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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jun 1880, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1880. Railroad Time Table. ftUlNO SOUTH. i*a.s.souger .....J:8S*Ai * Geneva Lake Express 8:39 A *. Geneva Lake Freisht........--. --1:15 p. M GOING WOKTN. Reaeva Lake Frelarht 10:09 A. V. Geneva Lake Express .5:4# P. M. Geneva Lake Passeneer 6:53 p. K MASONIC. SCCHBKHV CHAPTER XO 34II. A. M--Refctilar Convocations held on the second and fourth Fridays in each month. SMTTIT SKAELES, H. P. HENKT COI.BT. Sec re tar V. MCHKNIIY LODGE, SO 158 A. F. and A. M.-- Regular Communication* tne Saturday on or before the full of the moon and every two weeks thereafter. SMITH SEABLES W. M. SEE the new advertisement of Stevens & Schnorr in another column. THE coolest place in town Is Mrs. Scott's Ice Cream Parto^, where every­ body ts welcome. )N account of the. Old Sevtlerl Meet­ ing being held on Tuesday, the PLAIN- DEALEH will not he issued next week Until Tnursdav. JBST *s we go to press we. have another letter from our Colorado cor­ respondent. "Umbrella Jim," which will appear in our next. BY a circular received we learn that Porter & Montague's Park, Geneva Lake, will be open for the season on Saturday next, June 12th, THE pure New York Apple Cider and Ginger Ale, just received at Mrs, Scott's Ice Cream Parlor, is much rel­ ished by thirsty visitors. EVERYBOI>T with his "sisters and his cousins and his aunts." will be tonnd at the Old Settlers' Meeting in WaucOnda, on Tuesday next. L. BONSLETT has removed his Flour and Feed Store to Lansing 's Block, Into the Store formerly occupied by L^ansifg & Evanson. MAKE hay while the sun shines and alSo while the moon shines, at the Universalist Church, on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, June 16th and 17th. giving Shoes, stock, pocket Fitzsimmons «$ Evanson are Tery close prices on Boots and for the next two weeks. Big good goods and money in your If you buy of them. JUST received, at Besley'S Drug Store, a new lot of' Trolling Hooks, Lines, and Fishing Tackle Of all kinds. Also the celebrated Japanese Kite, the delight of the bo vs. WE learn that the Store lately occn. pied by L. Bonslett. first door west of Fitzsimmons & Evanson'S, has been [eas^d by a party from Chicago, who will open it as a Millinery and Fancy Goods Store. OUR readers should not fail' to read In another column, the advertisement' •f P. T. Barnum's Great Show, which exhibits in Woodstock, on Friday, Jon* 18th. It is without doubt the fluest Menagerie and Circus now trav­ eling. . MRS. SUTTON, wife of Michael Sutton who lives on the East side of the River, died on Sunday night last, a^id was buried on Tuesday. Her remains were followed to their last resting place by a Jarge concourse of relatives and friends. WE are informed that James R. Baylor sold one day last week, one of his Morgan colts, two years old. sired by N. S. Colby's Young Green Moun ­ tain, to R. B. Grover, of Will county, for the handsome sum Of $200. Good judges say that he was the fluest. colt of his age ever seen in this section. WE learn that an individual by the name of Parker, who resides in Green­ wood. was called on by a number of his neighbors a few nights since, who treated him to a coat of tar and feath­ ers and gave him a free ride on a rail- Some very, grave doubts as to his mor­ ality was the cause. AN article of Toilet, of very fine texture, was picked up in the office of Smith t Snyder, and is now at this office awaiting an owner. It is possi­ ble it was made for one of the firm, but as "Tip" emphatically denies any knowledge of it, we can do no better than to hold it until an owner calls. SINCE the late rains there is plenty of water in the River, and the Steam­ boat is able to make the regular trips without trouble. Capt. Hill informs us that he makes the trip trorn Mc- Henry to fox Lake easily in one hour and ten minutes. This is fast enough for any one. TICKETS have been ordered for a Fourth of July Party at the Parker House, t(i this village, to take place on Friday evening, July 2d. The Ger- mauia Bafcd of Chicago, J. Castello, .Leader, five pieces, has been engaged to furnish the inu»ic, and the dancing public can rest assured of having a good time. The tickets will be issued in a few days. WE learn that Jv J.- W. Starr, of Woodstock,Jias just been allowed a Pension of 98.50 per month, to com­ mence from January 15th, 1866. This news will be pleasing to Mr. Starr's many friends, as they consideY it a just and righteous action, and one that should have been done years ago. as he contracted a disease in the army that totally unfitted him for any kind of labor, in fact made it impossible to do Anything except to teach school a few months in a year, and with a large family to support he has found it uphill work to make both ends meet. There­ fore Mr. Starr has the congratulations of his many friends that he has got his rights after so long a delay. , 4 Reed's Gilt |jdg* Tonld restores the •ppetite. THE citizens of McHenry are under many obligations to B. Buss, our gen­ tlemanly Telegraph Operator, for the prompt manner in which he furnished them the news from the Convention held in Chicago last week, ke^pin^the office open until the CouyetHiou ad­ journed each night, thereby giving us the news up to the latest moment. We trust he received a substantial re­ membrance. BARNUM'S Great Show is coming, a fact all Barmim's many patron* within a radius of fifty miles have made a note of, and are coming to give him a cordial welcome. His show this year is pronounced the greatest he has ever managed, the attractions being excel­ lent. and the new features particularly attractive, while the more meritorious of the old attractions have been re­ tained. Will be at Woodstock, Friday, June 18th.' A FREQUENT visitor at all newspaper offices is the man who asks as a favor that some item of news be suppressed. Most of these gentlemen are honest in their intentions, call from the best motives, and their reception is usually courteous. They hardly stop to think that a newspaper deals in legitimate news as a grocer in coflee and a milli­ ner in ribbons. If they went into a grocer's and asked him as a kindness to leave coflfee out of his s took and not have it for his customers, they would meet w+th hardly a cheerful reception for this interference. For Wauconda. The Procession with the Champion Flag, under direction of the Marshal, wijl start from this village for Waucon­ da on Tuesday next, promptly at 9 o'clock, A. M. Thev will take the River Road, and will arrive at the Burton place at about 10 o'clock, where they hope to meet the delegations from Nunda, and other towns in that direc­ tion. All are therefore requested to be on hand promptly at the hour, and it is hoped that all who go, will make it a point to go with the procession. Fourth of July. As yet we have heard of no prepara­ tions for celebrating the coming Fourth of July in this village. Have our cit­ izens lost all their patriotism? We can see no good reason why we cannot have a good old-fashioned time here on the coming Anniversary. It is na;- ural lor the younger portion of our cit­ izens to celebrate somewhere, and why not here as well as to spend their money away from home. We hope someone will move in this matter at once. I'llk new method of saluting ladies n the street has been adopted by some nr young gentlemen. It is done in one time and four motions. The hat, by a right hand grasp, is lifted from the head, brouhgt forward on a line with the nose, and then suddenly lowered to the pit of the stjftfnach; then as suddenly the hat is returned to its place, following the same angu­ lar rou>. The head at the same time must be bobbed forward about three inches, and immediately 6prung back t© its natural position. The beauty and perfection of this saltation de­ pends up«n the rapidity of the execu­ tion of its movements. It is kuo vn as the "Daiwin bow," because the haud-organ monkeys put on and take oil their little caps with the same ce­ lerity of motion. DURING the present month tlie cen­ sus enumerator will take statistical charge of all families and all kinds of occupations in these United States. The strong arm of the law will be under him and the Federal bayonet will be at his back, as he travels from house to house and from store to ware­ house. but the stauchest friend of State rights has nothing to fear from him. He carries with him an official catechism, some of--the quest ions of which may sometimes seem imperti­ nent and useless. But they cannot be so. so long as he keeps within the let­ ter of his instructions, and all the pre­ sumptions are that he will do this. Householders will do well therefore to meet the census catechism pleasantly and patiently. Xo intelligent person can need to be reminded of the public benefits which depend upon a correct census. In this town, our well known citizen, John Hue man. will call and see you. KK A KSTATK TRANSFKR9. The following is the list of transfers in McIIenry County for the two weeks ending May 24, 1880: Richard Lash brook to S E ttolstein 10.136 a in nc,Vi sec 14 Dunham, $250. Philip Geiseler to J Fitzsimmons e>s ltl7 bk M<-llenry, $200. Polly Clark 10 Leonard Eastman se« swM nw^ jst't- 17, Seneca. J S Burrows Kiiard'n to A L Austin und# of 120 a sec 20 Richmond, #1500 Jos Buch and w to J Bonnslctt pt It 6 bk 26 McIIenry n of river, $975. Geo M Aver to Amy Aver pt lt5 bk liJ Harts 3d add to Harvard, *UK. Hugh Kane to Jas Kintf swJi nw& sec 16 Hartland, $1162. Horace Dwellev and w to 9 Ward land in sec 6 Vunda, $5000. A. K. Wicker to L C Flanders land in sec, 22 NHilda, $10o0. A Hitchcock and w t o T B F e r r U i t s 11 and 12bk 5 Huntley, #250. Jno Peacock and w to W m and Geo M Peacock mill It in IIubbard's add to Algon­ quin and mill, $3000. Geo Peacock to Jno Peacock et al same fl* The Old Settle ra' Meeting. AT WAUCONDA, Yffesday. June idth, 1880. The Annual Re-Union of the Old Settlers Association of McHenry and Lake Counties, will be held at Wau­ conda, on Tuesday, June 15th, 1880.-- The Hon. E. B. Washburne, Hon. John Wentwerth, Hon. C. W. Upton, Hon. E. M. Haines, Hon. E. Joslvn,and other eminent Speakers have been invited and are expected to be present. The Committee of Arrangements and the citizens of WaUconda have left nothing uudone on their part, and those who attend can rest assured of the oest of accommodations. The beautiful Grove on the shores of the Lake have been fitted up especially for this occasion, where ample seats, table room, &c., will be found for the accommodation of all. Bands of music will be on hand to escort the processions into town, and the Marshals have made arrangements to get a correct count from the differ­ ent towns, so as to decide who will hold the, champion Flag for the eorairig year. Processions from the different towns will therefore do well to keep as much together as possible on com­ ing into town, so that each one may be credited where they belong. Let everybody, old and young, turn out. and make this Re-Union one of the most successful ever held by this Society. BADGES. As there has formerly been some misunderstanding as to how Badges could be procured, we will here state it so that all may understand.-- The Constitution provides that in or­ der to become a member of this Asso­ ciation persons'must hand thcii names to the Secretary, accompanied by a fee of 50cents,which makes them a Life Member and entitles them to a Badge free. The Secretary will be on the Grounds ready to receive names and with a sufficient supply of Badges to 6uyply all. Remember the date, Tuesday next, June 15th, at Wauconda. This prom­ ises to be the greatest Gala day ever held in Lake or McHenry counties. GKANI> OPERA CONCERT. The descriptive and popular Cantata of the Haymakers, by the R. D. Scott Family and other favorite vocalists and actors of McHenry, Benefit Scott Family. It is hardly possible to de­ scribe the thrilling beauty of the tnusic and the intensely exciting scenes con­ nected with this, the King of Cantatas. The rustic incidents of the hay field are spiecd by the misfortunes of Snip- kins, a city man. and the Irish wit of Barney O'Leary. During the perform­ ance of the primitive haymaking a thunder storm is forcibly given with aN the hurry and confusing incidents. Snipkins finds a wasp's nest. A full description of a burning building with the fire engine, fire bells, and the gal­ lant rescue of a child from the flames are depicted. A picnic dinner, rustic dance and many other interesting in­ cidents arc giveu. For full particulars see small hills. . Don't forget the time and place, Universalist Church. Mc­ IIenry, Wednesday and Thursday eve­ nings, June 16th and 17th. Tickets 35 cents. Ghildrens Tickets 20 cents. TIIE Chicago Jockey and Trotting Club, which created such a furor of en­ thusiasm last vear. is on the war-path for new honors and new victories.-- The summer meetings will be held from June 19 to 26, and July 1 to 5, and promises to be the largest, best and most interesting racing meetings held during the present season. The man­ agement is in excellent hands, and the public has such confidence iu it that its unqualified success is, assured. All in­ formation will be promptly answered by addressing D. L. Hall. Esq., 116 Monroe St.. Chicago, III. Jos. WIF.DKMANN now keeps con­ stantly on hand Falk's Milwaukee Ex- port. Beer. put up iu large quart bot­ tles for family use, which he delivers to any part of the village at $2.50 per dozen, and will pay you five cents for the bottle when you return it. It is very fresh and fine. INTERESTING TO LADIES. The Largest and Host Complete Stock of Millinery in MoHenry County- Mrs. II. II. Nichols has recently made large additions to her stock of Milli­ nery and Trimmings, and she is now able to furnish all kinds of goods at greatly reduced prices. Reed's Malaria. Gilt Edge Toulc prevents FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned oflers for sale his farm known as the Dunn Farm, con­ sisting of 80 acres, situated miles Soullivvest of McHenry. Said larm is iu good condition, well fenced, fair buildings, and one of the best orchards in the section. Never failing running water for stock in pasture. In short one of the best and most desirable small farms in the county for either stock or grain. For particulars inquire of Chas. 11. Parks, near the premises, or address, J. L. Dunn PLEISANTHILL, MISS., July 5, 1879. Lawrence, Kansas. Messrs. Morgan & Allen, 5!) John St., New ^ ^ «oevnmug to tne Abbe j CSCO] °t ' y ',r. , or,*rod k>t, there are two districts in the I shii I pray God that yon may be spaied ( ^ where ̂ mhabi_ | Wa manv years to relieve others as jou irnfin TT» an I wh< have me and my child. I have been ^me 1 | w taking medicine, almost daily, for * tins to be long-continued inter- mg thirteen years with scarcely ar,y ben- jiages among the communities, and j lani efit. until the Constitution 'Water w*s Consequent degeneracy of the ra^e. j am brought to my notice. I have attend- p i j "ei ed to my household duties the past ^eld a «eductive4ookiiig pieoe of Jewelry | on week, for the first time in three months li hand as he kept cal!ing r"°n]y Mcente goi the p.,. the ^"5-^ I"1 that I have escaped my severe sick 1^ io re«i«d* Loi head spells. 1 take great pleasure in recommending Constitution Water to all my suflering ftiends. Mus. M. A. STATEN. iyrtip is the cheapest »mA b««t remedy ; for children." *o We ofler 100 dozen Ladies Balbrig- gan Hose, regular made, at the small sum of 17 cents per pair* This is a bargain. FirzsmMoxs & EVAKSON. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDEALER It might be good policy to "lie oft" this week for two reasons: one the scarcity of Inter­ esting events here.and the other the all absorbing interest in events else- v. !;v i'<, Tiia Chicago Convention throws everything else into the shade. Wc almost wish we could look into the future about 24 hours. But your read­ ers will in all'probability know the re­ sult before we do. Mauy of our prom­ inent citizens have been In attendance from the first, and will be to the close. Outside the interest in the Presiden­ tial contest, politics among us is very quiet. Mr. Church seems to have a sure thing on the Sheriffs office, while for Circuit Clerk Mr. E. E. Richards, present incumbent, has as yet no op­ position. He has filled the office most satisfactorily and won, by his faithful attention to business, and affability to all, a host of friends. Two of our well known citizens have started a livery stable in Richmond.-- "Whig" Austin and uIIerb" Van Curen have onr best wishes for success in their new enterprise. Rev. S.Earngy. Pastor M. K. Church, and wife, have gone East bv way of tlie Lakes to visit friends. It is to b« hoped they were not on the Lakes dur­ ing'the late wind storms. Bad enough on dry land. We are not informed us to when they will return. The late Democratic Convention passed off so quietly that had we not seen the report in the paper we should have forgotten all about it. The Dem­ ocrats take more interest just now iu the movements of the Republicans than in the doings of their own party. Barnum's show bills now ornament almost every available spot in town.-- He is to be here the 18th inst. If the weather is favorable the crowd will be enormous. We do not like to say hard things of brother correspondents, hut there are some iu the county wlio|*deservc criti­ cism. For ability, independence, and three years faithful service in the ar­ my, we respect A. J. Royington. Ma­ rengo correspondent of the Democratm But when he forfeits self-respect ami outrages decency by referring to another correspondent as a "bald-head­ ed, addle-pated. hermaphrodite." and 'bastard,*' it surely is lime f®r decent people to protest. Such vile epithets cannot hurt those they arc aimed at, but they do bring to light the "true inwardness*' of those who use them.-- "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh" is just as true now as when the words were first utter«d.-- The stream will indicate the nature ot the fountain. The Harvard corres­ pondent of the Democrat can also pon­ der the above to profit. \\> shall not forfeit our self-respect by milking- any reply to his contemptuous filng at us the past week. If he can enjoy mak­ ing such remarks we ought not to ob­ ject. for they do not hurt us; but we frequently takej^he mental and moral measurement cC people when they least suspect it. The Seneca corres­ pondent of the same paper needs to' reform or quit. His last letter was both ridiculous and disgusting. These things are attracting attention and re­ mark, and we hope to see a relorina- tion, BARNUM'S STIIKKT PARADE. The Hartford Times says: The Street parade was begun at nine o'clock, and passed through the princi­ pal streets. A crowd witnessed the array of glittering vehicles as they were formed in line. General Water­ man, as lie Is styled, the oldest circus man iu the United SluXefe hea-.led the procession. ThenjjfCme the gorgeous band chariot wit£mu«ic. followed by Prince Neygard analiis twelve trained stallions There were the chariot of Neptune, glittering with gold and spangled tinsel; the chariot of the Golden Organ of Vienna or automatic military baud, "equal to fifty musi­ cians"; Queen Mab's jeweled coach, drawn bjr sixteen mH«rot ponies; the chariot of chimes of bells; the chariot calliope, with steam music; the chariot of Ursa, and many other chariots. Then there were the cannon from which Mile. Zazel is to be fired hori­ zontally a distance of sixty feet, a herd of white and black camels, and a pair of dromedaries. There was a lively sale of tickets all the forenoon at King's cigar store, many preferring to pay the slight ad­ vance demanded than to run their chances in the crowd at the ticket wagon on the grounds. The streets from eight o'clock this morning were crowded with thousands all the railroads bringing (unpacked trains. The steamboat also came up loaded down with people, while the influx of people from the country by their own conveyances was something very large. Barnum's Greatest Show on Earth will visit Woodstock on Friday. June 18th, giving two entertainments, after­ noon and evening. We open this week a fine assortment of Lawns and Cambrics in light anil dark shades, ladies and gents Linen Dusters, ladies Wrappers and Suits In Calico's. Lawn's and Linen's; Parasols ranging in prices from 35 ets., to $3.50; Gents White Vests, fine Worsted Suits nobby Straw Hats, fino Shoes, ic. We hare the most complete line to be found in the county of Laces. Em­ broidery's, (incljding full assortment of Linen Embroidery.) Gloves. Ilois- ery. Ladies Ties, Ruchiugs, &c. We iuvite inspection. \ FITZSIMMONS & EVA^SON. DR. S. PTBKO\VN FROM~ ELGIN Will be at Dr. F.P. Brown's residence on Tuesday of each week from 10:30 A. M. until 12:30 p. M. All who wish medicrl treatment call at that time. Diseases of females and children made a specialty. Richmond Department. COHTIMBJJTKD BV S. P. BKNXETT. S. F. TTENNKTT is herehr authorize.I to take subscriptions ami or U>ra for :tiiverlii*>var rsnft 'jats Wrvi; fat ihe I't.JusniiAijEB, receive money therefor aint receipt for the #a:ne.-- All or lers left with hiiu will receive prompt atten tion.--Editor. The census enumerator for Burton and Richmond townships finds him. self a pretty busy man thei>e days. Mr. Pacy. of Woodstock, made Rich­ mond lively last Saturday, in spite of the daui(p) state of the weather, with his sale of buggies. At night but se.v- en of the lot remained. They brought about 875 apiece. Mr. \^ray, John Spencer, and Mr. Still werp among the purchasers. The fair maiden, '"tow* been caught in so many rain storms the past week, that her verdant, flower- embroidered mantle has a somewhat drenched appearance : but we live in hopes that the sun will, ere long, suc­ ceed in shining for a sufficient length of time to absorb some of the super­ fluous moisture. While Mr. Louis Cutting was making his rounds amongst his milk customers Saturday morning, his horse, which was left unhitched as usual, became frightened at a passing train, and started on a mad run through town. After breaking the whitfle-tree, start, ling the peaceful neighbors, and call­ ing quite a meeting of the small boys, he '*as stopped iu front of John West's by Dave Potter. Mrs. Cole, aged 69 years, 8 months, widow of C. W. Cole and sister of Ben and Louvaine Martin, died June 1st at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Wm. Bigham, in the town of Hebron. Deceased was born at Cheshire, Berk­ shire County Mass. She was one of Hebron's oldest settlers, having resid­ ed at that place for 34 years. On the morning of the day of her death she was around among the household and out in the garden gathering flowers. At seven o'clock she dropped to the floor In an apoplectic flt, and sinking rapidly, died at 12. She has gone to the rest that awaits the "faithful unto death," gone to join those who were watching for her at the beautiful gates, there to wait In the "forever and ever" of Heaven for the coming of the mourning ones, to whom the "little while" of earth will seem long and lonely without the loving mother and faithful friend. NUNDA- EDITOR PI.AINDKAI.ER:--John Clark, a brother of Alva, liad his hand severe­ ly bitten by a dog in McDonald's stable. There will be a picnic in the grove near the school house on Saturday next, June 12lh. Both old and young are cordially invited to pass an enjoy­ able day. All those interested will meet In the M. E. Church at ten o'clock A. M.. where they will fornfe in proces­ sion and march to the grove. Barnum's advance car passed through here and took dinner at the Hyatt House. There were eighteen of the men. Vim Rowley is visiting here fiom Iowa. He, like all of us, begins to Show his years. A goodly number of our citizens went to Chicago last week to take in the Convention, but get disgusted with affairs and returned home, com­ ing to the conclusion that they would nominate who they had a mind to without their aid. * There will bs a Floral Concert ia Ball oil's Hall this Thursday evening, giveu by tli Union Sabbath School. The programme is splendid and will be nicely carried out. J. I. Miller is the happy possessor of a nice girl babv. presented to lilin by his wife on Wednesday last. Ed. StClair went to the city «n Sun­ day last, expecting to go on the rwad again. Collins did not put In an appearance on Sunday last, which greatly disap­ pointed many of his admirers. DeGrushe is in the census business in dead earnest. Some of the young (eld) ladies think he is awful impudent to ask their ages. Never mind girls, it only happens once iu ten years. NORTHERN NUNDA. EDITOR PI,AINDEA:,EU.--In watching closely through the columns ef your valuable T»ai>er and not seeing any­ thing representing Mtl« plscc »'0 thought it ihe duty of your correspon­ dent to address the public once more. Crops of all kinds are looklug 'well with the exception of barley. The many fri&nds of H. Irwin, who has beeu quite sick for some time, will be glad to learn that he Is able to be around again. M. Peck, of Blirens Mills, spent Sun­ day frith his parents in this place. The dance on Eastern Avenue was a very pleasaut and enjoyable affair, es­ pecially for the inilk meu,whohad to see the girls home. In the McHeury department of the Woodstock Sentinel we noticed that the ghost of Big Andrew was seen by a young man who lives south of McHenry but as we are all well aware that the time for ghosta is past it has proved to be an error. We are sorry to have to Inform the many readers of the PLAINDKALER, es­ pecially the friends of Mi's. Michael Sutton, that she in lying at tlie point of death at this writing. We learn that James Kenaelly and Stevenson, the champion wrestler of Ringwood, have challenged each other for another wrestle on the 4th of July. It will take place on the public square at McHenry. We will bet our stamps on Jim. John Knox, Sen., has purchased tho 10 acres of wood land that lies Sonth of the McMillan School House. John Phaieii, Tib Knox and John Erwin have all started thsir mustaches We speak about It because no one else has, and we fear the fact lias not beeu noticed. ;f. Business Notices. 60 Trimmed Hats from fifty cents two dollars apiece at Mrs. 8. near lea. We THE OU»V« BEP»* FITZSIMMONS* EVAligns. ' The beat Threshing KuucklfS M. Owen's. <1 The Moline Owen's. Sulky PIat S. M Tho Fnrst A Bradley Sulky Plow s~ E. M. Owen's. Clocks, from #1.00 upward*, ranted. At O. W. Owen's. When iu want of work In my line, give met call and 1 will try and plea Robt. Murfitt, Jeweler. Nunds, 111. Have yen seen those Drags at Bish­ op's W arehouse ? If not, do not fail t* do so before you biry. THE GOOD TASTE, best Nickie Cigar la The best Nickie Cigar la town. Manufactured by F. J. |Barbiant ^ • PLANTERS. ' fl, iBliieiwn make at R. Bishop ^ yv PLOWS! PLOWS! If yj)u want a good Plow do not fal to call at my Warehouse, see stock and learn prices. R. BISHOP. Puinpe, a* S. M Buckeye Force Owen's. All the Owen's. first-clan Plows at B. M. The J. I. Case Sulky Plow at Owen's. *»'M. The Grand Detour Sulky Plo# at E. M.Owen's. Autograph Albums, from Ave upwards, at O. W. Owen's. cent* Great Change at Sayles' Hotel, Fox Lake. J. J. Conde. an old resident of De- Kalb county, and popularly known In tlie business circles of Sycamore (the County Seat.) for tlie last 14 years, has rented the favorite place of resort known as Sayles' Hote^ Fox Lake, having had the same refitted and thor­ oughly furnished m a manner suitable to the requirements and happiness of his guests. This is essentially a Fami­ ly Hotel, the chief aim of the proprie­ tor being to ofler the Summer tourists the comforts of a home. For fishing, shooting, healthful and romantic recre­ ation, Fox Luke is unrivaled. Not only as a wonderful fishing and hunt­ ing place, but as tlie best, most conve­ nient and readily accessible location from Chicago, Sycamore, Elgin, Rock- ford, Aurora aad Waukegan, being within 50 miles of the former. Visi­ tors from Chicago, via. the Northwes­ tern Railroad, Oan reach Fox Lakle in a few hours via. Crystal Lake Junction to McHenry Station, thence by the commodious Steamer, "Mary Griswold" along the lovely banks of the Fox River, the picturesque scenery of Pls- taqua Lake, the Nippersink, and finally the West shore of Fox Lake to Sayles' House, adjacent to the Elgin Club House, where attendants, boats, min­ nows, and all facilities in the way of sporting enjoyments will be found in constant readiness, as well as guides to the best -fishing grounds for those who desire them. For the further di­ version of visitorsswiugB, croquet sets and dancing halls, are added to the many healthful pastimes on these at­ tractive premises, and nothing is want­ ing to make the sojourn here both pleasant and profitable to the pleasure seeker, sportsman and invalid. First class fare Is guarauteed at reasonable rates. J- J. CONDE. A fine line of Geuts Furnishing Goods at Lauer & Becker's near the Depot. ______ Ten 15 light Windows, glass 8x10, all perfect, for sale cheap by O. W. Owen. A full stock of Vibrator Extra* for Nichols, Shep&yd & Co'*. Threshers aft E. M. Owen's. The Pully Suspender or Argosy Brace cai be bought in this town only at Lauer A Becker's. They are tho qest thing out. THE FAVORITE KEY WEST. The Smokers' delight. Another very fine Nickie Cigar. Manufactured by F. J. Barbiau, McHenry. RANDALL PULVERISING « BAB- ROW. The most Popular and Profitable Farm Implement in use. For sale by E. M. Owen & Sun. PLANTERS. J . The celebrated Keystoho Planter, at E. M. Owen & Son's. BOB 1NGERSOLL. His Lectures complete in pamphlet form for sale at O. W. Owen's. Reeds Gilt Edge Touio cures Fever and Ague. For that uew dress pattern call on Stevens & Schnorr, They ke^p ,M«0 la* ebt styles, and s«ll chcaj^, Wauconda Ice Cream Parlor. E. A. Golding would respectfully inform the public that his Ice Cream Parlor, is now open where Hie best of Ice Cream will be served every day and evening by the dish or quantity. A full line of Nuts and Confectionery of all kinds. Mv Parlor is always cool and quiet, and I respectfully invite all who wish anything in this line to call aud I will try and please them. E. A, (J OLD I NO. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic cures Dys­ pepsia. We ^ivc our special attention to Dre"s Goods, Trimmings and Buttons. You can always find the latest at our store. STEVENS ft SCHNORIt.1 SCREEN DOORS. I am now prepared to manufacture and put iu Screen Doors and Windows ou short notice aud at living prices, Givri me a call before going else- Wl,ere JOHN B. BLAKE and Dress Good# Stvlish durable and cheap just received, we invite inspec­ tion. Fitzsimmons & Evanson. Don't buy your Hats or Bonnets un­ til yon have seen aud priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. You are paying 15 to 25 per cent for your credit. Pay the cash; trade at a cash store, and make this saving. STEVENS'& SCHNORR. We are selling our large line of Embroidery at greatly reduced prices. STEVENS ft SCHKOBB, The largest stock of Millinery Qq«ds in the County, at, S, Searles, Attention, Farmers Dairymen Sherman Bros., residing two miles West of McHenry, on the Woodstock road, keep on hand the following arti­ cles to meet the wants of farmers and dairymen: Creamery, (Patent applied for) con­ sisting of boxes for water, any size to suit. Barrels may be used or any wa­ ter vessel, spring or wells. Mi'.k cans with covers to exclude all foreign sub­ stances aud allowing the heat and steam to escape. And ^a skimming de­ vise. the most perfect ever invented. Riding Plow Attachment, (Pat. ap­ plied for) by which you can attach any kind of a Plow to any corn sulky cul­ tivator. Patent Farm Gate Hanging. Patent Post Hole Auger. And a devise for Converting Motion (Pat. applied for) can be applied to wind mills. Ac., to convert a forward and back motion into a rotary motion. All the above articles we will sell very low to suit the times. Call aud examiue for yourselves. S. ft J. SHERMAN. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, Ac. We are now exhibiting a fine lino of Top Buggies, Phaetons, open Btig- gies, Platform Spring Wagons of hest make, and warrauted at lowest prices. E. M.OWSK NOTICE. - , Oak Tanned Harh«s=. eMk- plete, for *33, for the next thirty days. G. L. IIiriiBAKi), Ringwoud, 111. » , i FOR RENT. Th*- celebrated Ford Photograph Gallery, the ouly Gallery In tlie village of McIIenry. A first-class location.-- Possession giveu at ouoe. App.'y to E. M. OWKN. Whitewash Brushes. Paint Brushes, Feather Dusters, &c., at Besley's Drug Store, opposite the Parker House. Aa cheap as any other place in tewu. YOUNG man |F you wish to win the lady you love take her to Mrs. Scott's Ico Cream Parlors, two doors North of the Riverside House. THE largest assortment ot Ready- Made Clothing to be found in the County, at Colby UrosM Riverside Block, McHenry. PUBLIC NOTICE. I would hereby request all who have ill their possession Kegs belonging to the McHenry Brewery to return the same at once. I would also give notice to all those knowing themselves indebted to me in any torm to call and settle the same without delay as I must have iny money. I mean business, and those in­ terested will do well to take notice. GOTTLEIB BOLE?, ' MCHENHT, ILL, May 2»Sth, LSSO W. F. TILTON will repair Clothes Wringers at his shop. Whatever may be out of order made good as uew, MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKINQ. Having secured the services of a first class dressmaker, I would solicit .the patronage of all desiring work done. In the line of Miliinery and Fancy Goods, my stock is complete,, Give me a call, MRS. E. VI« HOWE. Ladies of McHenry and Viointtjr don't buy your Hats or Bonnets antII you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S. S«*arles. Am now offering greater bargains than ever. All iu repairing done on short no ties. -- . : S For Sale. In the village of Ringwood. a House, Barn, and seven acres of Land, known as the Lester place. On the place to plenty of Fruit, consisting ot Apple*. Pears. Cherries, &e. Good Well ot Water. The house has eight rooms, aud is in good repair. Will sell fur cash or ou time if desired. For further particulars inquire of Wasutr LAML RiNowooot No*, nth. »n>. FOR SALE OR RENT. The"Store lately occupied by J. X. Vasey In the village of Ringwood. Possession given March 25th. For further particulars Inquire of Mas. A sir YASBT. ftlugwood, March 17, ltfeM. ^ ^ ^ DRAGS! DRAGSk The b6st Drag In the market an«f as ' cheap as can' be bought of any other dealer in the county. Call and see them before purchasing. R. BiSQO«\ E. M. OWEN ft SON have just re- ceived a new lot of Top Buggies, to which they invite the attention «*f those wishing to purchase. They are as tine as auy to bo found in the mar* ket. - • We do not wish to make loud talk, but we candidly think we have as flue a line of Dress Goods as can be foumt in the county. To satisfy yourselvea call and see. COLBY BROS. Have vuii examined that genuine Imported Kid Glove at Fltzsitninom A Evanson's. Price 65 cts. MARHIKD. 3» H.VOONV. B.\DY--At t»ie Parsonage ntJQt, noa Junction, Wis., June 1st, ISH0, bv Rev. r, J. Douglass, Mr. Charles 1). It a eon "and Xlta Jenattt 8. My, bath or Richmond townships New Boot & ShoeShop, i GEO. E. BROWN, 1 * H»Tin» <>i>eo«*l a Shop over Bishop's War*. »nse, Mollttnrjk is now prepared " house fact a re to order to nana. Boots and Either or Sue, on abort notice gHsmutw natUfHctiuii. IUvIm fcM aa expe. rienoe of many years in tlie ballMM 1 roniMent I oaii pltiaso all wbo SMUT see It te jfive ue a cell.. t Charges Reasonably, •S-RKP UKrxu •§*• Give n>e a oall. f Melloury, May 4th, l&tt. »*r*. JWOOL TWINE. A fine let of Wool Twine eft Bio#. McHenry and ̂ Wl^ lest**!

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