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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Apr 1879, p. 5

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* • ' ' ' • ' • • \ • ., •- ,• -v.- V-'- s iiM Basinosg Notices. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2d, 167#. Hallroad Time Table. OOIHO HOL'TH. Lake Fass<Migcr OOIWO WORTH. La*« Freight va Lake Passenter ten^vaLake . . . . . > . . . . ,7:S5A. .1:18 r. ..7:02r. M Two now house* are beln* put up on the street North of the Parker HON. P. K. GRANG: litreets on Monday. He returned to ?JMie State Capitol on Tuesday. » New and stylish Dress Goods, " ; l(n|t In price from 6 cents and upwards ftt Fitzslmmons ft Evanson's. JOHN W. SMITH had the misfortune folose a valuable horse on Wednesday •f last week. We did not learn the A new sign adorns the front of filverslde Block, which reads, "Colby I^Tt>tlwrs.,' It was put up on Saturday AN unknown exchange gives a recipe acquiring short hand In give it for what it Is worth- around a buzz saw; MRS. SMALL and Son went up to their Snmmer residence at the Lake On Saturday. We learn they Intend to open it permanently bv the 46th Inst. THE Original Tennessee Minstrels, at Stiverslde Hall, on Friday evening of next week, Aprtl ,11th. See pro­ grammes., and do not fail to go. It will be a rare musical treat. THIS nan who took off his flannels *nd laid away his overcoat during the last warm spell, now soaks his feet in '^llot water and take* a "power of doctor's •tutrr A correspondent asks us to give him the amount of the public debt. We 'would do It in a minute, but we left our pocket book at home in our other ^ pants. GEOROE HURLBUT, son ot Gen. S. A. JIurlbut. with two friends, made us a pleasant call on Monday. They were Sy «n their way to the Lakes for * weeks (Minting. MRS.'SEBBR, wife of Garret Seber. •fHedou Friday last. 'She has been sWk ^ SHid confined to heT bed for a long time. The fnneral was held ou Sunday from the Methodist Church. WILL McHenry have a Walking Hatch* It Is said that it (« better to l»e <*wt «f the world than out of fashion, mnfl as this is all the go McHenrv «honl4 not be behind. Let us have a Walking Match by all means, A. F. PARSONS having extended his vacation another week, ou account of poor health, accompanied Hon. F. K. Granger on his return to Springfield, where he goes to see the workings of •our State Legislature. Mrs. S. Searies i« now opening the . largest stock of Hats. Bonnets, Silks. Hi b bo us, Flower®, Feathers, Neck Wear, and fact everything In the No­ tion line and wilsell cheaper than ever ottered in this town before. A Regular Communication of Mc­ Henry Lodge, No. 168, A. F. and A. M., will belicld on Saturday evening, of this week, April 5th. Work on the Third Degree. Visiting brethren are cordially Invited. f 8. BBABLES, W, II. PROF. S. D. BALDWIN, Principal of our Public School, is spending his vacation with his brother at Toulon, 111, Mr. Baldwin is a hard working Tcacher. and this short relaxation from duty will wo doubt be a great benefit to him. Mug. SEA.IU.ES has just returned from Chicago with a full line of Mil­ linery Good* of all kind*, of the latest Spring styles, which she will sell for the next thirty days at bottom figures, Call and see the new styles at her •tore. THE Marengo Mepubtican says: /*Siuce I. R. Curtiss Esq., has been /State's Attorney of McHenry County, he has collected in fines and paid over to the School-Fund 9120, retaining be­ tides his own fees. If we remember a-right, this is a very unusual procced- \i"«* IN another column cad be found a new advertisement of Fitzslmmons ft Evan son, which owing to the lateness whieh it was received we are unable to notice this week as we could wish, but we shall do so next. In the meantime read it, and sail and see their new goods. WE would call the attention of our readers, and particularly Teachers, School Trustees aud Directors, to the article on the first page of this paper, taken from a Circular sent out by S. M. Slade, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. By a earefui perusal of it much trouble may be aaved to both Teachers and school officers. TEACHERS, aud all who wish to be­ come such, should bear in mind the Teachers Examination, which Superin­ tendent Young advertises to take place at the Public School Building, in Ibis village, on Friday next. April 4th. All who desire an examination should be on hand promptly at 9 o'clock •. si* Town Meeting In MeHcnry. The Town Election on Tuesday in McHenry. passed offin the most quiet manner, although there was a good deal of earnest work done. Titers was but two tickets in the field, vi/: the "Peoples Ticket." headed by J. W. Crlsty, and the "Union Tick**." headed by Wm. Nickle. The result was /the re-election of our present ablc/aud popular Supervisor, J. W. Crlsty^ bv the handsome majority of thirty-six, the largest majority given for aftjjf Supervisor in thlStnWn for many yeoijfc. This fact Is more than gratifying to his many friends for reasons tha0t Is not necessary to state at this tin^L It Is enough to say ihat the cohtestiwas a fair one and the result "glory enough for one day." The balance of the two tickets were badly "Scratched," and resulted In the election of the Town Clerk and Asses­ sor on the Peoples' Ticket, and the Collector and Road Commissioner on the Union Ticket. The following is the vote and the majorities of the successful candidates. J. W. fMsty;.......... Wm. Nickle........ ,.M8 Ofisty's majority, W. J. Van Slyke. Van Slyke'c majority, ft. Joint Kueman JW J. M. HeOmher 157 Hueman's majority, ML TOt COLLBOTO*. John Juaten M frank Smith n$ Juaten'• majority, 17. FOX ROAD COXMISSIOMNL Martin Welsh • M CkM. C. Ool1»y J2i Ttlrt'i majority, 181. There were also several scattering votes for the different offices. It was also voted unanimous to the Road Tax in Labor. p*y Mrs. S. Searies, has also just received a large assortment of beautiful new Spring Cloaks. Circulars, and Outside Wraps. Also the material for making up. And I here extend a cordial invitation to all, to call and price the goods and see for themselves. Re­ member Cash will buy cheap. THE next regular meeting of the Red Ribbon Club will be held on Thursday evening of this week. Rev. Mr. Adron will continue his address, on his travels in in Europe, which are pronounced by all who heard him two weeks ago to be very interesting.-- Select pieces of music and other singl­ ing are promised. All are cordially invited. THE Public School is having a vaca* tion this week, which the boys are im­ proving by hunting, playing marbles, getting up improiptu walking match­ es. and other sports which none but the boys are able to think of; On Monday next they will return to their studies with renewed vigor. The average boy is a great institution. The Gagetown Division, on account of the«ickuess of the Teacher will have a vacation of one week longer, and will not commence until Monday the 14th. P<COPLE who are led t^p go to any store or any ether place of business for goods Or machinery, by having seen an advertisement somewhere, ought to inform the proprietor of the fact stating where they saw the advertise­ ment. Many an advertiser knows not how much good his announcements work for him, because he is not in­ formed by customers why they were induced to go. It will cost you noth­ ing to mention it, and it will please him better, and may in many cases be better for you. WE inadvertently omitted to notice last week the new advertisement of Colby Bros., which appeared in these columns, but it is not too late to In. form our readers that they have one of the finest stocks of goods to be found in McHenry county, and bought with especial reference to the Spring aud Summer trade in this section. Their stock consists in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, &c., which they are selling as low as can be bought outside of the city. Wheu in search of bargains do not fail to give them a call. WE would call the attenton of our readers to the notice on the first page of tuts paper, of "The Carnival of Authors," which is to open at the Exposition Building, In Chicago, on Tuesday April 15th, and continue two weeks. The object 'of this Undertaking is to raise money for the charitable in­ stitutions of the city, which are most worthy and in the greatest need of substantial assist&nce. So worthy a Opuse and so magnificent a display can not fail to attract immense audiences, who will undoubtedly be instructed as well as entertained, by the scenes and characters of the carnival. Read the notice on the first page. It will be an entertainment worthy the patronage of all.. NEW MILLINERY. Just received. At Mrs. S. # Searies, McHenry. We can safely assert that Dr. Mar­ shall's I.ung Syrup is the best remedy for Coughs, Colds Bronchitis, and all pulmonary complaints. Call on your druggist and try a bottle. The price is only 25 cents. Sold by Colby Bros. McHenry, III, THE their tfme. THR WALK A* RICHMOND. McHENRY CARRIES OFF SECOND PRtZE. TOur neighboring town of caught the "walking fever; urday last was the day on which rants were allowed to show Pedestrian skill and see who make forty miles iu the quickest There were seven entered for the race, but towards noon two weakened, and jpien they gradually dropped off until at the close but three men were on the track, namely: Bnckrldge, of Beloit; Lawrence,of McHenry; and Wanne- fhaker, of Genoa; who won the money in the ordei in which we have named them; $30 to first 820 to second and #10 to third, j Buckridge is said to -be a professional pedestrian, having com­ pleted a one hundred mile walk in Chi­ cago only a few weeks ago, and of course had the advantage over all others by being in trim. Lew Law­ rence of this village, who took second money, did not think of entering for the race until a day or so before, and had not fitted himself at all, bUt made a good showing, being only half a mile behind the first man at the close, mak­ ing his forty miles in 7 hours forty- eight minutes. He has proved that with proper training he will be a hard man to beat. He was around on Mon­ day. apparently none the worse for his long tramp. We hear some talk of getting up a walk in this village, due notice of which will be given as soon as it Is definitely settled. Strange hallucinations------.An os­ trich when closely pursaed often sticks its head under it%own wing, and thinks it is hid; the Feejee Island belle ties a gay ribbon around her wai6t, and hangs a string of shells or glass beads upon her neck and imag­ ines she is grandly clothed; and the non progressive old fogy, unenterprising merchant often hangs up a single arti­ cle at his store door, sticks a bill upon a lence post, or nails a signboard to a tree, aud congratulates himself with the delusion that he is advertised! Real It'state Transfer*. Conveyances filed for record In the Recorder's Office of McHenry County Illinois, for the week ending Maroli 15 A. D., 1879. Wm. H. Monroe u<l w to Mary I, Dtlley.-- Lot 3 blk 7, Hartmana'a addition toKidgeneid 9350. ISC. H. Dix and w to C. and 7 btkS Union, $300. Morgan. Lota 4 86 Maggie Lindsay to T. Lindsay. M0a in a«ea 17 and 20 Dorr, (her int.)f700. T. Quinlan and w to M. Qutnlnn. Und X 120 a in sees ft and 23, Hart land, $600. Marv O. ft J. K. Rionhart to W. Hill. Lot f blk 1 Fords add to G. Lake (2 deeds) fflSS. J. W. Groesbeck and w to W. H. Groe*b#ck 148 a in aecs 3 and 4 Alden,$4000. J. Frisbie anil \v to J. H. Do ran. Hia in tin land in sees land 2 Nunda, $90. Bridget M<*Grath and hus to C. M. Bmlttu-- Lota IS and 14 blk8 Huntley,fSTfc 0. M. Smith and w to A. M. Dlsbrow same property, $280. 1. Hartman and w to D. C. Parker. SO a in swX sec 28 Xunda, D. Binnie est to Ada Reasure. Lot 1 and|n yt lot 7 blk 10 Algonquin, $574. Same to Ellen Thompson, Lots 1 and 8nw& •ec 6 Grafton, $1654.49. C. Massy to J. Hojman. 8$ a in aec S8 Alden, $1331. D. W. Downs and trtoJ. W. Downs. 88 a in 863 33 Chemung, $250. J. M, Kimball and w to W W. Paine. SJtf 1 16 blk 1 Wood9tock, •1500. J. Nishand wto Elodra Serbert. Lots 4 AS and wX Its 3 & 10 blk I Cary,$l000. Roue Paine and hus to J. M. Kimball. Lot 203 and stpltl75 sen 8 Dorr, $1700. Sarah R. R. San ford and hus to J. Snyder.-- 120a in sees 1 ft 12 Dorr. $2400. Nellie I. Caldwell to G.V.Wells. Blk 6 and stpn of blk Spencer's add to Marengo,$450. J. Hancock and w to F. Vollman, Ptlt 8 (no blk) Millers add to Huntley, $400. O. P. Rogers to F.Otto. Pt It 37 sec land 12 Riloy.M3.20. I.Strickland and w to Susan R. Olark. Lot 150sw* sec6Dorr,$900. Caroline Bentaon and hus to Chas. W. Smith, •t al land In eX sec 31Nnnda, $3500. Margaret Sullivan et al to M. Sullivan. 8eX nek sec 33 Alden, $775. T. Wilson and w to F. J. AE. "C. HnbbalL-- Lots4and 5 blk 20 Harvard, $700. G. T. Pierce and w to R. H. Austin. SXa'in se V sec 1 Alden, $100 Ann McFarland to D. Buddon. WJtf nwX sec 13Dunhum. $-2200. Mary Grifflngto Many Huburt. Land inaec 8 Dorr. $3200. T. Loomer to F. Thruow. Lana in see 1 Riley $50o. C. H. Ercanbrack to J. H.Brandow. 5 a in w X sec 14 Alden, $50. D. W. Baken to Jas. Wood. Lot SblkS Har­ vard, $550. F. C. Sumner and w to H. Vogel, lalnneX sec36 Hebron, $40. Mary E. Earl and baa to S. H. CampbelL-- 120 a in sees 27 and 34 Dorr. $1800 Sarah M. Thompson to E. L. Church. Lots blk 3 Hurt's add to Harvard, $1810 Sales tor the Week. Ending Tuesday. April 1st, at the Agricultural Warehouse of O, Bishop, McHenry: PLOWS. Peter Smith S Sim. Russell 1 Udell 1 Jphn Webei... 1 Jacob M vers 1 Castor Adams 1 Wm. Lumlcy 1 Robt. Andrews 1 Wm. Hamilton 1 Wm. Morlev 1 Wm. Frott." 1 Wm. Harrison 1 Ward S M. Beach 1 Fletcher i..l John Herbcs 1 Kick, Justen 1 A. Fisher . 1 B. Compton ••...! P. Lye 1 T. Dillon......... j/.,\ F. Coleman ./....I i> rr ' i D. T. fngails.^.. R. Sherborne... Wm. Stevens.. Wm. Nelson.. . A. Stewart John Dorr John Simei . . 1 . . . . 1 . . . . 1 . . . 2 1 1 . 1 WAGONS. John Hogan, John Dorr. Homer Wattles. PRAOS. Hunt ft H. S D. H. Hager. .# H. H. Church 4 Slade ft Co 2 Garry ft Holt 8 Grev ft Malcom IS P. Welch ft H. Hamilton 11 Corkins 1 P. Skinkle 3 J, Compton 1 Peter Adams 1 Nick Adams 1 Wm. Griswold.... } John Dorr 1 Wm, Stevens....^......1 L. A. Parker 1 M. Adams 1 Martin Bbyle 1 E. Wagner 1 Win. Watson -"^....l Wm, Fisher 1 Smith & Snyder.'....27 John Gibbe 1 John Gilford 1 H. Raymond ...11 GeoMcColium SPRING AND SUMMER OF 187». To everybody wanting Goods Greet­ ing. Thankful for the liberal patron- ajgi we have had for the past four years we shall endeavor as in the past inake such uniformly low priceR for the best goods to merit a share of your patron­ age. Come and see us- whether you buy or not, examine goods and get prices. BUCKLIK A STiriK. SlUttOA- EDITOB PLAIKDEALMI Mrs. Ida Bagg is In town visiting relatives and friends. Miss Cora Wells Is again able to be out among her friends. Alice Magtln is ou th« sick list. We hope nothing serious. We learn .that Elder Spencer has bought the Restaurant where Martin Is located and we now presume Martin will have no more fears of being turned out doors. M. Hurl but is Jdoing a rushing busi­ ness in the harness trade this Spring, judging from the number of new har­ nesses he has turned out lately. A young lad. some twelve yeare old. while attempting to steal a ride home on Monday last, got his foot between the bumpers of the cars and #tad It badly crushed. The Compauy, sent him to Fondulac, his home. Russell Wattles has moved his family into Swaiui's house, some three miles north of here. Wattles is in the Dun­ dee factory yet. Ira lias a Telephone and is in great trouble because the Rail Road Compa­ ny, will not let him'pass the wire over the Rail Road land, although he offered not to touch the wire poles or depot. He says he shall ascertain how far the Company own that way and try and get above their claim, so that he can connect his store and dwelling. Jerry Banister is having his house and barn fixed up and will have both thoroughly painted. Frank Caiger is doing the painting and the premises will be greatly improved when he gets thorough. Charley Vermllvea has been visiting friends here for a few days past. Mrs Robinson has returned from Indianapolis Iud., where she has been for a few weeks past, dressmaking In Capt. Stewarts family. Elder Collins has been holdings series of meetings In the Deciples Church during the last week, except Friday night, when there was a pre­ venting providence in the form of a heavy wind and strong current to row against. Politics seem to agitate the happy people of Nunda, but ere this reaches you the numerous town officers will have been chosen and the vexed ques­ tion settled for one more year. C.F. Hall was in town last Saturday, and says he shall fill up the Bluck the latter part of this week with a general stock. . Now look out for low prices. De Forest Green and Ed. McMillan will be fpund as clerks in the store. We congratulate Mr. Hall ou having secured two such trustworthy young men as clerks. MUNSHAWVILLC. TTXMTQJB PLAINDEALKB:--Well once more we will try to write up the news. The farmers have their wheat sown, that is the most of them, and there will be a good part of the oats sown this week. Every one is busy now at something on their farm, but the weather is cold as yet. Well our school is closed for this term and a fine exhibition we had, which was a credit to our Teacher and scholars of our school. There was some very nice dialogues and single pieces, and music by Stella Bryant and John Butler, which was a great help. Also some fine singing by Hat- tie, William and Fred Goodwill and Stella Bryant, Also by others. The speaking of the di fferent pieces Is too long to give details of but were all rendered in a masterly way. I have hesrd of only one oflloe seek­ er of our burg and and only six run­ ning for the same office. Some of them will get; April fooled. We see by the Democrat that Poor Richard is after us. Well he must have been completely exhausted with his long Walk to the shool house, when he lives so much nearer than we do to it. and the Irish jt^ice if we did make sor­ ry work of It we will wager a good cigar that we did it as well as some others done their par£, and as to strug- ling over our communications for your paper we never have had any head­ ache after our writing so far, and see no need of any. But we do our own writing and borrow no ideas of others nor do we have any help to write up the news from this place as Poor Rich* ard does, fo°r he told us last fall he never wrote any of the Cary items, but his sister did it for him. So of course he does not have anything to struggle over at all. The girls are happy. John has re­ turned and he says it was the best sev­ en weeks of his life, so he must have had a grand time, and says he is going back in the fall to stay. Before we write agaiii election will be a thing of the past and some of the office seekers will feel down in the mouth. MART ANN. NOTICE. The Annual Sabbaih School Conven­ tion of the McHenry County Sabbath School Association will be held at the M E. Chureh in Nunda, Wednesday and Thursday, April lfith, 17th, 1879, commencing Wednesday, at 10} A. M. Let every Sabbath School in the county be represented, and let every pastor work, pray for, and come to this con­ vention. L. H. BAaaows, President P. WSITSIT, Secretory. Have yon seen those all wool Men's Suits, at ten dollars each? They are decided bargaius. at Fitzslmmons & Evanson's. WAUCONDA- EDITOR PLAINDEALEIINot know- Ing of any one that writes for your pa­ per from here I Hie the liberty to write a few lines for it* If you see fit to find a place for It. Last spring Mr. Rice came here from your place and formed or organized a Red Ribbon Club and lectured, and was well liked as a speaker. This win­ ter he came and delivered a series of lectures and during the time our Bap­ tist minister, out of courtesy, Invited him to preach in his place, as he claimed to be a Methodist minister, and he did so, and sown after there was a report that he was not in good stand­ ing in the church where he came from, and he did not go to the Methodist here. Mr. Mountain, our minister, wrote to Michigan to ascertain the truth, and found the report true, and so stated from the puiplt, and asked the church to overlook his error, Ac.-- This created a good deal of excite* ment and much .talk and Mr, Rice came with all the weapons of defense, and was a going to annihilate the little Mountain forthwith, but when he come to see the letter he did not blame the Pastor at all only he should have dime to hlin first and he would liave ex­ plained satisfactory. Then after talk­ ing awhile they agreed to go to the Club the next meeting and have it all settled. The eveuing arrived and all were present. Mr. Rice made an open­ ing prayer. He prayed for God to pardon Mr. Mountain. He spoke so earnestly that it might have drawn tears from a crocodile had one been there, and then in his lecture of all the abusive language that is known in the American language he UBed, to the disgust of all but his friends^ Mr. Golden has built a new house this month. They have got it partly plas­ tered and wfll be In soon. Our School is nearly at a dose and should be quite. It is time to com~ mencc spring work now. The pastures began to look" green.-- Some sowed wheat the fore part of March. Winter wheat looks well. RIGHT. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDKALKR "The voice of the Turtle is heard In the land," nevertheless "Etherial Mildness** is rather fickle. » Our Post Office is to be entirely re­ fitted under the new administration, Jimmy Jones Is preparing himself to take charge. "A new broom sweeps clean/* thorefore with a new postoffice, new postmaster and new clerk, every­ body will get a letter and nobody will be disappointed, for it day or two, at least. Dwiglit & Forrest have dissolved. Dwight runs in now. The new Grocery on Grist-Mlll cor­ ner is doing a good business. Susan B. came and went but we have hardly heard her name mentioned be­ fore or qjuce. . Heavy roads and dull times furnish but little by way of items for the scribbler, and not feeling inclined to enter the list as scribbling blackguard, with Billings abuse, and Five point jargon against our neighbors, and not being of a rambling mind we will yield our space to others for this time. BARREVILLE. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER--Having a little spare time we will try aud think up the news of this burg. The Kansas fever is raging in this burg at present, a good many being about to start in a few days. Among are M. R. Fleming and Jerry Dodd and In fact we heard a young lady say the other day Kansas was her future home. Come back Charley and she will be mistaken. The little white house on the corner, known as the "Mack" resideuce, changed hands the other day. Mrs. Helena Walch Is the owner. Considera­ tions #65 We learn that MMlke" Is to be' a cdach driver In Elgin. The old Mill hums day and night, under the management ot Munch & Sons. Jim Maek says It wit all owing to that mysterious light. Mrs. Scrolls, of Chicago, Is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Duckstt, in this village. Five cent medals are all the go in this burg at present. "Mary Ann," of MunnshawvlUe, must be watting for something td happen before she writes. But never mind It will not be the case with BIOKO. FOR SALE, I offer my property in the village of McHenry for Sale. It is pleasantly lo­ cated, contains about 20 acred of la nd with two dwelling houses, and good barns and out houses. Will sell all to­ gether or in single acres or lots. Or would trade the wfeole for a good farm in this county or for Western land. Also I have for JReht, two good Houses. For further particulars inquire of STEPHEN RAYMOND, McHenry, II!., March 12th, 1879. The M. Seltz A Co's. Boots and Shoes In full stock and still lower prims at Bucklin A Stevens. Bticklin A Stevens a^e receiving their Spring Goods and are prepared with a full 3tock, which they propose to sell for Cash at extremely low Prices. Trnnks. Travelling Bags in full sw- ply at But-kMn tiiwin, ,. ^ For a M»t>r rait, go I* tawr -ft % Beckers, near the Depot. ! ' 'V'.r 3'"^ Call and mnke a selecti*?* snt Fifty Plows, at E. M. Owea's, Clothing cheaper than et#% ,,«t, Lauer & Becker's. ^ , V Hats and Caps at Bucklin ft SteveoS*| New arrival for the Spring trade. f Call at E. M. Owen's War see the Raudall, School Books and Writing PapOf Cheap, at O. W. Owen's.. • Keystone Corn Planter #«f E. M. Owen's. ;S' v-f.. The best Overcoat for tbo least money, at Laurer A Recker's. Stop at E.M.Owens and seo the n«w Geared Cortland Wagon. GOOD FAMILY FLOUR, For «1.10 per Sack, at the Fex Rive* VaUex Mills. • >• ̂ * . / ff- fruBn.M-.'";:- ;Sv,"-£vinLL FEfilh At #10*per Ton, for sale at the River Valley Mills. R. BISHO*. #1.10 PER SACK, i ' For a Choice Family Flour! Fox River Valley Mills. A R. BRSHOFE V SUGARS! SUGARSHSUWARS!*!, Never so low as they are now and for the lowest possible quotations call at Bucklin ft Stevens. s ^ ~ - V? FOR SAL®,,, •- 1000 bushels of corn itt th« the Bulger farm, Nun da. PATRICK FTTRSKT , TRY A SACK. Of the Family Flour for #1,10 f£ sack, attthe Fox River Valley Mills. R. BtsHofi BOSS PLANTERS. The cph>lirated Keystone Planter at greatly Reduced Prices at E.M. Owen's, CASH! CASH!! CASH!!!, For right down , Hard Fan Bucklin ft Stevens will make the 1< est on all kinds of Goods. HARD PAN STKUCK. And I am now selling good Family Flour fpr #1,10 per saw. Try a saok. R. Bisnor . The Randall Pulverizing Harrow,an Implement no Farmer can afford to without at E. M. Owen's Ten to twenty more bushels of corn to the acre where the Randall Im­ proved Harrows are used. For sale bv E.M.Owen. Ssr The celebratad Prairie City 8eed«r,i- the best in the Market at Reduced prices at E. M. Owen's. TO RENT. A House and four acres of land, wlti& in thirty rods of the Pickle Factory, applied for soon. Apply to B. Gilbert* near the Depot. NO USE TO GO HUNGRY When you can get good Flour #1.10 per Sack at the Fox River Val­ ley Mills. B. Bisuor. FOR SALE. In this village a two story dwelling' house and two Jots will be sold reason­ able. F^er further particulars inquire Of e J.-JEfcMFOBlfc'*?/ TO FARMERS. X FOR SALE:--Two Superior Yearling Bulis. Will be sold reasonable ifap> plied for soon, at my Farm, three miles frow the McHenry Depot, on Wood* stock road. ISAAC Jfexa. TAKE NOTICE. ^ I will sell Hay Racks for #9. W good lumber, well made and Painted. Cash, Grain or Wood will be taken in pay­ ment, or will sell on tim$ with ap­ proved Notes. F, A. Hbbarb. WAIT FOR THE WAGON. We are uow offering one of our cele­ brated Lumber Wagons, with top Box, Steel Spring seat, Whifll«itrees. Neck Yoke aud stay chains, all complete, for #50. Warranted for one year. R. BISHOP. FOR SALE. 40 Aere8«f land in Section 19, all fenced. Also SO acres of land, with ft good house and barn thereon, with tim­ ber and water In abundance, in Section 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good new house, barn and other outbuildings.-- Apply to JOHN FLUSKY. BREWERY FOR SALE OR RENT ' The undersigned oPers for S.-Ueor Rent one halt* interest In the McHenry Brewery. It is now doing a good tonal ; ness and is in good runotr.g' order.-- Plenty of Malt and Beer ou ha»d.-- Will be disposed of reasonable if ap­ plied for soon, JOHN HIUM McHenry, 111. Jan. ttnd, J8T». FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Having moved on my farm I now offer my Store and other properly In Johnshurgh for Sale, or will exchange 11 for good Farm property. If not said I will Kent it to a responsible party on reasonable terms. It is a fine location for trade. Call on or address P GiE6ELEK,MoHenrv. IU. MARRIED. CARR--WRSTKliM AN - At the Jnbn^m Honse, Plum Creek, J)a\v<»<>n county. Sra., On the i7tb of March by Ju<tpe Pieree, Mr. Clinton Oarr, at Burtons Bon<l, Fn-. na«county, to Miss Einina A. Wester-, man, of Grcouwood, IU. OVERTON-KILLSY.--At the residence the bride's parents, by the Rev. J. H. RA***. March SETTH, Ml'. Rii hard W. Overton MM* Miss Fannie K. Killey, both of Richmond^ Diseases of the Lungs. (Shest and Throat are so prevalent in our ever changing climate, that such a medicine as Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup is inval­ uable to the whole uommunity. is cures almost instantly. Price 25 cents. Sold hjr Colby Bros. McHenry* JJL -

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