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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jun 1879, p. 4

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;*V *1 s ; •-y **• * 'VWA ^ * v < 1 , W*;f tvV i^4> ^jfi&HESDA JtiJT* 25t)i,1879. of. van rnjum OTIKIW "Two Greenback State Conventions W^re heMlntoly. one in Maine and tV other in Ohio. They have not learned anvthln* during the past year, notwithstanding the great practical leiwon which Secretary Sherman has taught the country, and they go on with their bare faced lying as in 1878. Both the Maine and Ohio conventions declare that the bonded debt of the government Ik annually increasing and liold out to the people the alarming fact that the natioual debt is constant* ly .growing larger and larger. It is •musing to hear these lunatics talk, es|>ectally when their statements are io notoriously false as to make the men who promulgate them ridiculous. Compare these alarming statements withthe facts. The official figures of the Treasury Department show that the interest-bearing debt of the country was largest August 31, 1866.-- when it amounted to 02,381,530,294,96, Upon which the annual interest charge was #160.977,697,87. August 1, 1879 when the refunding operations will have been completed for the present and no class of bonds will appear twice lathe debt statement, as has been necessary during the period of refund­ ing, the bonded debt of the country will amount to #1,797.643,700, bearing annual interest amounting to 982,773,- $8,60. / Here is a redaction of the bonded debt of the eountry tjetween 1865 and 1879, aggregating $5&Sj886,594,96 and a reduction of interest l^nounting to #67- 108,919,37 annually. The recent re­ funding operations and specie resump­ tion have resulted in a net saving to the country of $10,327,177 per annum.-- And yet is the broad light of these gratifying fasts those wise acres of Grean backers keep telling the country tftattlie national debt is gradually In­ creasing, that the government is going to flnaucial ruin arid that more green­ backs is the only panacea which will o«nr debts, give everybody every- ' thtag tliat invagination craves and fix Up patters so that no one need econo­ mise, produce or labor to be rich. And yet just such fools as these have a fol­ lowing which give them the balance of power in some important states. In $Rtfo they poll 3fjOQ9 votes. s£s ' * : |&"*The of the Poster --lifeet Vsade afiotiier splurge last week, but It sounds so much like a half whipped school boys composition that we hard- *ljr consider it worthy of notice. If he ba»Mthingelse to talk about but typo­ graphical errors, we would advise him to look over his own smutty sheet, and we guarantee he won't need specs to find as many as can be found in any other paper in the county. Self praise H a good thing. He says he "publish­ es the best and most readable paper in HcHetiry county." That will do for J&m to say, but we will guarantee there Is not another man in McHenry county that will say the same thing. Bis only fAque against the Plaindk>lkb is be­ cause when he assumed his present po­ sition we did not come out and say he ' was the great "I am," who was going t* revolutionize journalism in McIIenry County. We did not think so and sim­ ply let him alone, believing that the people would find it out to their own satisfaction soon enough, and from gen­ eral remarks which we have heard in different parts of the county, we guess they have. He winds up his composi­ tion by saying: "If Van will or can be 1, man we will meet him half wajy,*'-- We don't believe it. We don't believe lie has a particle of manhood |n bis egotistical carcass. - y I' THB APFK1.1.ATK CODltt ' ';v Judge Isaac G. Wilson, of Geneva* jJll., passed through here yesterday evening, en route to Geneva Lake, fvis., where he will spend a few weeks. ,H'he Appellate Court, which is now lk>ra posed of Judges Bailey, Wilson and jleAUaster, organized yesterday, and drudge Bailey was chosen Chief Justice, ilr. Smith, the former Clerk, was re Appointed. The Court will convene in i|§>etober« Judge* Wilson feels partlcu- %triy friendly towards McHenry County. mmba Editor We learn that Gilbert Hubbard is about to start a Harness Shop in Ring wood. His many friends cn this section will wish him success in hia'enterprise. T1 mo was, when the question of fences and public ground brought to the surface of Wauconda a multitude of keen, well posted lawyers. Time Is, when the question of steam boa to has resusitated a young army of practical Boat bulldeis and marine engineers* Prolific Wauconda! Those who have seen the full sized posters announcing a 4th of July Cele- bratiou in Wauconda and who have not had a magnifying glass will be sur­ prised to learn that F. B. Harrison's name appears thereon. One would In­ fer that Mr. Harrison was expected to read. It is to be regretted that this couldf not have been more positively and conspiciously stated on the bills. That people would have come miles and miles to hear the gentlemen is beyond question. We hope the management will have some more bills struck of at once and give Mr. Harrison's name the prominence it deserves. The Fire Work Dance held last Fri­ day evening was a grand success. Funds enough were secured to give a large and grander display than Lake county has witnessed for years. Mr. Maiman has the thanks of the entire communi­ ty for the use of his hall, as do also the Musicians for their services. At a meeting held for the purpose, a constitlon and By-Laws was adopted by "The Wauconda Steamer Barge Club," under which the following offi­ cers were chosen: President, Robert Harrison; Vice President, Dr. 0. R. Wells; Manajprand Captain,C. Cog- gin; Secretary and Treasurer, F. B. Harrison; Assistant Manager. Thos. Grantham. Any one wishing to take stock in this enterprise may apply for information to any of the above named gentlemen., Several prominent gentlemen have been invited to speak here on July4tli, among the number Col. E. B. McClan- ahan, of Chicago, (uot Tennessee) an able lawyer, a thorough gehtleman and a gifted orator. By an accident of birth, Mr. McClanalian was born in one of the Southern States, which is sufficient grounds for some people|to base an unfair amoent of unfair talk.-- The Col. Is not a rebel, but he !a prob­ ably as eloquent and easy a public speaker as Illinois can produce from among her citizens today. We notice that parties are advertis­ ing that the Wauconda Brass Band has been secured for the 4th, of July feway from home. This is positively untrue, as (every member of the Wauconda Brass Band will w in Wauconda all day July 4th. and a better Band is not in Lake county. Our statement last week regarding the Barge has more tliau proved true. It is now just about hall completed. The boiler has been purchased and will befitted and connected during this w e e k , P S A . i ' t < ; W > ' - ;V , 'l 1 'l'!" RING WOOD. fTT^nvr Editor 'Plaindeaxer:--Come to the Sabbath School Concert next Sun­ day evening. Something new to*please the ear. ' < A Sabbath School Picuic is talked of by the teachers of the M. E. School. The Ladies Aid Society is doing fine­ ly, with a surplus of money in the treasury after meeting all of its wants for the past year, Our people are hoping for fine weath­ er on Saturday so they may enjoy the Picnic with their McHenry friends on the Mary Griswokl, to the Lakes, with all other friends that may think well to go and aid them In paying, oft the debt on the parsonage. Our day School has now 45 scholars, a large number for this season of the year. Father Chase, who is 63 years old, is making a new wagon for Mr. R. Carr. The wood work is one of ye olden times. J. W. Grimolby is doing the iron work., 4 new Harness Shop is now beiug built on the Langham Block by J. A. Sheldon, of Nunda, for G. L. Hubbard, who intends to open it as soon as fin­ ished with a good assortment of goods in his line of business. The Hotel is to have an overhauling and be ready for the traveling public. GO with the crowd! And take a ride on the new Steani Pleasure Barge which accommodates four set oi dancers carries upwards of 100 people and will make hourly trips all diy. HE Alt the Grand Chorus of 60 voices with Brass Band accompaniment. SEE the most .elaborate procession ever formed in Lake County. HEAR Col. E. B. McClanahan the powerful and j^fiM Chicago Orator and Lawyer. SEE the matchless and brilliant dis­ play of Fireworks on thewater. A sight for a life time. ( , , v SEE the "go as you please" walking match. Free for all. SEE the match game of Bade Ball. HEAR Lake County's finest Brass Band at short intervals all day. SMELL the cool Lake breezes. * TASTE the joys of a day well spent by going to Wauconda to celebrate. J&*July Is not yet here, but theYe lire ominous forebodings of the threats Cf the Chicago socialists that that ftiontli will usher in a series of strikes. Witli the encouraging opening of the iron business io Pennsylvania come domineering exactions from the pud­ dle re about Pittsburg, with a. refusal vto submit their demands to arbitra­ tion. Nearly .50,000 are thus thrown out of work pressing to be done, and 625.000,odo of capital left idle in Alle- gli any (Jo,, alone,. The re is no pretence flhtt tiiey do not receive good wages ami the employers are {anxious to keep the men at work, but naturally are tiiiwiilliig to do U at a loss. Jt is evi­ dently another case of tty* ruinous in­ terference of the Trades Union despot- - Ism, - WHKNin Woodstock do nr»t fajji tr at the Citv Bukery for Warm Oi Cold Meal^. Thuy liuve uue 01 ii«atesfc Restaurants lu town.^ i of jelly, jars of jam, t Jars of potted beef a ad bam. ' [Jars of early gooseberries nice, [Jars ot mince meat, jars of tplee. I Jars of orange marmalade, \ •Jars of pickles all borne mai||f JJars of cordial cider wine &f£-- , |Jars of boney superfine. fould the only jars were these ! That occur in families. & JUST RECEIVED I ii * "Wauconda, III. See Price List in oiir Clothing Departjtnent: ^ v Suits from 13.75 upwards / Coats irom $1.75 upwards* f! Pauts from 75c. upwardis. Vests from 50c. upward^- Suits made to order in the la* test New York styles, at satis­ factory prices, Our Milliner Department. In nhnrse of Mrs. fl. Matman, is well stocked with latest Novelties in Ladies' Fashionable Millinery and Famishing Goods. Hats trim­ med in the latest styles, at prices within the reach of alL In Our Miscellaneous Department Will lie found a Complete Stock of Jewelry, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. Gent's Fur­ nishing Goods, U nbrellas, Sewing Machines, Etc., Etc. H. MAIMAN, Proprietor. DRUGS, Mb AND NOTIONS, •V..'S-«4srT^>i WAUCONDA "i '• 'it 'A3I &'? -V Wsfcfr' On tM MMioil^ Bed-Reck Bottom Prices. ; , i ' »;«- '• ' /'.'•.i' '• •. ' j&5| P«> place to^btaialthese jp^es^is ai. J. W. Oristy's /• RINCWOOD, ILL. •niantcfni for the favors Wt rhf UnnHMma customers, who are doubtless familisr with my mode of doing business, we give the rules by which we arc governed, for the informa­ tion of those not acquainted with ttnon^ TWi 1. To deal honorably with all. S. To handle none but the best of Goods. ; 8.i sell at the Lowest Living Prices. '• 4. To require payment and pay according to agreement. from misrepresentations of vSb in* 8. To refrain ali kinds. 6. To keep pace with the timeshin troduction of new styles. * , 7. To prevent mistakes, and to oortect them promptly if made. 8. To pay strict attention to oar business. 9.^ To treat all with politeness, seeking and trying to merit custom on strictly business principles, and taking pleasure at all times in showing goods, whether purchases aro In­ tended or not. Our stock for the Spring and Summer trade is complete la every parti#(lar asit; consists in part ot " 'SZZ GOODS, &R0CEBIIS, -I fh NOTIONS Wu HATS AND CAPS9 BOOTS and 8HOE8, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE DRUGS, MEDICINES, > And in short everything r.sually kept In a first-class country store which wili be sold at prices as # Cash wms, Credit a Failure We want your Cash trade, at the NUK0A, RICHMOND PIWCHBE CASttJ^REti^ Everything as represented or moiiey refunded, of the most and best Goods tor the least money . Of. «4> Under any circumstances enables these stores to name prices on all classes ot merchandise. We "will sell you ffood merchandise cheaper than any store in the Northwest and the following incomplete Pric© List will convince you. Will your Credit merclduit sell following prices? f Good P r i n U ' O i e . Good Print|......,4....;.£...^..;^ii..i.... 05<\ Good Priaft;,;..;y4-«• • • 5J<c Coats' Cotton ...£>......... 06c. Best Bleaahed Cotton 08c, Best Uableached Cotton.. \ 07c, GoodUableaclieil Cottoni..^...i.i....- •• 06c. No. 1 Black Alpacea,...iiii; .^U....... 26c. No. 1 Colored Aipaeca....,...^. li^c. No. 1 Table Linnan..,.';;>•••.• 25c. Black Cashmere .. .50,65, 88c. Mens Hose .. ... 06c. WnmetisHose -- 06c. 5c. Items, see theni Good Denims.. . 1SM«" Good ;Corset8....,t.. ,1..... ®>c. Ladies Ties A Bows....... ............5 to S6c. Mens Boots... '. i,../... 1 75. Mens Boots, Fine...........;.;.;..;,.. S SO. Mens Boots, Fine ... ...... ....2.10 to 2 25. WomensShoes, Warranted......... 1 00. WomensSboeB. Good .. 100 Mens Pants... 50,75^ 169 tsoys' Suits at less than Oott of Oloth. Mens Suits No. 5 001. Mens SnitsNo. 8 71, MensSuits.... ....lioo to23 00. Hats & Caps • 40c., to ?«S. Trunks & Valises, way down, ~ " ' ~ " alU...... Teas, that Beat th*m .SO, 5A 40»wl »a VlbM No. 1 Coffl'ee.... lllba Raisins 121bs Rice 17H>s Currants............ 30lbs Peaches........... •20 lib Bars Soap.......... I81bs DrU^l Apples Stove Polish No. 1 Baking Powtler......ik.............. Crockery, John Maddoek & Sons, we will sell Less than others can Bnv. Largo Stock of Yellow and Glass Waie tto We want trade and are working for IT. Have Established tlit reputation in McHenry County, of a cheap seller and am going to keep it. Cash does the business and the longtime CREDIT stores MUST nuit the CRY of POOR GOODS, for it won't WIN. My Customers know better. Come and see me, visit one of the Three Stores, and it will pay you. It will be money in your pock- et" Respectfully Tours, * Chicago Office 122 Franklin St. ~ . . C. F. HALL. ' Stores at Richmond, fftiirtta and Ihmdee. Low Call and examine Goods and; learn prices. " : . J. W. CRISTY. ' Bingwood, Illl, March 12th, 1879. , si FURNITURE. " % JOHN i BLAKi McHenry, Presents to the buying public a larger stock of all kinds of Fnrnttnre this 8prin£ than ^rejtjjbefore, which I am offering at REDUCED PRICES, Now is the Time To Buy. We have taken great pains in selecting our Undertaking Supplies. . Cols, Caskets, ani Tripiis, Of ihe latest designs. Everything Hvw and elegant. We keen nothing but the bedyk Do not fail to call ana «ee us when In wftqt of anything in our line. A Splendid New Hearse In connection, which will be furnished at a tteascnable Kates. Book Haunt. Notions i Notions!! We have a fnll lino of Notion*. Call and see them. -AKD- 4 •Z- " v ,"-v fp- _ *' r-< M r . s -f,c •His soiiftoh Thave ftll the Leading REAPERS AND MOWERS MuriM. -"tip#*"- Reaper line I keep the wel! known WALTER A. WOOD, PEKKLK83 and LEADER. For a Mower I have the MEADOW KING, PEERLESS, WALTER A. WOODv (New closed Gear,) arid the JOHN P. MANNY, all sold entirely on their merits and CHEAPER TIJAN THE CHEAPEST. ^ Rakes ! Rakes! Rake^l* ^ I can please any' man on a Bake. I keep the TIGER, F1JR8T A BRADLEY and ARCHER SELF DUMPS. For a Hand Dump I have the Celebrated HOLL.1SGSWORTil. FU&ST A JBJ^ADLEY, OiiVIS and FAVQ|tlTE. The only First MattteV ; fi.t •' i'r f , Si' ^ OarriageSj Carriages# I have some more of the EMERSON, FISIIER k CO. CARRIAGES, (always kept on hand,) which have no equal. I have sold 40 or more of than an'd never h»d te* returnee on account of material or workmanship, and are Standing the hanging to-dar totter than " " " ' " »f the country. Call and see tbem before purchasing as I For a Platiorm Spring Wagon % I keopeoastantlv on hand (he. "CORTLAND" IMPROVED GEARS, which are »M known to noed an explanation. A)so the EMPIRE ROAJ> WAGON, made by the aama > Buggy made in this part of the country, dent I can please you. n an/ Laaa»> PUMPS! PUMPS! PUMPS! Talking about IRON PUMPS. I have the "BUCKEYE/' the floeat Force Pump ever put into a Well. Also the Celebrated KENOSHA WOOD PUMP. A fnll line of both always on hand at Greatly Reduced Prices, - - •„ . The only Genuine "BOSS" CHURN in the Market. Also SECTIONS of all kinde always on hand. % If in want of anything in my line' do notfail to call as I knof I can suit. At the Ola Stand, Opposite the Mill. .< ' I want yonr trade and will do anything rea­ sonable and honest to get it and hold it. Dealing for Cash only and not being as cen. trally located as other merchants, I fully realize that in bidding for your trade I must rely* mainly on ' I # I Quality and Priced of GWds offered, I wn a Notary Public aad prepared to draft papers neatly and accurately. Applications for Fire Insurance will re* ceiv| prompt attention, >|F. B, HAHRI8ON9 f: Practical Druggist, * Waueonctaf III. In Picture Frames aiid "Wall, Brackets we will not be under­ sold. JOHN B. BLA&E. McHenry, I1L, March 13th, 1879. ̂ T.J. CLIFTON, Practical Horse :r-n.-4 16c. aoc. The great international walking which lias been progressing in ion for six days, end!ng Saturday at 11 o'clock, was won by Weston who covered the unprecedented dis­ tance of 560 miles, beating all competi­ tors ly almost 100 miles, consequently the great Astley Champion Belt will return to America, where it will fee llkjely to stay for some to com<v-- tyest^n is veteran Pedestrian who in­ augurated long distance walking in thi^country,an<! now stands forth aa the qnitmpion of the world. 1% * "• "•] . . , <..< wise in time and get a %&tt1e«f M;tr»»iiairs Lung Syrup, which al- fiys enreri Cougtis and Colds, aud pre­ vents < 'onHUJiiption. Friee qtthf 25 w.iitM a bottle, iiold by Oolbf' Bros., McIIenry. • "<4"'" '"U • '<• 0 Shop Opposite tho Parker House, McHenry, - - - - - Illinois. Having an experience of many year; in this in business 1 flatter myself that the line of Horso-Shoeing I can please all who may give me a call. I respectfully ask all who have lame horses or horses with bad feet, no mat­ ter what the cause, to jrive me a call, and I am confident 1 can help them if not entirely REPAIRING. Ironing and all kinds of Geweral Blacksmith, ing done promptly and In a workmanlike manner. The Wagon Department of this shop onsump run by a competent workman, and in this line will receive attention. Having CTiire mere to»i»y my eiwioiwiert* vnn rest assured of always finding me mt home and ready to attend to their wants. Mv Motto will be Prices Low and work done promptly and in good shape. U-iveyme a Call. Having dread disease, Con T. a. McHenry, June 10th, 1879. TON. Ladies regular made 15 36 cents, at Fitzsimmo hruriran Hose If vansons* 0E. M. OWEPT1 ilton _FIRM. Steelhammer, GENERAL i Hlmory Clems, Chas. Xortheiul, C|oice Thoughts, I, N. Carlton. Cibical Blocks, in neat box. 65c. Yfung Lady's Counselor. Daniel Wist. 85c. Ffjlitics for Young Americans. Nord- hofi.yOOc. . • • :X," Science of Common Things,]), A. Wells, $1.10. • "• ' ^ • - School Speakers, different authors, 80 to ,2.50. Earth and Man, Guyot, 1.16. Ar|of Extempore Speaki'ng, Ban- tin. 1,15. Teachers Assistant. Northend, 1.40. Common School Question Book, 3000 questions with answers, Tenth addition Craig. 1.50. Novelty Blackboard Eraser, per doc. 1.50, 1 We haters Unabridged Dictionaries, «10. For these or anr School supplies needed address "Teacher. Bok #2. Nunda, 111. ^ _ Cucumber Seeds, for the Pickle Factory at Stevens & Schnorr's MoHENRY, ILL. The snbscribers having entered late a eo rtnership, can be found at the old stand of 111. Til ton, near the Riverside Housa, pre- red to do all kinds of BlackMaKhing in the ost workmanlike manner and at REASON ABLE PRIGI^ Horse Shoeing a Specialty. In this branch of the business we defy bom- tion Iwth in quality of work and price, S9*FOB CASH we oflbr the fttiiowlfeg Low rices: ew shoes .......900. oeing gnd Setting Me, tting Shoes .......He. And warrant satisfaction. We also set tire for $! 39 per wagon. And ali other work in proportion. Call and aeo US and you will find that it is not neeeaaary to go bum home for yonr wotk. TILTON A STBELHAXMJBU, McHenry, 111.,' 30th, 1879. THE ad V cured of that ' . . • vious to rnaae known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the SKintt, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis. Ac. Par- i"!pwre buirgk, N. Y. Twentv.flve cents will cent bottle of Piso. where,

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