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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Mar 1879, p. 8

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7 - V'%p«; / v-f 'k . MuMiWiiiM . .^ . _ . » , . , , * ^ ' ; % / ? ( ( v v * ^ v y * v ; * * ? - :•.• -Vi^' &'•,& Men We Don't Want to *a*t ;V Tli« m«n « lio gninfa'atit? £n#i>* a* Iw ipnbMes up l«i* soup, and at every oth- ':0r monfhfnl seems threatened wUlt a #ioktn» fit. T**f» tnari trtm, !i*rlnjf Bjf an ncclttetit fhwwn nnoc In yonr company, I; msk*R hold f* bawl your nflirife out and :. |o #t»ak<» ronr Imn<l prof wet y when you \ fa** him In the *tfpot. - The man who artfully provokes yon <J|»iPlar a game of billiards with liltn, J$M1 though U» to be a novice, produces his own clt»lk., .* * The man who can't fit at yonr table l|n any set occasion without getting on *^|t» leg* to propose (tome atnpiil tonst. . The man who, thinking yon are mu- vMnsat, bores roti with his notions on the tousic of the future, of which yon vJ|nowii« little us the music of the ipherea. . The man who wears a white hat in winter, and smokes a pipe when walk­ ing, and aecorfts yon as "old fellow" lust as yon are hoping to make a good : impression on some weli-tlressed lady ; .^Uriends. u The man who, knowing that your . ^jfcoctor face8 him at table, talks so f iks to set him to talking doctor's shop. The man who, with a look of urgent business, when you are in a hnrry»takes you bj tlte butiou-lwle to tell you a bad joke. The man who, sitting Just behind ypu at the opera, destroys half your enjoyment by humming ail the airs. The man who makes remarks on your personal adornment, asks yon where 7011 bay yonr wain-coast, and what you paid for your dress-booti. The man who lards his talk with lit­ tle scraps of French and German after Ills retirement from a Continental tour. . The main who spoils your pleasure in Seeing a new play bv applauding iii wrong places, and muttering in stage whispers his comments on the plot. And, to finish with, the man, who^ when you draw back slightly to appre­ ciate a picture, coolly comes and stand* In front of you, and then re ceding, also . treads ou your toes.--Punch. taffii&i Inukipf Salt Patented May t̂h, % rm wij $1.5 0, By Express, or $1.85 By Mail, post* P^d. This la the beat Family PIatforat Seale for the price In the world. BkuXocMmnns as regards HENRY MILLER* ^ Price, Convenience and BitrstJllity* --WKALER IN-- ^ anil Foreip ffiartle. Monuments, Headstone# ^ ETC., ETC., ETC. v '• ' • ' '"^Xv ' ' ' ' . ' American & Scotch Granite, Constantly on Hand "i > f'-f V *i ' "Hi f 1878 1878 THE I •m • ^iijU uli|i!|i<!ii. im: NEW GOODS ($»-r lr> !•* X\ l )v- ,<* -vtyji. */" " * $***" U i- ;#®£t: f 'AftV •I . ' ' - --18 THE-- BEST CONSTRUCTED, MOST I 'KOGUKSSIVK, Y mm"--- BKST W11**™0' , * --MIENCE THE-- I. MOST RELIABLE L" IlailWiy Corporation of the entire West and North-Westf pd« opo You will save money by examining our Stock of Goods before purchasing ewew herd. " ' Shop Two miles North of Me- Henry, III. Johneburgh, Anff. 90th, 18?? |0rOne of the saddest phases of Washington life is diiily presented at the free lunch tables of our large hotels Here one sees daily gathered, with greed begotten of want, and'which de­ bars all that politeness so becoming to any one at un eating table, men whose mission in life has been defeated in the uncertainties of war and polit ics and whose names though once great, have sunk Into obscurity in the rapid changes of onr system of government. The general and the statesman of yes­ terday come to-day to the bar-room, and surreptiously seek that food which is intended for regular customers, and they who onoe looked upon the bar­ keeper as a low-lived individual now approach him obsequiously and leave him sneakiugiy when he detects them In the act of pocketing the crackers and cheese. What a sad commentary upon the vicissitudes of men wiio make life artificial! The free lunch table was one of the institutions that did not exist in Shakespeare's tiime, or else we would have had from that great master & most philosophical free-lime ti­ er's iollloquy.-- Washington Star, v Having movort mv Shop to Howe's .Block, opposite Frett A Sons Market, I am tioW pre­ pared to make to order Boots and Shoes, On short notice and warrant satisfaction.-- After an experience of many yenrs in the business I am conftdflnt that I can pleascr the most fnstidous. Prices as LOT as the Lowest; REPAIRING. Ofalljkinds promptly attended to. Give Me a Call. Remember the place, HAWC'S Biock. Win. Dow. Mrllenry, Feb. 11th 1S79. t&*uAh yes," said Mrs. Partington •ome years ago on tjic 22d of February, as she watehed the military pass by, 4,Ah yes Washington is deail, and the worst of it Is that his mantle-piece don't seem to have fallen on any man now living." , H>. Thompson, Wapn i Car ' -1VW M TBBt* JS®. Fi JLm/« ^nfee. McHepry ' * * Illinois. Havinx pm«hM«4 and tnke these *Wli known ^hops, I with #rlt"«U8i workmen and taken oi . . . n o w p r e p a r e d , '"wlast workmen and §*WMI material, to manulftcture WaKonaand Buggies on short notice and at *« Low Prices as it good article ean be purchased'el sew here. '"S&rz'w*' ' *• « ffUL 1BSHIE1CK MflM Will mi. IT 1IPESS. There is a enrious story aboot some native Wines which are extensively advertised nowa­ days, and have only recently been put upon the market. Dr. Underhill, the well-known crape-grower of Croton Point, died in 1871. Some of his heirs entertained temperance views of such extreme kind, that they were unwilling to allow the stock of wines then on , hand to be sold or any more to be made. The grapes have sometimes been sent to market, and sometimes left to decay upon the vines. It is only now that the other heirs have succeeded In arranging for a settlement of the estate and the sale of the wines on hand. Among these is a wine cf the vintage of 1864, described as a "Sweet Union Port," but suggesting the Imperial Tokay more than any other European wine, ana being wholly unlike any other wine of American growth. Its purity, age and mellowness are remarkable, and Doth physicians and wine- fanciers have a special interest in it as the oldest native wine now accessible in any con­ siderable quantity. The whole stock is in the - hands of the well-known wholesale grocery house of the Thurber*.--7/. Y, Tribtmt, Nov. ig, t&TJ. The above speaks for itself, but we woold add (hat this is the pure juice of tha grape, neither drugged, liquored nor todUnd; that it has been ripened and mellowed by age, and for medicinal or sacramental purposes it is Unsurpassed. It can be obtained from most of the leading Druggists throughout the United States, and at wholesale from the undersigned, who will forward descriptive pamphlet, free of charge, on application. Respectfully, etc., H.K.AF. B. THORBER 4 CO. Wtst Broadway, Readt and Hudson Struts, NEW-YORK. It is need for putting np PRESERVES, Cook­ ing, Ac.; also for testing Grocers'and Batchers' Package!;, It will often pay back its cost In a week's tints. The Spring Balance Is made by the most cele­ brated and oldest Scale-men !n New York, John ChatHlon lb Son, and we guarantee the Ssale cannot get out of order. The Nut is &djastab!e; thus the TARE can be obtained of any dish or receptacle need in weigh­ ing, without the use of weights or loan of time. Other Platform Scales eost from 83.50 to $5.00. We want one active, wide-awake Agent in every town in the State of ILLINOIS, to whom we will give the Exclusive Agency for the town* •hip he selects for our Scale, and give him the best opportunity to clear $10 per day that was ever ottered any man. The only conditions being that he commence operations at once end guar­ antee us in writing that he will call on every fam­ ily in the townehip be agrees to canvass, and in­ troduce onr Scales; and, in addition to giving onr Agent, this splendid opportunity to make money fast, we offer every one of them (either gentleman or ladj agent), a rtOLII* CiOLI> WATCH, worth at least $50, whenever they have sold a certain number of Scalcs. For circulars, terms, etc^ address TUB AMERICAN SCALE CO., 906 La Salle 8treet, Chicago. KMiablir>be(l istib, * GILMOHE & CO., Attorneys at Law, BSMSMWMII to t'lil|>inaMi, llontmer * CO., 699 F Street, Washington, D. C. American and Foreign Patents. I'a.tonts piwiiretf iti all countries. No rCBS in ADVANIIK. No DMI'iie MIII>'SS the putent Is grouted. No ft*** for mjr preliminary exHmi- nation*. No tI fees lor obtaining and cbnttiu'liiiK a i»»iiuaruij; Special attention (riven to Interference <!ases» before t.lie Patent OIBee LxteiiMinm liel'ore <;un;;rex». Infringement Suits In different. Stiller, and ;tII lintrtuioii Mpp^rutin- tng to Inventions or I'iitein*. SKNIJ SI'AUFVOK PAMI'III.ICI OF SIXTY f United States Courts and Departments. Claims pnfpeniieil in t he Supreme (!ourt of the United States, < 'nnrt of »'laims, (!oiiri ol'( Commis­ sioners of A t:i)>:<lii-L ClMinis, Soli! Iu'l ll _<,:|:tim* (?ommisKi<Mi, :<*til all clavKes of war claims before tlie Kxecutive ItepiM linenis. Arrears of Pay and Sonnty. OS'KX'KIIS, M»l i>IK>ts, SAIt.oits of th« |Mt« war, or their lieii>, .ire in IIMIIV raK« entitled to money liam llie(io\eriiitieui, oi' wliicli they (tare no knowledge. Write toll 4ii»lory of *ervic«j. and swte ainoiiMt. of |>ay and l>onnty teeeived. lip- cl«ne Mtainp. and :i full leply, .itinr MnaniilltltitM, will l»e gitren yon fife. V_ ^ ' * Pensions. v # All orrn-KiiK, NOI.I>IKTT«, NMI KAII.OHS wounded riiptnreil, or injured in llie t.ite war, liowevel slifChtly, can olttain :i pension, iiiiiny now leoetV; Ing ]ien^ioiiN tire cut it led to ;HI HN-RNISF.^ Solid Stamp and inform.ition wilt l>c lmnixln'(i]free. United States General Land ^lft6e. Contented l.nnd <!HH-K. Private I,ainl t'lalHlK, Mill" lis I're-eniplioti IK I lioinei>le{l(i « Yi.-e», prone- Cllted before I lie t ieneral l.aial »»lf|i-e ami liepal t- ment of the liiterioi. , Old Bounty Land Warrants. The la*: Kepori of the <'oittitiiKxioner of llie fleneral I,:IIMI t (lllce SIIOVVN ACIET*OT lti>ilU- t.v 1 .ami Wttrtmii* oiileiuiitfuiy 'I'becte were is­ sued under act of t8fi:>:iii(l ii«*f net*. We pay cash for thrill.- Senil ity rejiM eit*,| .etter. Where S^Ki^iinn'iiti. ate ou|>«tiltHa we give ni«truiH|ou6 to perlecl tbein. * Kacli defmrimeiit of our luwULese i» coiulueted III U »et>ar;tte IIIIIIMH. niider tiie t-iiarge of ripe- rieiH'ed biwyer." :ind clerk* > By reason of erroiSor fraud ifmnv attorneys are siispemled I torn practice before 4he PersioB and oilier olltce* each ycat. tMniinant*. wtto«e sttorneys have iiieu ihinsMlKtiended. Will be gmutiioii-l v fnrni-lieii wti It t'uli iiuormaiion and proper paper* «i; aptnic.iiion to U3. As we ciiar^e no tee wni.yK HiiecettHfitl, stamps for rem ru poi-taj-e >lionl<i be fent us. t.iberal iirrau^eiaenu. made with attorneys in all clashes of lnisine>». • Addriss aiLMOHE &c CO., P. O. liox 44. 1). W ASHtNWitts'. It. ( 24, 187S. 1 take pleasure m. cx|.ie»»iiitr my entire coafl- tfenee in the vrKfi,u*ih>tihf nnd ,H<UUHn of the Law, Patent and Colfecuon House of titlillOKn fc Co, of thin city. fiEO. 11. B. WHITE, Iliimhi-r t.rn.f M-h-n,n,litnn Bank) Prints, Bleached Cottons, Cottonades, Tick­ ings Denims, Shirtings and Ginghams. And by its accelerated growth has exte; its various lines and branches to such pn ttom and by its extreme liberality nas makes MARCUS' GERMAN £ AI4f> 0O A General Blacksmlthing Business, ami wiU do your work in the best •s manner and with the least possible delay HORSE SHOEING A8PBOIALITY. REPAIRING Of alt kinds proilffcf attended to. Call and' see for yourself. J ' R. Tliomptton. April Md, 1878. Its mme stirs Mke a trumpet and calls to the fray! That powerful new Temperance book, BATTLING S™ DEMON, Is selling by thousands. Cheapest, most com­ plete an 1 intensely interesting Iland-Iiook and History of T<vnner;»ne.e ever nro.lttc ed, containing biotrraphies of its Apostlec, thrill, lnff accounts of all the great Movements, and mightv fa-ts and arguments for the cause. Finelv illustrated. Nothing ean compare With it; More A«rent« wanted. Write to STANDARD BOOK CO-, St. Louis. Xo. F. Manufactured by MARCUS -DEALER IM­ PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Woodstock, III, The bftet Tonie in the world. Pint and Quart Bottles. Pnt np in P. MARCUS. Patentee. THE WEEKLY NATION! A Literary and Educational Journal.-- Eight large pages of valuable matter every week. Mo spare taker np with advertise ments. The columns of Problems and Quer ies are especially valuable. Subscription price fl per year, postage paid bv the Pnb- Usher, pimples free. Address, E. T. HAZK1.TINE, Warren, Pa. 1A A(IA NAMES of residents wijnted-- V? For 95 names and CScents we will send von a fine *»lk handkerchief, every thread tLL /,"'z,.lHr I oo- «• W. roster A Oo. 125,Glark Street', Chicago, 111. Silks, Cashmeres, Cambric, Alpacas and White Goods of all kinds. In Ready- ade Clothing, Boots and loes, we will not be un­ dersold, quality of Goods considered. Bine Veneti^p Ingrain ft^T'Glovps ancl Hosiery a Specialty. and Oil Cloth Carpetings. Also a Full Line of Family Groceries. PERRY & MARTIN McHenry, May let, 1878. n - , •• * , • 1 '"Uli ' .'.Mill I I II I/I . ... . till. iii'|iu()yt!.»iflit jj#.i.iiliii.|iiii|l "UMIU'I'I 1.1 IHI'I. "ill n quired that Coveted Populai-ity that really what it claims to be, the LEADING RAlLWAV Of the West aod Nortb-Wssll Embracing under one matiagetnctit 158 Miles of Rosd And forming the following Trunk Lint*' Chicago, Council Bluffs A California Lin#I Chicago, SifMix City and Yankton Llhe. nhf! ' cago, Clinton, Dubuque & LaCrossc Ltni* Chicago, t'veeport& Dubuque Line, Chicas#-t. LaCrosoe, Winona & Minnesota Line. Chiea# • go,-St. Paul A Minneapolis Line, Chicagii. * Milwaukee A Lake Superior Line, Chicagak Oreen Bay « Lake Superior Line. The a<H vantages of these Lines arei <u'$' I. If the passeng«M is going to or from an* point in the entire West or North-Wcst, hi can buv his ticket via some ono of this Com. aany s lines nnd be sure of reaching his dee. tination by it or its Connections. The greater part of its lines are laid with Steel Kails, the road bed is perfect. No road has a belter or smoother track. 3. It is the short line between all import, ant points. , 4. Its trains are all equipped with tti Westinpbouse Afr Brake, Miller's Platform and Couplers and the latest improvement! tor comfort, safety and convenience. 5. It is the only road in the West rnnnin* the celebrated Pullman Hotel Cars betweefi Chicago nnd Council Bluffs. 6. It is the onlv Road running the Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars either way between Chicago and St. Paul. Chicago ami Greon Bay, Chicago and Freeport, Chicago and LaOosse, Chicago and Winona, Chicago and Dubuque, Chicago ami McGregor. Chicago and Milwaukee 7. It is the only road passing along tlM slioresof Lake Michigan between Chicago ana Milwaukee. • . 8. The only Road running Fonr Express Tr-'tnsa day via its lines between Chicago and points in Minnesota. 9. No road offers equal facilities in number of through trains, equipped with Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars. 10. It rnns Two Express Trains Daily eaefe way on all its lines and four trains each wa* between Chicago and Milwaukee. II. It makes connections with all !In#§ crossing at intermediate points. The popularity of these linos la steadily kit, creasing and p-tssenger* should consult thel* interest by purchasing tickets via this line. For information, Folders, Maps. He., not obtainable at Home Ticket Offloe, address afty agent of the Company or t in Say! D Grace's Celebrated 4 SURE RELIEF FOR THE SUFFERER. iji'tMHttSii "We shall, in order to re­ duce our Stock before the time of our Annual Inven­ tory < sell all Goods now in Stock At Wholesale Prices. We make these special pri- ceS only for a short time, but will guarantee you bar- ains never before offered this section. DWICHT & FORREST. Woodstock, 111., Jap. Cor. Main Street and Public Sqnaie 14th, 1879. J. STORY & SON, McHENRY, ILL, DEALERS IN pRBrARE» nr 8ETH W. FOWLE A SONS, t*HARRISON AVENUE, BOSTON, MASS. Solssors* Shears* Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades. Sliovels. Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstones,. . Window Glass. agent of the (Company or VABVIN HUGH ITT GeneralSupt. •W.H. ST13TNETT, Gen'l Passenger Agon Fox River Valley Millg. R, BISHOP, Proprietor. McHenry - I & FEED, CONSTANTLY HAND. CUSTOM GRINDING Done promptly, and satisfaction guarantee. Having just pnt in a new Feed Stone, capafc of grinding sixty but hols of Feed per bour. am prepared to do yonr grinding on short a* ttce. DSTThe Highest Market Prirepai*«•*«•« Milling Wheal. R. BISHOP* Jfcflonry ill., T)ec. 11th, 1878. TO SELL LIVELY " lianl times von need something of Real Vain* to the people, do you not? Such is that grand new low priced book, Allen'is Useful Covftpanlon« --AND-- Artificer's Assistants Valuable receipts by thousands for anything and everybody. The moyt universally useful book ever published, saving money to all buyers. Outsells everything. Agents want, ed. Address 8CAMMELL k CO , 8t ItfnU Mo. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVB CURES Flesh Wounds, Frozen Limbs, Salt Rhenm* Chilblains, Sore Breast, Sore Lips. Krysipelaa. Ringworms, Calluses, Scald llend, (Dhappea lianas. Burns, Cancers, Felons, Scalds, Sores, Ulcers Wounds, Stings, Shingles, Fosters, Wens, Sties, Piles, Abcess, Freckles, Bunions, Sprains, Boils, Bites, Cuts. Whitlows* Warts, Bisters, tan, Pimples, Corns, Scnrvy, Itch, Ingrowing Nails, Nettle Rash, Mosquito and Flea Bites, Spider Stings, And all cutaneous diseases and eruptions generally. For sale by all druggists, grocers, and at all uountrv stores throughout the Unlted State* and British Provinces, Price by mail M ets GRANITE-! iN AND TINWARE. J8TCRY&&ON. To Consumptives. < THE advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consump. tion, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known" to his fellow-sufiferers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and' using the same, which thev will fln*l a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ac. Par- ties wishing the proscription, will please ad. dress, K. A. Wilson, 194 Penn, St., Wllliama. burgh, N. Y. Errors of Youth. A GENTLEMAN who Buffered foT yeaT irom Nervous Debility, Premature Da cay, and all the effects of yenthfnl indisere tion will, for the sake of suffering humanity send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adi ! by addressing in JOHN B roflt by the adviser's experience ean do ng in pei OtiDEN erfect confidenc 42 Cedar St., New Tork

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