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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 May 1880, p. 4

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MAY 19, 18*0, WEDNESDAY, ^§. VAN 8LYKB. Editor. fir THE COrNTY CONVISNTIO*. ' ^The Connty Convention, which was io Woodstock on Saturday last, pissed oil v«ty quietly, and *»« believe tft the aathfactlen of * majority of the delegate* present. At- the primaries llflld a week before * majority of the i|i|o|(RtM ch«wn w«ra i*r Blaine, and f»fe*nr#e all would quietly ebide by till* rieclftion, n«* matter what their personal preference might be. Rut there is one thing In relation to £Hir Honntv (Conventions, and this one •' I* particular, which should receive • Hie condemnation of alltrue Republl 8*n*. We refer to their being run on f|t« »»one man power" system, and that ggt*, by a man who may, technically. Ilave a legaL bu| certainly lias no moral ^ijrtit to a voice In politics in McHenry County. If Cook County is to run our ^|Jo»ivenHons, what Is the use of hold- |n* Caucn«e« and pending delegate* from the different towns simply to do tl,* bidding of this wire-pulling ^liachlne who, while belong- : llijr to poll Moil clubs and organiza­ tions in the city of Chicago, makes his torags that he carries McHenry County In his vest pocket. It is a disgrace to the County, and If the Republican Conventions ire hereafter to be run %y such Rin? Tools as J. M. South- frorth. It were better that none were Ifeld ut all. It is humiliating to sit In a Conven­ tion and see a good round majority Uphold by their votes such a perfor- Ibrnianse as was enacted on Saturday fcy this Ringster, with only the excuse ttiat he Is working in the same cause ~"~ind for the same ends they are. Great God! Was he ever known to work for any Interest other than his own? Has fce not always been fed at the public urib until very lately, aud does any one ^**4oubt but that lie is no*v attempting to use McHenry County a$ a cats-paw to again feather his nest? It would kave been better tor the party had he irent with his bosom friend Jack *' f arnsworth, years ago. Republicans of McHenry Connty, think of this, and decide whether or not you are wilting to be longei nsed M a tool by this unscrupulous wire puller. ggrJefT Davis was recently invited to New Orleans to an entertainment for llie benefit of the widows and or­ phan? of the Mexican war. He was , iiuabSe to respond In person, but wrote .* letter. He saye: MIt is a burning l^hame that the government whose ex- ^iatided territory and augmented .wealth is so mainly due to tho valor and sacrifices of the men who consti. tnted the army in Mexico, should with­ hold from them such relief as Is bountifully awarded to the actors in a recent internecine war." If J«ff had hit way a little while he would soon sec that the'"recent internecine war" fellows were attended to. They inter­ fered with a little speck of of Jeffer- •ou'i ambition.--Inter Ocean. 16^The Inter Ocean says: "We hear it repeatedly asserted that the Democracy are all anxious for General Grant's nomination, so they can beat him. Did the action of Thurman and Eaton in the United States Senate the other day, justify this position? The facts are, there is no man in the United States to-day that Is so feared by the Democracy as U. 8. Grant. The future will demonstrate, as the pan ha* dote that they have good reasons for the sentiment. tGFThe Secretary of State has asked an appropriation of #50.000 to expend In the reception of the King of Siam If it requires snch a large sum for such an Insignificant system of royalty, may Heaven defend this country from Visit from any of the monarchs Europe. In jnet proportion to his state, in comparason, the Emperor Germany would necessitate an appro­ priation of $5000,000. It Is preferable that if the Kings must come, tliey come as exiles. A discrowned monarch, like a stingless wasp, is harmless.--Ex. I^A man named Walden At wood living In Kane County, makes a living and a little besides on wolf-scalps His a»siBtnnt Is a dog of the bull-terrier breed, rather small in size. This dog was raised with a litter of wolf cubs, for the express purpose of being trained for wolf hunting. This eld banter says that the wolves have beeu hunt*d so much that they have become possessed of an Almost human intelli (fence. Before the cubs get their eyes •pen they are removed from the pa M»sfcNfoj»ome hole at a consider- distance, which is usually so small that neither the old wolf nor dogs can enter it. and the cubs receive nonrish ment by coming out at regular inter­ vals. or on the call of the old she wolf. In tracking the cutis to their new home Atwood and his bull terrier exhibit their skill. He never carries a gun, kills an «ld wolf. He does not consid' er it policy to carry on a war of exter­ mination. The old man thinks there are a hu.idted old fat wolves still left lit Kane County, and as a litter usually •IMuberti dve, lie thinks, with the aid •f his ball-terrier, tie will make a few honest pennies during the next twelve IIHtuths.--Peoria Journal. F(vn • OOrrtt«i»<>iKleut of tiro Aurora Heacm*. | The Congressional Question I think. Messrs. Editors.** that the people of Kaue county will recognise the propriety at thin time of a state-; mcnt of the relative claims of the two candidates who will go before the; coming couuty convention and ask for' endorsement--who will seek a recom­ mendation trom Kaue county to the district. If th«re are any reasons why one is preferable to the other, the pub­ lic should now be informed of them. The candidates referred to are Hon* J. C. Slier win. the present Incumbent, and Hou. Sylvester 3. Mann, of Elgin. It is the opinion of tJ»e writer that while there are many reasons why Mr. Sherwin should be continued In the office he is to-day filling so ciedltably, there are also many reasons why Kane couuty cannot afford to endorse Mr. Mann. The objection urged against Mr. Sherwin is, that he lacks ability, and that he has failed to make any stir In Congress, and I have noticed that this complaint has come, in the main, from unreasonable and unreasoning people-" that the most of the men who h*ve raised their voices against him belong to the most ignorant class of politi­ cians of the county. I will wager a new hat tiiat not more than two of them can call the names of fifty mem­ bers of the national legislature, and yet they have the effrontery to claim that Mr. Sherwin should have obtained instant pre-eminencn in a body of three hundred men, about a hundred of whom are above fifty-five years of age, and have had many years of legis­ lative experience. It is a mistake to suppose that any man In this age of political quietness and peace can leap Into stable fame at wish. Only Ker- neys, and Weavers, and Solon Chases and Hoars can succeed In getting sud­ den notice, and they invariably fade away into eternal oblivion. The idea of expecting Mr. Sherwin to make a dozen or fifteen spoiitaneus outbursts of eloquence In one session of Congress, is about as uncharitable and foolish an ideaasever was given thought. Mr. Sherwin is very much likev a common Mortal. He is some like the average of congressmen, and we are content to know that he has the elements of suc­ cess, industry and ability, and that he is a man of unquestionable moral strength. We owe it to ourselves and to the district to give him our endorse­ ment. and I shall expect to see him endorsed until a man of more" charac­ ter, integrity and ability than Sylves­ ter S. Maun, comes up to rob him of his seat, with no better recommenda­ tion than a life of wire-pulling, the Lord convention, and his connections with getting the Wheelers and the Leader quartered on the brisk city of Elgin. AN UNPARALLELED OUTRAGE. Beyond all perndventure, the Lord- Maim convention in 1876 has no par­ allel in the political history of this or any other country. In that conven­ tion the supporters of Gen. Hurlbut had a two-thirds majority of duly ac­ credited delegates, and the idea of stealing from a two-thirds majority the right to express Its choice for congressman was a thing unheard of until the consummation of the out­ rage executed by Elgin's ancient ring, Their actions aroused nuiverssl dis­ gust and contempt, and became a syn onym for the most unscrupulous po­ litical trickery. The metropolitan papers pointed to them as evidence of political deprayity. The south towns of the county carried their resentment of the Lord-Maim acts so tar as to sup­ port Mr, Hurlburt as an independent candidate, and gave him a tremendous majority over Mr. Lathrop, the protege f the Elgin ring, and the regular nominee, as the following vote will show: Hurlburt. 1,103 SM 108 139 its SS ISO 11 ToUl 1,904 *700 This was a most vigorous protest against the manner in which Sir. Lath rop received his nomination. The vote for Mr; Hurlbut was cast altogether by Republicans, the Democrats all voting for General Farnswoi th. THE LORD CONVENTION made Mr. Mayborne senator, because Its outrage incensed the people of old Kane against S. S. Mann. There ivert but two candidates for the nomination --Mann and Mayboriie--and notwith­ standing the natural predilection of a majority of Undelegates were for Mann, they could not endorse his par­ ticipation in the Lord plot, and he was signally defeated. Then it was that Sylvester S. Mann learned that there existed a chance for an indignant pub­ lic to express its resentment against him. He took the hint, and has for the past four years waited in retirement for the people to forget his past acts. And now he comes to the front and asks for a great favor from the com­ munities he assisted in injuring. Kane county should not neglect a chance to administer to his presumption a se­ vere humiliating rebuke. *BM McIIENRY - B A K E R Y , .f .< -~AND»a~ , *, >• "MSTAURANT. R0BT. PATTERSON, Prop. itaving opened a Bakery and Restaurant it tie Village of Vclfenry, the subscriber would inf >rm the public that he is now pre­ pared to furnish them witli Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pies, Ac Of the host quality and at the lowest ratea.*~ We also keep a tine stock of Administrator's Sale. PUBLIC notice in hereby fti'ven. that by virtue ol' ii liecrutai order of the Probate Court >>f Mc.Hciirv o.mntv. -- l»th day in April, a, V. 18*0, I, the under- tug-ned, administratrix ot the estate ot An­ drew Wells, deceased, shall offer tor sale at public vendue, to the best bidder, at theomce of K. K. (iranger, in the village of McHenry, county of Mcllenry, State of Illinois, at the hour of *2 o'clock, j». m., on the 21th day of May, l>. 1880, the following described real estate, o-wit: The half {h) of the South.west (uarter (M) of the North-east quarter (M). of •eetion six ft:), township forty-lour (44), range line (#); containing "JO acres, more or less, said land to be sold subject to a right ot lower for cash. itUTH A. l'HUWLWELL. Administratrix. Date 1 this 2lst day of April, a. d. 1880. Fancy Groceries, Canned Goods, Ac., to which We Invite the attention of the public. •W Bakery in Howe's Block, opposite tb( McHenry House. 4VICR CREAM alwivB on hand. .. „ „ BO'HT. PATTERSON. McHenry, May 19th, 1880. FOR SALE --IN-- Executors Notice. Estate of Elizabeth Besser, deceasod.-- The undersigned having been appoint­ ed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Elizabeth Besser, deceased, late ot the County of Mcllenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear be­ fore the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House, in Woodstock, at the June term, on the third Monday in June next at which time all persons naviug claims against said Estate are notified and request­ ed to attend for the purpose ot having the same adjusted. All persohs indebted to sain Estate are requested to make immediatepay- tueut to the undersigned. • Dated this 26th day of April A. D-> 1880. Leonard Bonslktt, Execntor. in • C' A Rare Chases for a Business Han. My health having become im~ paired to that extent that I am unable to attend to my business, I have decided to dispose of my property in Ringvvood, consisting of my store, 40 by 50 feet, one half of which is two stories high, upper story finished off conveni­ ent for a small family, the lower story being designed expressly for a stock of General Merchan­ dise, such as is usually kept in a Country Store, with Office and ost Office in center of .one end. STATE OF ILLINOIS. McHenry County, Ircuit Court of McHenrvJ Connty, May term, A. D„ lf«o. Nellie Coleman vs. Lucian Coleman. Aflldavit of thS non-resi- dence of Lucian Coleman the above named defendant, having been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of MeHenry County, notice is hereby given to the said Lucian Coloman that the Complainant here­ tofore filed her Bill of Complaint in said Court on the Chancery side thereof, and that a biiinniQiis thereupon issued out of said Conrt agai»8t said defendant,, returnable on the 4t.h Monday of May A. I). 18^), as is by law required. Noiv, unless you the said Lucian Coleman shall personally he and appear be­ fore the said Circuit Court of Mcllenry Coun­ ty, on the lirst day of a term thereof, to be holden at Woodstock, in said county on the 4th Monday of May A. I)., 1830, and plead an- swer or demur to said Complainant's Bill of Complaint, the same and the matters and things therein charged and stated will be ta­ ken as confessed and a decree entered against you according to the prayer of said bill. E. E. Rich ards, Clerk. A. B. Coon, Jr., Compl'ts'Solicitor. Dated April 18th A D. 1&<0. Also the Building known as the Merchant Store, and one Lot. Also my Dwelling House and Barn and 3^ acres of "very choice land, on which there is abundance of Fruit, such as Apples, Pears, Cherries and Grapes. All of the above property is situated within live minutes walk of the Kingvvood Station, on the Fox River Branch of the 0. & N. W. 11.It., in one of the rieasantest country towns in Illinois. No letter opportunity can he found in Illinois for any business man who would be satisfied to do a business of $12,000 to :»15,000 a year, as the people are all white people, nearly all farmers of the thriftv class, able and willing to buy what they nee I and pay tor it, and no other Store nearer than four miles distant, thusaffording a Rood business man, who is willing to deal fairly, an exccllentoppni'tuni- ty. I will offer any party who may wish to pur. chate any of the above property such in­ ducements aB no real business man, who might wish to engage in the Mercantile business, would decline ao avail himself of, as I mein what I say when I say I am deter, mined to dispose of the above pi*operty%ither with or without my stock of Goods, at the earliest opportunity, and at such prices as will sell them. In the mean time will make such prices on our present Stock of Goods will be an inducement to those who may need anything in my line. Aurora Batavia Big Rock Blackberry Sugar Grove . . Kanevltte Lalhrop. 48S 05 ST J. W. CRI STY. -and! • :^t5h V. ^irfh-4-K' # »./ t f - JTXO A. REICHELT, ^ General Salesman, Seta, Schwab A. {Oa • BICH AUD WALSit Traveling Salesman W. F. Quan A Co. Wk 0. CUETH, Keicheltv Walsh & Dixon, GENERAL ; r. j *- 4m Must Prevail pj J. A. Keckeisen, M. Kelter Keckeisen & Kelter, General Commission t, „ S r CHANTS, --DEALERS lic­ it is a solid fact, notwithstand­ ing the exultant feelings of our (wordy) competitors over our great loss by fire, thatwe have sold more Buggies and Machinery since we burned out than they can sell the entire year. This is owing to our old motto, .of Quick Sales A SmalS Profits And our disposition to undersell or burst. Also to the apprecia­ tion by the manufacturers of our trade, they are unanimously sell­ ing us goods from 10 to 20 per cent less on acconnt of our loss, and we are giving our customers the benefit of it. fSjgPIt will pay anyone to visit the ruins, see our relics and large new stock. T. J. DACY- Woodstock, April 13th, '80. wholesale dealers in Flour, Fruits and Produce of all kinds. 138 South Water Street, CHICACO. References By Permisstini : Preston, Kean & Co,, Bankers, Chlca eago. 8elz, Schwab ft Co., Boot and Shoe Manuffce- tueers, Chicago. W. J. Quan & Co., Wholesale Grocer, Chicago Me>er, .Strauss h Goodman. Wholesale Cloth- era, Chicago. MoCann, Fitch A Converse, Wholesale Paper, ^Chicago. Woodstock John W. Bunn * Co., Wholesale GrowM, „ _, Springfield, UL H.E.Hunt, Banker and Merchant,DiiadM Illinois* Jacob Mueller A Co., Louisville, Kjr. . Geo, W. l>Avir,on ft Co., New Orleana* lift Sherman A Knox, Wholesale Faaoj Qioow» (Jhicago. References: Thos, Whitson A Son, Hardware Dealers W. H, Dtri?ht, Boots and Shoes. STENCILS AND TAGS, SENT OS APPLICATION., CONSIGNMENTS AND > .PONDENCE SOLICITED. " Flour, Grain, Port, Larft, Hams, Green and Dried Fruits. Butter,[Eggs, Poul try. Hides, Pelts, etc. 170 South Water Street, CHICAGO, REFERENCE--Jas. M. Ad sit, Banker. Advances made on Consignments. Hurrah For H. Maiman --NEW STOCK OF- C l i O T H X H Q The largest ever brought the country. this part fSfiflfl worth just received ot tho latest styles and most elegant patterns. lity and Iain fit.- are AN UNUSUALLY Fox River Valley Mill. R. BISHOP, Proprietor. McHenry - - - - llinois. Large and Attractive STOCK OF GOODS, --IN ALL DEPARTMENTS.-- BIH MI SELL FOB B Mew Boot & ShoeShop, (JEO.E. BROWN, Having opened a Shop over Bishop's Ware house, McHenry, is now prepared to manu­ facture to order Boots and Shoes, Either coarse or flne. on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. Having had an expe­ rience of many years in the business I am confident I can please all who may see fit to give me a call. Charges Reasonable. ^"REPAIRING Promptly attended to.-- Give me a call. GEO. E. BKOWN. Mcllenry, May 4th, 1880, now able to suit in prices, quality Also Boots 9L Rhoes, Hats & Caps, Gents Furnishing Goods and Pie^e Goods, the most fashionable suitings ever brought to this section and the.-prices lower than the lowest. Coats, Pants, V'w»ti< or'pntire suits on short notice »nd on th<j mosb reasonable terms.-- Goods Fits guaranteed and all work war- ran tivt. , Mrs. H. Maiman, Has just ieceived a large stock of Lata Fsbiosalile Millinery Goods and Novelties. Hats trimmed in tho latesc styles at prices within the reach of all. Iu Wluuebago couuty a sharp and determined warfare is being made •gsftiflt the illegal sale of liquor. At the late session of the Grand Jury, thirty-eight indictments for selling vere found, and a lively time is antici­ pated on the trial. It is presumed that a Urge uuaiber of defective .fctMnwiPs will b« found during tlie t-*rrM:--«t»o d*<*irW»d luck of judgement IM to tbtt »<id »»turo of liquids dlMuk, For the benefit of all sufltrerg be good enough to bring the wonderful effects of St. Jaceb6 Oil before the public. Far twelve long years my wife suffered with Neuralgia in the head, and oftsn had tfte most terrible pain*. A.few weeks ago, 1 bought a bottle of that wonderful remedy, St Jacobs Oil, anil am perfectly astonished at its marvelous etiect; half a bottle thoroughly cured my wife. I gladly would have paid aiiy physician fifty dollars could he have done the same; therefoie ( wish that everybody may learn to value this true.medicine. Chbistian Hanky, YoungnUnm, Ohio. SURE CURE Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bron- ehitis, Asthma, Consumption, Am* MM Biswases of TMKOAT and LVNCMk Pol tip Ik Qa&rt-Size Bottles for Family Um. 8eleiittfiesilly prepared of Balsam Tola, Cryetallliad Rook Candy, Old Hyes and other tonics. The Formal* It .known to ouf beat physicians, is highly commended Df them, and th© analysis of onr most prominent enemist. Prof. Gr. A* MARINER, in Chicago, is on the label of ©very bottle. It is well known to the medical pTofetsioft that TOLU ROCK and RYE will afford the greatest relief for Coughs, Colds, Influenza, BronchitU* Bore Throat, Weak Lungs, also Consumption, in the In* elplent asid advanced stages. Uted as a BEVERAGE and makes» delightful tonic for family use. Is pleasant to take; if weak or debilitated, it gives tone, activity and strength to the whole human fr^mo. (C A en wl plaoa the oi ins « P ATTHTIOIV DON'r BE DECEIVED' VAU A JL\ J^iJi • by unprincipled deal- 10 try to palm off upon you Rock and Rye in of our TOLU ROOK AND RYE, which la rij^edicated article made^Aegenuine hav ) >VKKNMKNT STAMP on each bottle UiWSGNC£ Si MARTIN, Proprietors, 111 Madison Street, CUeag*, BTAik your Di'iimltt for It! Ask your Orortr for It! Hr Ask yoar Wine Mt-rchant for It! fW Ckllarea, task. your Mamma Tor It! by BitU'€^USHTO. OROO£BS a W1KJB M£H«pitAJa 'I'M STerywhen. We take pleasure in announcing t* our patrons that we have just received a large stock of Dress Goo>ls froui N«tV York, comprising the latest ami finest styles and a better grade of goods than is usually offered. STEVKN8 4r 5CHKOBR, JOB t. BLAKE Has the Finest Stock of FURNITURE Of all Kinds, to be found in the county, which he is selling at SEWIN'i MACHINES of all kinds, in which our specialities are Blrtredge, Domes­ tic, New Home. /Vmerican*au«l Singer 5ew- ing Machine Attachments and Needles of all kinds. Will sell as low as any establishment in the county. Call and examine our stock and learn prices. H. MAIMAN, Proprietors Wauconda, III. MIMHD CONSTANTLY ON HAND. CUSTOM GRINDING Done nromptly.and satisfaction guarantee Having just put in a new Feed Stone, capab f grinding sixty buthels of Feed per hour, m prepared to do y<«ir grinding on short nc ice. •9-The Highest Market Price paid Milling Wheat. R. BISHOP McHenry III.,Dec. 11th, 1878. "We can sell you goods from 15 to 25 per cent cheaper than a credit house "We respectfully solicit your patronage, and guar­ antee perfect satisfaction in every transaction you have with us. 8TEVENS & 8CHNORR. BOTTOM PRICKS, vinced. #ciienry, Jan 49*CalI and be ron JOHN B. BLAKE 7th 1880 New Headquarters, LAUER & BECKER, Near the Depot M c H e n r y - - - - - I l l l n o i S i GOODS AND PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. Having moved onr store to the Lansin Bl'>c.k.directly opposite onr old stand, our rnngements for the Spring and Summer cam­ paign nre fully comple­ ted. Our plans to sorv<> <>nr custciners conveni­ ently, and our Stock of •nods, in quality, quan­ tity, variety and 'cheap. ne«s, surpass anything over before shown in McHenry. Our fctock 3f Spring & Sun Suitings. Comprises the latest styles, and we are pre- pared to make single garments or full suits on short notice and guaran­ tee satisfaction. Wo also, have ft full line of FURNISHING GOODS dollars, Cuffs. Suspenders, nosier?, HATS, CAPS, &c. in which we will not be undersold, quality of goods considered. *ar If in want of anything in otir line do not fail to give us a call and we will try to please yon both in quality aud price. LAUER A BEOKEH. JOS. WIEDEMANN Ag$ nt Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER, McHenry, III. Beer in T^aram or Small Kegs or Bottles *1. Wivs on hand cheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. This Beer has a world wide reputation, and good judges acknowledge It cannot oe snr. passed in the world. Orders by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. •McHcnry, Ill.'Mav 5th, 1880. EAST SIDE mm ij'jiu iJU Farmers Attention! We are Not closing out, but are better prepared than ever to give close bargains on all kinds of Farm Machinery. We make a speciality of ill the leading Machinery, among which are Walter A. Wood Reapers and Mowers, Peerless combined Reap­ ers, Leader Reapers, the celebrated Manny and Standard Mowers. Furst & Bradley's Cultivators, Rakes and Plows. Jour leading Cultivators. The celebrated and unrivaled Tiger Rake, Hollings- worth Rakes and several others. A very ttne assortment Colors, at Besley's Drug 8 site the Parker House. *8* win. 9 The undersigned 'having rented the old Fisher Market five doors North of the River­ side House, re-jminted anf fitted up the same are now prepared to furnish custom- Fresh & Salt Meats OF ALL KINDS, Sausage, Smoked Heats, Lowest AT THE T ilvinjf Prices. We shall bo realy atall times to supply our customers with what they want, and L^Tlint of the best quality and we flatter ouraclve# that we can offer our customers Meats in as gocd or better shape than any other shop in this section. «a"Cash and the highest market price paid for Cattle, Hogs, Veal Calves, Chickens, Ac. Give us a call. R. WAITE. McHenry, April ftUh, 18M. 50 dozen Hats Iii Men and Boys pur­ chased for canh at less than nmiiiifao tnrers prices. Fitzsimmons & Evanson offer them at unusual bargains. Go to Mr&. 8. Searles and 6ee her stylish Hats. Has the largest stork in the connty to select from. Mourning a specialty, work dene on short notice. f PUMPS! PUMPS! PUMPS We also have a full assortment of the Celebrated BUCKEYE FORCE UMPS always on hand. Also the Adams Kenosha for a Wood limp. Also We keep an assortment of Wagons and Buggiea ot all kinds. Howe's Planters, and in fact every thing that a tarmer wants. If in Want of anything in our^ line do not fail to^call as I know I can suit. At the Old Stand, Opposite the Mill. E. IM. OWE]> Ac SON. RED PRICE. Twenty-five celrts w ill now buy a fifty cent bottle of piso's Ouie for Con­ sumption. Thus the best COUGH med­ icine is the CHEAPEST. Sold every­ where. Lace Curtains 17 cts^ per ywd ftt fUzsitgaioqs & Branson's. POULTRY WANTED. Casli^ftwHhe Highest Market Price paid for aUklnds of Poultry at my Poultry House, near the McHenry. Bring along your Depot, Poultry, A T.Elpudoi McHkjckt, Jan. 9th, 1880. PTF 1?C Of all kinds. Tumors, discbar 1- 1 ges'nf Blood or muron*, and all lisease* of the KertQn fuicklv and perfectly cured by a »Uuple and soothinw reiaedy. Knf format i.'r. nd'.re** DR. a.fABKK A CO tK Ann St., N. X. '

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