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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 May 1880, p. 1

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. *!» V/O • • "' '•' - ?,V ' * "• Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and 116 Favors Win us and no Fear Shall A M'HENRY, ILLINOIS WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1880. 1 M#"i i,'" ipuhlUhed Every Wednesday by ? J". VAN SLYKE & SOIT, •V' "4' , * 6Ace in Old F. O. Block, F --OPPOSITE RIVERSIDE HOUSE.-- TERMS OF SUBSCHIPTIO* On* Tear, (in Advance,) ...l' 00 I riot Paid within Three Months 2 00 Subscriptions refituvedfor threeor six month the same proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. H. T.BROWN, M./D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON;. Office over the Post Office, opposite Perry A Martin's Store np wr*, McHenry,1U. ... O. H. FEGERS, M, D- •HTSICtAN AND SURGEoK. Jolmsburg Ills.--Office hours 8 to 10 A, M, O. J. HOWARD, M D. |>HY8ICIAN AND SURGEON. Office at I mr residence, opposite M. E. Church, McHenry, III. E- V. ANDEHSON. M. IX. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office at Beslev's Drn*r S tore, opposite Parker tlonse, McHehry, Illinois. W. H. BUCK, M. D., HOMEOPATHIC physician and 9ur<reon-Olttce eatt se.te Public Square, Wood, stock. 111. Office aours 11 to 12 A M., and 2 to 4 P.M. PRATT HOUSE. J A. PRATT, Proprietor. First class ac-commodations. Good Barn in connection Wauconda, 111. F. J. BARBIAN. CIGAR Mannflicturor, McHenry, 111. Or-ders solicited. Shop, North East Cor­ ner Public Square. RICHARD BISHOP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT la AW. McHenry, 111. BICHARD OOMPTON. JUSTICE of the Peace and Conveyancer.-- Willatteud promptly to the collection of Aebts. Yolo, L>ake County, 111. Bi E. RICHARDS, HAS a -oraplete Abstract of Titles to land In M Henrv County, Illinois. Office with County lerk, Woodstock, 111. ROBT. WRIGHT. Mtnof turer of Custom Made Boots and 3ho«s. None but the best of materal died and all work warranted. Shop North­ west corner Priblic Square, StcHanry III. M. OWEN. GENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent In Leading Farm Machinery.-- Prices low and Terms favorable. McHenry. N.S. COLBY. .... Breeder of Berkshire and £ ........ ... e lot of young Buck stock for sale. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. \KCHKNRY, McHenry Co., 111. JML Spanish Merino sheep, Be Poland China S wiue. A choice I < GEO. SCHREINER. . OALOONand Restaurant. Nearly opposite © the Parker House, McHenry, 111. 49"First class Billiard and Pool Tables. JOHN HENDBIO&8. Bit?!*'* MILLS, ILL. Is now prepared to sell and repair any kind of a Sewing Machine as ©heap as the cheapest. Will also insure yonr life and property at reasonable rates. Please give tue a cal'. PETER LEICREM. REPAIRS Watche3, Clocks and Jewelry of nil kinds. Also Repairs Violins hi the nest possible manner, on short notice and at rea­ sonable rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop Brst door North of Riverside Block, McHenry til. _________ G. L. HUBBARD, Ringwood, III* -DEALER IN -- LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS Also everything that is kept and Bold in a Harness Shop. 8 I can and will sell Harness as cheap a. any man in the County. AH work warranted Call ami see ine botoro purchasing. Repirim done at all Times. Scott & Co., "Hatters to the Great Northwest." Nos. 135 and 137 Madison St., NEAR CLARK ST. nave a larger stock and greater variety of styles for you to olnv»*e from, than can be found in any other establishment in Chicago or the West. It will v»ay you to call and sec them. Prices the lowest in the land for good goods. BRANCH STORES S. E, Cor. Clark & Lake sts. & 8. E. Cor. Halsted and Harrison sts., CHICAGO. M A R C U S ' GERMAN Manufactured by F. MARCUS, -DEALER IK-- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock, lllp The best Tnnir in the world. Pat np^u Pint and Quart Bottles. BUSO E£S^ CARDS. 'ik P. BROWN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND 8URGEON. OIHce and Residence over O. W. Owen's Store, Mc­ Henry, 111 JESSE A. BALDWIN, ATTORNEY at Law and Solicitor in Chan­cery. Will practice in State and in Fed. eral Courts. Office, 159 LaSalle St., Chicago CHAS. H. DONNELLY. ATTORNEY AT LAW *nd Notary public Woodstock, Illinois. Office over 8tone'« Drug Store. C. H. TRITAX. CARPENTER and Builder, Nnnda, 111.-- Will put up buildings by the Jobor day. and guarantee satisfaction. E. BENNETT, M. D., OTTRGJSON and Accoucher. Diseases of O Women and all private diseases of both genes a Specialty. Office and Residence on Clay -Street Woodstock, III. N1 SHVNEY DISBROW, OTARY PUBLICand Conveyancer. A1 den, 111. JACOB BONSLETT. SALOON AND RESTAURANT. Opposite Bishop's Mill, Mclletirv, III. The choic­ est Wines, Liqnors and Cigars to be found in, the county. Fresh Oysters in their season served up" in any shape desired or for sale by the'Can. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. Ft J. CROSS, D E N T I S T . McHenry, III. Full Plates made of -the l>est material and fully warranted, $8.00. Filling one-half usual rates. Special attention paid to regulating bad shaped teeth. Teeth extracted without palft> **4 free of charge where Artificial Teeth ar e In- serted by him. All Work fully warranted. E LECTROPAT HY. Dr. Samuel Sherman, And Wife will be at their residence IX wiles West of the Depot, on the Woodstock road, three days in each week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, for the purpose of treating all curable diseases. Consultation and Examinations Free. Office hours from 9 A. M., to 1 r. M. REFERENCES:--John Doran,Richard Blsh op, Martin Welsh, Arthur Whiting, Leonard Bonnlet, James Sutton, John M. Smith. F, K. Granger, Geo. Gage, Hen. Gilbert, Horace Dwelly, B.F.Peck, Win. Hutson, Geo. Gilbert J. A. SHERWOOD AUCTION E EM. AND APPRAISER, Algonquin, III. • SALES of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds promptly attended to. Farm »alcs a specialty. Terms reasonable. Poet Office address Algonquin III. W. H. 8ANFORD, Bferchant Tailor. ' Jin the store of C. H. Dickinson, East side of Public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suiting* al­ ways on hand. Suits made to order and a fit warranted- Give me a call. W. H.SANFORD. Woodstock 111.,Sept. 27th, 1875. H. E. WIGIITMAN, Proprietor. First class rig*, with or without drivers, fnrnlshed «t reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds doneon short notice. Nl. ENCELN- ( iUN- SM ITH! Scale Repairing, Grinding and Pol­ ishing Razors and Shears and Talde Cutlery a speciali­ ty. Repairing of all kinds done in Steel or Brass.-- All work warrant­ ed. Also dealer in Guns, Revolvers, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Gun and Fishing Material, Pipes, Cigars*Tobacco, Violin Strinprs, Ac. Shop and store near the Post Office, Me- Henry, III. Geo. H. Stewart, Auctioneer. Richmond, III. Hns an experience of 15 years, and wll guarantee satisfaction in all cases, where sales entrusted to iny care, are properly ad­ vertised. or no charge will be made. Terms, from f5 to *10, according to amount 3<A„ orders addressed to Richmond, 111., will receive prompt attention. AiAA MONTHLY MADE. Agents wanted 35 LUU County rights given gratis f«r the sale ofseven well-known Standard Medicines needed in every family; reputation world­ wide ; established many years; made by a celebrated physician; proofs of evidence given. Anin lustrious, energetic person can make inngpermanent income and very liberal terms by addressing with reference, 4M Chestnut Street,Philadelphia. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Is A VEGETABLE PREPARATION invented in the i7th centurv by Dr. William (Trace, Surgeon in King James* army. Through its agency he cured thou sands'of the most serious sores and wounds thatibafil­ ed the skill of the most eminent physicians of his day, and was reararded by all who knew him as a public benefactor. PRICK 35 CENTS A BOX. _ _ . . -- _ Bsrununrs rtfKfc- A'lur F. MARCUS, Patentee. ousehold Gem.Cleveland,O ' 000 BOYS & GIRLS act as agent .>r the best Boy's and Girl's paper published n the West. Beautiful presents to ,subscrib­ ers and asrents. Every boy and girl can earn ots of money canvassing during leisure hours. Don't fail to send for it at once. To Introduce it we will send to any address on irial three months, for 10 Cents in cash or ostaare stamos. Sample of paper and particulars FREE- Address FREE Blivins' Mills or Spring Grov* Grist Mill. THOS, DAYMENT, Proprietor. Having recentiyjpnrchased this Mill and ptlt in llrst.class|order, I am now prepared Custom Grinding OH Abort Notice and Warrant Satisfaction, Flonr aafi Fend Constantly on hand And Sold as Low as any other Mill in the County. With an experience of many years in some of the l<est Mills in the country"!am confident E can give satisfaction toall who may Savor me with their patronage. 4®*Give me a call. THOS, DAYMENT. Blivins' Mills, Oct. 21st, 1879. VIA THE-- CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERS RAILWAY 2,380 Miles of Road WEST FOR Cedar Rapids, Denver, ' Marshall town, Lendville, Des Moines Salt Lake, Sioux City, San Francisco Yankton, The Black Hill*, Omaha, Colorado, Council Bluffs California Columbus, the Territories EAST: FOll Ohlcago New York, Boston, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Mon real, ^ Toronto, New England, Canada*, Buffalo, and all Points Eael! SOUTH FOR Cincinnati, Nashville, Louisville, New Orleans, St. Loris, Jacksonville, 'Colunil)U8iJ*nd Ml Points' South, --TITK- "North- Western," Is the most DIRECT ROUTE, offering the traveling public Greater Facilitiesand More Advantages than any road in the Weil. It is the only line running Miian Hotel aid Sleepi Cars, Between Chicago and Council Bin ft. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars are rnn on all night trains. This is the great Pullman Line of the Northwest. Palace Par or Cars run between Chicago and Milwaukee. First-Class Meals only 50 cents at the Eat ing Stations on Ihe North-Western. Sure and cloee connections at Chicago with all HaIIr<uiils, and at nil Junction Points with all roads that cross its Lines. All Ticket Agents can sell you Through Tickets and check your Baggage FREE by this Road. For information, folders, maps, e'.c.. not ob- tainable at Home Ticket Office, address any agent of the Com panv, or MARVIN HUGHITT W. H. STIVNETT, GeneralSnpt. Gen'l PassengerAgen The Singer Ahead- The following is a list of pur­ chasers of the Genuine Singer Sewing Machine within the past eighteen months: Mrs Davis Mrs Walkup Mrs Tolei Jl Tt StevensonJ Quintan O H Tryon J S Kelley Miss Frame Miss Wandrak D Jtigler 1C Griswold F K Granger Mrs Torrsncc diet Stevens Mrs Gochy Mrs A B Coon llcv Iiurch Mrs Huffman Mrs Viilalstinel! (Willis Mrn McDonald M Sullivan Kllcn HurlbntE McKinney .1 Keepsell J McQuillan OA Graves Mrw Morse H Connors Mrs M Vyce .John Heiden K Church J Mellor J (iroHkinsey G Itn ant Mrs Kohinsnn Mrs Ilarinond Mrs fl Brown D W Itoutell II M Prouty E D TIIOITIAS IS F Gibbs I I> Hibhard Kd-iH'lair olive Stevens M rs Wa&hburn J Mansfield Minnie Pane II Freeman Jennie Booth It Thompson C Ingersoll Mrs Barnes W A Skinner 3 flaratage C Hoschild Frank C'dburn Mrn Houdersels Heading E B'Smith Geo Farrow W Seaton H F Jones >1 is* Furney Mrs A L Warner G lilakeslee 11 Mayer Maggie Sides Geo Bryant I, Peterson II Schneider Jacob Guth Jag Bayard Monroe Lake Pat Connorty Win Stewart Alice Dates P rosdick Ira Slocum A Bonner Lilihie Duffy Jos StJohn W H San ford Mrs Brigg6 A K Bunker G W Conn K Harrison Peter Fry Geo MeCowb Sarah Ward Alice Carr T II Wiggins Rev Beatty G Barrows Mrs N Martin Jos I.evoy J. Van Slyke Kancv Hill L I.ockw<M>d Miss Heaton O Joslyn S C Wernham' Mrs Kiwley Mrs C Allen E & S PaddockC G Perkins Etta Beers L Tlioinpson M rs Harris II Itartlett Sarah Shank T Good sell A M Genett K Rennison N Donnelly L Anrlerson A Davidson Wm Sperry 2 L Hutchinson Geo Manning Mary liacon Sarah Smales J. A.'Cirr Henry Simpson Pwight Judd E M Thompson MrsjiiBnrton Wm Huffman Nellie Hall E FELT. General Manager for the Singer Manufact­ uring Co. for McHenry County. The McHenry Brewery. Gottleib Boley; Proprietor. THE best of Beer shipped to any part of the country and warranted as represented.-- Orders solicited and promptly attended to HOUSE FOR SALE. The spleisJid new residence In this village, known as the Hintou Wheeler place, is offered for sale. The house It one of the best built in the village, is almost new, has a good barn and out­ houses. and is very desirable located.-- Will be Mid cheap and on reasonable terms. For further particulars inquire at this office. GILT E There is alwa; let that ia us to quality and In e otherwise good, A to 10 cents per eolo r. This It" K. 8* White * It glTes a brl, like the Jersey t) less and never gi imparts any taste •trictly scientific Chemist, and can iners should not butter by using annatto, for this {ft It w as awarded NO. Ut ive demand for But- lt Edged standard in Inch butter that is 1 a reduction of from jbecause it has poor tedied by the use NaturalStter Color t ellow color; exactly It is perfectly harm. dull reddish color >ofen, it is made in Manner, by a skillfnl lys he relied on. Far- no risk of spoiling their iferior color? made by th cheapest and best.-- Diploma of Highest Merit At the IntcrnattefP Dairy Fair in Kew York, by the OomtelKae of Judges. Manufactured byM H. White & Co. Fort Atkin son, Wis. ®T For Sale by GeorgrcJRr. Beslev. ^McHenry. 111., and T. D. (Tord^ffiimot, Wis. Ingwood, lit. GENERAL WAQOIf MAKER. Iam pi%iiareit nt 5# Anes^to do all work in my lino on short notice and in a workmanltke manner. t WHorse-Shocinga speciality, in which de­ partment I defy eompetition. I need no recommendations army work will show for itself. Drags, Draps, I am now manufacturing the liest Drag for the money to be fonnd in Mcllenrv county.-- lam making a 48 awl 72 tooth Drag, using none but the best of timber, and will war­ rant them in every ftarticular. Call and see them before purchasing, as 1 will not Ve un. dersold. Repairing done on Short Notice , N. BLAKE. Ringwood, March 9th( 1880. Money Made -B1 P4^A5I*G-~ Titcta, OkU, Jewelry, Silverware, Mu*t«al InitmuM, BpeeU- cite, etc.. etc,, or . Soldiers* Department. CoKorcTEU BT Pn S. F. BENWF.T*. THE PUBLIC LAMPS. Revised gtatatM of the United lUtss. THE MANNER OF PROCEEDING To fib/ain title to public lands by ptir- cha*e--by location with warrants or agricultural college scrip--by pre­ emption, homestead. Umber culture, ana under the desert land act. ADVANTAGES GIVEN SOL®I£»S % UNDER THE LAWS, "REVISED STATUSES oV THE UNITED STATES. TITLE XXXII.--THE I'LBLLC LANDS.--Clt. 8. Jewler, Woodstock̂ 111. Iteitairing of FINE WaTCHE?, AND JEW El.RY a speciality. If you have any DIFFI* CULT JOBS that others teSS you cannot bo repaired short of Chicago, take them to BLOSSOM and he will repair them, Engraving neatly done. All Goods sold engraved Free of charge. Remember the name, E. W. BLOSSOM, Woodstock. The Royal St. John Sewing Machine takes the lead. See it and you will buy no other. War­ ranted for three years. Below you will find the names of a few to whom I have sold*tfiis machine: L. J. Gates, R. O. Scliryver, R. Forrest, Mrs. Qnigley, 3 M- D. Kelley, J, Ziinmer, Mrs, Halbert, Mrs, Sant'oril, I>r. Cook, Miss Frinka, Ladd Austin, • F. <i. Durfer, J. C. Gilford, Edna Durker, Dr. Walcott, Mr. Hughes, WjL . ISurtor, Mrs.O' Brien, II. Taylor, Kcv. Oakey, N. Helm, F. Abliott, S. Oin^tead, F. Church, Mrs. Baker, J. Oalese. F. Page, RevFegers, Mr. Knibusli, Geo. Fry, R, Green, O. Watson, E Burbink, M. Sherman, stock, Agent for Dell Sherman, B. A. Park, E. Glass, W. B. Austin, It. C. Jefferson,. Ed Stevens, ,J. Shank, F. 8 la tor, C. Smith, 1). W. Robinson, J. McManus, 1>, 1). Kelly, J. Mullen, E. Straton, J. 11. Parish, E. D. Frink, J. J. Murphy, D. Whiting, O. O. Parsons, M. Schaff, Hoilie Green, Geo. Stickney, A. Blakslee, M. Halarau, J. Scanlan, G. Gillson, O. WilUon, H. Stone, D. (juinlan. Geo. Clark, M. Eckert, W. lteed, Jeweler, Wood- McHenry county IstatMei Over a Quarter ol a Cealiry. F. G. MAYES 8KC.5. That no land ncquired tinder this act slinll i-ti nn v event become liable 10 the satisfaction of any debt «r debts, contracted prior to tlie issuing of certificate therefor.' SKO.6. Tlmt the Commissioner of the General Land-Office is hereby re- »l«ired to jfrepare and Issne ?nc5i rules and regulation*, consistent with this act, as shall be necessary and proper to carry its provisions into eflect; and that the registers and receivers of the Reveral land-offices shall ench be cn* titled to receive two dollars at the time of entry, and the same sum when the claim is finally established and the fini»l certificate issued. 8KC. 7. That the fifth section of tlio act entitled, "An Act in addition to an act to punish crimes against the United States, and for other purposes." ap­ proved March third, eighteen hundred and flfty-seven.flliall extend to all oaths affirmations and affidavits required or authorized by this act. SEC. 8. That parties wlio Wave al­ ready made entries under the act ap­ proved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, of which this is amendatory^ shall be permitted t© com­ plete the same upon full compliance with the provision#of thi* 4Wt« • Approved March 13, 1874.^*1*" [No. AN ACT making impropriations to •nppiy deticiencies in tin: appropria­ tion for fiscal years ending June thir­ tieth, eighteen hundred and seventy- rive, and prior years, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and house of ' representatives qf the Lnited States of America in Congress astern- b l e d , * » » » » « * • » » « Stcc. IS. That any Indian, bom In the United States, who Is the head of a family, or who lias arrived at the age ot twenty-one years, and who has aban­ doned, «r may hereafter abandon,, his tribal relations, aliali on making satis­ factory proof of Ftich abandonment under rulfcs to be prescribed by the S«.'ietary of the Interior, be entitled to the benefits of the act entitled "An Act to secure lidinesteads to actual set­ tlers on the public domain," approved Stay IWenttetWHWilieeii liuudred and sixty-two. and tne acts amendatory thereof, except that the provisions of tlie eighth section of said act shall aot b* held to apply to entries made under this act: Provided. however, That the title to lands acquired by any Indian, a virtue hereof shall not be subject to enatiou or incumbrance, either by voluntary conveyance, or the judgment decree or order of auy cout t, and shall be and remain inalienable for a period of Ave years from the date of the pat­ ent issued therefor: Provided, That any such Indian shall be entitled to his distributive share of all annuities, tribal funds, lauds and other property, the same as though he had maintained liis tribal relations; and any transfer, alienation, or incumbrance of auy in terest which he may hold or claim by reason of his former tribal relations, shall be null and void. SEC. 16. That in all cases In which Indians have heretofore entered public lands under tlie Homestead law and have proceeded in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the Commis­ sioner of the General Land-Office, or iu which they may hereafter be al­ lowed to so enter under said regula­ tions prior to the promulgation of reg­ ulations to be established by the Sec­ retary of the Interior under the fif­ teenth section of tins act, and iu which the conditions prescribed by law have been or may be complied with, the entries so allowed are hereby confirmed and patents shall be Issued thereon; subject however lo the restrictions and limitations contained in the fifteenth section of tiiis act in regard to aliena­ tion and incumbrance. Approved March 3, 1875. Jg^*-The celebrated village of Al­ gonquin has been all torn up over the efforts of Miss Marcella Kallahan to get even witli the loose-tongued, bald- headed '•filosofers*' of that mossngrown town. It seems she caused the arrest of one "Doc" Ford, a cheese-maker, for libelous statements in reference lo her character, and the young man was held to await the action of tlie grand jury. She has also commenced a civil suit against him for 83,000 damages, and things promise to fairiy hum. A half dozen other tale-bearers of 'Gonquin are expecting warrants served on them any day. and civil suits for 81,000 each, for damages done by their wag­ ging tongues to tlie character of the young lady. She is now employed in the watch factory in this place, but will have considerable law busiuesg on iter hands for the next year or two. --Elgin News. --AND DE ALER|IN-- Ready-Kadi Clothing. Cloths, c&esimere and Worsteds to sell by the yard. The latest styles of Goods on hand at all tiroes. My stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING is now complete and I Will not be Undersold Store in Old McHenry, near the Bridge. F. C. MAYES. McHenry, m., Nov. 12th, 1874. From the annual report of the. board of education for the town of Normal, we gather the particulars of a very interesting legal cas*. The board formerly borrowed money of Its president and gave him its bond for 86.000. The case has gone through all tlio courts of the State, and the decis­ ion everywhere has been that the bond cannot be collected, and that the board cannot pay the bond from school funds however equitable it may seem that they should do so.--J^ducatUmal Garden^Seeds, all kinds, at Bfcttey'a Drug Store. LKTTKK FROM COtOMm HirooaT Gt'LCH, RostTA, Custer Co, May M. EDITOR PLAINDKALER--JPOAR Van- What do you think of hearing from me from out here in "God's country" as they call It. It jnst entered my mind, as I sat here this afternoon, all alone In onr cabin, that a letter from me might be of interest to you and tin- readers of the PLAIN DEALER. I also have made up my mind since I came here that ns I now have no use for that "umbrella" you can keep it, for rain is an exception in this part of the world, blankets and bufialo rotes being in greater demand. This camp Is loca­ ted 011 the range that lines the East side of Wet Mountain valley. The Sangre De Cristo Range forming the West side. We »re about 8 miles Southeast from the somewhat noted town of Silver Cliff, which is located hi the Valley. There aro a number of good mines here, and one the celebflt- ted "Bassick" is better than good.- She is from reports doing) as well as ever, and has been written up so many times that I wtll not take iftite to re­ write. 1 have f|sited nearly ^11 the mines of note here,and a great many of the promising prospects, and have got quite a number of facts about them. I will glye you a few of them beginning here in Hungry Uulch. where I now reside in magniflcant style. In a cabin built by ourselves, one room high. lon£ and wide, where we do our own cooking, eating, washing and steeping, the former and latter being the most conspicuous. Across the Gulch from where I write, in a southwest dinKstinn th3 Leviathan Mining Co.,superintend­ ed by Mr. Daniels, have just erected a due engine house over one of their shafts. They have a fine % liorae pow­ er engine and are now working qnite a foice of men, day and night shifts.-- The shaft is now about 86 feet deep, with a slight pitch towards the South. I am Informed that It Is their inten­ tion to go to a depth of 200 feet bf fore they begin to run a level and stope out the miueral. They are even now while sinking the shaft taking out a fltte grade of Pyrates of Copper which as­ says at present about 40 ounces. Their first assay was 4 ounces. Mr, Daniels think* that when they get to the 300 feet level they Will be getting out something very fine. They have had, no mill run made at their mineral as yet. This company I am Informed also have another good- mine, ,ou th* same lead, a short distance easi this shaft. w,h«r«i thfljr art an engine and will soon begin wiSST on her. The next nine of Importance iu this vicinity is the *'G. V. F^" owned by G. C. Vamey,of Chicago, and G. W Arnold, now of St. Louis. This mine is located on the top of a range of hills in a northeasterly direction from the *'Leviathau," is new 140 feet deep with two levels, on? at 40 feet and another at 100 feet, and wmfk has been begun on another it 75 feet.-- The miueral taken from her Is Grey Copper, rich In silver chlorides of Copper aud Bromides, all quite healthy so to speak. They have had a mill run of 150 ounces from her, and expect this season to increase it immensely on the new level now being tun. 1' am In­ formed that the gentlemen owning this fine piece of property have refased 8150.000 for her. Tlie other mines in this locality are the Leviathan, Chief­ tain, Invincible, Ben Franklin, Hum- bolt, and a number of others, all good mines, the particulars of which I will give you In a future letter. I saw the irrepressible Jack--Col. Jack Haverly--here the other day, and ain informed that lie bought the "In­ vincible" and will soon have a 40 horse power engine working at her. Also that be had bought tlio Reduction works that lie just North of the town of Rosita, and will put it in operation in workiugup the ore from the Invluc- ble. Teams are to-day hauling ore from tliat mine to the mill. This, if a fact, will be a good thing for this camp, as what it needs is a good mill to work the miueral, at a fair price, and I thiuk the Col. can do it if auy one can. The Quaker City Mining Co.. of Gal­ veston, Texas, superintended by as fine a spccimeu of a gentleman as ever lived, Capt. John Summers, has a num­ ber of most promising prospects in this camp. Their names are the In- vin/ible No 2.30 feet deep; Incidental 30 feet deep; Oriental, 14 feet deep; and Knight Templar, the last having a tunnel 81 feet into the mountain and are sinking two shafts, to cross cut the lead. 1 have examined each one of these prospects and am of the opinion that the company have some fine prop­ erty and a good man to look after their interests iu the Capt. The Capt is also personally interested In three other fine aud to all appearances rich prospects here, viz: Manhattan, 40 feet deep, ore from which a few days ago assayed 640 ounces. The Myrtle, 40 feet deep, assay of 10 oanoes at grass roots, have had nine since. The Hill­ side. 28 feet deep, assay*. 47 ounces at 20 feet. A party now here are figur­ ing to buy the Myrtle at 85000, tut the Capt |s in no htirrjr. I think tills will do for this letter, and before I leaye here for Breckeu- rldge and the San Juan, I will give you some particulars of the other mines here. The season ia jnst openlug here, and lots of new faces aro appearing In camp, all on the look out for good : v chances, and they are here on development. Remember aw (« all the boys. 8EA4 me a PUIXWAUS once in a while. Hoping to hoar front you soon f refbatn %T®*rs Very Traljr, ^ . - vi UMWWLtA 'J 1 ' !£. US' ,.i- KB**®/ WASHIHOTOlt LRTBR. W WASHING TO*. D. c., May 'M, MH TKlre were 121 Representatives Wt favor of adjournment on May 31ot, at the vote on Saturday, to 90 opposed. The proportion of friends of a short session Is greater In the Senate tiuua Iu the House, so we may #afe1y count on an adjournment tha last of this month. Prior to that *lme all the appropria­ tion bills will have passed, and a few othf r metres »f importance. *F1»» Utc agreement will be approved. Sett* ator Morgan's joint resolution tt» to the Electoral Count Will be adopted. It provides that no State shall be thrown out in the count except by the concur­ rence of both Houses, Senator Eaton'a bill, creating a tariff commission of nine citizens to prepare a revision of the tariff and submit it t6Congress f<Mr action, will probably pas*. Among the meat urea which wilt nec* esaarilr fail, is the bill transferring tho Indian Bureau to the War Department {- the modified tariff revision bills lately reported to the House from the Com­ mittee on Ways and Means, and tho bill giving lands to the Utes iu sever­ alty. Of the Indian Agents In sejrvlei since July 1877, to tlie present time, it appears from an official report that one third have been dismissed or sua- pended because of frauds. Inefficiency, etc. If is not stated how many of these were s«tect«<l by the present adminis­ tration or came over from previous ones. It ft impossible tt overstate the luterest felt here in the Republican National convention, t« bo held In » little naoii than two weeks, especially as each State which h*s lately selected delegates hat appanfrsd to Imwaw the doubt a« to tlM llptttvo strength of tho two principal candidates. Lett atten­ tion it paid to the Detiioeratic and Greenback Conventtous, of courte, na they come later. Atoittant Secretary of Stat# Hunter is seriously 111, and small hopes ant entertained of hit recovery*. He it one Iphe oldebt officers in the State l>o- ||lf«nt, and will be greatly missed In Che circles he has frequented. M.M.W. a#"* ' -- . T*?? tfttHNO BOUSE SUTlfcat "That lookt llko good oountry bat­ ter r* 1 reporter ventured to remark to a grocer who wat putting several bright yellow rolls into a basket is It tent away in hit delivery wagon. **Thatvs all you know about lt.w wat the curt answer. "That Is the new proved boarding house butter, and I< don't tell It for anything eke. I ban a few customer! who buy It because tt it cheap, but tho truth is, it isn't mo«% than one fourth butter--those golden rolls--the remainder being lard." "Lardr '•Yes; why. blest yonr innocent] optlct! Don't you know that there] are three establishments in this dtf | making butter out of lard; and thojr make nearly 2000 pounds of stuff a day. j Most of it Is sent l&ast to be sold, t| great deal to the Philadelphia market*] but considerable of it it sold here. large number of bogus farmers who at* tend market, sell this hog butter, a goed many grocers about the cityf sell it. Seme of them, as I do, tel their customert what the atuff la; others don't take tlie trouble." The man who knew all about It came in. "Yes," he sald.uI*ve aeen it madej It's made of two-thirds lard, and on third butter. When butttfr it dea they shift these proportions aud rut, the lard up to three-fourths, and th*| butter dowu to one'fourth. They mi^ the lard aud butter together by melt ing and set aside to cool. This thej put in buttermilk afterward, workiu the milk through it aud letting li stand. Then they take it out, sal color it. and work it with a bntte worker, shaping it iuto pratty roll' thiuk tjiey color it with anaat though I am not quite sure of it. what's the uso of making a row it. It's plenty good enough for boar! Ing house butter."-- Journal, Ms |0»A Mendota woman has a iiusoa who is addicted to joining secret eties. One of her exasperated or bursts is thus reported: 'Mine, ht jine anything. There can't come along that's dark and tly hidden, but he'll jine It. If any! should get up a society ts bnm house down, he'd jtue it Jnst «t he could get in, aud If ho had to fay! in he'd go all tlie suddenerj ̂ SCREEX DOORS. - -f'*M s»w prepared to and put in '^roen Dims »nd on short notWo and ttvli Give §H# caH where. DreaaGooda Btylts* cheap just rteolvod. invit* Hon. Fltmslmmone A good steady boy, IS yoavt o! more, to loam the Moat bntlacss. have good i*»me and Mall «i quire at this office,, ' * * • a

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