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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Apr 1879, p. 8

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$. Hack Iifadrllle. The Burlington young man who went to- Lendville in February to mako hi> fortune returned home yesterday evening,having made it. He reports the walking from LeadvtHe to Pueblo I as terrible, but frcyn that point on as r far east as Larned it improved, and H from Larned to Osage City he got along with comparatively little fa­ tigue and nothlng to eat; from Osage Olty to Atchison the walking grew 4 rapidly worse and 111? fatigue Increased out of all proportions tOj his rations, and from Hopkins to Burlington tha walking was to beastly that the occa­ sional lifts that he was able to beg or •leal on freight trains didn't count for 'anything. He expresses himself as highly pleased with Leadrille, and thinks of going back again but not thts century. He excused the style of raiment by saying that nobody in Leadville wore any more than one leg to their pantaloons. -- Burlington HawkcyeT JOHNSBURCH >- •i,^;||^Aidoie« years ago there nsed to come frosty old dealer in farm pro­ duce to Boston. One Saturday night, having sold everything Out a keg of ap-: pie sauce1, he exchanged this in a tai­ lor's shop fW an overcoat, which the tailor told him fitted him perfectly.-- Next morning, on the meeting-house steps, all his friends began to dispar­ age his purchase. "Why it's all puck­ ered up behind; it doift touch you no­ where." "Well," said the farmer, "I couldn't see it behind when I bought It, but I took his word for it; he seemed to be a nice sort of a man. But I guess when he comes to eat well down into that air keg of apple sass. well down toward the middle. I guess he'll find it jwst about a; puckerv as this is." The staid Yankee sees the difference "between things as they are and as thev <mght to be as quickly as any man in the world; but he would dread the character of a professed joker, in a "Vermont village a tall and awkward Iwau called to see his young lady, and found her engaged with other com­ pany. To set matters right, he gave them a riddle. "There was two boys playing on the sidewalk, and a man asked them if they were any relation. The toy replied,'Sir, that there boy's another and mine was twin sisters, and yet we aint cousins.'" The girls tried at it half an hour and gave it up. "Is there any solution to it, Mr. Brown f «ne of the girls asked. "Oh, ye?."" he replied, "Its easy exnlalned^That there hoy lied:" . • . HENRY MILLER, --PKALKK IN-- American ant Foreip Marl. Monuments, Headstones, ETC., m American & Scotch Granite, Constantly on Hand Shop Two miles North of Me­ Henry, 111. Johnsbnrgh, A*g. Mill, 1877 v* •ST'The B<j«ston Post prints a bright gflteture, as follows: "The factories are generally resuming or making ready to resume work, and if the foreign Market could be still more rapidly ex­ tended by Intelligent legislation, their prospects would improve at a much wore speedy pace. But it 1s all cer­ tain tocome right Iu time. Even real estate, which is the last to rally, feels the efiect of the reviving trade im­ pulses and improves its figures and pre­ tensions together. We have reached a stage, in fact, at which further move­ ment is possible in but one direction. Everything must now go ^forward.-- The country is.evidently about to en­ ter on a career of prosperity whose splendors have hardly yet beeu Im­ agined." lure. Having woved vy Shop to Howe's Block, opposite Frett ft Sons Market, I am now pre­ pared to make to order Boots and Shoes, On short notice and warrant satisfaction.-- After an experience of many years in the business t am confident that I can please the most fastidous. Prices as LOT as the Lowest. ' Scale. Patentfd May 15ft, IgZB* 12411m. -.-t" . •" »T» '"•'/'UPfW My 1 . 5 0 , By Hail This la the best Family Platforaa for the price in the world. It hati HO COMPXTITOB aa regards Price, Convenience and Durability* • It is need for putting np PRESERVES, Cook­ ing, Ac.; also for testing Grocers'and Butchers* Packages. It will often pay back its cost in a week'" time. i he opriug Balance is made by the most cele­ brated and oldest Sceie-men in New York, John Chatillox & Son, and we guarantee the Scale .tanvot- get ont of ordsr. The Wat is adjustable; thus the TARE can be t>b tained of any dish or receptacle used in weigh­ ing, without the use of weights or loss of time. Other Platform Scales cost from $3.50 to $5.00. We want one active, wide-awake Agent in •very town in the State of ILLINOIS, to whom We will give the Exclusive Agency for the town* •hip he selects for our Scale, and give him the fcest opportunity to clear $10 per day that was ever offered any man. The only conditions being that he commence operations at once and guar­ antee ns in writing that he will call on every "fam­ ily in the township he agrees to canvas®, and in­ troduce our Scales; and, in addition to giving our Agent this splendid opportunity to make money fast, we offer every one of them (either centleman ©r lady agent), a MOMI> UOLI) WATCH, tvorth at least $50, whenever they have sold a Certain number of Scaled. For circulars, terms, •tc., address THE AMERICAN SCALE CO, 906 La Salle Street, Chicago* 1878 - * <,« $ i t '?!> «4iO ' j'-Vl H I\ • ;«4- , < . » j r » ' i ' . w « . t • ^ * 7 ^ -- ' 1 • , K > ; ^ NEW GOODS ' " 'XIS- REPAIRING. Of all kinds promptly attended to. Give Me a Call. Remember the place, Howe's Biock. Wm. Dow. MeHenry, Feb. 11th 1879. LIVE AND LET LIVE. I am now selling Flour *£ tlie follow­ ing rates: ^ Good Family Flour .* ^LIO filar Brand 1.30 Patent Flour 1.50 • tt. BISHOP. I|« Thompson, Wap i Carriage MAKER. Shopopposite tba Parker House, WmiBTHMCE SSYnGltlrtTaLIT I BITERS. There Is & curious story about some fiat!##' Wines which are extensively advertised nowa­ days, and have only recently been put upon the market. Dr. Underbill, the well-known, grape-grower of Croton Point, died in 1871. Some of his heirs entertained temperance views of such extreme kind, that they were unwilling to allow the stock of wines then on band to be sold or any more to be made. The grapes have sometimes been sent to market, and sometimes left to decay upon the vines. It is only now that the other heirs have succeeded in arranging for a settlement Of the estate and the sale of the wines on hand. Among these is a wine of the vintage of 1864, described as a " Sweet Union Port," but suggesting the Imperial Tokay more than any other European wine, and being wholly unlike any other wine of American growth. Its purity, age and mellowness are •emarltable, and both physicians and wine- fanciers have a special interest in it as the oldest native wine now accessible in any con­ siderable quantity. The whole stock is in the hands of tne well-known wholesale grocery house of the Thurbers.--Af. Y. Tribtau, Nov. jg, f&j7. MeHenry, Illinois. flaving purchased and taken possession ol these well known Shops, I am now prepared, with fit •st class workmen and good material, to manufacture Wagons and Buggies on short notice and at as Low Prices as a good article can be purchased elsewhere. 0 I ALSO DO A General Blacksmithing Bastaefts, and Kill do your work in the best of manner and with the least possible delay HORSE 8 HOEING / A SPECIALITY. HE PAIRING Of all kinds promptly attended to. Call and see for yourself. R. Thompson. MeHenry, II!., April 23d, 1878. Its mine stirs like a trumpet and calls to «*•>. fray! That powerful new Temperance ffrok, BATTLING sr DEMON, If M'Uhipr by thousands. Cheapest, mo^t com- ylete and intensely interesting iiand-Iiook 'Wild History of Temperance ever pro.luced, f. jpontaiuing'hiognnthies of its Apostlco, thrill- .; t*»S*<*<°onnti of all the great Movements, and " ighty f*^ts and arguments for the cause. inelv illustrated. Nothing can compare With 5f. More Awnfs wanted. Write t<> Sr&KSABD BOOK CO , Bt. Louis. Ho. The above speaks for Itself, but we would add (hat this is the pure juice of the grape* neither drugged, liquored nor watered; that it has been ripened and mellowed by age, and for medicinal or sacramental purposes it I* unsurpassed. It can be obtained from most of the leading Druggists throughout the United States, and at wholesale from the undersigned, who will forward descriptive pamphlet, free of charge, on application. Respectfully, etc., H. K. & F. B. THURBER & CO. Wut Broadway, Rtade and Hudson Street^ NKW-YOBK. AiMlablitihad lSOOi GILMORE & CO., Attorneys at Law, Rnccemora to ('hlpman, Ilonmer A Co.. 629 F Street, "Washington, D. C. Amerioan and Foreign Patents. Patents procured in all countries. No FKBS IM AI>VAN<:K. NO charge 1111 less the patent ie granted. No fee* for making preliminary exami­ nations. No additional fees lor obtaining and conducting a relit>:iring. Special attention given to Interference Crises before tlie Patent Office Extensions before Congress, Infringement Suits in dillertfni St:ites, and all litigation appertain­ ing to Inventions or Patent.s. SKNO STAMF FOR (•AMrm.itr or SIXTY RA<JKS. United States Courts and Departments. Claims prosecuted in the Supreme Court of ths United States, Courtof Claims, Court of Commis­ sioners of Alabama Claims, Southern Claims C/ommisKion, and all cl.-i.sses of war claims toefor* tlie Executive l)e|>;il liuentK. Arrears of Pay and Bounty. OPKICKIIS, MM.iHKitN, ami KAII.OIIS of the late yrar, or their heir.*, are iu many case* entitled to 'Jnouev fiotn llieUovenimeii!, of which they have t»o knowledge, VY-riie full history of service, and •late atnoiiM. of pay and bounty received. En- •Close «iamp. au<i a full reply, after examination, will be given you free. Pensions. • AllorricKitx, M)M>IICI:*, ;IML SAII.OH^ wounded ruptured, or iujiueil iu the late war, however tlightly, win obtain ii pension,.many now receiv­ ing pension* are entitled lo ;iu lurreAnt. Send stamp au<l informa l ion will iie furnished free. United States General Land Office. Qonlesled I,t«ud Cn-,.*, Private l.iiud Claims, tdiuuig Pre-e>uptkiu and llOmesietnl < !:isep, ptb«e- CUted before llie (it<u»*ial l>:ind Cilice and Uejiart- inentof the lnterioi. Old Bounty Land Warrants. Tlie law!. Iteporl of the Comnn»nioi»er <tt th* General I.jhkI (>lllce .^Iiovms -J SltT/iOy itci er of Houu- ty I^Miiii U'aiiuuis onin.iiKlmg These wereis- eue«l under net of I8.r<:'i and ;>iior atMs. We pay cash for 1 Item. Semi l».v regi.s'eied •eiter. Where a»mignmetiii< are iiiiperleui. we give nwiriictiona to perlei't Hieiu. Each department of ont* bltsineKt< is conducted in a separate bureau, under the charge of expe­ rienced lawyers and clerks. Hy reason' 01 error or fraud many attorneys are suviicu.Uil from practice before the Pension and other ortioes each year. Claimant*. who»s attorneys have been thus suspended, will be gratuitously furnished with full information and proper papers «u: application to U3. As we ciuu'ce 110 fee unlets* successful, Stamp? for return poxiage should be sent us. I.ibeml ariaugemeius made with attorneys in ail clasges of business. Address GrLLMORE & CO., MARCUS' GERMAN Manufactured by F. MARCUS -DEALER IN- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Woodstock, III, The bept, Tonic in the world. Put up in Pint and Quart Bottles. F. MARCUS. Patentee. THE WEEKLY NATION! A Literary and Educational Journal.-- Eight largo pages of valuable matter every week. No space taken up with advertise­ ments. The columns of Problems and Quer­ ies are especially valuable. Subscription price fl per year, postage paid by the Pub­ lisher. Snmnles free. Address, £. T. HAZELTINE, Warflen, Pa. P. O. liox 44. H'athinytan. D. ft. WASHINGTON, 1>. (!., November 24,187®. I take pleasure K, expressing my entire confi­ dence in tlie rtiKpttnsibUiti/ and fidelity of tha Law, Patent, and Collection House of GILHOHS fc CO, of this city. GEO. H. ». WHITE, t/fauhlrr ttflh* fftifioiml Metroymlitim Bank ) Grace's Celebrated Salve. A 8URE RELIEF FOR THE SUFFSBEB. 1A AAA NAMES of residents wanted.-- For 25 numefl aud 26cents we wil' send you a flue silk handkerchief,every thread silk regular price, 1.00- (i. W. Foster & Co., 125, (Jlark Street, Chicago, 111. PREI'AIU;J> BV 8ETH W. FOWLE & SONS, 86HARHISON AVEXUE BOSTOX, MASS. ; SJis" i3'ft * .v?V Jk.WlJ1•1 ^ ' K.OW ^ou will eave money by examining- our Stock of Goods before £ purchasing elsewhere. -- Prints, Eleaclied & Brown Cottons, Cottonades, iTick- ings Denims, Shirtings and Silks, Cashmeres, Cambric, Alpacas and White Goods of all kinds. In Ready- Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, we will not be un­ dersold, quality of Goods considered. f3gF~Cjrloves an<J Hosiery a Specialty. Fine Venetian, Ingrain and Oil Cloth Carpetings. .. Also a Full Line of Family Groceries. PERRY & MARTIN MeHenry, May let, 1878. 11 Say ! THE RAILWAY --IS 4 «. _t ,)t \ *1 *** "in OLDESf, - • ' JiEST CON8TBUCTED, , .V ?";-V:HOST progressive BEST EQUIPPED, *, --HBNCB THE- . ^ f • MOST RELIABLE , HHilw.Aj Corporation of the etdn I We shall, in order to re­ duce our Stock before the time of our Annual Inven­ tory, sell all Goods now in Stock At Wholesale Prices. We make these special pri­ ces only for .a short time, but will guarantee you bar­ gains never before offered in this section. DWICHT £ FORREST. Cor. Main Street and Public Squai e Woodstock, 111., Jan. 14th, 1879. J. STORY & SON, McHENRY, ILL. I DEALERS IN •*# Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, « Spades,"Shovels, Forks, Corn Knive*, Axes, Grindstones, Window Glass. GRANITE-IRON AND TINWARE. r J8TCRY& S O N . West and North-West, And hy its accelerated growth has extepdod lie various lines and branche* to such prdpor. tioiu and by its extreme liberality bM M. ViJred that OovtJcU Popularity that matt M V#Alljr what it bairns to be, the 1 LEAPING RAILWAY V- Of the West and North-Wut i-4 Embracing: under one management K ': i; 2,158 miles of i Afid forming the following Trunk Lbicst Chicago, Council Bluffs * Oaiifomlft Lln«. Chicago, Sioux City and Yankton Line, CW. cago, Clinton. Dubuque & LaCrosse Lirt*. Chicago, Fre#tM>rt& Dubuque Line, Chicago. LaCrosse, Winona & Minnesota Line, Chica" go, St.. I'aul A Minneapolis Line, Ghicam. Milwaukee & Lake Superior Line, Chicago. Green Bay A Lake Superior Line, The ad. vautages of these Lines are: *•* J? ti',e V)':,SS0,|ol!> is going to or from any point in the entire West or North-Wcst. h» can buy his ticket via some one of this Com* pany'« lines and be sure of reaching hia 4t«. ttnation by it or ita Connections. ' 2. The greater part of its lines are laM with Mee) Ralls, the road bod is perfect. Xto road has a,better or smoother track. 3. It is the short lino between all ant points. 4. Its trains are all equipped with tha Westlnghouse Air Brake, Miller's Pint form And Couplers hn>1 the livtcst Hnprov6n)onts for comfort, safety and convenience. 5. It ts the only road in the West running the celebrated Pullman Hotel Cars between Chicago and Council Bluffs. 6. It is th« onlv Road running the PnltmsB Palace Sleeping Cars either way between Chicago and St.. Paul, Chicago and G^een Bay, Chicago and free port, Chicago and LaCrosse, Chicago and Winona, Chicago and Dtibuqde, Chicago and McGregor. Chicago and Milwaukee 7. It Is the- only road passing along th« shores of Lake Michigan between Chicaro and Milwaukee. . 8. The only Road rnftning Four Exprest Triinsa day via its lines between ChN-art and points in Minnesota. 9. No roMl offers equal facilities in nnmbei of through trains, equipped with Pullman Palac#Sleeping Cars. 10. It runs Two Express Trains Daily each way on all its lines and four trains eacn war between Chicago and Milwaukee. ,11. It makes connections M'ith all lifeec Crossing at intermediate points. The popularity of these lines is steadily in. creasing and passengers should consult theli interest by purchasing tickets via this line. For information, Folders, Maps, Ac., not obtainable at JHome Ticket Office, address any agent of the Company or MARVIN HUGHITT W. H. 8T1 9NETT, GeneralSupt. Gen'l PassengerAgen iP * Mi ll Foz Eiver Valley Mills. R. BISHOP, Proprietor. MeHenry - - - • Illinois FL0UR& CONSTANTLY ON HAND. CUSTOM GBXNDINO Done promptly,.and satisfaction guarantee.- Having jus? put in a new Feed .Stone, capab . »1! grinding *ixty buthelsof Feed per hour, am prepared to do your grinding on short •• tice. <VThe Highest Market Price paid for fee# Milling Wheal. R. BISHOP* MeHenry 111., Dec. 11th, 1878. TO"f>ELL LIVELY u hard times yob need sdihething of Real Vain* to the people, do you noti? Such is that grand new low priced l>ook, Allen's Useful Companionf -AND- Artificer's Assistant. \u Valuable receipts by thousands for anything 1 r and everybody. The most universally useful book ever published, sating money to all buyers. Outsells everything. Agents want­ ed. Address SCAMMELL & CO., 8t Louis Mo. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVB CURES Flesh Wounds, Frozen Limbs, 8alt Rhenm, Chilblains, Soie Breast, Sore Lips. Erysipelaau Ringworms, Calluses, Scald Head, Chappea Hands, Bitrns, Cancers, Felons, Scalds, Sores, Ulcprs Wounds, Stings, Shingles, Fosters, Wens, Sties, Piles, Abcess, Freckles, Bunions, Sprains, Boils, Bites, Cuts. Whitlow Warts, Blisters, Tan, Pimples, Corns, Scurvy, Itch* Ingrowing Nails, Nettle Rash, MosqoltO and Flea Bites, Spider Stings, And all cutaneous diseases and eruptions generally. For sale by all druggists, grocers, and at all country stores throughout the United States and British Provinces. Price by mail 30 cts it To Consumptives. THE advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consnmp* tlon, by a simple reniedv, is anxious to make known to his fellow.sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send acopjr of the prescription used, (free ofcharge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will tind a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. Par- ties wishing the prescription, will please ad­ dress, E. A. Wilson, 194 Pcnn, St., Williams, burgh, N. Y. Errors of Youth. A GENTLEMAN who Suffered for year from Nervous Debility, Premature De cav, and all the effects of youthful indiscre tion will, for the sake of suffering humanity send free toall who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by Which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adviser's experience can do so Sv addressing in perfect conf dene 'JOHN B. OGDEN 42 Cedar St., New York

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