W«i>NESDAY. 'JUMT 14, ,1880 lCclitor m. VAN HLVKKi CANDIDATES. IS: It#; ttgrJnlm Kelly looms as the boa? of the reunite*) New York Democracy.-- Tha higher he lootns the tighter TIL den drives the hung into the barrel. iHyThe Republicans in every town. ; village And school district in McHenry comity. shonhl organize campaign anil gk-e clnhs at once. Meet, elect your officers, prepare for work ami forward your proceedings for publication.^-- Let the ball begin rolling at otice and keep It rolling. Organize at ouce. The Point to he (H-cidotl. A newspiier, moralizing »ift«n tho present canvass. judiciously observes: "The issue is not between Garfield and Hanvock. It is between KepublicaniBin and Demacracy.*' "t'his is about the wieest remark wlticli we have seen up on the subject. Till?, after all. is not a contest bel ween inan anvi man The point to 1h; decided 1$, whether the |)e«iocrati« party,nfter having steadi ly opposed tlie lfc'piiblleiin policy, par ticularly and in detail, for years; after having been substantially upon the Southern side during tlie rebellion; af ter having set its'faco against ©very atioual plan of reconstruction; after prolonged faction and partisanship constantly verging upon treason, bhall now be put ill full possession of the Government, Hancock may be an an gel in epaulets, but he is the candidate of this party. Ills election will give it power. His defeat will send it back to the same place to which the people have over and over again consigned it. No Republican who lias ever been such because he believed the Republican party to be a safeguard of the Repub lic will trust the Democracy any uiore because Hancock is a handsome tuan. tar When Gen. Grant speaks It Is always to the point. The Chicago Advance has a letter from him in the course of which lie says: "I have noth- ing to say against Gen. Hancock. I have known him for forty years. His .; personal, official and military record is | good. The record of the party which thaa put lilm In nomination is bad." '/ This is the whole matter In a nutshell. §f! if 'The Inter Ocean says; * While f the lamp holds out to burn the vilest sinner may return.!" But the Demo cratic party has required a good many ^ years to find out that "the war for the Union" was not ua failure.**' It will reqnire something beside the nomina tion of a Union General to "convince the loyal voters that these first-class sinners are in earnest. No ordinary baptism is sufficient for such a case.-- They should be held under until blub- ben fail to show on the surface. M •s^Currie. the ruffian who • Wrarifler- |^|r ed the actor Porter last winter, has \ been acquitted by a jury at Marshall, * Texas, on the giound of insanity. The j*.fact that twelve men wore easily found In one town in Texas, to stand be- ^ - iwoen a murdeter and the execution of justice, shows what kind of a place Texas Is. People seeking homeR in the west should avoid Texas as they would the devil,as it is unquestionably largely popnlated with escaped con- evicts, fugitives from justice and the ^ riff-raff of all creation. General Sher- lidan says if he owned a resilience in f Texas and one in hell, he would five away the Texas place and live in the sother.--JPeeWe Sun. jpt;"'viiSv B^TThe Superintendant of the Cen- |% , wis. Gen. F. A. Walker, says he has ; * received enough of the returns from '•"i ':y' ^enumerators to warrant him in the / fe belief that our total population will fa^ftSiiot be farelther'way Iroin 48.000,000. Tin 1870 It was a little less than 39,000,- 000. ThH Is a gain of 26 per cent, in jm>, the decade, which Is an increase over tlie gain in the previous decade, the decade of the war. The greatest gains are found in the Northern and Western States, and the least in the Southern The growth of Denver, Colorado, in the last ten years, is something mar velous. It has Increased from 4,750 in 1870 to 34,079, or 612 per cent. The city of St. Paul, Minnesota, has doubled Its population in the last decade, hav ing now a population of 40,000 inhab itants. SS>"Tlic following from the Marengo Republican of Saturday last, in rela tion to our present Circuit Clerk, will rceeive tno endorsement ol overy Re publican voter in the county, and also many who do not agree with him ..in politics; E. E. Richards. Esq.. of Woodstock, is the present able and efficient Cir cuit Clvik and Recorder for this County and will be a candidate before the County Republican Convention for rlfe- nominatian* lie is eminently worthy and well qualified for the office, and he's filled it so satisfactorily to the people, that we hear of no opposition whatever to his candidacy, but on the contrary, a general desire that he be again nominated and elected to the office. At no time since the organization of the county has the business of this office been in so satisfactory a shape as it has since under the charge of Mr. Richards, and we believe he will re ceive the almost unanimous vote of the county at the coming election. 1-ltK SOI.II> SOUTH. Washington, July 11.--Attorney General Devens, speaking of the ac counts reccivi il ol the status of the Republican party in the South, pays they do not harmonlxe with the infor mation he has row!veil through the olUiH-'rg of his department. He believes it is the determination of the Demo cratic leaders there not to permit the Republicans to organize nor to conduct an active campaign in any of the States of the South except Virginia, in the latter 8tate he says local political issues will aRord the Republicans op portunity to take part In the campaign but there is no use In disguising the tact that iu the other States the Dem ocrats, by their wmuiI schemes of iu- tiinidatiou anil violence, propose to have a clear field. He does not expect to be able to appoint any marshals of elections in those States, for uotice lias been served that any one accepting such an appointment will do so at his peril. The Democrats, therefore, are thus early preparing the way for a solid South in support of their nomi nee, and the law officer of the United States admits himself powerless to en force the election laws in at least ten States, in some of which there is an admitted Republican majority, on ac count of the combination of the par tisan leaders to override the political rights of citizens who differ with them in opinion. The government sees no way to as sert its authority in the absence of n«y tlve public sentiment In its support, and therefore iu the coming election will be compelled to see the laws trampled under foot with impunity, and the mocker}' of an election enactcd unrebuked and unchastised, unless out raged public sentiment in the free North should hurl this party of rebel lion and disobedience of law into oblivion by the supreme power and inajes.ty of the people who are above and superior ta the domination and control of the agencies which manipu late aud shape Southern politics. " REPORT OF THE THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, '--AT- * Close of Business June U,,fi0 KISSOUlly.. f^ftaaftfodlmttaiits i.. Ovurdrafts IT. H. K hhIs t<> Boc.nro clrculati<)fn... U.S. hand Otio from ttpprovotf reserve agents. Mie from other National lti'iiks.... Konl estate, furniture and fixture#. I'urri'iit o xpenses ami taxes paid... Checks and other cash itcmo.......v Kills of otlior banks Frc'l paper cur. nickels A pennies.. Specie . , tie«ral tender notes Ucvlitmptiou fund with IT. S. Treas. liver (.r) pur oolit of circulation) Duo from IT. S. Treasurer other than 5 jHsr cunt redemption fund.... ... Total....».... i|3to»6Gl 72 , .igjiuBBMfIBS. . Capitiil'fstocX paid in ..... fio.oonoo Snri»lus fund ........ iJO.HtW !>l Undivided profits.. ^-.IKOrtd National hi Individual Demand certificates of deposit .'Hiiwfet'it' . . . (HIS t i'ftll <*l hi: |2, t2<) 80' -4,200 Oil 30 (Ml , l.'fl) '£•) 1 st,:W! oo» . ;s:51-2 7,20,ri !l.r> jl; ; j!0,(KH» (Hli ' 2,50009 IM1 JNO A. RRToWitrTP, I Joneral saluHinua, " Sol*;, Sell wnl) Oo. *«iv olinjr an, I'-'atu, *rntm Z, DIXON, KkiAgiBg Partner. *r. a cwRTis. Salesman, Formerly Uurtis & Co Walsh & Dixon, ^5-EIIV^pAli And «!uflesalo|)calurB in Flour, Fruits and Produce of all kinds* 138 South Water Stt&Bifg; CHICAGO. - References By Permission T..J. DACY, 'KM, ... ^ ^ *u>Uf MKCI 1 ' tfjtlrfit.-'J? M': A y'*!•><"' Total STATE OF ILLINOIS, hank notosoutstanding.... 45,ikmm)0 il do posits snlijcct to check lKi.ST)!) 70 BcrUilcatos of deposit 1,W1 il .... >IS, J BIcIIenry County, • j • . ( I, John"J. Mnrphy, oanhler tho abovo named ltn.nU, do solemnly swear that tho above statement is true to the best of ' my knowledge and'belief. Jimik .J. MnHpny. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to boforc me this Ski.1 day of June, 1880. V. II. Donnelly, Notary Public. Pr««tiW», Km* HankerR, Chloa^o. rtelz, Schwab «*fc(!o., Boot and Shoo Mannfac- tueers, Chicago. VV. J. Quail Jt Co., Wholesale <irocer, Chicago Mover, titra.uas & UoocUu&n. Whuluaaio Uloth. ern, Chicago. MoOann, t^lteh & Oonverso, Wholosalo Paper. gOhieago. • .-•.•.v..'-; V»«' •:/ Woodstock W. II, Dwigllt, Boots anA Shoes. COKRBCT-Attest: FllF.EMAN WlIITINO, " W. It. STKWAKf, E.A, MUHfllV. Dfreetora p rvl Pi Oreat chance to make moneyi We need a person in every town to take subscriptions for tho largest, cheapest and best Illustrated family publiea. turn in the world. Anyone can beeomo a suc cessful apent. Six elegant works of art given free to subscribers. The price is so low that almost everybody subs 'ribes. One agent re ports taking 120 subscribers in a day. A lady airent reports making over J'200 clear profit in ton days. All who engage mnke money fast. You can devote all your time to the business or only your spare time. You need not bo away from home over night. You can do it as well ns others. Full directions and terms free. Elegant and expensive outfit free. If you wantproiltable work fcend us your ad dress at once. It costs nothing to try the business. No one who engages fails to make great pay. Address Geougk stinbon & Co., Portland, Maine- 8^*Tho Geneva Lake Herald re lates the following singular «tory about bees: "Our frieml. Mr. A. W. Roberts, tells us of a strange freak on the part (if his bees, one day last week for which he wants a reason. There ap peared to be no more than the usual number on* but they were terribly en gaged. Tliey settled on the poultry and stuhg them so that 35 turkeys and 15 chickens died; they drove the faml- into the house and drove the school children away from tho gato. They were fairly wild and stung every liv ing thing for nearly an hour. One pe> culiaritv about It was that they did not touch any oi the white chickens or turkeys, not Mr. Roberts himself when he came out in a white coat." A couple of hourR later, they swarmed and were taken care of easily and in the ordinary way."' " 8®* A special to the Inter Oeeans from Ga'.ena, 111., under date of July 9th, says: "The Hon. O. A. Orton, a! prominent member of the Wisconsin bar, and partner in the banking firm of j Orton, Otis & Co., at Darlington, has renounced Democracy, after affiliating with that party for many years, and declares his intention to vote for and assist, to the utmost of his ability,, in electing the Republican Presidential ticket'nominated at Chicago. The high position which Judge Orton oc cupies as a jurist, and tho confidence which he enjoys as a conservative and upright citizen, will give great weight to the expression of his conviction o! duty, as set forth in a lengthy letter to tho Darlington /iepublican." SALE --IN- f9*Mr. George Ticknor Curtis says The North was to blame for seces *ion by electing a President upon a purely sectional Issue, and by the vote of a sectional party, and says the at tack on Fort Sumter vas precipitated by the course of Mr. Lincoln's govern ment in their vacillating dealings with the new confederacy respecting tho Federal forts, lie adds that it would be as ttnphilosopliical as it would be un just if we of the North did not now re cognize the fact that the true principle of our national constitution was put to the arbitrament of war because of fears that we ought never to have allowed to be uxcited. That was the old Vallandigham ar gument--"the fire in the war" which oneouraged the rebels of the South to keep their armies in the field--and •tore our soldiers in the prison pens of the South. The South has claimed that the history of the war has never been Written, and is taking heart that a new era has dawned upon the country.-- And yet it is something strange that the people there should select as their Standard bearer "one ef Lincoln's hire lings'* to reach for their lost cause. It will be stranger still if the millions of loyal men In the land do not thwart the scheme bid under each thin dis- guise. _____________ MTThe San Francisco Chronele falls into line as a hearty supporter of General Garfield. In a recent issue ap pears the following: Hone but young and inexperienced enthusiast!will view the Presidential election as a personal contest between General Garfield and General Hancock. Thoughtful men will almost lose sight •f this aspect of the election, and see in it little besides a momentous and desperate struggle by parties irrecon cilably opposed to each other in all their aims and purposes for the control of the government during four years from the 4th of March next. And for this reason, were Uirfield as much in ferior to Hancock in qualifications for the executive offlfee as he is. in fact Superior to him. intelligent Repukli- «hmi* would still I eel it their duty to Stand by the party iti contest, knowing: a* 'hey <io, that un American President lint and cannot control thegoverii- m nt in opposition -to the 'policy and 4 <>f iln>' iniliii. nl organization . ' *. *' v J@rGcneral Hancock, says a corres pondent of the Chicago Tribune, "occu pies sixty-four acres of land, worth if sold for city residences, about #15,000,- 000. Here on a fifteen million dollar farm, surrounded by several hundred servants, the tax-payers of America support Gen. Hancock. Here seventy' five soldiers make Gen. Hancok's gar den, dig in his door yard, trim his grape vines, and wait upon hitu as if he were a King. 4*At his command is a ^steam yatch with steam always up ready to take the General over to Delmonlco's to dinner, or down to Coney Island tor a sea bath and a flirtation with the ladies. Though we live in times of peace, everything around him is on a war footing. An armed sentinel stalks up and down in front of his private resilience all day long, and on through the weary night. What for, nobody knows, but tired and jaJed, In sunshine and storm, this pool soldier must walk before his great master. "No ordinary citizen can see the General. An orderly, buttoned up and baking, in regulation uniform, receives your card. A haughty Chief of Stall examines it, aud if your clothes are good enough, he will permit you to stand before the General a moment while he sits, listless, and then waves you away. The ordinary Illinois farm er. with his face browned, and hands calloused with honest toll, would uever be allowed to enter the presence of the Commanding General." A Ears Chance for a Business Man. My health having become im paired to that extent that I am unable to attend to my business, I have decided to dispose of my property in Ring wood, consisting of my store, 40 by 50 fpet, one half of which is two stories high, upper story finished off conveni ent for a small family, the lower cdekskmkn alarmkd. j story being designed expressly Tho ckeMG market l» (Wed with Mm- tjr!r » sto?k °( , Morchau- sternation and excitement. A rapid I such as 18 usually kept in S tumble in the price of that article has I Country^ £}tore» with Office anc, caused the dealers'to view with alarm I l«st Oifioe hi center of one end, the probability of a still further de cline A Hairs have not quite reached a panic, but the end is -not yet, and some of the operators fear tho worst^ the decline in priccs being unprece dented. At certain seasons there is always a drop in tho quotations, apd about this time the usual falling ofi is expected. But this Summer the downward tendency has been so great as to threaten to ruin the cheesemon gers. The market is very unsettled and weak! In fact, under no circum stances can it be said that Cheese in strong, even Llmburger, In one sense of the word, failing to come up to its well-deserved reputation. Several prominent cheese dealers who were interviewed at the Butter and Cheese Exchange yesterday, ex pressed the opinion that "the situation is grave." One gentleman said; "The depression was never so great in any season." The unsettled market is partly In sympathy with a decline Is the English market, and partly because of our excessive production aud the bad weather. Since hist Tuesday the market has declined from Uf cents to 8J cents,atul is still tending downward. We are all writing, to our producers and manufacturers to stop their ship ments--to hold back the goods so as to diminish the stock here and steady the market. If the producers do not do this they will simply ruin the market, for we cannot take care of the stock, The market here is very much over stocked."--New York Herald, June 27 . John W. Bunn SpringfloM, 111. • . ^ - S. E. Hunt, Hunker and More hunt, Dnndee , Illinois. Jacob Mueller & Co., Louisville, Ky. Geo. W. lMvi.-.ou & Co , Mow Orleans, Lk. Sherman & Knox, Wholesale Fancy Grocers, Chicago. References; Thoe, Whiteon & Son, Hardware dealers STENCILS AND TAGS, 8KNT ON APPLICATION. CONSIGNMENTS AND COEKES- PONDENCK SOLICITED. AT OUR STORE You will find all depart ments full. The latest Novelties, The lowest Prices. STEVENS & SCHNORR. Also the Bulletin? known as the Merchant Store, anil-one Lot. , Also my Dwelling House nn<l Barn and 3J»" ftftVes of very choice land, on wliich there is an almii'lance of Fruit, such as Apnlos, Pears, Cherries anil Graces. All of the above property ia situated within live minutes walk of .the ltinirwood Station, on the Fox Uiver Branch of tho 0. & N. W. U.R., in one of the pleaaantest country towns in Illinois. No hotter opportunity can bo found in Illinois for any uuniness man who won hi be satisfied to do a business of $12,<KX) to 415,(XX) a year, as the people are all white people, nearly all farmers of tho thrifty class, able and willing to buy what they need and pay tor it, and no other Store nearer than four 'miles distant, thusaft'ordintf a KOO<1 business man, who is willing to deal fairly, an exocllentopportuni ty. I will offer any party who may wish to pur chase any of tho abovo property such in ducements as no real business man, who might wish to engage in tho Mercantile business, would decline ao avail himself of, as I mo'in what I say when I say I am deter mined to dispose of the above property either with or withont my stock of Goods, at the earliest opportunity, and at such prices as will sell them. In tho mean time will .make such prices on our present Stock of Goods as will bo an inducement to those who may need anything iu my line. BEST J. W- CRISTY. Hurrah For H. Maiman -*E\Y»TOOK OF- Q t * Q T I M I IT business now beforo the public. You can make money faster at work for lis than at, anything elso. Capital not required. Wo wilt start you. tlii a day and upwards made at home by tho industri ous, Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is tho time You can devote your whole tiino to tho work, or only your spare moments. No other busi ness will pay you nearly *8 well. No one willing to work can fail to make enormous pay by engaging at once. Costly outfit and terms free. A great opportunity for making money easily and honorably. Add rasa TBUB A Co., Augusta, Maine. ATTENTION! ; " m DNIVBIMAI, ACOOROk Ayefs Cathartic Pills are the best of ail purgatives for family use. They are the product of long. laborious ami successful chemical investigation, ami their extensive use by physicians iu their practice, ami by all civilized na tions, proves them the best and most successful Purgative Pill that medical science can devise'. Being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use. In intrinsic value and cur ative power* no other pills can be com pared with them, and every person knowing their virtues, will employ them when heeded. They keep the system in perfect order, and maintain in healthy action the whole machinery of life. Mikl. searching and effectual, they are specially adapted to the needs of the digestive apparatus, derange ments of which they prevent anil cure, if timely taken. They are the best and safest physic to employ for chil dren aud weakened constitutions, where a mild but effectual cathartic is required. 9 For sale by all dealers. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic corps Dys- pepsia. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. Having secured the services of * first class dressmaker, I would solicit the patronage of all desiring work done. In the line of Millinery and Fancy Goods, my stock is complete. Give nic a call. Mies. E. VV. Howk. We do not wish to make loud talk, hut we candidly think we have as line :t line «>t ilri'es Gom)? a» can be found in !If ('utility. To s:iti«1v rourselvep > <: • :' Various Causes-- The largest evor brought to this part of tho oouutry. worth just receivoil at tho latest .styles and most elegant patterns. Iam now ablo to suit in prices, quality and lit.-- Also Boots A Shoes, Hats A Caps, Advancing years, care, sickness, dis appointment. and hereditary predis position--all operate to turn the hair gray, and either'of them inclines it to shed, prematurely. Ayeh's Hair VKiou will restore faded or gray, light red hair to a rich brown or deep hlaek, as may be desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy action. It removes and cures dandruft and humors. Ity its use fall ing hair J£ checked, and a new growth will be produced in all cases where the follicies Jire not destroyed or the glands decayed. Its cffects are bcauti fully shown on brashy, weak, or sickly hair.on which a few applications will produce the gloss and fieshness of youth. Harmless and sure in its oper ation, it is incomparable as a dressing, and is especially valued for the soft lustre and richness of tone it imparts It contains neither oil nor dye.and will not soil nor color white- cambric; yet it lasts long on the hair, and keeps it fresh and vigorous. FOUSALK BY ALL dkalers. GontsFurnishing Goods anil Ple«e Goods, the most fashionable suitings ever brought to this section and the prices lower than the lowest. C'oats, |*ants, Vests or ontire suits on short notice and on the most reasonable terms.-- Goods Kit* guaranteed and all work war ranted. Mrs. H. IVfaiman, lias just loccivod a large stock of Ladies FashioaaWe Millinery Goods and Novelties. Hats trimmed in th( latesc styles at prices within tliorcacli of all. Reed's Malaria. Gilt Edge Touic prevents Administrator's Notice. ESTATK of Mathias Freund deceased. Tho undersigned having been apiioinldA Ad ministratrix of the ICdt ite of Maiiuas Freund lat-j of the County of Mcllenry, and State of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notico that she will appear before the County Court of Mcllenry County, at the Court House, in Woodstock, at tbu September term, on the third Monday in September next, at which time all persons having claims against said Kstate, arc notified and ret j nested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Kstate are nt <1 in'.ited to make immediate payment to tCKt undersigned. Wthday A.IM iSii. - „ CA-tUAiupu FuKtrKiv AdmiMhti-atetv: ' i k • ' ; " ' " ' $ lli-afe:-;;": 'i-i. >. . fftRWlXG MACiHKBS of «U kiftdSt in which our specialities arc Eldredgo, Domes tic, New Home, Ainoric&n aud Singer low ing Machinc Attachments and Needles of all kinds. Will sell as low as any establishment in the county. Call and examine onr stock and loarn ptyses. II. MAIMAN, Proprietor. » Wauconda, 111* HUME CURE Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bron chitis, Asthma, Consumption, And All Diseases or THROAT and LVNG4 Pat up in Quart-Sizo Bottles for Pamflj Use. Scientifically prepared of Balsam Tola, Orjstnllixod Beck dandy, Ola Kyo, and other tonics. The FormnJ* ta known to our Lest physicians, ia highly commended us thom, and tho analysis of our most promtnon% flhomlst, Prof. G. A. MAlliNKii, in Chicago, ie on tjM Iftbol of ovory bottlo. It is well Known t-o the modioli profession that TOLIT ROOK and RYI3 will afford th* Scat-eat xviiof for Oougho, Golds. Influenza, lironehltig, >re Throat, Weak Lungs, also Uoneumptione in tho in* ©ipi'jui aud advanced iitr-go?,. Used as a BEVKUAGK and APPETIZER,it makei% a^lightfut tonic for family uso. Is pleasant to take; tf Woak or dobilltatod, it gives ton©, Activity and strength to ttm whole human frr<me. ooirr be deceived g vJ Xlv/ll# by unprincipled deal- n you flock and Rye in Z AND RYK, which is tho only medicaid arUoJe mado. the genuine hav- \in« & GOVERNMENT STAMP on each bottle. • era who try toj>alm off upon you 1 placo of our TOliU ROOK AND RYK, which is ) tAWllEStU & M Ai£TI>, JPreprtetM^ 111 Sfadison Street, Chha(tb PT A»h your ISa-niei^lsE for It! IT*" Ante your Orocer for It! BV A»k your Wine Merchant for lit KiT* Children, oak your Mamma for lit jr»w by imuaoisTs, okockm • frurs MMmtM+xvm •Wi7wa« M AmUHM! I TRAD s? THOROUGH ftEWlEDY In evfiry case of Malarial Fever or Fovo* and Aguo, while for 'iisonlorn of tho .Stomach Torpidity of the I-iver, Indigestion ami dis turbances of the animal forces, which debili tate, it has no equivalent, iind can have no substitute. It Mhoitld not he confounded with triturated compounds of cheap spirits and essential oils, often sold under tho name of Hitters. FOlt SALIC TIY U * , t- . , ' f in Persons in looking for Bargains Dry Goods, Clothing Boots, Shoes, See., should not fail to Read this column - next week. For Sale* lh the tillage of Ring wood, ft House, Barn, and seven acres of Land, known as the Lester place. On the place Is plenty of Fruit, consisting ot Apples. Pears, Cherries, &c. Good Well ot Water. The house has eight rooms, aud is in good repair. Will sell for cash or on time if desired. For further particulars inquire of Wbslby Ladd. BiWGWOOD, Nov. 14th. 1879. #6,000ACENTS0 TO SKIX lO NSW PA- -VH ^ TENJ8, ETEBTWBEBE. Jne Agent i mother, $S21 • jive Sole An Bend 6 cts. f<ir aoo paues. { " PWUIM ie Agent made $52.50 In two days another, $S2 in one day. Thy it. give Sole Agency iSendficts. f<iraoo arriages Attwrn^fe. WnfwMi-T. 4*"^ ' ceivod lust week and the balance are now on the road, and I have ;i this day sent my order for 60 ' more to be shipped in June. " J. ^ well-made, durable, thoroagnlj ^ *• * ^ I*"' T,:' made by Emerson, Fisher & Go., ^ which are shipped to every part^|. ' o f t h e N o r t h A m e r i c a n C o n t i n e n t i * The faroi-able reputation these Carriages have made in MeHonry'. • ' J county, where they have been/' "4 used for several years by 8ivery -,i men. physicians and fanner , has?,^ J led to such a demand for them > -4 that we are obliged to resort to selling them at Auctiou in neighs ' boring towns. Every Carriage sold by us is warranted for one year. Our stock is complete and much larger than can be found with any retail dealer in the Northwest. T.J. DACY- W oodstock, June 9th, *80. Fox River Valley Mill. R. BISHOP, Proprietor. McHenry - - - - llinois. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. CUSTOM GRINDING Done promptly, and satisfaction guarantee IlavinK just i>ut in a new Food Stone, capab. f grinding sixty hiuhels of Feed per hour, m prepared to do-your grinding on abort ao ice. WTho IIlKhost MarkotlPricc paid Milling Wheal. R- BISHOP HoHenry 111.,Deo. 11th, 1878. New Headquarters, LAUER & BECKER, Near the Depot M c H e n r y - - - - - I l l i n o i s , GOODS AND PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. Having moved onr store to the Lansing Bl«ck. directly opposite oiir old stand, our ar rangements for the Spring and Snmmer cam. paign aro fully comple ted. Our plans to serve our easterners conveni. entlv, and onr Stock of tioous, In quality, quan tity, variety and'cncap. ncss, surpass anything over before shown in Molleury. Our btock sf & Siner Suitings. Comprises the latest Btyles, and we are pre. pared to make single garments or full suits on short notice and guaran tee satisfaction. " Wo also have a full ine of FURNISHING GOODS Collars, Ouffs. saspenders, Hosiery, HATS, CAPS, &c. In which we will not be undersold, quality of goods considered. Atr'lf in want of anything in onr line do not fail to give ns a call aud we will try tofplease you both in quality and price. LAUEW A BECKER. Thousands s Farmers, ARE READING, AND Hundreds of Stockmen ARE ENDORSING, tm tha 8troogMt Tunis y cotnplete» r and carnally ecMted m* r per of it* kfodl published. Give* DAILY* KVER FRESH,Weekly and JMeretUng, // Weekly SOLID ,y^%5ft^x,iT,8toekMirk8tl»p«ti ^ / i t s » T € f i l l e d w i t h m a t t a r . relating to ilvv ^tock and kindred » m prej>areil with the utmost and sysl^nnatifallv //Evi'iy branch of the Uve-stot k busi» ^ mjss ri'coivtta attontion. Incliuling Cat- . Hoassw, SVS'INK, SHKBP, roiar*r« Eto. The Wwlily h> printed on tinted / per on !anre» plaiu typi, Aod showsj in every detail tho care and sk'll of thoae tLo«ousblw acqimhiti'd with their work. * 8E.VD TOK SAMPLE COPIES, isoription, $2.00 per YeaK STOCK YARDS, CHICAGO, 1LU tmWW*; •• oAi • ri .in sew.jiS. _»