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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 May 1880, p. 5

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•i "•SS ipp JkmlNter. as-- .-- WEDNESDAY, MAY 1», 1880. Railroad Time Table. QOINO SOOTH. RMTI Lake P^nenjar ...I'M A. it wra Like Creuut 1:15 r. M onmo HOITH. MMII Lake Freight... *. *• Mnn Uk« Passenger 6:53 r. M MASONIC. .MCHKHRT CHAPTER No 34 R. A. II--Regular Convocation* hoi i on the second and fourth fridaya in each month. SMITH SKABI.ES, H. P. HENRY COI.BY. Secretary. MCHENRY LOOOR, No 15S A. R. and A. M.-- ••fnlftr Communications the Saturday on or totore the full of the moon and evefjr tiro VMki thereatter. SMITH SBABMta W. M. FRESH Strawberries just received at Colby Bras., Riverside Block. SEE the new advertisement of the MoHenry Bakery, to be found In Another column. THE Leap Year Party talked of by the Ladies of this village haa been in­ definitely postponed. STRAWBERRIES and Cream at HL D. Scott's Restaurant, on Thursday (to-morrow) evening. HON. F. K. GRANGER left for Spring- field on Monday afternoon. He goes to attend the State CoRvention which meets to day. Wednesday. THE largest assortment ot Ready- Made Clothing to bo found in the County, at Colby Bros., Riverside Block, MCHenry. THE person who borrowed a part of an extension Ladder from J. Story, will confer a (a*»r by returning the same. Do not wait to be asked the seceud time. WE are informed that while Uucle Samuel Stocker was llahing on the bridge the other day, an individual with more cheek than brain*, came along, and without as much as saying by your leave, carried off a string of fish which Mr. Stocker had caught.-- That the individual in question was fall of benzine, was no excuse. The act was one that any respectable man ought to be ashamed of. THE Geneva Lake Herald Bays: Mr. W, H. Stnnnett. General Passenger Agent of the C. A N. W. R. R., tele­ graphs us that the Ciscoette Passenger and the Excursiou Passenger trains will he put'on. on Sunday, May 23d, run­ ning at about the same times as last year. It Is expected that the Cisco? ette will be a permanent thing Winter and Summer hereafter, which for the convenience of business men, cannot be too strongly desired. THE Steamboat is now making nlar trip* to the Lakes, running In connection with the trains, and quite a number are going up daily. From present indication wn predict that the number of visitors to Fox\Lake this season will be larger than e^r before. The accommodations forgetting there never wete better than at present, while at the Lakes there arc no better Hotels and Boarding Houses to be found anywhere. E. M. OWEN A SON, the old and re­ liable dealers In Agricultural Machin­ ery, have a new advertisement this week which farmers will do well to read. They have a complete stock of Farming Tools of all kinds, and are offering rare inducements to buyers.-- They have just received a new Invoice of Top Buggies. Phaetons, tic., and invite an examination of those desir- SEE. the new advertisement of Steven," «fc Schnorr in another column. Their stock is complete, ami you should not fail to examine their goods and learn prices before purchasing. MRS. H- H. NICHOLS wishes to an­ nounce that she will doover all kinds of straw work and Leghorn Hats.-- Bleaching and Pressing done with dispatch, at Reasonable Prices, WE understand tnat mere is strong talk of putting up a Telephone from the Depot to the Riverside House, in this village. This would be a great convenience to our citizens, and we trust it may be done at once. WOMEN do more headwork than men ; that is, It takes some women four hours to do up their hair for an evening par­ ty, while a good smart man cau do his np in three hours and fifty minutes, easy. ^ WE learn tiiat Rev. B. N. Wiles, a former Pastor of the Universalis! Church in this village, died at Macomb III., week before last. His family have the sympathy of a host of friends iu this vMnity. WHEN planting your melons, try and have the patch as near the fence as pos- • alble. It saves a great deal of anxiety •n the part of the wicked boy. besides keeping your vegetables from being trampled on. A BAD egg may always bo known by the manner in which it lies In the wa­ ter, if placed in it. If good, it inva< rtably lies upon its side. Some bad qggs that we know arc also proved by the way they lie. MAC CHCRCH, of Woodstock, made HI a short call one day last week. Vac will be a candidate for Sheriff this Fall and with his official'record in that office before, and his popularity In the different parts of the county, we judge that his chances f or success are good. RED-HORSE fishing ii now at its height, and you cau scarcely cast your eye upon the streets hut what yon will see a boy carrying oft one or more. The bridge is the most popular place of resort for spears, and every foot is occupied during the entire day. The Ashing for Bass aud Pickerel is also good. THE McHenry Comet Baud are talk­ ing of again re-organizing, and we trust it will not all end in talk. As we have said many times before, we have the material for as good a Baiul as there is in the State, and with a lit­ tle practice they can compete with the best. We. hope they may reorganize, and that at once. SPRAGUE's Circus, which exhibited bore on Thursday last, was one of the biggest frauds on the road. Their great Electric Light consisted of Ker- osone Lamps, and many of the other big tilings advertised was never shown under the tent. We can say no more nor lees of them than that they are a fraud In every seme of the word. MARRIED.--On Saturday. May 15tli( 1860, Mr. Frank Dwight Denny, the Elocutionist and Dramatic Artist, was united in marriage to Miss Jessie Olive Hobbs, (professionally known as Miss Jessie Duuniug,) by the Rev. Dr. J. M Worrall, Pastor of the 8th Presbyter-" Ian Church, at the residence of J. H. 6wartwout.245 Warren Avenue, Chi­ cago, 111. W. R. SMITH, Trask's Agent, of Au­ rora, will be in town this week, with a line stock of Watches, Jewelry, Sil­ verware, Ac., which he will offer at prices thai defy competition. Those who contemplate purchasing will do well to look at his goods. Ho Is a fair dealing man aud those who trade with him can be assured that everything will be just as represented. Ax exchange says that a cow thut wore a bell having been run over and killed on a railroad, the owner brought •nit against tlie railroad company for damages. It was proved that the en­ gineer rang the bell and tried te fright- in the cow off the track, but the farm­ er's vow also raug Iter bell and tried to frighten the engine off the trade, and to the jury decided in his favor. ing to purchase, ment elsewhere. Read the advertise- PROP. R. D. SCOTT has opened Ice Cream Parlors In the Brick Store formerly occupied by H. Colby, which he has fitted up in first class style, and now invites the public to give him a call. He will be ready to serve thos»e who wish Ice Cream on Thursday afternoon and evening, and every Thursday, Saturday and Sunday re­ gularly thereafter during the senson. He will also keep Confectionery, Lemonade,Cider. Cigars, Ac., and we trust he will recieve a liberal patron­ age. FINK STOCK. While passing the farm of John W. Smith, a few days since, our attention was called to his celebrated Short Horn Bull, "Gen. Sherman." and If we ever saw a perfect animal he is one. He was one year old iu February last. Is a bright red. with a few white hairs in his forehead, near the horns, and for general, shape and beauty In every particular we believe he cannot be beaten. Mr. Smith informed us that he has repeatedly refused 8100 for him the present Spring. As soon as we can get it ~ve shall publish his Pedigree in full. We also saw in his yards a young full blood Jersey Bull, about eleven months old, that was a model of that breed. This breed is not as large as the Short Horns, but are very fine, smooth made animals, and this one promises to make a good showing when he gets a little older. , Mr, Smith also has a flue dr^ve of Young Stock, all of the Short Horn blood, which we shall speak more par­ ticularly of at some future time.-- Lovers of fine, pure blood cattle would be well repaid for a visit to Mr.Smith's farm, If for nothing more than to see this splendid youug Short Horn, "Gen. Sherman ON THE DKATH OP RKV. R. N. WIMtS. At a special meeting of the Unlver- salist Society of McHenry, ill., held at the close of the morning sen-ice, Sun­ day. May 16th, 1880, the announcement was made of the death of Rev. B. X, Wiies, a former pastor of their society. Upon motion, a committee of three was appointed to prepare a series of resolutions, expressive of their respect for the man atrl their sense of loss at the news of his death. The committee reported as follows: WHEREAS, Rev. B. N. "Wiles, who was for-a series of years, a pastor of this society, has been called to his last home. Therefore. Resolved, That as citizens we arlve this tribute to his sterling worth as a man, and HP a member of society, one always ready to help in every good cause by every means at his command. Resolved, That as"a member of this religious society fiver which he worked so^piig and so successfully as pastor, wfe recall with gratitude his labors in oil? midst in behalf of Christian trutli and manly living, Resolved, That we learn with sadness of his departure, and join with his widow in mourning the loss of one whom we mutually learned to love and respect and that we commend to her for consolation the great hope and faith which it was the life work of our brother to disseminate abroad In the world. Resolved, That a copy of these reso­ lutions be transmitted to his widow and also be furnished for publication iu the denominational papers, and the papers of this county. WAUCON OA- EDITOR PL AINDEALER:--Since your cor retoondent last ventured to Inflict the readers of Che PLAINDKALER, there have been several noteworthy occur­ rences hereabouts. We have had an election or two and while the writer, with a probable msjority. is perfectly satisfied with rest*#*, there seems to be a feeling of dlssatlsfaetlou regard­ ing the manner of obtaining them.-- We cannot indorse "dark lantern cau­ cuses" or "bossism." We hate the no­ tion. and are glad we hate it. To those who wonder "what difference It makes how a result is obtained If the result be satisfactory" we would sug­ gest chat a man may come to a ditch whtch he wishes to cross, there may be a hundred people near by who wish to see him safely over. Now he can brace himself like a man and leap the ditch, or he can lie down and roll through it or he can shove some inoffensive friend Into the ditch, use htm as a stepping stone and pass safely'and easily over. In either event he reaches the other side but to our mind there is a differ­ ence in the three ways of getting thero If there is a position of trust and hon­ or on the other side of that ditch, let every true citizen sit modestly by un­ til the people (not twe or three of them) come out and step over and a«k him to take it, then let him square his shoulders and 6tep over, man fashion. "Them's our sentiraeuts.n Lon Harris has moved his barber shop into the front room of the Booto building, on Mill street, just hack of the Hardware store, and Herman Mai- man has moved into the quarters va­ cated by Harris. Lon has one of the tastiest little '(tousorial palaces" In the county. Mr. Matman's increased stock necessitated this move. John Pratt has put down a new walk in front of his recent purchase, adorned the front with a new picket fence and made other substantial improvements about ills place, aud the end is not yet. so lie says. Mrs. Wm. Baseley has presented her husband with a flue baby boy, and our Druggist is the Papa of a very red- faced young woman about 5 weeks old. Something less than a dozen at­ tempts to get the shareholders of the Barge Club together to try and ar­ range for the launching of the craft, have all proved dismal failures, and there Is a growing feeling that the blanked thing may go to blank and be hang to it. Too bad, but how to help it? That's the idea. Our Postmaster has forwarded bonds and big ones too, and has reason to ex­ pect that by July 1st next, Wauconda will be a money order office, Mr. Halpln has left the cheese factory and Mr. Haven succeeds hiin. A Circus has been, a Circus was.-- Was it a Circus? The electric light was truly dazzling and yet kerosene is only 25 cents here. Rev. Jos.Mountain graduated last week with honors and is now a full- fledged A. B., A. M., B. D. He has several tempting Invitations to preach in large places, and while we will all be sorry tojliave him leave Wauconda, we must all wish him much success. E. A. Goldinghas bought him a very pretty single rig, and mav be seen oc­ casionally on a pleasant evening riding out with a boy friend, or such a matter Mr. H. Weirs fame has gone abroad and that gentleman has recently sent several pairs of shoes to parties in Chi­ cago, made to measure, and good ones too. Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Duers, who have both been very sick, are rapidly con­ valescing. James Klrwan with his mother and her family are arranging to go to Ne­ braska soou. Mr. Coggin has started up his saw an:] the log pile is growing beautifully less each day. The weather is flne and so Is the con­ duct of every true republican. Rfohmond Department. OamraiBOTBU nr S. P. BENNETT. 8. P. RKNKBTT U hereby authorised to take anbftcription* and orders for ad?ertUtajr and JOB Work for the PLAMOKALKR, receive money therefor and receipt for the same.-- All order* left with him will receive nrorant attention.--JBctltor. 60 Trimmed Hats from fifty cents to two dollars apiece at Mrs. S. searles. Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets un­ til you have seen and priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. The largest stock of Millinery Goods in the County, at Mrs. 8. Searles. THE finest assortment of Confection­ ery In toWn at R. D. Saott's Restaurant. CHOICE bran 4s of Cigars at R. D. Scott's Restaurant. The very finest Lines of Ladles Miss and Childs Walking Shoes over shown in this place and made to our own order, now offered at reasonable prices. We warrant every pair. PITZSIMMONS It EVANSOJI. WOOL TWINE. A flue lot of Wool Twine at Colby Bros. McHenry and |Nunda stores, at loss Vbau Cbioago prices* NUNDA. EDITOR PLAINDEALER :--Rob. Row­ ley is pegging away, having got fully settled, and is now ready for orders. G ll.Clayson represents Nunda in the State Couvention at Springfield this week. Jas. Campbell spent the Sabbath In Nnnda, the guest of Alva. He was ac­ companied by Alva's brother, from Rurlinfftou, Vermont. This Campbell is the man that Frost, the victim of Stewart, last worked for.' Some person poisoned Charley Ver- milya's dog on Saturday night, and we presume the party will poison several more before stopping. There is a goodly number of useless curs still run­ ning in our streets, but when the As­ sessor comes around and enrolls them at one dollar a lie ad, no oue will own a dog then. We were somewhat vexed at the W. C. T. U. meeting last Friday night to see certain onee munching peanuts during the entertainment. Geo. Best made his NundaP friends a call on Sunday last. Come again Geoige. Chas. Truax's children are sick. Also one of Morris Ellsworth's. Fevor In both cases. Ed St. Clair was satisfied with one week's braking on a passenger. E. Felt wishes us to announce in the local column that he has authorized the following named gentlemen agents for the celebrated Singer Sewing Ma- machine: E. M. Theinpson, M. S. Bur* ton, W. M. Hugman. Mrs. Frank Welch, of JaneeviUe, was the guest of Mrs. J. A. Sheldon on Saturday last. She is now visiting friends in McHenry. Johnny spent the Sabbath in Chi­ cago aud Tyrell in McHenry. By the way Johnny has sold his fine carriage horse to Gus Patterson of Chicago, for $200. Darby and Sheldon returned from Lake Co. Saturday last and on Monday commenced building a nice farm house for T. P. Smith new Rldgefiejd. j Decoration Day. The Observances at Richmond PRANK CROSBY, th« Orator. ProcessioiIisicJloral-OSeriiis Announcement of Committees. At the enthusiastic meeting Satur­ day evening arrangements for the ob­ servance of Decoration Day in Rich­ mond were made,so far as possible.-- The sentiment seemed uiianimous that every citizen should make it an indi­ vidual business to make the celebra­ tion of this National Holiday, sacred to the memory of our patrist dead, a grand success. The town of Hebron was ably represented at the meeting and arsurances given that her citfseus would heartily join with ours in the forthcoming event. The following resolution, expressivo of the feeling of the meeting was of­ fered and adopted by an unanimous vote. WHEREAS, Of all our National Holi­ days, Decoration Day is most worthy of proper observance, as showing our respect and veneration for the memo­ ries of the soldiers who. by a srrund and patient endurance through long years of war and by unexampled bravery on the field of battle evinced a heroism which is the national pride and boast, and who, sealing their devotion to our Country with their blood, preserved the Union which the Fathers estab­ lished. Therefore Resolved, By the members of the Loyal League and citizens present, tha* we will, individually and collect­ ively put fortli every effort to make the celebration of Saturday, May ioth. at Richmond, a success worthy the daj and its objects. Moved antf carried that the citizens of neighboring villages aud towns be cordially invited to join with us in the observance of Decoration Day, and that local committees be appointed for Genoa, Wllmot,Greenwood, Solon and Hebron, to co-operate with the committees in Richmond in making preparations for the celebration. The following committees were then appointed: Committee on Floral Decoration». Mrs J L Downing. Mrs S F Bennett, Mrs Geo Carpenter, Mrs James Bacon, Mrs Homer Hastings, Mrs Rev Ander­ son, Miss Myrtle Wodell. Miss Sarah Peterson, Miss Emma Myers, Miss Delia Ercanbrack, Ml«s Marietta Jolionnott, Miss Emma Wray, Mrs Augusta Cornell. Committee on Vocal Music. J L Downing, Johu W llaythorn, Mrs. Dr. Ward, Mrs Martha Hay thorn. Miss Jennlo Gellesple. Committee on Martial Music. John Kotaoor,#. M. Clothier. Committee on •Speeches. 8 F Bennett. F W Mead. Committee on Preparation of Ground* J L Downing. James Ashton, A L Brown. Geo Eldredge, John Rotueur. Marshall». S F Bennett, Ex Officio, John Vos- burgh. v Local Committee*. 8OLON--Miss Maggie Turner. Miss Maggie Skellicorn, Mr. Harry Turner. GREENWOOD--Miss Jennie Moses, Milton R Goddard. John Barber. HEBRON--Dan Cleary, Mrs Dan Cleary, Miss Ella Rowe. GENOA--Mr. Richartis. Prln. Public School, Miss Allie Freeman, Miss Rose Miller. WILMOT--Charles Voak, Mrs Charles Voak. Mrs. Kruckman. Soldiers will report to M. M. Cloth­ ier. at the General Headquarters, Ga­ zette office, Richmond, at I o'clock P. M , for instructions. The procession will start from Broadway, in front ot the Richmond House, aud march to the Cemetery where will be observed, as near as may be, the following: ORDER OF EXERCISES. 1. Prayer. ' 2. Singing. 3. Decoration of the Graves. 4. Singing. 6. Oration. 6. Martial Music. 7. Singing. 8. Volunteer Speeches. 9. Singing, "Sweet By and By," by the entire audience. 10. Benediction. ^ IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMEMT. The CommlttM on Speakers are hap­ py to announce that the eloquent ora­ tor, FRANK CROSBY, of Elgin, III., will deliver the Oration ou Decoration Day. at 2 o'clock p. M. The simple announcement that Frank Crosby is to deliver the Oration will bring out an Immense concourse to hear the most eloquent man ill our sister county of Kaue. Each committee will spare no labor to perform its duties iu full thus as­ suring a completeness of arrangement and a harmony of action that will In­ sure the success of the celebration. Richmond's Grant Delegation at­ tended the County Convention Satur­ day, helping to represent the stalwart minority in that representative assem­ bly. The unvarying announcement of every vote was 103 to 72, but the Grant- ites stood up like the heroes of Titer mopylae, and died with their faced^ to the toe. Bui they were powerlesilbo do more than to show their good will, and had to let the Monder fellers" run the machine according to their own sweet wills--or rather, the will of John Southworth, who Wjas the Blaine Boss, and who had the programme ready made In his pocket. Had the Grant men of (ho Town of Dorr done their whole duty, the complexion of that convention would have been entirely different. A comity convention never had a friendlier contest. It seemed to be the conviction of o*ery delegate that principles are of more Importance than men, and that, who<*v«*r Is to be our standard bearer In the coming coutent, he should receive the undivided sup­ port of the party. Let tlie urant men hurrah for Blaine If he gets the nom­ ination, and let the Blaine men linrrah for Grant if he gets the nomination. The peril of this country is the possi­ ble supremacy of the old party of the Rebellion, the Democratic pai ty. ruled as It ever has been, and ever will be, by Southern rioters. Republicans remember this and vote accordingly. Landlord Billet is yet pushing Im­ provements in the Richmond House, and will make it one of the neatest and most comfortable hotels III the country. Ed Garver Informs us that he Intends to open a paint shop In Richmond at an early day. „ An immense stock of trail- paper is op«n at Alexander A Hydes. , Dr. R. F. Bennett, of Elgin, came up on Mondrjr to assist his brotiier in an important surgical operation in the country. Remember that Frank Ctosby de­ livers the Oration in Richmond on Decoration Day. A. Bonner talks of closing his wagon shop and going west in quest of em­ ployment. The County Convention sat down on Mr. Ringlaud. That was right. He is too recent a convert to ask to be sent to Springfield. We believe in the Methodist system of "probation.* And this is said while holding not the slightest psrsoual ill-will toward Mr. Ringiaiul. An unprecedented affair took place at a late meeting of the village Board, being the presentation to the Board of five dollars, to be expended under Its direction, in erecting public hitching posts. The donor's name was not de­ clared. We may remark, however, that lie Is a man noted for his patriotism, and who spent a large portion of his property in the relief of our soldiers during the war. The Board accepted the gift, and tlie posts will soon be set. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR 1'I.AINDEALER:--'We might with propriety keen still this week, at we have so little to say. We hope your readers enjoy with us the charm­ ing spring weather we are having, and tlie unusually good prospect for an abundant supply of the fruits of the ground. Aud may we not lorget to be thankful. H.J., Ron of S. Van Curen, Is here from the West on a visit to his parents and friends. He leeks as though the climate out there agreed with him, and he is just as polite as ever. Wm. E.Smith and family, so long and favorably known among its. have 4*eturued from Springfield tw their old home here. May they uot regret the change. We learn that a son of P. W. Murphy Is employed In Kimball's Music Store iu Chicago. If all the boys iu our city could be furnished steady employment it would bo better for all hands. A game of base ball on the Fair Grounds Friday, between the Wood­ stock aud Marengo clubs, was wou by tlie former by a score of 32 to 31. We mentioned last week the sickness In Ohio of the oldest daughter of Mr. Hinglaud of tlie New i ra. She died before lie could get to see her. She was 14 years of age. Her disease was acute iinllainatiou of the stomach.-- This affliction, following upon tlie heels of his late severe loss by fire, calls out from those who know him, much genuine sympathy, and we sincerely ofler our huuihle share. We are informed that the Methodist and Universalis! churches are being repainted and otherwise Improved.-- We shall gather up in person such In­ formation as we can, as soou a* possi­ ble, for a future letter. Just now politics is the absorbing topic. The conviction is forcing It­ self up the minds ot thinking fair- minded men of all " classes that Gen. Grant and those who support him are not receiving fair treatment at the bauds of Mr. Blnine and his supporters, and as a very natural result the "silent tuan'. is gaining friends, while Blaine Is losing them. Tlie friends of Grant have indulged iu no abuse ot Blaine, and if the latter Is nominated they stand ready to accord him a hearty support. On tlie other hand "anything to beat Grant" seems to be the plat­ form, and some of the methods employ­ ed, mean* Use.), and Influences brought to bear, excite suspicion that there is ••something rotten In, Denmark." Our caucus here and the proceedings in Chicago Monday, have opened a good many eyes, and added much to tlie strength et the man the people seek to put again in the presidential chair- Any unfairness in the present contest will surely react with terrible force on the Iteads of those who practice It. By all means let us have fair play. We need say little about our oonnty convention. "The result was settled iu the primaries and tlie state convention this overshadows everything el«e.-- The gathering was generally harmoni­ ous. The tilaiue men had coutrol. We hear some criticisms ou the course of the chairman of the conven­ tion. but we are not sufficiently versed in parliamentary rules to decide the matter, and we were present only a portion of the time. We earnestly hope that all difference in the partv may be fairly and amicably adjusted, aud the nominee ef the Chicago con­ vention triumphantly elected. Our choice is Grant, but we shall cheerfully support the tuan the representatives of the party place In nomination. New Summer Millinery. Having Just returned from the city with a large stock of Summer Millinery, of the latest styles aud patterns, I am now prepared to open the Summer campaign iu earnest, aud make a general war on high Prices, wherever be may be found. My stock was se­ lected with the greatest care. Is large and comprises ali the latest style* of llals to be found in the city, which will be sold as cheap or cheaper than the same quality of goods cau be bought elsewhere. Iu short 1 will uot be un­ dersold. We invite all to call and ex­ amine our stock whether they want to buy or uot. Msi.H. B. NIOBOU. Great Change at Saylea* Hotel, 1c ox Lake. J. J. Comle. an old resident of De- Kalb county, and popularly kiwWn in the business -circles ,»f Sycamore Comity f»r the la*t 14 years, ha* rented the favorite pluce of r«>*ort knowu as Sayles' Hotel. Fox Lake, having had the same refit ted and thor­ oughly furnished in n manner suitable to the requirements and happiness of his guests. This Is essentially a Fami­ ly Hotel, the chief aim of the proprie­ tor being to offer the Summer tourists the comforts of a home. For fishing, shooting, healthful and romantic recre- atlOu, Fox Luke is unrivaled. Not only as a wonderful fishing and hunt­ ing place, but as the best, most conve­ nient and readily accessible locatfdn from Chicago, Sycamore, Elgin, Rock- ford, Aurora £r>d Waukegan, being within60 miles of the former. Visi­ tors from Chicago, via. the Nortliwes­ tern Railroad, can reach Fox Lake in a few hours via. Crystal Lake Junction to McHenry Station, thence by the commodious Steamer, "Mary Griswold" along the lovely banks of the Fox River, the picturesque scenery of Pis- taqua Lake, the Nlpperslnk, aud finally the West shore of Fox Lake to Sayles' House, adjacent to tlie Elgin Club House, where attendants, boats, min­ nows, and all faculties in the way of sporting enjoymeuts will be found in coustant readiness, as well as guides to the best fishing grounds for those who desire them. For the further di­ version of visited swings, croquet sets and dancing halls, are added to the many healthful pastimes on these at­ tractive premises, and nothing is want­ ing to make the sojourn hero both pleasant aud profitable to the pleasure seeker, sportsman and invalid. First class fare Is guarauteed at reisonable rates. J. J. CONDE. fiiuiiiem Mottcei* w« have the Boss Glare Depot. rrrz*iM»oB«* EVAXDOV 1 Go to Mrs.N ichoi*' i«»r Millinery acd Dre*« M.thing. Good Overcoat* Ckrtiiiug &tor«. cheap at Ifayea The best Thresltlng Knuektes etg X. M, Owen's. _______ The MolMe Sulky Plow at B. M- Owen's. i Tlie Furst St Bradley Sulky Plow at E. M. Owen's. Clocks, from 91.00 upwards* War­ ranted. At O. W. Owen's. and Attention, Farmers Dairymen Sherman Bros., residing two miles West of McHenry, on'the Woodstock road, keep on hand the following arti­ cles to meet tlie wants of farmers and dairymen: Creamery, (Patent applied for) con­ sisting of boxes for water, any size to suit. Barrels may be used or any wa­ ter vessel, spring or wells. Milk cans with covers to exclude all foreign sub­ stances and allowing the heat and steam toescapc. And a skimming de­ vise. the most perfect ever invented. Riding Plow Attachment, (Pat. ap­ plied for) by which yon can attach any kind of a Plow to any corn sulky onl* tivator. Patent Farm Gate Hanging. Patent Post Hole Auger. And a devise for Converting Motion (Pat. applied lor) cau be applied to wind mills, Ac., to oonvert a forward and back motion Into a mtary motion. All the above articles we will sell very low to suit the times. Call aud examine for yourselves. S. ft J. SHERMAN. When in want of work i» my lino, ?;ive mea roll and 1 will try and please tobtr. Murfitt, Jeweler. Nuuda, 111. Have yen seen those Drags at Bish­ op's Warehouse ? If not, do not fail to do so before yon buy. THE GOOD TASTE. The best Nickle Cigar In town. Manufacture! by F. J. Bettiiae, McHenry. PLANTERS. All the best make at R. PLOWS! PLOWS! If yon want a good Plow do not to call at my Warehouse, see stock learn prices. R. BISUUF. Buckeye Owen's. All the, Owen's. Force Pumpi* 1. M first-class Plows at E. M. The J. I. Case Sulky Plow at X. I'M. Oweu's. The Grand Detour Sulky Plow a| M.Owen's. Autograph Albums, from upwards, at O. W. Oweu's. 1 ccnts A line line of Gents Furnishing Goods at Lauer & Becker's near the Depot. Ten IS light Windows, glass 8x10, all perfect, for sale cheap by O. W. Owen. A full stock of Vibrator Extras for Nichols. She pard & Co's. Threshcra at E.M. Oweu's. Wauconda Ice Cream Parlor. E. A. Goiding would respectfully Inform the public that his Ice Cream Parlor, is now open where the best of Toe ('ream will be served every day and evening by tlie dish or quantity. A full lino of Nuts and Confectionery of all kinds. My Parlor Is always coo] and quiet, and I respectfully invite all who wish anything iu this lino to Call and I will try and ploase them. K. A. OOLDIKO. We give our special attention to Dre.*s Goods, Trimmings and Buttoiis. You can always find the latest at our store. STEVENS * SOIXNORR. FOR SALE. One good two seated Buggy, at the shop of T. J. Clifton, opposite the Parker House. Will trade for a good horse, one that is steady and reliable for women to drive, er will sell cheap for cash. The Buggy U all complete, with Thills. Pole, Whlffietrees &c. If you want a Bargaiu call soon. T. J. CLirro*. McHenry, III. April 13th. 1880. LADIES! Call and see those new Dress Goods at Stevens & Scluiorr's. PLOW SHOES. The best bargains ever offered in this county. Hand made and only SI per pair at Stevens & Schuorr's. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. Having secure/I the services of % first class dressmaker, I would solicit tlie patronage of all desiring work done. In the line of Millinery and Fancy Goods, my stock is complete. Give me a call, MRS. E. W. HOWE. MRS*, S, SEARLES Will open May 1st, the' largest Hue of Trimmed Hats, at lower prices than ever oflered in this county before. You are paying 15 to 25 per oent for your credit. Pay the cash; trade at a cash store, and make this saving. STEVENS A 3CHNORR. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES,4c. We are now exhibiting a flne line of Top Buggies, Phaetons, open Bug­ gies, Platform Spring Wagons of best make, aud warrauted at lowest prices, E. M. Ovut 4k 8ojf. Straw Goods by the Ton to Suit and fit all clauses from 10c up, at FITS* simmons & Evanson^ SCREEN DOORS. I am now prepared to manufacture and put in Screen Doors aud Windows on short notice and at living prices. Give me a call before going else­ where. ' . JOHN B.BLAKE Dress Goods Stylish . durable and cheap Just received, we invite iuspeo* tion. Jfiutsiuiiuous A Evausou. ' The Pully Suspender or Argosy Brace cai be bought In this- town only at Lauer & Becker's. They are the qest tiling out, THE FAVORITE KEY WEST. The Smokers' delight. Another very fine Nickle Cigar. Manufactured by F. J. Barbiau, McHenry. ~ HAR-RANDALL PULVERISING ROW. The most Popular and Profitable Farm Implement iu use. For sale by E. M. Owen & Son. PLANTERS. The celebrated Keystone Planter, at* E. M. Owtii A Son's. BOB 1NGERSOLL. * • His Lectures complete iu. pamphlet form for sale at O. W. Oweu%, %; ~ , '• * • 'A NOTICE. I will sell Oak Tanned Harness, com­ plete, for 033, for the next thirty days. O. L. HVHUARD, Ringwootl, IU For that new dress pattern call ou Stevens 4b Schnorr.They kc9p..|||ftr4*%, test styles, and sell cheap. FOR HfcNT. * The celebrated Ford Photograph Gallery, tlie only Gallery in the village of Mclleury. A first-class locatiou.-- Possession given at once. App!y to E. M.OWEN. G arde n Seeds, all kind** at Besley** Drug Store. Whitewash Brushes, l'aint Brushes, Feather Dusters, at Besley's Drug Store, opposite tlie Parker House, As cheap as any ether place In town. Ladles of McHenry aud \Aj don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced goods | at Mrs. S. Searles. Aui now offering » Sgreater bargains than ever. All work u repairing done on short notice. For Sale. In the village of Ringwood,a House, Barn, and seven acres of Land, known as the Lester place. On the place is plenty of Fruit, consisting ol Apples, rears, Cherries, Ac. Good Well ot ^ Water. The house has eight rooms, I; and is in,good repair. Will sell for !| cash or .ou time if desired. For 'Si further particular* inquire of ^ WBSUMtLAMft. vjj BLKOWOOOK Nov. 1Mb. 187S. , « « I _____ FOR SALE OR RENT. ' f % The Store lately occupied by J. It. ^ Vusey In the village of Rlngweod. fl Possession given March 23th. For * J further particulars iuouire of • : mrs. A«« VAaaa^ Ring wood, March 17,18*1. . • j DRAGS! DRAGS! The beat Drag in the market and as ; I cheap as cau be bought of any other dealer in the county. Call and see :"l theiu before purchasing. R. BISHOP. Italian Kye Hjliess Oats, j 1 have a quantity of Italian Rye ' Hulless Oats on hand which 1 offer for sale. The Oats resemble rye in ap> 1 pearance, having no hull whatevet,:^ and will go as high as sixty pounds to " the bushel. Forty pounds of these #1 Oats is a sufficient quantify for see >! ing an acre. Their average yield Is from fifty to one hundred bushels to tho1 acre. They grow the saute as common Oats, aud are froru a week to ten day* earlier. Cuminon oats when cleaned of hulls.yield only twelve and one-halt pounds of meats. These oats will yield sixty pounds dear meats. The»e oats can be used In place mf rioe for making puddings. In some respects they are even better than rice. These oats sold, last year, for OIOLOQ per bushel. Pr!ee, after April 1st. 02.00 per bush­ el. These Oats were raised lasc year by H. Hornby, SuIqq Mills, For sale In McHenry by, THOS. KKOX. I E. M.OWEK A SON have $mi re­ ceived a new lot of Top Buggies, to iicb they iuvite tlie atleotluu «»f those wish lug to purchase. They are as flue as auy te be found in the mar* ket. We do not wish to make loud talk, but we candidly think we have as Aim' a line of Drosa UUMW as can be iu the county. To satisfy yourselveftf call aud see. CUI.BY Bum*. WANTED, A good steady boy. 15 years old or more, to learn tlie Meat bu»ine»s. W ill I Have v«*u examined I hat genuine* Imported Kid Glove at Fltsslmmous 4+ ' EVHIISOU'S. Prie* to ets. « , . . . , I TILTOK will have a good home aud sutall wages. Iu 1 Wringers at his shop. quire at this office, I ttoutef erdaruuMk good as u«w« repair C»ot he* Wueiever s«if> mA

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