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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1879, p. 1

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m -- m m a m * * * * * « i -- i " * * " -- » ^ l -- f c " 1 < t e > 0 ' u n h i m • * k + m m m u MMMb * Ptodg+d but to Truth, to Llb+rty and Low? Wo PtfiNHP Win urn and wo Fear thililiin.' •rna&km VOL. 4. MiiMftfcMMS^ M'HBNRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, Published Every Wednesday by .« P.^JUFRAIKNT**I PAFCUSKOR. ,,,>R il|fflce In 01d~i*. O. Block, ,M *, *KMR*OSRR* HIV«B8I»K HOISB.-- :'; films or svmtmmtbx* I;;A' #ii T«»t, <ln Advance,) . M «® If not PaiA W|tM* 1thx«ao Months ^u^r.xr»'«'sssr»'o^!h^"or•"•<u,",• M»[|> >1 Ifcllilili I l in HIM * I X L . •• ' BmiHBSS €AK»8, C. H. FKGEHS, M, IX AND SUttGKON. Johnsbnrirh " its 8 to 10 A. *. daily. •sam ee hears (•.Henry Ills.--Blverside House, Tuesday* lurMays and Satardays. Office boars 3 to 4 r lfci-; •-•••- :. . . •• - , Hi *.B*OWN,M.l>. JHT8HJIA1C and Bnrge<m. •> die# over Ihe Post Office, opposite Perry Martins Store, up stairs McHenry I1L > >?„•% > '<••••" * >•. JIM, f' J '-llr.. K. A. BEKRSM. D. PltilOUKMd Surgeon. Office at residence, t - _ til. two doors west of Post Office^ McHenry O. J. HOWARD, M D. t)nritouv and 8urgeon. Office at tlie store •4k.• jM Howard A 8on, McHenry, III, - /' W. H. BUCK, M. D„ >„t» HOMEOPATHIC phytictan and surgeon.-- Office East Side Public Square, Wood- •tock, III. Office hours 11 to IS A. M., and» to 4 P.M. P. J. BARBIAN. rilQAB Manufacturer, McHenry til. \J ders solicited. Shop North Bast corner PtWie S**aes» Or- E. PBRKINS. 'AGON Maker. McHenry, IIL General Jobbing promptly attended to. ilhop, West of the Pnbile Square. W KlUHAltD BISHOP, TTOBXET ANDCOUNSELOB A* LAW L McHenry, III. RICHARD COMPTOS. W8T1C* of the Pears and Conveyancer.-- cl. Will attend ttrawutly to the collection of febts. Vole, Lake County, 111. GEO. BUCKLIN ItfOTABY PUBLIC, Conveyancer and In- 4^1 saraocu Ageni. Office at Bitcklin _ A a; Steven's Store, near the Depot, McHenry, III. Jfi. £. RICHARDS. HAS a complete Abstract ot Titles to land in McHenrv County, Illinois. " Joanty Clerk, Woodstock, 111. Office with BOBT. WRIGHT. Manufacturer of Custom Made Shoes. Bene but the beat of material *i>v •sed and all wtrk warranted. ShouN corner Public Square, McHenry; 111. Boots and if material Northwest G B. M. OWEN. KN1ERAL Dealer and Mannfhctltrers Agent in _Laading Farm Maclihuwy. eslo' PrleesTow and Terms favorable. McHBNRT. ILLINOIS. N. 8. AfCHENRT, McHenry Co., I iU Spanish Merino Sheep, Poland China Hwfne.. A choic iti COLBT. IIL Breeder of Berkshire aiul .choice lot of young ISuck'tock for sale. Please call and examine too fore buying elsewhere. GOTTLEIB BOl-KV. SALOOIT and Ten Pin Alley, Lansings Block, near the Depot, McHenry, IU,-- Choice Brands of Liquors and Cigars always sstoj - GEO. 8C1IREINKB. ~~ SALOON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite the Parker House, McHenry 111. a*-rmt.ctass Billiard and Pnnl Tables. J. BON8LETT, SALOON and BestauranC Hearty oppoelte Owen's Mill, McIIenry, IIL Freeh Oysters served up In any shape desired, or tor sale by the Can. SflTQOOD STABLING FOR HORSBS.^nr PETER LEICKEM. T>EPAIBS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of JK, alt kiwis. Also Repairs Violins iu the best jressiMe manner, on short notice and at rea­ sonable rates. Alse Violin# for Sale. Shop first door North of Riverside Block, McHenry in. S&nw To make a permanent engagement with a isure, or a Bible Reader, enry County, the C&LE- V BW OfttHBtal Kditton ot the For Avserlption, notice edi in fast week's l«s«e of this paper. Ad- llWMaten** F. L. HOBTOJf & CO., Publish, •rtaad Boekl»iiidor««*0 X. Market Si*. Indian- ^(iolls, Ind.' ; . Tweuty-five cento will j$w buy a fifty-cent ltofctle of ;fii. , >' f«' l-f* irtfrP:' i Jin's Cure for '*Thus the best cougb medicine U the c he peat. Sold by all Drug- gifcts. . , BUSINESS CASD8. CIIAS. H. DOXNBl«SrT* i2SK C. H. TRUAX. /̂ ARPKNTER and Builder, Nnnda, IU.- V Will put up iMittdwiia fey the Job or 4iy uad guarun tee satisfaction. E- V. ANDERSON. M. D. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. OI«« at OH bert's Drug Store, opposite the Parker House, McHenry, Illinois. B. BENNETT, M. D., SURGEON and Accoucher, Diseases of Women a Speclatiy. Otee and Residence OnCUurStreet Woodstock, UK DR. C. B. WILLS A KC EKTT8T, Algonquin, III. All work war. ranted. Teeth and skillful manner. D. _ -ranted. Teeth extracted In a oarefnl DR. 0. W. COX, DENTIST. Office Over smith, Aldrlek* Haythorn's Store. Richmond, 111. SIDNEY DISBROW, jq-0*ARY^FU BLIC and ConveyaMMW Al- 1>R. F. J. CROSS. TkENTlST, Riverside Block. Me*«*rr, III! \J Having opened an offioe In this village, I to do all work in the line of my proieesion on short notice and in a workman­ like manner. All work warranted. E LE CTROPAT HY. Or. 8amusl Sherman, And Wife will be at their residence IX miles West of the Depot, on the Woodstock road, three days in each week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, for the purpone of treating all curable diseases. Consultation and Examinations Free. Office honrs from »rk. M.» to l F. M. REFERENCES:--John Doran. Richard Bish op, Martin Welsh, Arthur Wltlting, Leonard Bonslet, Janies Sutton, John M. Smith. F, K. Granger, Goo. Gage, »en. Gilbert, Horace Dwelly, B.r.Peok, Wm. Hutson, Gwe. Gilbert, J. A. SHERWOOD AUCTIONE ER AXT) APPRAI8KB, , Algonquin, III. ALWI Of Stoek, Farming Tools and Good* S of all kinds promptly attended: to. sales a specialty. Terms reasonal|lo. Dffice address Algonquin 111. Farm Poet W. H. 8ANFORD, Merchant Tailor. In the store of C, H. jDfcklnson, East, sido of Pablle Square, ^ : WOODSTOCLKT LLTG J 5 ' ; A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings aL wayeon hand. Suitsmade to orfsr ana • ft warcanted- Give at* m call. Woodsteek lIL.Sopt. *7th W. BT^8ANFOBD. K. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. First class ric8, with or without drivers, furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming of all kihils done on short notice. Geo. H. Stewart, • Auctioneer. Riohmondy IIL Has an experience or is years, itisfactloss in all guarantee •ale and will cases, wkore left entrusted to my care, are properly ad. vertised, or no charge will be made. Terms, from |fi to $10, according to amount of Hale. All orders addressed to Richmond, 111., will receive prompt attention. M. ENGELN. C*U W- SJMC I TH! ^Scale Repairing, Grinding and Pol- ishli% Rasors and Shears and Table Cutlery a speciali­ ty. Repairing of all kinds done in 'Steel or Brass.-- All work warrant* ed. Also dealer la Guns, Revolver*, Table and F40fcst Cutlery, Gun and Fishing Material, Mima, Cigars, Tobacco, Violin Strings, Ac. Shop .-ind store near the Post Offieo, Xe- Henry, IIL •Ml*- Otm KOfTKBt BAFT. Thore are occasions vb«H and jsett <m which the SngMali pnm ltaeir wholly jusHee--when th«r« |« t didM aostet* tf oftdjeetlm and the ttroBfaal ex­ pletives seem tame sod nimtlifedtory as the Bheet-lron thunder of A variety show. With what languago caeth* patriotic American hesH anbardealS* •elf when 1% Is known tlist owr wtool# Americitn NiTf, that hai cost Hie country many score million dollars, and Is kept afloat at an outlay of a half- score of million dollars annually. Is an entire fraud and a ttumbag? It ts now Announced seint-ofilciaHy that many of the U*>tt*d 8utes vahlpan of war--eave the mark--h*ve been dotaf duty (io ealled3 In the inland wsten of Europe be causa they are so unseaworthy as to be unfit for ocean navigation --such un­ serviceable, weak-kneed, worm-eaten, hof>backed old hulks that they ar^ totally unit to undertake s homeward voyage! And prominent naval officers now reccomtnend that eertaln of tliein be sold in foreign ports! To Gods! what a gratifying sight this is to our nation­ al pride! Men-of-war, sent out osten­ sibly to ooinoiaad the respect of for­ eign nations And protect our national interests, brought to the auctlouepr's hammer! and their officers and crew brought hotne In other vessels. The Gettysburg, which has been for tome time past repeaeotfog the nival status of the U. 8. at Geneva, le the first ordered aotd, and the sale has to he made at Geneva, because It ts not safe to Attempt to bring her home; and an­ other man-of-war, supposed to be A trifle more seaworthy, is now en route to take her officers, crew and armament and bring thorn to America. Another vessel, the Dispatch, is said to be in a bad condition and drifting toward the auctioneer's block. Only one Of her hollers are in working order* and she comes sneaking home like A crippled bully, trusting in an outraged Provi­ dence and a fair wind. The inteitutl ^water-ways of the country, like Ihe roaring Wabash and the Dismal Swamp Canal, bear on their turbid bosoms very many inferior specimens of ma­ rine architecture, the same being some times propelled by negro power or mule power or steam, but, unlke the <<iaval structures of the United States, they serve the purposes for which they were constructed. They are not the representatives of fraud or job kery or corruption, but like good hon­ est tubs, are able each to stand on Its own bottom. 1000 BOYS A 6IRL8 aetasagent for the best Boy's and Girl's paper published BeaAtlful presents to snbscrlb- Xvery boy and girl cab earn in the West. l»rs and agents. , bote of money canvassing dnring leisure oars. Don't ail to send for it at onoo. To ntmlucs It we will send to any add re* trial three months, for 10 Cents In " " sample of fa Address |? ifUl! inrOo ntOlKus* EHbv««: as veland, O* on a E MONTHLY MADE. Agents wanted County rights given gratis for the ~ da U' . v*? • -. *' - ^ * I f-#"; $ 1 0 0 - . - . . Mle of awan well-known Standard Medicines needed la every family; reputation world­ wide; established many years; made by a eelebrated physician; proofs of evidence civen. Aain lustrioas, energetic person can make anngperraaneat Income and very liberal terms by addressing with reference, US Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. lis not easily earned in them J times, bnt it can be made in three ' months by any one of either «ex, in any part of theeonntry who ia willing to work steadily at the employment that wo furnish.-- M «er week in your own town. You need Mtbe awayfrom homeover night. You can give yonr whole time to the work, or only ytmr spare moments. We have ajrents wl» are making over #10 per day. All who at oaee ean make money fast. At the present timemoney cannot be made so easily and rnp- dlr at any other business. It costs to try the baeiness. Terras and «5 Outfit free address at oaee. H. BiUlTt * Oo, .Portlaau Maine. Scott & Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ( HATTERS! ( S. W. Cor Fifth At? & Iidia} BRANCH, STOKES i 3. E, Car. Clark A Lake A S.E. Cor. Hslsted asd' ,»#«: Harriessi Sts.p CHICAOO. . -- » PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) the receipt for a sir Vegetable Balm that will retnoi d blotohes, laav beantiful; also THEBV is uo way for improving A place so much as by encouraging good merchants, good schools and good peo­ ple to settle among you, and this fan- not b« done unless you spend your money at home. 8pend your money at home for that It where you get it.-- Spend your money at home, because when It is necessary to get credit, it Is of your own town merchants you have to get It, And they must wnit for the money; spend It at home. Spend your money at home. It will make better business for yonr merchant*; they can and will Keep better aeeert»ents and •ell At lower prices than if tho only business they could do It whAt ia cred­ ited out, wfcil* the money goes to oth­ er placet. Sl*nd your mouey At home Set the e*»»ple now. Buy your dry goods, gpooeriAS, hardware, meat, and y*o WIN *oo A wonderful change In A abort time in the business outlook of UM therefore, deel with your mtrfhanta at home. Spend your non ey fit home. Tour merchants Are your Mttghbors and iriends;they stand by In sickness, aro your associates.-- ,^fithout your trade they cannot keep business. No stores then; no one at ting to buy property to build In jour place. 1 on M. veg< Freckles, Pimples and blotohes, skin soft, clear and beautiful; tions for producing a luxuriant hair on a bald head or smooth fs««. nclosingS ct. stamp, Ben YanaeXr | Ann St., New York G&ACE'* CELBBBATBD8AI.T I Is a VEOBTABLK Purtisfiot invented in the 17th centurv Grace, Surgeon in King Throngh its agency lie cured the most serious sores and w§0 , ed the skill of the most eiimeat .... of his day, and was reirsaisad fejr kMW turn m a public l»n#f)tet«r. ^ PBtOS M CENTS A BOl. U Who * lyr : • •. * • *3 i i-M u\ If-t' R1DCCPIKL.D.' JCOITOB PLAIN DEALER--A nloet thor­ ough enrprise on the 6th of AfMrll, it being the thirty-sixth anniversary of Mr. And Mrs. Stewart Campbell's wed­ ding day. Their friends kept gather­ ing at their residence until there were quite A goodly number. After A time Mrs. Campbell remarked that she would begin to prepare ten, but the la­ dies detained ther sAjring there was time enough and to spare when site says, I begin to think thit is meant for a surprise, but when tea time came the table was loaded with A most de­ licious repast. There were A number that wished to be present bnt were de­ tained at home by aiokoess. We that were present assure them that they were very much missed and they have our most earnest fishes for their im­ mediate recovery. The presents were numerous and very fine, and as the guests departed Mr. and Mrs. Campbell in their hearts thanked the civer of all food for the many klna mends that e has blessed them with. T. K.« . Call and make a selection Fifty Plows, at E. M. Owetp f, um M: Bariy Amber Svgtr Cine. Oinm Liti,* it&, jasstk Mi hh. The Synw mode from lMtenne ironi our insiivpoll roftnod by out process, pfodoees A iynp. thAt etport syrup broker* pronoun* lo be equal to the foaulne New Orieans syrups.-- Oyer forty farmers who attended tho convention of CAJM Growers, agree to the following flscia: That the Kerly Amber cane mAnoffcetured In sixty- sevfndaye. The seed flrom an aero le equal to A crop of corn from An acre 4br fending purposes for stock, and by aaalyais oont&lnt | more nutriaseut thAnonta. It ylelde fms ISO to 800 gallons of dense eyrup per acre and is but very tittle more trouble to raise than A crop of corn. The syrup after It pasaes through the manipulation at our factory, line a bright Ate.ber color And tastes very much like honey. We think there will be A lArge demand for this syrup and good prloee this fall, for the following reasons: The Legisla­ ture In the State of MAIRO hAve pAtsed a law prohibiting the aAle in tint StAte of adulterated syrupe, A bill Is being prepared to be presented to the Legislature of Illinois, fbr the same purpose. The United States Board of Trade have sent a memorial to Con­ gress asking for A National law pro­ hibiting the sale of adulterated syrups and sugars in the United States, The nswspApei1* all over the oountry heve taken the matter in hand And are call­ ing the attention of consumers In every town Aud hamlet to the facts of Adt|i- teratlon In many articles of food, and prominent among them are sugars and syrups. With lows pAssed prohibiting the sale of Adulterated syrups. It opens up a new market for thousands of bar­ rels of pure material, such as we make from the early amber cane, the market having been supplied heretofore al­ most wholly with syrup made from Glucose which Is made from the starch of corn and converted into Glucose And Grape Suger by the use of Sulphuric sold And other adulterations. The eon**mere demand end will have a pure article of eyrup, such as orery farmer can raise, and with the Aid of our pro­ cess «n d mAehl nory wo ean muni pulate that syrup iuto An Article that will recommend itself-to the public, on ac. count of its purity, sweetness and color, and will no doubt, for these rea­ sons, meet with a rapid sale And good price. Perties having mills And pans will do well to correspond with the writer, as I tbi nk I can give them some Information that would be to their ad­ vantage in this growing Industry.-- Estimates given of the cost of utAchin- ery for the proper making of this syrup for any given number of aeres, on Application to A. J» RUSSELL, Vice President of the M* V, Northern Cane Grower's Association, at Crystal Lpke Crossings, McHenry County, Ilia. Sugar Jieflnerjr. |||| ^A. J.kossnu* General Miaagsr. ^ Vtraaors con tmli* their www Sugar Mtf - Arrup. ; We gunrantee to All parties, oontrao- tlng to raise sugar cane for us that we will furnish them from their product of cane or corn stalk*, a very fine qual­ ity of SugAr and Sprup, equaled to the celerated New Orleans produce. Farm­ ers having milk and PASS, CAA obtAln far better results than heretofore, tf they will make ayrup for themselves, and their neighbors, uuder our Instruc­ tion, and deliver the syrup to our fac­ tory for refiuing and extracting the sugar from the syrup. Prof. F. L. Stewart, the discoverer of this new process of making sugar from every variety of Sorgum, And corn stalks, will have the General Supervision of our works at Crystal Lake, 111. Prof; fttewerakoew proeese has been proved by General I.e Due, Commissioner of Agriculture, aud Prof. Collier, of the U. S. Labratory, at Washington, D. C. to be a brilliant suooew, after making repeated experiments on a large scale, and always with A uniform And satis­ factory result. It has also been proved by parties In Minnesota, Wisoonsln, Illinois, IOWA and Missouri, who will enter largely Into its manufacture this eeason. We are general agents for the United States and Canada, for Prof. Stewarts process, and will assist with our knowledge aud experience of ex­ perts connected with us, in putting in operation central factories for refining arid ttiaking sugar, at any large central points on a lino of Rail Road, as soon as a sufficient number of. AUXllary works for grinding the corn And ma­ king the syrup instruction can be secured by.-oenirAirt to supply the central factoriM with tho raw pro­ duct for refining. We will answer cheerfully all corres­ pondence and have some of tho Sarly Amber Cane seed for sale. A. J. BCstUA Vice President oftki Northern CaneOrow. era Association. ' MSAMUkA rCUAB, Ia theP#n andfnk SteotheS, of Che Mombers of the tllffiots Male. In tho Chicago Journal we fin# Ihe following In relation to Hon. ChAg. Fuller,of BelTlderot Bon, Chn. X, Fuller, of Belvidere, Is onoof the fsn|nt membors of Ihe Senate, and, by reason of his smooth faoe endlong silky hair, looks younger than he really is, He Is a nntlvo of ill! nois, read law with Hon. Jesse Hikfcup, served two terms as City Attorney of Belvldtro, »nd has bsen States At­ torney ®inee 1W«, ASA legislator he ISA hart wtfrletr, is Always In his plaos, aud seldom speaks, but when he does, tslks logically and foitlhly. To his fellow-members is Is extremely gentlemanly And courteous, aud, by reason or his attention to business, will be considered an Authority At tho next session. A Clhook for Ooo Coat, tho Washington correspondent Of the Philadelphia Timm writes: "The much abused George C, Gorhatn, whose spirits are of the lightest And whose friendships Are of the strongest, closed his accounts as Secretary of the Senate on Tuesday. After eleven years ser­ vice, during which he has disbursed many millions--for the United States Senate is the most expensive legisla­ tive body oh earth--ho closes his ac­ counts for the first time. It was fonnd at the department that there was 1 cent owing him. In an official letter, which had to be copied, reourdod, num­ bered, etc., the United States Trass- urer notified Oorham of the balance on settlement. And requested thAt he would drasr his check for the §nionnt. With the same precision as though tl,- 000,060 was at stake tho check WAS drawn, A messenger conveyed II to the Treasury. The books were searched to see If the amount was to Gorhaxn's credit, and then tho cent was psfd-s great big copper one, which Gorhnm proposes to keep for luck forerer. It seems that had ho not drawn tho bal­ ance, it would have gone on forever among the liabilities of tho Trealury and occasioned any amount ef trouble to tho dorks." MP"Not long ago A Mlohaelese gen­ tle saw at the Theatre, In Phlladel phis, A young And pretty donxetta, with whose chums he was at once smitten. The next night he managed to obtain the box next to hers, and AS there is no seperation between the tiers except A thin railing of sufficient height for a men to rest his Arm upon when sitting, the proximity to his in­ amorata was anything but distant. It WAS the only chance that he possibly mig bt ever have for a better meeting; nothing was left hut to take the pres­ ent opportunity and maks tho most of It. So pulling off his cuft he wrote his proposal on It, /totalled his prospoots, position, love and other such things as might prove Interesting. When writ­ ten to suit lie quietly plsced It AS nearly before her AS could bo And wAited until his eyes could direct hers to this tale of a shirt. She rood, she smiled, she nodded, and tho delighted swAin knew thAt the bow drawn At A venture hnd told tho mark. g9*The amount of fish enpturadby spearing through holes In the ice, is enormous. Mayor Barclay of Elgin, whom our people know as An enthusi­ astic habituo of Fox Lake, estimates that as many as an hundred tons have thus been taken from that group of Lakes this winter. When the ice is thick, and covers the entire surface of the Lakes, the fish will run for light and Air, to Any hole out through the too. And there the fisherman dip them out with scoops nets, or spear them in enormous quantities. If the practice contiuues, the fish of the Lakes will bo exterminated. A bill is before the Legislature for­ bidding this kind of fishing. We would like to see It pass, although It has been defeated In tho House.-- Republican. gSTA female book agent caused the publication In the Sacramento See of the death of one Geo. W. Brufi. Now, Bruff was not dead, and he appealed to the JBM to restore him to life. The Bee found the woman, who explained that Brufi owed her And had fixed & day when he would pay if he was alive; aud as be did not pay she concluded ho was dead and so published him in the JBee. Bruffand the Bee people are mad andeveryone else Uughs. M^A Scocthmnn . And an EnglUli- man were disputing as to which of their respective countries had produced the most eminent men. Every iiAme WAS claimed by the Scotchman AS thAt of a man who had been bora north of the Tweed, till fiiutli? the Englishman Shake said, "Surely you won't clnim Shake- spear* as a Scotchman,"*4Well," replied The Randal! Pulverising Harrow, an the canny Scot, *lf Shakespeare - .. W#**p»fa* The oof i** gg|ig RepubHesnmgttftst it beam* of tb* clause prohibiting tfte use Of troops AT the polls. The Greenfecfcers divided as follows: In the afflrmstlve Do Life Martyr, Ford, GiUette, Jonas, Ladd, Low*, Murch, StovoM»% W«sver Ydmm; And In tho Mjgattae^ Barlow and Forsythe, The bill wttt now |p- to the Senate, where It is goMr^y 5(lef»d nWMlt«r ten ^ays will be o|| etipled by dl«e«i<i3l*n,' mnhy Seoatoik:' belnt loaded wttH CAwpsign speochos whldi they desire to go lo the oountry for ofEiet on coming .elefU(3iw. MeAn* whlla tho House wlH tAko np tim gen­ eral appropriation blll,and Another wrangle will the ond of nobody can see, Afttrthe passnff of thle Atmy bift the Rouse on motlotk of HWl Demo» eratlc feAder, Mr. Clymer, of Penn., Ad­ journed till Tuesday, thus once mo# cutting 00 nil opportunity for tho Greenbackers to intrai#pit their mo|^ ey measures, or the jobbers to put ili- their claims. Tho Domocratlo ml RepublicAii leAders unite in this- servatlve oourse, determined If ble that no general legfslstlon shall bo done. It \rlll bo dtfitcultlf Hot imp si ble, however, to resist the toua| for II..' The one bill whteh psssed the Sonste several days Ago has not yet pAssod tkli House, but will probnljlF In Afsw dnyll I refer to the Mil anthorialng the Sep* retary of the Treasury to eontract fog the eonstroction offttissei'tft contain Prof. Gamgees initial spparattM few cleauslng aud freetlng out the germs of Yellow Fever iu vessels ooming lit to American ports. A sensation hm been attempted for efieot against thtl Mil from the report that the Yolto# Fever has broken out on the United States Steamer, Pl^n&ttfitk, After f»av* lug been thoroughly fnmlgAted mvit, frozen in A Northern clime I*} winter. This does not effect the Gamgeo pr#» cess at all. The experiments At tt|, NAvy Yard by flmminit oflloSrs show that thei fraenlng out Is but on* Incidont of fin genfral iunn, whlH con«emplntes A most offootuai clean- sing by ohentiHAl sotlon so thAt no If., sect life or germ of disease can enduii the application. Scientific men o«* dorse the system, and Nnc« the Seiiato voted to try the experiment on B largo scale, end the House wl low suit, as soon AS It itlcs long enough to mauds of the country for some Hon that shsll ensure us against the fat* pensts aud fatality which attended la«t years Veilow Fever invasion. There Is about Washington a set blackmailing lobbyists, somt of line A eonnectod with newspApers, who uUrly Abttse and viliQr nil, those ha* ing business before Confross or thi:; Departments who will not pay them for their imaginary influence. Theso fellows have lately Joined in An a4» sauit upon the work of improvlug thai , outlet of Ihe Mississippi, by OAfiAlB XAds* jetty system. But they |§t wi- fOrtuttAto ftom the fist Ihot tho Governmeut commission, who AH# hostile to Copt A! n Bsds personnlip, have reported that his work is on e# tiro success, snd upon thAt rep®a|! Congress lately approprioted A liberal sun In advance of its motorlty, to Aid the Captain in his effort. The troubft» with these blackmailer's Is thAt Capt* Eads didn't distribute that mon^r amon^them. Every honest clai maul ought to be warned against A certain class of sharks who demand a larg«| slice as the price of support when their support is really A dotflmont to Any­ body who acoepts It. Senator Wl ndom, of MinnesotA,hlMI been elected President of tho NAIIOH* A1 Migration Association, as A mas* of esteem from thi friend of tho colored exodus for hie sympAthy And help In promotintg the IdeA which ho In fact originated AS A OIOAT way lo settle the vexed Botttliern question.^ Prof. Greener, of Howard University, is Secretory of this organIsAtlon, And A committee of 100 repreoenting every state will be Announced in A few days. It Is reported thAt Urge sums Of money have boon pledged to the work of helping the helpless negroes to homes where they desire to go. M. M» W* ^ doubtless foi- Isysslde poi­ nter the Implement no Farmer CAU wittiOut At £. M. Owefcl afford to' be (w.nsna a Scotsman, "4'f enough to he j Wl clorcr -ft*W " g^Probably the only horse serfod through the late war and ; wound up hit oampaign with A visit on || duty to the plains, WAS Old Bill, tho „H' roon charger of Col. W. B. Tibbitts. of the Second New York CavAlry. In ) enrap or on the march he WAS bnt once under fire hot obeyed slightest touch of the rein, would Jnfiip Anything, paid no Attention to plmoi firing on his Back, and could be turned loose with the certainty that lie wouU not stray away. He was Iu more then twenty engagements, and ww « woundeil once. 1I« hsts Just ' died m i . i- M jk i;' w. m

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