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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jul 1880, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, JULY 14,1880. Railroad Time Table. aoima aoutn. leneva Lake 1'nsseuger ...7:MA. M Genera Lake S:2» a w . *ea*va Lake PreVht 1:1# P. w Steamboat Express....................5:16p, K. ooiiro iroKTB. Steamboat Express ... ...r.......10:00 A. M. Gen«v% Lake Freight ..........10:02 A. JM Genera Lake ExpraM................6:49p. H iienava Lake Paesentter.... 6:53p.*. W. G. BILLINGS, Internal Revenue Collector, spent Sunday in this village. CASPKR MCOMBER, of Chicago, paid bis parents a visit the past week. ^ TQK WoolMarket in this section fa * little firmer than last week, our buyers now p&yiug from 35 to 37 ccnts. A DAUGHTER of Casper Wirfs, aged about ten years, died on Tuesday last. Diphtheria Is reported to be the cause, MKS. STEGKMANN will accept the thanks of the Editor and family for * Very fine'lot of Turnips. EVERY town which has not doubled Its population in ten years is mad enough to kill off its census enumera­ tors THE House fly has now readied the climax of his usefulness and is exert­ ing his energies in the interest of early rising. GIRL WANTED, to do general house­ work in a small family. Inquire at the Hardware Store of i. N. Mead, near the Depot. TIIE sun is too hot for a boy to work In the garden. It is as much as fie can do to get through with his base ball' games. LEMONAI>E. Ice Cream, Warm and Cold Lunch, Cigars. Tobacco. Confec­ tionery, &c., at Mrs. Scott's Ice Cream Restaurant, two doors Northof Colby' Bros. REV. PETER ARVIDSON will officiate on Sunday, the ISth, at Reading Room Algonquin1 at 10:30 A. M. At Dole's Chapel, Crystal*Lake--Swedish services 3*45 p. m.; English services 4:15 p. M. MONET LOST.--On Monday evening, between the store of Mrs. Searles and tier residence, a roll of bills containing •25. The finder will be liberally re­ warded by returning the same to her •tore. AT Besley's can be found the finest assortment of Pocket Books in this section. A new style of Portmonnaic, for Ladies, a little the niccst tiling of the kind we ever saw, can lie found there, Call and see them. THE Telephone fever has struck us at last. Our Deputy Post Master has erected one,teem the Post office to hie residence, James B. Perry, Esq., one from the store to his residence, and we hear several others talking of ereotiug llhdsfrom different p'iflnts. \ ~ ^TRAVEL to the Lakes the past week, has been unusually active, and promises to be even more so for the week to come. The e&trteme hot weather has driven large numbers from the cities, and Fox Lake is getting a full share of those looking for a coo. place. WE learn that a stack of Winter Wheat, belonging to William Thomas, one mile Northwest of this village, was struck by lighniiig^ during the storm on Tuesday night, and entirely destroyed. It had just been stacked, and is a heavy loss for Mr. Thomas. THE thermometer lias been almost hot enough to "slss" when touehe d with the wet finger. We had hopes that this instrument would behave Itself this summer, and not. act as though it expected the census enumer­ ator around in a day or two. BY the Census lust completed by the Enumerator of this town, John Huemann, we learn that tho population of the township is 2313. Of the Corpo­ ration 875. We shall next week give the number of farms • in the township and other items of interest. THOSE interested in astronomy can see the new comet now iu the heavens by looking to the left of the North star, and half-way between it and the western horizon. Though faint, it can be distinguished by its train of light, and 11 o'clock is the best tiine to see it. FARMERS and other employers should put three or four ounces of oat meal in a gallon of water to be used for a drink by their men in hot weather,-- Thisisa prevention of injury from drinking while in a heated condition, and it is also palatable and strength­ ening. THE weather is certainly "booming,** if that expression can properly bo ap plied to heat. On Saturday it was 9S degrees in tile 6hade. Sunday and Monday 96 and 97, Tuesday 98 strong, and still there is no let up. We are having showers almost every day, but still they do not Beem to cool the air We must grin and bear It but would say, "How long, oh Lord, how long." SOME, one with neither the fear of God or mau before their eyes, forced an entrance into the Meat Market of B. Waite, on Sunday night, but was only rewarded for their palus by a small amount of change in the uioiley draw. A savage bull dog to act as a re­ ception committee, would be a good thing to leave on the premises to re­ ceive such individuals. WE learn that T. Bacon, Who lives Southeast of this village, on the Wau- condaroad, was attacked on Sunday last by a vicious Bull, and came near losing his life. He was severely gored but we believe the Doctors decidc that his injuries are not fatal. These thor­ oughbred auimals, after arriring at a certain age are very dangerous, and should be kept confined, or what isbet- ter, shot. -In this Tillage, on Wednesday, 1880, Loren Morse, aged 79 years. biRp. HORSE. July 7tKT ] Mr, Morse was an old resident of this town, having lived ou a farm near and in this village for the past 35 or 40 years. He leaves a wife and four grow;n up children, two sons and two daughters. He was a man universally respected by all who knew him. EVERYBODY with their sisters and their cousins and their aunts, is going to the double billed concerts of Friday and Saturday evenings next at River­ side Hall. The Operetta of Laila is well worth the price of admission. Then comes the Old Folks' Music, in ancient costumes, embracing such pieces as old "Easter Anthem," Cousin Jedediah, &c., which makes a great deal of music and fun for a little money. Reserved seats can be procured with* out extra charge at Besley's and Colby Bro*.Drug Stores. VKOH HABVABD. Just before going to press wo re­ ceived the following characteristic uoio; M HABVABD, I1L, J 111 J 13, 1880. « f"'TELL ALL THE BOYS! The Harvard Garfield Club is started. We'll have one with a membership of 300 or more. If you need any help over there, send for our Club. Gar­ field, Arthur, Shcrwin, Dlggins. Curtis, and Mack Church, are the coming men. ITEM No. L THE latest boek, by the author of "Helen's Babies." Last Summer, a little book. "'Just One Day," was pub­ lished anonymously, although by the well kuown author of "Helen's Babies," and received unusually favorable no­ tices by the press throughout the couu- try. Induced by its ready sale, many inquiries were made as to its author, who has now assented to have it kuown. The book has been placed on several railroad trains and the sale is dail}* increasing. Over 175,000 copies of 'Helens Babies" have been sold in this country and as many more in Eng­ land,-an there is no reason why the characters in his new book should not be as well known as those in his pre­ vious one. George R. Lockwood. Pub­ lisher, 812 Broadway, New York. Real Kstate Transfers. The following is the list of transfers ill McIIenry county for tho week end­ ing July 5,18S0. JasBsaslcr to John Rasslcr nnd# int in 10( a in sec 28 ami 32, Greouwootf, $1500. Malifcla Martin to Trustees Uifr Foot M. EL Church stp a<lj Church iot llij; Foot, $50. Jas I Piovson to AGK Jail pt It 11 & 12 blk 13 Piersoii's .I'M to C Lake, $137,50 F J MiinslicM and w to Fannie 10 Abbott It 9 bk 8 ManslloUl's add to Woodstock, if50. B' Dolniev ct al to J Itrelleld et J^land in aocs 21 28 6!>an<l 32 Mcllunrs r !», $10 Agnes Mufiold to same, same, 910. J 11»lie Id ct al to J Stock same, $10(1. Same to Iternard Bufield same, $100. Win Fintfroo to U K liowiey sejtf DWK soc 34 Nuntla, $1. K K Do Wolf to J W Green, Its 4 and 5 bk 7 and i>t it 1 bk 0. Marengo. $1150. C Spencer to same dt It 1 bk 6 Marengo, $100. Jno W Green to Nail & Otis pt It 1 bk 6 Marengo, $2a0. Prcoopty A Lawrence and has pt It 1 bk 6 Marengo to same, $1300, MCHKNBY was visited last- week by Mr. J. F. Edgewortli, of Chicago, a Landscape Photographer. While in town he took views of the Riverside House, the resi dcnce of Jos. Wiede­ mann aud the Steamer "Mary Gris- wold." He also made some Card Pho­ to's for some few individuals. Mr. Edgewortli was on his way to Delavan. Wis., where he has contracts for a large number of pictures. His stop in Mc­ IIenry was accidental, he having been detained here by a sick horse. He WAS however, so well pleased with McIIen­ ry and found so many persons desirous of obtaining first-lass pictures that he will, on his return trip, next week, make a stav of a few days in our midst The exact time of his second visit to McIIenry will be announced .in a future number of the PLAINDKALEK. DONAVIN'S renneeseeans gave a splendid entertainment at Riverside Hall on Wednesday evening last, and took the large audience there assem­ bled entirely by storm. They are just what is claimed for them, the finest colored Concert company ever organ­ ized. To say that all who heard them on Wednesday evening were well pleased, would but half express it. and we can but sympathize with those who did not go. as they missed one of the richest treats ever ollered in McHenry. The Concert was a success in every particular, and should they visit-this place again the Hall would not be large enough to hold the crowd that would turn out to hear them. We trust they will not pass us by when in this sectiou. LAILA AND TQK OLD FOLKS CONUKKT. At Riverside Hall, on Friday and Saturday evenings next. Tho R. D. Scott Family have sent to Chicago *for the costumes and they are sparing no pains or expense to mako these enter­ tainments the grand aflair of the sea­ son. The stage will be appropriately decorated with mountain forest scen­ ery and Riverside Hall will be com­ fortably seated. All persons desirous of attending can procure tickets in ad­ vance without extra charge and insure a comfortable seat. There is but one price ot admission, 35 cts. for adults and 20ets. for children. The word Jte- served iu red ink printed across the ticket will secure the holder the privi­ lege of selecting their seat at Colby Bros,, and Besley's Drug Stores where chartsof ths llall will be found after Wednesday morning. Three weeks hard work with the attendant expense and the merits of the entertainment should secure two full houses on Fri­ day and Saturday evenings next July ICth and 17th. Prof. Scott has not the egotism to promise that every person attending will profiounce them the best ever given iu McIIenry, Among good musicians there is too great a va­ riety to warrant such a pledge, but he does promise that if the majority of the audience present do not vote these copeerts equal in point of merit and variety ever given in McHenry ccrtmty, he will turfcit the whole amount of the receipts. BWMIBS DK1TR AT POX LAKE. On Saturday last news was received in this village that a guest at Lippin* cott's Hotel, Fox Lake, had been drowned in the I.ake that morning.-- Being away from home we did not hear of it until evening, and then the stories in circulation were so conflict­ ing that we concluded to go ourself to the scene of the accident and learn the true particulars. Accordingly on Sun­ day we went to Fox Lake, where we learned the following facts from a friend of the unfortunate man and who was with him at the time. To begin at the beginning a party of fifteen gen­ tlemen came from England to attend the Millers Convention at Cincinnati, after which they proposed to spend a few weeks sight-seeing iu this country. A part of them went to Saratoga, while a party of six came to Chicago, consisting of Capt. F. Thompson, of Wakefield. England,' J. W. Throop, London, Karl Seidle, Vienna, Austria. E. M. Hutchinson, Liverpool, L. B, Feehter, Barle, and one other whose name we did not learn. They came here on Friday evening and took the Steamer to Fox Lake, puttiug up with Col. Lippiucott. On Saturday morn­ ing Capt. Thompson and Karl Seidle tooK a boat and started out on the Lake to'fish, but had proceeded but a few rods from the shore when Capt. Thompson fell from the boat, and, as it was expressed to us, sank like la stone. Seidle sprang into the water, which was but about 4} feet deep, and seized the inanimate form of his friend and as help was quickly on tho spot drew him out but life was extinct.-- The Coroner of Lake county was im­ mediately summoned who empaneled a Jury who after due deliberation re­ turned a verdict of death from heart dlseass, It was also thought that he was dead before he fell from the boat. The body was taken to Chicago, where It was to be embalmed and then taken to his home in England. Capt Thomp­ son is said to be a very wealthy man, and oue who was highly respected at home. We did not learn whether or not he loft a familv. WOODSTOCK. EOITOR PLAINDEALER Monday even­ ing July 5th, the Republicans held an enthusiastic meeting at tho Court House. Addresses were delivered by Messrs. Smith, Murphy,Joslyn, Bourne, pilmore and Donnelly. The meeting was called to organize a Garfield and Arthur club. The club has been formed and is very rapidly filling up. There Is a great deal of real enthusiasm for the success next fall of the Republlciin ticket. Last Tuesday a son of L. Ballard, aged eight years, was accidentally shot by a cousin, and at last account was uot likely to recover. They were playing with Hit old pistol, which was supposed to be perfectly harmless. The shot took effect in tiie bowels. Mr. T.J. Richards, two miles east of town, is lying very low with heart disease, and not expected to recover. He is 78 years of age, and is a brother of T. McD. Richards of Seneca. For some time our county jail has been empty, but last Thursday a boarder from Harvard took lodging there. Charge, larceny. We did not learn the name. We are informed that Capt. Nishhas moved his family back te Cary, and that he will go back and forth each day. The Pleasant Valley school district is oue of tiie "fruitful" localities. The. late enumeration there of school chil­ dren, aud those younger, foots up 54 between six and 21, aud 35 under six. Total 78. uOf these 47 are males. En­ rolled iu school tlte past year 52. This district draws more public money than any other in Dorr except Weodstock. The teachers for our school here for the coming sahool year have all been selected, except the lady principal to succeed Miss Granger, who has gone to Ottumwa, Iowa. But three of the old corps remain, Misses Sondricker* Cumins, and Blakeslec. We have not at hand the names of the new ones. Mr. J. J. Donnelly is retained as janitor, which speaks well for him. Not long since the Marengo and Harvard correspondents of the Demo­ crat attracted attention, and drew upon thein notices not complimentary. The results are good With the for­ mer there Is improvement, while in the interest of morality and decency the latter has witdrawn. He left his measure iu a short 4 valedictory" in the issue of July 3. We care nothing about his treatment of uff, for no one better than we are, will slander us. Brit when a public writer is low and vile enough to publih inuendoes, whiclt by their very nature can uot be answered, and without, as he knows, the faintest semblance of truth, it is but fair to call the attention of the public to such a slanderer, that he may receive at their hands the contempt he deserves. One tiling more. We enter­ tain none but the friendliest feelings for tiie editors of the Democrat, pnd heartily wish them success in their bueiness, but if the said "valedictory" is acceptable reading to a majority of their readers, we haye over-rated the intelligence and morality of the people of tills county, or that portion of them •wiio read the Democrat. We mention, not for advertising pur­ poses the school books adopted the past year in the Pleasant Valley school Harper's common school geography. Patterson's common school speller, Watson's child's writing speller Clark's brief grammar, Onley,& primary arithmetic. Independent readers. Model copy books with sliding copies, National school singer, and Johnston's wall tuaps. Tnese were introduced gradually, changes being made when classes were to be promoted, and the books were purchased at introductory rates, a great saving to the pupils. The kind of books ami dates of adop­ tion were put on record, so that they cannot be cu&ugcd at the whim of succeeding teachers, within years. The Board, as all Boards ought to do, have given the selection ef books their earnest attention, with tho results named. We mention these things to attract the attention of teachers nnd directors to an important matter very much neglected. A "few remarks on the political situa­ tion. Much activity Is being manifes­ ted. It is rapidly dawning upon the minds of all that the Democrats have made a blunder ;in nominating for president a man who has uever been anything but a soldier, who is not in sympathy with the people, and knows little or nothing of the requirements of civil life. The object of that nomi­ nation is too apparent. It was to catch ^rotes at the North to enabled the men of the South to succeed to the government of the nation they tried to destroy, i'lie president they could elect would be a uiere tool to carry out their purposes. We are not yet willing to see traitors assume control of this government. For congressman In this district Mr. Sherwin is tiie oply man we hear spoken of. McHenry County will without doubt be solid for liiui. For State Senator we are not in­ formed who the candidates are. We have supposed, and do still, that Mr. Josly 11 would be again a candidate, but we have 110 positive information ou the subject. Mr. Diggins of Dnnliam, seems to be the general choice for representative. We doubt if wo can make a better selection. For prosecuting attorney. ;we learn that Mr. Curtis of Marengo the present incumbent, and Asa W. Smith of this city are candidates. For Circuit Clerk, Mr. E. E. Richai ds seems to have a clear field, and the race all to himself. It would be a difficult job to fill the office more efficiently than he has doue. The sheriff's office is attracting much attention, Mr. Stedman. Mr. Church and Mr. Ehle being candidates. Soon after our learning of Mr. Church's can­ didacy we asked Mr. Stedman if he in. tended to run again for tiie office, and he said he did not, that there was no money in it, &c. &c. Imagine our sur­ prise to hear but a few days since of his active candidacy. We have a warm feeling for Mr. Steadman as an old army comrade, but do not feel sat­ isfied with the present state of affairs. We sincerely desire to be just all, and it is but justice to Mr. Church that we make the above fact known. We leave the matter without further comment for the present. NUNOA- EDITOR PLAINDEALKB*---Otto and Portie both came home sick.' Portle is and has been very sick. 1 Win. St Clair has resigned his posi­ tion at the depot and a Mr. Andruss takes his place. Mr. St. Clair is Fore­ man for J. J. Wilson. , Dan McClure made his family, a short visit last Week, returning to his busi­ ness on Monday last. Mark Foote passed through hero Saturday evening 011 his way home.-- He left someone looking very lonely. Mr. Pinny and mother and Mr. Ba­ ker and wife are the guests of Geo. Piatt. D. C. Mallory has returned from Kansas, but will have to go again In October. Something ought to be done with the boys who persist In jumping on the cars. G. H. CI ay son has sold the most of his berries as he could not get his dry­ er completed in time to dry thein for himself. We hear there is some talk of hiring Mr. Jayne8 to teach our Bchool. The directors could de no better as Mr. Jaynesis a self-made man and a No 1 teacher. NUNDA. BY THAT "OTHETT FELLEH." EDITOR PLAINDKALEB:--Owing to the extremely warm weather and al«o to tho fact that we have been warned not to overexert ourselves on account of heart disease, witli which we are oc­ casionally afilicted, we dare not make rery strenuous eflorts to glean items until the weather shall have become cooler. We very much regret the loss of onr gentlemanly and accommodating Sta­ tion Agent. Wm. St.Clair, who during the few years he acted in that capaci­ ty won the high esteem of all the pat­ rons of this depot. He resigned his positiou as agent for the purpose of associating himself with J. J. Wilson in the pickle business at this place.-- We wish him success in his new enter­ prise. Porty Horn, only son of Dr. G. W. Horn of this place, has, been danger­ ously sick for .the past few days, and at this writing he is 110 better ar.d se­ rious doubts are entertained as to his recovery. Geo.Chapell, of Algonquin, passed through here last Monday on his way to Monroe, Wis., whether he has gone to buy stock. George is an energetic young man and is making a success of the live stock business. Maj. J. B. Thomas, who has chargc 6( the Sugar business here, returned last Friday from a trip t« N«w York City. The Major informs us that dnrlng the week ho was in that city the number of deaths amounted to over thirteen hundred, the cause of which is attribu­ ted principally to the extremely warm weather. The crops in this vicinity are look* ing unusually well and the farmers are iu high* spirits over tho flattering prospect of a good harvest. Our old townsman, Dan McChtre. cam* home oue day last week for a short vacation. He i« traveling this year with Robinson's Circus. Dan is a genial fellow and his many friends here are borne. '; . Kiclimoitd Department. BT S. F. BENNETT. 8. F. BENNETT is hereby authorized totake subscriptions and orders for advertising and Job Work for the I'niNnmi.RH, receive money therefor ami receipt for tlie same.-- All orders left with him will receive prompt attention,--Kditor, Considerable sickness prevail 1* this vicinity. Farmers report the liny crop heavy. 8ofne of it has been damaged by the rains. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Loveday, of Chi­ cago, last week "took In" Twin Lakes and called on friends In Richmond. A11 Ice cream restaurant lias been opened In the rooms ever Alexander & Hyde's store. Dr. Burrows Is pro­ prietor. . A number of the sable cooka of the Rockfords came down from Twin Lakes last week to view the glories of our city. On Saturday a valuable cow belong- ing to Robt. Jolionnott was foatid in the pasture with her leg broken. The poor animal had to be killed. The terrific rain storm of Saturday night beat down the small grain badly all through this part of the county. It was the heaviest rainfall ot the season. Miss Corle F. Davis, the poetess, re­ turned to iier honie In Elgin on Mon* day. She has been spending several weeks with friends In Richmond. Postmaster AldrJch Is now snugly located In his new quarters in the south rooms of the Richmond House. The change of base pleases everybody so far as we have heard. Pete Cain was. last week, fined by Justice Purdy, one dollar, for carrying concealed weapons. The same person was also up on charges of drunk and disorderly, and for discharging fire, arms within the corporate limits of tho Village, but tho witness who had blowed loudest about the matter, was strangely ignorant when'brought upon tlie stand, and tho complaints were dismissed. At a late meeting of the Village Beard a request from the C. & N. W. R. R., to raise the bridge over the F« R. cut on Broadway, was received and considered. Inasmuch as the grado is already so steep, over the bridge, as to make It difficult for heavily laden wagons to get over it, and objections being made by every property owner on that street, the Board declined to grant the permission asked. It is thought that tho Company had better lower their roadbed. There is a prospect that tho people of Richmond will soon have a rare musical treat In the rendition of the late J. P. Webster's beautiful Cantata. "The Beatitudes." His daughter. Nary, one of the finest pianists of the many graduates of the Chicago Con­ servatory of Music, will be the mu«ical director. Miss Webstor has brought out ibis Cantata in many of the cities and villages of Wisconsin, aud wherever It has been produced it has brought forth the warmest commendations from the public and tiie press. We will keep our readers posted as the work progresses. Our Democratic neighbors In Ring- wood are in travail and pain. With much labor and expenditure of musole did they erect a Hancock and English Liberty Pele, whereon they flung their banner to the breeze, and rejoiced greatly. But the Rebel nominations were more than the stout timber could stand up under, and it fell prone to tho ground. Then, In the silent night watches it was spirited away ai>d con­ verted into stove wood! The Demo, crats declare tho work was done by the "'rascally Republicans," but the Repub­ licans solemnly maintain their fnno~ cence and stoutly aver that the mis­ chief was done by some Democrat, Ir- resistably led ou by the party instinct to steal. liesolved. That we regard the Dem­ ocratic party, made up as it is of ex- Confederates in the South and cop­ perheads in the North, and of a cross betweei; the two in tlie border States. «s a standing 'danger to our country and its constitution an<7 laws: and be­ lieve it to be the duty of every patriot to continue to make that war upou it that was begun in 1S61, and ought not to end until that party Is buried Iu the same grave with its onlyjchild. the Southern Rebellion. The above resolutlonjpassed by the Republicans of Tennessee, at Knoxville. at a Union meeting, hits the nail squarely on the head, and Is the quintessence of square, plain, tjard, lamentable trutlx The history of all treasonable acts against this govern­ ment is the history of th^ Democratic party. Every loyal soldier's grave was dug and his deaMi bullet sped by the Democratic party. Every maimed hero who drags out a miserable exist­ ence is a victim of the Democratic re­ bellion. Every widow and every or­ phan whose tears wet the «acred sod beneath which the form of the patriot soldier meulders, was made such by the Democratic party. And yet that party has adherents even tn the enlightened North! Great God! Could human ig­ norance or stupidity go farther? Turn it aud twist it and argue it as you will, the man who votes the Democratic ticket aids and abots the party of treason, the party of "ex-Confederates" and "ex-Copperheads." Can a man withonelsyal impulse in hia heart do it? CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &O. We are now exhibiting a fine tfhe of Top Buggies, Phaetons, open Bug­ gies, Platform Spring Wagons of best make, and warranted at lowest prices. E. M. OWEN Jt SON. The very finest Lines of Ladies* Misses' and Children's VValktng Shoes ever shown in tliis place, ami madp to our own order, now oflered at reason­ able prices. We warrant every pair. RIKQWOQO EDITORPLAINDEALKK:--Our farmers are busy cutting their grain, which makes our small town lively when evening comes. You can see them coming in from all over reporting what great crops they are imsessors of. Several teams left our part of the town with wool last Saturday, some getting as high as 88} cents per pound as we understand. Our village is doln^ a rashing busi­ ness for this time of tlie year. Every one soems to be at his post early and late. We are Informed that Mr. Crlsty Is on the point of selling oat. We will say it is a very desirable place for a business man. Mr. J. W. Grimsolby Is having all he can do and bids fair for a full hand. His hammer la heard from sunrise till dark. ' Mr. J. Smith, ourshoe maker,Is doing a rushing business. He is the right mail in the right place, Our Harness Maker, G. L. Hubbard Can be found at all hours at Ids bench, as no one needs to go off for » job of work in his line. Our tdwn was called last Thursday to ReedVGllf Tonic mtWn Ifc* appetltf. » ... *. ,*.* :%l All kiw!<* of .\i» i» m«»ir.»l Nwhln^ff ^ at "bed" (•rttyw at Wnit* !"3; house, Mcilfitry.' ; _ 50 rriniHM'd H,tu 1 ro'ii lift) emits §^' . »* Mrtfc K. «earks%, . * Wo have the H»w*» <!l»vr ri r/.*l*I H«">V+A KVAK*«»3I< K;4- % Tbeb««t fl»re#nSttg k«H«kh»e at lt. M. Owro*». • , 1 The M.dtnc Stalky Pkw 'at K. It OwenV, '• 'i: The Fuist A llrjulicy Sulky Wwr «t "i| R. M. OWI'II'H. Clm«k». from 41.W Hpwanfe. W*r» ranted. At O. W. OwrnV < -' ' ' iV .kfei Wlifti In want of w«»rk In itijr give in* 11 i-.tll and I will fry and pleaM Robl. MurtUt. .ftuveler. Xnttda. 111. : Dress GI»»HIS Sl vli'lt durable cheap ju«t r»Mviv«»if. we Invite ln*pee» ; tlon. VitxsiiiimoiiK Rvattsoii. I Don't buy v«»nr lluis «»r Bonnet* un­ til y«»ti hnv<* M'fii and priced gooth flit Mrs. S. SearK*. ;.vj 15 You :tiT! jmyatsf Jcent for your emlit. f^ay tip witness the trained horse and dogs of j cash • undent n t^tsli mid Prof. Dolph. We can say he knows his business, Is a gentleman in every respect and a first class man with a horse. Every man ^will find hiafmethod a number one, and will learn ten times as much as tlie entrance one point he will produce. ^ JE8TRAY. Strayed from the village of MoHenry on Friday tho 9th Inst., a light red cow with some white spots, Horns short with ends broken oft. Cow small In size. Any person knowing of tlie whereabouts of said cow, on returning her to the undersigned will bo suitably rewarded. ' c. H. MORKY. LOST. Thursday last a small black dog,with white legs and white specks on breast, and small white spot an ti(> of tail Anyone knowing of the whoreabouts of said dog will confer a favor by leaving word at this office or with the owner, east of this village. KLISHA UDBBIID, MILCH COWS FOR SALS. Ftye good new milch Cows, with Calves by their side, for sale, at my farm, ono-half mile north of Ring wood WESLEY LADD. Datod July 14th, 1880. * WOOL WANTED. D. S, smith,so long and favorably known as a Wool buyer In this and ad­ joining counties, is on the market again this season, with his headquar­ ters at tho Warehouse ef E. M. Owen & Son, where he is prepared to pay th<» highest market price for Wool. Mr. Smith h8S had large experience in tlil~ business^ and Invites all having Wuoi to sell to call and see him as he Is con­ fident bo can do as well by them as any other buyer. Remember the plac«. Owen's Warehouse, opposite Bishop's Mill. Wool ! Wool I Cash and tho highest market price. The undersigned will handle Wool the present season, and will pay the High­ est Market Price in Cash, at their Store tn McHenry. Farmers will do well to see us before selling. COLBY Bitot. Riverside Block Tho liest l.lght Wagon In the iww*jl|:^:: Jit K. Itinhop's Warehouse, -Call aasi"v §we them. ' ' v ; A fine line «t' Gents FtmiUhtNg C»<M»d* at La tier »«•«* tlw Depot. . Ten IS light Window*, glass 8x10, all I |K*rfi*c»» for sale elleap by O. W. Owen. Tho Pully SMsjwMidor or Argosy Rrnce cai lie bought in tills town only at LaiM»r & llecker'u. They are the qost thing out. A If yon ar«« iu want of Farm I cry of any kind I i-au make it an ol>» jert for you to call and see me. ,, i K. Itlsilvw" r pay WOOL! WOOL! We want your Wool and mill the highest market price for it. STKVKN6-&SOUNOHM. Neatf the Depot. McHeury, III. INTERESTING TO LADIE& The Largest and Most Complete Stock of Millinery in MoHenry County- Mrs. II. II. Nichols has recently made large additions to her stock of Milli­ nery and Trimmings, and she is now- able to furnish all kind* of goudA at greatly reduced prices, EGGS WANTED. We would consider it a favor If far­ mers having eggs to sell will bring them to our-store. To those who do not wish to trade with us we will pay the cash. FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON. HOSIERY. - The very finest, best and elieapest line of Ladies' Hosiery shown lit the place is now open at the store ol" Fitzsimmons & Evanson. DR. S. P. BROWN FROM ELGIN Will be at Dr. F.P. Brown's residence on Thursday of each week from 10::W A. M. until 12:30 p. M. All who wi*h medicrl treatment call at that tiuie! Diseases of females and children made a specialty. 17 cents will buy one pair of Ladie«* Balbriggan Hose at Fitzsiinmous & Evansen's. Go to I. N. Mead near the Depot for the Best Mowing Machine. ^ PRICES EEDUCKlli One half on our entire lino of broidery. Call and secure those gains. KM- bar- STEVEN8 & SCllNOUK. Reeds Gilt Edge Tonic cures Fever and Ague. Attention, Farmer* |tid Dairymen Sherman Bros., residing two miles West ofvMcHenry. on the Wood*l<tek road, keep on hand the following arti­ cles to meet the wauts of farmers and dairymen: Creamery, (Patent applied tor) con­ sisting of boxes for water, any sixo to suit. Barrels may be ii.«pd or any wa­ ter vessel, spring or wells. Mi'k cans with covers to exclude all foreign Mih- stances and. allowing the heat and steam to escape. Aud a skimming de­ vise. tlie most perfect ever invented. Riding Plow Attachment, (Pat. ap­ plied for) by which you can attach any kind of a Plow .to any coru sulky cul­ tivator. Patent Farm Gate Hanging. Patent Post Hole Auger. And a devise for Converting Motion (Pat. applied tor) can he applie t i«» wind mills. &c., to convert l'*»r'w'»r»l and back motion lnt«>r » r«»i:»rv niotinn. All the above HrlUle* we will >elt very low to suit the tunes, <;*U aud examine for yourselves* n i * 4. make UiU bitv iti£. .r'- • '***' We ant Sidling our large line Embroidery at greatly redueed prices. - STKVKS8 & .SeilNOKM, The largest stook ot' Millinery Goodti In the County, at Mrx. S. Senrle*. - NEW WAGONS. Just finished nt my Factory a lot t»f new Lumber Wagons, to which I !»»• :: vl'e the attention of the puldle. I | will not be undersold, quality emiStil* cred. R. BISHOP. , ^ For that new dress pattern call oft 81 e vetin & SchhOff. They keep the !»» est style*, and *etl cheap. If you want a new Wagon hwr It home. 1 am now prepared to sett yMi one of mv own innuuint'tiire. warranted al wholesale price. It. ltiMlep, f PLOW.s! PLOWS! If you want a g "» | Plow d«* n«*t to calf at my.Warehouse, see Mock atMf learn prices./ It, Bit-liui*. Biiokevc Force Pumps. #{ •£, Owen's- All the Owen's. first-c!a»s Plows at R. > Autograph Albums, from five eettts upwards, at O. W. Owen**. WAGONS AT WHOLKSAL* PRICK*. Having just completed a lot of n»il Lumber WHgons, I 11111 prepared to oHer them to purehnsers at wh«*lesat« prie**«. My wagoits are *1! math* ef Hm i»cst material and wariauted. R. Htsttor. Ladies of McHenry and vidnlt* don't buy your Hats or llomiAts until you have looked at and prieod good* at Mrs. S. S*nrlos. Am now offering greater bargains than ever. All work in repairing done on short notice. Parasols, Fane* Ladies ami Mitts now cheap at A K van sun's . Lace Gloves Fitssluiuion* I.N. M HAD, AGK JIT*. For Buckeye Harvester, RimHtr iisA Mowing Machine, Mcflcnry. 111. WOOL TWINE. A Alio lot of Wool PWM«* at 0 »l Bros. Mr.Ilonry and Xtiiida store! less than Chicago prices, SCREEN DOORS, 111m now prepared to maiiufactum and put iu St'iveu Doors and Wi»d«»wa ou »hort no.iiee. and a£ living prices. Give ine a caN before going el**- where. B. HLAKK a. KSTlt.YY NOTICE. Came Into the enclosure of tlie mi- •dersltfi.ed. on or ahotit tho Stlt tn*l. Foil" Red Yearling lleifers. The own* ti er is hereby notitied to prove proper- f ty, pay .charges and take tjhein away. ' WiiltiUtKK, McllaxitT, Juno btli, KM. * t FOR SALE OR KENT. *1 The Store lately occupied by J. Vasey iu the village of Hingwootl. Plissocsiotl given March 2i»tli. Fefe: ; S further particulars Inquire of 9 . Mus. Ask Vasbt. v; J Hiugwoo.1, Mareli !•«. # lot of Top Buggies, to E. M.Owkn A SOX ceived a new which they invite the Attention «»f those \\ isliiug to purchase. They .ire as line a* any to he f»nn<l in tfeW mar­ ket. ' '?;'r. We LTVVO onr spocial attention to Dmsa yomls, frimmitiipi and Buttons. Yon cttti always tiuil the latent at onrstorc. STKVKVS FTSQUXOFT t* i FOR RKNT. celebrated F»»rd Pht»togni|tl» Gallery, the only Gallery lit the villago of McHenry. A tii-si-ida** location.--- Possession giv«n at once. App'y (o K. M. UWKX. FARM FOR SAU!^ Tin* undersigned oilers for sale bit farm known as the Dunn Farm, unit- sisting c»f Sl> ueres. situated tnibm Souihwesi McHenry. Said tarin la in tfood tH»ndition. well fenced, fair hnildings. aud ou«» uf the iM^st oreluir k ill the siH'tlou. Never falling rutt«utu£ water for stock in pasture. In dvirt one of the l*i| 911.) mo-1 •Mrtliin small farms lu the timiiiy for t»itiK*|" >t»H-k or grain. !• «»r particulars iie{.d«e t f l'ha^. II. i*ark*, near the pr.•»»»!*. •»r ' .!* ' ;? J. I.. IH-N9I :l.nwrtI»IEE. KUMSHS. 1 Utl.-IKt" a K m |..v. ». 46 wu*tt I'l'we. N.» r»*k. I* inkMt a umke^ruHt »my aVl lb„ iimv H.vv w >r«. write f > » W l ? l , 1 ' " " * * ' • " * lit.. 1'

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