • WE learn that thecaMjof theMyres boys, of thfatown. who they attempted to Implicate In the row that occurred at Volo some time since, was called up in Court at Waukegan last week, »hd thrown out of Court, it being decided by the Jury that there was no cause of action. This entirely exonerates the Myres' who happened merely to be stopping there on that occasion, On their way home from Chicago. Ix our regular Richmond oorrespbrt- dence can be found an account.of the burning of Voak A Son's large Flour­ ing Mill, which took place on Friday night last, and In which a man by the name of Whaples lost his life. This Mill was doing a heavy business, and will not only be a great los* to the pro­ prietors, but. also to the residents of the surrounding country, who done all their' Milling at this Mill. Messrs Voak A Son have the sympathy of a[l. tiT the meeting of the Executive mmittee of the Old Settlers A«socl- tlon on Thursday last it waa decided to adjourn until the next regular meeting in January next. This we think was a wise conclusion. Onco in two years is certainly often enough to hold these gathering, which gives the Okl Se: tiers of these two counties an oppOrtunfty te visit neighboring associations, and thus be sure to ensure their attendance at our next gathering. We shall now expect ajrousing gathering iu 1880. THE following is going the rounds nncredited; Here is a warning to men to advertise. One of this description wanted to sell some Jand,aiid so he put a written notice in one of the hotels the other day. A man who was inquir­ ing for a small f%rm was referred to the written notice, when he replied: "f can't buy land at a fair , price of a man who does his advertising in this way. He'd steal the fences, the pump- handles, aud the barn doors before he'd give up possession." ' TUk Elgin New* of SftMirdaylait has the following: "Last night about halt-past eight. Nellie Ilalpine, a do­ mestic In the service of D. J. Chamber­ lain, wa* assaulted aud robbed by a highwayman on her way houil. • The ruttian. whom she describesA as a thick set. burly looking fellow, caught her bv the arm, threw her dowu. and with oue(liaiid closed over her mouth to prevent her giviug an alarm, lie picked her pockets with the other. Clutching her pocketfoook. lie started and ran off and was lost in the darkuess. The pocketbook contained only two dollars and a half. The girl was very much frightened." Miss -Quipine'* parents live in this village. WE have received anew advert'se- ment for the firm of Lauer A Becker, MerchAit Tailors, whose store can be foundHear the Depot, too late for pub­ lication this weeic, but will appear in our next. In the meantime we would say to our readers that tiny have just received one of the largest stocks of cloths for the Spring and Sunitner trade, ever bronglit to this town, and are prepared to make full suits or a single garments on short notice, and guarantee satisfaction both iu makeup aud price. They buy uone hue the best of goods ami have the latest style* ta be found In the market. Look qut for their new advertisement next week, and iu the meantime call and see their goods. • . ' ALREADY the seedmen are out with their catalogues, and soeu will the en­ thusiastic gardener Invest liis bottom dollar iu dried beans, peas and corn, hoes, rakes aud spades, wheelbarrows and lawn-mowers. Learnedly will he talk of mammoth beaus, stupendons squashes and parenntal pea*. Lovingly will he linger over the first greeu sluxvt that splltteth the bosom of Mother Earth. Gleefully will he chuckle over the pteeping forth of the liiciplent cu­ cumber. But let him not vaont himself too highly, for the day cometh when the squush bug exlialeth his sweetness on the Summer air; when the potato beetle goeth about seeking what he may devour; wnen the air and the iky aud the earth are fyll of divers insects hateful to the sight, unpleasant to the smell, aud death to Ivery greeu thing; when the noonday 6un burueth that upon which his heart was set; when the monotonous watering pot taketh the place of the rain which cometh not again; when the birds of the air and the fowls of his neighbor do wax fat on the seed he has hidden in the mould, aud which he has giveu his ducats to buy. WHEN In Woodstock do nat fail to •all at the City Bakery for Warm or Cold Meals. They have onS of the neatest Restaurants iu town. 8CDDKN DEATH. ThomasCorwin, a man beiweeu sixty nd seventy years of age, who lived In owe's Block,in this village, dropped [dead white sawing wood la the rear w>f me block on Monday afternoon Bast. He had made no complaint, wn<l was supposed to be ia his usual health, and during the day had been helping Col. Xush, drawing hay. He cauie home about four o'clock, sat by tl»e stove and Warmed himself for about half an hour when he went out to out some wood, wlie re lie was found in a few moments dead, having apparently talleh river the safer brtck while at work, and expired immediately. Dr. Brown was immediately called but no sign of life copld be discovered. The Doctor pronounced it a case of heart diseane. He leaves a wife and one ehild tn al- poft,destitute circumstances. JbST UST FOR MAT TRRM. The follow!(Tg is the names of the Grand and Petit JtiroVi. drawn to at­ tend the May Tern! of the Circuit Court, to bo holtfen to Woodstock, com­ mencing Monday, May 11th.JV r * OKAND . JU MT. , JF 'S * Jas. Camtleid, Riley; Patterson T?Wn- gle, Myron Foyer, Marengo Porter Rus­ sell. Dunham; Lot Smith, Levi Lake. Chemung; Wm. H, Grwbeek, A J den; J. P. Nolau, llartland; U. T. Hyde. Solomon Rayrd. Seneca; J. H,' Lucas. Coral; A. W. Nash. Grafro>j; E. A Murphy, P. W. Murphy, Dorr: E. A. Douglass, Greenwood; J. B. Stone, He­ bron; Geo. Purdy, Richinoud; Chas. Meade, Burton; John McOmber, Nicho !os Freuud, McHenry; Geo. Gilbert. Nuuda; E. H. Benson, Philip Willets, Algonquin; PETIT JUTT. Otl-Osborne, Riley; Solomon Oak- ley.'Clias. Ingersoll, Joel Stnll, Maren­ go ;Wm, Reed, Dunham; Oscar 1111 ,dreth, Isaac Harris, Chemung; Geo. D. Rj'der, A|den; J, C. Johnson, C. M. Hughes. Hartlaud; A. Meade, W. W. Joslyn, Seneca; J. D. Glazier. Alltert Gtlls. Chas Hsdligus. John Hooker. Grafton;J. Button,E.R. Caskey, Dorr Adam Westerinan, Greenwood; J. W. Young, liebrcn; Peter Berger, H. K. Booth. Richinoud; Wm.Carej% Burton; Irwin Dv>d£e. Henry Colby, Smith Mnarle?, McHenry; Wm. Musirrove. Nunda; Wm. Crabtree, Geo. Crabtree, C. C. Ctiuuii, Algouquiii; NUNDA- EDITOR PI.AINDEAI.ER:--Writing school cioses tills Wednesday night and all are looking forward to see who will get the premium*. Our sportsmen have been down to the river shooting ducks most of the ti *ne for the past week and bagged a goodly number. Considerable money changed hands on the great walk that was lately com­ pleted iu New York--in tlris little town even* The Ladies Temperance Uuiou will, hold a mass meeting in the Diciple Church this week Friday night. r- Two' Temperance Lectures were delivered here in the M. E. Church,on Monday and Weduesday evening? of this week. Frank Waterman has bought McDon­ alds Billiard Table ami set it up in Sund's building, where the hoys can have free fna if they ciioose. McDonald's Livery is in lull blast.-- Look out jfor some nice rigs for Bill, is going to turn them out for the public to use and test for themselves. Several farmers had commenced sowing wheat during the warm tpell but now tliev have concluded to wait until Spring comes. C. F. Hall is having the Bride Block renovated inside ancl some ̂ ign paint­ ing outside which looks iik* business. Van Auken has removed to Nuuda having been a year' in search for a more desirable location, concluded, that Nunda was tlie .place. f Miss Nellie Mallory aud Mlunie Ly­ man have beeu to Chieago visiting their brother aud cousin, L. S. Mallo­ ry. Walt. McMillan is making prepara­ tions to leave soon1 for the far Wist, to seek his fortune! Hope lie may suc­ ceed. / A. Ah McGregor, who went to Na- b^asUa recently, writes back that he has bought 80t acres of land near Har­ vard, Clay Oouiity, and aays be is well pleased with the country. Programme for the next Literary ou Friday night March £8th, at thp Baptist Church at the Lake. Iristruriiental music, F. Ford. Es«ay.Miss Mansfield, Singing, Fred. Clow. Select Reading, H. Richardson. Singing,Park Ford. DEBATE. Resolved, that the system of grading village schools is detrimental to the advancement af{ education. Affirmative. J. A. Sheldon. H. Rich­ ardson, Mr. York. Negative, E. M. Thompson, l£. W. Wheeler, Dr. Har- back. ;• <' 111 5 : - Instrumental music, Millard Rowley; Essay. M. A. Foote. Song, H. Sheridan. Instrumental music, Cora Maxham, : Song, Kate St.Clair. * fHfir-Sih M • 1 ^ T * ^ -- ' f iwt-'d I1 OR SALE. In this village a two story dwelling house aud two lots will be sold reason* able. For farther particulars inquire of J. KMCIFOEV. Two doses of -Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup completely cured my child of a severe case of Croup. I have used a great many diflerent Cough medicine?, but have never found any so efficient as Dr. Marshall's. J. W. SFELLMAJT, Elkhart, Ind. Sold by Colby Bros., McHenry. WOOOSTOCK. EDITOR PLAIS1 DEALER:--©or second winter pinches, but the Robins insist that Spring is here, f We are to have another Theatre, "Uncle Tom** Ac., Ac., Wednesday afternoon and evening, by Forbes Dramatic Company, and next week ou Thursday evening we are to hav« Miss Susan B. Anthony at the Congrega­ tional Church. When we examine her features as portrayed In her likeness, with the sharp nose, pointed chin, aud thin, firm-set lip$ between, we feel in­ clined to charge Fanny Diiscol with intentional personality when ^ie penned the following:;, 'Whst <to«s the woman whose aott, a (lent Hps H*ve ne'r been pressed by kluti tweet as pain Ami Md as Joy--what knows she of a leve That all the stomas of Time hare never •later At this writing we hatfc no deaths to notice for the part week. We have had so many remarkably sudden deaths during the winter* this is worthy of mention • = , . Senator Joslyn Is spending the Sab. bath at home. Ask Judge Sin ith lft he sincerely b^ lieves that a Jury, or sworii arbitra. tors, or appraisers have "uo right" to carry out the known and fully ex­ pressed wishes and requests of ail par tie* interested, said parties being of lawful age, sound inlnd, and fully ad­ vised of all their rights nuder the law. The Inquiry would'not Iw itupertineut just now. Where the Heart It sad and sincerely mourns the loss of friends the Will would hardly force a quarrel and liti­ gation about a "mourning suit." Cooley's Off amers go like hot cakes ami hone jr. Ask Homer Wattles--he knows. We hear quite a number of Indians are camped between here and Ridge- field, who have during the winter caught a good inauy Musk rats .and minks. They are generally very well behaved and not Inclined to annoy. Yesterday we saw one of their number Intoxicated. If we remember rightly the law Is very stringent about selling intoxicating drink to ludlans. Would it not be well for Whisky dealers to inform themselves, before they Ineur too great penalties in that direction. We are to have a new grocery by Wilde A Anderson, In lieu of the Grist­ mill, in Session's corner building. We are glad to learn that S reet Coinmissieuer Wait will soon begin to "mend his ways," We almost forgot to tell your rea­ ders ̂ het Uncle John Kirk Is building auotlier tenement residence at Kirk's comer, on Madison and Crystal Lake street. by the car loads. Well Larry, shove them all out. We waul the tubs empty ready for the next'crop. We are to have a new postal route between this and Uuiou, with a new Post office at Fraukliuvllle. And now our School Mams are ew Joying a short rest from their nerve tiring labors and they need it. The hot Summer is before them, the season when the constant care and labor en­ tailed upou them Is most weariug. Board of Audit. The Board of Audit, for the Town of McHenry. will meet at the Town Clerk's Office, In the village of McHenry, on Tuesday, March 95th, for the purpose of examining aud auditing Town Ac­ counts. All persons having claims against the Town should take due no­ tice and govern themselves accor­ dingly. J. VANS?.IKE. TewnClsifu ' Oat*nd Svho»L The following is a correct report of my A. Class in Spelling tor two weeks eliding Feb. 9ftth: Frank Burroughs, 100; Elmer Ingalls, 1-400; Edsou Morse, 3-375; William Baird, 3-400: Clinton Clark, 5-275; Annie Francisco, 400; Dora Whiting. 2-375; Dora Thomas 5-400; Mary Jecks. 1-350. . . - A. L. FRANCISCO, TTFCBER. F FOR SALE, I offer my property in the village of McHenry for Sale. It is pleasantly lo­ cated, contains about 20 acres of land, with tWo dwelling houses, and good barns and out houses. Will Sell all to­ gether or in single actes or lots. t Or would trade the wlible for a good farm In flfts ee^iut^r or fbi'*' Western land. ' •< * ••>': " "v Also I hare for Beat, two good Houses. - For further particulars inquire of • gfcritEx tUrxofD, MeHearr.ll!.. Mteeh »th, iwa. Our Druggists all say they have never sold any medicine that gives such universal satisfaction as Dr. Marshall's Lftng Syrup for Coughs. Colds, etc. It has no equal. Price cents. Sold by Colby Bros., McHenry. The Randall Pulverizing Harrow, an Implement no Farmer can afford to be without at E. M. Owen's LIVE AI*f> tET LIVE, f 1 - • y.| " • I am now selling Flour at the follow­ ing rates: Good Family FlOnr.-..'i.......i.^.91.10 Star Brand...... VZ-J.i.......... 1.30 Patent Floor. 1.50 .-a '• n«. 3iSHor. Richmond Department. Don't hear any talk about , l^io Vil­ lage election yet, ^ The Winter Term of 4he High School closes In two weeks. Keystone Corn Planter for E. M. Owen's. US at Furst A Bradley and Nor«cegla«i Flows a specialty at E.M.Oweu's. Mrs. f. N. Meade is recovering frotn the effects of her severe fsM. • .i •... Leonard Ilowe lo«; an Infant child last w^ek, from djsease of the Itmgg. A good many flsh have bee» taken through the ice on Twin Lakes, hi vio­ lation of law. , .1* « Smith A Hay thorn aadHA. Potter are receiving larfe inooleeaof Sprint Gooda. 5. EAdie Bennett Went to* Oeneva Lake on Monday to attend «•»• WRTF- *K»rthCoahty»Tea£hefi Imt)tffto» . James Colby is running a wood saw bv horse power, aud is ready to take all orders that come along. He inakes short work with a big pile of wood. Tbe man who took off his flannels and laid away lilt overcoat duiring the last warm spell,now eoaks his feet In hot water and lakes a "powar of doo> tor's stuff." Mr. Goldsmith, the Artist, It paint­ ing a beautiful background far G . P- Wodell's Photograph Gallery. The portrait of F, W. Mead's little boy, by the same gentleman, is a striking like­ ness and a fine work of art. On the night of the fire In 'Wilmot the Wilmot Cornet Band were to give an entertainment, and the Richmond Band went down to give them a sur- prise. The Are broke up the concert, aud our boys were the unwilling spec­ tators of a tragedy Instead*' Alexander A Hyde are doing a rush­ ing'insurance business. The prompt manner in which the Ameviean Insur­ ance Company has paid Its late losses in tills place, has inspired great confi­ dence iu the minds of our citizens, and consequently its1 agents, Messrs. Alexander A Hyde are crowded with applications. George Eldredge brings news of a sad accident on tbe stock train at Cary a few nighta ago, when George was aboard. A brake man, named Hiram Curtis, fell from the train, and the oars passed over both lags, crushing them fearfully, Mr. Eldredge picked the injured man up, and no doubt saved Ills life by cording his legs so as to stop the blood until he could be conveyed to Barrington, where doctors were summoned and one leg cut off. There is nothing like presence of mind In such an emergency, and Mr. Eldredge showed Mi at he possessed! t In an intl- uent degree. Joe Richardson, whose smlllnjf face always brings sunshine with it, tired at last of the doubtful Joys of old bach­ elorhood. has taken unto himself a wife in the person of Clara, daughter of Robert Motley. Esq., The marriage ceremony was performed at Kenosha, after which tbe happy twain went to Milwaukee to *pend a week with re­ latives and friends. Joe* will run the Tack Colo farm the present season, while his mother and sisters take charge of the old homestead. The newly married start in life with eyery prospectof happiness, aud I trust those prospects may be mere than realised. A bright light shootlug up from the northeastern horizon last Friday night, between tbe hours of t and 8 o'clock, attracted the attention of mjiuy people, and much conjecture as to its origin was indulged iu. Next morning brought the sad intelligence of the burning of the Wilmot Flouring Mills, owued by the Messis. Voak, and tlie terrible death of Mr. Whaples, for­ merly mall carrier between Antioch and Richmond. The fire when first discovered was bursting through the roof of the Mill. The crowd which at once collected saved a little of the contents. Mr. Whaples, with others, entered the burning building to at­ tempt the rescue of theaafe, when the floor above gave way precipitating a large amount of corn to the fibor be­ low. In this <porn Whaples was buried to the waist, §o that while his body above the waist vyas badly burned, his pants aud boots^ were untouched by fire. His distracted wife was present, and the scene that ensued beggars de­ scription, and brought tesrs to the eyes of the most'callous. Her screams and moans were heartrendiug. Mr. Whaples was well known to most of our citizens, and the uews of his terri­ ble death cast a gloom ove^ the whole vlllnfee. The Messrs. Voak have uni­ versal sympathy in their loss. I .XAMINATION OF TEACHERS. Public examinations of candidates for teachers' certificates will be hf# at the following times and placett 4 Marengo, March 25th. Huntley, March 26th. Aide 11, March 28th. Woodstock, March •Nunda, April 3d. McHenry, April 4th.- Richmond, April Stfe* "" % Harvard, April 7th;4 -- ' " Candidates will not be examined un­ less on hand promptly at 9 o'clock •. u.f A. W. YOUNG, Co. Rapt ef Schools The celebratad Prairie City Seeder, the best 4n the Market at Seduced prices at E. M. Owen's. nualneoa Notices. ' Beckers, near the Depot. for a nobby suit, go to Laaior ,0: Call aud make a selettioa Ml Wfiy Plows, at X. M. Owen's, Clothing cheaper than Lauer t i!?vk*rT*. , f.,;A ctwt at Call at E. M. Owenii Watiflowwi |i ~' see the Ba«KlaH School Books and Writing Pa^f Cheap, Ml O.W. Owen's. •The best Overcoat for the money, at Laurer A Beckerfs. Stop at E. M. Owens and see the aeH Geared Cortland Wagon. Ladies, Missep and Chlldrens CaH Shoes at cost. , « ' • >ITIWTIt,*0*» * KTAaaosi, GOOD FAMILY FLOUR. Tor fl.10 per Sack, at tbe Fox VaBay SSiUs. ' IIILfi FEED. At 919 per Ton, for sale at the ?« River Tailgy Mins. R. 12 SACK. For aCliolce Family Flour, at Fox River Valley Slim. ft. BlSBOli FOB SALE. 1080 bushels of corn In tht the Bulger farmtKa:;d^. / PAtltat FLCSKI TRY A SACK. Of the Family Flour for H.1Q _ sack,attthe Fox «ivor VaMey Mins^p ft Buson BOSS PLANTERS. ^ "s':' The celebrated' Keystone Planter i| greatly Reduced Prices at E. M. Oweu^S, _New and stylish Hats varying from 40 cents and upwards. We will offer special inducements in this line. VlTXatMNOMS A EVAHSO|l. HARD PAN STKUCK. And 1 am now selling good Faml Flour for #1,10 per sack. Tr ' *• Ten to twenty more bushels v to the acre where the Randall I Eroved ilarrows are wed. For sale I. M. Owen. ry a sac . Bianor If TO RENT. A House and four acres of land, wl. in thirty rods of tlto Pickle Factory, if applied for soon. Apply to B. Gilbert, near the Depot. NO USE TO GO HUNGRY When you can get good Floor fi| $1.10 per Sack at the Fox River V# ley Mills. • B. 1IHOH TO FARMERS. dALRt---Two Snperlor Yearlltl^ Bulis. 111 be sold reasonable if ap* plied for soon, at uiy Farm, three miles from the McHenry Depot, on Woo#» stock road. •• «> "SMLSO JwatsFt* TAKE NOTICE. I will Sell Hay Racks for #8, ol lnmber, well made and Painted. Grain or Wood will be taken in pay* ment, or will sell on time with ay* proved Notes. . , ^ : i'is iil f. A. Bxaaask:^ - BOAlfDER? WANTED. The undersigned is now prepared take a number of Boarders, either I the dav or week, on the most Reasoi able Terms. Good Rooms and tl host of accommodations furnished.- Besidenee near the School House. ^ WAIT FOK TUB WAOOlf. j We are now offering one of our brated Lumber Wagons, with top Box. Steel Spring seat, Whiffle trees. Neck Yoke and stay chains, all complete, for •50. Warranted for oue year. p FOR SALE. " 40 Acres of land in Seetlon IS, sit fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with '40- good house and barn thereon, with tint* her aud water In abundance, in Sectioti 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good new house, barn and other outbuildings.-- Apply to t JOHN FLUSKY. BREWERY FOR SALE OR RENT The undersigned offers for Sale or Rent,one half interest in the McHsui Brewery. It is now doing a good bua w ness and Is in gpod running order.-*? Plenty of Malt and Seer on hand.-&» Will lie disposed of reasonable ifag* piled for soon, JOHN Haaaae McHsnrr, IH. Jan. ftnd, ISIS. FOR SALE OR EXCHANBS. Having moved on my farm I notr offer my Store and other property in Johnsburgh for Sale, or will e^chahgo It for good Farm property. If not sold I will Rent it to a respOnaijMe psiiy o» reasonable terms. It is a 4*0 location tor trade. Call on w. .#d$«» Wt GIESELKR, McHenrv. >11. ' ^ t " ' • * ' ' ' • ' tUi. " 1 ; New Stock of Cloths. Beadf-Mads Clotiiinif, Ac., for the F4U trade just received at Lauer A Bookers, nesr tht Depot. ' ~ ' • *' ^ I I I ' HMD" - •tegggggfeBBg WIKR--L IN D8 AY--At the residence of UaKk olQciattug clergymen, in Wosditwt, 111* Marob,Sv«t, by the Bev. B. K. WM, MIW Thomas'If eir, of Haynesville, Pratt Conalv, Kansas, and Mto Margaret Lindsay ef 'Woe**.. Sloock, McHenry County, 111. ni ,1 Wale, (Si. . • Tlie Steambcat Excî oiv The Increased hnstness between Mfc* Henry and the Lakes having made it uwessary to b»»?ld a larger* Boat. tbO> Steambtvat Exeelsior is offered %m Saio $ ou the most Reasonable Terms. A ue# Boiler was put in and other repairs made last year, and she is now la*com­ plete running order, and for small par* j ties cannot be surpassed. It is Just th* thine for some small Lake. 5 O. W. OWEN, McHenry, 1(1., March 4th, 1878. i , i

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