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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Apr 1879, p. 7

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' - i" •*<?*" tr-i ?*< y - •.**?*: - a'£v '• v# *; t\ '••> •>*• v'*y'-j., •; * ,fy**T v" ,;«>••> vt'. j;-,, • k"- .. v-. "£- ;< * •> V xia*v,"K , ,Vv/•; f | >*, . •*• ,r ASM AND Item JBaMn0«> J. T. HAKCHETT, of Tecomaeh, writes: 4,If the cows are milked a few days be­ fore they come in," •when the udder be­ comes reasonably full, I do not think they will be troubled with milk fever. Such, at least, has been my experience." MOST of the diseases of cattle are caused by wrong treatment--too much feed at one time; too little at another; too rich at one time; tod poor at an­ other, etc. If all cattle and horses were fed, nod watered, and used properly, there-would be little disease. To-CESAXt cistern water, add two ounces powdered alum and too ounces borax to a twenty-barrel cistern of rain­ water tlmt is blackened or oily, and in a few hours the sediment will settle and the water be clarified and fit for wash­ ing, and even for cooking purposes. ME. J. M. ANDERS, in the American Naturalist, shows that the transpiration from plants has an appreciable influence in modifying the humidity of ttfe air of a room. This is a thing that has been well known, and to exactly the quality of water given the plants and pots, less that stored in the growing plants them­ selves. This is not all the value plants * have. The leaves furnish oxygen, and the blossoms, as well as the foliage, are beautiful objects, as refreshing to the sense as they are pleasant to behold. HORSES should be watered in the morning before they are f&L A full drink of water immediately after being fed is a sure way of producing indiges­ tion, if not inflammation. When water is drunk by horses, the bulk of it goes directly to £he large intestines, and lit­ tle of it is retained in the stomach. Some old and worthless horses, by way of experiment, were fed with split peas, and then supplied with water imme­ diately before being killed. It was found that the water had carried the peas from fifty to sixty feet into the in­ testines, where no digestion took place at all. • THE warm days of. spring are evident­ ly at hand, but do not think it therefore necessary to immediately remove the covering of straw or boughs from plants thus protected for the winter. No more dangerous period exists for plants than during the freezing and thawing ordeal of early spring when the sun is power­ ful and the nights are cold. The chief endeavor at such times should be to re­ tain frost in the ground about the plants as late^ap possible, and at the same time to keep the leaves sheltered from the warm sun while the cold nights last. Better retain the covering far into April than remove it too soon.--Rural New Yorker. AT the recent meeting of the Lyon County (Kan.) Horticultural Society, at Emporia, for a market orchard of 500 ttees, for Central and Southern Kansas, t was recommended to plant 100 Ben Davis, 100 Genet, 50 Willow Twig, 50 Jonathan, 50 Rome Beauty, 50 Missouri ippin, 50 Winesap, 50 McAfee's None- rach. For amateur use and local mar- ets, Downer's Prolific and Charles ) owning strawberries were recommend- d, and Capt. Jack for a very late ber- No other grape than Concord was vised, and no cherries except the Mo- ello family. None •'but the Chicasa 'amily of plums were considered valu- ,ble, and pears except to be planted in ,n amateur way. THE farmer's busy season is now near ,t hand, and with the opening of spring res of little jobs will demand h|s at­ tention. One that is by no means of ferior importance, though generally o considered, is the planting of orna- ental trees and shrubbery around the ouse. Jf you feel that you cannot are the time and the little sum it ould cost to have your place regularly id out, though we would advise such a , then plant, at least, some trees. rScure a few Norway spruces, hard aples, American lihden, and other ees of rapid growth and handsome •rm, and plant them around your ome. In after years, when you leis- ety enjoy the seolusion and shade ey afford, you will feel richly repaid r the trouble.--Moore's Sural, Domestic Economy. SUPERIOR INDIAN CAKE.--Take two of Indian meal, one table-spoonful i jaolasses, two cups of sweet milk, a |ttle salt, a handful of flour, and a little Jeratus, * CREAM PANCAKES.--Mix the yelks of ro eggs, well beaten, with a pint of earn, two ounces of sifted sugar, a lit- |e nutmeg, cinnamon and mace. Rub ie with a bit of butter, and fry the icakes thin. | FRIED OYSTERS.--After they axe pre­ yed from the shell, they are dipped in atter made of eggs and crumbs, sea- fned with nutmeg, mace and salt (or iy seasoning preferred); stir up welL Iry in lard till brown. 1 COTTAGE PUDDING.--Bake to a cream Je large cupful of sugar, and two and [half table-spoonfuls of lard and butter jixed. gtir in one well-beaten egg, one rge cup of buttermilk with soda dis- bJved in it. Add nutmeg to the teste. v " Take one pint of flour and rub into it* dry, two table-spoonfuls cream of tartar. Then add the other ingredients. Bake three-quarters of an hour and serve with wine sauce. BREAKFAST CAKE.--Take some rice ftiat has been boiled soft, twice as much flour as rice, a little fine Indian meal, and a little yeast. Mix it with cold water, and let it rise over night. This will make a very fine biscuit for break­ fast. APPLE JELLY.--A very nice, firm, rich jelly may be made from the parings of apples and the cores. Cover them with water, and let them boil until the water has wasted a little and the apple skins are very soft; then strain them, and add an equal quantity of sugar as there is liquid. A little lemon* juice, a few cloves and some ginger improve the jelly. CUP CAKE.--Mix three teacups of sugar with one and a half of butter; when white, beat three eggs, and stir them into the butter and sugpr, together with three teacups of sifted flour, and rose- water or essence of lemon to the taste. Dissolve a teaspoonful of saleratus in a teacup of milk, strain it into the cake, then add three more teacups of sifted flour. Bake the cake immediately, either in cups or pans. PRUNE PEE.--Wash the prunes through several waters. Put in a pre­ serving kettle in the proportion of two pounds fruit to one pound sugar. Pour a quantity of boiling water over them and let them boil at least two hours. When they are thoroughly done and the sirup thickens, take from the fire and pour into tin plates, lined with paste. Add one teaspoonful of butter. Cover with a rich paste and bake. HOOD ALSTON'S UNHAPPY FATE. Hood Alston committed suicide in New Orleans after writing a full expla­ nation of why he wished to die. He had been an able writer for newspapers in many of the large cities. His habits had been those of a gentleman, and his death, in the absence of the letter that he left, would have been inexplicable. He was struck on the head by a piece of shell at Gettysburg, and afterward was affected by brief aberrations of mind, during which he felt an uncontrollable desire to go away from his friends. He was in the Interior Department in Washington, but left the position and roved to Montana. Two years later he was in California, where he became Secretary of a milling company, and thought that he was recovering from his malady, but subsequently grew worse. ¥ It never led me into crime," he said, " but# would impel me to get away from those that loved me. I have often found myself walking in a wilderness, not knowing where I was going. On wak­ ing I was cunning enough to find out where I was without betraying my great Secret." He married, and had every requisite for domestic happiness. "Last November," he continued, "my disease assumed another form. I became pos­ sessed of an impulse to kill my friends. I could hardly resist an opportunity. The desire would last but for a moment and pass away. An infant was born to us two months ago. I loved it, was proud of it. When it first looked upon me the desire seized upon me to prey upon its young life. My friends seemed to have been ignorant of my mental condition. I imparted it to no one, not even my darling wife. I die that others may live. Do I fear to die? No. Feeling, as I do, that if I lived others may die by my hand, I lay down my life with fortitude. I have stiuggled for months to keep my hands off my best friends." Alston also wrote a ten­ der message to his wife, and made the preparations very deliberately for poi­ soning himself. DEEP MINKS. The deepest mine in the world now worked is said to be the Adalbert lead rid silver mine in Austria, which is 3,280 feet deep. The next is the Vivien coal mine in Belgium, 2,837 feet. It was sunk to the depth of 3,586 feet, but, no coal having been found, the working is at the former level; The deepest coal mines in England are the Dunkirk col­ liery in Lancashire, 2,824 feet, and the Bosebridge in the same locality, 2,458. The deepest mine in this country is the Yellcw Jacket of the Comstock lode. It is now 2,500 feet below the surface of the mouth of the main shaft, and 2,933 feet below the Gould & Curry crop- pings. The Savage stands second on the list, and the Imperial the third, both being nearly as deep as the Yellow Jacket. ARTIFICIAL TEETH. Artificial teeth were manufactured in China centuries before they were pro­ duced in Europe. The material used is bone or ivory, and the tooth, having been sawed and filed into proper shape, is fastened to the adjoining teeth by copper wire or catght string. If two or more teeth are required, they are made in one piece, and, a hole being drilled through the entire length, a double, wire is passed through it and looped over the natural tooth at one end and tied to the teeth at the other. A LAND Or TITLES. A friend in Kansas City, Ma, far* nishes the following: One of our railroad officials residing at Kansas City takes a deep interest in Sunday-schools. Besides superintend­ ing a large school, he frequently at­ tends conventions and institutes in our neighboring State, Kansas. Some time since he was called upon to address a convention, and after he sat down a gentleman arose and said,. "I would like to ask the Colonel a question." " Certainly,* h« replied; "but not ' ̂olonel/ if you please." " Well, Major, then." " Nil, not even a Major." " Well, Captain, then; you must be a Captain." , " No, sir, not a Captain." " Well, now, Mr. President, 1 Wish to ask the Colonel this question: Don't you live in Missouri? * "Yes, sir." " And ina house?" " Of course I do." " With chimneys?* "Certainly." . " How many, please?" " Two, I think." " Then, Mr. President, I knew I was right at first. You see, IVe lived in Missouri, and know how it is myself. Over there, sir, if a man has three chimneys on his house, he's a General; if two, he's a Colonel; if only one, he's a Major; and if he lives in a dug-out and has no chimney, he's a Captain, anyhow. So you see I was right af­ ter all."--Editor's Drawer, Harper for April. : EXAMPLES abound of great men being a prey to despondency on the eve of that tide in their affairs which is to bear them on to fortune. Wellington was only prevented leaving the army by be­ ing refused a Commissionership of Ex­ cise in Ireland, and Bismarck wrote from St. Petersburg in March, 1861: "For the rest I have reconciled myself with life here, do not find the winter at alias bad as I thought, and ask no change in my position until, if it be God's will, I retire to Schonhausen or Beinfeld to set the carpenter at my coffin without unnecessary haste." IWtlU Mgirtrt Imperfectly nourishes the system, since it is only partially assimilated by the blood. Pale, haggard mortals, with dyspeptic stomachs, im­ poverished circulation ana weak nerves, expe­ rience a marked and rapid improvement in their physical condition by availing themselves of that sure resource of the sick ana debilitated, Hostotter's Stomach Bitters. This genial tonic and alterative lends an impetus to the processes of digestion which insures an adequate devel­ opment of the materials of blood, fiber, and muscular tissue. Moreover, it soothes and s'<rcngtliens overwrought or weak nerves, coun­ teracts a tendency to hypochondria or despond ency, to winch dyspeptic and bilious persons are peculiarly liable, and is an agreeable and wholesome appetizer and promoter of repose. The infirmities of age, and of delicate female constitutions, are greatly relieved by it; and it is a reliable preventive of, and remedy for, ma­ larial fevers. _ _ % , A Word to Doubter*. There is a good old English maxim that teaches us to believe every man honest until we know him to be a villain." American cus­ tom seems to have reversed this law and ap­ pears to make every man a villain until he has proved himself an honest man. As with peo­ ple, so with things. Every article placed in our markets can lay claim to popular favor upon intrinsic merit and value alone. Con­ tinued popularity, therefore, is proof positive of intrinsic excellence. Dr. Pierce's Family Remedies are far more popular to-day than ever before. The people have tested them and know them to be genuine remedies for the dis­ eases they are recommended to cure. The Golden Medical Discovery and Purgative Pel­ lets are the beat alterative, tonic, and cathartic remedies that can be used in chronic diseases of the stomach and liver. The world-wide popularity of the Favorite Prescriptions as a never-failing remedy for Female Diseases, would have atone secured to its discoverer the fame he lias so richly won. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, of which Dr. Pierce is also proprie­ tor, is recommended by those who have tested its virtues as a safe and reliable remedy for ca­ tarrh tn its worst forms. PERFECT purity is restored to the circulation when contaminated, if SCOVILL'B BLOOD AND LIVER STKUP is taken. Scrofulous, rheumatio and mercurial disorders are completely van­ quished by it, persistence in the use of the remedy being alone required to accomplish a cure. Eruptions of all kinds, sores, chronio rheumatism, gout, liver complaint and goitre yield to its remedial action, and it not only Enrifies the blood, but viudue* Um> syatenu old by all druggists. GOLDS AND COUGHS. --8udden change* of climate are souroes of Pulmonary and Bron­ chial affection*. Take at once " Brown's Bron­ chial Troche*," let the Gold, Cough, or Irrita­ tion of the Throat be over so slight 25 cento a box. OHXW The Celebrate! "MATGHUBM* Wood Tag Plug TOBACCO. EN Paoanot TOBACCO COMPACT, Hew York, Boston sad C8ue»f GBBTAINTIT one is not wise if he purchases anv organ before obtaining the latest catalogue and circulars of the Mason & Hamlin Organ Co. See advertisement, and send postal card asking for them, and they will come free. GHBW Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobaooo. SMOKE Pogue'E "Sitting Bull Durham Tobacco." OPIUM p» HtJRI HABIT & SKIN DISEASES. Thousandi. cured. Lowest Prices. l>onot fail to write. Dr. F.K. Marsh,(>uiiicy,Mlcb CJiKT ARV, Words, and Or. Foote'a Iloultli Motif li*y. one year, 5Ue. VRKAY HILL PUB. Co.. 12!) E. 28th St., New York. JSure relief | KIDDER'S PA8TILLE8.^C^S gt'barlestown, Mais. *77 a Montn and expenses Outfit free. uarantaed to Agent*. SHAW & Oo.„ AUGUSTA, MAINS. DEKI I.ITIi from any cause speedily cured. Our A'ete Jlt.medy sent on receipt of 81. Communi­ cations confidential. Kl'KKKA MEDICINE CO., 177A H* LaSalle Street,Chicago. NERVOUS: SODA FOUNTAINS--»*>• ™ *<*• J Shipped ready for use. For catalogue, Ac., addreu Chapmaa Jfc Co.. Madi.ou. Ind. -anavjLuoH WARNER BBS'S CORSE!» receiver! rue iiiphoM Morn's at I !•.<• r-'< cut PARIS EXPOSITION owr ail ,'z T?M' ricaii r<tnip<'fitorR. Tir#!r FLEXIBLE HIPCOIISKT (1 iiUi I'Oti'-.s i 8 WAHKANTK© Hot toil down ov<-r ili«> i»iP=. Pri^ Their IMPROVED HEMTH CORSET igjna>1e Willi tlie Tsiiupicu Bun, wnich lis 8oft and flexiMo ami contain® M bones. Price by snail, $t.fv0. For «fUe by all lean'm g merchants. WAKNEB BfiOS.. 351 Broadway, S. To YOUNG MEN£^»!TK"L • month. Kvaqr gradMt* fiuurantead a pajrinc afcn •HOB. Addr--R. Vatoailn».Mana»w. Jan--rilW. Wta. n>ouand* oflnfanta ar« alowlj atArrbic becaoieTMh* InabjUtyof motbart to fatnMi proper nonrtahnwnt. Do not &01 to nao Ridge'* Food. * cod-liver nir MQliEKl I* perfectly pure. Pronounced the beet by the high. authorities in the world. Given trig-beet •wjwa it lU World's Expositions, and at Paris, 1878, Sold by Drnggista. W.N .Schlege»ln & COMN.Y. MATESTTRIILIIICITLFIRY _A Pocket FlnRer-Xatl Cotter wad Finisher ConMnta. Ma<h' the <tf Steel and ffamitnmtly Mickel jPatented Jvtte 18,1878. Its compact form ud size* unique design, it* usefulness and its superior­ ity over the knife will at once be seen. It is a ot Oulnetl Gold For AtfeittM, adapted to everybody. Mid sells at Right, Address for terms and circulars to 7V'7'^ srm send 25c for sample, €. W. Afc DEHMIX, P, O. Bos No. U5V, New York City. Binr TP JbJL Jfl BAY STATE ORGAN DIRECT FROM FACTORY, . • nd Save Aecnta' CowMlMlon, Two full Sail la, with Celeste 9 Stops, for WO. Fully warrantor f style* vtrrv low. Corre8i>ond®nce aoliclted. C. B. Ht'XT A: <1)., Mannftictwi*****. TlvVvs,,1 mum. R. KIDXHY KIDNK\ DISEASES. A Sow Remedy; foHtm' known, bend for circular. Koyes Bros. A Cutler, St. ml; Lord, Stontbu'K & On., Chicigo; A, Smith. Lot>- n' W.Maodnx, Kipfay.Ohio; K. Gary, l>es MoinestF. earns, Detroit. The most popular medicine of the day. PliyrifiSi 4010 840©--faot(ja_ * IlinVO prices-- holiest houor*i Mathushek's scale tor xqunrrs--finest up- rifilits In America--12.0U0 in use--Pianos sent on trial--Catalogue troe. MKNUKLS 8QHH PUMO Co., 21 E 15th Street, N. V. Largest Assortment in the World of Plays, Dramas, Comedies, Farces, Ktbiopian Dramas* Plays tor Lndtes only. Plays for Gentlemen only. Win, Beards, Mustaches, Face Preparations, Burnt Oorkk Jarley s Wax-W orke. Tableaux, 1 'liaradest Pantomimes, Ouide tD the Stajje, and, for Amateurs, Make-up Book, Make up Boxes, New Plays. SAM L FRKNCH A SON, 38 Kast 14th St., Union Square.New York. Catalogues sent FREE!!* D PORE TEAS. stock in the country; qualitj CONSUMPTION cnrable only when specially treated as a disease of the nerves of organic life. Explanatory circular, worthy of perusal, free. Address 1»K. K. 11. 1IEIXTZE1.*!AX, ________ 1 Or?«it Jones St., Xew York City. THE LATEST SUNDAY MORNINui 8EKM0N8 BY REV. C. H. SPURCEON AND REV. OR TALMAGE, •nd a Portrait and Biography of some Kminent person. Mid Sunday School Lesson explained, and Anecdotes and Prophetic Article, are published KVKRY WKKK in the CHRISTIAN HERALD* CI.SO per annam. Sample copies free. Agents wanted. Also, can be had from sJI Newsdealers. Address B. AITKEN, (8 Bible House, New York. Agftnte Wanted everywhere to sell to families, hotels and lam consumers; largest country; quality ana terms the beet. Ooun- try storekeepers should oall or write THE WKLLS TKA COMPANY/SOl Fulton St., N. Y. P. O. Bos SMi • TXMJ JSTJEJ-W IMPROVED PATENT BAXTEK PORTABLE KNGINK, owned and manufactured ex­ clusively by J. O. TODD, at Pateraon, N. J., and sold at lO Barclay St.. New York, and b;,' my agents in dif­ ferent cities. This laat invention is a great improve­ ment on the old fctyle, beiiix olniplitied, and is sold at greatly reduced prices, which are a® follows, vis.: A 1 h p. engine and boiler complete, ready to run, for •126; fy h. p.. $175; 2 h. p., $225; 2.^ h. p., $250; 3 h. p., $275; and 4 I), p., $SiW. Larger sizes in proportion. hend for circulars. The Best Music BOATS THE CHURCH OFFERING, W&R $12 per dozen', has the best arranged and largest collection of Music for KutacoiMtl _<'l»olin ever Sublifliied. 6 Venites, 19 Gloria i'atiis, Glorias, c.. Ac., all in Anthem form, besides a latve variety of Chants, and Anthems for Christmas, II.IN'I' ICR and other Festivals. Although prepared expressly for the Kplwopal Scs-vtce, the large number of fine Anthems renders it on* of the best Anthem books for all Choirs. , Easter Music! Easter Carols! Easter Anthems! * Send for List#. CA 'ATAS FOR SCHOOLS! ASFD A EMI. IlAUGii. Among many good ones may be men­ tioned Mitude Irving (76 cents), leases l> Cbarit v (« cento), Ounrdlun Ansrel (GO cents), Coronxtioii (60 cents). Culprit (91). Mid Palr;e/ (SO cents). The present number of the WEEKLY MUSICAL REOOBD is full of Baater Mualc. Send 6 cents for it. HK'HARI>SO\'N XKW METHOD FOB THE PI A X O FORTE ($3 25) 4B the most pop­ ular ever isKiied, aii proved positively by the saw of hundreds <\t thousand* of copies. Kxamine It. Any lleok. Mailed for Retail Price. OLIVER DITSON k CO., Boston. C. H. nitsoii A Co., J.K.DI»so«(SlCfc, S43 isioadway.N. Y. 922 Chestnut St, Phil*. R E G A L I A FOK L0.0.F. K. of P. 1.0.0 T. K. of H. Druid*, mi'i all other Societies nnuie to -Kiev t-v M.c. A Co., Coiumbut, Ohio, fiend for Prtrr l.tutH. Military an* Firemen's Gtoods, Banners fe Flags TIE SMITH 0RG1N CO. lirpft ISstsbllahed I Most Successful! THEIR INSTRUMENTS hsvs a gtaadai4 •aloe In all the LEADING MARKETS OF THE WORLD! Krerywhers reoognixed M th« VINKIX IK TOMS. O V E R 8 0 v 0 0 0 ltad* and In nie. New Designs Beat work and lowest prices. Send for a Catalogue. Tranosl St., tpp, Watthun SU Bnum, 1m CAPONIFIEĴ Is the Old Reliable Concentrated Lye FOR FAMILY S0AP-MAKIM8. Directions accompanying each can for making Hard, Soft and Toilet Soap Q UlCl£.i^*V. IT IS FULL WE:GHT AND STRENQTB. The market is flooded with (so-oalled) Concentrated Xjje. which is adulterated with salt and rosin, and wont autk* toap. SAVE MONEr, AND BUY TKtt SAPONIFIER MADE BY THE Pennsylvania Salt Manufg 0O| • awM* x.. . far BrlcM*s DU K'dneys, or Bladder in EMJefcT? «»fis these diaeaMa. Gmeral De. bUity, Diabetes, Pains In the Back, Lotos or Side. Orovw. Orarel, Dis- sipation, and aU DbsMee of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Or. iT*S BEMBBY, ' CURED FREE! An infalHbte and nawteefled remedy fin Fitm Kpllewy Mr Failiag Hlekaem. W arrantwd to sgsot j speedy and TiT ear*. ittle»*of at Bpeeiflo and • valuable Treatise sent t* any sufferer sending ot* hit PoetoAoe aad fipress ad­ dress. DR. H. O. HOOT. 183 Pearl 8twet, New York. TEAS! • porters at Half the nsual cost. Best plan ever offered tt> Club Agents and large bujw ALL KXPRRSS CHARGES PA in. AHJKAI) All the Usee. The rery bsstcoodt direct from the Im- New terms FREE The Great American Tea Company, P. 0*Bo?4«3S? Ve~F *treet' A«TEXTS wasted FOR ~ "BACK FROM THE MOUTH OF HELL" Bu on» trko has been there I "Rise awl Fall of the Moustache.*1 By the Burlington Natrkeye /iumorM, 8amantha als a P. A. and P. I. By Josiah AUm's wife. The three brightest and best-selling books oat. Agents, yon oan pat theoe books in everywhere. BeitnnM |l»en. Address for Aftracj, AMKUIUAtf PIIRT.IRW. r CO.. Hartford, ui ; Ohieago, ill. My Aasial Cataiarur of VeretaM* Mkd Flower Seed fop 1HTO, rich in engravings, from original photographs, will b« sent FltKK. to all who ap­ ply. Customer* or last spnfon oeetl not write for it. I ofterono of tou lartrest collections of vegotabte seederer sont out by any seed house in America, a large portion of which were grown on my six seed farms. Frinfnt dir.ctior'S for cultivation on each package. All seed trarrfir.f*'? to be bil l fresh and true to nnm*; so far, that should it prove otherwise, I Kilt r'fill the order grati*. The uiicitinl introducor of the Hubbard Squash, Phin> ney's Melon, Marhlehead CattbnRes, Monican Corn and scores of other vegetables, 1 invite the patronage of oil wfcn are anxious to have their seed directly from (k« (rower, Jreth, true anrf if the very best strain. NEW VEGETABLES A SPECIAI-TR. JAM I S J. H. GREGORY. Marblebea i, M«ML 1 22» jS* RABCHER AT CkdAtioIL Aleo, Dealers in Gents' Fnrniehtng Goods. Fine Suits made to order a specialty. Send 8 cent •tamp for our llh*str*tod Catmloauo for 1879. Over 60 engravings of new styles, with pricce. Full instructions ror taking mtatun and ordering by mail or express. Buy of the mann- ilddl factnrcre, and eave middlemen's profits. Wo employ over 800 hands in our factory. If yon are in the city, call and eee the largest house of the kind in Chicago. See sddrefs above. All goods Mot by express are 0. CX I3>,» with privilege of v3samiBiHj>- before paying charges. AGENTS READ THIS We will pay Agents a (Salary or |I00 per mon expenses, or allow a large commission, to sell oi ana wonderful inventions. HV- mran whet vt lay. pie free r month and our new <t». Bam- Address SHERMAN k CO., Marshall, Mich. TRUTH IS MI6RTTI hitaM VartteM, Ure imt •M> m4 Whart. mm S ... •ilk few II*, m»m «T 9fm m4 I lack «f MM to m • iiwwl jrirtw* •f Ntw* Wwlikwl «r ml Mil Mm tta* «ai pteM irtnn fM wHIwiawi, W WMflafs AMM. MlAtTINBC.4 fit,, Mta, T4w »* •• I * UXJM O O U I AM ABBOX.UTK AND UNFAILING IUEMF.DT FOli CONSUMPTION cure Man1 f*c Co. .sole depot for tbe U.S„<M Rait 12th St., cor. BROADWAYS New York. WWN/IOA (AII paper J RISINMHN WILBOrS OTffOOTD Of PURE COB LIVES OIL AHD LIHE. One and AIL- Are you mufTerUits IVom a Cough, CJoia, Asthma, Bronchitis, or any of the vftrlous buhnouary troubles that ao often end in Cnnpusii ptlon ? If BO, use M Wilbor'a l*vre. Cod Liver Oil atxl Lime," a aafi* and sure remedy. No quack preparation, but prescribed by the medical faculty. Manurd only by A. H. WILHOK, ChemUt. Bost/M. hold by all druggists. MUSTANG SuFvival of the Fittest.! A rum MKDICINI Tilt BAB IUUB nUUONB DCBINQ SS TElSSt UNIUÎ TIUIIIIR A. BALM FOR EVERY WOUND OF MAN AND BEAST! THEOLDEST&BE8TUNIMEMT EVER HADE IX A11EBICA. LAKGEB THAN EVER, The Mexican Mustang Liniment has been known for more than thirty-flve years as tlie best of all Liniments, for Sfan and Beast. Its sales to day are larger than ever. It cures when all others fail, and penetrates skfn* temlon and muscle, to tbe very boats Sold everywhere. MASON&HAMLIN CABINET 0R6AN8 JhmoHsfratetl best V-v 111<.H l'.ST HONORS AT ALIJ WORLD'S EXPOSITIONS FOR TWKIA'E YEARS, viz.: At PAHIS, 1867: VIKNNA, 1873: SANTIAGO, MJO; PHILAHELPHIA, 187TI; PAHIS, 1S78; and GIIAND SWEDISH (ioT,]> MEDAL, 1878. Only American Organs ever award­ ed highest honors at any such. .Sold for cash or InstaJi- ments. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES and Circulars, WIM new styles and prices, sent free. MASON & MAMIJIW ORGAN iXX, BOSTON, KKW ¥OBii,or C111CAOO. wintine leirxl OtPT.OMA.S, irtdij-- UOCroiS Prai. TRACY. M. U . Ml- PiKenh.O. $3300"**" BI6 $7 IDM*. DOS * ITFMUH, *U I --TO, M*. PAY--With StMoil OnlSU. What eosU j eta. Mils rtpidl; for 60 em. Qitilam/r<» S. 11 jiMCHCEK, 111 ffah'B St.. Bmion. Mm A DAY to AimiM cunMiDi SOT tbe FIR*. •Ide Vlaltar. Terras and Ontiit Km, A4i «TM P. O. VICKKRY. AUGUSTS. MNTE*. OEXTS a par for a Hnt-cUu maebanieat monthlv. Send a 3c. stnmp for a copy of tte tlM;n\AT! A RT1NA.V. iMlM LANK A BODLEY GO..Ciisclmiati. (1 |n <M flnn ta Will St. 8toek*>'Ak«a y iU III I UUU f 'i-une* arerj monlb. Book not A^BiXTRB it o JC A * MONTH-UENTS WANTED-3« K»l 2Ha'la|||««lUnK arttotoa In the world: OMNaflt VU"y/r«. Addraaa Jaj Bronaoo, Detroit, Mlah. so :z. Soldiers--Pensioners! hoidiora and 8ail.ors, and their hftirv • alM nontafo. in! tereatlnc family reading. • o«»n»n»a lo- Price. Fifty Centt t year--special indocemenU to A proper blank to collect amount dus> on dec NOW AHBEARS or PENSION BILL furnished gratuitously to rw*far nktcrib*ri only, and such claim., 61ed in PeniSon Office icithout charge. January number a* irrrlmen oopyfree. Saadforit. GEORGE E. LKMOlfAOO Waahlngton, D. O. Look Bos ;t«&. * w - THE NEW YORK SUN. raE sMjiMtt* laiyt «li«n|aaoB nd ts tto •baapMt kbA sort latwmbas pa«Mr In Una UIMS3 TUB WKEKLY SUN is mtfaattaDr U» PIE'* TAMSLF PAPWR I. W. KjSWLAKD. PnbUsher. H. Y. OBy. B O T A N Y 1HOW PLANTS GBOW. I SCHOOL A FIXU> BOOK. LESSON8. MANUAL. LB8SONS * MANUAL I STRUCTURAL. BY PROP. ASA GRAY, Of Harvard Univer»ity. •.•The only standard, the moat popular. tmM th naed of Botanical Text-Books. 8 tT°We shall h.i ve «reat pleasure in makins wry fa. vorable t«n>is for the intrDaaotfcm of any of the books of this series, and will tend sample copies of How Plunt. <*r«w and The School and Field Hook, --the two books beet adapted for the ordinary School course--to Teacher* or School Officers for examination, with a view to introduction, on receipt of half the usual retail price. How Plant* *Srow, price School and Field Book, prioe.... S.OO Descriptive circulars of the series will be forwarded on application. A valuable aid in the study of Botany will be found la AI'O.VR'S PI,AST ASALYSIS, Sample conies of which will be sent lor emminntlon oa receipt of 86 cento. IYIS0N, BL1KEH1N, TAYLOR ft CO., 188 18S Statr-at., CMcage. !*> AWNINGS! TENTS! Ht.. CI P _ Window Shade*, ift IAKER. iOO Month Detpis' Br Send for lUastnMd Prim AGENTS WANTED FOR THE HISTORY WORLD Itoontains6T9 fine htotoHeal «ii«T*Tlnffs aad 1900 lance doable-oolumn page*, and U the moat oomplet* History of the World erer published. It nils at right, Bend for specimen paces and extra terns to Areata. AddrsM MATlOlfAL PU BL1SHINOOO., Ghioago, liL lr. TNE ' ^".ORCFLN BEST! Man^ctorygRMntBORD^T BUTTER^ e great Dairy Fair.^1) anon KOW TO BIT THE* «>• <>en p»h of theR.OOO.OOO ictn far >•!*. »»r free c»py of •' Kansaa 1'Mllt Msasi Ittsd,* addrsis S. J. lillmoift<t Com'r. Kswfss. THE 0MBINAL & ONLY 6ENUINB -- ••Vibrator" Tliresherst ' . TO IMFBOVXO - ^ J' f MOUNTED HORSE POWERS* And Steam Thresher XtagtmcsB,, Made only by , t RICHOLS, SHEPARD & G8 , ' M BATTLE JCBEEK, Jlliil- Tllfc Matchleaa Graln-Wnvln*, Tlw®-barlnc, ana Money^afluc 'lliruhcr* uf liiU 4ay .ad SSMratlon. V«yaad all Hlvalry for lupld Woik, r«> fectQssailf, aad lor Bavlag Orate tasm WiiiEift. BRAIN RKIMN win mm mbmu m N§ eaormonfl tSraiaa <St lUo «i<4M km g|b(r pm»hlurt> VtieQ 0130$ poelfit OH 44§tUTMMfc fBE ENTIRE Tbmkliif Expeaaaa • land Oiu n 3 to S Timet «motitti> can b« m«4« bf • the Extra Qrtin 8AVKO bj Ihtto Improved lUcUm HO Revolfintt Shafts Inside the 8a»a« rator. Kutli<'l> ti«» Irani Bulcii, Plcksr*. K.44IM, andalliiKli limc-wutlns and graln-wastlnc gstlons. Ferfe< My to all Klnit* and Onuilltlsaa - Brain, W«l «r !'• y, Luug or Short, Headed or Buoad. ROT only Vastly Superior for Wheat, 0<vts, lUi!*r, Kye, and like tiraiiui, but lh« ONLI IMto C««8fQt Tlirenher la FUxf Timothy, Millet, Clottr.tMl , Mk* Seeds. Requires no 41 attncbiue&te " or 41 relxUIUttC •• to duuugs fiXiui Grain to &e«4a. MARVELOl'8 Car Sltnplleltr mf Pmrta, iis UKIUM; !<•"• tlmn one-half tli. n.aal Balls iSlMM J*| M»ke» ao titterings or ScatMrlags. t wan. riUE Sizes of Separator* Made, rmc* lag from bit to Twciv* UorM Sia>, aad twestftas^ Mouuted UorM Powers to uatcb. STEAM Piwer Threshers a Specialty. A ipeciaI slse Ssfaralor made •xjir-Malj sot steam i'aww. , OUR Unrivaled Steam Thresher Ea» gln--y Willi Inproveoieuis &ii<i PaalaM* last b«yon<i «ajr olktr make or kind. |H TheretoHFC Werkwnnahlp. Elccaat fteUb, ^»rr«ctToci of l*«rU, Couipiet IH 1 rial ete., of Kquipiuettl* , ear "Viaa^xua" 1'Urubcr Uutiiu ace lucom^raUe. ' OB Partlcalars. cell ea ear Dealers er vrlle to es for lUMtratedClrcalar, wlilcb w» auit (Me. iff " •*•** C. N. U. No. 14 IlI N WRITINO TO ADVERTISERS, please say yoa saw the adverllseaseat in this paper. The Richmond Pink Prinre They will not fade by light orwa^j^ An Dilated on strong cloth. In absolutely fast colon. ---- * Centennial Medal for Pinks *u given to these goods. AfUr thirty t thevare BK8T PINKllADK. U yoa vaat 80K«$Z OOOM remsesbet tkis mA SSX XHBI. . I

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