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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jul 1880, p. 1

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{•" : " " •• ; w 1- , JJH - ~ ~ - - - - S JL---- -- 1 ' W-.-. ' ..J '! U. •'< " Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Uaw; No Favors Win ua and no Pear Shall Awe." V 'V T I"-.;". ... . . •' -.Y- •. HIM- ». • U WM'-! $F"M " VJ MI.Y VOL. 5. '"-L! "FL>L '••• ' -• "• M'lIENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1880. 1 ---- NO. 50. Published Every Wednesday by fp: VAN SLYKE & SON*. PUBLISHERS. "' 'J Office in Old P. O. Block, --OPPOSITE RIVERSIDE HOUSE.--• TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : One Year, (in Advance,).., tl 5" I not Paid within Three Months ...^....2 00 lubsarlptions recoivedfor threeor eixmonth the same proportion. " jJESSE A. BALDWIN, , ATTORJfKY at Latv and Solicitor .tn tJfiMl-eerv. Will practice in "State and in Fed. -ernl Courts. Office, 3d Floor. New Custom Mouse, Chicago. BUSINESS CARDS, Hi T. BROWN* M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over the Post Office, opposite Perry & Martin s Store np S urs, Mcilenry, 111. O. H. FEGERS, M, D- |>HYSICl AN AN ft SURGEON, JOhnsburg I Ills.--Offlc^ hours 8 to 10 A, M, O. J. HOWARD, M D. 1>HYSI0IAN AND SURGEON. Oflice at I my residence, opposite M. B, Church, McHenry. 111. E- V. ANDERSON, M. D. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office at Beslev's Drnsr S tore, opposite Parker House, StcHehry, Illinois. W . H. BUCK, M. ft.. HOMEOPATHIC physician and Snrtreon-Office eatt sedo I'uWic Square, Woo<!. stock. 111. Office a ours 11 to 12 A M., and B to 4 P.M. PRATT HOUSE. J A. PRATT, Proprietor. First class ac­commodations. Good Barn in connection Wauconda, III. F. J. BARBIAN. CIGAR ManIIfact nror McHenry, 111. Or­ders solicited. Shop, North East Cor- ner Public Square. RICHARD BISHOP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR ATLAW. McHenry, 111. RICHARD COMPTON. JUSTICE of the Peace and Conveyancer.-- Will attend promptly to the collection of ftebts. Volo, Luke County, 111. E. E. RICHARDS. HAS a '-omplete Abstract ot Titles to land in M Henrv County, lll :nois. Oflice with 3ounty ( lerk, Woodstock, 111. BUSINESS CARDS. F. P. BROWN, M. D. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and ~ •-,i'-- Jttc-P Residence over O. ~W. Owen's Store, Henry, 111 CIIAS. H. DONNELLY. ATTORNEY AT LAW *n<i Notary Public Woodstock, Illinois. Office oiw Stone's Drugstore. ' •- . • . • j : -- HI • ' ii i•" • C. H. TRtfAX. . - CARPENTER and Builder, Nunda, 111.*-Will put up buildings by theJobor day. and guarantee satisfaction." E. BENNETT, M. D., SURGEON and Accouoher. Diseases of Women and all private diseases of both se*es a Specialty. Office and Residence OJ» Clay Street Woodstock. 111. ' •N' SIDNEY D1SBROW, OTARY PtfBLICand Conveyancer, den, 111. . Ai JACOB BONSLETT. SALOON AND RESTAURANT. Opposite Bishop's Mill, Mollenrv, 111. The choic­ est Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the county. Fresh Ovslers in their season served up in any shape desired or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR ITORSES. F. J. CROSS, D E E F T I S T . McHenry, III. Full Plates made of -the best material and fully warranted, $8.00. Filling on e-half usual rates. Special attention paid to regulating bad shaped teeth. Teeth extracted without P.®1" free of charge where Artnicial leeMiaie serted irv him. All Work fully warranted. Pure Nitrous Oxide Gas on hand for the painless extraction of teeth. and iu- J. A. KECKF.TSKjr, M. KBLTSK Keckeisen 1 Kelter, i f k.' a" General Commissioa Msrch-eurts, --DEALERS IN-- Floor, Grain, Fork, Lard, Hans, Green and Dried Fruitk Butter, Eggs, Ponl; try. Hides, Pelts, etc. 170 South Water Street, CHIC? AGO, REFERENCE--Jas. M. Adsit, Banker. Advances made on Consignments. --VIA- CHICAGO OOIITH WESTERN RAILWAY 2,380 Miles of Road ROBT. WRIGHT. Manufacturer of Custom Ma'le Boots aiyl Shoos None but. the best of materal nsed and all work warranted. Shop North- west corner Public Square, McHenry III. E. M. OWEN. GENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in Leading Farm Machinery.-- Prices low and Terms favorable. McHenry, N.S.COLBY. breeder of rkshire and Poland'China*wine. A choice jot of young Buck stock for sale. Please call Aud examine before bnying elsewhere... • • . MCHENRY, McHenry Co., 111. ^ Spanish Merino bheep, Berl Poland China *wine. A choice lot E L E C T R O P A T H Y . Dr. Samuel Sherman, And Wife will be at their residence 1X miles West of the Depot, on the Woodstock road, three davs in each week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, for the purpose of treating all curable diseases. Consultation and Examinations Free. Office hours from K . M . , t o 1 P . M . REFERENCES:--John Doran,Richard Bish op, Martin Welsh, Arthur Whiting, Leonard Bonslet, James Sutton, John M. Smith, r , h . Grander, Geo. (iane, Tten. Gilbert, Horace Dwelly, B.F.Peck, Win. Hutson, Geo. Gilbert GEO. SOilREINEU. SALOON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite the Parker House, Mc-Henry, III. , _ 49*Fii'st class Milliard and Pool laliles. JOHN HENDRICKS. BLIVIN'S MILLS, ILL. Is now prepared to sell and repair any kind of a Sewing Machine as cheap as the cheapest. Will also insure your life and property at reasonable rates. Please giveme a cal1. PETER LEICKEM. REPAIRS Watcher, Clocks and Jewelry of all kinds. Also Repairs Violins in the best Bosslhlc manner, on short notice and at rea- •onthle rates. Also Violins for sale. Shop Brst door North of Ri verside Block, Mcllenry 111. G. L. HUBBARD, r I I I , Ringwood, -DEALER IN- LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS Also every thing that i8 kept and sold in Harness Shop. I can and will sell Harness as cheap any man in the County. All work' warrauted. Call and see me betore purchasing. RepairinoL to at all Times. Scott & Co., "Hatters to the Great Northwest." M 135 and 137 Malison St., NEAR CLARK ST. Have a larger stoek and ?reater variety of styles for you to choose from, than can be found in any other establishment in Chicag > or the West. It will pay you to call and see them. Price i the lowest in the land for good goods. BRANCH STORES S. E, Cor. Clark & Lake sts. & S. E. Cor. Halsted and*" Harrison sts., CHICAGO. M A R C U S CERMAN J, A. SHERWOOD jIlXJ omo E2 ER AND APPRAISER,' Algonquin, III. SALES of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds promptly attended to. Farm sales a specialty. Terms reasonable. Post Office address Algonquin 111. W. H. SANFORD, Merchant 'JLYtiloi-. ' fin the store of C. H. Dickinson, East side of Public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al- wavsonhand. Suits:na<le to order and a fit warranted- Give me a call. W. H. SANFORP. Woodstock 111.,Sept. 27th, 1375. •gs/p v n.K. W T.u AN, Pruiiriotor. l' ; it class rigs, with<>r without drivers, furnished tit reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds lone on short notice. c>' M. ENCELN- <^XJ TV- I TXT! Scale Repairing, Grinding and Pol­ ishing Razors and Shears and Table Cutlery a speciali­ ty. Repairing of twS%all kinds done in ^T®Steel or Brass.-- All work, warrant­ ed. Also dealer in Guns. Revolvers, Table and Pocket Cntlerv.Gun and Fishing Material, Pipes, Cigars," Tobacco, Viol Mi Strings, Ac. Shop and store near the Post Office, Mc­ Henry, 111. JOS. WIEDEMANN Agent Franz Falk's HMABPI LAGER BEER, nr. in. Beer in l.arga or Small Kegs orJRottles al­ ways on hand cheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. , This Beer has a world vide reputation and good judges acknowledge it cannot no sur­ passed in the/world. Orders by mail promptlyjattended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. McHenry.*111. Mat 5th, 1880. nry, - Illinois, IN-- Agricultural! Machinery, Nunda, Of A)l'Kind8. Agent for the towna < and McHenry for the p [ Algonquin, lebrated Nnnda McComiick| Machines, All kinds of machlni6f|r sold as cheap as any Give me a call. other dealer in the Oowkty Nunda, June 15th, 13». C HENRY WESTLFOR Cedar Rapids, Denver, MarshaMtown, Leadville, Des Moines* Salt Lake, Sioux City, San Francisco Yankton, The Black Hills, Oinaha, Colorado, Council Bluffs California Columbus, the Territories EAST FOR Ohlcago New York, Boston, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Montreal, Toronto, New England, Canadas, Buffalo, and all Points Eastl^ SOUTH FOR Cincinnati, Nashville, Louisville, _ Now Qrleaim St. Loris, Jacksonville^ Columbus, an'd all Points South, --THE-- "North-Western," Is the most DIRECT ROUTE, offering the traveling public Greater Facilitiesand More Advantages than any road in the West. It is the only lino running PBllman Hotel anil Sleepiin Cars, Between Chicago and Council Bluffs. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars arc run on all night trains. This is the great Pullman Line of the Northwest. P.ilnoc Par or Cars run between Chicago and Milwaukee. First-Clas* Meals only KOcents at the Eat ing Stations on the North-Wcstcm. Sure a n d cloee connections at Chicago with all Railroads and at all Junction Pdints with all roads that cross its Unes. All Ticket A cents can sell you Thrnusrh Tickets ;md check your Baggage FREE by this Road. 1 For information, folders, maps, etc.. not ob- tainahle at Uonic Ticket Office, address any agent of the Company, or MARVIN HITGHITT W. H. 8T1UNETT, G e n e r a l S u p t . Gen'l PassengerAgen New Boot & Shoe Shop, GEO. E, |H0WN, Having opened^a Shop over Bishop's house, Mcilenry,|is nfeW -prepared * facture to order Ware to nwnu Boots and Shoes, Either coarse or fine guarantee satisfaction, rience oftmany years i conAdent',1 can pleau; give me a call. short notice and n ing h.vl an expe- lic business I am who may see lit to Charges tljhsonable. «ff*REPAIRING P Give me a call. Mcilenry, May ith. THE M«: BA Iv 2NKY Manufactured by F. MARCUS, --dealer IN- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock, III. The hast Tonic in the world. Pint and Quart Bottles. Put up in Geo. H. Stewart, Auctioneer. Richmond, III. Has an experience or 15 years, and wil guarantee satisfaction in all cases, where sales entrusted to my care, are properly ad­ vertised. or no charge will be made. Terms, from $5 to $10, according to amount "^AlVorders addressed to Richmond, 111., will receive prompt at tention. ^______---- MONTHLY MADE. Agentswanted $ 1 U U C o u n t y r i g h t s given R raf'» M\e of seven w e l l -know^tandard Medicines needed in every family ; reputation world­ wide; established many years; made bv a celebrated physician; proofs of eV'^e"®® given. An in uist r ious, energetic person can make * n u g per in an en t iivotne and very li berai terms by a'ldressing with reference, ii3 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. The Singer Ahead- The following is a list of pur­ chasers of the Genuine Singer Sewing Machine within the past eighteen months: Mrs Davis Mrs Walku^ Mrs TolCS |{ T* Stevenson.) Qtiinlan C H Tryon J S Kelley Miss Frame Miss Wandrak D Zigler" KGriswuld F K Granger Mrs Torrance Chet Stevens Mrs Gochy Mrs A H Coon Rev ltiirch Mrs Huffman Mrs ValalstineH (iillis Mrs McDonald M Sullivan Ellen HurlbutE McKinney J Keepsell J McQuillan O A Graves Mrs Morse H Connors MrsMVyce John Ileidcn R Church J Mellor J Groskiiisev G Br\ant Mrs Robinson Mrs Harmorid Mrs ft Itrown D W Boutell II M Proutv E D Thomas B F Gibbs 1 L liibbard Ed StCtair Mrs AVashburnJ Manstield H Freeman Jennie Booth C Ingersoll Mrs Barnes 2 Haratage C Ho.-child Mrs HomlerselS Reading Geo Farrow W Seaton Miss Furney Olive Stevens Minnie Page K Thompson W A Skinner Frank Colburn E B Smith II F Jones G Blakeslee Miss Furney Mrs A L Warner IJ Maver Monroe Lake Pat Connorty Maggie Sides Wm Stewart Alice Dates Geoltrvant P rosdick L Locbwood L Peterson Ira Slocum Miss Ileaton II Schnei'ler A Bonner O Joslyn Jacob Gnth Libbie Duffy S C Wernhltm Jas Bayard Jos StJohn Mrs K ;\vley Sv H San ford Mrs Iiriggs Mrs C Allen A K Blinker E A s PaddockC G Perkins G W Conn Etta Beers A M Genett R Harrison L Thompson . E Rennison Peter Frv Mrs Harris N Donnelly Geo McCowb H Bartlett L Anderson Sarah Ward' Sarah Shank A DaviOson Alice Carr T Good sell Wm Sperry 8 T H Wiggins L Hutchinson Geo Manning Rev Beatty Mary Bacon Sarah Smales G -Burrows J. A. Cirr Henrv Siinj>son Mrs N Martin Jos Levoy Dwight Judd E M Thompson J. Van Slyke Nancy Iliil Mrsfi BurtonJWm Huffman Nellie llall E FELT. General Manager for the Singer Manufact­ uring Co. for McHenry County. RESTAURANT. ROBT. PATTERSON, Prop. Having opened a Itakery find Restaurant in the Village of Mcilenry, the subscriber would inform the public tint he is now pre pared to furnish them with Fresh Broad* Cakes, Pies, Ac Of the best quality and at the lowest rates.-- We also keep a line stock of Coiifeetioneryf Fancy <»rocenes, canned Goods, itc., to which we invite the attention of the public. a®"Bakerv in Howe's Block, opposite the McHenry House. W"ICE CREAM always on hand. ROBT. PATTERSON. McHenry, May l'Uh, ISHO. Money Made EASY! -- BY PURCHASING-- Watcta, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Musical Instruments, Specta cles, etc.. etc., of c E. 1BL Jeweler, Woodstock, III. OUK CANDID 1TK. A Description of Him at Home, and with His Family. Gen, Garflcld is the possessor of two homes, and his family migrates twice a year. Some ten year3 ago, finding how unsatisfactory life was in hotels and boarding tfouses, he bought a lot of ground on the corner of Thirteenth and I streets, in Washington, and, with money borrowed of a friend, built a plain, substantial, three-story house. A wing was extended afterward to make room for the fast growing libra* ry. Thfe money was repaid Iii time, and was probably saved in great part from what would otherwise have gone to landlords. The children grew up in pleasant home surroundings, and the house became a centre of much simplt aod cordial hospitality. Five or six years ago, the little cottage at Hiram was sold, and for a time the only resi­ dence the Garfields had In his district was a Summer house he built on Little Mountain, a bold elevation In Lake County, which commands a view of thirty miles of rich farming country stretched along the shore of Lake Erie. Three years asro he BOUGHT A FARM IN MENTOR, In the same county, lying on both sides of the Lake Shore and Michigan South­ ern Railroad. Here his family spend all their time when he Is free from his duties In Washington. The farm-house a low, old-fashioned, story-and-a- half building, but its limited accommo­ dations have been supplemented by nu­ merous outbuildings, one , of which General Garfield uses for office and li­ brary purposes. The farm contains about 120 acres of excellent land, in a high state of cultivation^ and the Con­ gressman finds a recreation, of which he never tires, in directiug the field- work, and making Improvements In the buildings, fences and orchards. Cleveland 1s only twenty-five miles away; there Is a post-offlce and railway station within half a mile, and the pretty country town of Palnesvllle is but five miles away. One of the pleas- ureaof Sunimsr life on the Garfield farm Is a drive of two miles through the woods to the Lake-shore and a bath in the breakers. ,Gen. Garfield has FIVE CIIILDRKX LIVING, and has lost two, who die'l in Infancy. The two older boys, Harry and James, are now at school In New Hampshire, I Mary or Molly, as everyone calls her alwnOaytMCi. - w»y wH««ls«4, about 12. The two younger ndns are named Irwin and Abram. The Gen­ eral's mother is still living and lias long been a member of Ills family. She is an Intelligent, energetic old lady, wi th a clear head and a strong will, who keeps well posted In the news of the day and la very proud of her son's career, though more liberal of criticism than of praise. GEN. GARFIELD'S DISTRICT lies In the extreme North-eastern cor­ ner of Ohio, and now embraces the Counties of Ashtabula, Trumbull, Geauga, Lake and Mahoning. His old home county of Portage WJIS detached from H a year ago. With the excep­ tion of the coal and iron regions in the extreme southern part, the district Is purely a rural one, and is inhabited by a population of pure New England an­ cestry. It is claimed that there is less illiteracy l» proprotion to the popu­ lation than in any other district of the United States , IN PERSON Gen. Garfield is six feet high, broad- gheuklered and strongly built. He has an unusually large head, that seems to be three-fourths forehead, light brown hair and beard, light blue eyes, a prom­ inent nose and full cheeks. He dresses plainly, Is fond of broad brimmed slouch hats and stout boots, eats heart­ ily, cares nothing for luxurious living, is thoroughly temperate in all respects save in that of brain-work, and is de­ voted to his wifo and children, and very fond of his country home. Among men he is genial, approachable companionable, and a remarkably en­ tertaining talker.--E. V. Smalley. v attended to.-- BROWN. R Y , nij Repairing of FINE w ATCHES, AND JEW El.If Y a speciality. If you have any DIFFI­ CULT JOBS that others tell you cannot be repaired short of Chicago, take them to BLOSSOM and he will repair them, Engraving neatly done. Al ^ Goods sold engraved Free of charge. Remember the name, E W. BLOSSOM!, Woods'ock* While the loyal men of tbe Union were having their great son tent with Andrew Johnson; while Hancock as one of Johnson's appointees, and a strong personal ajherent. was doing all in his power to support Johnson in his course, and making troSble by rul­ ings In favor of rebels In his depart­ ment, Congress considered a bill to taks the appointment of Department Commanders entirely from the Presi­ dent as Commander-in-Chief, and put It Into the hands of Grant, as General of the Army. Hancock, it will be re­ membered. had' been placed in com­ mand of the department Indndlng Louisiana and Texas, from which Johnson had removed Phil. Sheridan, While the proposed bill was under consideration, Fernando Wood at­ tacked it with great vehemence, act­ ing In defense of Hancock. Farns- worth supported the bill. As our Dem­ ocratic friends now love John Farns- worth, his words lu this connection, will probably be as convincing to them as those of any other inau. Ia reply to Mr. Wood he contended: That the provision of the Constitu­ tion placing the executive power in the hands of the President, simply meant that he should use that power under the regulations and restrictions of the Legislative Department of the Government. The gentleman from New York, (Mr. Wood) had spoken to-day of an onslaught on a gallant oflScef, who had and has some respect for the civil powers, if the reports from that district^ are correct. He knew very well the reason why that gallant otficcr had commended him­ self so greatly to the respect of those gentlemen. It was for the same reason that the gallant Phil. Sheridan had se­ cured their .condemnation. Sheridan was the idol of the loyal whites and freedineu of Louisiana and Texas; Hancock, he regretted to wa* the idol of the disloyal the traitor, the en­ emy of his Government in that depart­ ment; and whoever commended him­ self to the aftcctions of the rebel ele- ment,commended himself equally to the aftection of their rebel brethren on this fioor. And it is this old affection, so tersely described by Farnsworth, that secured Hancock's nomination at Cincinnati. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE ISA VEGETABLE PKEFARATIOK invented in the 17th centurv by Dr. William Grace, Surgeon in Kinp Jaines army. Through its asrency he cured thousands nt the most serious sores and wounds that nam­ ed the skill of the most eminent physicians of his day, and was resarrted by all Who "knew him as a nublic benefactor. PIMCK J5CENTS A BOX. The McHenry Brewery. Gottleib Boley; Proprietor. THE best of Beer shipped to any part of the country and warranted as represented.-- Orders solicited and promptly attended to F. MARCUS, Patentee. House wild Gem. Cleveland, O ' 000 BOYS & GIRLS„wt»».n'. jr the best Boy's and Girl's paper published n the West. Beautiful presents to subscrib- srs and agents. Every boy and girl can earn ots of money canvassing during leisure (lours. Don't fail to send for it at once. To Introduce it we will send to any adiiress on Irialrthreo months, for 10 Cents in cash or ostafec \stam>is. Simple of paper and pjvrtiXjil. '»rs_ FREE- Addjress FREE HOUSE FOR SALE. The splendid new residence in this village, known as the Hintou Wheeler place, is offered for sale. The house lb one of the best built in the village, Is almost new, has a good barn and out­ houses, and is very desirable located.-- Will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. For further particulars Inquire *t tfoia oflice --AND DEALERJIIt-- J EstallisM Over a Quarter ol a Century. F. C. MAYES t Beady-Made Clothing. at all times. My stock of RE ADY -MADE CLOTHING is now complete ana l Will not be Undersold Store in Old McHenry, near the Bridge. P. C. MAYES. NcIIenty, Ill.,;Nov. 12th, GAKFIELD'S BACK PAY. WASHINGTON, JUNE 26.--The follow­ ing letter explains itself: TREASURY DEPARTMENT, WASHING­ TON, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, JUNE 22--//. Dusey. Esq., East Den Moines Iowa--SIR: In reply to your letter of the 17th instant, asking to be informed on what date the Hon. .fames A. Gar­ field paid into the Treasury his back pav, and the Treasury books show this transaction. I have to inform you that it appears from the records of this office that the sum of 84,548 was depos­ ited to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States in the name of James A. Garfield, on account of "retroactive increase of salary." on the 22d day of April, 1873, and that this amount was covered into the Treasury by miscel­ laneous covering warrant, No. 704, sec­ ond quarter, 1873, and cannot be with­ drawn except by act of Congress. Very respectfully, J. K. UPTON. Assistant Secretary S9»Hou. John C. Sherwin returned from Washington last Saturday, and Is looking first rate. He is delighted to get home. Ills domestic relations are of the happiest sort. He baa a beautiful family of children of whom he Is very fond. He Is worthy of good home. He Is a stranger to all the vices great or small He baa not one bad habit about him He works Incessantly and always stands In readiness to respond to any call which is made upon him. He Is a self-made man, and has worked from the foot of the ladder up. He is true to his friends and charitable to those who are agalnfft him. While lie Is not a man to create emergencies, he is pre­ pared to meet them, and is equal to them every time. He is manly, open handed, and open hearted, full of cour­ age and full of faith. He Is always cool and collected. Iii the darkest hour he never desponds, and Is not pufled up by success. He is more am­ bitious to perform the duties of a position faithfully, than he is to ob­ tain the position. It the people of the Fourth District want a man to represent them who is honest, if they want a man who is in­ dustrious, if they -want a man who is pure. If they want a man who is faith­ ful, If they want a man who considers his oivn personal Interests subordinate to the interests of the people, and does not believe that the created is greater than the creator, they caohaye such a representative in the person of John C Sherwin, whom we have known for years as a neighbor and friend.--Ho chelle Register. ggy- At the State convention in 1871, Mr. Lyman Trumbull 6aid: The war is over. The contest is done. Now what political organization will be the safest for the American people? Hereafter, to whom shall we look? Sf*all we look to the party which brought upon this government the civ­ il war? To that party which inaugu­ rated the doctrine that to the victors belong the spoils? To that party which now desires further to depreci­ ate the currency of the country by is­ suing millions and millions more of It? * * • The ship of State ten years ago was crippled. It had been run upon the quicksands aud rocks, and^was falling t<) pieces. The Republican party°took passession of her. They have been sailing her for the last ten years, not only over the boisterous waves of political commotion, but tnrough the terrific tornadoes of civil war, and they have brought the noble old ship upon the peaceful ocean, strengthened In all her parts, magnif­ icent in all her proportions, and there she now rides iu peace and prosperity. Now why does Mr. Trumbull want to scuttle the old ship and put a pirat­ ical craft in it6 place. WASHINGTON LKTTKR. ' I! * I WASHIXGTOK, D. C., June 9HhlMt The Chief of the Treasury Secret Service Division asks that Government rewards for the capture of counter­ feiters and counterfeit plates-be inp- creased. He thinks the only certain way to break up the business is to offer rewards large enough to induce coali­ te rfe Iters to expose each other. It will probably strike the intelligent; citizen that this reward business, ff carried too far, will induce <*rime an well as prevent It. The discovery of several new counterfeits of $100 bill* has caused almost a commotion in tlio Treasttry. A correspondent Writing from the Virginia Springs, at which Senator Cameron la stopping, says that the Senator will go thence in abont • month to New England, and that he will take no part ir: any "meeting of the Republican National Committee, and will not accept its Chairmanship.^-- The Republicans here, however, deny this, and aver'that Cameron will ac­ cept the Chairmanship, but will not attend the meeting of the Committee. All difficulty as to the appropriation for the Board of Health has been re­ moved, and the 9100,000 is made avail­ able at once. Further census returns make the population of this District 190,680.-- The growth in this and other respects in the last ten years has been extrems- ly gratifying. The increase Is perma­ nent, and Is of the better class of peo< pie, who build fine residences, and who bring wealth aud its reHueiyents Into the city. It is amusing te note, aft this ti|ji»« the large number of papers who claim to have been'"urging Gen. Hancock's nomination for years" aud '•had no second choice." According to edito­ rial expressions many of his party pa­ pers have been for Hancock since he was a<rilttle boy. It is, perhaps, un­ charitable to suspect that prospective post offices and consulships have had anything to do with these extraordi­ nary displays of hindsight wisdom, 1A the event of his election. The prominent part played bf Wis­ consin in the nomination of Garfield and Hancock will not go unrewarded, jand, according to the rules of polities, Wisconsin will be well taken care of no matter which party wins. In the Chi­ cago Convention the Wisconsin dele­ gation led the break in favor of Gar ffeld, a»#M GirtWtiiAti tbe from that State was the first to c! to Hancock and start the mo which promptly nominated him. It Is said the principal fight that will be made against the Democratic ticket in Indiana, will be upon Mr. English.-- The Greenbackers are to be spurred up against him. Mr. English has always been down upon Greenbackers, ami. It was through his opposition that S«u»- ders, tfie Democratic nominee for Gov­ ernor, was defeated for Congress. - An old soldier in the Springfield, (Mass.) Union says: 4*A11 of the Re­ publican soldiers under Hancock will work against him. We have to choose between two soldiers, one a West Pointer, who has beeu fed by the gov­ ernment, and one who is a volunteer soldier and who made himself; and we shall vote for the volunteer. More than that, the veteran association is jroin«* to work to prepare a pamphlet contrasting Garfield with Hancock as soldiers, and the balance vou may be I certain will be lu favor of Garfield." fSrThe idea of constructing m!W» stones of glass Is said to have origina­ ted from the observation that the finest flour was, produced from those millstones which have the most glasajr texture; from this observation came an experiment which demonstrated that pieces of glass combined in the same way as the French bnhr, ami similarly grooved on the surface, gave better results In grinding than the bultr, millstone. The outcome of this successful experiment wa* the inven­ tion of I he glass millstones now used in Germany with such satisfaction. Respecting their special |iiierits, they grliioeaslly, and do not heat the flour as mucli as is the case with the French bulir-stone. In grinding grist they run perfectly cold. In making these stones the glass U cast in blocks of suitable size and shape, joined with cement lu the same way as the French buhrs. dressed and furrow-cut with picks aud poiuted hammers. S®~Wniiam Pachey, of Waterford. Conn., illiterate and confiding has saved during thlrty-flve years §3.100, but was told at the New London Savings Bank the other day, that ho hart but $1,850 to his credit. Investi­ gation shows that some one had secured his bank book and drawn out 81,250 in small sams during the pa*t three years. The b«nk will be sued,, the money being paid on the Eimple: presentation of .the book. -ggp An exchange, speaking of the hanging of Surratt, queries of the Re­ publicans: "Why then, blame Ilanouck fordoing what they say should have been done?" They don't. They only call to mind the Inconsistency of a party which openly cursed Hancock aud all who had anything to do with hanging the assassins of Lincoln, and now take the former as their standard bearer. If in 1864 General Hancock was "one of Lincoln's hirelings en­ gaged in an unholy war," what has made him a saint in the year 1880?. If yon want a nice screen Door.- You will find them at I. N. Mead's, ue&r the Depot. lyWhwi tno Princess shopping iu Chieago. another feminine shopper approached her and said? •'There is a lady present who was born within the dominion of your mother^ J and she would like to speak to you.' The Princess immediately shook hand* with tlie diffident English-woman ami said she was glad to see her. After * > short but kindly conversation the good f Louise turned to go, saying: **Hoar-.^ lonely you must be to stay away from; ? your owu county so For~ Sale.a t / \ In the village of Ring wood, a House, Earn, and seven acres of Laud, known as the Lester place. On the place i» plenty of Fruit, consisting «t Applefk Pears, Cherries, Ac. Good Weil of Water. The house has eight rooma. and is in good repair. .Will sell for cash or on time If desired. For further particulars inquire of vnaatfk,- BisawooD, Nov. mh. tua.

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