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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 May 1879, p. 5

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]̂ [cvj pkhieiler, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28th, 1878. Railroad Time Table. OOISO SOUTH. t Sen«TFT LAKE Passenger ......T:SB A. v. Geneva Lake Express J:tl A. K Geneva Lake Freight ...1:15 p. u OOIHO irOBTH. 3ea«v* T«ake Freight.. 1S:00A. M Geneva Lake Express .8:49 A. M. fteaeva Lake Passenger 7:03 p. JUDICIAL Election on Monday next June ad. MBS. C. LOBDELL, of Volor will ac­ cept owr thanks for late California papers. G. T. Hows, of Chicago, is spending a few days in this villa^t, looking af­ ter his property here. Call and make a selection out of six different kinds of Cultivators at E.M, Owen's. REV. L. 6. POWEHS will occupy the Pulpit at the Universallst ChhrCh. in this village, on Sunday morning next at 10J o'clock. J. M. MCOMBER having resigned the office of Deputy Postmaster, in this village. Postmaster Perry has appoint ed Chas.*P. Waite to All that position. CHAS. ATER, of Elgin, lately of Al­ gonquin, was in town last week, look­ ing for a place to start business. WS did not learn whether he decided to locate here or not. C. F. Hall wants trade, works for It and for years has held the confidence and esteem of his customers. The prices brought them and square deal* ing retained them. A young son of Thomas Knox, aged about six years, had the misfortune to fall from a work bench, breaking his arm between the elbow and wrist, Dr. Brown wa& called, and he is now doing as well as could be expected. "Vic" Be GHEE, who huR been iqtChi- cago the past Winter, is now at home making a short visit, hut wo under­ stand Intends starting on Tuesday next to try his fortune in the West. He goes, we believe, to Burton's Beud, Nebraska. GOTTLKIB BOLKT has leased the McHenry Brewery, in this village, and will hereafter furnish customers with better Beer than ever from that estab­ lishment. He is himself afflrst class Brewer, and is well known in that capacity !u thi« section. THE little Steamer "Excelsioi^ has been sold to parties at Lake Zurich, and will be removed to that place soon, having already been hauled out of the river for that purpose. Sie is a staunch little craft, and will be a valuable acquisition to that beautiful Lake. THE new fast train,the OenevaLake Express, commenced running on Mon­ day last, and passes this Station as fol­ lows: Going South,8:34 A.M. Going North,5*49 p. u. The traveling public should keep an eye on the Time Tabid at the head of this column. The brilliant sheen of the peacock's tall is not more attractive than the brilliancy of the Dyes of Leamon's. prepared by Wells. Richardson A Co., Burlington. Vj. Tliey are used in al­ most every economical family for re­ newing faded garments. No dyes give greater satisfaction. WE are requested to give notice that there will be Divine Services at Mr. Dole's Chapel, Crystal Lake, near the Ice Houses, on Sunday, Juue 1st.-- Swedish Services, with Holy Commun­ ion, *at 3 p. K. Services in English at 7:30 P.M.. Rev. Peter Arvedson officia­ ting. Seats free. A cordial invitation is extended to all. JUST received this week at "Mrs. S. Searies, a large stock of Sifmmer Mil­ linery. Every novelty of the season.-- Also a large stock ol Cloaks, Dolmans, Circles and material and trimmings for making up .in silk, diagonal and light cloth, and will sell cheap. C*U and examine and get prices before par- chasing elsewhere. THE horse stolen from Nick Si mob, of the McHenry Market, a notice of which appeared in these, columns last week, was returned to the owner a few days since, having been found in the highway some six miles South of this village. The thief had evidently taken him for a ride only, and turned him loose when he had done with him THE Engine and Boiler for the ilfw Steamer (4Mary Oris wold," has arrived, and a large force of workmen are now; engaged pushing her t;o completion as fast as possible. It is the intention to finish her this week so as to have her ready to take up the Elgin Club on the 3d of June. When fully completed we will give a full description of this splendid Steamer. WE would call the attention of our readers to the new advertisement of the Wauconda Drug Store, to be found in another column. The proprietor, Mr. Harrison, is a practical Druggist, and keeps a stock second to none in Lake County. He also keeps a good stock of Books, Stationery, Ac., and sells at prices as low as the lowest, quality of gcods considered. Read the advertisement and when in Wauconda give him a call. Sht pounds of good Tea for 91 at C. THE Lake Geneva GEsoo, la the name of the Summer season paper to be issued during the Season by the pub­ lishers of the Geneva Lake Herald. It will be devoted entirely to the inter­ ests of the visitors at this famous watering place, and will give the news at each park and camp ou the lakeshore. The hotel arrivals, boarders and visi­ tors at private residences will, each week, be chronicled that all may know who are there. It will be published every Saturday evening from June 14. to the close of the season. Price BO cents in advauae* Address The Msrald, Geneva, Wis. THESE IS probably nothing so com­ mon to which so little is known, or about which there is so much curiosity, as the newspaper. Men read it every day; they abuse it, threaten to give it up, praise it, advertise their wants in it, search it to see if their letters are in it, call it har<f names, pay for it year after year,--aud still to ninety-one out of a hundred of them its production is a complete mystery. 'To them it is a business office, a newsboy, or postoffice who are simply carriers, and that is >11 It is the exemplification of effect with out cause--an impersonal institution with plenty of vitality, and sometimes even with genius; but it is mysterious, even to those most inti­ mately connected with it. The whole of its secrets are known to no single individual. Its personality is swallow­ ed up in the editorial "we" into whose depths no mau penetrates, and even the inquisition of the law never gets behind its innermost curtain. THE Exhibition of fine blood Colts, Of which we gave notice last week came off at Hankin's barn, in this vil­ lage, on,Saturday last, and brought out some as fine Colts as one would wish to , and proved that the "Ammadus" thoroughbred stock cannot be sur­ passed for either style, speed or beau­ ty of action. The following are colts shown, and the names of their owners: James Monahan. Bay mare colt, foaled May 27th. 1878, 14} hands high and weighed 760 pounds. Charles Wright. Brown mare colt, foaled May 3d, 1878, 16 hands high and weighed 855 pounds. Ed. Sutton. Brown horse colt, foaled April 28rh, 1878. 13J hands high and weighed 670 pounds. Wm. Dow. Bay horse colt. foaled June 15th* 1878, 13£ hands high and weighed 602 pounds. Dewitt Conipton. June 17th, 1878, 14 weighed 700 pounds. O. W. Owen. Bay sucking colt, foaled April 7th, 1879, and weighed 240 pounds. These were all very fine colts, and were greatly admired by lovers of fine blooded horses. In fact it would be hard to find so many fine colts together of the same age. Will to Bay colt, foaled hands high and JTO WHOM IT MAY, CONCERN. Notice is hereby given that all per­ sons knowing themselves indebted to us, are requested to call and pay at once. All accounts not settled by June 15th, will be leit for collection, as we are preparing to go West. Thii means business. We are also closing* out our entire stock of goods cheap for cash and parties in search of bargal us will do well to call on us. F FITZBIMMOKS* EVANSOK. ALGONQUIN. SDROK PLAINDEALEK:--WHO grumble about dry weather now. Buffalo Bill is about to emigrate Cary Station. Burglars broke into the Depot here last Monday night but found nothing worth taking. , MissFrankie Sherwood, from De­ troit, is visiting at Mr* James Sher­ wood's. ; The best Barb Wire to be found at Helm & Peters, at bed rock prices. Mary, the daughter of Frank Tom in- key, who has been quite ill for some time, is no better. Some one's careless driving Friday morning turned over a milk wagon.-- No damage. Hats at all prices and! qualities at Ferguson's. : The foundation ifor John Peters' new house is laid. We expect when com­ pleted it will be one of the finest resi­ dences in our little town. " The reading room was opened Wed nesday evening--last. The exercises for the evening consisted of music, recitations and charades which were well acted and for which those taking part deserve praise. An enter­ tainment will be given every two weeks.' Everbody is invited to come SOLON. , EDIROR PLAINDEALEU:--Allow me to pen a few lines from this place.-- Our moto is *4do unto others as others do unto you." It seems as though the correspondent from Solon, to the Woodstock Sentinel, was trying to In­ jure some Ones character if he could.-- He will find out that he has a Sum­ mers campaign before him. Suppose we admit all that has been told in the Sentinel of the 16th I wonder if this same correspondent has forgotten teaching school Jin this samelDistrict s«me four or five years ago, commen­ cing with 40 to 46 scholars. Some 3 or 4 weeks before he quit he had to toll, toll the bell for 1, a, 3, that's all* How sad. He sent a little girl to the next neighbors to ask one of the Directors if he might close the School. The answer was to ple'ase himself. And he closed; Which looks the worst, in the eyes of the people ? These are facts. ' TRUTH. The times are hard and whenC. F, Hall advertises to save you from 10 to 30 per cent on your purchases, Wou't it pay you to visit one of the 3 Btores and see how it is yourself. , x PLEASANT KXPKUIKNOSE After years of depression and mis­ ery W. H. Wenthworth, a traveling Insurance agent writes: The Kidney- Wort cured my terrible piles. My back feels strong and is now free from pain, and I sleep well It is * wonder­ ful discovery in medicine. C. F, Hall is a Cash man, a square Dealer, a one priced Dealer, and a child of 5 years can buy as cheap as the best poated man or woman. We offer a flrst class Button Shoe at the unusual lovir price of #1.19 per pair. > FITZSIMMONS A EVAMSOK- "THE NEW WEST ILLUgTRATKtX" One of the latest claimants for favor in the literary line is a large and beau­ tifully printed journal of the above title. It is a valuable compendium for Far West resources and attractions, published quarterly, aud hailing from Omaha, Nebraska. Robt. E. Strahorn, the well-known author and correspond­ ent, is at the helm. Its field is the wide, the boundless West, and judging from the number before us, it will do much' toward occupying it. The great mineE, the vast stock and agricultural regions, ^nd the glorious attractions of Rocky, lLountain climate, scenery and hunting and fishing resorts, are treated of in a manner fcoat once interest and instruct alt. The current number, elaborately illustrated with gems of far west scen­ ery, contains 48 io^ig columns devoted especially to the great advantages af­ forded by Colorado for the capitalist, homeseeker and tourist. sample copy will be sent to any one*"g^fejnf all cost, and any of our readerttSgH}^ be repaid many times over for the^TOnte of sending for it. Address BoDtrcb* Strahorn, Omaha, Nebraska.' Mothers need not be kept awake nights by the incessant coughing of their children if they have Dr. Marsh­ all's Lun g Syrup at hand, and give one or two doses in season. Price on, ly 25 cents, Sold by Colby Bro's Mc­ Henry. } Remember C. F. Hall selk * tip top Grained Kid Shoe for fl. EIHTOU PLAIN DEALER You have r.o doubt seen in the last issue of the McHenry County Democrat, a spiteful little article,, touching the suit now pending in the Chcuit Court,--Collins vs Aylsworth. The article Is the cause of nut a little sensation in this town aud tiie surrounding community. The aiduius of this little production lies rigtyt ou the surface. It was evi» deutly brought into existence for a spe­ cific purpose, and that purpose was nothing less thau to manufacture pub­ lic sympathy for the Plaintiff--hatred and disrespect for the defendant. The article is devoid of truth from the be- giuing to the end. Ic reflects dishon­ or uoi alone upon the defendant but upou his Honor Judge Upton himself. Its author meant mischief, we think ma­ licious mischief. It seems to have been lutended as a sort of of campaign doc­ ument, the first of a series to sli ape public opinion, and points to the next term of court when aud where we ex­ pect this case is to be adjudicated on its meritp. The writer called on the editors of the Democrat .and solicited information as to the authorship of the article; The editor in a gentleman ly manner, said he was the writer but not its author. Said be would publish my reply, And it now remains to be Seen whether the editor will give the nam# of the author of this sneaking slimy nest of falsehoods to the public or father them himself. Much might be said respecting this article, over­ charged as it is with poison, but the above must suffice for the present. JOHN AXUIWOKTIL Nuada, Hay 2&!, 1879. MILLINERY. In addition to a full stock of Sum­ mer Millinery, Mrs. E. W. Howe has put in a fine assortment of Fancy Goods, such a9 Card board, Zephyrs. Embossed Pictures, &e. Do not fall to call.' NOTICE. I am prepared td do all kinds of Dress Making, on short notice. Also cutting and fitting and Shirt Making. All kinds of sewing done for children in the neatest and best of maimer.-- Inquire for Sarah Hearn*, residence Northwest corner of Public Square, Mclleury, III. ; SAIIAH HBABVS. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, on Friday, May 30th, 1870, at 1 o'clock p. K. the premises known as the Daniel Holcomb farm, containing 114 acres, situated in the town of Nunda. TERMS OF SALE.--One half cash. Jhe balance a credit of one year at six per cent on secured Notes. JOHN DORA*, Administrator. Dated May 16th, 1879- j -- • i. Bouses To Kent. Two Houses to rent in West McHen­ ry. Possession given immediately.-- "inquire at the Briok Mills. HAMX,Y*8O^S. C. F. Hall offers the best bargains in good Merchandise to be found in the West and only asks a careful examina­ tion, and you will be convinced. C. F. Hall the truthful advertiser and one-priced merchant. \ Remember E. M. Owen is not under* sold on Farm Machinery. WOODSTOCK. Inirot PLAINI»KAL»RAnd BOW *re the people rejoicing and giving thanks for the blessed rain. But that is not what made Judge Murphy happy on Saturday, A more unanimous con­ vention was never held than our Judi­ cial convention. There was one solitary no on the resolution to instruct, On every other question there was no dissenting voice. Whether that was an objection to Judge Murphy or Judge Upton or Judge Wilson did not appear, as there was no explanation and as all three names were in the resolution we were left lit the dark as to what the no was aimed. We would say however whatever the aim or object, It Is always commendable to net and vote In accor­ dance with ones conviction, whether we stand alone, or serge with the cfrowd. Upton and Wilson were - unan­ imously the choice of 3the convention, provided their friends at Elgin dealt fairly by Murphy. All three were very popular among the individual mem­ bers. Ere this reaches you It will be known throughout the circuit Who are the lucky ones at Elgin. A small barn and contents belonging to Thomas Lawson, who is in Califor­ nia, was burned on Friday. No In­ surance. A purse was raised td aid Mrs Lawson to replace the loss. Had she had a Policy in the Hartford. ̂ £tna, Phoenix, Home of New York, North American of Philadelphia, or Traders of Chicago, it would have been better for her and hfer kind neighbors. Asa W. Smith issues policies for all these companies and is always pleased to re­ lieve those who are fortunate enough to hold one of his policies in foroe at the time of the accident. You made us say "County" corres­ pondent instead of "Co-correspondent" as we wrote it in our last. It has been suggested in our hear­ ing, that our Agricultural Executive Committee would greatly add to the general as well as financial Interest of the society, if in class "A" a lot were assigned to Morgan Horses. And why not? There are (hose who have always given their patronage very ac­ tively in behalf of the society who feel that injustice is done by persever- Ingly leaving that noble and generally favorite breed of horses from their list. When we look over the list of past years we find a premium of #3 offered for the best Trio of each of every va­ riety of fowls from Tom Tit to the Shanghai. It would seem that as much might be done to encourage breeders of pure Morgans as breeders of Ban­ tams and fighting cocks. If the com­ mittee will consult such men as Colby, Hanley and Sayler of McHenry as will as not a few in some other Town, they might see It to be better not longer to ignore the Morgans as a distinct and unusually^favorite breed of horses. Let tiie trial be made this season. It is not even now too late, and mark the result. ; --r- • #«<T H^ODSTOCX NOt. 1, , EDITOR PLAINWKALKKOur posi­ tion this week brings to remembrance Pharaoh'* bondsmen mentioned in the fifth chapter of Exodus. Tbey were required to furnish the customary toll of brick," and were not allowed the necessary material of which to make them, while yve are expected to write the news when there is none.-- They were severely chastised if they fai led, and there the parallel ceases.-- Times have changed since then, and despite the wails of the croakers, we are of those who believe that the world is constantly growing better.-- As we have nothing in our mind at present worth placing before your readers we respectfully suggest that the chapter above mentioned inter­ esting, Instructive, and possibly it may contain news for some. The most important event since our last, affecting the largest number, and known to all your readers, is the au­ spicious change In the weather. No description is needed at our hands, and if it were, none we could give could do it Jufetice. It is to be hoped that all, with us, sre truly grateful, and such we refer again to the Sacred Book, Psalms 65, 9--13, The sublime and the ridiculous are proverbially near neigh­ bors, and as we looked .at the happy children after the rain we were tempt­ ed to wish that we, too, could wade in the mud, feel it as of yore forcing its way upward between our toes. But after all we would not go back and travel the same road over again if we could, unless we could take back with us the knowledge gained by experi­ ence, and have a chance to correct the blunders now scattered along the path­ way. As that canuot be we are con­ tent to go on and finish the journey, and only ask that we may always be al­ lowed to "rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them t that weep." The impression prevailing In this vicinity before the rain was, that grass small grain, and gardens were serious­ ly injured by the drouth. We are net situated so as to form a very intelli­ gent opinion on the subject, but the! above is about our view of it. We would say but . little about the convention last Saturday, as all the editors were present taking notes. We will say. however, that it was too har­ monious and unanimous to be realy in­ teresting. It is universally conceded that M. D. Hoy is a splendid presiding officer, and it is a fact well proved that a race for judicial honors. His contin­ ued success is a constant surprise, can only be accounted for on thei theory that he has superior ability, lie ha* pushed his way to the front among those who would have kepi him back if thev could, and has stayed there de­ spite their efforts. J We sincerely hope that nest week may furnish us something worthy of being placed before your readers, and find us in better condition to do Justice to whatever Is worthy of record. A NUNDA- EDITOR PLAINDEAXKR:--The Scarlet Fever is spreading In spite of the care taken by parents. Two new cases since our last writing. Dr. Ballou's new house, oiithe t. S. Warner place, is nearly Completed. Also Swinzseu Is building an additiou to his house where Quia Fiacli is llv Ingi ' At the Factory they are making preparations for the Sugar Refinery.-- Four carpenters are at work now get­ ting ready for the ipachinery. Ira. M. Mailory has sold his residence to Jiich&rd Bonner, of Wauconda. We think Mr. Bonner has pmcha&ed the finest location in the village and at very reasonable figures. Shall be glad to receive as fiue a couple as Mr. aud Mrs. Bonner into our society. Last Sunday afternoon, during the thunder storm, while several were sit­ ting around the stove at the house of J. A. Sheldon, an electric current came dowu the chimney, shocking four of the party considerably but not seri­ ously. Last Friday night a party from the prairie took possession of Ballou's Hall for the purpose of having a dance, but as the town folks did not turn out the thing fizzled and the party went away, leaving their curses to rest on the Nundaites for not coming out. JBut boys If you want us to come out you must give us notice before 8 o'clock of the same evening. That fishing party that went to Janesville last week reported a good time en their returu and |j|j| tyiey caught plenty of fisli. The Ciscoette train Is again on and It will be quite an accommodation to tills place, as it goes to Chicago in oue hour and thirty m'.nutes. Quia Finch is Pound Master. We think the Board selected a good, strong man to pound the cows of this village aud hope he will pound them so they will not run' at large as they h.^ve heretofore. And the fun of it la he can pound trhem as much as he has a mind to aud then you will have to pay him one dollar for such work. The farmers are now all supremely happy over the recent rains, aa the prospects were that crops, especially hay, would be almost a complete fail­ ure. Blessed is rain when every one has been so long praying for it and now we have plenty and some to spare, especially in the vicinity of McDon­ ald's Livery Stable. Last Sunday was a poor day for the Liverymen, but what is their loss is others gain. We know of one youug man who would go thiee* miles North if it did rain, and he went too. Girls such fellows as that you may well feel proud of but then I don't know but It was the other way, that he felt proud of the girl, nevertheless he did go rain or no ra|n and started off in heavy shower, Business Notices* EUwood Cultivators at E.M. Owen's For a nobby suit, go to Latter Beekere, near the Depot. » ' " Clothing cheaper Lauer 4Becker's. than ever, at 5 " • - ' The "Invincible" a New CttKltttlor I at E. M. Owen's. • ,/:• J Emerson and KeystonePfctntet* «t greatly reduced prices at E. M. Owen's. The best Overcoat for the least money, at Laurer A Becker's. '-J Emerson Goods at E. M. Ows^|| Sames Ctdtivatori^at Bertrand t E. M. Owen's. Kid Gloves. Extra good quality 49c. per pair at Fitasimmons A Evansoa**. A Bran New Keystone Corn Planter at E. M. Owen's for $30. GOOD FAMILY FLOUR. For #1.10 per Sack, at the Fox River Valley Mills. *. Brewm WH KH in Woodstock do not fall tr call at the City Bakery for Warm oe Cold Meals. They have one of the neatest Restaurants in town. Fitzsimmons & Evanson have com­ menced to sell goods on the "small profit"' plan. Cash buyers Should inves­ tigate. New Stock of Cloths, Ready-Made Clot hi nar, Ac., for the Fall trade just received at Lauer A Becker's, near the > Depot. Have yon ae*n those all wtfol Men's ^ Suits, at ten dollars e*$h? They are decided bargains, at Fitzsimmons it Lvanson's. FOR SALE. In this village a two story dwelling house and two lots will be sold reason­ able. For further particulars Inquire of J.Kuiroiii, TAKE NOTICE. f will sell Hay Racks for #6, of good lumber, well made and Painted. Cash, Grain or Wood will be taken in pay- : mcnt, or will sell on time with up- •prove*! Notes. . C:. * 5 'W* A» Una fcitfc. Be sure to call for Dr. Marshall's ^ Lung Syrup if you are troubled with iS a bad Cough or Cold. It relieves af- * * ter taking the first dose. Price Iff cents. Sold by Colby Bro's Mc.Hen- * ry* • vV, ' NEW DEAL. . ; Stevens Schnorr, Sncaewfcftf'to * Bucklits A Stsvets, near ihe Depot, will t continue the business of the old firm ; •upon a rtrictf*/ Omsk basis, making I4:'1* prices upon that principle only, and ' I will keep a full stock of general Merchandise jo which they invite the v. 1 close Cash buying public to examine. ; Young Man, dress well, and to do so / go to Stevens & Schnorr and get yon a nobby suit of Clothes, Hats, Boots or % ! Shoes, and fancy Neck Tie. have them and at living prices. 1 t LOOM FOR SALE. * J For sale a good Loom, with all ths ! fixings for Immediate use* Will be sold cheap if applied for soon. Apply ' to , MRS. L. A. CLARK, I'M McHenry, April ttt, 1878. Murphy is a har<^man to^beat to The Solargrapli Watch Only Sl.OO. A pefeot Time-keeper, Hunftliqpease, and Heavy Plated Chain, latest style. We warrant it for five years to denote time accurately as a #100 Chronometer Watch, and will give*the exact time in any part of the world. It also contains a First-Class Compass, worth alone the price we charge for the Time-keeper. For Men, Boys, Mechanics, School Teachers, Travelers, aud Farmers it is indispensable. They are as good as a high-priced watch, and in many cases more reliable. Boys think of it! A Hunting Case Watch and Chain for $1,00. The Solargraph Watch is used by the Principal of the Somervllle High School, and is beiug fast intro­ duced into all the schools throughout the United States, and is destined to become the most useful Time-keeper ever invented. The Solargraph Watch received a Medal * at the Mechanics' Fair, at Boston, in 1878. This is no toy, but Is made on scien­ tific principals, and every one warran­ ted to be accurated and reliable. We have made the price very low simply to introduce them at once, after which the price will bi raised The Solar Watch aud Chain Is put up in a neat outside case, and sent by mail to any address for #1,00. We have made the prise so low, please send two stamps if convenient to help pay pos­ tage. Address plainly, EASTERN MANUFA02UBINO OO. Bockland Musachnsetts, 100,000 Pounds oi Wanted. Wool, If hall he ljU the market t)k* present season, aud will pay the Highest Mar­ ket Price for Wool, delivered to me at McHeury. 0. B.OURTI8, MoHenry, M5ar«7th, 1878. v FOR SALE, I offer my property in the village sf McfTenry for Sale. It It pleasantly lo­ cated, contains about 20 tores of land with two dwelling houses, and good barns and out houses. Will sell all to* gather or in single acres or lots. Or would trade the whole for ai farm in this oounty or for Western land. Also I have for Rent, two Houses. For further particulars Inquire oil SYBPHBK BAYXOlii, } McHenry, II!., Mareh 18th 1S78. < Buy no Boots or Shoes until nabivi examined the £ne stoek at JflKaHlm- niotis & Evantons. They will seUyoii a Shoe from 86 cents uptai*o a ItHe of Sj/ivp mmde Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys wear. In Ladles wear they have tbp celebrated Belolt band sewed Shoes, which for durability cin not be beaten, and aa prteea on au their goods have recently been reduoed the poor as well a* the rich can afford to buy thow. TO wnytMjg FARMERS AND BREEDERS. 1 hereby offer the following PvHh itims for best Suekiug Colts, sired by my Thoroughbred home "Ammadus/* colts to be shown at my stable, in Ks> Henry, Sept. 1st,. 1880..„,v Best coit... m Second Best Colt.,7 00 Third Best Colt,.;.7.V.... # 00 AL. HAKKIXS. V DIjBD. Mrs. P. April 1879, Mrs. Ann wife ol" ihe late EUcanban I. _ years a resident of this county; aa< Gilbert It, Smith, Horse Shooing general ~ WA60N C. F. Hall sold a gentleman a' Fkie Hat a few days since for $1.38, and * gentleman standing by had lust bought gentleman standing by liadjust bought oue of a eredityto|| for #1 and the $1.38 hat was acknowledge bv all to be <ity i,- RINQWOCI& - - J Would respectfully in for f and the public generally th-f tei^tban «v«r preparodto Horse We make a specialty Ir In# but han.t turned R* eatiHftictioo. Interfermr Iw..! feet promptly ret# R E P ^ Of all kinrta on short f Wagon and Carriage . *3TGlve ns a call belli 1» qu*lit; yand j- ^ VU. A|f i • ,,|1 • v. P ; , .MS SfSiiM

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